Executive Committee (ExCo) Meeting
March 20, 2000
University of New Hampshire

Attending: Peter Wiebe, David Townsend, Robert Beardsley, Ted Durbin, Diane Gifford, James Bisagni, Daniel Lynch, Greg Lough, David Mountain.  Michael Fogarty also attended.

Peter Wiebe called the meeting to order at 10:10.  The single agenda item was review of the revised draft of the Phase IV Announcement of Opportunity.  No other agenda items were offered.

At the last meeting, assignments had been given to ExCo members to revised sections of the original draft of the AO.  Peter distributed the revised draft which included the collective changes.   This draft had been sent to ggball on Sunday, March 19.

The draft was reviewed line by line.   Changes were offered and discussed to reach consensus on revisions.

A concern was raised that the wording in the first paragraph, while encouraging team proposals, not preclude individual investigator proposals.   It was felt that the current wording is sufficiently broad to convey this intent.

Most of the revisions discussed involved changes to specific wording to make meanings more clear.

Sections 3 and 4 received the most attention.  Collaboration with Canadian GLOBEC to investigate upstream influences may be problematic in arranging funding, but having this collaboration is viewed as very important. 

Peter will send a new, revised version of the AO, which incorporates the day's discussion, to the ExCo for final comments.  The intent still is to have it ready for presentation at the national Scientific Steering Committee meeting in mid-April.

In addition, Dan Lynch agreed to draft a short white paper laying out the arguments for including in Phase IV the Canadian PI's who have participated in the earlier phases of the program.

The meeting adjourned at 4 PM.

Contributed by David Mountain
Revised: March 28, 2000