Georges Bank ExCo meeting - May 25, 2004
Woods Hole, MA

Attending: Peter Wiebe, Ted Durbin, Greg Lough, David Mountain, Robert Groman, Robert Beardsley, Jamie Pringle, Jeff Runge and Charlie Flagg (via phone)

The meeting began about 1015.

Peter reviewed the agenda:

1. Finalize the agenda for the science meeting on 21-25 June.
2. Consider whom should we invite to the science meeting.
3. Review the recent SSC meeting.

Science meeting agenda

The desire of the group at the Whispering Pines meeting last fall was to have a less structured agenda than we have had in the past - with some open times. One suggestion was to have a few open times in the afternoon and then have sessions at night - as done in the Gordon Research conferences.

The food service will be cafeteria style with a few other groups being there, as well. It is unclear if we can get a space specifically for us. Bob is checking into what is possible.

For the first evening, the plan is to have a reception and then dinner cafeteria style. On Tuesday a more formal GLOBEC dinner will be held - i.e., we all sit and eat together. How to handle the afternoon social time is being investigated.

The draft agenda was discussed from day 1 to day 5, and modified according to consensus as we went along. The results of those discussions are contained in the revised tentative agenda for the meeting. This will be sent out to all investigators for comment.

On the first day, the project leaders would give an overview of where the project is and what its objectives are for the meeting. There will not be an opening lecture. Instead there will be short presentations of the posters. Whether previews of all the posters will be presented on Monday or split between Monday and Tuesday will depend on how many posters are submitted.

The plan is for poster sessions to be held in the late afternoons, with the focus on a different set of posters each time. As a preview, each poster PI would give a 2-3 minute summary of the main points, perhaps with one or two powerpoint slides, early in the meeting to stimulate interactions during the rest of the meeting.

Considerable discussion occurred on what topics would be of interest for lectures and who should be asked to give them. Among the topics identified were:

Recent changes in the fish populations
Long-term variability/changes in the physical environment
Synthesis between regions - insights on how to do this
Climate change - linking large-scale to small-scale - 'from climate to critters'

In addition, it was felt that a group discussion of the various modeling efforts and approaches would be of interest, particularly to lay out how the program might move forward to a broader synthesis. Jeff Runge was identified to contact modelers from each project, and to coordinate and lead this group discussion.

Also, on Thursday (the next to last day), a time slot would be left for spontaneous lecture(s) by participates, particularly relating to new results and ideas generated at the meeting.

Invitees to the meeting:

A list of possible presenters for the lectures was developed and Peter will contact them to determine whether, if invited, they would be interested and willing to participate.

GLOBEC Scientific Steering Committee meeting:

The GLOBEC SSC met in La Jolla on May 5-7. A major item of interest for the Georges Bank program was the presentation by Peter of the revised AO for Phase IVb. Peter reviewed the changes that have been made to the original draft AO presented at the previous SSC meeting. The SSC seemed satisfied with these revisions. One point that was strongly endorsed by the SSC was that a book on Georges Bank be one of the project's ultimate products.

The meeting ended about 1330.

Contributed by: David Mountain, May 26, 2004