NE Closed Areas

Information about the New England Closed Areas is available from Maps extracted from these documents are current as of 9/28/1998. However, these maps are a "simplified summary of the measures in effect under the Northeast Multispecies Fishery Management Plan. [These] summaries [have] no legal standing. You should also get a copy of the official rules as published in the Federal Register."


  1. NMFS Northeast Region Information Sheet No. 1 (09/28/98)
  2. NMFS Northeast Region Information Sheet No. 2 (09/28/98)
  3. NMFS Northeast Region Information Sheet No. 3 (09/28/98)
  4. NMFS Northeast Region Information Sheet No. 5 (09/28/98)


My thanks to National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Region documents cited above from which these images were taken.

Last modified: April 28, 1999