Citation Examples

Suggested e-Citation formats

We encourage the scientific and educational use of the data and information which we provide. However, you must follow our Data Acknowledgement Policy.

Data citations should include these key components: PI name, title of dataset, data version date, database name and publisher, date accessed/retrieved by you, URL of dataset

Form 1:

PI name(s). "Data set title." Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Data System. OCB DMO, WHOI. iPub: 'data version'. Accessed: 'date you accessed the data'.'data_object_name'.html0

Form 1 Example e-Citation

Buesseler, K. "VERTIGO RR_K2 Cruise Event Log." Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Data System. OCB DMO, WHOI. iPub: 27 January 2006. Accessed: 14 February 2006.

Form 2:

PI name. "dataset name". United States JGOFS Data Server. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA: U.S. JGOFS Data Management Office, iPub: 'Version date of the dataset". Accessed: 'date you accessed the data'.

Form 2 Example e-Citation

Ducklow, Hugh. "Bacteria abundance, Thymidine and Leucine incorporation." United States JGOFS Data Server. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA: U.S. JGOFS Data Management Office, iPub: 13 December 2004. Accessed: 'date you accessed the data'.

Last modified: July 15, 2008
From C. Chandler, July 15, 2008