NMFS Trawl Factors
SPP SPECIES NAME........ DCF  DCF  GCF  GCF  VCF  VCF  Notes .........
                          W    N    W    N    N    W   Updated  12/14/93 WPK
033 Alewife               .    .    .    .   0.58  .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
999 All Species Combined 1.40 1.27 1.86  .   0.85 0.80 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
301 American Lobster      .    .   2.72 2.66  .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
102 American Plaice       .    .    .    .   0.82 0.69 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
851 Anchovy uncl          .    .    .    .    .    .   REPL . .  11/20/96 WPK
073 Atlantic Cod         1.62 1.56  .    .   0.79 0.67 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
032 Atlantic Herring      .    .    .    .   0.59 0.54 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
121 Atlantic Mackerel     .    .    .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
022 Big Skate/Barndoor    .    .    .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK
141 Black Sea Bass        .    .    .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
135 Bluefish              .    .    .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
131 Butterfish            .    .   1.35  .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
311 Cancer Crabs          .    .   3.59 5.72  .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK
176 Cunner                .    .    .    .   0.56 0.51 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
084 Cusk                  .    .    .    .   0.66  .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
194 Fawn Cusk Eel         .    .    .    .   0.63  .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
083 Fourbeard Rockling    .    .    .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
104 Fourspot Flounder     .    .   1.48 1.63 0.85 0.84 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
197 Goosefish             .    .   3.35 2.45 0.83  .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
109 Gulfstream Flounder   .   0.66  .    .   0.70 0.60 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
074 Haddock              1.51 1.49  .    .   0.82 0.79 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
318 Horseshoe Crab        .    .    .    .   1.66 1.91 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
312 Jonah Crab            .    .    .    .   0.34 0.31 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
322 Lady Crab             .    .    .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
026 Little Skate         1.22 1.21 4.14 3.98 0.83 0.81 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
503 Longfin Squid/Loligo 1.24  .    .    .   0.83 0.85 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
163 Longhorn Sculpin     1.39 1.44 1.34 1.61 0.82 0.77 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
161 Mailed Sculpin        .   1.67  .    .    .   1.67 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
171 Northern SeaRobin     .    .    .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK
193 Ocean Pout            .    .    .    .   0.70 0.69 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
075 Pollock              2.90 2.21  .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
077 Red Hake             1.26 1.31  .    .    .   0.79 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
155 Redfish               .    .    .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
513 Rock Crab             .    .    .    .   0.58  .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
031 Round Herring         .    .    .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
181 Sand Lance            .    .    .    .   0.50  .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
143 Scup                  .    .    .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
164 Sea Raven             .    .   1.25 1.28  .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
401 Sea Scallop           .   1.39  .    .   1.22  .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
502 Shortfin Squid/Illex  .    .    .    .   0.64 0.71 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
305 Shrimp uncl.          .    .    .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
072 Silver Hake           .    .   1.61 2.36  .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
013 Smooth Dogfish        .    .    .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
027 Smooth Skate         1.79 1.65  .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK
015 Spiny Dogfish         .    .   1.45 1.40 0.79 0.81 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
078 Spotted Hake          .    .    .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
103 Summer Flounder       .    .   1.31 1.23  .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
028 Thorny Skate          .    .    .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
076 White Hake            .    .    .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
108 Windowpane/Sand Fldr 1.67 1.54 1.37 1.67 0.82 0.80 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
106 Winter Flounder      1.39 1.46 1.86 2.02  .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
023 Winter Skate         1.36  .    .    .   0.82 0.74 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
107 Witch Flounder        .    .    .    .    .    .   ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 
105 Yellowtail Flounder  1.28 1.22 1.73 1.76 0.85 0.85 ORIGINAL  5-25-93 WPK 

Abbreviation Explanation
SPP Species code
DCF/W Door conversion factor for weight
DCF/N Door conversion factor for number or count
GCF/W Gear conversion factor for weight
GCF/N Gear conversion factor for number or count
VCF/W Vessel conversion factor for weight
VCF/N Vessel conversion factor for number or count


Door Conversions:

These door correction factors are applied to all cruise years prior to 1985.

corrected catch weight = catch weight * DCF for weight
corrected catch number = catch number * DCF for number
Gear Conversions:

These corrections are applied to Gear types 41 and 45 to correct to the current gear type of 11, the Yankee 36 net.

corrected catch weight = catch weight / GCF for weight
corrected catch number = catch number / GCF for number
Vessel Conversions:

The R/V Delaware values are corrected, or normalized to the R/V Albatross values as follows.

corrected catch weight = catch weight * VCF for weight
corrected catch number = catch number * VCF for number

Modified: March 8, 2004