Zooplankton Meter3 Data

The Zooplankton Meter3 Database for the Georges Bank Globec project is located in the laboratory of Ted Durbin at the Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island. It is accessed via the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank data management system using SQLPlus network access to the data base management system at URI, but for performance reasons, data are cached and reserved from the local computer.

The Oracle data base at URI is constructed and maintained in Oracle and operates from a windows NT enviroment.

A description of the database is shown below.

Additional information on this data base can be obtained by contacting Peter Garrahan by email at petebob@gso.uri.edu.

Note:Our program's Data Acknowledgement Policy requires that any person making substantial use of a data set must communicate with the investigators who acquired the data prior to publication and anticipate that the data collectors will be co-authors of published results.


The database is designed as a hierarchy. The least changing variables are in higher order tables (e.g., cruise id, year, month, etc.), while variables that change the most are in the lower order tables (e.g., time of collection, net number, taxon collected, etc.) There are five levels (master tables) within the database: CRUISES, STATIONS, TOWS, NETS, and M3_COUNTS. The information in the relational database is contained only once as opposed to being repeated as header information. Unique identification numbers are given to each table entry and these links are then used to track relationships between and among tables. For example, all stations from a particular cruise will have its Master Cruise Data identifier (MCD_ID) and subsequent data that link to those stations will also link to that cruise. Searches and selections of data can include information from any or a ll tables, as necessary.

Table names, variable names and descriptions are given in the following tables. Most column variable names and instrument names were taken from the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank data thesaurus; those that were not, follow the GLOBEC data protocols. The taxonomic code variable (TAXCOD) is from the National Oceanographic Data Center's Taxonomic List, version 8. Taxonomic information is built into these ten-digit codes as they reflect the systematic nomenclature.

Data derived from the RAW_COUNTS (numbers per cubic meter and numbers per square meter of water column) are set up as views. These views are recreated as they are accessed and show the most recent data. Provisions were made in the database to also include zooplankton data from Process cruises as well as data from other instruments (CTD data or fluorometry).

GSO GLOBEC Zooplankton Data Definitions

Cruise Table

TABLE Column Variable Format Description
CRUISES DOU SYSDATE Date Of Update. Date stamp of last entry or correction.
  MCD_ID NUMBER(3) Master Cruise Data identification number. Unique ID number. (TABLE LINK)
  CRUISEID CHAR(6) Cruise Identifier. (e.g., AL9607, EN276, OC275) Note: three digit cruise numbers begin with "0" on the database at URI but are reformated without the leading zero here.
  CRUISE_TYPE CHAR(3) Type of cruise. BSS - Broadscale Survey; PRO - Process Cruise; MOR - Mooring Cruise
  MONTH_ID CHAR(3) Month of Collection. (e.g., JAN) If cruise spans two months, ID is of greater time spent on survey.
  YEAR_ID NUMBER(4) Year of collection. (e.g., 1995)
  SHIP VARCHAR(20) Ship Name. (e.g., Albatross IV, Columbus Iselin, Endeavor, Oceanus )
  CRDATE_BEGIN DATE Cruise Date - Beginning.
  CRDATE_END DATE Cruise Date - End.

Stations Table

TABLE Column Variable Format Description
STATIONS DOU SYSDATE Date Of Update. Date stamp of last entry or correction.
  MSD_ID NUMBER(4) Master Station Data identification number. Unique ID number. (TABLE LINK)
  MCD_ID NUMBER(3) Master Cruise Data identification number. Unique ID number. (TABLE LINK)
  STATION NUMBER(3) Consecutive station number during cruise.
  STATION_STD NUMBER(3) Standard Broadscale station number.
  DEPTH_W NUMBER(4) Water depth, in meters

Tows Table

TABLE Column Variable Format Description
TOWS DOU SYSDATE Date Of Update. Date stamp of last entry or correction.
  MTD_ID NUMBER(4) Master Tow Data identification number. Unique ID number. (TABLE LINK)
  MSD_ID NUMBER(4) Master Station Data identification number.

Unique ID number. (TABLE LINK)
  EVENT CHAR(11) Event or operation number. Unique ID.
  INST VARCHAR(15) Instrument used to collect or process data.
MOC1 - 1 meter square MOCNESS
Bongo - 61 cm diameter Bongo
Pump - zooplankton pump
  TOW NUMBER(3) Tow or haul number.
  LAT_BEGIN NUMBER(6,3) Latitude at Beginning of measurement, in decimal degrees. (south is negative)
  LON_BEGIN NUMBER(6,3) Longitude at Beginning of measurement, in decimal degrees. (west is negative)

DATE Date and Time (UTC) at beginning of measurement
  TIME_UTC_END DATE Date and Time (UTC) at end of measurement
  NOTES_TOW VARCHAR(255) Notes for tow information
  ALLSORT_FLAG CHAR(3) Flag for sorting. Default = "n". When all nets for particular tow are sorted, flag = "y".

Nets Table


Column Variable






Date Of Update. Date stamp of last entry or correction.




Net Data identification number.

Unique ID number. (TABLE LINK)




Master Tow Data identification number.

Unique ID number. (TABLE LINK)




Gear Code - used by NMFS. Three digit code that specifies gear and mesh size of net.

  • 1M1 - 1 meter square MOCNESS, 150 µm mesh
  • 1M3 - 1 meter square MOCNESS, 335 µm mesh
  • P35 - Pump, 35 µm mesh
  • P50 - Pump, 50 µm mesh
  • 6B2 - 61 cm diameter Bongo, 200 µm mesh
  • 6B3 - 61 cm diameter Bongo, 335 µm mesh



Volume of water filtered by net, in cubic meters.




Net number.




Depth of sampler at beginning of measurement, meters.




Depth of sampler at end of measurement, meters.




Counting method flag for sorting. Default = "none".
none = not sorted at present time
all = All species/taxa enumerated
stemple = subsampled with Henson-Stemple pipette. (Only Calanus finmarchicus counted.)



Initials of sorter and date sorted.




Notes for net information.

Meter3 Counts Table

TABLE Column Variable Format Description
M3_ COUNTS ZPD_ID NUMBER(6) Zooplankton Data identification number. Unique ID number. (TABLE LINK)
  NTD_ID NUMBER(5) Net Data identification number. Unique ID number. (TABLE LINK)
  TAXCOD NUMBER(10) Taxonomic Code. Ten digit number from NODC Taxonomic List, v. 8.
  TAXON VARCHAR(30) Taxon name.
  M3_FEM NUMBER(10,9) Meter3 copepod females counted.
  M3_MAL NUMBER(10,9) Meter3 copepod males counted.
  M3_COP NUMBER(10,9) Meter3 Total Copepodites counted.
  M3_C1 NUMBER(4) Meter3 count of Copepodite stage 1 (C1)
  M3_C2 NUMBER(4) Meter3 count of Copepodite stage 2 (C2)
  M3_C3 NUMBER(4) Meter3 count of Copepodite stage 3 (C3)
  M3_C4 NUMBER(4) Meter3 count of Copepodite stage 4 (C4)
  M3_C5 NUMBER(4) Meter3 count of Copepodite stage 5 (C5)
  M3_NPL NUMBER(4) Meter3 count of Total Nauplii (N1-N6)
  M3_N1 NUMBER(4) Meter3 count of Nauplius stage 1 (N1)
  M3_N2 NUMBER(4) Meter3 count of Nauplius stage 2 (N2)
  M3_N3 NUMBER(4) Meter3 count of Nauplius stage 3 (N3)
  M3_N4 NUMBER(4) Meter3 count of Nauplius stage 4 (N4)
  M3_N5 NUMBER(4) Meter3 count of Nauplius stage 5 (N5)
  M3_N6 NUMBER(4) Meter3 count of Nauplius stage 6 (N6)
  M3_NOT NUMBER(10,9) Meter3 count of non-copepod taxa counted.

Brought to you by:
GSO GLOBEC Data Operations Team
Graduate School of Oceanography
University of Rhode Island

You may also contact the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Data Management Office for additional help.