The rest of this document concentrates on the last case.
list "test(station<=5&press<100,station,lat,lon,press,o2)"
# wunsch stations 3-10 # p<1000 ======================= station, lat, lon ........................ 3, 38.28, -73.53 ======================= press, o2 ------------------------ 5.000, 5.970 25.000, 6.990 49.000, 6.060 99.000, 5.340 ======================= station, lat, lon ........................ 4, 38.19, -73.52 ======================= press, o2 ------------------------ 5.000, 5.840 25.000, 7.090 49.000, 6.020 99.000, 5.340 ======================= station, lat, lon ........................ 5, 38.16, -73.26 ======================= press, o2 ------------------------ 5.000, 5.770 25.000, 6.660 49.000, 5.510 99.000, 5.100 =======================
The dictionary entry is assumed to be
The communications look like:
list -> method (def) argv = [/usr/users/jgofs/data/t0,station<=5&press<100,station,lat,lon,press,o2 /def -> list/ &c*********************** wunsch stations 3-10 p<1000 &v0====================== &v1====================== station lat lon &v2====================== press o2 &r======================= &c*********************** wunsch stations 3-5 p<1000 &d0---------------------- &d1---------------------- 3 38.28 -73.53 &d2---------------------- 5.000 5.970 25.000 6.990 49.000 6.060 99.000 5.340 &d1---------------------- 4 38.19 -73.52 &d2---------------------- 5.000 5.840 25.000 7.090 49.000 6.020 99.000 5.340 &d1---------------------- 5 38.16 -73.26 &d2---------------------- 5.000 5.770 25.000 6.660 49.000 5.510 99.000 5.100 &e**** End of object ****
Thus the application begins by sending the parameters to the method and then reading the blocks of data. The blocks are indicated by commands with an & in the first position. There are four types of protocol blocks: comments, variable names, data, and end.
The &c introduces the plain text comments section. Comments consist of lines of no more than 80 characters.
This section gives the names, dimensions, and attributes of variables at each hierarchical level. The outermost level, 0, is defined first and then we work our way inward. The signal is &vn with n=0...9 the level indicator. Each variable definition has:
Variable fields are tab-separated. Data
The data is likewise presented in a hierarchical fashion. The &dn intoduce the data from the n'th level. Note that the innermost level can drop the &dn. The data from the outermost levelis sent, followed by the next level, up to the innermost level. The innermost level repeats until the next level up changes or the data ends. Data fields are tab-separated.
This indicates the end of the data object. The indicator is &e.
Errors are indicated by the method returning &x [descriptive string] and exiting.