U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank
1997 Drifter Buoy Procedures
- When deploying a drifter be sure to record the time GMT, date, ID
number (located on each drifter buoy) and GPS position.
- The
drifter deployment
for 1997 are shown below where an X is a drifter with drogue
centered at 10m. A circle has a drogue centered at 40m. So the
combo X and a circle is a pair of drifters with different drogue
- To deploy the drifters
- Take the drifter out of the cardboard box and/or shrink wrap.
- REMOVE the rectangular activation MAGNET ON THE
SURFACE BUOY. during the first day of the cruise. You can do this to
all buoys on leaving port.
- Slow the ship down to about 2 k (you want a little headway), let the
bridge know what you are doing. Go to the stern quarter downwind.
- Prior to deploying each drifter REMOVE any plastic cable ties (or light
line) from the wire rope tether.
- Lay out the drifter buoy, tether, drogue on deck with no tangles, lower
the drogue into the water, followed by the wire rope, subsurface float, and surface
- Record the time (GMT), date, position, and drifter ID number written on
the surface buoy.
- Please save the magnets for Dick Limeburner.
- If you are pressed for time you can deploy the drifters as close as
possible to the positions given above (within 10 km is ok).
- If you have one or 2 drifters left over at the end of the cruise (for
whatever reason) please deploy them either in a
- Biological "hot spot" (i.e. area of interest).
- Near 41 36.0' N 68 12.0' W (GSC) while steaming home.
- Inside the 60 m contour anywhere over the Bank.
Thanks a lot for the help. I really appreciate your deploying the drifters. Dick
Prepared: February 14, 1996
Modified: January 16, 1997
Richard Limeburner
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Department of Physical Oceanography
Woods Hole, MA 02543
508/457-2181 fax