Message Board

This message board is made available primarily for the U.S GLOBEC Georges Bank Program participants. The contents of the message board are moderated by the Data Management Office (DMO) and contains information and announcements (other than meeting annoucements) of potential interest. If you wish to have something placed here, please contact the DMO via electronic mail. The office maintains an Announcements page containing additional current information of interest to our community.

  • Posted: January 8, 2008 - Pull: March 15, 2008 (estimate)
  • Ph.D. Student Position

    I've been informed that it is likely that I will get funding for a Ph.D. student in Zooplankton Taxonomy. This is based on a very quick application to our university for one of a certain number of stipends offered. I have in mind a project with a combination of traditional taxonomy and genetics, in collaboration with the Census of Marine Zooplankton project, if possible.

    There is a growing awareness about biodiversity and lately also detailed taxonomy/species knowledge in Norway, and this is an opportunity to "get on the train". I am open to the specific theme and group of species that would be of interest.


    Dr. Fredrika Norrbin
    University of Tromsoe