MOCNESS 10-Meter2 Towing Procedure for GLOBEC
Broad-scale Cruises

1. The 10-meter2 MOCNESS (MOC-10) sampler is loaded with five 3.0 mm mesh nets.

2. MOC-10 tows are oblique from surface to ~10 meters from bottom or a maximum tow depth of 500 meters. The winch rate for retrieval is ~5m/min. Try to filter at least 4,000-5,000m3 of water per depth stratum sampled (this includes net #0 - the "down net"). To achieve this a step-oblique tow profile during retrieval may be necessary. Try to space the various 'steps' equally within each depth stratum.

3. Nets are tripped "on the fly" and the computer command is initiated at ~3 meters from the next designated depth strata to be fished. Note that the computer program command to "Step Stbd Net" must be activated twice (allow steps 1-3 to occur then mouse click for steps 1-3 again) as the cam on the MOC-10 frame is set at six clicks. After the second command to step net is executed, watch for a large (several degrees) wire angle change on the monitor, then manually increment "NET #" displayed on screen.

4. At the completion of the tow, when the MOC-10 is at the surface, any nets not fished can be tripped and released before the sampler is brought aboard the vessel.

5. When entering station/tow information in the MOCNESS windows program before a cast is made, the format in designating a file name is similar to the following example


6. If a MOCNESS tow is aborted and a retow is made, delete the files ( *.pro, *.raw, *.tab). Use "FILE MANAGER" in Windows to accomplish this.

Last modified: January 30, 1998 (Sibunka/Wiebe)