Summary work statement
U.S. GLOBEC: Process Studies of Physical-Biological
Interactions and Larval Fish on Georges Bank
Peter J.S. Franks (UCSD/Scripps) and
Changsheng Chen (Univ. of Georgia)
An integrated modeling-data analysis approach will be
used to investigate physical-biological interactions on
Georges Bank. The specific objectives of this work are to:
- understand the interactions of tidal forcing, wind forcing
and surface heat flux in determining the physical and
biological dynamics of tidal fronts and banks on diel and
seasonal time scales,
- explore the details of boundary-layer dynamics, the
influence of stratification, and the effects of biological
behavior on cross-frontal exchange and patchiness in
tidal fronts,
- understand how large-scale winter storms, and patchiness
of temperature, turbulence and food affect the growth
and retention of larval cod and haddock on Georges
- understand the influence of the shelf-break front on
physical and biological exchanges and dynamics on
Georges Bank.
These objectives will be achieved using a hierarchy of two-
and three-dimensional models, incorporating data gathered
during phases I and II of the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank
study. The model architecture is based on the primitive-
equation/turbulence-closure/ecosystem model developed in
previous work. These models will use both idealized and
realistic topography and forcings, including isolated banks
and a realistic regional model of the Gulf of Maine and
Georges Bank.
Previous work has shown this model architecture capable
of accurately reproducing the tidally forced physical and
biological dynamics on Georges Bank. This work must now
be expanded to include surface heat flux and wind stress
forcings over diel and seasonal time scales, and the
influence of the shelf-slope front. The effects of these
forcings on the target species of larval cod and haddock
will be studied by coupling a metabolic model of larval fish
to the physical-ecosystem model. The larval fish model
incorporates temperature, food and turbulence dependence
of growth.
The proposed research will make several important
contributions to the oceanographic community:
- the modelling analyses will significantly increase our
understanding of the temporal and spatial dynamics of
physical-biological couplings on Georges Bank and
other regions of strong bathymetry, strong tidal forcing,
and variable surface wind stress and heat flux,
- the models are novel in the oceanographic community,
and will be used in aiding the interpretation of data
collected during Phases I and II of the U.S. GLOBEC
Georges Bank Study, and in the planning of the 1999
field process study of tidal fronts on Georges Bank, and
future field experiments,
- the combination of physical and biological models will
lead to significant increases in our understanding of the
factors influencing planktonic production and the growth
and recruitment of larval cod and haddock on Georges