Project Summary
Ken Brink, James Irish, Robert Beardsley, Richard Limeburner
U.S. GLOBEC: Long-term ADCP, Moored and
Lagrangian Measurements and
Analysis as part of the Georges Bank Study
I. Introduction:
The GLOBEC Georges Bank field study concludes in late 1999. As part
of this effort, we will have collected (under Phase 2 funds already
granted) five years worth of physical measurements involving moored
observations, drifters and shipboard ADCPs (Acoustic Doppler Current
Profilers). The main part of this proposal is to cover analysis of
this large data set. We seek to use moored measurements to
characterize the water properties (flow, hydrographic and biological)
and important driving agencies. We seek to use drifters to understand
dispersion, residence times and frontal processes. We propose to use
historical hydrographic data to understand the historical
representativeness of the GBS field period. We will use ADCP data to
characterize Bank-wide flow patterns and their seasonal evolution.
Finally, we desire to use our physical knowledge base to help answer
interdisciplinary questions about how physical processes (which might
be somewhat predictable through climate models) influence variations
in biological recruitment.
II. Proposed Research:
We propose to carry out work in several directions, each treated
individually below. Although the tasks are listed separately, the
reader should realize that there is some artificiality in the
separations, and that all personnel will work together to some
extent. For example, moored current measurements provide useful
context and supplements for the drifter and ADCP programs.
A. Telemetry from 1999 Moorings (Irish, leader)
As part of the Long-Term Moored Program, both GOES and ARGOS
telemetry are utilized to return data daily to WHOI. In the 1999
field year, Beardsley and co-workers are proposing separately a
Northeast Channel crossover experiment where knowledge that water from
the Scotian Shelf has reached Georges Bank would trigger a rapid
response survey. Much of the software for this effort is in place, and
setting up the system should require minimal effort. The real-time data
will also be accessible to other GLOBEC investigators.
B. Analysis of Moored Array Data (Brink, Beardsley, leaders)
The funds currently requested will cover the cost of editing,
processing and archiving the results from the last (1999) mooring
deployment. This will lead to the availability (to GBS investigators)
of a five-year moored array data set on the web which will be
supplemented by relevant sea level, air pressure and wind records
from around the Gulf of Maine and along the Scotian shelf.
Some scientific analysis of the existing moored array data set
(1994--1996) is presently underway. These efforts tend to involve
special events, or other problems that do not require (or are not
better done) with a five-year time series.
When 2000 arrives, we will have a rather complete, 4--5-year set of
time series at the Northeast Peak and South Flank locations, along
with supplemental data. At this point, analyses can begin that
involve maximal statistical confidence or ability to compare among
years. Broadly speaking, these analyses can be divided into physical
and interdisciplinary approaches, but all analyses will contribute to
the overall GBS goal.
The purely physical analyses can be summarized as follows.
- i) Wind and remotely alongshore forcing. We anticipate that
the energetic variations on wind-driven time scales will be
critical in terms of determining Lagrangian paths followed by
individual particles. We will be able to relate, both
statistically and by event analysis, how current fluctuations on
the Bank (with time scales longer than about a day) relate to
nearby winds and remote effects. The tools we plan to use are
relatively standard (correlations, cross spectra, EOFs and
frequency-domain EOFs, for starters), but the important
opportunity is the duration and quality of the data set. Length
is important since it allows, alternatively, high statistical
confidence or the ability to resolve year-to-year changes in
- ii) Intrusion events. The moored array has already detected
some major intrusions of offshore waters onto the Bank. There is
never a strong signature of saltier offshore waters being left
behind. But, a weak signature does not mean an unimportant
influence. We hypothesize that the onshore flux is associated
with vertical turbulent mixing during onshore intrusions. This
hypothesis will be difficult to test using moorings unless the
alongshore advective time scale is slow relative to the intrusive
time scale. Very likely, dealing with the intrusion questions
will require making use of the extensive hydrographic and remote
sensing data base available to us.
- iii) Seasonal patterns. Our five-year time series, along with
historical information (e.g., Butman and Beardsley, 1987), should
provide enough information to estimate, with some confidence, the
seasonal patterns of mean flow, variance, stratification and
other physical properties. Further, this means that anomalies
from these cycles can be treated, and compared to both local and
basin-scale forcing functions. The length of the available time
series is rare in oceanography, especially for direct current
measurements, and we intend to exploit this longevity.
The extensive moored optical data set provides an opportunity for
interdisciplinary analysis. The transmissometers and fluorometers can
provide estimates of phytoplankton standing stock. This stock time
series, in turn, can be used to relate any surges of productivity to
spring restratification, upwelling events, or interactions of Bank
waters with warm core rings. Thus, there is an opportunity to use
correlative approaches to estimate what physical phenomena affect
primary productivity. In addition, the optical data provide a good
basis for exercising bio-optical models.
Finally, we intend to use the five-year moored array data set to deal
with the central GBS question: what physical effects act to control
recruitment? By about 2000, we expect that our biological colleagues
can produce numbers on annual, Bank-averaged recruitment of cod and
haddock, as well as populations of the key zooplankton species. These
five-point (one number per year) time series can then be used with
the moored array data to deal with central hypotheses. For example,
is recruitment affected by stratification, ring intrusions or
storminess, and at what critical times? Admittedly, a five-year time
series may be too short to answer questions such as these, but we can
at least expect to be able to eliminate some hypotheses. We
anticipate, further, that our comprehensive data set will also open
the door to other sorts of opportunistic interdisciplinary
C. The Drifter Program (Limeburner and Beardsley, leaders)
The present Phase II grant provides funding for the field effort
described above through September 1999. We request here funding to start
October 1999 (year 2) to (a) complete the collection of ARGOS data
for those drifters still functioning in our study area, (b)complete
basic processing of all drifter position and temperature data and
associated surface meteorological and satellite SST data used in our
drifter trajectory animations, (c)construct and disseminate animations
of the combined data via the GBS web site, and (d)analyze and
synthesize the combined data and prepare manuscripts summarizing
these results.
We plan to focus initial analysis efforts on:
- i) The near-surface bank response to extreme wind events
(e.g., during Jan/Feb, 1995; April, 1995; August, 1996; and
April, 1997),which can cause major movement of drifters onto and
from the Bank. The vector correlation between wind stress and
Lagrangian current over Georges Bank is low in general, but Bank
waters do seem to respond to winds above a critical strength in a
manner that is downwind and strongly coherent (slab-like). The
observed strong response to along-bank winds is consistent with
recent idealized numerical model results. Further work is needed
to compare the observed and model responses to cross-bank winds.
We have recently obtained detailed digital bathymetry
(horizontal resolution 460 m), which will allow us to determine
water depth along each drifter's path and decompose the drifter
current into along- and cross-isobath components for more
detailed study. This will allow us to examine if small-scale
finite-amplitude bottom topography over the crest has any direct
influence on the subtidal drifter motion there.
- ii) A comparison of the 1995--1997 observed drifter trajectories
with the bimonthly seasonal flow fields produced using the
Dartmouth Circulation Model and climatological forcing. This
work is a collaboration with C. Hannah and C. Naimie, who have
already begun to deal with Lagrangian model-data comparisons.
The approach is to divide the Bank into sections, and then
``deploy'' model drifters in each section at the same starting
place and time as the real drifters. The statistics of the
observed and model drifter motion within each section will then
be then compared.
- iii) The transition between winter and summer flow regimes and
the relationship to the cross-bank density field. As mentioned
above, the cross-bank density gradient reverses sign during
winter and again in late spring. The salt and thermal
contributions to this reversal are about equal. The annual
density variation on top of the Bank is equivalent to an 8-cm
change in sea level at constant bottom pressure. The cross-bank
density reversals occur in the tidal mixing front (over a
distance of about 12~km, about two internal Rossby radii of
deformation). We plan to analyze broad-scale CTD data collected
near the tidal mixing front to characterize the density reversals
statistically, and then present a conceptual model of the
horizontal pressure gradients and geostrophic currents associated
with the buoyancy-forced time varying pressure field.
- iv) The exchange of shelf/slope water due to warm-core rings.
We have produced animations of SST images with overlaid drifter
trajectories or area-mean currents to begin to get a sense of how
often exchange of shelf/slope water due to rings takes place. We
propose to continue this effort by working with other GLOBEC
investigators (e.g., R. Schlitz, K. Wishner, C. Lee) to combine
drifter, moored, and shipboard (CTD, ADCP, SeaSoar, and
biological) data with well-resolved AVHRR and SeaWiFS imagery to
produce estimates of the fluxes of water, heat, salt, nutrients,
and fish larvae due to shelf/warm-core ring interactions.
We anticipate additional topics, especially related to the tidal
mixing front, to arise as our analysis efforts intensify.
D. Underway ADCP Analysis (Flagg, leader)
Continued shipboard ADCP Data Collection and Processing:
- i) We will continue routine NB-ADCP data collection, which is
currently funded through December 1999. We will need continuing
support to complete the data processing and archiving not
completed at that time. We also need support to accommodate the
increasing variety of GBS research vessels, many of which are
equipped with BB-ADCPs that present significant logistical
difficulties in orchestrating a coherent ADCP measurement
program. Routine ADCP data collection on 10 to 30 cruises per
year requires a more energetic interaction with the ship
operators and ship technicians than we have been able to support
in the past.
- ii) We need to develop BB-ADCP processing and archiving methods
to make these data readily available. We also will deal with the
backlog of BB-ADCP data sets that have developed. This is
especially important now that more GBS cruises will use only
BB-ADCPs. We will expand the present CODAS data processing
system to embrace the BB-ADCP data stream as easily as it now
deals with the NB-ADCP data.
Shipboard ADCP Analysis Projects:
- i) We will update the tidal analysis based upon the ADCP data
to encompass all the data collected to date. Since tides produce
the vast majority of current variance, it is vital that their
effect be removed as reliably as possible to allow an examination
of the non-tidal flow field. Presently, we predict tidal currents
for the central portion of the Bank based upon ADCP and moored
data from 1994 through 1996 using the method of Candela (1992).
This analysis needs to be extended to encompass the data
collected since then. We also need to examine the application of
basis functions that are more appropriate to the Bank topography
than the polynomials currently in use. We need to be able to
predict the tides reliably in order to use the data from shorter
cruises where there are not enough data to perform a local tidal
- ii) For the broad-scale cruises and a few other cruises where
there is sufficient spatial coverage of currents, we plan to make
use of an adjoint version of the Dartmouth Circulation Model (in
cooperation with D. Lynch and Chris Naimie) to provide detided,
dynamically consistent, Bank-wide current fields with which to
analyze shipboard observations in terms of flow pathways and
advective time scales (Lynch, Naimie and Hannah, submitted). We
also intend to use these interpolated/extrapolated current
fields, in conjunction with the moored and drifter data, to
examine the Bank-wide sub-tidal current regime and its seasonal
- iii) There is a planned collaboration with Ashjian, Durbin,
Wishner, and Irish to examine the spatial and seasonal plankton
distributions where the ADCP backscatter data are able to provide
reasonable descriptions of the plankton field. We will compare
forward acoustic backscatter models with net tow results for the
single-frequency ADCP data to document where the acoustic data
can provide reliable results. We will also examine the several
years of moored ADCP data from the long-term moorings on the
south flank and Northeast Peak to look in detail at the temporal
development of the plankton community. Lastly, a planned
deployment of a NB-ADCP on the eastern portion of the north flank
of the Bank will also be returning backscatter intensity data
which will be studied for evidence of the hypothesized on-bank
advection of calanus adults and copepodites from the Gulf of
Maine during the late winter and early spring.
E. Contemporary and Retrospective Hydrographic Data Analysis
We plan analysis of historical and contemporary hydrographic data to
define the decadal scale climatology of the Bank and the Northeast
Channel, thus providing an historical context for the GBS. Of
interest are decadal changes in slope water characteristics and
whether the analyses of Gatien (1976) and Wright (1977), among
others, concerning the relative location and character of the
Labrador and western, or warm, slope waters, still pertain. We will
determine whether there have been any changes in the Bank, slope,
flank, or channel hydrography from the historical norm. Boothbay
Harbor data (courtesy of Mark Lazzari) show about a one degree
temperature increase during the early phase of the GLOBEC program and
a transition to some of the highest temperatures seen this century.
Petrie and Drinkwater (1993) attribute much of the long-term
temperature (and salinity) variability on the Scotian shelf and
within the Gulf to changes in the Labrador Current transport and/or
changes in entrainment with surrounding waters. Thus hydrographic
changes over the slope may also govern conditions on Georges Bank as