U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Phase IV
Open Meeting Agenda

While the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Phase IV Announcement of Opportunity has considerable detail about the goals and objectives of the synthesis effort, the ultimate synthesis goal is to explain the dynamics of the target species during the GLOBEC years of study on Georges Bank and to relate this to patterns of distribution and abundance both in the past and in the future.

Draft agenda

 Day one: (Monday, April 9, 2001, Clark 507)

 0900 Phase IV AO reviewed and the purpose of the meeting articulated (P. Wiebe)

 0930 Workshop Reports/Status of current synthesis efforts.
     1) Broad-scale (D. Mountain).
     2) Slope Water/shelf interactions (C. Lee and C. Ashjian).
     3) Cross-frontal exchange (K. Wishner and B. Houghton).
     4) Vital rates
         Zooplankton (D. Gifford and D. McGillicuddy)
         Fish (G. Lough/ C. Werner/ D. Lynch
     5) Scotian Shelf cross-overs to Georges Bank (P. Smith and J. Bisagni)
 1200-1300 Lunch (Clark 5)

 1300: Synthesis Theme Talks.
     1)  Chronology - Physics and Biology ( D. Mountain and T. Durbin)
     2)  Upstream influence on the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank ( P.
         Smith, C. Greene, and D. Townsend)
     3) Interannual variability on Georges Bank (typing long term changes to
         the GLOBEC study on the Bank focusing on variation in time and space)
     4) Improved dynamical understanding - A model development critique
         (beyond NPZ).
     5) Integration and calibration of various biological and physical data
         collection systems.
     6) Models as a synthesizing tool
         A) Dynamical model development/calibration ( C. Chen and K. Brink)
         B) Biological model development (P. Franks and C. Chen; Werner et al.)
         C) Data assimilation - hindcasting/forecasting (P. Smith, 
             D. McGillicuddy) [Contrast weather/climate analogy]
     7) SI's to step forward with their own synthesis areas - ones they
         already have a group formed to address or ones they want to see a group
         form around.
 1600: Organize into breakout groups. Work in evening after dinner.
 1700: Reception (Carriage House, WHOI)
 1800: Dinner (Carriage House, WHOI)

 Day two: (Tuesday, April 10, 2001, Clark 507 in AM; Carriage House, WHOI in PM)

 0830: Reports of breakout group status.

 0900-1200: continued work in breakout groups.

 1200-1300 Lunch (Carriage House, WHOI)

 1300: Final reports of breakout groups.

Last modified: April 6, 2001