Seasonal Nitrate Climatology for Georges Bank

Bisagni, J.J.1

1Center for Marine Science and Technology, University of Massashusetts, North Dartmouth, MA 02747

Digitized monthly tidal-mixing front (TMF) locations were hand-digitized from each of 12 published long-term monthly-mean satellite-derived sea surface temperature TMF maps from Georges Bank. Results of an animation show the seasonal change in the position of the TMF, with the TMF located over deeper depths during colder months and merging with the shelf slope front (SSF) during winter, and than moving steadily on-Bank during the warmer months when Bank-wide stratification is present. TMF loci from the months of March, May, and August were selected to represent the locations of the TMF during wintertime mixed, springtime episodically-stratified, and summertime stratified periods, respectively. March, May, and August TMF loci are also used to define crest, inner and outer Georges Bank regions that are then used to bin hydrographic and nutrient (nitrate) station data contained in a quality-controlled database produced by investigators from Bedford Institute of Oceanography and than merged with the US-GLOBEC Georges Bank broad-scale nutrient data set from the University of Maine. Spatial and temporal "binning" of the hydrographic and nitrate data is then used to develop a vertically-integrated nitrate climatology for Georges Bank. This climatology will assist in an investigation of the Georges Bank energy budget by considering both new and recycled primary production and their spatial and temporal heterogeneity.

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