01/24/2002 11:04 6038622940 CICEET PAGE 06/07 014B roval No. kL4a--o3--8A &A, Fxpirarion Date; 2LLIIL20(L2 PROJECT SUKMARY c-01: Integration and Synthesis of the Georges Bank Broad-Scale Survey Results GLOBE a$ & pl@s: Woods Hole OceanO@raphic Institution, P.H- Wiebe, C. J. Ashjian, L.P. InstitutiO o r: D. G. Mountain, J. R. Cy=nMadin, D, 1. McGillicuddy; Northeast Fisheries Science Cente P.L- Berrien, San Francisco State University: S.M. Bollms; University Of.Maine-. D.W. uxbin, R- G. Campbell, B@K. Sullivan- University Townsend; University of Rhode Island: E.(3. D of New Hampshire: A, BLcklin, J. Runge The OL013EC N\V Atlantic/Gcorge,, Bank study identified the pela&ic early life stages of cod us aegle (Gadus,,,,orhun) and haddock (Meltinogr4zmm finus) and the covepod ZOOPlanktOll, Calanusfinmarchictt@,r and PseudocuLanus spp- as target organisms (GLO13EC, 1992) for an extensive and intensive effort to understand the underlying physical and biological Processes that control the population dynamics of key populations of marine animals in space and time. Over a six year period, broad-scale sllrvev, ..; of the Georges ]3aink and adjacent waters were conducted to collect samples for cohort and survivorship analysis of the target fish and zoo]plankton populations. These surveys included the collection of data on hydrography, acoustics, phytoplank-ton chlorophyll, competitors, and predators, as well as the target species, in order to urovide a description of the biological and physical envi ronment in which the target Species surveys of the Bank were conducted between January and June/July ovi@:r resided- More than 30 the period June 1994 to June 1999. Phase IV of the US GLOBEC Georses Bank program will synthesize the results from the pro@ I s earlier phases to provide an integrated understanding of the population dynamics of .ram key, target species and evaluate how a varyin- climate xnay influence these populations. Our intent in this proposal is to capitalize on the very comprehensive broad-scale survey data sets that now exist to address two overarching questions. 1) What controls inter-annua) variability in the abundance of the target species or, Georges Bank processes)? bottom up or top down biological processes, or physical advective 2) How are these processes likely to be influenced by climate variability? Under this proposal, a team of principal investigators will bring together- the broad-scalt data sets for integrative studies. Most of the analyses to date have, been done on an individual or project basis and an integrative approach is needed now. Two general methods of analysis will be used to identify and investigate these patterns and relationships: statistical analysis and inverse modeling using the adjoint method of data assimilation. The broad-scale data sets represent a unique opportunity to explore the spatial and temporal patterns and relationships between the various measured biological and physical fields as they relate to the population dynamics of the target organisms. These results will provide a- fundamental foundation for a complete interdisciplinary synthesis involving all components of the GLOBEC CTe-or.-es Bank program. 01/24/2002 THU 10:59 [TX/RX NO 58681 01006