The Broad-scale cruises will carry out CTD, zooplankton, fish larval and acoustic surveys of Georges Bank and adjacent waters in addition to the ship's suite of meterological measurements. On each survey cruise 50-60 stations will be occupied, with thirty eight (38) of these located to provide a uniform, bank-wide coverage, and the rest of the stations located to provide a more intensive coverage in the region of the bank where larval cod and haddock are found during the cruise. The thirty eight stations are referred to as the Broad-scale core stations.
There are two types of stations defined for these cruises:
If circumstances require the chief scientist to drop any of the core stations (due to weather or other ship delays) the Chief Scientist is requested to follow the station priorities as show here. Priority 1 and 2 stations are "full stations" and priority 3 and 4 stations are "partial stations". Priority 1 stations are "more important" than priority 2 stations, etc.
For additional information, including a table of positions and their priorities, see the Broad-Scale Station Plan for 1995.