Process Ship 2 Cruises

Process Ship 2 Cruises

Note: Ship 2 is the R/V SEWARD JOHNSON

14-24 March 1995

6-21 April 1995

8 May - 26 May 1995

Ship #2 14-24 March 1995 Lough (CS)

Lough (4), Klein-MacPhee (3), Buckley (2), Manning (2), Stegeman (1), Clar ke (4?)
Total bunks (16)
Gear-Sensor and Parameter
1/4m Moc
Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, biovolume, species
1m Moc
Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, biovolume, species, gut contents, gut passage
10m Moc
Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, biovolume, species, gut contents, gut passage
Drifters-Argos, GPS-VHF
Time, Lat, Lon also
1m Moc
larval fish, otiliths, gut contents, RNA/DNA
10m Moc
cell division/growth rate, respiration and metabolism
Time, Lat, Lon, u(z), i(z), T
Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, Fl, Tr, Light
Wind speed, direction, Air T, Relative Humidity, Long and Short wave Radia tion, PAR, Surface T, Surface Salinity

Ship #2 6-21 April 1995 Lough (CS)

Lough (4), Madin (2), Klein-MacPhee (2), Bollens (2), Buckley (2), Manning (1), Stegeman (1), Clarke (4?)
Total bunks (18)
Gear-Sensor and Parameter
1/4m Moc
Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, flow, angle, net #, vert. vel., hor. vel., vol. f iltered, biovolume, species
1m Moc
Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, flow, angle, net #, vert. vel., hor. vel., vol. f iltered, biovolume, species, gut contents, gut passage
10m Moc
Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, flow, angle, net #, vert. vel., hor. vel., vol. f iltered, biovolume, species, gut contents, gut passage
Drifters-Argos, GPS-VHF
Time, Lat, Lon
Diving coll. (not in March)
Time, Lat, Lon, gut contents, gut passage, experiments also
1m Moc
larval fish, otiliths, gut contents, RNA/DNA
10m Moc
cell division/growth rate, respiration and metabolism
Time, Lat, Lon, u(z), i(z), Time, T
Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, FL, Tr, Light
Wind speed, direction, Air T, Relative Humidity, Long and Short wave Radia tion, PAR, Surface T, Surface Salinity

Ship #2 8 May - 26 May 1995 Lough (CS)

Personnel: Lough (4), Sullivan (2), Madin (2), Bollens (2), Buckley (2), Manning (1), Stegeman (1), Clarke (4?)
Total bunks (18)
Gear-Sensor and Parameter
1/4m Moc
Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, biovolume, species
1m Moc
Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, biovolume, species, gut contents, gut passage
10m Moc
Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, biovolume, species, gut contents, gut passage
Drifters-Argos, GPS-VHF
Time, Lat, Lon
Diving coll. (not in March)
Time, Lat, Lon, gut contents, gut passage, experiments also
1m Moc
larval fish, otiliths, gut contents, RNA/DNA
10m Moc
cell division/growth rate, respiration and metabolism
Time, Lat, Lon, u(z), i(z), T
Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, FL, Tr, Light
Wind speed, direction, Air T, Relative Humidity, Long and Short wave Radis tion, PAR, Surface T, Surface Salinity