Process Ship 2 Cruises
Process Ship 2 Cruises
Note: Ship 2 is the R/V SEWARD JOHNSON
14-24 March 1995
6-21 April 1995
8 May - 26 May 1995
Ship #2 14-24 March 1995 Lough (CS)
- Personnel:
- Lough (4), Klein-MacPhee (3), Buckley (2), Manning (2), Stegeman (1), Clar
ke (4?)
- Total bunks (16)
- Gear-Sensor and Parameter
- 1/4m Moc
- Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, biovolume, species
- 1m Moc
- Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, biovolume, species, gut contents, gut passage
- 10m Moc
- Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, biovolume, species, gut contents, gut passage
- Drifters-Argos, GPS-VHF
- Time, Lat, Lon
- 1m Moc
- larval fish, otiliths, gut contents, RNA/DNA
- 10m Moc
- cell division/growth rate, respiration and metabolism
- Time, Lat, Lon, u(z), i(z), T
- Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, Fl, Tr, Light
- Wind speed, direction, Air T, Relative Humidity, Long and Short wave Radia
tion, PAR,
Surface T, Surface Salinity
Ship #2 6-21 April 1995 Lough (CS)
- Personnel:
- Lough (4), Madin (2), Klein-MacPhee (2), Bollens (2), Buckley (2), Manning
Stegeman (1), Clarke (4?)
- Total bunks (18)
- Gear-Sensor and Parameter
- 1/4m Moc
- Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, flow, angle, net #, vert. vel., hor. vel., vol. f
iltered, biovolume,
- 1m Moc
- Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, flow, angle, net #, vert. vel., hor. vel., vol. f
iltered, biovolume,
species, gut contents, gut passage
- 10m Moc
- Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, flow, angle, net #, vert. vel., hor. vel., vol. f
iltered, biovolume,
species, gut contents, gut passage
- Drifters-Argos, GPS-VHF
- Time, Lat, Lon
- Diving coll. (not in March)
- Time, Lat, Lon, gut contents, gut passage, experiments
- 1m Moc
- larval fish, otiliths, gut contents, RNA/DNA
- 10m Moc
- cell division/growth rate, respiration and metabolism
- Time, Lat, Lon, u(z), i(z), Time, T
- Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, FL, Tr, Light
- Wind speed, direction, Air T, Relative Humidity, Long and Short wave Radia
tion, PAR,
Surface T, Surface Salinity
Ship #2 8 May - 26 May 1995 Lough (CS)
- Personnel:
Lough (4), Sullivan (2), Madin (2), Bollens (2), Buckley (2), Manning (1),
(1), Clarke (4?)
- Total bunks (18)
- Gear-Sensor and Parameter
- 1/4m Moc
- Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, biovolume, species
- 1m Moc
- Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, biovolume, species, gut contents, gut passage
- 10m Moc
- Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, biovolume, species, gut contents, gut passage
- Drifters-Argos, GPS-VHF
- Time, Lat, Lon
- Diving coll. (not in March)
- Time, Lat, Lon, gut contents, gut passage, experiments
- 1m Moc
- larval fish, otiliths, gut contents, RNA/DNA
- 10m Moc
- cell division/growth rate, respiration and metabolism
- Time, Lat, Lon, u(z), i(z), T
- Time, Lat, Lon, P, T, S, FL, Tr, Light
- Wind speed, direction, Air T, Relative Humidity, Long and Short wave Radis
tion, PAR,
Surface T, Surface Salinity