GLOBEC Georges Bank - Precruise Data Catalog

Project: 3-D Circulation Modeling-Long term moorings, ADCP and hydrographic surveys.
PI[s]: Peter C. Smith, John W. Loder
Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, N.S. CANADA
Data: Current, temperature, salinity and bottom pressure time series; Acoustic doppler current profiles; CTD profiles
Current, temperature, salinity and bottom pressure time series.
Aanderaa RCM measurements of speed, direction, temperature and salinity (conductivity) at five levels (25,50,100,150,190 m) on two moorings (210 m isobath) in Northeast Channel and at three levels (15,50, 100 m) on one mooring (110 m isobath) off southwest Nova Scotia (Cape Sable ). Also bottom pressure measurements from the base of each mooring. Estimated accuracies: +/-1.3% (speed), +/-5 deg (direction), +/-0.04 degC ( temperature), +/-0.07 (salinity), and +/-0.03% (bottom pressure).
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiles
Continuous sampling from hull-mounted 150 kHz, narrow-beam RDI ADCP during mooring deployment/recovery cruises. Processed data files with 8m bins and 3-5 min averaging interval. Estimated accuracies +/-
CTD Profiles
Hydrographic surveys of eastern Gulf of Maine (including NE peak of Georges Bank) conducted with Seabird 9 Plus CTD during mooring deployment/recovery cruises. Estimated accuracies: +/- 0.005 degC ( temperature), +/-0.005 (salinity), +/-1.2 m (depth)
Area: Eastern Gulf of Maine
Mooring sites:
        C2      43 02N 65 47W
        NECE    42 17N 65 50W
        NECW    42 07N 66 00W
Period: October 1993 to April 1996
Tentative cruise schedule:
        11-16 October 1993
        2-8 August 1994
        June 1995
        April 1996
Frequency: one hour (current meters/ bottom pressure); 3-5 minutes (ADCP)
ADCP will be operating continuously during the cruise and repeated transects of Northeast Channel over a tidal cycle are planned. The hydrographic survey will include a section from Cape Sable, N.S. to the northeast peak of Georges.
Flat ASCII files: time series- header followed by records of data and time from single instrument, ADCP- header followed by series of successive profiles tagged with lat., long., and time. CTD- header followed by records from single profile ("header" contains meta data in KEYWORD=VALUE format)
Archive Contact:
Peter C. Smith
Physical and Chemical Sciences, BIO
P.O. Box 1006
Dartmouth, N.S., CANADA B2Y4A2
(902) 426-3474
Data System Access: BIO_GLOBEC_DATA
Data Classes:
1) Operational/Browse CTD profiles: available at the end of the cruises; reduced resolution/accuracy: +/-0.05 degC (temperature), +/-0.05 (salinity) ; view only
2) Processed/Full current meter and bottom pressure time series: available within 6 months of recovery, view and use with collaboration
3) Processed/Full ADCP data: available 6 months after cruise, original or detided current profiles, view and use with collaboration
4) Processed/Full CTD data: available 6 months after cruise, view and use with consent

The data are normally prepared on a VAX 4000 cluster and placed in an internal format (OCEANS) consisting of flat ASCII files headed by meta data structured as KEYWORD=VALUE. The VAX machines are networked with several UNIX machines of which a SUN Sparc-Center 2000, called Emerald, is primary. The data actually reside on a Mass Storage Management (MSM) disk which is resident on another UNIX machine (LaHave) and from which the data are available to the entire network. At present, anonymous outside access to this network is not permitted for security reasons, but that policy is presently under review.