Cruise No. AL 97-12

U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank

Mooring Cruise


We thank the captain and crew of the R/V ALBATROSS IV for a productive cruise; their professionalism was very much appreciated.

This report was prepared by Ronald Schlitz with assistance from Robert C. Groman. This cruise was sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.


Cruise Period and Area 3

Objectives 3

Methods 3

Results 4

Disposition of Data 4

Scientific Personnel 4

Figure 1: Original Tripod Positions 5


Cruise Period and Area

The cruise period was from 3 -7 November 1997. The location was Great South Channel.


The major objective was to recover two bottom-mounted tripods and other instrumentation from the GLOBEC moored array. The original positions (see Figure 1) for these elements of the array were:

Positions for Tripods

Site 4D 40° 51.73' N 68° 30.70' W
Site 9F 40° 41.05' N 68° 40.51' W


The recovery was by trawling using standard methods. A Yankee 36 trawl previously used for other operations of this type was utilized.


The following were recovered:

Site 4D One tripod missing the ADCP
Site 9F One ADCP, one acoustic release and line cannister, and a tower from a surface buoy but no tripod

Disposition of Data

The data recovered during this cruise will be merged with the data already recovered from other moorings of the GLOBEC array and analyzed at NEFSC.

Scientific Personnel

National Marine Fisheries Service, NEFSC, Woods Hole, MA

Ronald Schlitz, Chief Scientist

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA

Kent Bradshaw

For further information contact: Ronald Schlitz, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543-1097. Telephone (508) 495-2395.

Figure 1: Original Tripod Positions