U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank
Broad-scale Data Coordination Workshop
July 19 - 20, 2000

Carriage House, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
( follow directions to WHOI's Quissett Campus)

A statement of the workshop's purpose and a draft agenda are given below:


To insure the preliminary analyses of the Broad Scale data sets are done and stored in a consistent manner for subsequent synthesis and modeling activities.

To determine which Process data sets have a sufficient spatial extent to be integrated with the Broad Scale data, and how to accomplish the integration of different data sets.

To identify any processing or analysis steps that would make the data sets more readily available or useful in synthesis and modeling activities.

To identify important or unusual events or characteristics evident in the data sets which could become topics of analysis in subsequent synthesis and modeling activities.


1. Review and Discussion of Scientific Questions

What analyses (scientific questions) do PI's plan to address that will depend upon integration of the Broad Scale data sets? These questions will be solicited before the workshop and circulated to the attendees. A brief review/discussion may identify specific issues that need to be addressed in the workshop.

2. Database Issues

What can we do now to make sure data sets are stored in formats that will ease their combination/integration and what database tools will be available to aid that integration process?

3. Combining Data Sets

Which data sets will need to be combined? Combining will involve both data sets of same parameter to get better temporal/spatial distributions (e.g., temperature or Calanus abundance) and data sets of different variables for analyses of trophic interactions (e.g., zooplankton prey and larval fish distributions). What methods are available for combining data sets?

4. Models and Broad Scale Data

Many (most?) of the analyses in which the Broad Scale data sets are combined will be model-based or at least use the GLOBEC models as a framework for the analysis. What issues need to be considered to have the data sets and models ready to be used together?

5. Preparations for Synthesis

Are there important or unusual events or characteristics in the data sets that would be good topics for integrated analyses in Phase IV? How should these types of analyses be coordinated?


Do you have any suggestions/recommendations concerning this workshop?
Do you plan to attend?

Please respond to David Mountain (david.mountain@noaa.gov)

Last modified: July 6, 2000