Joint workshop on Cross-Frontal Exchange and Scotian Shelf Crossovers

10 October 2000


Here is an agenda for the first day of the joint workshop on Cross-Frontal Exchange and Scotian Shelf Crossovers, Tuesday, 10 October, 2000, at the Holiday Inn in Falmouth. The first day will focus on exchange across the tidal mixing front.

0830 Coffee, bagels and juice

0900 Summary of field work (15 minutes each, plus 5 min discussion,
including a construction of a time line of data collected):
           Seasoar-drifter studies
           Dye and drifter studies
           Biological/Physical Interaction studies
           Cod larvae transport studies

1020 Break

1045-1500 Discussion Topics.  
Participants are invited to present ideas and results during these
discussions.  Please limit yourself to 1 or 2 relevant slides. 
Questions for discussion:

1045 How do we define the location of the Tidal Mixing Front?

1100 How does the front respond to wind and buoyancy forcing?

1130 What is the secondary circulation at the front and how great is
isopycnal mixing?

1200 Lunch 

1300 How does vertical migration of species interact with the secondary
circulation and mixing to carry species into or across the front?

1330 How do interactions between species affect transport into or across
the front?

1400 How are plankton processes affected by frontal location or

1430 What quantitative statements can we make about transport into or
across the front and its effects on the GLOBEC target species and
Georges Bank ecosystem?

1500 Break (cookies, brownies and drinks)

1530 Definition of topics on which progress can be made, discussion of
data sets that can be integrated to make such progress, and creation of
groups of investigators to work on those topics.

1630 Summary of the day, and preliminary plan for Thursday's activities,
pending the outcome of Wednesday's discussion of crossovers.

1700 Adjourn

1800 Cocktails and dinner (c. 1900) in Clark 507 at WHOI, with
discussions as desired.  Adjourn around 2200.

There will also be cocktails and dinner in Carriage House at WHOI on Wednesday night, with more discussion.

Contributed by J. Ledwell via e-mail Mon, 02 Oct 2000 16:08:38 -0200