/globec/gb/zoo_cubic_meter --cruiseid eq AL9808,station eq 3,event eq AL16898.22,net eq 2-- Level 4

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# GSO/URI cubic meter data. T. Durbin
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cruiseid  cruise_type  year_cruise_begin  month_cruise_begin  day_cruise_begin  year_cruise_end  month_cruise_end  day_cruise_end  
AL9808    BSS          1998               06                  16                1998             06                26              
station  station_std  depth_w  
3        41           96       
event        inst     tow  lat_begin  lon_begin  year_utc_begin  month_utc_begin  day_utc_begin  time_utc_begin      year_utc_end  month_utc_end  day_utc_end  time_utc_end        allsort_flag  
AL16898.22   MOC1     3    40.292     -69.007    1998            06               17             1446                1998          06             17           1534                y             
net  vol_net  depth_begin  depth_end  gearcode  count_flag  counter               
2    84.7     38           14         1M1       Top_Five    nd                    
taxon                           taxon_code  m3_fem      m3_mal      m3_cop      m3_c1       m3_c2       m3_c3       m3_c4       m3_c5       m3_npl      m3_n1       m3_n2       m3_n3       m3_n4       m3_n5       m3_n6       m3_not      
Calanus_finmarchicus            6118010208  66.9027942  3.93545848  182.998819  0           0           7.87091696  53.1286895  121.999213  nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          
Chaetognaths                    8300000000  nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          62.9673357  
Euphausids                      6174000000  nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          3.93545848  
Gammaridea                      6169000000  nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          13.7741047  
Larvaceans_-_Tunicates          8412000000  nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          1.96772924  
Oithona_spinirostris            6120090104  37.3868556  nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          
Oithona_spp.                    6120090100  70.8382527  nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          
Pseudocalanus_spp.              6118050500  310.90122   nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          
Temora_longicornis              6118200303  27.5482094  nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd          nd