Connections between the Georges Bank Study and Other U.S. GLOBEC Programs
No one study site will be suited ideally for the study of all processes
and conditions of interest to U.S. GLOBEC. Indeed, no one site can
command all of the resources necessary to do so. Because the themes of
physical forcing, spatial and temporal variability, population dynamics
and climate change prediction will pervade all study sites, a certain
amount of commonality in the site-specific programs is expected.
However, each site, and the teams of investigators funded to study that
site, also can be expected to focus on conditions and processes that
distinguish it from other sites. This will enable the U.S. GLOBEC
program to be more global in its perspecitve and its achievements. In
addition to the site-specific studies, there will be numerous funded
efforts to improve upon modeling techniques, instrumentation, sampling
methods and biotechnology. Most proposals to study these topics will be
focussed initially on a single site, but transfer of findings and
developments to other studies at the earliest possible date is
imperative. To maximize the accomplishments of U.S. GLOBEC within the
context of multiple sites, multiple investigators and multiple research
initiatives (e.g., instrument development, modeling, etc.), effective
communication and coordination is needed. Thus, U.S. GLOBEC has
established the U.S. GLOBEC Science Office, which will be located on the
University of California - Davis campus from 1992-1995.