U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank
Scientific Investigators' 1998 Data Workshop

Meeting Agenda

Workshop products:

  1. Planning towards the transition of GLOBEC Results to Operational applications: An FY2000 Fisheries Oceanography Initiative
  2. Preparation for Data Synthesis - a white paper about the goals, objectives, and mechanisms.
  3. Planning for the development of more comprehensive collaborative ties to Canadian and European scientists working on parallel GLOBEC projects.

Data analysis/synthesis sessions at the workshop:

  1. Long term hydrographic and biological variability
  2. Stratification and its impact on biology
  3. Source/retention/loss - mechanisms and relative importance.
  4. Assimilative modeling (collective experimentation at meeting)
    1. Simulating distribution changes through time.
    2. Fish/zooplankton dynamic coupling
  5. Predation impact on zooplankton versus direct mortality estimates.
  6. Cruise planning for 1999
  7. Second DSR volume
  8. Data management

The first two topic areas should be quite far along, while for the third, fourth, and fifth, investigators will be at more initial stages in their analyses.

Three mechanisms for communicating results were identified:

  1. A lecture series - one or two per day, on one of the major topic areas
  2. Poster Board Session - an ongoing activity, where results can be posted.
  3. Hot Topic Talks - to be determined as things develop.

The schedule of events will evolve as the workshop progesses and will be updated as new agenda items are added.

Tuesday Afternoon Setup

1800 Reception (main dining room)

1900 Dinner (main dining room)

Evening Short organizational meeting

Start of 4-day working group session on Shipboard Modeling and observations

0930 Review agenda, meeting objectives, Phase III funding, and DSR overview, and review white paper topics

1400 Presentations

Andy Pershing: Vertical Circulation Cells in the Well-Mixed region of Georges Bank

Charlie Flagg: ADCP Data and Tides on Georges Bank

Phase III Science Discussions

2000 Phase IV Synthesis White Paper Discussion Session


0900 Dezung Chu: Kriging Demo

Morning Open discussion of Regional Scale decadal scale hydrography changes and the biological response.

1400 Presentations

Dan Lynch: Shipboard Modeling and observations briefing

Cisco Werner: A review of the Third ICES/GLOBEC Backward-Facing Workshop, Ocean Climate of the NW Atlantic during the 1960s and 70s and Consequences for Gadoid Populations

Tim Mavor: Seasonal variability of sea surface temperature fronts on Georges Bank

2000 Round-table discussion of the GLOBEC Georges Bank project with Fisherman from New England

0900 Brief agenda update

Morning Population dynamics and predation working group session.

1300 Realtime Modeling group session

1400 Presenations

Lew Incze: Report on zooplankton vertical distributions in a changing turbulence field: Measurements during GLOBEC Cruise SJ9508

Carin Ashjian: Realtime VPR - Source, Retention, and loss data.

Scott Gallager: Biological and physical modulators of foraging success in early cod larvae on Georges Bank: prey motility, light, depth, and turbulance.

Afternoon Broad-scale group session
Cruise planning session (½ day)
DSR review

During the course of the workshop, there will be opportunities for individuals to present talks about work that is in progress, or nearing completion. The lecture series needs volunteers. There will also be opportunities for spontaneous activities through the use of posters and hot topic talks.

Chief scientists of the prospective 1999 cruises should come prepared to talk about the objectives of their cruise and provide an abstract.

Last modified: September 22, 1998