Overview of
The U.S. GLOBEC Northwestern Atlantic
Georges Bank Program

TASC Meeting
Gillelege, Denmark
8 January 1997

Presented by
Peter H. Wiebe
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

The following viewgraphs (not an inclusive list) were used during a presentation by Peter H. Wiebe at the TASC Meeting held in Gillelege, Denmark on 8 January 1997.

  1. Title

  2. Program Study Area Toplogy

  3. Primary Objective of the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Program

  4. Distributed Data Management Network

  5. Goals of Modeling Activity

  6. Phase I Modeling Activities and Phase II Modeling Emphasis

  7. Spacially Explicit Ecosystem Model Characteristics

  8. Individual Based Models for Larval Fish

  9. Prognostically Modeled Velocities on Georges Bank During Weakly Stratified Periods

  10. Satellite Tracked Drogue Trajectories on Georges Bank During Weakly Stratified Periods

  11. Observed Sampling Locations Versus Synoptically Mapped Locations Relative to Station 19 (based on climatological flow fields)

  12. How Well Can Model Simulated Calanus Data Reproduce Ovserved Fields

  13. Differences between field sampled synoptically versus sampled over a ten-day period

  14. Interaction of Forward and Adjoint Models for Assimilating Observations [Not used]

  15. Some Aspects of Sampling During the 1997 Field Season

  16. Issues to Be Addressed in Phase III

  17. ICES Anual Meeting (September 23-October 3, 1997 Interdisciplinary Programs in the North Atlantic

Last modified: January 23, 1997