U.S. GLOBEC Data Thesaurus
Revised: Jan 18, 2007
The following field names, instrument names and protocols
are used by the U.S.
GLOBEC Program. This list will be updated as necessary. For further information
contact the Data Management Office.
The general guidelines
used to define field names and data attributes are based on the
JGOFS Program
although there are differences between the two programs.
The Data Management Office is working to improve and upgrade
the U.S. GLOBEC Database Thesaurus. Changes made since 8 May 2006 are marked in
Terms which are being eliminated from the Thesaurus because of redundancy,
imprecision or inaccuracy are marked in green
and after a few months will no longer appear. Please feel free to comment or
critique the changes.
gfh + mda
Field Names
- abundance = number of the specific taxa/group counted per meter3
- abundance_total = total number of all taxa counted per meter3
- ageclass = seal age class as estimated in field, (text i.e. adult), used in seals
- age_by_len = age estimated by seal body length. From Laws et al., 2003, using calculated mass with APIS and GLOBEC data combined,
(reported as age in years or text i.e. adult)
- age_by_mass = age estimaed by seal body mass. From Laws et al., 2003, using calculated mass with APIS and
GLOBEC data combined, (reported as age in years or text i.e. adult)
- alpha = light limited photosynthesis, calculated from curve, used in conjunction with irradiance measurements, a Southern Ocean Globec term,
- algamat = collections of diatom chains, number per liter
- angle = angle of tow body relative to vertical (0-89 degrees), used in BIOMAPER-II and MOCNESS systems
- argosid = ARGOS identification, used with drifter deployments
- bact_abun = bacteria abundance, cells per meter3
- bact_bio = bacteria carbon biomass, milligrams C/meter3
- bact_biomass_C = bacteria carbon biomass, milligrams C/meter3
- beam_c = beam attenuation coefficient, in units 1/m
- behav_code = organism behavior code, may apply to one or more different code tables, codes are file dependent
- beta = rate of photoinhibition, calculated from curve, used in conjunction with irradiance measurements, a Southern Ocean Globec term,
- body_fat = seal body fat concentration, reported as a decimal fraction, (body_fat * 100 = percent fat)
- biomass = wet weight of a specific taxa/group identified, in units milligrams per meter 3
- biomass_C = carbon biomass per taxon, units = micrograms C/liter
- biomass_total = total wet weight of all taxa collected, in units milligrams per meter3
- biovolume = see displacement volume
- blood_vol = seal blood volume, as liters
- blood_vol_pct = seal blood volume as a percent by body mass
- bottle = water bottle number, generally assigned to a position on a CTD rosette, identifies all samples drawn from a given bottle
- blubber = seal blubber sample collected (true/false)
- brief_desc = brief description, open ended, specific to the data set in which it appears
- bvfq = Brunt-Vaisala Frequency, N squared, in units 1/seconds2
- cast = cast number
- cell_2to10um = number of cells in the range 2 to 10 microns in diameter
- cell_gt10um = number of cells greater than 10 microns in diameter
- cell_lt2um = number of cells less than 2 microns in diameter
- chi_t = chi_theta, temperature variance dissipation, degrees C2/second
- chl_a = total chlorophyll a pigment, in milligrams per meter cubed (mg/m³)
or micrograms per liter (µg/l)
- chl_a_ugm = total chlorophyll a pigment, in micrograms/meter3
- chl_a_5u = chlorophyll a pigment, less than 5 micron size fraction, in micrograms per liter (µg/l)
- chl_a_10u = chlorophyll a pigment, less than 10 micron size fraction, in micrograms per liter (µg/l)
- chl_a_20u = chlorophyll a pigment, less than 20 micron size fraction, in micrograms per liter (µg/l)
- chl_b = chlorophyll b pigment, in milligrams per meter cubed (mg/m³)
or micrograms per liter (µg/l)
- chl_c = sum of Chlorophyll c1 + chlorophyll c2 + Mg 3,8 divinyl
pheoporphyrin a5, in milligrams per meter cubed (mg/m³)
or micrograms per liter (µg/l)
- chl_c1_c2 = chlorophylls c1 and c2, in milligrams per meter cubed
or micrograms per liter (µg/l)
- chl_c3 = chlorophyll c3 pigment, in milligrams per meter cubed
or micrograms per liter (µg/l)
- chl_c4 = phytolated chlorophyll c-like pigment, in milligrams per
meter cubed (mg/m³)
or micrograms per liter (µg/l)
- chl_tot = total chlorophyll pigments, in milligrams per meter
cubed (mg/m³) or micrograms per liter (µg/l)
- cloud cover = area of sky covered by clouds, reported in 1/8ths
- comments = free text comments, may only have meaning to submitting PI
- cond = conductivity, from the CTD "primary sensor", in Siemens/meter. Depending on input source may have a variety of names.
Change to DMO term cond.
- cond2 = conductivity, from the CTD "secondary sensor", in Siemens/meter. Depending on input source may have a variety of names.
Change to DMO term cond2.
- cond_mS = conductivity, from primary sensor in milliSiemens/centimeter. Depending on input source may have a variety of names.
Change to DMO term cond_mS.
- cond_mS2 = conductivity, from the CTD "secondary sensor", in milliSiemens/centimeter. Depending on input source may have a variety of names.
Change to DMO term cond_mS2.
- cond_mM = conductivity, in milliMhos/centimeter
- cond_ss = conductivity at the sea surface (hull intake & inline CTD unit) siemens/meter
- core_no = core number/identification, to be used with ice, rock and sediment cores
- course_mag = Magellan GPS course made good, in degrees
- course_trim = Trimble GPS course made good, in degrees
- cmg = course made good, in degrees
- cruiseid = cruise identifier, e.g. en9402 R/V Endeavor cruise 9402
- crypto = number of Cryptophytes counted
- cyano = number of Cyanobacteria counted
- curr_dir_abs = absolute current direction, in degrees
- curr_dir_rel = relative current direction, in degrees
- curr_speed_abs = absolute current speed, in cm/second
- curr_speed_rel = relative current speed, in cm/second
- datatype = sampling method - instrument type, e.g. MOCNESS-10, CTD, etc.
- date_gmt = gmt month, day and year, usually as a text
string, e.g. feb10_1995. It is better to use one of the
other forms of presenting date and time data so that
the data can be used in computations and for comparisons.
Note, if the string begins with numbers but also includes
letters, there may be problems using the field name
for retrieval.
- date_utc = UTC month, day and year, usually as a text
string, e.g. feb10_1995. It is better to use one of the
other forms of presenting date and time data so that
the data can be used in computations and for comparisons.
Note, if the string begins with numbers but also includes
letters, there may be problems using the field name
for retrieval. Use date_gmt for future data sets.
- date_local = local month, day and year, usually as a text
string, e.g. feb10_1995. It is better to use one of the
other forms of presenting date and time data so that
the data can be used in computations and for comparisons.
Note, if the string begins with numbers but also includes
letters, there may be problems using the field name
for retrieval.
- day_gmt = day, GMT time e.g. 22.
- day_start = day at beginning of measurement period, use in conjuction with day_end and only when the duration of sampling is a critical element to the measurement.
- day_end = day at ending of measurement period, see day_begin.
- day_local = day, local time
- day_utc = day, UTC time, Use the name day_gmt for future data sets.
- delta_O_18 = isotope ratio H218O/H216O, reported in delta18O notation
- density = density, kilograms/meter3
- deployno = deployment number, equivalent to station or cast
- depth = observation/sample depth, in meters
- depth_cast = maximum depth of CTD cast, reported as either meters or decibars
- depth_close = depth at which the net is closed, in meters (specific to MOCNESS tows)
- depth_cs = chirp Sonar depth below transducer, in meters
- depth_drifter = depth of drifter, meters, used with Argos tracked drifter measurements
- depth_edo = Edo water depth, in meters
- depth_interval = thickness of water layer sampled, meters, used with MOCNESS tows
- depth_mid = depth in meters at the midpoint of the opened net, used with MOCNESS tows
- depth_open = depth at which the net is opened, in meters (specific to MOCNESS tows)
- depth_tow_max = max. depth of towed instrument, in meters
- depth_w = water depth, in meters
- diff_from_8C = deviation from 8 degree C. incubation temperature, in degrees centigrade
- disp_vol = displacement volume (biovolume) of plankton net samples, units will vary
- disp_vol_integ = integrated displacement volume for a single net sample over the depth sampled by that net, cubic centimeters per meter squared
- drifterid = drifter identification, used with drifter deployments
- dry_wgt = dry weight calculated as (dvol/(100.139))(1/1.003), milligrams per meter cubed
- dry_wgt_integ = integrated dry weight for a single net sample over depth sampled by that net, milligram per meter squared
- dry_wgt_total = total dry weight for the entire sampled water column. The sum of integrated dry weights for all nets for one tow, milligram per meter squared
- dynh_0 = dynamic height, referenced to surface, in meters
- ed_lw = downward long wave irradiance, in watts per square meter
- ed_sw = downward short wave irradiance, in watts per square meter
- eps = epsilon, turbulent kinetic energy dissipation, watts/kilogram
- event = event or operation number
- family = Family. One of the levels in the taxonomic system of classification; typically ends in 'ae'.
- fish_len = length of fish measured in millimeters
- fixtype = code specifies the type of fix, e.g. Magellan, Trimble, etc.
- flight_dir = direction organism is traveling toward, in degrees, generally used with birds
- flow = consecutive flow counts, used in MOCNESS system
- fluor = fluorescence
- flvolt = fluorometer voltage measurements, in volts
- girth_ank = seal girth at the ankle, in cm
- girth_ax = seal girth at the axilla, in cm
- girth_ears = seal girth at the ears, in cm
- girth_hip = seal girth at hips, in cm
- girth_max = maximum seal body girth, in cm
- girth_mid = seal girth at a point midway between the hips and the sternum, in cm
- girth_neck = seal girth at the neck, in cm
- girth_pel = seal girth at the pelvis, in cm
- girth_stern = seal girth at the sternum, in cm
- grid_line = standard grid line, a location term used by grid system in GLOBEC Southern Ocean
- grid_sta = a grid location for a sampling obseration/station, used with the grid_line, GLOBEC Southern Ocean
- gt10um = number of cells greater than 10 microns in diameter
- haul_factor = haul factor, used to calculatue displacement volume, 100/volume filtered (m3)
- haul_factor_std = standard haul factor, a numerical multiplier used to standardize catches
- hb = hemoglobin. Measured using Sigma kit 525A, seal physiology
- hct = packed cell volume, seal physiology
- head = ship's heading, in degrees
- head2 = aternate (secondary) ship's heading measurement, in degrees
- heat_flux_lat = latent heat flux, reported as watts/m2
- heat_flux_sens = sensible heat flux, reported as watts/m2
- hem_lip = were blood samples hemolyzed (red cells broken) or lipemic (contained
visible lipids) reported as text, seal physiology
- hour_gmt = hours of time, GMT
- humidity = relative humidity, in percent
- hzvel = horizontal net velocity, reported as meters per minute, used in MOCNESS system
- ice_conc = area of sea surface covered by ice, reported in 1/10ths
- ice_cover_type = primary ice type covering sea surface based on the Antarctic Sea-Ice Process
and Climatic classification system
- Ik = light intensity where Pmax is reached, used in conjunction with irradiance measurements, a Southern Ocean Globec term,
(uE/M2/s), see parameter Pmax
- inst = instrument used to collect or process data, definition is specific to the data set in which it appears
- inst_serial_numb = instrument serial number, definition specific to the data set in which it appears.
- julian_day = Julian day as a decimal, for reference: Julian day 2440000
begins at 0000 hours, May 23, 1968
- k_t = K_t, vertical diffusivity for heat, meters2/second
- k_rho = K_rho, vertical diffusivity for density,
- lat = latitude (south is negative), in decimal degrees
- lat_end = latitude at end time of measurement (south is negative),
in decimal degress
- lat_start = latitude at starting time of measurement (south is negative),
in degrees
- lat2 = alternate (secondary) latitude (south is negative),
in decimal degrees
- length_day = length of day (decimal hours) based on time between sunrise and sunset as indicated by sustained
irradiance values above 0.0 uE/cm2/sec
- len_to_ank = length of seal from tip of tail to ankle, along dorsal surface, in cm.
- len_to_ax = length of seal from tip of tail to axilla (armpit), along dorsal surface, in cm.
- len_curve = seal curved length, measured from tip of nose to tip of tail, measured
following the curve of the animal's spine along the dorsal surface, in cm.
- len_to_ears = seal length from tip of tail to ears, along dorsal surface, in cm.
- len_to_mid = seal length from tip of tail to point midway between the hips and the
sternum, along dorsal surface, in cm.
- len_to_neck = seal length from tip of tail to neck, along dorsal surface, in cm.
- len_to_pel = seal length from tip of tail to pelvis, along dorsal surface, in cm.
- len_std = seal standard length, straight-line length from tip of nose to tip of tail,
measured above the dorsal surface, animal lying on its belly, in cm.
- len_to_stern = seal length from tip of tail to sternum, along dorsal surface, in cm.
- light_trans = light transmission, using a transmissometer, in per cent
- light_trans_v = light transmission, using a transmissometer, in volts
- lon = longitude (west is negative), in decimal degrees
- lon_start = longitude at starting time of measurement (west is negative),
in decimal degrees
- lon_end = longitude at end time of measurement (west is negative),
in decimal degrees
- lon2 = alternate (secondary) longitude (west is negative), in
decimal degrees
- lt2um = number of cells less than 2 microns in diameter
- mass = seal body mass, in kilograms
- mass_calc = calculated seal body mass, in kilograms
- mass_calc_err = calculated seal body mass error, in kilograms
- mass_pred = predicted seal body mass (weight) determined from LG2 (standard Length x girth2)
vs Mass regression, based on data from Antarctic Pack Ice Seals program (APIS) and GLOBEC cruises. in kilograms
- mchc = Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Content, calculated by: hb/htc, seal physiology
- minute_gmt = minutes of time, GMT
- month_start = month at start of measurement period, use in conjunction with month_end and only when the duration of sampling is a critical element to the measurement.
- month_end = month at end of measurement period, see month_start.
- month_gmt = month of year, GMT time
- month_local = month of year, local time
- month_utc = month of year, utc time, Use month_gmt for future data sets.
- mooring = mooring identification, definition is file dependent
- muscle = muscle sample collected (true/false), found in seal data
- nbin = reported with CTD data, refers to the Number of data
cycles used to compile an average value for a given depth/BIN interval.
- net = net number/identification
- NH4 = Ammonium, µM (micromolar) or µg-at NH3-N/l
- NO3_NO2 = Nitrate and Nitrite,
µM (micromolar) or µg-at NO3-N and NO2-N/l
- number = number of organisms counted/observed, a generic term, specific to the data set in which it appears
- numb_obs = number of observations
- num_caught = number of specific animal/group caught
- num_class = total number of cells that were classified during a microscope slide transect
- num_fish_len = number of specific fish/group within a given length range
- num_measure = number of organisms measured, generally used in conjuction with length/weight measurements
- num_smears = number of blood smears collected, found in seal data
- o2 = dissolved oxygen in milliliter per liter
- O2sat = oxygen saturation, in milliliters/liter
- order = order, organism taxonomic level
- par = downwell Photosynthetically Available Radiation, units = uE/cm2/sec
- par_d = downwelled Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR), 400-700nm wave length, measured with cosine sensor response (EsPAR),
reported with a corresponding water depth, units = uE/m2/sec. Sampling devices: profiling or towed, etc.
- par_d_day = downwelled Photosynthetically Available Radiation, 400-700 nm wave length, measured with cosine
sensor response (EsPAR), units = uE/cm2/day (per day, depending on source may be less then 24 hours or may
refer to day light hours only), using a Biospherical Instruments GUV500 system
- par_d_s = downwelled Photosynthetically Available Radiation, at or near sea surface, 400-700nm wave length, measured with cosine
sensor response (EsPAR), units= uE/m2/sec, sampling locations: buoy, deck, mast, etc. sites
- par_d_expt = downwelled Photosynthetically Available Radiation, 400-700 nm wave length, measured with cosine
sensor response (EsPAR), units = uE/cm2/expt (expt = over the duration of an in situ experiment).
Using a Biospherical Instruments GUV500 system
- par_s_v = photosynthetically available radiation at the surface, as volts
- par_scalar = downwelled Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR), 400-700nm wave length, scalar sensor response, reported
with a corresponding water depth, units = uE/m2/sec, Possible sampling vehicles: profiling, towed, etc.
Using a Biospherical Instruments QSR250 system.
- par_scalar_day = downwelled Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR), 400-700 nm wave length, measured with scalar
sensor response (PAR), units = uE/cm2/day (per day, depending on source may be less then 24 hours or may
refer to day light hours only). Using a Biospherical Instruments QSR250 system.
- par_scalar_s = downwelled Photosynthetically Available Radiation at or near sea surface, 400-700nm wave length, measured with
scalar sensor response (PAR), units = uE/m2/sec, sampling sites: buoy, ship's deck or mast, etc.
- par_scalar_v = photosynthetically available radiation, 400-700nm wave length, with scalar sensor response (PAR), units = volts, reported in
conjunction with a water depth
- par_u = upwelled Photosynthetically Available Radiation, 400-700nm wave length, with cosine sensor response (EsPAR), reported with
a corresponding water depth, units= uE/m2/sec
- par_v = photosynthetically available radiation, as volts
- phaeo = total phaeopigment, in milligrams per meter cubed (mg/m³)
or micrograms per liter (µg/l)
- phaeo_10u = phaeopigments, less than 10 micron size
fraction, in micrograms per liter (µg/l)
- phaeo_20u = phaeopigments, less than 20 micron size
fraction, in micrograms per liter (µg/l)
- phylum = phylum, organism taxonomic level
- pico_euks = number of PicoEukaryotes counted
- plasma_vol = plasma volume, determined by Evans blue dye, found seal data, in liters
- plasma_vol_pct = plasma volume by percent of mass, found in seal data
- platform = name of the platform, buoy, tower, fixed site, etc (See also ship)
- Pmax = maximum rate of photosynthesis, at given incubation temperature, under
light-limiting conditions, (mgC/chla/h), used in conjunction with irradiance measurements,
a Southern Ocean Globec term
- POC = Particulate Organic Carbon, units = micrograms/liter
- PON = Particulate Organic Nitrogen, units = micrograms/liter
- potemp = potential temperature (International Practical Temperature
Scale - 68 ,or 90. When known, the scale will be reported
in the units field of the documentation file.
- PO4 = Orthophosphate, (reactive phosphorus) µM (micromolar) or µg-at PO4-P/l
- precip_level = pricipation level in gauge, in centimeters (cm). Note: if the
gauge self-siphoned, then precipation is +50cm.
- precip_type = precipation type, i.e. snow, rain etc. as a code; caution code may vary from source to source
- press = depth of sample reported as pressure, in decibars
- press_bar = barometric pressure, in millibars
- production = carbon production, from simulated in situ experiments, (mgC/m2/hr)
- prod_std_dev = standarad deviation, carbon production, (experimental variance), from simulated in situ experiments,
- pttno = ID of satellite tag. Not unique because ARGOS recycles them year to year. Used in seal
tracking. Could be use on other organisms
- q_code = originator assigned quality code
- qual_mag = Magellan GPS quality indicator
- qual_trim = Trimble GPS quality indicator
- radiation_l = long wave radiation, 4 - 50 micrometers, in watts per square
- radiation_s = short wave radiation, 285 - 2800 nanometers, in watts per square
- range = range of sonobuoy
- raw_vol = raw displacement volume of a plankton sample, cubic centimeters
- rbc = Red Blood Count, counted using hemocytometer, seal physiology
- region = geographical area of sampling
- replicate = an identifier used to distinguish between one or more replicate samples
- rms_err_cond = rms error for conductivity measurements, in siemans
per meter
- sal = salinity, calculated from the CTD "primary sensors" of conductivity and temperature, Practical Salinity Scale, dimensionless.1
Depending on the input source, salinity from the primary sensors can have a variety of names i.e. s0, s00, s1, sal0, sal00, sal1. Change to DMO term sal.
- sal_bottle = bottle salinity, Practical Salinity Scale,
dimensionless 1
- sal2 = salinity, calculated from the CTD "secondary sensors" of conductivity and temperature, Practical Salinity Scale, dimensionless.1
Depending on the input source, salinity from the secondary sensors can have a variety of names i.e. s1, s2, s11, s22, sal2, sal22. Change to DMO term sal2.
- sal_ss = sea surface salinity, hull intake & inline CTD unit
- sal_ss3 = sea surface salinity nominally measured three (3) meters below the surface, Practical Salinity Scale,
- sample = sample identifier or number
- samp_fraction = size of split fraction, units are specific to the data set in which it appears
- samp_fraction_denom = denominator of split fraction. e.g. for 1/2 split, samp_fraction_denom is 2; but for 3/4, it is 1.333 (4/3). Units are specific to the data set in which it appears.
- se_flag = sampling operation start (s) or end (e) flag
- sealname = seal name or identification as text
- season = season of year as text, i.e. Fall
- seconds_gmt = seconds of time, GMT
- sect_top_depth = top depth of core interval, applies to ice and sediment cores, units will vary
- sect_bot_depth = bottom depth of core interval, applies to ice and sediment cores, units will vary
- sex = classification by sex (male/female), reported in a varity of codes and free text, reporting is specific to the data set in which it appears
- ship = name of the ship or vessel (See also platform.)
- si = scientific investigator's name
- sigma_0 = sigma-theta, potential density, in kg/m3
How do we measure the density of sea water?)
- sigma_1000 = potental density at 1000 decibars
- sigma_t = sigma-t density, in kg/m3 - 1000
How do we measure the density of sea water?)
- SiOH_4 = Silicate (Orthosilicic Acid), Si(OH)4, µM (micromolar) or µg-at Si(OH)4-Si/l (colloquially known as 'silicate')
[Note: this field name was redefined to remove the parentheses.
Contact the DMO]
- sldepth = speed log depth below transducer, in meters
- sound vel = sound velocity in sea water, in meters/second
- species = species of organisms
- speed_f_b = forward speed with respect to the bottom, in m/s
- speed_f_w = forward speed with respect to water, in m/s
- speed_mag = Magellan GPS speed made good, in m/s
- speed_s_b = starboard speed with respect to the bottom, in m/s
- speed_s_w = starboard speed with respect to water, in m/s
- speed_trim = Trimble GPS speed made good, in m/s
- srdl_body = ID number for the Satellite tag unique to each instrument. found in seal data
- srdl_tag = satellite relay data logger, instrument attached to seal.
- stage = organism life history stage, reported as a code
- stage_num = organism life stage number (number only)
- station = consecutive station number
- station_desc = station description, as defined in a grid system, plain text, etc.
- station_std = standard broad-scale station number
- status = state of the data, (e.g. new, pending, collected, raw)
- tagid = seal tag identification, flipper tag
- taux = taux eastward wind stress, Pascals
- tauy = tauy northward wind stress, Pascals
- taxon = taxonomic group or entity
- taxon_code = taxonomic group or entity code, a ten digit number based
on the NODC Taxonomic List, v. 8.
- taxon_group = taxonomic group or entity, used when a second taxon level is required. e.g. taxon_group=Copepoda and taxon=Calanus_finmarchicus.
- temp = temperature, as observed by a CTD unit, "primary sensor", ITS 68 or 90
scale. When known, the temperature scale is reported in the units field of the info doc in degrees C
(see ref. 2 below).
Depending on the input source the temperature from the primary sensor can have a variety of names i.e.
t0, t1, temp0, temp1. Change to DMO term temp
- temp2 = temperature, as observed by a CTD unit, "secondary sensor", ITS 68 or 90 scale
When known, the temperature scale is reported in the units field of the doc file in degrees C. Depending
on the input source the temperature from the secondary sensor can have a variety of names i.e. t1, t2, temp1,
temp2. Change to DMO term temp2
- temp_air = air temperature, in degrees C
- temp_ss = sea surface temperature, depth of temp sensor unknown or variable, degrees C.
- temp_ss1 = sea surface temperature nominally measured one (1) meter below the surface,
in degrees C (see ref. 2 below)
- temp_ss3 = sea surface temperature nominally measured three (3) meters below the surface,
in degrees C (see ref. 2 below)
- temp_ss5 = sea surface temperature nominally measured five (5) meters below the surface,
in degrees C (see ref. 2 below)
- time_capture = time of capture, found in seal data, local time, in HHmm
- time_end = ending time of observation, GMT time , 24 hour clock
- time_end_local = ending time of observation, local time , 24 hour clock
- time_gmt = time of day, reported in GMT time, 24 hour clock
- time_of_day = reference to day or night observations
- time_local = time of day, local time, using 2400 clock format
- time_release = time of release, found in seal data, local time, in HHmm
- time_start = starting time of observation, GMT time , 24 hour clock
- time_start_local = starting time of observation, local time , 24 hour clock.
- time_utc = UTC time, using 2400 clock format
- timezone = per GLOBEC, a time zone in the Western Hemisphere is defined as the number of hours added to local time to convert to GMT
- trans = light transmission, as percent
- transect_code = specifies observational methods during transect, as a code
- trans_v = light transmission, as volts
- tow = tow number/identification, applies to all towed vehicles
- turbid_v = turbidity, in volts (scatterometer)
- twoto10um = number of cells in the range 2 to 10 microns in diameter
- u = eastward component of current velocity, in cm/s. Eastward flow is positive.
- u_m = eastward component of current velocity, in m/s. Eastward flow is positive.
- ud_ax = seal dorsal blubber depth at the axilla, determined by ultra sound, in centimeters
- ud_mid = seal dorsal blubber depth at a point midway between the hips and the sternum, determined by ultra sound,
in centimeters
- ud_neck = seal dorsal blubber depth at the neck, determined by ultra sound, in centimeters
- ud_pelvis = seal dorsal blubber depth at the pelvis, determined by ultra sound, in centimeters
- ud_stern = seal dorsal blubber depth at the sternum, determined by ultra sound, in centimeters
- ul_ax = seal lateral blubber depth at the axilla, determined by ultra sound, in centimeters
- ul_mid = seal lateral blubber depth at a point midway between the hips and the sternum, determined by ultra sound,
in centimeters
- ul_neck = seal lateral blubber depth at the neck, determined by ultra sound, in centimeters
- ul_pelvis = seal lateral blubber depth at the pelvis, determined by ultra sound, in centimeters
- ul_stern = seal lateral blubber depth at the sternum, determined by ultra sound, in centimeters
- UTC = Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC)is the international
time standard. It is the current term for what was commonly referred to as
Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT).
Zero (0) hours UTC is midnight in Greenwich England, which lies on the zero longitudinal
- uv_ax = seal ventral blubber depth at the axilla, determined by ultra sound, in centimeters
- uv_mid = seal ventral blubber depth at a point midway between the hips and the sternum, determined by ultra sound,
in centimeters
- uv_neck = seal ventral blubber depth at the neck, determined by ultra sound, in centimeters
- uv_pelvis = seal ventral blubber depth at the pelvis, determined by ultra sound, in centimeters
- uv_stern = seal ventral blubber depth at the sternum, determined by ultra sound, in centimeters
- v = northward component of current velocity, in cm/s. Northward flow is positive.
- v_m = northward component of current velocity, in m/s. Northward flow is positive.
- visib = visibility reported as a code, caution code may vary from source to source
- vol_filt = volume of water filtered by the net, in meters3
- vol_filt_km3 = volume of water filtered by the net, in cubic kilometers
- vtvel = vertical tow velocity, meters/minute, used in BIOMAPER-II and MOCNESS systems
- whisker = whisker sample collected (true/false), found in seal data
- wind_dir = wind direction reports as compass degrees, using
meteorologic convention of "from" not "to"
- wind_dir_c = wind direction corrected for ship motion, in degrees,
using meteorologic convention of "from" not "to"
- wind_dir_e = wind direction in degrees with reference to East,
reported in the meteorological convention (winds from),
positive 0-180 degrees counter clockwise from East,
negative 0-180 degrees clockwise from East.
- wind_dir_r = relative wind direction, in degrees
- wind_pawa = port apparent wind azimuth, in degrees
- wind_paws = port apparent wind speed, in m/s
- wind_sawa = starboard apparent wind azimuth, in degrees
- wind_saws = starboard apparent wind speed, in m/s
- wind_speed = wind speed, in m/s
- wind_speed_kts = wind speed, in knots
- wind_speed_c = wind speed corrected for ship motion, in m/s
- wind_speed_r = relative wind speed, in m/s
- wind_taux = see taux (eastward wind stress, Pascals)
- wind_taux_n = east component of wind stress, Newtons/m2
- wind_tauy = see tauy (northward wind stress, Pascals)
- wind_tauy_n = north component of wind stress, Newtons/m2
- wind_vel_u = east component of wind velocity (m/s)
reported in the oceanographic convention (winds to).
- wind_vel_v = north component of wind velocity (m/s)
reported in the oceanographic convention (winds to).
- year = year, e.g. 1995.
- year_end = ending year of sampling/operation, GMT, used in conjunction with year_start
- year_start = starting year of sampling/operation, GMT
- yrday_gmt = Jan. 1 =yrday 1. GMT day and decimal time, as 326.5 for the 326th day of
1995, or November 22, 1995 at 1200 hours (noon). In the
case of drifter data, year day may be continuous over a multi year period.
- yrday0_gmt = Jan. 1 = yrday 0. GMT day and decimal time, as 325.5 for the 326th day of
1995, or November 22, 1995 at 1200 hours (noon).
- yrday_utc = UTC day and decimal time, as 326.5 for the 326th day of
1995, or November 22, 1995 at 1200 hours (noon). Use
yrday_gmt for future data sets.
- yrday0_utc = UTC day and decimal time, as 325.5 for the 326th day of
1995, or November 22, 1995 at 1200 hours (noon). Use
yrday0_gmt for future data sets.
- yrday_local = local day and decimal time, as 326.5 for the
326th day of 1995, or November 22, 1995 at 1200 hours (noon)
- yrday0_local = local day and decimal time, as 325.5 for the
326th day of 1995, or November 22, 1995 at 1200 hours (noon)
- The Practical Salinity Scale 1978 and the
International Equation of
State of Seawater 1980. Tenth report of the Joint Panel on Oceanographic
Tables and Standards (JPOTS), Sidney, B.C. Canada, 1-5 September 1980,
sponsored by Unesco, ICES, SCOR, IAPSO. Unesco technical papers in
marine science 36.
The International System of Units (SI) in Oceanography. Report of the IAPSCO
Working Group on Symbols, Units and Nomenclature in Physical Oceanography (SUN).
Unesco technical papers in marine science 45.
- ITS-9- Temperature Scale, Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.,
Note No. 42. Revised - November 1996. The linear relationship between the
ITS90 (T90) temperature standard and the IPTS68 (T68) standard is
T68 = 1.00024 * T90.
- AC_9 = Wet Labs, Absorption and Attenuation Meter (ac-9)
- ADCP = Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, encompasses an array of band widths and frequencies
- ADCP_bio = Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler used to scan for plankton concentrations
- AWS = Automated Weather Station
- BigEyes = Big eye binoculars generally used for mammal observations
- Biomaper = BIO-optical Multi-frequency Acoustical and Physical Environmental Recorder
- BiomaperII = BIO-optical Multi-frequency Acoustical and Physical Environmental Recorder version 2, see also ESS_BiomaperII
- Bongo = 60 cm diameter Bongo nets (335 millimeter mesh)
- BongoSB = Bongo net tow with a Sea Bird CTD
- Bottle_go-flo = Go-flo bottle cast used to collect water samples for
pigment, nutrient, plankton, etc. analysis
- Bottle_Kimmerer = Kimmerer Bottle used in GLOBEC as a surface (2m) water sampler
- Bottle_Niskin = Niskin bottle cast used to collect water samples for
pigment, nutrient, plankton, etc. analysis
- Bottom_grab = bottom grab, e.g. Van Veen bottom grab
- CalVet = CalCOFI Vertical Egg Tow; vertical net tows, mesh sizes may vary
- Chamber = Larval fish environmental chamber, a specially designed
nitex mesh enclosed chamber tethered below a drifter
- Cod_drifter = short-term drifter incubation deployment
- COOL_float = subsurface isopycnal COastal Ocean Lagrangian (COOL)
float, measures compass angle, pressure, and temperature
- CTD = CTD measurements taken, CTD unit unidentified
- CTD_Bongo = CTD measurements taken during a Bongo tow
- CTD_FSI = CTD measurements taken by the Falmouth Scientific Instruments sensor
- CTD_Pump = CTD equipped with a water pumping system for zooplankton sampling
- CTD_MOCNESS = CTD measurements taken during MOCNESS tow
- CTD_SBE19 = CTD measurements taken by a SBE19 (SeaBird) CTD package.
- CTD_SBE25 = CTD measurements taken by a SBE25 (Seabird) CTD instrument package.
- CTD_SBE911 = CTD measurements taken by a SBE911 (SeaBird) CTD instrument package
- CTD_Seacat = CTD measurements taken by Seabird Seacat CTD instrument package.
- CTD_SeaSoar = CTD measurements taken during a SeaSoar tow.
- DPP = Diaphragm pump
- Drifter = Drifter buoy to include the Beardsley Drifter (BDFT)
- Dye = Dye injection and detection, using Fluorescein for example
- EPSONDE = An instument to measure turbulence. (see Oakey, N.S., 1988: An instrument to measure turbulence in the deep ocean, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 13, 124-128.)
- ESS_BiomaperII = Environmental Sensing System (an expanded CTD package) attached to the BiomaperII towed vehicle
- FLDFT = Drifter Grazing Experiment (grazing rates of cod larvae)
- FLLGT = Drifter Grazing Experiment (grazing rates of cod larvae at various light levels)
- FRRF = Chelsea Technologies, Fast Repetition Rate Fluorimeter (FRRF)
- FSI = Falmouth Scientific Instruments, makers of CTDs
- GreeneB = Greene Bomber
- H.Binocs = Handheld binoculars, general used for bird observations
- HTI = Hydroacoustic Technology Inc., 4-frequency bioacoustics towed instrument package
- JelNet = Net system designed to quantify fragile zooplankton, used
during the 1999 broad-scale cruises. Replaces the Reeve net.
- JelNet2 = Net system designed to quantify fragile zooplankton, used
during the 1999 broad-scale cruises. Replaces the JelNet net.
It consists of a Bongo frame with a pair of 1mm mesh nets.
- Kimmerer = Kimmerer Bottle, see Bottle_Kimmerer
- LiCor = LiCor underwater spectrial quantum sensor (light profile)
- LiveNet = net towed for collecting animals for live animal experiments, net diameter and mesh size will vary
- MCM = Moored current meter
- Meter_Net_Tow = one meter diameter opening plankton net, towed horizontally, Use ZPN
- MicroSoar = measures turbulent microstructure
using robust, fast-response temperature and conductivity probes.
[See T. Dillon, et al., 1999: MicroSoar: A new instrument for
measuring microscale turbulence from rapidly moving submerged
platforms, J. Atmos. Ocean. Techn. (submitted)]
- MkIIICTD = formerly Neil Brown Mark III CTD, currently manufactured by General Oceanics
- MkVCTD = formerly Neil Brown Mark V CTD, currently manufactured by General OceanicsMark V CTD
- MOC.25 = MOCNESS 1/4 meter square nets
- MOC1 = MOCNESS 1 meter square nets (150 and 335 micrometer mesh)
- MOC10 = MOCNESS 10 meter square nets (3 millimeter mesh)
- Mooring = Mooring
- MVPR = Moored Video Plankton Recorder
- NBCTD = Neal Brown CTD
- Niskin = Niskin bottle cast, use Bottle_Niskin
- PAR = Photosynthetically Available Radiation Sensors
- PDR = Precision Depth Recorder
- PPN = Phytoplankton net haul
- Pump = Gas-powered centrifugal water pump (may also be called ZPP or Zoo_Pump)
- Pump2 = Air-powered, double diaphragm water pump
- Pump3 = Gas-powered, single diaphragm water pump
- Radiometer = A generic term for a range of instruments used to measure radiance and irradiance i.e. free-fall spectral radiometer (SPMR/SMSR System, Satlantic, Inc); profiling and deck cosine PAR units (PUV-500 and 510, Biospherical Instruments, Inc)
- Reeve = Reeve Net system designed to collect fragile zooplankton
- Ring Net = see ZPN
- ROV = Remotely operated vehicle
- SBcal - Sea Bird calibration cast consisting of a verticle cast with one
1.7l Niskin bottle above the profiler lowered to 20-30m where the bottle
is then closed.
- SBE_26 = Sea Bird bottom pressure recorder measuring temperature, pressure and
conductivity (salinity)
- Scanfish = towed vehicle provided by the University of Rhode Island
- SeabirdCTD = Sea Bird CTD, no specific unit identified. See also other SeaBird instruments listed under CTD_
- SeaSoar = Towed, undulating vehicle usually equipped with a VPR, TAPS, PAR, CTD
- Slow_Drop = Free fall profiler for C, T, depth, bio-optics
- SurfSample = surface bucket water sample
- TAPS = TRACOR acoustic profiling system, zooplankton sampler
- Triaxus = Towed vehicle collecting: temp, salinity
- TSRB = Tethered Spectral Radiometer Buoy with optics package
- Tucker_Trawl = Tucker_Trawl, Net tow with one or more remotely controlled opening and closing nets.
- UV = Ultra-violet light (narrow band channels 308, 320, 340, 380 nm), possible instrument used PUV-500 radiometer
- VBS = Volume Backscattering
- VPR = Video Plankton Recorder, a towed vehicle
- VPT = Vertical Plankton Tow (diameter and mesh size will vary)
- ESS_VPR = Environmental Sensing System (an expanded CTD package) attached to the VPR towed vehicle
- Zoo_Pump = Water pumping system for zooplankton sampling
- ZPN = Zooplankton net, also used for collecting live zooplankton for ship board experiments (aka "Ring net")
- ZPP = Zooplankton gas powered centrifugal pump (may also be call "Pump")
- ZPP/CTD/TAPS = Zooplankton pump on CTD with TAPS
- ZPP/NBCTD = Zooplankton pump on the Neil Brown CTD
Platform Names and Their Abbreviations
- Albatross IV - AL
- Cape Hatteras - CH
- Columbus Islin - CI
- Delaware - DE
- Edwin Link - EL
- Endeavor - EN
- Hudson - HUD
- Knorr - KN
- Oceanus - OC
- Parizeau - PAR
- Seward Johnson - SJ
- Susan and Caitlin - SC
- nd = no data
- alongtrack = ship's navigation, together with other parameters
collected by the ship's sensors such as meteorological data,
surface water temperature and salinity and fluorescence
- Nutrients = Includes Nitrates, Nitrites, Silicates, Phosphates, Ammonia
- Primary Prod = Primary Productivity to includes chlorophyll and other pigments,
phytoplankton/bacteria counts (gross catagories or specific taxa) and
carbon biomass