U.S. GLOBEC Northeast Pacific Implementation Plan

U.S. Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics

Report Number 17

December 1996

This implementation plan (IP) was developed by the U.S. GLOBEC Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) during a series of meetings held during 1996. Hal Batchelder prepared an initial draft of this IP, compiled, incorporated and edited comments and additional text from the SSC and prepared the report for final publication. The members of the U.S. GLOBEC SSC during 1996 are Robert Beardsley, Paul Bentzen, Louis Botsford, Michael Fogarty, Dale Haidvogel, Eileen Hofmann, Anne Hollowed, Mark Huntley, Valerie Loeb, David Mountain, Peter Ortner, Thomas Powell (Chair), Stephen Reilly, Allan Robinson, James Schumacher, Ted Strub and Joseph Torres. The U.S. GLOBEC SSC thanks the many scientists that actively participated in several earlier U.S. GLOBEC workshops, and contributed to earlier U.S. GLOBEC Reports on the California Current System (U.S. GLOBEC Reports No. 7 and 11) and the Subarctic North Pacific (U.S. GLOBEC Reports No. 15 and 16). Many of the ideas in this implementation plan were first described in those earlier reports. The SSC members of the Coastal Ocean Processes (CoOP) program, especially Mike Roman, Ken Brink and Bob Smith, also contributed valuable ideas to this plan. Finally, special thanks go to Ted Strub and Anne Hollowed for their unflagging committment during this lengthy process.

Produced by

Scientific Steering Committee Coordinating Office
Department of Integrative Biology
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3140

Phone:	510-642-7452
FAX:	510-643-1142
E-mail:	halbatch@socrates.berkeley.edu

Additional copies of this report may be obtained from the above address

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