1. Janet L. Armstrong, Jennifer L. Boldt, Alison D. Cross, Jamal H. Moss, Nancy D. Davis, Katherine W. Myers, Robert V. Walker, David A. Beauchamp, and Lewis J. Haldorson - "GLOBEC Research: Food Habits and Feeding Patterns of Gulf of Alaska Juvenile Pink Salmon." [si_05_armstrong_01]
2. Nicholas A. Bond, Richard C. Steed, Albert J. Hermann, Elizabeth L. Dobbins, and Phyllis J. Stabeno - "Diagnosis of Air-Sea Interactions in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska Using a Mesoscale NWP Model."
3. E.D. Cokelet, A.J. Jenkins, W.S. Pegau, C.W. Mordy, and M.E. Sullivan - "GEM Biophysical Observations Aboard an Alaska State Ferry." [si_05_cokelet_01]
4. Kenneth O. Coyle - "Distribution and Abundance of Zooplankton on the Northern Gulf of Alaska Shelf Relative to Water Masses."
5. Elizabeth Dobbins, Albert Hermann, Sarah Hinckley, Nancy Kachel, Calvin Mordy, Sigrid Salo, and Phyllis Stabeno - "Exploring Mechanisms of Sustained Production over Portlock Bank: Modeling and Observations." [si_05_dobbins_01]
6. E.A. Fergusson and A.C. Wertheimer - "Southeast Coastal Monitoring Project Study Area." [si_05_fergusson_01]
7. Albert J. Hermann, Sarah Hinckley, Elizabeth L. Dobbins, Dale B. Haidvogel, and Nicholas A. Bond - "Quantifying Cross-Shelf and Vertical Nutrient Flux in the Gulf of Alaska with a Spatially Nested, Coupled Biophysical Model."
8. D.V. Holliday, Jeff Napp, C.F. Greenlaw, and P.J. Stabeno - "Interannual Comparisons of Zooplankton Biomass in the Gulf of Alaska Using Bioacoustical Sensors." [si_05_holliday_01]
9. R.R. Hopcroft, A.G. Byrd, C. Clarke, H. Liu, A.I. Pinchuk, and L.M. Slater - "Growth and Reproductive Rates of Crustaceans in the Gulf of Alaska." [si_05_hopcroft_01]
10. Nancy B. Kachel, Nicholas A. Bond, David G. Kachel, and Phyllis J. Stabeno - "Seasonal Variability in the Physical Processes in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska." [si_05_kachel_01]
11. Thomas C. Kline, Jr. - "Oceanic Carbon Subsidies in Early Marine Pink Salmon: Stable Isotope Characterization, Distribution in the CGOA Study Area, and Coherence with Observed Marine Survival." [si_05_kline_01]
12. C. Ladd, N. Kachel, C. Mordy, S. Salo, and P. Stabeno - "A Northern Gulf of Alaska Eddy." [si_05_ladd_01]
13. Hui Liu, Laura M. Slater, Cheryl Clarke, and Russell R. Hopcroft - "Development, Growth, and Egg Production of Neocalanus flemingeri in the Eastern Subarctic Pacific: A Synthesis of Laboratory and Field Approaches."
14. Evelyn J. Lessard, Michael S. Foy, and Megan J. Bernhardt - "Size and Taxa Structure of the Phytoplankton and Microzooplankton Communities Across the CGOA Shelf Seasonally and Interannually: Implications for Ecosystem Function."
15. Erin Macri, Suzanne Strom, and Brady Olson - "Patterns in Microzooplankton Community Structure in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska." [si_05_macri_01]
16. Joseph P. Martin, Craig M. Lee, and Charles C. Eriksen - "Seaglider Observations of an Eddy and the Alaskan Stream." [si_05_martin_01]
17. J.M. Napp, C.T. Baier, and C.E. Harpold - "Interannual Comparison of Pseudocalanus Egg Production in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska."
18. J.A. Orsi, E.A. Fergusson, M.V. Sturdevant, B.L. Wing, A.C. Wertheimer, and W.R. Heard - "Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring." [si_05_orsi_01]
19. Jack Piccolo, Lewis Haldorson and Jennifer Boldt - "Seasonal Distribution and Size of Juvenile Pink Salmon in Relation to Prince William Sound, Alaska Coastal Current, and Shelf Habitats, 2001 - 2004." [si_05_piccolo_01]
20. A.I. Pinchuk and R.R. Hopcroft - "Reproduction and Early Development of Thysanoessa inermis and Euphausia pacifica (Crustaea: Euphausiacea) in the Northern Gulf of Alaska."
21. Thomas C. Royer and Chester E. Grosch - "A Warmer and Fresher Northern Gulf of Alaska?" [si_05_royer_01]
22. M.V. Sturdevant, E.A. Fergusson, J.A. Orsi, W. Park, B.L. Wing, and A.C. Wertheimer - "Zooplankton Dynamics in Northern Southeast Alaska." [si_05_sturdevant_01]
23. Margaret E. Sullivan and Peter D. Proctor - "Variability in Shelf Transport in the Gulf of Alaska, 2001 - 2004: An Overview of FOCI GLOBEC Data Resources."
24. Andrew C. Thomas and Peter J. Brickley - "Satellite-Measured Chlorophyll Variability in the Gulf of Alaska."
25. Thomas J. Weingartner, Seth L. Danielson , and Thomas C. Royer - "Seasonal, Interannual, and Decadal Scale Freshwater Variability in the Alaska Coastal Current."
26. A.C. Wertheimer, J.A. Orsi, M.V. Sturdevant, E.A. Fergusson, R.J. Briscoe, and M.D. Atkinson - "Relationship of Growth and Survival of Coho Salmon Utilizing the Coastal Gulf of Alaska." [si_05_wertheimer_01]