- Data Manager and web applications for several projects,
including Census of Marine Zooplankton (CMarZ) [www.cmarz.org],
FleetLink [www.fleetlink.net],
and the Northeast Consortium [nec.whoi.edu]. (2001 - present)
MANAGEMENT (1994-2006)
Administrator for the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Program
Service and Data Management Office. Responsible for
providing computer technical support (World Wide Web,
networking, and applications on Unix- and Windows-based
platforms), logistical support and data management for multi-ship operations; and development of new software
specifications and information products. Report to Dr. Peter
Wiebe, Senior Scientist.
Directed operations, budgeting and short and long range
planning of the Institutions's computational and data network
capabilities. Chaired the Institution's Information Systems
Council. Managed 27 member group providing programming,
systems analysis and computer operational support for the
Institution's research and educational activities. Reported to the
Senior Associate Director/Director of Research.
Major accomplishments
- Stabilized the newly installed business software.
- Instituted a centralized UNIX support group to provide UNIX
support services to the 150+ Sun workstation owners.
- Implemented a problem log system for new business
- Chaired the Institution's Information Systems Council to
advise the Directorate on all promotions and new hires in the
information systems career path.
- Enhanced network connectivity with Novell Netware,
XWindows and CC-Mail technology.
- Initiated Novell network user group for the Novell systems
- Directed transition from central computing to UNIX
workstation and personal computing environment.
Directed the operations, budgeting and short and long range
planning of the Institution's computational and data networking
capabilities. Reported to the Chair of the Applied Ocean
Physics and Engineering Department.
Major accomplishments
- Participated in creating new career paths for technical staff
affecting about one third of the Institution's employees and
providing a more flexible structure for hiring and retaining
- Planned and implemented the conversion of more than 50
Wang word processing systems to personal computer based
- Principal investigator for the management of the northeast
regional computational facility for the National Marine.
- Fisheries Service under a competitively awarded facilities
management contract.
Supervised the Institution's central VAXcluster providing time
sharing and batch services in support of research and education.
Supervised the computer operations group and the systems
programming group providing support for all the Institution's
VAX systems including the Administration's Management
Information System computer.
Initiated and implemented upgrades of computer hardware
and software for the central computing facility and advised
individual researchers on computer workstation and desktop
systems. Advised, prepared proposals and budgeted
computer systems operations. Lead operations for the
National Marine Fisheries Service computer facility and
management project.
Applications programming for the Geology and Geophysics
Department. Developed and supported software to collect,
process, display and archive navigation, bathymetric,
geomagnetic and gravity data on ship and on shore.
Wrote proposals and received funding from the Office of
Naval Research to process, edit and finalize data providing
funding for several members of the group.
Developed and supported software to collect, process and
display geology and geophysical data. Used the software
during WHOI cruises and ashore in support of Institution
Developed simplified data processing programs and
procedures that enabled more people to use the software and
provided flexibility in cruise planning.