Report of
RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer Cruise 01-03
to the
Antarctic Peninsula
24 April to 5
June 2001
United States Southern Ocean
Global Ocean
Ecosystems Dynamics Program
Report Number 2
RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer Cruise 01-03
to the
Western Antarctic Peninsula
24 April to 5 June 2001
Report prepared by Peter Wiebe, Eileen Hofmann, Bob
Beardsley, Christine Ribic, Erik Chapman, Carin Ashjian, Scott Gallager, Cabell
Davis, Wendy Kozlowski, Ari Friedlaender, Catherine Berchok, Howard Rutherford,
Joe Warren, Karen Fisher with assistance from colleagues in the scientific
party, and of the Raytheon Support Services.
United States
Southern Ocean
Global Ocean Ecosystems
Dynamics Program
Report Number 2
Available from
U.S. Southern Ocean GLOBEC
Planning Office
Center for Coastal Physical
Crittenton Hall
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
Sponsored by the
Office of Polar Programs, National Science Foundation
The success we enjoyed on this expedition is due in
large part to the very excellent technical assistance we received from all nine
members of the Raytheon Marine Technical support group. Led by Alice Doyle
(Marine Project Coordinator), they responded in a very positive and experienced
way to the technical problems that arose and they provided a steady
professional hand on the day-to-day operations. Likewise, the ship’s officers and crew provided excellent ship
handling, enabling us to safely work through high winds and seas, through sea
ice and around icebergs, and in shallow, uncharted topography. The friendly atmosphere that was set by
Captain Mike Watson was evident throughout the ship. It made this expedition a pleasure to be on.
NBP01-03 Cruise Participants on the Bow of the
RVIB N.B. Palmer
Back Row (L - R): Rebecca Conroy, Maureen
Taylor, Matthew Burke, Erik Chapman, Cabell Davis, Sue Beardsley, Jim Dolan,
Wendy Kozlowski, Mike Thimgan, Joe Warren, Baris Salihoglu, Karen Fisher,
Howard Rutherford, David Green
Middle Row (L - R): Ari Friedlaender, Catherine
Berchok, Carin Ashjian, Mark Dennet, Eileen Hofmann, Bob Beardsley, Jeff Otten,
Jan Szelag, Jesse Doren, Christine Ribic, Scott Gallager, Andy Girard, Peter
Front Row (L - R): Susan Howard, Aparna
Sreenivasan, Rosario Sanay, Alice Doyle, Tom Bolmer, Mark Christmas
Not Shown:
Aaron Hunt
Photograph by Mark Christmas, National
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PURPOSE OF THE CRUISE.............................................................................................................................................................. 9
NARRATIVE...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
PROJECT REPORTS............................................................................................................................................. 23
1.0 Report for Hydrography and Circulation
Component........................................................................................................ 23
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................. 23
1.2 Data
Collection and Methods................................................................................................................................................... 23
Data Distribution........................................................................................................................................................... 23
CTD and Water Samples................................................................................................................................................ 24
Expendable Probes......................................................................................................................................................... 27
ADCP Measurements..................................................................................................................................................... 27
1.3 Preliminary
Results.................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Water Mass Distributions............................................................................................................................................... 27
Distribution of Temperature Maximum Below 200 m.................................................................................................... 29
1.3.3 ADCP-derived
Current Distributions.............................................................................................................................. 29
ADCP-derived Shear and Richardson Number Profiles.................................................................................................... 32
1.4 Acknowledgments..................................................................................................................................................................... 32
2.0 Drifters
Measurements............................................................................................................................................................ 33
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................. 33
2.2 Drifter
Deployments on NBP01‑03........................................................................................................................................... 34
2.3 Preliminary
results................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Low‑frequency flow....................................................................................................................................................... 35
High‑frequency flow...................................................................................................................................................... 37
2.4 Summary................................................................................................................................................................................. 38
Meteorological Measurements................................................................................................................................................ 38
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................. 38
3.2 Instrumentation....................................................................................................................................................................... 39
3.3 Data Acquisition and Processing............................................................................................................................................. 40
3.4 Problems
and Solutions........................................................................................................................................................... 41
3.4.1 RVDAS recording format.............................................................................................................................................. 41
3.4.2. PIR battery failure....................................................................................................................................................... 42
Icing and anemometer failures....................................................................................................................................... 42
3.4.4 "True" wind computation............................................................................................................................................. 43
Thermosalinograph contamination................................................................................................................................ 43
3.5 Description
of Cruise Weather and Surface Forcing.................................................................................................................. 44
Surface Cooling ‑ Part 1................................................................................................................................................. 47
Surface Cooling ‑ Part 2................................................................................................................................................. 48
3.5.3 Charcot Bay................................................................................................................................................................. 50
4.0 Automated
Weather Station Installation Report.................................................................................................................. 51
5.0 Nutrients.................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................. 52
5.2 Methods................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
5.3 Data......................................................................................................................................................................................... 53
5.4 Preliminary
Results.................................................................................................................................................................. 53
5.5 References................................................................................................................................................................................ 53
6.0 Primary
Production.................................................................................................................................................................. 53
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................. 53
6.2 Methods................................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Location........................................................................................................................................................................ 54
Depths........................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Sea Ice Sampling............................................................................................................................................................ 54
Equipment..................................................................................................................................................................... 55
6.3 Data
Collected......................................................................................................................................................................... 55
6.4 Preliminary
Results.................................................................................................................................................................. 55
Microplankton studies.............................................................................................................................................................. 59
7.1 Objectives................................................................................................................................................................................. 59
7.2 Methods................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
7.3 Brief
Preliminary Results.......................................................................................................................................................... 60
7.4 References................................................................................................................................................................................ 60
8.0 Zooplankton
Studies................................................................................................................................................................. 63
report..................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................. 63
Methods and Approach.................................................................................................................................................. 63
Findings......................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Net 0 sampling for Genetic and Stable Isotope studies.................................................................................................... 64
Survey.............................................................................................................................................................. 67
Acoustics Data Collection, Processing, and Results........................................................................................................ 69 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................. 69 Methods.................................................................................................................................................................... 69 Results....................................................................................................................................................................... 70
Video Plankton Recorder studies.................................................................................................................................... 73 Overview................................................................................................................................................................... 73 Methods.................................................................................................................................................................... 73 The VPR system........................................................................................................................................................ 76 Sampling Methods.................................................................................................................................................... 77 Results and Discussion.............................................................................................................................................. 77
8.3 ROV
observations of juvenile krill distribution, abundance, and behavior................................................................................ 87
Objective and Methods.................................................................................................................................................. 87
Results........................................................................................................................................................................... 89
8.4 Simrad
EK500 Studies of volume backscatter........................................................................................................................... 89
9.0 Seabird Distribution in the Marguerite Bay
Area............................................................................................................... 90
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................. 90
9.2 Methods................................................................................................................................................................................... 91
9.3 Daytime
Surveys....................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Methods........................................................................................................................................................................ 92
9.3.2 Data Collected.............................................................................................................................................................. 92
Preliminary Results........................................................................................................................................................ 92
9.4 Seabird
Nighttime Surveys........................................................................................................................................................ 93
Methods........................................................................................................................................................................ 93
Data Collected............................................................................................................................................................... 93
Preliminary Results........................................................................................................................................................ 93
9.5 Diet
Sampling.......................................................................................................................................................................... 94
Methods........................................................................................................................................................................ 94
Data Collected............................................................................................................................................................... 94
Preliminary Results........................................................................................................................................................ 94
10.0 Cetacean
Visual Survey and Biopsy..................................................................................................................................... 95
10.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................... 95
10.2 Methods................................................................................................................................................................................. 96
10.3 Results.................................................................................................................................................................................... 96
Sightings...................................................................................................................................................................... 96
Biopsy......................................................................................................................................................................... 96
Preliminary Findings/Discussion................................................................................................................................................ 97
11.0 Passive
listening..................................................................................................................................................................... 99
Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................... 99
11.2 Methods................................................................................................................................................................................. 99
11.3 Data
Collected..................................................................................................................................................................... 100
Preliminary Results.............................................................................................................................................................. 101
12.0 Bathymetry
of region and mooring surveys...................................................................................................................... 101
13.0 Science
Writers Reports...................................................................................................................................................... 102
13.1 National
Geographic Society................................................................................................................................................ 102
13.2 UCSC/NSF........................................................................................................................................................................... 102
PARTICIPANTS.............................................................................................................................................................. 103
Appendix 1. Event Log.................................................................................................................................................................. 105
Appendix 2: Summary of the CTD casts........................................................................................................................................ 129
Appendix 3: Summary of the water samples taken on each CTD cast............................................................................................. 131
Appendix 4: Summary of expendable conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) probe
drops............................................................. 155
Appendix 5: Summary of the expendable bathythermograph (XBT) drops..................................................................................... 156
Appendix 6: AWS Installation and Repair Operations.................................................................................................................... 161
Appendix 7: BIOMAPER-II Tape Log........................................................................................................................................... 164
Appendix 8: Sonabuoy deployments............................................................................................................................................... 187
The U.S. Southern Ocean Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics
(U.S. SO GLOBEC) Program is in its first field year. The focus of this study is
on the biology and physics of a region of the continental shelf to the west of
the Antarctic Peninsula, that extends from the northern tip of Adelaide Island
to the southern portion of Alexander Island and includes Marguerite Bay (Figure
1). The primary goals of this program
1) to elucidate shelf
circulation processes and their effect on sea ice formation and Antarctic
krill (Euphausia superba) distribution; and
2) to examine the
factors that govern krill survivorship and availability to higher trophic
levels, including seals,
penguins, and whales.
The field program began with a mooring cruise in March
and April aboard the R/V L.M. Gould,
during which a series of moorings were placed across the continental shelf off
of Adelaide Island and across the mouth of Marguerite Bay, and a series of
bottom-mounted moorings instrumented to record marine mammal calls and sounds
were placed along the shelf. This
cruise aboard the RVIB N.B. Palmer,
NBP01-03, is the first in a series of four broad-scale cruises. A second cruise will take place later this
year (July and August 2001) and the other two are intended to take place at the
same times in 2002. Our effort is mainly devoted to developing a shelf-wide
context for the process work being conducted during the same time periods
aboard the R/V L.M. Gould and to
providing data sets for input to a series of circulation and biological models.
Our specific objectives were:
1) to conduct a broad-scale survey of the U.S. SO GLOBEC study site to
determine the abundance and distribution of the target species, Euphausia superba, and its associated
flora and fauna;
2) to conduct a hydrographic
survey of the region;
3) to collect chlorophyll data,
nutrient data, and to make primary production measurements to characterize the
primary production of the region;
4) to collect zooplankton samples at selected locations and depths
throughout the broad-scale sampling area;
5) to survey the sea birds throughout the broad-scale sampling area
and determine their feeding patterns;
6) to survey the marine mammals throughout the broad-scale sampling
area both by visual sightings and by passive listening techniques;
7) to map the shelf-wide velocity field;
8) to collect acoustic, video, and environmental data along the
tracklines between stations using a suite of sensors mounted in a in a towed
9) to collect meteorological data; and
10) to deploy drifting buoys to
make Lagrangian current measurements.
The cruise track was determined by the locations of 84 stations distributed along 13 transect lines running across the continental shelf and perpendicular to the west Antarctic Peninsula coastline (Figure 1). The cruise consisted of a combination of station and underway activities (See Appendix 1, Event Log). The along-track data were collected from the Bio-Optical Multifrequency Acoustical and Physical Environmental Recorder (BIOMAPER-II), the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), the meteorological sensors, through-hull sea surface sensors, expendable bathythermograph (XBTs) probes, expendable conductivity-temperature-depth (XCTDs) probes, and Sonabuoys. At the stations, a CTD/Rosette, with oxygen, transmissometer, and fluorometer sensors, was lowered to the bottom, and in depths greater than 500 m, a second cast to 50 m was made with a Fast Repetition Response Fluorometer (FRRF) until an electronic failure put it out of commission. At selected stations, a 1-m2 Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) was towed obliquely between the surface and the bottom or to 1000 m if the bottom was deeper for collection of zooplankton (335 Fm mesh). A surface ring net tow was also made at some stations for collection of phytoplankton. Satellite tracked drifters were deployed at selected stations.
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Figure 1. RVIB N.B. Palmer cruise track showing locations of stations and along-track
We left the port of Punta Arenas, Chile around 0900 on 24
April 2001 and began the steam east down the Straits of Magellan. Along the route, we conducted tests of the
BIOMAPER-II handling system and conducted underway noise tests of the HTI
acoustic system. In the early evening, members of the testing team, Bob McCabe,
Terry Hammar, and Sam Johnston, along with the pilot, disembarked at the
eastern approach to the straits, and we steamed in earnest for the Western
Peninsula region of the Antarctic continent.
25 April
On our second day out, we steamed along the eastern coast
of Argentina and cleared the tip of South America, making about 12 kts. The trip down along the east coast of
Argentina was spectacular. In the
morning, there were high mountains to the west of our course with their tops shrouded
with clouds. Then in the afternoon, we
steamed through a fairly narrow strait at the southern end of Argentina, where
the mountains rose steeply out of the sea on both sides of the ship (really
quite beautiful and wild looking). The winds were light and the seas quite
flat. There was a lot of sun mixed with
clouds throughout the day. The air was
cool, around 5EC to 8EC. There were many sea birds
flying and the seabird ecologists were already at work counting them. They used a small plywood enclosure (a wind
break) out on the port wing of the bridge.
The marine mammal people were also active in surveying the area for
whales. They were using the bridge and
the ice tower some two stories above the bridge.
26 April
On the morning of 26 April, we were greeted with the roll
of the ship in a long period swell.
Although the sea was only choppy in a 10+ kt wind, there was a large
swell coming at the ship from the west.
The sky was heavily overcast all morning with the clouds coming down to
the sea surface a few hundred meters out away from the ship. By afternoon, the
relatively nice seas and weather disappeared and the seas were building along
with the wind. We had sustained winds
around 40 kts out of the southeast for a good portion of the afternoon and
early evening, and instead of a long period swell out of the west, we had a
shorter period sea coming at us from off the port bow (133E) as we continued to steam
nearly due south. The air temperature
also dropped from around 4EC or 5EC in the morning to -3.6EC in the evening. Along with the wind was occasional mixed
precipitation. A CTD was scheduled for the afternoon, but was scrubbed because
of the wind and seas. A Sonabuoy was
deployed, however, about the time we left the 200-mile limit of Argentina. Also starting at the 200 mile marker, Eileen
Hofmann’s group began shooting XBTs at 10 nm intervals to get temperature/depth
profiles to show when and where we crossed the Polar Front. We crossed the
front in the evening at 60E 10.29 S; 66E 10.66 W.
27 April
Our course took us first to Palmer Station located on
Anvers Island. In the early morning
daylight, we entered the channel leading to Palmer Station to rendezvous with
the R/V Gould. The silhouettes of mountains rising out of
the sea illuminated by the first light of the sun still below the horizon were
breathtaking. For many of us, it was
the first time that we had seen a piece of the Antarctic continent. The sky was mostly clear for the first time
in several days and there was just enough light to give the rugged snow covered
mountains a blueish tinge. The ship
moved into a deep harbor area a few hundred meters from the station dock where
the L.M. Gould was tied up, dropped
anchor, and shut down the main engines. From the deck of the ship, we could
look into the face of a glacier only a few hundred meters away. The winds were very much reduced, down to
about 15 kts, leaving the sea fairly calm.
The stay at Palmer Station was short and we steamed back
out into the open seas of the shelf region of west Antarctic Peninsula around
noon and headed for our first station in the SO GLOBEC grid. The sunny sky gave way to overcast and then
heavier cloud cover. The winds,
however, stayed down until early evening and the seas had only a moderate
swell. Snow squalls started in the evening.
During the day, bird and marine mammal observations were made. This was
also the first full day of Seabeam data ping editing and the UNIX and MAC workstations
in the computer room were fully utilized for a good portion of the day.
29 April
Work commenced at Consecutive Station #1 early in the
morning (grid location 499.251) with a couple of CTD casts, a shallow one with
the Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer (FRRF) and a deep cast without the
FRRF. BIOMAPER-II was deployed into
the water shortly after the last CTD cast and was towyo’d in a sawtooth pattern
between the surface and 200 to 250 m as the ship steamed at about 5 kts towards
the next station. For this first deployment, wind was from about 260E at 20 to 25 kts and there
was a large swell under white capped seas.
Skies were mostly overcast, but occasionally the sun almost broke
BIOMAPER was taken out of the water around 1130 at
station #2 after doing two good towyos because of electrical problems. We continued to steam to station #3 and the
CTD work was continued, along with the bird and marine mammal
observations. We arrived at station #3
by late afternoon and following the CTD, the MOCNESS was brought out on deck
and made ready for the tow. The seas
were very rough and fairly frequently the stern would dip under the sea surface
and water would flood the deck. With a
light snow swirling across the deck, the MOCNESS frame was outfitted with the
deflector flaps, the car batteries for the strobe light system, net response,
and net bar traps. The system was then
tested. The deployment of MOCNESS was hampered some because the seas were large
and the ship was pitching a lot, but the net went in reasonably well. During
the lowering of the net system, electrical problems developed but were
corrected before the start of the oblique section of the tow, where nets were
sequentially opened and closed successfully. Just at midnight, BIOMAPER-II was
deployed with the ship pitching, the wind blowing 30 kts, and a light snow
still swirling around us.
30 April
Electronic problems again forced the return of
BIOMAPER-II back on board for more trouble-shooting. During the recovery in high winds and seas, the cable jumped the
sheaves in the slack tensioner. The arduous job of getting the wire back on the
sheaves in the slack tensioner ensued.
It took about more than an hour to fairlead the wire back in place and
finally recover the towed body. Damage
to the electro-optical towing cable made it necessary to cut out the bad
section and re-terminate the end, which required a substantial amount of
time. Work, however, continued
throughout the day with CTD casts made at stations #5 through #9, and bird and
mammal observations taken during the daylight hours. The CTD work was by no
means easy, given the sea state. On
several occasions, waves breaking against the ship would flood into the Baltic
Room and launch and recovery was often difficult because of the ship’s motion.
1 and 2 May
We completed work at 4 stations on 1 May and 3 stations
on 2 May. The work included eight CTD
profiles, three 1-m2 MOCNESS tows, twelve Sonabuoy deployments and
three BIOMAPER II deployments. In
addition, the bird and mammal survey groups made a number of sightings. On 2 May,
the wind slacked significantly over the previous highs in the 30 kt range
during much of the previous days and was in the 5 to 10 kt range out of the
west northwest (310E). The air temperature was about -0.1EC. Large swells continued to make working on the stern difficult and
wet, but with the reduced winds, they began to diminish. During the late afternoon at station #15, we
could see the rugged mountains of the western edge of Adelaide Island off to
the east.
3 May
This was a windy, cold, and snowy day. Low clouds and fog dominated, cutting the
visibility to a few hundred meters for much of the day. More evidence of the impending winter
conditions was the sighting of an iceberg as we approached station #19. The station was offset to avoid coming to
close to the iceberg and associated fledgling ice chunks. None of us actually saw the iceberg; it was
only visible on radar. Work was completed at stations #16, 17, 18 and 19.
4, 5, and 6 May
On 4 to 6 May, we surveyed along transect leg #5, headed
southeast into Marguerite Bay. During 4
May, the weather was really foggy and wet.
The temperature hovered around freezing and snow was melting on the
upper decks of the ship and the melt water was running over their edges,
splashing on the lower decks. The wind picked up again too and the seas began
to build up from the relatively calm conditions of yesterday and to some extent
the day before. A light snow was off
and on all day and usually it came on stronger at night. We completed work at stations #20, 22, and
23, which were deep stations off the shelf or at the shelf break. May 5th
started out cloudy with low visibility, but the sun broke through the clouds
and with moderate winds; it was a welcome change from the previous days
overcast and snow. During the evening,
snow again fell. During the course of this day, work was completed at stations
#24, 25, 26, and 27. Early on 5 May,
during the run to station #24, BIOMAPER-II suffered a failure of the
echosounding system and was recovered a couple of hours later at station #24.
Work to repair the echosounder took several days. May 6th also started out with moderate winds and low
visibility, but as we steamed into the area south and east of Adelaide Island
around mid-day, the clouds lifted to expose more and more of the rugged
coastline of the Island and the Western Peninsula, as we approached station #29
around mid-day. Black rock outcropping from snow and ice blankets which covered
most of the earth here provided a stark contrast. Shortly before coming onto station #29, we steamed past an
iceberg, the first actually seen on this cruise. We completed work at stations #28, 29, and 30.
Late in the afternoon of 6 May, a zodiac was launched
from the RVIB Palmer to carry a party
of six over to the R/V Gould. A spare MOCNESS underwater unit on the Palmer was “loaned” to the Gould to replace one that had stopped
working. And in return, the Gould
sent back some other parts that were needed on the Palmer. Later in the
evening, a second rendezvous took place to pick up another spare part from the Gould, this time one needed for the
repair of the echosounder in BIOMAPER-II.
7 May
We were greeted on 7 May by a magnificent sunrise and a
grand view of the Western Peninsula’s mountains coming right down to the
eastern edge of Marguerite Bay with its snow fields and glaciers. The sun, still not quite up at 1000, backlit
the mountains and gave them a golden halo in the region of sunrise. The air
felt cold, although it was still right around 0EC, and there was ice on the
helicopter deck - frozen melt water from the snow of the last few days. Because of the calm seas, the aft main deck
was dry, no water sloshing back and forth as was usually the case. The wind was out of the northeast (075E) at 10 to 15 kts. The
partly cloudy skies and considerable sunlight made for good visibility. This,
combined with low winds and seas, made for an optimal work environment. We completed work at stations #31, 32, 33,
and 34 and along the trackline between the stations, including deployment of
one satellite tracked drifter and five Sonabuoys, five CTD casts, one MOCNESS
tow, and bird and marine mammal survey observations. Steaming between stations was slowed significantly because
Marguerite Bay has many shoal areas that are poorly charted. The Seabeam bathymetry data being collected
on this cruise will help remedy this, but the officers on the bridge exercised
appropriate caution as we moved through the uncharted areas.
8 May
May 8th was by far the roughest day of the
cruise to this point. Shortly after the
deployment of BIOMAPER-II around 0100 at Station 35, the wind and seas began to
build and continued building the entire day.
By early evening, sustained winds were over 40 kts, with frequent gusts
in the 50-kt range and occasional gusts over 60 kts. CTD casts were not done at
survey stations #37, 38, 39, and 40.
Instead, XCTDs were substituted,
but even they had to be deployed from the 01 deck because the main deck was
awash. BIOMAPER-II, however, was left
in the water and continued to towyo between stations as we steamed along the
survey line at speeds of 4 to 5 kts.
9 May
It was not until the early morning of 9 May that the
winds began to drop into the low 30-kt range and the seas started to lessen. At
station #41, we were finally able to resume our normal station operations in
spite of continued strong winds of 33 to 38 kts out of the north-northeast (020E). This was an improvement
over the conditions that had prevailed the past 24 to 36 hours. Skies were still darkly overcast with the
clouds coming down to the sea surface such that visibility was only a few
hundred meters. There was a lot of sea
spray as the ship quartered into the sea during the transect out across the
shelf on survey transect 6 but very little precipitation. We completed work at
the shelf stations #40 and 42 and the offshore deep station #41. The station work included deployment of two
sonabuoys, two XBTs, two XCTDs, two CTDs and one MOCNESS tow. BIOMAPER-II was towyo’d between the
stations, and bird and mammal observations were made along the trackline. The
latter station had depths of about 3000 m, and the CTD to the bottom and the MOCNESS
tow to 1000 m took about a quarter of the day (6 hours).
10 and 11 May
A near repeat of the day before yesterday, 10 May had
sustained winds in the mid-40-kt range and gusts to 50 kts. We were again in a
strong gale and it was a classic Antarctic stormy day. The cloud cover was 100%. Although daylight
came with the skies clear overhead, 100% cloud cover enveloped the area by the
afternoon. Before noon at station #44,
a large iceberg was drifting some three miles from where the CTD was being deployed. From the bridge, it looked like a ghost-ship
out in the mists. The winds intensified
during late afternoon and into the evening, and most of the work was centered
on drops of XCTDs and the towyoing of BIOMAPER-II between 30 to 40 m and 250 m,
although we were able to do a CTD at station #44. Problems with the BIOMAPER-II towing wire around midnight on 10
May and continued high winds and seas caused the cancellation of the CTD work
at stations #45 to 48 and the use of XCTDs instead. By mid morning on the 11th, however, the winds had
died down and the seas were dramatically lower. In part, this was because we had entered the southern end of
Marguerite Bay. Here, the sea surface
was ice-covered and many smallish icebergs were present that dampened the
underlying storm swell. Low clouds and
a fine mist, which froze to the metal surfaces of the ship, made visibility
limited for most of the day. Still, it
was a spectacular introduction to the beauty of the Antarctic winter seascape.
The calm conditions made for excellent Seabeam bathymetric data acquisition and
the data exposed the steep walls of the canyon that cuts into the heart of
Marguerite Bay.
12 and 13 May
May 12 was a good day for making oceanographic
observations. It began with calm conditions
and the steam between stations #52 and 53, which took about nine hours, was
marked by sea ice, bergie bits, and icebergs.
By mid-afternoon, we had arrived at station #53, right in the middle of
the most impressive ice field with huge icebergs that we had seen thus far this
cruise. The ship had to thread its way through the monster icebergs for several
hours and they increased with the approach to station #53. Captain Mike Watson expressed the
possibility that there might be a need to change the station location because
of the “wall” of ice we seemed to be approaching. But we were able to reach the
position and conduct the planned work. A large number of seals, whales, and sea
birds were also present in the area around this station. As a result, in addition
to a CTD, the Zodiac was used in an attempt to get close to one of the minke
whales sighted in the area to do a biopsy and to deploy a sonabuoy, and to
collect sea ice samples.
During the steam to station #54, while towyoing
BIOMAPER-II, the calm conditions gave way to increasing winds and seas. By the time we reached station #54,
conditions had deteriorated to such a degree that we were unable to recover the
towed body safely or to do a CTD and MOCNESS tow. Only an XBT was deployed and a surface water sample was taken.
BIOMAPER-II was put down to a safe depth and the ship commenced to steam into
the seas for about 12 hrs while waiting for the gale (sustained winds of 40 to
45 kts) to blow through.
In the early morning on 13 May, the winds had come down
to a point where the ship could be turned and headed to station #55, although
the recovery of BIOMAPER-II had to wait until we had nearly reached the
station. At station #55, we were able
to do a CTD and MOCNESS tow, and then re-deploy BIOMAPER-II for the transit to
stations #56 and 57.
In spite of the closely spaced wind events and a
significant amount of down time, during the 12th and 13th,
we were able to do five CTD casts, twelve sonabuoy drops, one MOCNESS tow, two
surface water collections, and two ring net tows for phytoplankton. Between stations, we continued to acquire
acoustic, video, and environmental data with BIOMAPER-II and to make bird and
mammal observations.
14 May
May 14 began with BIOMAPER-II being towyoed to station
#57 and the sea conditions again deteriorating. A Terascan image of our region showed an intense low pressure
system to our west and heading our way.
By the time we reached the station at about 0500, it was clear that the
towed body should be brought on board because conditions were likely to get
much worse. Unlike the missed recovery
at station #54, this time we were able to safely bring the towed body on
board. The MOCNESS scheduled for this
station was scrubbed, but a CTD profile to the bottom was made. Shortly after that as we started to steam
out across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current,
the weather window closed and seas were too rough along the route to
permit us to do our planned work with the CTD or BIOMAPER-II. XBTs and XCTDs plus surface water samples
were the only game in town for stations #58, 59, 60, 61, 62, and 63. So we steamed on with BIOMAPER-II on deck
while the offshore survey was being done in very rough seas. By late afternoon,
we had reached the end point of the offshore stations and turned onto a much
more comfortable course for the steam to the next shelf station # 64, some 37
miles away.
15 & 16 May
May 15 was a relatively benign day compared to the
preceding few days and a welcome respite from the marginal working conditions. Winds were steady at 10 to 20 kts throughout
the day and low clouds continued to prevail, but there was only limited
precipitation in the form of snow flurries, usually at night. There was still a
large swell running - a remnant from yesterday’s high winds. May 16th
was the second day of reasonably good working conditions. Winds for the most part remained under 20
kts until the evening when they began to increase, and the swell was down from
yesterday. Much of the day was spent
near the coast of Alexander Island, working in the vicinity of stations #68 and
69 and steaming in between them. An entourage of about 80 seals stayed swimming
alongside the ship for several hours after leaving station #68.
Work over the course of these two days included seven CTDs,
three MOCNESS tows, seven sonabuoy and one satellite-tracked drogue deployment,
the bird and mammal surveys when possible, and BIOMAPER-II towyo’s between each
of the stations.
17 May
The good working conditions of the last two days gave way
to less favorable conditions and a good portion of 17 May was spent with near
gale conditions (28 to 33 kts) as we steamed out to the edge of the continental
shelf on the tenth transect of the broad-scale survey. The anemometers were not giving very
accurate readings because of ice build-up on the propellor blades last
night. In the early evening, the winds
dropped to 20-25 kts and working conditions improved enough to permit the CTD
to be deployed. BIOMAPER-II, which was
deployed at station #69 on the 16th of May, remained in the water
throughout the day and was towyo’d between the stations. During the day, work was completed at
stations #71 to 74 and included two CTDs, two XCTDs, four XBTs, two sonabuoy
deployments, two ring net tows (one ended up in the ship’s propellor and the
net was destroyed), three bird observation sessions, and the BIOMAPER-II
18 May
By 18 May, a certain monotony had set in as the
around-the-clock survey work at and between the stations continued along with
the seemingly endless cloudiness and fog, often accompanied by freezing mist or
snow flurries. The shortness of the day
was also the subject of conversation, especially for the bird and mammal
surveyors, who need the ship to be steaming between stations during a period when
there is daylight to make their observations. The weather had moderated
significantly from yesterday and the seas were much reduced, enabling all of
the programmed activities to take place. Winds were out of the southeast (137E) at about 20 kts and the air
temperature was -1.5EC. We came
close to Alexander Island during the early afternoon, but it was cloudy and
foggy and there were snow flurries falling, so there was not much to see. From the bridge, it was possible to get a
glimpse of the Island through binoculars while there was still some light (the
sun was up for about 3.5 hours on the 18th).
19 and 20 May
The weather continued to be overcast with no breaks to
let a little blue sky through during the short daylight period. The winds,
which were in the less than 20 kt range for most of the morning, were up around
the 30 kt range in the afternoon, giving rise to a rougher sea and marginal
working conditions. Still no work was
canceled. On 20 May, the weather was quite good for a change. Some blue sky was even showing for a portion
of the daylight hours. Winds were light and the temperature hovered around
freezing. In the early afternoon on the
20th, the broad-scale survey ended at station #84. The last activity was a MOCNESS tow
(#18). Around noon from the bridge,
Charcot Island was visible to the east with its black rock surfaces showing
where it was not covered with a mantle of snow and ice. Also barely visible was an ice shelf that
extended out into the sea away from the island to the southeast.
The end of the survey also brought an end to the
systematic way in which the scientific effort was conducted. The list of tasks to be completed in the
remaining days was large, but when and where they could be accomplished
depended to a large extent on finding the right conditions. The first priority was to find an area with
penguins and whales that could be approached using the Zodiac inflatable
boats. To this end, we decided to steam
into an embayment east of Charcot Island, which offered some protection from
the prevailing northeast wind and was a likely place for some pack ice. On the way to the embayment east of Charcot
Island, the CTD group took the opportunity to define the coastal current
structure and hydrography a bit more by taking two CTDs along the way,
including one at a location occupied by Stan Jacobs (Lamont-Doherty Earth
Observatory) in March 1994, and a series of XBTs. At the Jacobs’ location, patches of ice chunks coalesced around
the ship. By midnight, as we steamed
into the bay from the Jacobs’ location, many large icebergs were visible on
radar and the sea ice was thickening.
During the 19th and 20th , work was
completed at stations #79 to 84 of the survey and two additional stations on
the way to the embayment east of Charcot Island, including eight CTDs, five
XBTs, five sonabuoy deployments, three ring net and two MOCNESS tows, two sets
of bird and one set of whale observations, and BIOMAPER-II towyos between each
of the stations.
21 May
The Antarctic is known for its snow- and ice-covered
mountains, its grand ice shelves, and its frozen embayments, and on 21 May, we
had the pleasure of working in the latter and having distance views of the
former in remarkably good weather (easterly winds at less than 10 kts and an
air temperature about -3.8EC). Most of
the effort was devoted to finding a site where bird and mammal observations
could be made from Zodiac inflatable boats and where the first of the ROV
deployments could take place for under-ice krill studies. The area chosen was the embayment bounded by
Charcot Island on its north, the Wilkins Ice Shelf to the east, and Latady
Island to the south. We had intended to
do a station in the vicinity of the Wilkins Ice shelf edge where it was hoped
that we might find whales and penguins, as well as do a CTD survey along its
face. In the early morning of 21 May,
however, we found ourselves ploughing ahead at about 3.5 kts into heavier and
heavier pack ice and we were still some distance from our intended destination. Earlier in the transit as we entered the ice
field around midnight, there were a lot of sea birds in the high intensity spot
lights which are always on and focused ahead of the ship after dark, but in the
early morning light we were not seeing any birds or mammals. The bird and
mammal researchers did not see any sense in going further, so after entering a
lead that had probably recently opened and then frozen, we stopped to take an
XBT and get ice samples. The latter
were obtained by putting the personnel carrier with three people aboard over
the side with the large main crane and landing it on the ice. Then we turned around and headed back the
way we came, but a mile or two to the north.
By about 1100 hours, we again reached open water and the ice edge. The
zodiacs were readied and then the first was deployed for the whale group to use
and the second ferried the bird party, after some delaying outboard engine
problems were resolved. During the
Zodiac deployments, the ROV was being readied and upon their return, the ROV
was deployed for testing and trial runs under the ice late in the
afternoon. Unfortunately, a leak
developed in the underwater unit of the ROV and fried some of the
electronics. Fortunately, the parts
that fried were not essential and could be by-passed. By late evening as we were steaming to a new sampling location on
the north side of the Wilkins Ice Shelf, the ROV was repaired and ready to
again be used.
22 May
This was another day for observing the grandeur of the
Antarctic ice-scape. In the pre-sunrise light, we steamed towards the Wilkins
Ice Shelf between the northern part of Charcot Island and the southern end of
Rothschild Island. The first light was before 0900 and the glow in the sky was
just behind the mountains of Rothschild Island, so that the mountains were
silhouetted as black against a rose-hued band of light just above their crests
and the dark grey of the water leading up to their base. The visibility was very good with high thin
clouds overhead and even a bit of clear sky. The winds remain light and out of
the southeast and the air temperature was around -5.3EC. It was an ideal period for looking for bird and mammal krill
predators to study. At a pre-dawn (0845 local) meeting on the bridge of the Palmer, a consensus was reached that we
should head towards the Wilkins Ice Shelf between the northern part of Charcot
Island and the southern end of Rothschild Island in search of penguins and
whales to study from the Zodiacs. In
spite of the good meteorological conditions, we spent most of the day in unconsolidated
pack ice that was too thick to effectively operate the Zodiacs, yet too
unstable to allow a person to walk on.
We did go deep into the ice pack and got to a place where there were few
if any flying birds around the ship and only some occasional seals (leopards
and crabeaters) lying on ice chunks. So
around noon, we headed towards Rothschild Island and the site where scientists
on the R/V L.M. Gould reported seeing
quite a few penguins and seals. Only a couple of penguins were sighted during the
daylight period and also a pair of minke whales.
In the mid-afternoon, the ROV was again ready for
deployment after its electronics had been repaired from the damage caused by a
seawater leak. The ship’s track was altered to put us back into the heavier
pack ice. At a location just off some
very large icebergs, we stopped and after clearing a hole in the ice pack, the
ROV went into the water. The ROV
deployment went very well for an hour or so, and krill larval forms and
adolescents were observed moving around on the underside of the ice pack. The ROV was brought back on the deck in
order to adjust the stereographic video cameras to provide a better view of the
underside of the pack ice, but on deck, it was observed that the ROV again had
leaked water in the electronics housing.
This put an end to the deployment.
We steamed at modest speed during the night through varying degrees of
pack ice cover to a rendezvous point with the R/V L.M. Gould in Lazarev Bay.
23 May
Lazarev Bay is bounded on the southwest by Rothschild
Island, on the southeast by a small section of the Wilkins Ice Shelf, and on
the northeast by Alexander Island. It
had been the work site for the R/V
Lawrence M. Gould for the past several days. Based on information from scientists on the Gould, the Bay
provided us with the possible opportunity for conducting bird (especially
Adélie penguin) and mammal studies, and ROV studies of under-ice krill
abundance and behavior. We arrived in
the Bay late in the night on 23 May with winds out of the west-southwest (145E) at about 12 kts and the
air temperature at -2.6EC. Work
began immediately with the ROV to study the distribution and abundance of krill
living in the vicinity of the sea ice bottom surface. This work went smoothly, in spite of a number of seals that found
the ROV a subject of interest, until the operation was brought to a halt by
water leaking into the underwater housing.
For the daylight operations, we were again in search of penguins and
whales, but with the continuous pack ice in the Bay and the low possibility of
finding whales present, the focus was on the penguins. Based on information from Bill Fraser, the
Adélie penguin expert on the R/V Gould,
we decided to go deeper into the Bay where he said the ice was thicker and we
might be able to get to an ice shelf where penguins were likely to come up out
of the water around noon after having finished their daily feeding. About 0900, we headed into the brash ice
which flowed around large icebergs distributed throughout the Bay. Along our route, we did encounter Adélie
penguins in ones or twos, occasionally more, but the unconsolidated brash ice
they were on was too thick for the Zodiacs and too unstable for a person to
walk on. So we could not get to them. Finally about 1300, we got to a point
where there were too many icebergs to maneuver around and so we turned to start
the trek back toward the entrance of the Bay.
On the way, we came past an immature Emperor penguin on a small flow. Also present in moderate numbers were
several species of seals. Late in the
day, the ROV was again deployed and a series of transects originating from a
central point were run under the ice to access krill distributions. The
nighttime was used to steam to the next station approximately 50 nm northeast
of Lazarev Bay, shooting XBTs at 10 nm intervals along the route.
24 May
On 24 May, we worked in the vicinity of station #53,
where we previously had observed many seabirds and seals and a number of whales
and what we thought was a dense acoustic scattering layer of krill 80 to 120 m
below the surface. Humpback and minke
whales were both heard (via sonabuoy) and sighted a couple of miles before
reaching the station location, so we steamed back towards that site until we
came across them again. By about 1000, both Zodiac inflatable boats were away,
one headed to where the whales were to try to get biopsy samples and the other
went over to a patch of brash ice where there was an attempt to catch petrels
and see what they were eating. The weather was ideal with no wind, little
swell, and for most of the day, a glassy sea surface. Air temperature was -3.4EC. Visibility was excellent with high clouds overhead and the work
on this day was done with the looming peaks of the mountains of Alexander
Island and a large glacier coming down to the shore line just a few miles to
our east. When we were here during the
broad-scale survey, the clouds were down to the water and the mountains were
not visible. It was a good day for the whale group. Ari Friedlaender obtained biopsy samples from three humpbacks and
one minke whale during the Zodiac forays out into the still waters where the
whales were diving among the scattered patches of brash ice. The bird people did not have as much luck.
Chris Ribic and Erik Chapman went out to brash ice patches to try and trick
petrels to come close to a cod liver oil-soaked red cloth out on a piece of sea
ice so they could net them. However,
the petrels were too quick and none were caught. They did, however, make some
interesting biological observations.
The Zodiacs were out of the water as the last of the
daylight faded around 1515. BIOMAPER‑II
went into the water shortly after that (1530) at a location centered where the
work with the Zodiacs had been done in order to map a subsurface layer of krill
that we had observed earlier in the cruise. This work went until 2130 and was followed
by a CTD. Around 2300, we got underway
for the first Automated Weather Station (AWS) deployment site.
25 May
The work on 25 May began with a XBT/CTD section from the
northern part of Alexander Island across to the Kirkwood Islands to better define
the origins of the coastal current which flows along the coast to the southwest
of Marguerite Bay. This section was
finished in the area where the first of two Automated Weather Stations were to
be installed (Appendix 6). We arrived
at the Kirkwoods about 0930 and in the dim first light, we started looking at
the various islands through binoculars and assessing their prospects as the
installation site. There was only one
big piece of rock and it was mostly ice- and snow-covered. We very slowly made
our way into a position about a mile or so away from the biggest island after
we ascertained that the other smaller pieces of exposed rock were almost
certainly covered with water during periods of high winds and waves. While we were making the observations from
the bridge and coming up with a decision about the AWS prospects, the Marine
Technicians were loading up the AWS equipment into the Zodiac to be ready if
given the go. The weather was
cooperative with winds in the 10 to 15 kts range out of the south (170E) and good visibility (high
broken clouds most of the day). It was
cold, however, with the temperature around ‑3.0EC. Around 1000, the decision was made to launch the Zodiac and make
the trip over to the largest island. A
party of six made the trip to the island with Bob Beardsley in the lead and
after some difficulty, they found an acceptable landing site and made it onto
land. Some five to six hours later, they returned having successfully moved the
equipment to the top of the island and done the AWS installation. The second
Zodiac was also launched to scout the area around the islands looking for
whales and to launch a sonabuoy away from the Palmer, but no whales were seen.
Once the Zodiac parties were back on board, we set sail
for survey station #37, arriving about 2230.
A MOCNESS was tow was completed there just after midnight with winds in
the 25 to 30 kts range coming from the
southwest. This MOCNESS tow and a
subsequent one was done to fill a gap in the broad-scale survey tows that
resulted from cancellations caused by high winds and seas.
26 and 27 May
The weather early on 26 May made working conditions
difficult. The winds were still around
30 kts during a MOCNESS tow that was completed at survey station #44. They died down by 0900 and they remained in
the 15 to 20 kts range during a survey of the bathymetry around the B-line of
the current meter moorings spanning the canyon in the outer portion of
Marguerite Bay, which took most of the daylight period. Following the end of the mooring survey
around 1830, a quick steam brought us to the position of survey station
#27. This location was where the
BIOMAPER-II echosounder had failed a couple of weeks earlier. The towed body
went into the water about 1930, but once in the water, one of the VPR cameras
showed up as not being adjusted properly.
So the towed body was brought back on board to adjust the camera. After the second launch, the towyo trackline
went on a course from the vicinity of grid survey station #27 to station #28
and then over to station #31, a distance of about 50 nm. There was a turn back towards the Faure
Islands before it was brought back on board around 0700 on 27 May to make the
steam over to the Islands where the second AWS was to be installed. The
bathymetry along the transect line was extremely variable ranging from 700
meters to 140 meters. This made it impossible to towyo deeper than about 200
The Faure Islands are located in the northern end of Marguerite Bay and one of the largest is
named Dismal Island. Dismal Island was
first charted in 1909 by Charcot and named in 1949 because of its desolateness
and loneliness. On the day of the AWS installation, it fit that
description. The Automated Weather
Station was installed at the top of a small island (approximately -68E05.5 S; -68E 48.75 W) just to the east
of Dismal Island (Appendix 6). Winds during the day were in 18 to 22 kts
range out of the north-northeast (020). While the heavy cloud layers and occasional
snow kept the region looking gloomy during the short period of daylight,
working conditions were reasonably good and the installation was done before
the last light of the day had disappeared.
The small group of islands was also a good working site for those
interested in the diet of penguins. A couple
of hours after the first Zodiac load of gear and people were offloaded onto the
island, a second group was ferried over to a second small island adjacent to
the first where penguins had been sighted. They managed to catch six Adélie
penguins and obtain stomach samples before darkness forced their return to the Palmer.
The nighttime period was devoted to surveying the Lebeuf
Fjord with BIOMAPER-II, looking for high concentrations of adult krill. Once
located, an adaptive sampling approach was taken in an attempt to define the
boundaries of the patch.
28 May
During the 28th of May, the krill patch study
continued in the northern portion of Marguerite Bay throughout the day and into
the evening. The winds for the most part were in the 10 to 15 kts range out of the north (011E) and air temperature was
-0.7EC. In addition to using BIOMAPER-II to define
the krill patch structure with the acoustics and Video Plankton Recorder, two
horizontal MOCNESS tows were done within a portion of the krill layer that was
well defined. A CTD profile was also
made within the area where high concentrations of krill were observed. During the day, the winds were a steady 25
kts out of the north-northeast (020E) and this precluded putting
the Zodiacs over the side to enable the whale group to attempt additional whale
biopsies. There were several humpbacks
in the area that were sighted from the vessel and were heard on the sonabuoy
transmissions close to where the highest concentrations of krill were observed.
29 May
Between midnight and 0500 on 29 May, the krill patch
study was concluded with the completion of two additional MOCNESS tows. Then the ship steamed over to the eastern
side of Marguerite Bay to the San Martin Station manned by Argentina. Two days
earlier, we received an invitation by Base Leader, Captain Carlos Martin, to
visit the station. They had discovered our presence in the area by chance and
welcomed the opportunity to have us see their station. We arrived around 1030
and anchored about a mile from the station (-68E08.765 S; -67E06.374 W). Then the Zodiacs were used to ferry most of
the scientists and a number of the crew to the base for a 3 to 4 hour
visit. The winds were quite light and
the sea nearly smooth and the air temperature was -3.8EC. But we could not see much of the mountains around the station
because of the snow which was coming down in a light to moderate fashion.
The station has a series of reddish buildings which serve
a variety of purposes and there are a number of antennas distributed as an array
throughout the station area. It has
been in existence since 1951. The work
of the station is mainly geophysical and astrophysical. The nineteen personnel,
all male, are there for a year, and they had just completed the first two
months of their stay, which ends next March.
Most are in the military and the two civilians present represent the
scientific contingent. The others
provide support and maintain the station. Communication now is by radio, but a
satellite system will be in place by July to enable data telemetry and voice
Our hosts gave us a tour of the station that included the
science laboratory space, living quarters, the game room, the food storage
buildings (freezer and dry stores), the garage with the skidoos and 4-wheel drive
snowmobile, the carpentry shop, and the helicopter pad. All of their supplies come in once a year
when the exchange of personnel takes place.
There is also a medium-sized two story structure which the Captain
referred to as their “House”. The downstairs
portion had a “mud” room for taking off boots and winter outer clothing, an
exercise room, and other storage spaces. Upstairs was a cozy environment for
eating, socializing, and entertainment (movie viewing, etc.). Wood-lined
ceiling and walls gave the place a warm feeling. And in the middle of the
biggest room was a table filled with plates of specially prepared foods and an
assortment of drinks. Filling this room were about 35 visitors from the Palmer and 15 or so of the
residents. Our host described
highlights of Argentina (which he called our “temptation”), the history of the
station, and its mission today. Then
about 1300, there was an exchange of small gifts, the eating of the food, and
the cutting of a cake made for the occasion.
It was a very good time and it was clear that they were very happy to
have us accept their invitation.
Likewise, our group very much enjoyed their hospitality and the
opportunity to visit their station.
With the light
fading fast, the group started moving down to shore, a boat load at a time, and
by 1530 or so, all had returned to the Palmer
and the anchor was hauled up. By 1600,
we were back to steaming for the next station and the final few of days of work
before we head for Punta Arenas.
We steamed about 40 nm over to just north of the Faure
Island group and began a CTD/BIOMAPER-II section that was intended to sample
the coastal current along the southern end of Adelaide Island. First, a CTD cast was done at consecutive
station #91 in about 200 m of water and then BIOMAPER-II was put into the water
for towyoing to the next station about 8 nm away. The bottom topography, as we steamed to station #92, was very
shallow and much like a roller coaster.
Most of the shallow topography was not on the charts and it was slow
going. We reached the second CTD site around midnight on 28 May. After the transects were started, word was
received from the University of Wisconsin, Antarctic Meteorological Research
Center that the software in the AWS on Kirkwood Islands that logs the wind
speed was faulty and needed to be fixed to enable wind speeds above 5 m s-1
(10 kts) to be recorded.
30 and 31 May
The series of short transects and CTD stations to define
the coastal current off the southwestern portion continued during the early
morning of 30 May with the weather a bit better than the previous day. The winds were light, < 10 kts, and there
was no snow, although it remained well below freezing, around -4.0EC. High broken clouds allowed much better visibility. BIOMAPER-II
was in the water and we were just finishing the CTD at station #94 when a
facsimile transmission was received around 0900 that had the code to do the
software fix for the ailing AWS wind speed logger. The survey was discontinued and with the gear on board, we
steamed for the Kirkwood Islands to repair the AWS. By 1230, we had arrived at the Kirkwoods. In spite of less than optimal conditions, a
Zodiac with a party of six made its way through the choppy seas to the
Island. They had some difficulty finding
a landing spot because the surf was up much more than 5 days earlier when the
installation took place. Eventually, a
spot was found where they could get ashore.
Around 1415, as the light of the day was fading, the group finished the
job and were picked up by the Zodiac, which had been waiting just offshore.
While the island party was doing the AWS repair, a test of the track point
system was being conducted on board the Palmer
to see whether a repair of the cable was successful. Jan Szelag had discovered at least one of the wires was broken in
the base of one of the cable terminations and it may have been the reason for
the poor performance of the track point system to date. A final test was done when the Zodiac
returned to the side of the Palmer. A transducer was put at 3 m over the side of
the inflatable and boat then drifted out away from the side of the ship while
track point system tried to follow them.
This was done successfully.
By 1600, the ship was back underway for the place where
work had been stopped in the morning.
BIOMAPER-II was deployed when the break-off point was reached about 1930
and towyos were recommenced along the trackline to station #95 where the next
CTD was done. The last of the coastal
current CTD stations (#99) in the section was completed about 1000 on the 31st
after BIOMAPER-II was brought on board.
We then steamed northeast to the location of mooring A1
W) in calm seas and light winds (about 10 kts out of south-southwest at 215E) and with an air
temperature (-5.0EC) that was fostering the development of sea ice. Large patches of sea ice occurred along the
trackline. Early in the transit, the coastline of Adelaide Island was visible
with the cloud line nearly down to the water in some places and peaks showing
in others. The sun, low in the sky, was
out and casting shadows on the mountains and on the sea ice chunks as they
flowed by. The bright rays created a
rainbow where snow showers were coming down between us and Adelaide
During the Seabeam survey of the bathymetry around
mooring A1 in the early afternoon, the skies cleared over the mountains of
Adelaide Island and a magnificent view appeared. The tall white snow-cloaked mountains with almost no rock showing
merged at their base with the Fuchs Ice Piedmont. This tremendous ice sheet is
610 meters or so high at the top and 30+ meters tall where the ice shelf meets
the ocean. Many crevasses were evident
along the margin of the shelf and it became evident why there were so many
icebergs present in the local waters.
From our work site, the ice shelf edge was about 9 nm away and the
mountain peaks were about 20 nm. During the period of the survey (1300 to
1430), the sun, which had shown so brightly at the beginning, was setting by
the time we left the site and deep shadows developed on the mountain sides that
disappeared a short time later, leaving only the peak tops lit for a few minutes before they too faded into
Following the Seabeam survey, we steamed to the near
shore end of broad-scale survey transect #2.
But instead of stopping at survey station #6, the ship was moved in
towards the ice shelf edge to where the water was about 100 m deep to define
the inner edge of the coastal current in this area. This depth occurred about 1.5 miles from the ice cliffs. There a CTD profile was made around 1700 and
then the ROV was deployed to look for krill under the sea ice, which was 10/10
in the area. BIOMAPER-II was put back
into the water after the station work was completed and the towyos along survey
transect line #2 were started about 2200 on the 31st. Along the trackline, XBTs were dropped at 10
nm intervals.
The 31st of May was also noteworthy because of
a visit from King Neptune. Pollywogs,
those who had never crossed the Antarctic Circle, were sought to attend his
appearance, which included his entourage of experienced circle crossers. The
induction process that ensued was interesting, some might say fun, and largely
enjoyed by all who participated in it.
1 June
June 1 was the final day for collecting data in the
Southern Ocean GLOBEC broad-scale survey of research site. A BIOMAPER-II towyo
section along transect line two was completed about 1430. This line was re-run because during the
original survey, technical problems caused us to miss getting data with the
towed body along this line. After a
short steam, two deep CTD stations were completed at locations beyond the
continental shelf that were extensions of the lines of stations on survey
transects one and two. The CTD came back aboard after the final cast about
2230. The weather during the day was
ideal for surveying birds and mammals. Skies had a high cloud overcast and
visibility was very good. Winds remained under 10 kts out of the east-southeast
for most of the day and the air temperature was -5.0EC. Thus, the seas were calm and once clear of the inshore area, free
of sea ice.
2-6 June
Palmer left the Western Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf research site
of the U.S. Southern Ocean GLOBEC program and began the trek back to Punta
Arenas, Chile around midnight on 1 June.
During the first day of steaming into the Drake Passage, we were met
with near gale winds of 28 to 34 kts out of the east (090E). Although the last of the station work was completed yesterday,
XBTs were taken at a number of locations as we crossed the Polar Front and
sonabuoys were deployed as needed to listen for marine mammal calls and sounds
until reaching the 200-mile limit of Argentina. During the transit, the
scientific party packed samples and gear either for storage in Chile awaiting
the next cruise which begins in mid-July 2001 or for shipment to the U.S. Leaders of the research parties wrote up
sections for the cruise report. We arrived in Punta Arenas on the afternoon of
5 June, some 18 hours ahead of schedule.
1.0 Report for Hydrography and
Circulation Component
Hydrography Group Personnel: Eileen Hofmann, Robert
Beardsley, Susan Beardsley, Mark Christmas, Susan Howard, Baris Salihoglu,
Rosario Sanay, Aparna Sreenivasan
The overall goal of the U.S. Southern Ocean GLOBEC
program is to elucidate circulation processes and their effect on sea ice
formation and Antarctic krill (Euphausia
superba) distribution and to examine the factors that govern Antarctic
krill survivorship and availability to higher trophic levels, including
penguins, seals, and whales.
Consequently, a primary objective of this first U.S. SO GLOBEC
broadscale survey cruise (NBP01-03) is to provide a description of the water
mass distribution and circulation on the west Antarctic Peninsula (WAP)
continental shelf in the region of Marguerite Bay.
Historical hydrographic data for the region covered during NBP01-03 are limited. However, these data show that the water
masses in the area consist of Antarctic Surface Water (AASW) in the upper 100 m
to 120 m, a cold Winter Water layer at 80 m to 120 m, and a modified form of
Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW) that covers the shelf below the permanent
pycnocline at 150 m to 200 m. The UCDW,
which is the source for the modified water on the WAP shelf, is found at the
outer edge of the continental shelf at depths of 200 to 600 m. Thus, the first objective of the hydrography
component is to fully describe the water mass distribution on the WAP continental
shelf. The hydrographic distribution
from this cruise will also provide a base line for assessing changes observed
in subsequent cruises.
Circulation in the study region, which has been inferred
from the limited hydrographic observations, suggests a clockwise gyre on the
continental shelf near Marguerite Bay, upwelling of UCDW at specific sites in
the study region, and across-shelf flow of UCDW into Marguerite Bay at
depth. However, the details of the
circulation and the spatial and temporal variability of the flow remain to be
determined. Thus, the second objective
of the hydrography component is to provide a description of the large-scale
circulation for the portion of the WAP continental shelf included in the study
region. The resulting circulation
distribution can then be compared with drifter measurements, moored current
measurements, and circulation distributions derived from theoretical models.
1.2 Data Collection and Methods
The hydrographic data set was collected from individual
stations that were aligned in across-shelf transects that ran perpendicular to
a baseline situated along the coast.
The base survey grid consisted of thirteen across-shelf transects and 84
stations. However, as described below,
17 of the original survey stations were not occupied due to weather, and survey
station #21 was dropped from the grid after deciding it was not necessary to
extend the survey grid further beyond the shelf break. The stations were run from north to south,
starting with the outer shelf station on survey transect one. Spacing between transects was 40 km; station
spacing along individual transects varied from 10 to 40 km. As the cruise progressed, 18 additional
stations were added to the survey grid to provide environmental data for
specialized studies and to provide coverage in regions not included in the
original survey grid. As a result, a
total of 84 hydrographic stations were occupied during the cruise, giving the
same number of stations as originally planned.
The primary instrument used in the hydrographic work was
a SeaBird 911+ Niskin/Rosette conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor
system. The CTD included dual sensors
for temperature and conductivity. Other
sensors mounted on the CTD-Rosette system were for measuring dissolved oxygen
concentration, transmission (water clarity), fluorescence, and photosynthetically
active radiation (PAR). All CTD
profiles were done to within 5 to 20 m of the bottom, depending on weather and
sea state conditions. At stations where
the bottom depth was more than 500 m, a second CTD cast was made to 50 m with a
Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer (FRRF) mounted on the Rosette. In all, 102 casts were made with the CTD
(Appendix 2).
The 24-place Rosette was equipped with 10-liter Niskin
bottles. The number of discrete water
samples taken on each cast was variable (Appendix 3). However, samples were generally taken at the surface and bottom,
above and below the oxygen minimum layer, at the oxygen minimum layer, and at a
series of standard depths between 50 m and the surface. Additional water
samples were taken in order to better resolve specific features seen in the
vertical profiles.
On each cast, water samples were taken at several depths
for salinity determinations to be used for calibration of the conductivity
sensors on the CTD (Appendix 3). A total of 431 bottle samples were collected
for salinity analysis during the 102 CTD stations made on NBP01-03. The bottle
conductivities were measured during the cruise using the NBP Guildline AutoSal
8400B No. 2 laboratory salinometer, and the values converted to salinity using
the MATLAB program read_bot_data. The CTD primary and secondary temperature and
conductivity sensors were compared to look at internal consistency, and the
salinity values computed using the primary sensor set were then compared with
the bottle salinities. Figure 2 shows
these comparisons for the 431 samples, and a summary of the mean difference and
95% confidence limit of the mean difference are as follows:
Differences between the CTD
primary (0) and secondary (1) temperature (T) and salinity (S) sensors,
T0 - T1 = 0.0013 +/- 0.0047
°C, for N=399
S0 - S1 = -0.009 +/- 0.0047
psu, for N= 413
Differences between the
primary sensor (0) and secondary (1) CTD sensors and bottle (b) salinity
S0 - Sb = -0.0002 +/-
0.0053, for N = 388
S1 - Sb = -0.0007 +/- 0.0053
psu, for N = 390
Difference values greater
than +/- 0.01 were not included in the computation of mean and confidence
Overall, the NBP CTD worked well. The differences between
the primary and secondary temperature and conductivity values were small
throughout the cruise, with no indication of change with time in temperature
and only a slight suggestion of drift in conductivity. The resulting primary
and secondary salinities agree well, with a mean difference less than -0.001
psu for the entire cruise.
The comparisons of the primary and secondary salinities
with the bottle salinities suggest: 1) a small drift over time by both primary
and secondary salinities relative to the bottle salinities, and 2) a small jump
between the primary and bottle salinities starting about sample 350. The
overall drift between CTD and bottle salinities is small.
Linear regression between the primary minus bottle and
secondary minus bottle values versus sample number gives a mean drift of
-0.0014 psu and -0.0027 psu, respectively, over the first 350 samples (these
two drifts are statistically different from zero, but not each other at 95%
confidence). The shift between primary and bottle salinities around sample 350
is believed due to contamination of the conductivity cell during the cast at station
#84. The salinity profile at this station exhibited both positive and negative
jumps not noticed at any other station. The primary sensor set was flushed with
distilled water after the station and the next CTD cast at station 85 appeared
normal. However, Figure 2 suggests that there was a small shift in the primary
conductivity cell, resulting in a mean difference of -0.0032 psu from the
bottle values. The apparent lack of a similar jump in the secondary cell
suggests that the jump observed with the primary cell was not due to any subtle
change in the AutoSal accuracy and stability.
Even with these small drifts and jump, the CTD produced data of very
high quality during the entire cruise.
Figure 2. Comparisons between bottle
salinity data and the difference in the primary (0) and secondary (1)
temperature and conductivity sensors on the CTD (top two panels), the
difference in salinity calculated from CTD conductivity (middle panel), and the
difference between CTD-derived salinity
and bottle salinity for each
sensor (bottom two panels).
On most CTD casts, water samples
were taken for determination of dissolved oxygen concentration (Appendix
3). A total of 366 oxygen samples were
taken during the cruise. The oxygen
samples were analyzed on board the ship, usually within 48 hours of collection,
using an automated amperometric oxygen titrator developed at Lamont-Doherty
Earth Observatory. Comparison of the
titrated oxygen values with the corresponding values from the oxygen sensor on
the CTD (Figure 3) showed excellent agreement. Also, the comparison of the titrated and CTD-measured oxygen
concentrations did not show any drift or trend over time. Thus, no corrections to the dissolved oxygen
concentrations obtained from the CTD are indicated. However, a more detailed look at the comparison data will be made
to determine if any corrections are needed.
Figure 3. Comparison of dissolved oxygen
concentration obtained from titration and
the corresponding value
obtained with the oxygen sensor on the CTD.
Preliminary processing of the CTD data was done during
the cruise using the procedures and algorithms given in UNESCO (1983). The temperature and salinity values were
plotted and compared with historical data sets to check the accuracy of the data. Additional checking of data quality
consisted of comparing the temperature and salinity values obtained from the
dual sensors on the CTD. These
comparisons showed deviations that were at the level of instrument precision.
However, additional checking and post-cruise calibration of the sensors on the
CTD by SeaBird remains to be done. It is anticipated that the final
hydrographic data set will not differ substantially from what is described in
this report.
Water samples for nutrient determination were taken from
each Niskin bottle on each cast. The
methods and techniques used for this are described in section 5.0 of the cruise
report. Similarly, water for
chlorophyll determination was taken on each cast and the methods and techniques
used for this are described in section 6.0 of the cruise report. The discrete chlorophyll samples provide
calibration for the fluorometer on the CTD.
1.2.3 Expendable Probes
The intent was to make CTD measurements at each survey
station. However, at 17 of the stations,
the weather conditions were such that it was not possible to deploy the
CTD. At these stations, either an
expendable CTD (XCTD) or expendable bathythermograph (XBT) probe was deployed. The XCTD probes provide data to 1000 m. The XBT data were collected using either T-4
(nominal depth of 460 m), T-7 (nominal depth of 760 m), or T-5 (nominal depth
of 1830 m) probes. The XBT probes were
also used to increase the resolution of temperature measurements in specific
sections of the survey grid. The XCTD
and XBT probe drops are summarized in Appendices 4 and 5, respectively.
The XCTD and XBT probes were deployed using a hand-held
launcher, either from the main deck or the 01 deck of the ship, depending on
weather conditions. The XCTD and XBT
probes were manufactured by Sippican and had a high failure rate. It was frequently necessary to use several
probes to get a single profile. This
was especially true for the XCTD probes, which had about a 25% failure
rate. Comparisons between the vertical
profiles obtained with the XCTD and XBT probes and those obtained with the CTD
show no appreciable differences. Thus,
no calibrations are necessary in order to merge the two data sets.
The RDI 150 kHz Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)
system mounted in the hull of the RVIB N.
B. Palmer was set to begin collecting data at 0300 GMT on 25 April 2001 at
the start of the SO GLOBEC cruise. The
system continued to collect data until 5 June 2001, when it was turned off at
the end of the cruise. Thus, the ADCP
system ran continuously throughout the cruise without any instrument or
software problems. The ADCP system was
configured to acquire velocity measurements using fifty eight-meter depth bins
and five-minute ensemble averages. This
configuration provided velocity measurements from the first bin, at 31 m, to
300 m and sometimes 400 m. Depth bins
two through ten were used as the reference layer.
The ADCP was run in bottom tracking mode during times
when the survey was taking place in water with depths less than 500 m. Because much of the area included in the
survey grid is less than 500 m, the majority of the ADCP data were collected in
this mode. Bottom tracking was disabled
during times when the survey extended beyond the continental shelf edge and
into deeper water for several hours.
Preliminary processing of the ADCP data was done during
the cruise using an automated version of the
Common Oceanographic Data Access System (CODAS) developed by E. Firing and
J. Hummon from the University of
Hawaii. Maps of the ADCP-derived current
vectors along the ship track were generated at daily intervals. Overall, the automatic data processing
provided good quality data. However,
some editing of the ADCP data was needed to remove large current vectors that
occurred during times of intense storms when the ADCP had trouble maintaining
bottom track mode due to ship motion.
These periods account for the gaps that appear in the current velocity
distributions. It is anticipated that
the final ADCP data set will not differ substantially from what is provided in
this report.
1.3.1 Water Mass
The potential temperature-salinity (2-S) diagram constructed
using all of the CTD and XCTD data (Figure 4) allows the water masses in the
study region to be identified.
Temperatures of -1.5°C to 1.0°C and salinities of 33.0 to 33.7 at F2 values of less than 27.4
represent AASW. The large scatter in
these data indicates the temporal changes in the AASW that occurred as this
water mass underwent seasonal heating and cooling. The temperature minimum at about -1.5°C at salinities of 33.8 to
34.2 is associated with Winter Water.
The signature of Winter Water is eroded by mixing and seasonal heating
and this is reflected in the 2-S diagram by the deviation of this water from
-1.8°C and 34.0.
Figure 4. Potential temperature-salinity
diagram constructed using the CTD data collected
during NBP01-03. The
contours represent lines of constant sq and the small box indicates
the region characteristic of Circumpolar Deep Water. The dashed line indicates the freezing point of water
as a function of salinity.
The cluster of points on the 2-S diagram at temperatures
of 1.0°C to 2.0°C and salinities of 34.6 and 34.7 represents Circumpolar Deep
Water. This water is composed of two
varieties: Upper and Lower Circumpolar Deep Water. The Upper CDW is characterized by a temperature maximum at a
density of 27.72. Lower Circumpolar
Deep Water is characterized by a salinity maximum of 34.72 at a potential
density of 27.8.
The majority of the points on the 2-S diagram are associated
with a modified form of Upper CDW. This
water is the result of mixing of the Upper CDW with AASW on the shelf. The modified CDW water is characterized by
temperatures of -1.5°C to 1.5°C and salinities of 34.3 to 34.6.
An additional water type seen on the 2-S diagram is characterized
by temperatures of -1.6°C to -1.7°C and salinities of 33.4 to 33.0. This water was observed in the CTD casts
from inshore waters near the ice shelves on Adelaide Island. The cold, fresh water is found at the
surface and is the result of melting from the ice shelves.
1.3.2 Distribution of
Temperature Maximum Below 200 m
An approach for determining the circulation in the study
region is to map the distribution of the temperature maximum below 200 m
(Figure 5), which tracks the movement of UCDW and modified CDW on the WAP
shelf. This approach assumes that the
isotherm patterns can be used to approximate the current flow.
The southern boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar
Current (ACC) is denoted by the 1.6°C isotherm and the southern ACC Front is
denoted by the 1.8°C isotherm. Both
isotherms were present along the outer edge of the continental shelf over the
entire survey grid. This indicates that
the ACC was situated along the shelf edge for the duration of the study. There is no evidence of a shelf-slope front,
which is as expected for this region.
Temperatures greater than 1.6°C were found extending onto the WAP shelf
in two places. The first is at the
northern end of the survey grid and is associated with a meander in the
southern ACC boundary. This meander
resulted in a bottom intrusion of warm CDW onto the shelf. The onshore movement of the warm water at depth
is aligned with a deep depression that connects the outer shelf and the inner
portion of Marguerite Bay.
The second occurrence of 1.6°C water
on the shelf is near survey transect seven.
Again, a meander in the southern boundary of the ACC occurs which
produces a bottom intrusion of upper CDW on the shelf. This second meander is associated with a
topographic feature that extends seaward from the continental shelf edge.
A third bottom intrusion of upper
CDW is suggested by the occurrence of 1.3°C water inside of Marguerite
Bay. The isotherm pattern suggests that
this event is separated from the intrusion that is occurring at the northern
end of the survey grid. The reduced
temperature associated with this feature suggests that it is an older intrusion
in which the upper CDW has been modified by mixing with the shelf water and
The isotherm pattern on the inner
shelf in the northern part of the survey grid suggests a southerly flow along
the coast that turns around Adelaide Island and enters Marguerite Bay. This isotherm pattern continues around the
southern portion of the inner Bay, extending into the far southern corner of
the Bay. The isotherm pattern in the
southern portion of the Bay along the coast of Alexander Island suggests flow
out of the southern end of the Bay onto the continental shelf. The isotherms extend outward across the
shelf where they spread and mix with the shelf waters.
1.3.3 ADCP-derived Current
The ADCP-derived current distribution between 31 and 75 m
over the survey grid (Figure 6) shows patterns that are consistent with those
suggested by the distribution of the maximum temperature below 200 m. The largest currents are at the shelf edge
and are associated with the ACC. These
currents are to the north-northeast and deviations from this direction are in
the areas where the southern boundary of the ACC meanders onto the WAP
continental shelf.
Figure 5. Distribution of the temperature maximum below
200 m constructed from CTD
observations taken during NBP01-03.
Station locations are indicated by dots.
The currents along survey transects one and two show
reversals that coincide with the flow in the meander that produces the bottom
intrusion of UCDW. Currents associated
with the second meander on survey transect seven are larger, reflecting the
stronger flows associated with the southern ACC boundary.
Currents over the shelf tend to be small, on the order of
8 to 10 cm s-1. Shelf
currents are predominately to the south-southwest. The coastal current on the inner shelf is well resolved in the
ADCP-derived current distribution. This
current flows south-southwest along the outer part of Adelaide Island and turns
into Marguerite Bay around the southern tip of the Island. Velocities associated with the current are
on the order of 10 to 25 cm s-1.
Figure 6. ADCP-derived surface
currents plotted along the cruise track.
The velocity vectors
represent averages in both
space (31-75 m vertical depth averages) and time (2 hr averages).
The 3000 m, 2000 m, 1000 m,
and 500 m isobaths are shown as solid black contours. The
heavy black line represents
the edge of the ice shelves.
The flow out of Marguerite Bay around Alexander Island is
seen as a coherent current along the inner shelf region until the end of the
area included in the survey grid.
Velocities associated with this current are similar to those observed
for the current flowing into Marguerite Bay.
The currents within Marguerite Bay appear to form two
clockwise gyres. The presence of the
two gyres may be the result of bathymetry control on the flow in the Bay. If Marguerite Bay does have two circulation
cells, then this has implications for exchanges within the Bay and with the
adjacent continental shelf. Finer scale
mapping of the current distribution in Marguerite Bay should be incorporated
into the survey design of future Southern Ocean GLOBEC cruises.
1.3.4 ADCP-derived Shear and
Richardson Number Profiles
Large shears in velocity profiles obtained from the ADCP
data were present at a number of CTD stations occupied during NBP01-03. To
investigate if these shears were strong enough to cause active mixing in the
water column, gradient Richardson numbers were estimated using the ADCP-derived
shear and CTD density data. Gradient Richardson numbers smaller than 0.25
indicate active mixing, and values less than 1.0 suggest that mixing is
The gradient Richardson number is
defined as Ri = N2/Shear2, where N is the buoyancy
frequency and the Shear is the total vertical current shear. To calculate Ri,
the x and y components of shear were first calculated between adjacent 8-m bins
using the mean U and V profiles computed from the individual ADCP profiles collected
during the CTD cast. The total shear was then:
and N was calculated from
the density profile derived from the CTD temperature and salinity data
collected at that station. The density data were then averaged into 8-m bins
corresponding to the depths of the ADCP bins to give N at the center of the
shear estimate.
Plots of U, V, shear, density, buoyancy frequency, and
gradient Ri numbers for CTD stations 3 and 15 are shown in Figures 7 and 8,
respectively. These two figures illustrate different regimes found at stations
along the survey grid. Station #3, having higher Ri numbers, appears to be much
more stable than does station #15. To determine the cause(s) of the
differences, we looked at both the stratification and shear. Although station
#3 has a stronger peak in buoyancy frequency than station #15, the value of N
is very similar below 100 m. The shear at station #15 is much greater below 100
m than the shear at station #3 and results in the lower values of Ri found at
station #15. Station #3 was located at mid-shelf, while station #15 was located
in the coastal current flowing along the coast of Adelaide Island. Whether
there is a systematic pattern of lower Ri numbers in the fresher coastal
currents as opposed to the more saline shelf water remains to be determined
once similar analyses are done for all stations made during NBP01-03.
One point of showing the shear and Ri profiles at these
two stations is to illustrate the presence of both weak and strong shears in
the SO GLOBEC study region. The cause of the strong shear found at station #15
is not clear at this time. Possible candidates include inertial motion and
internal tidal motion. The inertial period is roughly 12.9 hours in this area,
close to the M2 period of 12.42 hours, so differentiating inertial from tidal
motion is difficult with short current records. A drifter deployed on this
cruise exhibited inertial/tidal motion for about three days, with major and
minor axes currents of 17 and 14 cm s-1, respectively. Identifying
the sources of strong current shear is an important program goal, since they
may cause significant mixing at depth in this area and play an important role
in water mass formation and evolution.
1.4 Acknowledgments
Much of the credit for the
high quality hydrographic data set collected during NBP01-03 is due to the
efforts of Raytheon marine technicians, Matthew Burke and David Green, and
electronics technicians, Jan Szelag and Jeff Ottern. Their willing and cheerful response to all requests made the
collection of the hydrographic data set a pleasure. Their efforts are most appreciated.
Figure 7. Top panels (from left to
right): Plots of U, V, and shear at station #3. The heavy black
line represents the average
of U and V on station. Lower panels
(from left to right): plots of the
density, buoyancy frequency,
and Richardson number at station #3.
The dotted line marks the
location of the
Ri=0.25. The dashed line marks the 1.0
2.0 Drifter Measurements (Bob Beardsley and Dick Limeburner)
Surface drifters are being deployed and tracked via
satellite to study the near‑surface Lagrangian currents in the SO GLOBEC
study area on the western Antarctic Peninsula Shelf. Each drifter has a small (~ 30 cm diameter) surface float with
ARGOS transmitter and batteries tethered to a holey sock drogue centered at 15
m below the surface. The drogue, about
10 m tall and 1 m in diameter, is designed to "lock" itself to the
water so that the surface float follows the mean water motion at 15 m depth
with very little slippage even in high winds.
Thus measuring the drifter's position as a function of time provides a
Lagrangian measurement of the 15-m ocean current. The drifter's signal is picked up by satellite and its position
determined roughly 10 times each day with an accuracy of better than 1 km. The raw time/position/water
temperature/drogue data are sent daily to Dick Limeburner at WHOI, who edits
and filters the data to remove tidal and higher frequency motions and then
sends the resulting 6‑hourly time and position data for all drifters to
date to the ship as a MATLAB file attachment in an email.
Figure 8. Top panels (from left to right): Plots of U, V,
and shear at station #15. The heavy
line represents the average
of U and V on station. Lower panels
(from left to right): plots of the
density, buoyancy frequency,
and Richardson number at station #15.
The dotted line marks the
location of the
Ri=0.25. The dashed line marks the 1.0
2.2 Drifter Deployments on NBP01‑03
Eight surface drifters were deployed during NBP01‑03. These drifters augmented the six drifters
launched during the first SO GLOBEC mooring cruise LMG01‑03. The drifters were obtained from ClearWater
and NOAA. Table 1 gives the launch time and position for each drifter and its
status as of 1 June 2001, the last day that drifter data were sent to the
Table 1. List of launch times and
positions and status as of 1 June 2001 for the 14 surface
drifters deployed to date as
part of the SO GLOBEC program. The
month, day, and time of the
last good data for the three
drifters that ceased operation early is also given.
ID |
Time (GMT) |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Status |
a1 |
26 23.01 |
20.71 |
26.74 |
(5 6 0:00) |
a2 |
30 6.84 |
54.42 |
54.24 |
On |
a3 |
30 7.78 |
09.82 |
21.40 |
On |
a4 |
30 14.48 |
12.75 |
55.98 |
On |
a5 |
31 1.63 |
30.99 |
08.87 |
On |
a6 |
31 20.48 |
45.43 |
57.86 |
(4 5 18:00) |
a7 |
5 3
6.65 |
23.71 |
18.94 |
On |
a8 |
5 5 19.40 |
55.15 |
45.48 |
On |
a9 |
5 7
6.82 |
00.27 |
50.45 |
On |
a10 |
5 8
8.42 |
50.25 |
26.11 |
(5 22 0:00) |
a11 |
16 1.00 |
01.29 |
42.43 |
On |
a12 |
26 18.25 |
22.86 |
37.92 |
On |
a13 |
27 0.23 |
04.92 |
13.38 |
On |
a14 |
6 1
6.87 |
36.67 |
‑69 6.45 |
On |
The low‑pass filtered trajectories of 13 of the 14
drifters are plotted in Figure 9.
Drifter a6 ceased transmitting shortly after launch and is not included
in this summary. The tracks are
plotted for four 15‑day time windows, starting on March 31 (YD 90). The last window ends on June 1 (YD 152),
when drifter a14 was launched. An
asterisk is plotted at the last position for each drifter, showing the
direction of the drifter motion. The drifter identification number is plotted
to the right of the asterisk. A brief
analysis of these tracks is given next.
Panel A: YD 90‑105
Drifter a1, deployed west of Adelaide Island (AdI), moved
southwest along the island for two days (mean speed ~ 23 cm s-1)
during strong southwest winds, then slowed and stopped transmitting and
reappeared deep in Marguerite Bay (MB). Whether a1 lost its drogue and was
blown into MB is not known, although its subsequent behavior suggests it still
had its drogue. Drifter a2 moved into MB, turned clockwise and moved rapidly (2‑
day mean speed ~ 38 cm s-1) northwest near Alexander Island for
about 3 days before slowing. Drifters
a3, a4, and a5 showed little net movement during this period, with typical
speeds of less than 10 cm s-1.
Figure 9.
Satellite-tracked drogue movements on the Western Antarctic Peninsula
continental shelf region,
including Marguerite Bay (April/May 2001).
Panel B: YD 105‑120
Drifter a1, apparently still with drogue, began to leave
MB, moving along the northeast side of Alexander Island, following the path
taken by drifter a2. Drifter a3 moved in a clockwise loop towards the mouth of
MB. The other drifters showed little
net movement, especially a5.
Panel C: YD 120‑135
Drifters a7, a8, and a10 (deployed on NBP01‑03)
moved into MB, while a9 moved deeper into MB.
Winds during much of this period were towards the south and quite strong
starting around YD 130 and 133, when the wind speed jumped from near 0 to over
40 kts in 6 hours. These four drifters
accelerated towards YD 133 and had speeds of ~ 40(a8), 30(a7), 22(a9), and
22(a10) cm s-1 during the first half of YD 133.
During this period, a1 continued northwestward out of MB
to mid‑shelf, near where a1 and a4 were located. Drifter a3 continued to move towards the
southwest across the mouth of MB to the northwest coast of Alexander Island.
This drifter passed very close to CTD station 53, located close to the coast of
Alexander Island. This station was made
deep within brash and pancake ice, with many grounded icebergs around. While drifter a3 did not get trapped in the
ice and continued southwest along the coast of Alexander Island, drifter a10
later did move to this area and was stopped in the sea ice.
Panel D: YD 135 - 153
Drifters a7, a8, and a9 continued to move deeper into
MB. Drifter a7 appears to have moved to
the coast, while the other two drifters turned towards the south and continued
along the coast. Drifter a13 moved
around the southern tip of Adelaide Island into MB, while drifter a12 moved
southward towards Alexander Island.
Drifter a10, which had entered MB earlier, moved quickly
out of MB along the northeast side of Alexander Island with a mean speed of ~
25 cm s-1, before turning around the northern tip of Alexander
Island and moving along the coast, following closely the path of drifter
a3. Near CTD station #53, drifter a10
apparently became trapped in the ice and stopped moving. Drifter a3 left station #53 and moved very
rapidly (with maximum speeds 40‑50 cm/s) towards the southwest along the
coast of Alexander Island, arriving off Lazarev Bay on YD 140. Then drifter a3
turned offshore and moved towards the northwest to mid‑shelf, where it
joined drifters a11 and a2. These three
drifters continued to move towards the west along the shelf, with speeds
varying from ~ 10 cm s-1 for a11 to 20 - 40 cm s-1
for a2. Drifter a4 left this group and
moved towards the shelfbreak at speeds around ~ 10 cm s-1.
The lack of motion of drifter a5 is notable. Over the
61.4‑day period shown in Figure 9, drifter a5 moved a net distance of
62.9 km towards the northwest, with a mean vector speed of 1.2 cm s-1
and a mean scalar speed of 2.9 cm s-1. While this drifter did reach a peak speed of 18 cm s-1
briefly, its overall movement (or lack of it) is quite different in character
than the other drifters. Is there a
simple physical explanation for this?
The broad‑scale hydrographic survey suggests that drifter a5 was
deployed in the center of a deep bubble of cooler shelf water surrounded on
three sides by warmer slope water. If
this interpretation is correct, it would mean that the feature evolves slowly
in time, keeping the drifter inside the feature for over two months. Further
analysis is needed to check this interpretation and investigate its
consequences for the shelf circulation.
The above summary is based on the low‑pass filtered
drifter motion; however, the high frequency of ARGOS fixes per day
(approximately 20 per day) allow some investigation of the higher frequency
drifter motions. As an example, drifter a8 deployed near station #26 on 5 May
moved in counterclockwise loops for the next 3 days while slowing moving
towards the northeast. This looping
motion appears to be inertial. The
inertial period at the drifter latitude is 12.99 hours, close to the M2 period
of 12.42 hours, so differentiating inertial from tidal motion is difficult with
short current records. To quantify this motion, a simple model consisting of a
mean current plus inertial component was fit in a least‑squares sense to
the drifter position data. During this
2.9‑day period, drifter a8 moved in a counterclockwise elliptical path
towards the northeast with a mean speed of 3.5 cm s-1. The elliptical motion had a major axis of
16.8 cm s-1 and a minor axis of 10.5 cm s-1, with the
major axis oriented toward 28EN.
While the looping motion of a8 could be a combination of
inertial and tidal or tidal, this example illustrates the usefulness of the
original unfiltered drifter position data to look for high frequency motions. A
detailed analysis of both raw and filtered drifter data in combination with
surface wind data collected by the Automated Weather Stations (AWSs) on
Kirkwood and Faure Islands and by the ship will be made after the cruise, as
additional drifter and meteorological data are obtained.
The SO GLOBEC drifter data collected to date suggests
that there is a strong surface current into Marguerite Bay around the southern
end of Adelaide Island, with a return flow out of the Bay along the
northeastern tip of Alexander Island.
The inflow appears to be both broad and surface intensified, with
drifters crossing significant topographic variability as they pass around the
southern tip of Adelaide Island. It is not clear how persistent this inflow is;
however, all four drifters deployed upstream (a1, a7, a8, and a13) entered the
Bay. Drifter 14 was deployed further upstream to help determine the origin of
this inflow. Hydrographic data
collected west of Adelaide Island does suggest a surface layer of fresher water
along the west and south coast of Adelaide Island; it is not clear if this
alone could support the observed inflow.
All three drifters (a1, a2, and a10) that exited the Bay
did so along the northeastern tip of Alexander Island, suggesting the presence
of a strong exit current centered there. Surface salinity data support the idea
of a relatively fresh coastal current flowing out of the Bay initially trapped
to the topography along Alexander Island. While two of the three drifters (a1
and a2) moved northwest towards mid‑shelf after leaving the tip of
Alexander Island, drifter a10 followed the coast around the northern tip of
Alexander Island and moved along the northwest coast. Again, surface salinity data plus the path of drifter a3 suggests
the presence of a coastal current towards the southwest along this side of
Alexander Island. Whether this flow is a continuation or branch of the exit
flow along the northeastern side of Alexander Island is not known, a purely
geostrophic coastal current would follow this path.
While the very slow movement of drifter a5 is unusual in
a shelf region with such strong surface forcing, it seems likely that this
drifter was deployed in a slowly evolving slope water intrusion that are known
to occur on the west Antarctic Peninsula shelf. The other drifters exhibit a range of speeds, especially within
Marguerite Bay, that suggest an energetic surface current field in the SO
GLOBEC study region.
3.0 Meteorological Measurements (Bob Beardsley and Jeff Otten)
Underway meteorological data were collected during
NBP01-03 to help document the surface weather conditions encountered during the
cruise and to characterize the surface forcing fields in the SO GLOBEC study
area during austral fall. The N.B.Palmer (NBP) arrived near the start
of the large‑scale physical/biological survey on April 27 (YD 117) and
left the area to return to Punta Arenas on June 2 (YD 153). A full suite of
meteorological data were collected during this 37‑day period. This report provides a preliminary
description of the meteorological data collected on NBP01-03 and some initial
results concerning the surface forcing during fall.
3.2 Instrumentation
The NBP was equipped with the following set of
meteorological and surface oceanographic instrumentation to collect continuous
underway data during NBP01‑03 (Table 2).
A pair of Belfort propeller/vane anemometers and sensors to measure
incident short‑ and long‑wave radiation (SW, LW) and PAR were
mounted on the top of the NBP's main "science" mast (Figure 10). The
air temperature (AT) and relative humidity (RH) sensors and precision barometer
(BP) were mounted near the base of the main mast on the 04 deck, aft of the
bridge. The heights of the anemometers
and the air temperature and relative humidity sensors above sea level were
estimated to be 33.5 and 17 m, respectively.
Sea surface temperature (SST) was normally measured using a remote
sensor and intake in the stern thruster housing when the thrusters were not in
use or on standby. Sea surface salinity (SSS) and raw fluorescence (FL) were
measured using a thermosalinograph and fluorometer placed in the aft chemistry
laboratory. Water for both instruments came from the intake in the stern
thruster housing when it was not in use.
A second intake, from the ship's sea chest, was used when the thrusters
were on standby or in use.
Figure 10. The NBP “science” mast, with
port and starboard anemometers and shortwave, longwave, and PAR sensors mounted
to the railing, during pre-cruise service in Punta Arenas.
Table 2. NBP01‑03 meteorological
sensors, their calibration history, time of installation,
and conversion factors used
to convert raw voltage output to scientific units.
Sensor |
Model |
Serial Number |
Last Calibration |
Installed |
Conversion |
Anemometer thru 5/20/01 |
Belfort Model 5-122AHD |
7957 |
04/18 |
04/18 |
Anemometer from 5/20/01 |
Belfort Model 5-122AHD |
7956 |
04/18 |
05/20 |
Anemometer |
Belfort Model 5-122AHD |
92-2133 |
04/12 |
04/18 |
north relative speed vector voltage |
m s-1 = 7.553 x
voltage |
east relative speed vector voltage |
m s-1 = 7.553 x
voltage |
temperature |
R. M. Young 41342C |
2267 |
01/23 |
04/18 |
°C = 10 x voltage - 50 |
Eppley Pyrgeometer |
Eppley PIR |
33023F3 |
06/23 |
01/28 |
W m-2 = 923.87
x voltage |
Eppley Pyranometer |
Eppley PSP |
33090F3 |
11/07 |
01/28 |
W m-2 = 194.53
x voltage |
Humidity Sensor |
Rotonics MP-101A-C4 |
R45618 |
06/20 |
10/24 |
at the Relative Humidity Sensor |
°C = 10 x voltage – 40 |
Humidity |
%RH = 10 x voltage |
Irradiance |
BSI QSR-240 |
6356 |
02/15 |
04/18 |
mEi/m2s = 1662.24 x voltage |
Barometer |
7G3095 |
07/21 |
01/26 |
(none) |
3.3 Data Acquisition and Processing
The raw NBP shipboard meteorological data were collected
using the ship's data acquisition system (RVDAS). A 1‑minute subsample of the raw data was saved at the end
of each day in a flat ASCII text file on the ship's DAS_DATA directory on drive
Q (e.g., the data for YD=99 and YD=100 are located in Q:\NBP0103\geopdata\JGOF\
g099.dat and jg100.dat, respectively). This 1‑minute time series was
produced using a JGOFS program that merged the meteorological data with
navigation and other data and combined the ship's motion and the measured
(relative to the ship) wind speed and direction data to make "true"
wind speed and direction relative to the ground.
The daily data were obtained from drive Q and converted
into standard variables using the MATLAB m‑file read_palmer_met1m(yd). This program also removed pad values
(produced when the DAS recorded no data), edited several variables, and stored
the new data set in a MATLAB mat‑file for each day (e.g., jg100.mat for
YD=100). The SW signal and night‑time bias were comparable during most of
the cruise, so the SW record was hand‑edited to remove the bias and make
a positive‑only SW series. Both
the SST and SSS data included large spikes associated with the change in intake
when the ship's stern thruster was placed on standby or being used. For much of the cruise, these spikes were
removed and the gaps filled by linear interpolation.
The m‑file merge_palmer_met1m(first_yd,last_yd) was
used to combine the 1‑day jgxxx.mat files into a single 1‑minute
continuous time series for each variable.
The merged data were then stored in palmer_met1m.mat.
For further analysis, the 1‑minute data in
palmer_met1m were low‑pass filtered and subsampled using
make_palmer_met5m into 5‑minute time series. The filter used is the
pl66tn set with a half‑amplitude period of 12 minutes. The 5‑minute data were then used to
estimate the surface wind stress and heat flux components using bulk methods
called by compute_palmer_wshf5m. The
surface wind stress and heat flux data were then added to the palmer_met5m, so
that this 5‑minute time series contains best versions of the surface
meteorological conditions and forcing for the cruise. Both the 1‑minute palmer_met1m and 5‑minute
palmer_met5m data are included on the cruise data CD-ROM.
Several problems with the meteorological and underway
instrumentation or data logging became clear during the cruise. These problems and suggested solutions are
summarized next.
Some of the NBP met data were recorded using limited
precision. Whether this is a hardware
limitation of the digitizers used or simply setting the record format with too
few significant places is not clear.
Table 3 gives the record most significant place for each variable:
Table 3. Record increment for different variables.
Parameter |
Resolution |
Temperature |
oC |
Surface Temperature |
0.01oC |
Surface Salinity |
Radiation |
W m-2 |
Radiation |
W m-2 |
mE (m2s) -1 |
Fluorescence |
V |
The present meteorological measurement system on the NBP
will be replaced in July 2001, so that some variables will be recorded with
greater precision. In particular, it would be good to record SW and LW with 0.1
W m-2 resolution and PAR with 1 FE m-2. Comparison
of the SST and SSS with near‑surface CTD data collected at stations with
a deep surface mixed layer suggested that SST and SSS should be recorded with
0.001oC and 0.001 PSU resolution.
The air temperature sensor is normally calibrated to +/‑ 0.1
oC, so that it should be recorded with 0.01oC resolution.
The Eppley longwave pyrgeometer (PIR) uses an internal
mercury battery to supply a precise and stable reference voltage in the
measurement circuit. A brief inter‑ship
comparison of the L.M. Gould (LMG)
and NBP PIR values while at Palmer Station on 28 April 2001 suggested that the
NBP PIR was reading low (Table 4). A
second inter‑ship comparison made in northern Marguerite Bay on 6 May
2001 also showed the NBP longwave values were significantly lower than the LMG
values. Over the next several days, the
NBP longwave values started to drop rapidly.
On 12 May 2001, Jeff Otten and Jim Dolan replaced the PIR mercury battery
and the PIR readings jumped back up to values more consistent with those
measured on the R/V L.M. Gould.
Table 4. Comparison of PIR incident
longwave radiation recorded on the LMG and NBP
during two periods when the
ships were collocated, first in the morning of 28 April 2001
for about 3.23 hrs at Palmer
Station, and second, during the evening of 6 May 2001 for
9.85 hrs in northern
Marguerite Bay.
Comparison Site |
Gould |
Palmer |
Diff (G‑P) |
Palmer Station LW |
206.0 |
179.5 |
W m-2 |
Marguerite Bay LW |
260.0 |
201.5 |
W m-2 |
The PIR mercury battery has
a very flat discharge curve, so that failure should occur rapidly. The old battery measured about one‑half
its rated voltage, indicating it was past its useful life. A visual inspection
of the NBP longwave data suggests that data taken up to 7 May 2001 may be
useable. A detailed inter‑ship
comparison of the LMG and NBP PIR data will be made after the cruise, in part
to help determine how much of the early NBP longwave data are good (pre‑battery
The PIR battery can only be checked when the housing is
opened. This is not normally done at sea due to the location of the PIR on the
top of the mast. One solution is to
check the battery voltage prior to each cruise and develop a battery life
history and replacement schedule. A second solution is to install new batteries
prior to next year's SO GLOBEC cruises.
This will be requested.
One unexpected benefit of making the inter‑ship
comparisons of PIR data during NBP01‑03 and LMG01‑04 was the
discovery that the LMG PIR values were being computed using the wrong
calibration coefficients (actually the coefficients for the PIR used on LMG01‑03). In hindsight, this was the reason for the
initial offset in the inter‑ship longwave comparison. The subsequent
differences were due to the battery failure. The LMG longwave radiation series
was recomputed using the correct coefficients and these new data will be used
in the post‑cruise analysis of the inter‑ ship comparison data.
3.4.3 Icing and anemometer
The meteorological sensors on the mast collected ice
during parts of this cruise. For
example, the starboard anemometer started to report near 0 wind speeds on 16
May 2001 while the port anemometer continued to report acceptable wind speeds
and directions. Visual inspection of the anemometers from the bridge showed no
difference, so the exact nature of this problem (e.g., icing, connections) was
never determined. Whenever possible during or shortly after icing conditions,
Jeff Otten (Electronics Technician) climbed the mast to "de‑ice"
the sensors and check connections and wiring.
Despite icing problems, the two anemometers appeared to
give similar data for much of the cruise.
One failure mode of the port anemometer was for one of the two output
voltage signals to be zero (presumably due to a connection problem), thus
making both the wind speed and direction wrong. Post‑cruise analysis of the raw anemometer data should
allow a detailed comparison of the data from both units, which in turn should
allow periods of poor performance to be identified and eliminated from the
computation of "true" wind.
There were several periods during the cruise when the
JGOFS "true" winds were weak (under 5 m s-1) and exhibited
jumps in wind speed caused by the motion of the ship. This was especially obvious as the ship towed BIOMAPER-II at 4
kts between CTD stations. The JGOFS format
includes only "true" wind and direction (thought to be computed using
the port anemometer data only), so it is not possible to re-compute true wind
using just the JGOFS data.
The raw anemometer and other underway data are archived
on the cruise data CD‑ROM. After
the cruise, we plan to use the raw data to produce a final edited
meteorological data set for this cruise.
This will include assessing the wind data from both anemometers and
using both to compute "true" wind speed and direction. This final data set will be posted on the SO
GLOBEC website.
3.4.5 Thermosalinograph
The NBP SeaBird thermosalinograph (TSG) produced high
quality data for most of the cruise; however, the data taken just before and on
station were corrupted and should be used only with great care.
When approaching a station, the thruster generator was
first started and a servo system activated so that the thrusters could be used
on demand. The TSG intake is located in the stern thruster housing. During NBP01-03, the system to automatically
switch the TSG intake to another location was broken, so that the switch was
done manually, usually just after the generator was running smoothly. This change in intake caused a pulse of warm
water to pass thought the TSG, creating a large spike in temperature and
salinity lasting 5‑10 minutes. A
similar spike occurred when the ship left station and the thruster generator
was turned off. While these two spikes
had a characteristic shape, using the thrusters on station also caused jumps in
the TSG temperature and salinity data. These jumps were irregular in shape and
duration, making identifying them difficult.
The SST and SSS data included in the palmer_met1m and palmer_met5m data
sets have been edited to remove the most obvious of these fluctuations;
however, we suggest not using the SST and SSS data when the ship was nearing or
was on station.
During the cruise, two comparisons of TSG data were made
with other data taken when the ship was steaming between stations. The first comparison was between TSG and
bottle salinities where the bottle samples were taken from the TSG exit flow
and the TSG trace indicated steady conditions.
The second comparison was between the SST and TSG salinity and the T and
S measurements made with BIOMAPER-II nearest the surface as it was toyoed along
transect 6. The mean depth of BIOMAPER-II during the comparison values was 33
The results from both comparisons are shown in Figure
11. While preliminary, these results
suggest that the TSG salinity was accurate to within +/‑ 0.002 psu on
average with no clear bias. The NBP SST
and BIOMAPER-II T data have a clear offset of about 0.06EC, with the ship's sensor
reading higher than BIOMAPER-II. Comparisons between the CTD surface
temperature and SST show close agreement, to within 0.01EC, suggesting that the
BIOMAPER-II temperature sensor may read low by order 0.06EC. Additional comparisons need to be made to test these preliminary
In view of the inherent high accuracy of the ship's SST
and TSG data when the ship is underway, thought should be given to relocate the
intake so that the problems associated with the thruster generator and intake
switching could be eliminated. If this
is not possible, then perhaps the actual switch in intake could be postponed
until the ship is actually on station. This would allow the TSG to collect good
data for the 10‑15 minutes prior to each station. At a minimum, the bridge could keep a log of
times when the thruster generator was turned on and off.
11. Comparison of the NBP TSG
salinity and sea surface temperature data with
bottle salinity and BIOMAPER-II temperature and salinity
data collected along transect 6.
3.5. Description of Cruise Weather and Surface Forcing
Time series of the 5‑minute surface meteorological
data and surface forcing collected during NBP01‑03 are shown in Figures
12 and 13. Figure 12 shows the wind
speed and direction, air and sea surface temperatures, relative humidity,
barometric pressure, and the incident short and longwave radiation. Figure 13
shows a vector plot of the surface wind stress plus stress amplitude and
direction, the net surface heat flux (Qnet), and its four
components, the shortwave (Qsw), longwave (Qlw), sensible
(Qsen), and latent (Qlat) fluxes. Note the period of very low longwave
radiation data recorded from YD 127 to YD 132 when the battery was
replaced. These data were judged wrong
and not used in the computation of the longwave heat flux component shown in
Figure 13.
Figures 12 and 13 cover the period 27 April to 3 June,
when the NBP was working in the SO GLOBEC study area. The large‑scale survey occurred during 27 April‑21
May (YD 117‑141), followed by visits to Charcot Bay and Lazarev Bay to 24
May (YD144), then work on the AWSs and additional survey work within Marguerite
Bay and around the southern and western side of Adelaide Island to 1 June (YD
151), followed by a final cross‑ shelf transect, deep CTD stations, and
an XBT survey across the Drake Passage, ending 3 June (YD 154).
Figure 12.
Meteorological data collected during NBP01-03
Figure 13. Surface flux data for
Weather conditions experienced during the cruise ranged
from severe gale (with peak winds above 50 kts and heavy seas) to one very
clear sunny day with glassy seas. Winds were predominantly from the north,
especially the stronger winds associated with the passage of lows from west to
east over the WAP shelf. Late in the cruise, a large low pressure system
remained centered east of the Peninsula, causing a westward flow of very cold
and drier continental air over the WAP and generally clearer skies. In general, however, the skies were cloudy
or overcast, with relatively moist air from the Pacific flowing over the
WAP. Daylight decreased with time and
more southern latitude, until the incident shortwave radiation became almost
less than the resolution of the shortwave sensor.
As the cruise progressed and more was learned about the
surface weather and forcing conditions on the WAP, it became possible to
prepare preliminary notes on several aspects of the surface heat flux occurring
during this cruise. Three of these
notes follow here.
3.5.1 Surface Cooling ‑
Part 1
The NBP left Palmer Station about noon (local time) on 28
April 2001 (YD 118) and headed west onto the shelf and south to the SO GLOBEC
study area to begin the large‑scale physical/biological survey. Over the next six days, the NBP sampled the
shelf region between Adelaide Island and the upper slope until 6 May 2001 (YD
127), when the survey track line took the NBP into Marguerite Bay. Here is a brief summary of the mean surface
forcing conditions over the shelf during the six days (yd 119‑125) when
the NBP made five cross‑shelf transects.
During this period, the winds were mostly southward and eastward, with
speeds varying from near zero to a maximum of 22 m s-1 (~44
kts). The mean wind was 7 m s-1
towards 128T (SE), with an average scalar wind speed of 10 m s-1
(~20 kts). The mean air temperature was
‑0.9EC, mean SST was ‑0.6EC, and the mean relative
humidity was 92%. The skies were mostly overcast, with periods of fog and snow
flurries and little direct sunlight.
The shipboard met measurements were used to estimate the surface wind
stress and heat flux components. The mean wind stress was 0.11 N m-2
directed towards 132T (SE), closely aligned with the mean vector wind. The net
surface heat flux (Qnet) is composed of four components, the net
shortwave radiation flux (Qsw) and net longwave radiation flux (Qlw)
and the two air‑sea flux components, sensible heat flux (Qsen)
and latent heat flux (Qlat).
The mean and standard deviations of Qnet and the four
components for the six‑day period are given in units of N m-2
in Table 5:
Table 5. Qnet statistics.
Variable |
Mean |
Qnet |
‑108 |
38 |
-226 |
-32 |
Qsw |
4 |
11 |
0 |
76 |
Qlw |
-103 |
22 |
-165 |
-79 |
Qsen |
-0 |
10 |
-32 |
29 |
Qlat |
-9 |
13 |
-59 |
17 |
Despite the relatively strong wind speeds, the air‑sea
temperature difference is only 0.3EC, so that the mean sensible
heat flux, Qsen, is essentially zero. The latent heat flux, Qlat,
is also small due to the low air temperature and high relative humidity. As austral winter proceeds, the incident
shortwave radiation gets smaller, such that for this period the mean, Qsw,
is also essentially zero. Thus, the net
heat flux, Qnet, is due primarily to the net longwave flux, Qlw. For this six‑day period, 95% of the
net heat loss was due to the longwave loss.
While these estimates of the heat flux components include significant
measurement uncertainty, the basic picture of persistent surface cooling over
the shelf driven by net longwave radiation loss seems robust. During the pre‑ice
fall, insolation essentially vanishes and the diminishing difference between
air and ocean surface temperatures makes the sensible and latent heat loss
relatively small. Despite the high
relative humidity, the sky re‑radiates little outgoing longwave radiation
back into the ocean, causing the dominant heat flux to be longwave
radiation. To put a steady loss of 100
N m-2 into perspective, a 50‑m deep surface mixed layer would
cool about 0.25EC over a 5‑day period.
Thus, it would only take ~ 20 days for the surface mixed layer to lose ~
3.5.2 Surface Cooling ‑
Part 2
During the end of the large‑scale survey on 14-18
May 2001, the NBP made four cross‑shelf transects off Alexander Island
after leaving Marguerite Bay. The first transect was made on 14 May 2001 during
a gale, with winds towards the south and peak winds for several hours above 40
kts. This storm bought relatively warm air over the shelf, such that during the
strongest winds, the sensible and latent heat fluxes were positive into the
ocean, and the net surface flux, Qnet, was slightly positive for
three hours (above 20 W m-2 for almost 2 hrs). This was the only time of surface warming
during this five‑day period.
Winds during the remaining transects were mostly south and southwestward
and more moderate. The air temperature
dropped during this second period but remained above the ocean surface
temperature, so that there were weak sensible and latent heat fluxes into the
ocean. These fluxes were too weak,
however, to balance the large longwave heat loss, so that Qnet was
negative for the remaining transects. The shortwave contribution to the surface
heat flux was very small, due primarily to the more southern location of these
transects made later in the month and the persistent overcast. The mean
atmospheric conditions and surface forcing during the gale (14 May 2001) and
the next four days (15‑18 May 2001) are summarized in Tables 6 and 7.
Table 6A. Mean atmospheric conditions
during 14 May 2001 (gale).
wind speed |
m s-1 |
wind dir |
‑95.1E (counterclockwise from E) |
wind speed |
m s-1 |
temperature |
0.16EC |
surface temp |
‑1.15EC |
humidity |
96% |
Table 6B. Surface forcing during 14 May
2001 (gale).
Variable |
Mean |
Std |
Min |
Max |
Units |
Spd |
16.5 |
3.3 |
2.8 |
23.9 |
m s-1 |
Stress |
4.3 |
2.1 |
0.1 |
10.1 |
dynes cm-2 |
Qnet |
‑46.0 |
35.7 |
‑113.8 |
35.5 |
W m-2 |
Qsw |
1.7 |
4.2 |
0.0 |
19.1 |
W m-2 |
Qlw |
‑88.3 |
29.9 |
‑143.4 |
‑61.8 |
W m-2 |
Qsen |
27.2 |
14.1 |
0.5 |
57.4 |
W m-2 |
Qlat |
13.4 |
7.8 |
‑0.0 |
32.4 |
W m-2 |
Table 7A. Mean atmospheric conditions
during 15‑18 May 2001.
wind speed |
m s-1 |
wind dir |
‑130.5E |
wind speed |
m s-1 |
temperature |
-0.78EC |
surface temp |
‑1.24EC |
humidity |
98% |
Table 7B. Surface forcing during 15‑18
May 2001.
Variable |
Mean |
Std |
Min |
Max |
Units |
Spd |
11.4 |
3.3 |
2.3 |
19.4 |
m s-1 |
Stress |
1.9 |
1.3 |
0.0 |
6.3 |
dynes cm-2 |
Qnet |
‑69.0 |
22.4 |
‑156.1 |
‑25.1 |
W m-2 |
Qsw |
0.4 |
1.3 |
0.0 |
9.0 |
W m-2 |
Qlw |
‑82.2 |
18.5 |
‑148.3 |
‑57.0 |
W m-2 |
Qsen |
8.4 |
6.9 |
-16.3 |
28.6 |
W m-2 |
Qlat |
4.4 |
4.4 |
‑11.7 |
14.0 |
W m-2 |
These tables suggest the following conclusions about the
surface forcing during the cross‑shelf transects made 14‑18 May
a) Winds were generally
strong and almost always southward, generating southward wind stresses that
varied from near zero to about 0.8 N m-2 (8 dynes cm-2).
b) The combination of very
strong winds and warm air from the north (during the gale) can produce large
enough sensible and latent heat fluxes into the ocean that the net surface heat
flux can be positive into the ocean for a short time.
c) Excluding the gale, the
net surface heat was negative, cooling the ocean. The small sensible and latent
fluxes into the ocean (due to the air being warmer than the ocean surface by ~
and mean winds near 20 kts) are more than offset by the roughly constant
longwave heat loss (Qlw ~ ‑80 W m-2), resulting in
a mean Qnet ~ ‑70 W m-2
These results support the basic picture of persistent
surface cooling over the shelf driven by net longwave radiation loss. The shortwave flux becomes negligible with
time and moving further southward, and the sensible and latent fluxes are
generally small except during high wind/warm air events (e.g., the 14 May 2001
gale). The persistent overcast reduces the net longwave cooling, but it remains
the dominant process in the surface heat flux.
After completion of the large‑scale survey, the NBP
made a transit around the western end of Charcot Island and into a large bay
just south of the Island on 21 May 2001.
This area seemed a good place to look for whales and birds and was thick
enough ice for ice sampling and the deployment of a ROV to sample the
zooplankton under the ice. The ship
steamed slowly eastward towards the ice shelf, collecting some samples along
the way, and eventually launched the Zodiacs to look for whales and birds. After sunset, the ROV was tested, and the
ship then left the bay and returned to the last CTD station (84) location and headed
eastward towards Lazarev Bay where the LMG was working. During the roughly 12 hours spent deep in
the bay, the surface forcing conditions showed some of the strongest surface
cooling during the entire cruise. This
note summarizes that period.
The NBP was deep into the bay southeast of Charcot Island
during the period YD 141.4‑ 142.05. Winds during this period were
relatively weak, dropping from about 20 to 6 kts, primarily from the
north. The air temperature dropped as
we entered the bay, from roughly ‑2EC to a minimum of ‑5EC. The sea surface temperature also decreased as the ship got
further into the ice and closer to the Wilkins Ice Shelf, from ‑1.40EC to a minimum of ‑1.73EC at our closest approach.
The surface salinity decreased into the bay, with the minimum salinities being
below 33 PSU. The ice was thickest
there, and the ship stopped to take ice samples and deploy the ROV.
This bay appears to be protected from the strong
southward winds that carry relatively warm and moist air over the shelf. Instead, the air reaching the ship was
quite cold and drier, suggesting it came from Charcot Island and the ice
shelf. The mean wind speed was 6.1 m s-1
and the mean air‑sea temperature difference was Ta ‑ SST = ‑2.2EC. This negative air‑sea temperature difference, lower mean
relative humidity (81%), and modest winds combined to produce sensible and
latent heat losses of on average 19‑24 W m-2. The sky was clear as the NBP entered the
bay, resulting in a relatively large mean longwave heat loss of 111 W m-2. With essentially zero shortwave heating, the
mean net heat flux was Qnet = ‑153 W m-2 during the
period the NBP was in the bay.
A simple interpretation follows. Charcot Island and the Wilkins Ice Shelf
seem to shelter the Bay from the southward flow of warm, moist air that
generally occurs over the continental shelf.
The air over the bay is colder and drier (from over land), leading to
surface cooling by the sensible and latent components in addition to the longwave
cooling. These three terms contribute to make the surface heat loss a regional
maximum, causing more ice formation here. Whether this leads to a feedback
process, whereby more ice means colder air leading to increased sensible and
latent cooling and thus more ice, is not clear.
After returning to the western side of Charcot Island,
the NBP moved eastward to Rothschild Island and Lazarev Bay. During this run, as the ship got into
continuous ice, the air temperature continued to drop with larger sensible and
latent cooling. The pattern of larger net heat loss within these more protected
bays where ice is being formed seems robust, but needs to be examined with
additional data collected during the rest of this cruise and data from LMG01‑04.
Near the end of the cruise, the NBP made CTD station #100
in freshly formed ice within 5 nm of the ice cliffs of northwest Adelaide
Island. The air was very cold and dry, gently flowing westward from the island
over the near‑shore waters, and the sky was very clear. These factors all contributed to a net
surface cooling rate of Qnet = ‑ 197 W m-2 (with
83% due to longwave cooling and the rest equally to sensible and latent
cooling). A moderate wind could increase this loss to over ‑300 W m-2.
To put these cooling rates into perspective, surface cooling at 200 W m-2
over a 5‑day period will cause the temperature of a 25‑m deep mixed
layer to drop by 0.84EC.
Considering that the nearshore surface temperatures were typically below
‑1.0 to ‑1.4EC, it is not surprising that active ice formation
occurred near the coast during NBP01‑03, driven primarily by continuous
radiative cooling combined with episodic sensible and latent cooling.
4.0 Automated Weather Station Installation Report (Bob Beardsley and Jeff Otten)
Two Automated Weather Stations (AWSs) were deployed
within Marguerite Bay during NBP01‑03.
Each AWS measures wind speed and direction, air temperature and
pressure, and relative humidity, using sensors mounted on a 10-foot mast. The propeller anemometer is centered at an
approximate height of 3.4 m above ground, the air temperature and relative
humidity sensors at 3.1 m, and the barometer at 1.5 m. A data logger collects data from the
various sensors and sends reformed data to an ARGOS satellite transmitter. The
AWS is powered by lead‑acid batteries that are recharged using a solar
panel mounted on the mast oriented north. The AWS units were supplied by Dr.
Charles Sterns and George Weidner at the University of Wisconsin Antarctic Meteorological Research
Center (AMRC), who receive the ARGOS AWS data and place edited data on the AMRC
website (
for public use. A summary of the two stations is given next. See Appendix 6 for a more complete
description of the AWS deployment and repair operations.
AWS #8930 was installed on the main island in the
Kirkwood Islands group on 25 May 2001.
The AWS site is on a slab rock shoulder on a ridge heading approximately
northwest on the northwestern tip of the island. The site has open exposure from west through northeast; winds
from the south may be distorted by the main snow cap. On 25 May 2001, the
station was revisited and the AWS data logger was reprogrammed to fix a
software error found in the initial wind speed data received at the AMRC. Subsequent data received at AMRC indicate that
the wind speed problem was fixed and the station was reporting good data for
all variables.
AWS #8932 was installed on a small rocky island just east
of Dismal Island in the Faure Island group in Marguerite Bay on 27 May
2001. The island is relatively low,
with snow covered ridges and exposed rocky patches on top. The AWS was installed on a small smooth
rocky plateau on the north end of the island, with open exposure to the west
through southeast. Data received at
AMRC indicate that the AWS is working properly.
Background information about these islands was supplied
by Dr. Colin Harris, Environmental Research and Assessment, British Antarctic
Survey, Cambridge, England.
AWS # 8930 (Kirkwood Island)
Latitude: ‑68E 20.397 S
‑69E 00.444 W
Height of site above sea level: ~ 75 ft
(crude estimate) (25 m)
Station orientation: 77EN
Installation: 25 May 2001; reprogrammed 27
May 2001
AWS # 8932 (Dismal Island)
Latitude: ‑68E 05.243 S
‑68E 49.480 W
Height of site above sea level: ~ 35 ft
(crude estimate) (12 m)
Station orientation: 124EN
Installation: 27 May 2001
5.0 Nutrients (Kent A. Fanning (project
PI, not on cruise), Rebecca Conroy, E. Howard Rutherford)
It is reasonable to state that, after temperature and
salinity, dissolved inorganic nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, ammonia,
and silica) are central to understanding the circulation of waters in and
around Marguerite Bay. Deeper water
upwelling to shallower regions close to the Peninsula should be traceable by
higher nutrient signatures. Nutrient
concentrations nearer to the sea surface are important to physical/chemical
modeling of the fate of plankton in the region that sustain krill, both as
"targets" to be explained by nowcasting and as starting points for
Analytical methods used for silica, phosphate, nitrite,
and nitrate follow the recommendations of Gordon
et al. (1993) for the WOCE WHP project.
The analytical system we employ is a five-channel Technicon Autoanalyzer
II upgraded with new heating baths, proportional pumps, colorimeters, improved
optics, and a computer-controlsystem (New Analyzer Program v. 2.40 by
Labtronics, Inc.) This Technicon is
designed for shipboard, as well as laboratory, use. Silica is determined by forming the heteropoly acid of dissolved
orthosilicic acid and ammonium molybdate, reducing it with stannous chloride,
and then measuring its optical transmittance.
Phosphate is determined by creating the phosphomolybdate heteropoly acid
in much the same way as with the silica method. However, its reducing agent is dihydrazine sulfate, after which
its transmittance is also measured. A
heating bath is required to maximize the color yield. Nitrite is determined essentially by the Bendschneider and Robinson (1952) technique, in which nitrite is
reacted with sulfanilamide (SAN) to form a diazotized derivative that is then
reacted with a substituted ethylenediamine compound (NED) to form a rose pink
azo dye which is measured colorimetrically. Nitrate is determined by difference
after a separate aliquot of a sample is passed through a Cd reduction column to
covert its nitrate to nitrite, followed by the measurement of the
"augmented" nitrite concentration using the same method as in the
nitrite analysis.
In the analytical ammonia method, ammonium reacts with
alkaline phenol and hypochlorite to form indophenolblue. Sodium
nitroferricyanide intensifies the blue color formed, which is then measured in
a colorimeter of our nutrient analyzer.
Precipitation of calcium and magnesium hydroxides is eliminated by the
addition of sodium citrate complexing reagent.
A heating bath is required. Our
version of this technique is based is based on modifications of published
methods such as the article by F. Koroleff in Grasshoff (1976). These
modifications were made at Alpkem (now Astoria-Pacific International, Inc.) and
at L.Gordon's nutrient laboratory at Oregon State University.
Nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, ammonia, and silica were
measured in all hydrocasts on this cruise (Hydrography and Circulation
Component, Appendix 3).
Nutrient data show considerable structure along and
across the Western Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf within the SO GLOBEC
study region. Regions of upwelling and
downwelling are clearly evident in the nitrate and silicate distributions. The ratio of silicate to nitrate was used to
track the upwelling of Upper Circumpolar Deep Water within the study area.
Silica draw-down was also a feature observed along the
shelf region. One possible explanation
may be due in part to nutrient-rich deep water upwelling into a region with a
high relative abundance of diatoms. The
diatoms should start to consume nutrients faster than other, non-siliceous
phytoplankton. Therefore, there would
be a greater consumption of silica than if diatoms were in low abundance. If the ship passed through after the silica
consumption started, lower silica:nitrate ratio would be observed than at
depths from which the water originally upwelled. Support for this explanation is dependent on determining
phytoplankton species composition within the regions where silica draw-down was
High ammonia concentrations were observed at stations
closer to land and further south along the shelf region. Highest ammonia values, greater than 4.5 Fmol, were measured from
stations within Marguerite Bay. Reduced
NO3 and NO2 values were also associated with the stations
mentioned above. Since all of these
components are in dynamic balance moderated by microorganisms, the answer to
why ammonia is so abundant could relate to its production rate being enhanced,
possibly by large Antarctic krill populations or its consumption rate slowing
down. The two most likely ways that
ammonia is consumed are uptake by primary producers (maybe low now that it's
almost winter) and nitrification, in which bacteria oxidize ammonia to nitrite
and nitrate. Final analysis of
Antarctic krill distribution patterns, along with nitrifying bacteria studies,
during NBP01-03 are essential in determining processes contributing to the high
ammonia measured.
Gordon, L.I., J.C. Jennings,
Jr., A.A. Ross, and J.M. Krest, A Suggested Protocol For Continuous Flow
Automated Analysis of Seawater Nutrients,
in WOCE Operation Manual, WHP Office Report 90-1, WOCE Report 77, No.
68/91, 1-52, 1993.
Grasshoff, K., Methods of
Seawater Analysis, Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, Germany, and New York, NY, 317
pp, 1976.
6.0 Primary Production (Maria Vernet (project PI, not on cruise), Wendy
Kozlowski, and Michael Thimgan)
The estimation of primary production has three main
objectives: (1) estimation of primary productivity rates during fall and winter
in the area of study as a possible source of food for Antarctic krill and other
zooplanktors; (2) understanding the
mesoscale patterns of phytoplankton distribution with respect to physical,
chemical and biological processes; and
(3) obtaining insight into the over-wintering dynamics of phytoplankton,
including their interaction with sea ice communities. For this purpose, primary production was measured with three
methods during this cruise: Photosynthesis versus Irradiance (PI) curves to
estimate potential primary production and information on the dynamics of light
adaptation; simulated in situ (SIS)
experiments to estimate daily primary production; and finally, profiles with a
Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer (FRRF), with the aim to increase resolution in
the sampling of phytoplankton activity and the expectation of modeling primary
production with this method using 14C experiments as
comparison. Additionally, measurements
of chlorophyll and particulate carbon (POC) were taken for estimates of
phytoplankton biomass and data collected from surface and profiling
Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) sensors.
For production and POC sampling, stations were broken up
into three different categories. At
Priority 1 stations, both PI and SIS experiments were done, and POCs were
collected at all the primary depths (see below). At Priority 2 stations, PI experiments were done, and POCs were
collected at two other depths; and at Priority 3 stations, PI experiments were
again done, and POCs were sampled only at one depth. Priority 1 stations were wherever SIS experiments were done (see
below). Priority 2 stations were those
that ran along the outermost line, the innermost line along the coast, and the, the, the and the lines. All remaining stations were Priority 3.
PI experiments were done at all stations, except
consecutive stations #58, 59, 85, 86, and 100.
When the weather did not allow deployment of the Rosette or if it was
too rough to collect a surface sample with the Rosette, water was collected
from the surface with a bucket and processed.
SIS experiments were done approximately once per day, with an attempt to
sample evenly both inshore and off, and in the northern and southern parts of
the grid and within the Marguerite Bay.
The FRRF was deployed at all stations where the Rosette was used,
through consecutive station #49.
Chlorophylls were sampled from all stations where the Rosette was
deployed, as well as from the bucket samples when necessary.
For the PI curves, water was collected from the Rosette
bottle that corresponded most closely to a depth of 5 m. For the SIS experiments, water was collected
at what was called the primary depths: surface, and at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30
m. While it was working, the FRRF was
deployed as part of the CTD Rosette, to a depth of 50 m, with a descent rate of
only 10-15 m per minute, somewhat slower than the standard CTD casts. At stations where only PI curves were done,
POC samples were taken from at least the 5 m depth and along. At stations where SIS experiments were done,
POC samples were collected from at least the surface, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30
m. Chlorophylls were collected at the
same depths as those for the SIS experiments, plus an additional standard depth
of 50 m. Occasionally, when the CTD fluorometer trace showed deep
water fluorescence, additional samples were taken at depths between 50 and 210
m (see Section 1.2, Appendix 3).
Sea ice sampling took place whenever it was in the
vicinity of the ship and reasonably accessible. This was done by one of the following methods: 1)
when open water was available, off the side of a deployed zodiac; 2) from personnel carrier placed on large
pancake type ice; or 3) using a weighted bucket lowered directly off the side
of the ship.
Chlorophylls were measured using a Turner Designs
Digital 10-AU-05 Fluorometer, serial
number 5333-FXXX, calibrated using a chlorophyll a standard from Sigma
Chemicals, dissolved in 90% acetone.
The “Fast Tracka” Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer, serial number
182037, is made by Chelsea Instruments
and was outfitted with independent depth and PAR sensors. All data were recorded internally to the
instrument and data were downloaded directly to a computer after ever few
casts. Incubations for the SIS
experiments were done in Plexiglas tubes, shaded to simulate collection light
levels with window screening, incubated in an on-deck Plexiglas tank, which was
outfitted with running seawater in order to maintain in situ temperatures. PI curves were done in custom built
incubators, designed to hold 7ml vials, irradiate at light levels between zero
and 460 µE (m2s)-1, and were attached to water baths to
maintain in situ collections
temperatures. POC samples will be
analyzed upon return to the United States.
Light data were collected using a Biospherical Instruments GUV
Radiometer, serial number 9250, mounted on the science mast and configured with
a PAR channel, as well as channels for 305, 320, 340, and 380 nm
wavelengths. Additional PAR data were
collected on six days using a Biospherical Instruments QSR-240 sensor, serial
number 6357, which was also mounted on the science mast.
Over the course of the 35 science days of this trip, we
have carried out a total of 139 PI experiments at 96 of the 101 stations
sampled. Thirteen of those experiments
were done on samples taken from buckets at 12 different locations. An additional nine PI curves were done on
seven different sea ice samples (Table 8).
A total of 23 SIS experiments were completed (Table 9), and the FRRF was
deployed at a total of 40 stations before an electrical failure occurred,
causing damage to at least one internal card in the instrument. Though the RPSC Electronics Technicians worked diligently fix it, it proved to be
unrepairable and the instrument will be returned to Chelsea for repair and
return before the July cruise.
For estimations of biomass (standing carbon stocks), both
POC and chlorophyll samples were taken.
A total of 101 POC samples were taken (plus blanks), of which nine were
sampled from buckets and eight were from sea ice samples. Seven hundred chlorophyll samples were taken
from 82 different CTD stations, 17
bucket stations, and eight ice stations.
For a summary of the bucket stations, see Table 10.
Surface PAR data were collected on all days that primary
production experiments were done (Table 11).
Due to a combination of a loose connection and high winds, no GUV data
were collected on 14 May 2001. GUV data
were collected at one minute intervals and logged directly to a computer. QSR data were collected two ways: 1) as part of the meteorological data set,
logged as raw voltage; and 2) onto a LICOR LI-1000 data logger, also logged as
raw voltage, but with four additional decimal points for increased resolution. A comparison of the two instruments was done
to determine collection differences between the two types (scalar vs. cosine)
of sensor. PAR data were also collected
during each daylight CTD cast using a profiling PAR sensor and will be used in
conjunction with surface PAR data for the analysis of water column production.
Final analysis is yet to be completed on the majority of
the data collected on this cruise.
However, there appears to be a stronger North-South trend in the
chlorophyll data than an onshore-offshore trend, with noticeably higher
chlorophyll levels in the northern, offshore part of the grid. There also was a high chlorophyll spike on
the northern, inshore portion of the grid, as well as slightly higher levels in
the northern part of Marguerite Bay.
Water column primary production levels seem to mirror this, with the
highest production matching the location of the highest chlorophyll values, in
the areas of consecutive stations #23 through 25.
Table 8. Summary of stations where sea
ice was sampled.
Sample # |
Latitude (ES) |
Longitude (EW) |
Sample Description |
Collection Method |
Samples Taken |
Ice 1 |
-68.738 |
-70.983 |
slush around early
pancakes |
zodiac |
chl, POC, CHN, PI,
nutrients |
Ice 2 |
-68.738 |
-70.983 |
early pancakes |
zodiac |
chl, POC, CHN, nutrients |
Ice 3 |
-70.325 |
-75.155 |
slush between large
pancakes |
personnel carrier |
chl, POC, CHN, nutrients |
Ice 4 |
-70.295 |
-75.299 |
slush between large
pancakes |
personnel carrier |
chl, POC, CHN, PI,
nutrients |
Ice 5 |
-70.295 |
-75.299 |
large pancake |
personnel carrier |
nutrients |
Ice 6 |
-70.302 |
-75.618 |
formed pancake |
zodiac |
chl, POC, CHN, PI,
nutrients |
Ice 7 |
-79.587 |
-74.607 |
early pancakes |
bucket |
chl, POC, CHN, PI,
nutrients |
Ice 8 |
-69.257 |
-72.492 |
early pancakes |
bucket |
chl, POC, CHN, PI,
nutrients |
Ice 9 |
-68.763 |
-71.408 |
crystalline slush |
zodiac |
chl, POC, CHN, PI,
nutrients |
Table 9. Summary of SIS stations, and
preliminary primary production estimates, with
values integrated to 30
m. PAR is as measured by the GUV, over
the duration of each
experiment (except
consecutive station #99, where PAR numbers are estimates based on the
QSR240 sensor). Note that
these values are only preliminary (*) estimates and further refinement
and QC will be done upon
return to the United States.
Consecutive Station Number |
Location |
Primary Production* (mgC/m2/day) |
PAR (µE/cm2/expt) |
3 |
500.180 |
15.0 |
49.3 |
9 |
460.220 |
36.7 |
193.9 |
14 |
420.145 |
19.1 |
66.2 |
23 |
340.253 |
171.9 |
171.1 |
28 |
335.060 |
9.5 |
53.7 |
33 |
300.-020 |
4.5 |
46.1 |
41 |
260.295 |
5.5 |
47.4 |
51 |
215.-015 |
1.6 |
26.3 |
53 |
220.075 |
2.1 |
40.9 |
55 |
220.140 |
3.3 |
not available |
57 |
220.220 |
4.0 |
not available |
68 |
180.100 |
0.2 |
7.6 |
69 |
140.100 |
1.4 |
10.7 |
72 |
140.220 |
1.0 |
11.7 |
77 |
100.140 |
0.9 |
12.5 |
81 |
060.255 |
0.6 |
11.4 |
84 |
020.180 |
1.2 |
10.7 |
87 |
062.122 |
0.6 |
7.6 |
89 |
239.057 |
1.2 |
17.4 |
90 |
367.036 |
0.3 |
6.0 |
91 |
338.044 |
1.4 |
14.4 |
95 |
344.052 |
4.2 |
44.0 |
99 |
353.099 |
3.2 |
44.8 |
101 |
372.110 |
5.6 |
49.2 |
Table 10. Summary of stations where
samples were taken from a bucket, either in addition to,
or instead of, sampling with
the Rosette on the CTD.
Sample # |
Grid Location |
Reason |
Samples Taken |
Bucket 1 |
300.140 |
No CTD |
chl, POC, PI |
Bucket 2 |
300.180 |
No CTD |
chl, POC, PI |
Bucket 3 |
300.220 |
No CTD |
chl, POC, PI |
Bucket 4 |
300.265 |
No CTD |
chl, POC, PI |
Bucket 5 |
260.180 |
No Surface Bottle |
chl |
Bucket 6 |
260.140 |
No CTD |
chl, POC, PI |
Bucket 7 |
260.100 |
No CTD |
chl, POC, PI |
Bucket 8 |
255.080 |
No CTD |
chl, POC, PI |
Bucket 9 |
267.057 |
No CTD |
chl, POC, PI |
Bucket 10 |
220.100 |
No CTD |
chl, POC, PI |
Bucket 11 |
220.220 |
No Surface Bottle |
chl , POC, SIS |
Bucket 12 |
220.250 |
No CTD |
chl |
Bucket 13 |
220.265 |
No CTD |
chl |
Bucket 14 |
220.280 |
No CTD |
chl |
Bucket 15 |
220.295 |
No CTD |
chl, POC, PI |
Bucket 16 |
140.255 |
No CTD |
chl, POC, PI |
Bucket 17 |
100.255 |
No CTD |
chl, POC, PI |
Table 11. PAR (Photosynthetically
Available Radiation, 400 – 700 nm) data, from
BSI GUV500 mounted on
Science Mast. Day lengths and daily
irradiance values are calculated
using PAR values above 0.0
µE/cm2*sec. Values for 14
May (*) are missing due to instrument
failure, and values for 30
May (**) are estimated from the BSI QSR240 sensor. A correction
factor was applied to the
QSR data to accommodate the difference between the cosine and
scalar sensor types.
Date |
Sunrise |
Sunset |
Day Length |
µE/cm2 |
29 Apr |
12:21 |
20:57 |
8.60 |
295.06 |
30 Apr |
12:26 |
20:35 |
8.15 |
49.26 |
1 May |
12:25 |
20:55 |
8.50 |
193.91 |
2 May |
12:38 |
20:38 |
8.00 |
171.82 |
3 May |
12:46 |
20:29 |
7.72 |
61.61 |
4 May |
12:54 |
20:38 |
7.73 |
89.87 |
5 May |
12:47 |
20:28 |
7.68 |
171.10 |
6 May |
13:12 |
20:05 |
6.88 |
53.71 |
7 May |
12:51 |
19:56 |
7.08 |
57.47 |
8 May |
13:12 |
20:10 |
6.97 |
47.93 |
9 May |
13:16 |
20:26 |
7.17 |
69.49 |
10 May |
13:13 |
19:58 |
6.75 |
47.40 |
11 May |
13:23 |
19:46 |
6.38 |
49.63 |
12 May |
14:18 |
19:29 |
5.18 |
26.27 |
13 May |
13:37 |
19:52 |
6.25 |
40.93 |
14 May* |
13:54 |
not available |
not available |
not available |
15 May |
14:01 |
19:52 |
5.85 |
23.88 |
16 May |
14:08 |
19:19 |
5.18 |
7.80 |
17 May |
14:19 |
19:40 |
5.35 |
10.73 |
18 May |
14:23 |
19:12 |
4.82 |
7.75 |
19 May |
14:27 |
19:28 |
5.02 |
12.50 |
20 May |
14:34 |
19:18 |
4.73 |
11.42 |
21 May |
14:41 |
19:10 |
4.48 |
6.94 |
22 May |
14:35 |
19:18 |
4.72 |
10.78 |
23 May |
14:35 |
19:06 |
4.52 |
7.63 |
24 May |
14:22 |
19:00 |
4.63 |
8.46 |
25 May |
14:02 |
19:11 |
5.15 |
17.43 |
26 May |
14:06 |
19:15 |
5.15 |
17.58 |
27 May |
14:16 |
18:49 |
4.55 |
6.53 |
28 May |
14:14 |
18:43 |
4.48 |
9.43 |
29 May |
14:15 |
18:42 |
4.45 |
5.83 |
30 May |
14:14 |
18:59 |
4.75 |
14.42 |
31 May** |
13:59 |
19:17 |
5.30 |
44.05 |
1 Jun |
13:55 |
19:27 |
5.53 |
28.74 |
2 Jun |
13:31 |
19:32 |
6.02 |
49.17 |
7.0 Microplankton studies (Scott Gallager, Karen Fisher, Susan Beardsley)
1. To provide an additional
perspective on the microplankton prey field utilized by larval and adult
Antarctic krill by quantifying abundance and motion characteristics, (i.e., swimming
behavior) in relation to particle size distribution.
2. To determine the vertical
and horizontal distribution of microplankton including pelagic ciliates and
heterotrophic dinoflagellates along the western Antarctic Peninsula during
austral autumn and winter.
3. To relate microplankton
distributions to vertical gradients in density, salt, mixing intensity, and
light distribution, and horizontal gradients in water mass distribution and
surface currents.
Ten-liter Niskin bottle samples were taken at 84
predetermined CTD stations along a grid extending about 20 nm both north and
south of Marguerite Bay and 20 nm offshore.
Bottles for microplankton sampling were chosen keeping the following
vertical regions of the water column in mind: the upper mixed layer, a fresher
water lens (if present usually <20 m), the halocline beneath the mixed
layer, and chlorophyll maxima and minima. Four samples were taken at each CTD
station, while more were taken if specific regions or strata seemed
interesting based on the CTD data or
data from the BIOMAPER-II and the VPR.
Samples were removed from the top of the Niskin bottles by gently
siphoning through wide bore tubing.
This procedure has been shown to minimize damage during sample transfer
particularly to large protists and marine snow aggregates (Gallager, 1996). Each
sample depth was processed by preserving 200 ml in 5% Acid Lugol’s fixative and
by observing swimming behavior on live, unconcentrated samples by the technique
of Gallager (1996).
For the purpose of distinguishing between heterotrophs
and autotrophs, 200 ml samples were fixed in 10% buffered formalin at stations
where the chlorophyll maximum was particularly marked. In addition, 1-liter samples were taken at a
number of stations and processed by filtration onto 0.8 Fm black polycarbonate
filters. These samples were held at 0oC in the dark for a few hours until
observed under epifluorescence microscopy using a chlorophyll filter set on a
Zeiss Axiophot upright microscope with 40x and 100x objectives. Digital images
were saved for further counting and processing of 30 fields along a grid line
on each filter. Although heterotrophic
protists were not counted by this live procedure, diatoms, dinoflagellates,
auto and mixotrophic and other pigment-containing cells were easily
Live samples were siphoned directly into 500 ml tissue
culture flasks and then placed into a refrigerated incubator at 1oC. Each flask was placed sequentially in a
recording box with a dark field illumination source and video camera equipped
with a macro lens. The fiber optic
light source was filtered to about 700 nm with a dark red filter. About 10-minute video records were made for
each sample. All records were recorded
on SVHS recording tape, while some were processed in real time.
The fully automated particle tracking of microplankton
from video data requires capturing a 30 s video sequence at 30 frames per
second into an AVI file, followed by importing the AVI into MATLAB one frame at
a time (refer to Figure 14 as an example of data processing). Each frame is binarized against a threshold
and each particle’s centroid, maximum, and minimum axes are recorded in a
matrix. The next frame is imported and a second matrix of pixel locations is
produced. A simple nearest-neighbor
algorithm is then used to determine if there are particles within a certain
displacement window between matrix one and matrix two. If the centroids are within the window, a
particle path is created. After all
paths have been created the ensemble mean velocity vector for all particles in
each frame is subtracted from the instantaneous velocity vector of each
particle in the field. This process
removes any common mode movement associated with ship roll. The result of the processing is a table of
data for each particle in the field for calibrated diameter, displacement,
speed, motion vector, NGDR (net to gross displacement), and energy dissipation
(calculated by the Lagrangian integral
length scale technique developed by Gallager
et al. (in press)). These
statistics are used as characteristics in a discriminant analysis to determine
associations between the swimming behavior of microplankton. The result is a description of the prey
field from the perspective of the energy, frequency of motion, and size
distribution of the microplankton community.
7.3 Brief Preliminary Results
Microplankton in the size range of 20 to 100 Fm were divided into four
functional groups: Mesodinium sp.,
tintinnids, oligotrichs (includes Strombidium,
Strobilidium, Lohmaniella, and Laboea),
and dinoflagellates. Observations
discussed here are based on viewing the video of swimming behavior for each
station and taking a quick look at
slides prepared for epifluorescence microscopy. A full description will await processing all video data,
settling and counting of Lugol’s
samples, and quantifying slides. The
microplankton community was remarkably different as we traveled through various
water masses. Offshore, the surface
mixed layer was dominated by large oligotrichous ciliates, such as Loboea , Strombidiium, and a Balanion-like protist. Nearshore, the mixed
layer was often blanketed with a fresher, colder layer only 10 to 20 m thick.,
presumed to be melt water from the previous summer. These surface waters were teaming with small flagellates and
ciliates, including the obligate mixotroph Mesodiniumm
sp. (this may be Mesodimium rubrum,
but appeared not to be Myronecta rubrum
due to the conspicuous lack of anterior “antenna”). A plot of the surface salinity (Figure 15) shows the distribution
of coastal waters within Marguerite Bay and to the north and south. Where salinity was less than 33.2 psu, the
possibility of finding Mesodinium in
the surface lens was high. No Mesodinnium were observed below 20 m at
any of the CTD stations. It was also
noticed, but not quantified as yet, that the swimming speed of Mesodinium was markedly reduced as the
water became colder near shore. In
addition to being an interesting physiological response, this could have
important implications for predator/prey interactions if Mesodinium becomes a carbon source for young Antarctic krill
feeding in the surface waters. Further
observations will be made on the next cruise (NBP01-04) to test this
hypothesis. Samples below the mixed layer were almost exclusively dominated by
dinoflagellates, which appeared not to fluoresce under chlorophyll filter set,
suggesting these dinoflagellates were heterotrophic rather than
autotrophic. Large diatoms were present
in the mixed layer, while small pigment containing cells dominated below 100 m.
7.4 References
Gallager, SM., Microplankton
behavior and its contribution to the prey field of larval cod on GLOBEC process
Cruise EN267. Cruise report for Northwest Atlantic GLOBEC cruise EN267,
Gallager, S.M., H. Yamazaki,
and C.S. Davis, The contribution of
fine scale vertical structure and swimming behavior to the formation of plankton
layers on Georges Bank. Mar. Ecol. Progr.
Series (in press).
Figure 14. Example of an analysis for
microplankton motility for station #78, surface sample.
Top left: raw video
sequence; top right: particle paths for both non-motile and motile particles;
bottom left: centroids of motile particles only; bottom right: size
distribution (in mm) of motile particles only.
Figure 15. Surface salinity and
distribution of Mesodinium sp. in the
surface waters less
than 20 m. Green: <=33.2; Blue: >33.6 and
<=33.7; Yellow: >33.4 and <=33.6;
Cyan: >33.2 and
<=33.4; Black: >33.7.
8.0 Zooplankton Studies (Peter Wiebe, Carin Ashjian, Cabell Davis, Scott Gallager)
The winter distribution and abundance of the Antarctic
krill population throughout the west Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf
study area are poorly known, yet this population is hypothesized to be an
especially important overwintering site for Antarctic krill in this
geographical region of the Antarctic ecosystem. Thus, the principal objectives
of this component of the program are to determine the broad-scale distribution
of larval, juvenile, and adult krill throughout the study area; to relate and
compare their distributions to the distributions of the other members of the
zooplankton community; to contribute to relating their distributions to
mesoscale and regional circulation and seasonal changes in ice cover, food
availability, and predators; and to determine the small-scale distribution of
larval krill in relation to physical structure of sea ice. To accomplish these
objectives, three instrument platforms were used on this cruise. A 1-m2 MOCNESS was used to sample
the zooplankton at a selected series of stations distributed throughout the
survey station grid. A towed body,
BIOMAPER-II, was towyoed along the trackline between stations to collect
acoustic data, video images, and environmental data between the surface and bottom
in much of the survey area. A ROV was used to sample under the ice and to
collect video images of krill living in association with the ice under surface,
and environmental and current data.
This section of the cruise report will detail the various methods used
with each of the instrument systems, or in the case of BIOMAPER-II, its
8.1 MOCNESS report (C. Ashjian)
The net sampling of zooplankton portion of the project
had two main objectives. The first was
to sample the vertical distribution, abundance, and population structure (size,
life stage) of the plankton at selected locations across the broad-scale survey
grid. The second objective was to
collect information on the size distribution of the plankton, especially
Antarctic krill, in order to ground-truth the acoustic data collected using the
BIOMAPER-II multi-frequency acoustic system.
Using the size distribution of planktonic taxa from different depths and
locations, we plan to calculate the acoustic intensity that should result from
insonification of that water parcel as a check and ground-truthing of the
acoustic backscatter from the BIOMAPER-II.
Sampling was conducted using a 1-m2 MOCNESS
(Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System) equipped with
nine 333 Fm mesh nets and a suite of environmental sensors including temperature,
conductivity, fluorescence, light transmission, and dissolved oxygen probes
(Figure 16). The MOCNESS was also equipped with a strong strobe light, which
flashed at 2-second intervals. Because
Antarctic krill are strong swimmers and likely can see slow moving nets such as
the MOCNESS, they frequently avoid capture by net systems. The rationale behind the strobe system was
to shock or blind the krill temporarily so that the net would not be perceived
and avoided.
We conducted tows at 24 locations (Figure 17). For most
tows, oblique tows were conducted from near bottom to the surface, sampling the
entire water column on the downcast and selected depths on the upcast with the
remaining eight nets. The deepest tows
sampled to 1000 m. Typically, the upper
100 m was sampled at 25 m intervals, with 50 m intervals in the intermediate
depth ranges and greater intervals (150, 200 m) in the deepest depth
ranges. Samples were preserved upon recovery
in 4% formalin, except for the first net (water column sample) which was
preserved in ethanol to be utilized for genetic analyses.
At three locations (Figure 17), we conducted studies to
determine the efficacy of the strobe system in capturing large krill. We first determined that the location would
be favorable for capture of large krill by locating a patch of elevated
acoustic intensity using the BIOMAPER-II acoustic system. After the BIOMAPER-II was recovered and the
MOCNESS deployed, we monitored the patch by observing the acoustic backscatter
from the Simrad EK500 Scientific Sounding System installed on the ship
(additional detail is in Section 8.4).
Each tow consisted of a series of paired down and upcasts through a set
depth interval (e.g., 50-90 m), with each successive net sampling both a down
and upcast. The strobe light was set to
either “on” or ‘off” while each net was open.
Four of the eight nets sampled with the strobe flashing and four sampled
with the strobe off. The order in which
the strobe was turned on or off was determined by blindly drawing successive
ballots from a box that contained four “off” ballots and four ‘on”
ballots. These samples will be examined
to determine if large krill were sampled more effectively with the strobe
flashing than with no strobe.
Abundant adult krill were observed at some locations,
especially within Marguerite Bay. This
corresponded to the patchy distribution observed in the acoustic
backscatter. Juvenile krill (calyptopis
and furcilia stages) were abundant in the upper 50 m at most locations across
the shelf and in Marguerite Bay. The
presence of larval krill, especially the calyptopis stage, indicated late
spawning this year. Post-larval krill
were seen infrequently at depth (>100 m). Pteropods were observed at some
locations between 50 and 100 m and at deeper depths. Large copepods were abundant below 100 m with smaller copepods
above, including Metridia gerlachi. Zooplankton abundance was markedly reduced
at locations off of the shelf in deep (1000 m) water, which were offshore of
the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front. Krill abundances were reduced at the offshore locations, as
well. Patches of intense acoustic
backscatter observed with the BIOMAPER-II and VPR were sampled with the
MOCNESS. The deep patches consisted of
post-larval krill, while near-surface patches consisted of copepods and larval
krill. Small fish (2.5 cm length) were
frequently observed in the upper 25 m, while larger fish (10 cm) were captured
in deeper nets (400 m). The larval and
postlarval stages of krill appear to have different depth distributions.
8.1.4 Net 0 sampling for
Genetic and Stable Isotope studies (Karen Fisher)
DNA Analysis: Samples were taken for population studies using DNA to pinpoint
relationships among euphausiids.
Animals were obtained from Net 0 (downward integrated net) of the
MOCNESS, a small ring net, and bucket samples taken from zodiacs in brash
ice. Krill were collected at the
following stations for Dr. Ann Bucklin at the University of New Hampshire: STN 22 (juv); STN 25 (juv); STN 34 (adult);
STN 41 (juv); STN 55 (mixed juv and adult); STN 64 (adult); STN 69 (mixed juv
and adult); STN 76 (juv); STN 53 (juv); STN 37 (juv); STN 44 (mixed juv and
adult); and the Krill Patch Experiment (adult). The goal was to obtain 10 to 20 individuals at 5 to 10 stations
during the cruise. Due to the
patchiness in distribution we encountered, we have four tows that yielded 9 to
20 animals at three locations. An
additional four stations yielded four or five animals in good enough condition
to warrant collection. Over all, 108
samples were collected and frozen immediately at ‑80EC. Additional samples from
all 24 MOCNESS stations were preserved in ethanol for later study.
Stable isotope
analysis: Samples were taken for natural abundance
stable isotope analysis at the CoBSIL facility at Cornell University. Zooplankton and particulate samples will be
analyzed on a mass spectrometer to determine the ratio of 15N to 14N and 13C
to 12C. Particulate samples
were taken from 4‑6 depths of the CTD and filtered onto precombusted 25
mm GFC filters. Zooplankton samples
were obtained from Net 0, the downward integrated net of the MOCNESS. All samples were then frozen in cryo-vials
in a ‑80EC freezer. Samples were
obtained at the following stations: 22, 25, 34, 41, 49, 55, 64, 69, 76, 84, the
southernmost ice station (70E 18.5 S, 75E 40.3 W, bucket samples
only), 53, 37, the Krill Patch Experiment 3, and the CTD at 102. Samples included juvenile and adult
euphausiids, amphipods, copepods, cladocerans, ctenophores, salps,
chaetognaths, pteropods, and larval fish.
Figure 16. The 1-m2
MOCNESS being deployed from the stern of the N.B. Palmer during cruise 01-03.
Note the aluminum battery cases mounted on each side of the top frame
assembly containing
12-volt batteries to power
the strobe light unit.
Figure 17. Locations for the oblique
MOCNESS tows taken as part of the broad-scale survey
(solid dots) and the
horizontal tows taken to test the efficacy of the strobe light unit
The goal of this sampling is to determine baseline stable
isotope relationships of fall communities in Marguerite Bay. Phytoplankton exposed to deep water sources
of nutrients tend to become lighter (depleted in the heavy isotope 15N
relative to 14N) when compared to ambient levels. These variations
then travel up the food chain.
Predators are generally heavier than their prey, allowing construction
of rough trophic relationship diagrams among the zooplanktors. Spatial or temporal variation within a
species is potentially useful as an indicator of changes in prey fields. As animals tend to integrate their food sources
into body mass in a variety of ways, they represent tracers of varying duration. This study hopes to contribute baseline
values for a number of species, examine the relationships of whole community
stable isotope composition in light of the composition of individual
contributors, and determine the extent of spatial variation within the study
grid. This project is funded by a grant from the Research Training Grant in
Biogeochemistry at Cornell University and is being jointly carried out with
M.S. student, Jennifer Whiteis, and B.S. student, David Rosenberg. Support of
the Scripps phytoplankton group is also gratefully acknowledged.
The BIO-Optical Multi-frequency Acoustical
and Physical Environmental Recorder, or BIOMAPER II, is a
towed system capable of conducting quantitative surveys of the spatial
distribution of coastal and oceanic plankton/nekton (Figure 18A). The system
consists of a multi‑frequency sonar, a video plankton recorder system
(VPR), and an environmental sensor package (CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer).
Also included are an electro‑optic tow cable, a winch with slip rings,
and van which holds the electronic equipment for real‑time data
processing and analysis. The towbody is
capable of operating to a depth of 300 m at 4 to 6 kts, while near the surface
it may be towed at speeds up to 10 kts.
The system can be operated in a surface towed down-looking mode, in a
vertical oscillatory "towyo" mode, or in a sub-surface up/down
looking horizontal mode. To enhance the
performance and utility of BIOMAPER II in high sea states, a winch, slack
tensioner, and over-boarding sheave/docking assembly are used.
The harsh late Antarctic fall weather conditions and the
prospect of spending a significant amount of time surveying in areas with sea
ice required that the handling system be modified so that BIOMAPER-II could be
deployed from the stern of the RVIB N.B.
Palmer instead of from the starboard quarter as the system was designed to
do. The A-frame on the Palmer is too tall to simply put the
over-boarding sheave in the normal position at the top of the frame. This would
have resulted in a cable run of 10 to 12 m from the sheave to the water and
with any kind of ship motion, the 1500 lb towed body could not have been
restrained from crashing into the ship once it left the water. A stiff arm was designed and constructed at
WHOI to lower the over-boarding sheave/docking assembly to a level that would
minimize the distance that BIOMAPER-II needed to be hauled up to be docked and
still clear the stern rail when the A-frame was boomed in (Figure 18B). The stiff arm was a right triangle (width =
2.2 m; height of stiff arm= 5.5 m; height of stiff arm plus sheave/docking
assembly = 6.94 m), constructed from heavy gauge square steel tubing. It was
oriented vertically so that the hypotenuse of the triangle faced to port. The short triangle leg had pad eyes that
were shackled to pad eyes on the top of the A-frame and the sheave/docking
assembly was attached to the lower end of the arm. The over-boarding sheave
articulated and was equipped with a hydraulic ram, so that its position could
be adjusted to keep the docking mechanism vertical during launch and recovery
and to move it inboard of the wire when towing.
This system worked reasonably well under all but the
roughest of sea conditions. During high
seas, however, the pitch of the ship caused BIOMAPER-II, once clear of the sea
surface, to swing forward and ram the stern or to turn sideways before any
handling lines could be attached and hit the ship. Under these sea conditions, the towed body was left in the water
and it was lowered to sufficient depth to allow the slack tensioner to damp the
motion of the ship without topping or bottoming out. The slack tensioner has a
dynamic range of about 8 m and under most towyoing conditions, the pitching
motion at the stern of the Palmer was
less than that. There were, however,
sea conditions which exceeded the motion compensating capacity of the tensioner
with the current system to provide the nitrogen gas pressure to the accumulators. In addition, the pressure in the nitrogen
cylinders had to be adjusted to compensate for the motion at the sea surface
and once the towed body was deployed below 30 to 40 m, the tensioner was
bottomed out and no more compensation was possible. Although the pitching
motion was moderated by those depths, it still influenced the motion of the
towed body with a resulting degradation in the quality of the acoustic
data. This was a recognized problem
with the starboard handling configuration, but it became more significant
because of the increased pitching motion experienced as a result of the stern
towing. A method is needed to
automatically adjust the pressure in the compensating system so that the system
is usually running in an optimal position at the surface and at depth. Such a system had been under design at WHOI
but has not yet been constructed.
In anticipation of the high winds, cold temperatures, and
wet working conditions on the stern deck of the Palmer, a shipping container was modified into a working “garage”
for BIOMAPER-II and also as a place where it could be stored when not being
used. The van was located on the port side of the vessel centerline forward of
the A-frame. The van was outfitted with
40 KVA step-down transformer (input power is 440-480 VAC, single phase), high
output radiant and fan-driven heaters, and electrical outlets. At the rear of the van was a work
bench. Longitudinally down the middle
of the van, suspended from the ceiling, was an aluminum I-beam on rollers
equipped with a motor drive hoist. The
I-beam could be rolled out the container doors until a stop about halfway was
reached and the hoist could be positioned anywhere along the I-beam. This setup enabled BIOMAPER-II to be hoisted
up from in front of the van and rolled into the van for service, repair, or dry
storage. The van proved to be essential
to the operation and maintenance of the vehicle.
The BIOMAPER control van is another ISO container
finished off on the inside as a lab. This van was located on the 03 level
inside the helicopter hanger. The van
has seating for four or five individuals and computers for four operations:
acoustic data acquisition and processing, VPR data acquisition and processing,
ESS acquisition, and hardware monitoring.
In the center is a set of 19" rack mounting rails hung from the
ceiling on shock isolators. The rack
has three adjacent bays, 21" inside height. The 19" rack holds the
BIOMAPER DC power supply, which is an Electronic Measurements, Inc.
EMS300-8-2-D. Also, the 19" rack
holds two color monitors and a VHF radio base station. The two deck cameras are for observing the
winch and slack tensioner, and for observing launch and recovery of the towed
body. For this work, the van was equipped with additional heaters, in addition
to a Sanyo air conditioner/heat pump which is mounted at the far end in a
recessed box. Power for this van is also 440-480 VAC, single phase and it has a
10 KVA step-down transformer.panel. Inputs to the van from the Palmer’s navigation and bathymetry logging
system included P-code GPS (9600 baud), Aztec GPS (4800 baud), Bathy bottom
depth information, and an ethernet connection to the ship’s network.
The cable used to tow BIOMAPER-II has a diameter of 0.68
inches. Its specifications are: outer armor: 36 wires GEIPS; weight in air: 747
lb/kft; weight in water: 608 lb/kft; specific gravity (seawater): 5.6;
temperature range: -30EC to +80EC; breaking strength: 46,000
lbf; and working load @ 3% strain: 10,000 lbf.
The tow cable contains three single mode optical fibers and three copper
power conductors. Data telemetry
occupies one fiber (using two colors) and the video, the second. The third fiber is a spare for now. A cable termination matched to meet the
strengths of the towing cable and the towed body's towing bail was designed and
built at WHOI. It is a poured fitting
using Cerrobend, a low melting point synthetic metal.
During the first three weeks of the cruise, BIOMAPER-II
experienced a series of electronic problems and component failures. These involved both the HTI echosounder and
the VPR. For reasons that are still
unknown, the echosounder stopped working on 5 May 2001 because of the failure
of several electronic components (an integrated chip and several mercury
relays). Fortunately, a spare parts board on the R/V L.M. Gould, coupled with the superb electronic skills of Scott
Gallager with assistance from Andy Girard and Joe Warren, resulted in a repair
to the system that served for the rest of the cruise. Problems with the VPR, detailed below, stemmed in part from a
modification to the fiber optics telemetry system that was done prior to the
cruise to enable two VPR cameras to be used.
Among the problems were the new transceivers used to convert video
signals for transmission on optical fibers.
These introduced noise into the video data stream that significantly
degraded the quality of the video images.
Attempts to reduce the noise were only partially successful. Other problems were associated with the
towing cable, which twice had to be terminated after the outer armor was
damaged during work in heavy seas.
Figure 18. A) BIOMAPER-II being launched
from stern of the N.B. Palmer on
cruise 01-03.
B) Engineering drawing of
BIOMAPER-II stiff arm and over-boarding sheave with docking
mechanism designed and built
for use with the stern A-frame on the N.B.
8.2.1 Acoustics Data
Collection, Processing, and Results (Joe Warren and Peter Wiebe) Introduction A wealth of acoustic
backscatter data were collected by BIOMAPER-II during the six-week survey of
Marguerite Bay and the surrounding shelf-break area. Approximately 380 GB of raw acoustic data were recorded despite a
series of instrument complications and failures during the first two weeks of
the cruise. Methods BIOMAPER-II collects acoustic
backscatter echo integration data from a total of ten echosounders (five pairs
of transducers with center frequencies of 43 kHz, 120 kHz, 200 kHz, 420 kHz,
and 1 MHz). Half of the transducers are
mounted on the top of the tow-body looking upward, while the other half are
mounted on the bottom looking downward.
This arrangement enables acoustic scattering data to be collected for
much of the water column as the instrument is towed vertically through the
survey track. Due to differences in
absorption of acoustic energy by seawater, the range limits of the transducers
are different. The lower frequencies
(43 and 120 kHz) collect data up to 300 m away from the instrument (in 1.5 m
range bins), while the higher frequencies (all with 1 m range bins) have range
limits of (150, 100, and 35 m respectively).
The acoustic data were recorded by HTI software and
stored as .INT, .BOT and .RAW files on a computer hard drive. Data were
transferred and backed up on Jaz disks and CDs. They were also compressed
before transfer using the PKZIP utility. The .INT and .BOT files were further
post-processed to combine the information from the upward and downward looking
transducers to make maps of acoustic backscatter of the entire water column (or
at least to the range limits of the transducers). The .RAW files were processed
to look at target strength data collected from individual scatterers in the
water column. The acoustic backscatter
data from the HTI system were then integrated with environmental data from the
ESS (Environmental Sensing System) onboard BIOMAPER-II. These data included
depth of the towed body, salinity, temperature, fluorescence, transmittance,
and other parameters. In addition, information about the three-dimensional
position of BIOMAPER-II (pitch, roll, yaw) and data from the winch (tension,
wire out, wire speed) were also recorded.
Acoustic data were processed using a series of MATLAB
files contained in the HTI2MAT toolbox (written by Joe Warren, Andy Pershing,
and Peter Wiebe). These files patch together the upward and downward looking
data, integrate the environmental sensor information and concatenate the
acoustic records into typically half-day (am or pm) chunks. Larger files (of
the entire survey track for instance) are possible but become unwieldy to plot
due to file and memory size. Files containing a half-day of information are
approximately 30 MB. These files were saved as d123_am_sv.mat and
d123_am_sv_w.mat, in addition a tiff image of a plot of all the acoustic data
were included. The d123_am_sv.mat file
is in the correct format for looking at environmental information and can be plotted
using the pretty_pic* series of m-files.
The data in d123_am_sv_w.mat are in New Wiebe format and can be viewed
using the curtainnf.m program.
Due to a series of near-catastrophes (cables fraying,
relays welding closed, and impact between the instrument and the ship transom)
and the related near-miraculous repairs (led by Scott Gallager and Andy Girard
with assistance from HTI personnel and Mark Dennet, Cabell Davis, and Joe
Warren), there were a variety of transducer configurations used on this cruise.
The original (and standard) configuration and MUX assignments were used for
approximately 10 days. There was then a half-week period where data were only
collected from the three lower frequency pairs of transducers. Finally, a
stable configuration was obtained where data were collected from nine
transducers (the upward looking 1 MHz was not used) with a different MUX
assignment protocol. The processing of these data required constant
modification of both the HTI software and the HTI2MAT toolbox; however, the
majority of the survey track contains data from the 43, 120, 200, and 420 kHz
transducers (both up and down looking). Results A preliminary analysis of the
acoustic data is limited to a qualitative overview of the different features
and phenomena observed in the scattering record due to the need for calibration
of some of the transducers before any quantitative analysis can be done. A plot
of the survey track from the 120 kHz echosounder shows several interesting
patterns (Figure 19). In general,
nearshore scattering was stronger than offshore scattering. This was true on
essentially all transects in spite of the fact that the survey itself took
nearly 4 weeks to complete. During that
time, many small time-scale processes (diurnal migration, mixing of the water
column by storms) took place which would effect the distribution of the
plankton, but this pattern remained.
One interesting observation is that adult krill patches were, for the
most part, only observed in the nearshore shoal areas with widely varying
topography. These areas occurred off
the northern portion of Alexander Island, particularly in the vicinity of
Stations #53, 68, and 69, and around the southern end of Adelaide Island. High concentrations of adults were also
observed in some sections of Marguerite Bay and one area, Labeuf Fjord, was the
subject of a patch study described below.
Figure 19. A preliminary 3-D image of the
120 kHz volume backscattering data collected on
the N.B. Palmer cruise 01-03 broad-scale survey.
BIOMAPER-II was kept in the water, near the surface,
during a CTD cast to try and observe any avoidance or reaction of the
zooplankton layers to the presence of a lowered instrument. This was done to
see if it was likely that there was an avoidance behavior exhibited by the
zooplankton to the presence of BIOMAPER-II as it was lowered through dense
aggregations of animals. The acoustic transducers cannot collect meaningful
data in the acoustic near field (on the order of several meters above and below
the towed body), so it is difficult to see this when BIOMAPER-II is the vehicle
disturbing the layers. As is easily
seen, the aggregation of animals at 100 m avoided the CTD/Rosette system as it
was lowered and raised through the water column (Figure 20). However, the
plankton quickly filled in the gaps caused by the intruding instrument. This
suggests that the avoidance behavior caused by the presence of an instrument is
temporary and not likely to cause permanent changes in the distribution of the
Figure 20. Avoidance
of the CTD as it was lowered and raised through a layer of krill, as viewed
in the BIOMAPER-II 120 kHz
volume backscattering echogram.
A phenomenon noticed regularly on this cruise (and on
previous BIOMAPER-II cruises) is that different layers or patches have
different scattering strength spectra – that is, they show up stronger or
weaker at certain frequencies. For
example, smaller animals (juvenile krill or copepods approximately 1-3 mm long)
will have weaker scattering at the lower frequencies and will be strongest on
the 420 kHz record, while large adult krill (approximately 4-5 cm long) will
have similar scattering at 120, 200, and 420 kHz with weaker scattering at 43
kHz. These differences suggest that it
may be possible to remotely size zooplankton if the aggregations are
mono-specific and have a normal size distribution. An example of this occurred
on 1 May 2001 in the afternoon, where a layer of zooplankton was seen moving
upward in the water column at approximately the time of the local sunset
(Figure 21). This layer is seen quite clearly on the 420 kHz acoustic record,
but is very weak (or non-existent) on the lower three frequencies. The scattering spectra of this upward migrating
layer is consistent with that of small animals (on the order of several
millimeters in length). This upward
migrating layer remains at the surface of the water column for the rest of the
evening, exhibiting the same scattering characteristics. Later in the day, a separate aggregation of
animals were seen in a series of small patches located at 175 m depth. The scattering from these aggregations is
quite strong on the 120, 200, and 420 kHz transducers and is also visible on
the 43 kHz echogram. This suggests that
the animals in these deeper and smaller patches are larger animals (of the
order of several centimeters in length).
After the broad-scale survey was completed, several
smaller surveys were undertaken to determine the size and extent of some of the
zooplankton patches that were observed during the earlier survey. A series of crossing transects was
undertaken in order to fully map an aggregation of krill. One of these patches
was later sampled using the MOCNESS to determine the usefulness of running the
strobe lights during tows to reduce avoidance behavior of the animals. It is
difficult to arrive at a single size estimate of the krill patches; however,
some initial conclusions are that patches can have an enormous range in size,
from hundreds of meters to over 3 kilometers (Figure 22). Even with a fairly well mapped region
(Figure 22), it is difficult to say whether or not there is one or more patches
observed due to the irregular shape of the patches and the movement of the
water during our survey. Without
synoptic acoustic coverage of the area, it is difficult to estimate the
dimensions of these aggregations.
These results are still preliminary and have undergone
only the briefest of analysis. More thorough conclusions can be drawn after the
acoustic transducers are calibrated by HTI and the contents of the MOCNESS tows
are enumerated and identified. Combination of the acoustic and VPR data will
also provide further insight into the ecosystem of Marguerite Bay.
8.2.2 Video Plankton Recorder
studies (C. Davis, C. Ashjian, and S. Gallager) Overview The Video Plankton Recorder
(VPR) is an underwater video microscope that images and identifies plankton and
seston in the size range 0.5–25 mm and quantifies their abundances at sea in
real time. As part of the Southern
Ocean GLOBEC Program, the goal of the VPR studies is to quantify the abundance
of larval krill, as well as krill prey, including copepods, large
phytoplankton, and marine snow. Methods For this program, the VPR
group (Davis, Gallager, Ashjian) is collaborating with the BIOMAPER-II group (Wiebe et al.) by using BIOMAPER-II as a
platform for deployment of the VPR. In
this way, the VPR video data are augmented by high-resolution acoustical
backscatter data that better quantifies abundance patterns of adult krill. The two systems together allow
high-resolution data to be obtained on adult and larval krill and their
prey. The range-gated acoustical data
provides distributional data at a higher horizontal resolution than is possible
with the towyoed VPR sled, while the video data provides high-resolution
taxa-specific abundance patterns along the towpath of the VPR. In addition to generating high-resolution
taxa-specific distributional patterns, the VPR allows for direct
identification, enumeration, and sizing of objects in acoustic scattering
layers, so that the VPR data are used to calibrate the acoustical data. The BIOMAPER-II sled also includes a
standard suite of environmental sensors (CTD, fluorometer, transmissometer, PAR
Figure 21. Frequency dependent variation
in the scattering strength of a vertical migration layer observed on YD121 during
the broad-scale survey on N.B. Palmer
cruise 01-03.
Figure 22. Two views
of the patchiness in a layer of adult krill that was observed off the northern
end of Alexander Island in a
location where there were also a number of whales, seals, and sea birds. The VPR system Cameras and strobe(s): A two-camera VPR was mounted on the
BIOMAPER-II towfish for this cruise.
(Previous BIOMAPER-II cruises employed a single-camera VPR, but a
second, higher-magnification camera was added for the present cruise.) The cameras and strobe were mounted on top
of BIOMAPER-II, forward of the tow point.
In order to add a second camera, the fiber optic telemetry system in
BIOMAPER-II was changed to include a four-channel modulator pair for digital
transmission of video and raw acoustical data over the fiber optic tow
cable. The cameras are set for field
acquisition mode and synchronized at 60 HZ with a 16-watt strobe. Due to high-frequency noise problems
generated by the BIOMAPER-II telemetery system (caused by the new modulator), a
second strobe was added halfway through the survey grid to boost the signal to
noise ratio in the video images.
The two cameras were calibrated in the laboratory prior to the cruise to
determine the dimensions of the imaged volume.
Fields of view (width and height of the video field) were determined for
each camera using a translucent grid placed at the center of focus. The field width and height of the high
magnification camera was 8.4 and 6.5 mm, respectively, while the low
magnification camera had a field of view of 24 by 31 mm. Depths of field also were quantified by
videotaping a tethered copepod as it was moved into and out of focus along the
camera-strobe axis using a micropositioner, while recording (on audio track)
the distance traveled by the copepod in mm.
The depth of field was determined in the center of the field of view and
at each of the four corners. These video recordings were subsequently processed
using the automated focus detection system described below together with the
audio recordings to objectively determine the positions of the near and far
edges of focus. Since depth of field is
dependent on the settings in the focus detection program and these settings had
to be changed during the cruise, the VPR system will be shipped back to Woods
Hole for a follow-up calibration.
Video Recording and Processing: The analog video
signals (NTSC) from the two cameras were sent from the fiber optic modulator
(receiver) in the winch drum through coaxial slip rings and a deck cable to the
BIOMAPER-II van. The incoming video was
stamped with VITC and LTC time code using a Horita Inc. model GPS time code
generator. Horita character inserters
were used to burn time code directly on the visible portion of the video near
the bottom of the screen. The two video
streams with time code were then recorded on two Panasonic AG1980 SVHS
recorders and looped through these recorders to two image processing
The software package, Visual
Plankton (WHOI developed and licensed), was used to process the VPR video
streams. This software is a combination of MATLAB and C++ code and consists
several components, including focus detection, manual sorting of a training set
of in-focus images, neural net training, image feature extraction, and
classification. Visual Plankton was run on two Dell Inc. Pentium 4 1.4GHZ computers
(Windows 2000 operating system) containing Matrox Inc. Meteor II NTSC video
capture cards. The two video streams
(=camera outputs) were processed simultaneously using the two computers (one
stream per computer).
The focus detection program written in C++ was executed
either from within the Visual Plankton
main GUI (a MATLAB figure window) or as a stand-alone unit. The focus program interfaces with the Matrox
Meteor II board using calls to the Mil-Lite software written by Matrox
Inc. The incoming analog video stream
first was digitized by the Meteor II frame grabber at field rates (i.e., 60
fields per second). Each field was
digitized at 640 by 207 pixels, cropping out the lower portion of the field to
remove the burned-in time code. The
digitized image then was normalized for brightness and segmented (binarized) at
a threshold (150) so that the pixels above the threshold were set to 255 and
ones below the threshold were set to 0.
The program then ran a connectivity routine that stepped through each
scan line of the video field and to determine which of the “on” pixels (those
having a value of 255) in the field were connected to each other. Once these clusters, termed “blobs”, were
found, it was determined whether they were above the minimum size threshold,
and if so, they were sent to the edge detection routine to determine the mean
Sobel edge value of the blob. If the
Sobel value was above the focus threshold, the region of interest (ROI)
containing the blob was expanded by a specified constant and saved to the hard
disk as a TIFF image using the time of capture as the name of the file. The digitized video, as well as the
segmented image, Sobel subimages, and final ROIs were all displayed on the
computer monitor as processing took place.
ROI files were saved in hourly subdirectories contained in Julian day
Once a sufficient number of ROIs were written to hourly
directories, a subset of the ROIs was copied to another directory for manual
sorting of the images into taxa-specific folders using an image-sorting program
(Compupic or ThumbsPlus). This program
was run to extract the features and sizes from these sorted ROIs and set up the
necessary files for training the neural network classifier. At this point, the training program was
executed which built the neural network classifier. Once the classifier was built, all the ROIs collected thus far
were processed by the feature extraction and classification programs, after
which the incoming ROIs were processed as soon as they were generated.
These automatic identification results were written to
taxa-specific directories containing hourly files, the latter comprising lists
of times when individuals of a taxon were observed.
Real-time Data Display: Real-time distributional
plots of larval krill were produced by binning the times when these krill were
observed into the time bins (4-second intervals) of the navigational and
physical data from the environmental sensors.
In this way, the number of animals observed in four-second intervals was
known and divided by the volume imaged during that period. These data (from the towyos) then were
mapped to a regular grid (using NCAR ZGRID routine) and plotted in real time in
MATLAB as a color curtain plot.
The same style color curtain plots were generated for the
environmental data using the standard VPR plotting software. A multi-panel display allowed direct
comparison of the three-dimensional distributional patterns of the krill larvae
and the environmental variables. Sampling Methods Two types of sampling were
done: grid sampling and patch mapping.
VPR data were collected along the survey grid between CTD stations as
the BIOMAPER-II was towyoed between depths of 15 and 250 m or to within what
was deemed a safe distance from the bottom.
The bottom was largely uncharted and irregular in many places with shoals
that rose several hundred meters over a few kilometers. The ship steamed at 5 kts during the grid
After the grid sampling was completed, patches of adult
krill were sampled at selected locations near Alexander and Adelaide
Islands. During the first krill patch
study, BIOMAPER-II was initially towed at the surface, using only the downward
looking acoustics to map the patch. A
geographically fixed 3-km square hourglass pattern was used to map the area. The VPR then was towyoed through the patch
along the same path. Subsequent patch
mapping involved similar initial small-scale surveys, followed by attempts to
locally map a patch. Results and
Overall the cruise was
marginally successful with regard to VPR sampling, largely due to the failure
of the BIOMAPER-II system as a reliable platform for acquisition of VPR data
during the first half of the survey.
Several portions of the grid could not be sampled due to repairs being made
to BIOMAPER-II and to the tow cable.
The poor quality of data telemetry resulted in a noisy video signal that
degraded the quality of the data obtained and precluded acquisition of suitable
data from the high-magnification camera for image analysis (using the software
available on board). An attempt will be
made to analyze the high-magnification videotapes in the laboratory if funding
Despite these problems, we were able to obtain good data
from the low magnification camera for the second half of the survey. To counteract the noisy data telemetry, a
second strobe was added to the VPR halfway through the grid survey (just prior
to tow 12). Addition of the second
strobe boosted the signal-to-noise ratio and allowed capture of in-focus ROIs (from
the low-magnification camera) that could be automatically classified into major
taxonomic groups. Larval krill
distributions then were plotted in real time.
In total, nearly 400 two-hour videotapes were collected
during the cruise. All of this 60 Hz
analog video was digitized at 640 by 207 pixels per field and processed in real
time during the cruise, representing a total processing of over 20 terabytes of
digital data.
Planktonic Taxa Observed with the VPR: Dominant groups observed in the video included
larval and adult euphausiids, copepods, pteropods, polychaetes, and marine
snow. For automatic plankton
identification, these dominant groupings were used. In addition to these
dominants, numerous 1-cm medusae were observed that appeared to be of the same
Both larval and adult euphausiids were observed in the
low magnification camera, spanning a broad size range (Figure 23). The most numerous euphausiid life stage
observed was late furcilia about 15 mm long.
Many adult krill were observed at the times when the VPR passed through
dense swarms. These adult krill were
~5-6 cm long, so that only half of their bodies actually fit in the field of
view. The larval krill often were
observed with feeding baskets and swimming upside down.
The polychaetes observed appeared to be tomopterid worms
and dominated by a single species. The
body postures of these worms either were serpentine (Figure 24), indicating
active swimming, or straight and vertically oriented, indicating passive
drifting. We have seen similar behavior
when observing polychaetes swimming in the well at the WHOI dock.
Within the copepod category, at least four genera were
observed (Figure 25). These genera
included Oithona (some with egg
sacs), Calanoides, large Calanus (probably acutus), and Metridia (which were observed to emit
bioluminescent flashes from the side of the prosome). Oithona were largely
oriented in the typical head-down position and often possessed double egg
sacs. The observation of the light
organ on Metridia was unexpected and
provides a distinguishing characteristic for identification of this genus.
Other plankton taxa also were distinctive in the video
(Figure 26). Pteropods appeared similar
to Limacina and were observed in both
cameras (Figure 26). Radiolarians with
long spines also were seen (Figure 26).
Marine snow particles were relatively small aggregates (~5 mm diameter)
and were distinguished by their typically opaque character. The most common medusae observed were very
distinctive and appeared to be of one type (Figure 26). They had a bell diameter of 1-2 cm.
Distributional patterns of larval krill: The most striking and surprising finding of
this first U.S. Southern Ocean GLOBEC survey was that the larval krill are
distributed across the entire shelf from the offshore edge adjacent to the
Antarctic Circumpolar Current all the way in to the coast. Prior krill studies in the Southern Ocean
have, for the most part, been carried out during summer. These prior studies found that adult krill
spawn offshore during late summer and, that when the research resumed the
following spring, the juvenile krill were found near the coast. Thus the question was: How do the krill larvae move from offshore
to near the coast during the winter?
The working hypothesis of the Southern Ocean GLOBEC program is that the
larval krill migrate under the ice toward shore during the winter months
reaching the coast as young adults by spring.
After completion of this
first Southern Ocean GLOBEC survey during late fall, it is clear from the VPR
data that late stage krill larvae are already distributed broadly throughout
the region from the shelf edge to the coast.
Data from the middle of the grid (offshore from central Marguerite Bay)
to the end of the grid to the southwest reveal this pattern clearly (Figure
27). It is seen that highest abundance
of these krill larvae, which are primarily late stage furcilia (10-15 mm), is
subsurface. The larvae were found most
abundant in the pycnocline region, which was located between 50 and 100 m. High
abundance was found along the offshore edge of the survey near the ACC, and it
is not clear how far offshore the larvae were distributed since time
constraints precluded sampling further offshore to obtain biological end
points. High subsurface abundance is
seen to extend from offshore regions to near the coast. Examination of individual tows reveals the
association of krill larvae with the pycnocline more clearly (Figure 28). Tows 18-19 comprised three transects and
reveal the low-density (due to low salinity) coastal current. In the nearest transect shown in Figure 28,
krill larvae can be seen to lie along the pycnocline, as it deepens from
offshore to onshore. Given the long
development times of the krill (months) and the typical current velocities
across the shelf (3-5 cm s-1), it is not surprising that the krill
larvae are broadly distributed across the study area. It will be interesting to determine the krill distributions under
the pack ice during the next cruise. It
should be noted there were substantial concentrations of larval krill under the
brash ice during the present cruise which could not be sampled effectively with
any our present instrumentation.
Figure 23. Mosaic of
krill images from the VPR low magnification camera (upper) and
high magnification camera
(lower) (scale bars apply to all sub-images).
Figure 24. Polychaetes from the low
magnification camera.
Figure 25. Calanoid
copepods from low (upper) and high (lower) magnification VPR cameras.
After completion of this first Southern Ocean GLOBEC
survey during late fall, it is clear from the VPR data that late stage krill
larvae are already distributed broadly throughout the region from the shelf
edge to the coast. Data from the middle
of the grid (offshore from central Marguerite Bay) to the end of the grid to
the southwest reveal this pattern clearly (Figure 27). It is seen that highest abundance of these
krill larvae, which are primarily late stage furcilia (10-15 mm), is
subsurface. The larvae were found most
abundant in the pycnocline region, which was located between 50 and 100 m. High
abundance was found along the offshore edge of the survey near the ACC, and it
is not clear how far offshore the larvae were distributed since time
constraints precluded sampling further offshore to obtain biological end
points. High subsurface abundance is
seen to extend from offshore regions to near the coast. Examination of individual tows reveals the
association of krill larvae with the pycnocline more clearly (Figure 28). Tows 18-19 comprised three transects and
reveal the low-density (due to low salinity) coastal current. In the nearest transect shown in Figure 28,
krill larvae can be seen to lie along the pycnocline, as it deepens from
offshore to onshore. Given the long
development times of the krill (months) and the typical current velocities
across the shelf (3-5 cm s-1), it is not surprising that the krill
larvae are broadly distributed across the study area. It will be interesting to determine the krill distributions under
the pack ice during the next cruise. It
should be noted there were substantial concentrations of larval krill under the
brash ice during the present cruise which could not be sampled effectively with
any our present instrumentation.
Distributional patterns of other plankton groups will be
examined in the laboratory. Adult krill
were observed in the video within dense swarms that were also mapped
acoustically during the patch studies.
The VPR images have been extracted and sorted for these tows and
subsequent analysis in the laboratory will be carried out to compare the VPR
and acoustically derived estimates of krill densities and body sizes in the
Distributional Patterns of Environmental Data: The standard VPR plotting software
(developed in MATLAB) was used to generate real time three-dimensional plots of
the environmental data from the sensors on BIOMAPER-II. The survey data reveal that the water column
was sharply stratified in both temperature and salinity throughout the study
area (Figure 29). A temperature minimum layer, corresponding to the winter
water, can be seen in the upper 100 m across the shelf throughout the
northeastern portion of the survey region and in the offshore areas of the
southwestern half of the grid. It is
clear from the plot that winter cooling is occurring over the entire region,
causing a sharp transition between colder surface water and warmer bottom
water. The penetration of Upper
Circumpolar Deep Water (warm) onto the shelf is seen in the lower portions of
the water column in the northerly transects.
This water extended quite far into Marguerite Bay in the deep trough that intersects the
shelf. Note the absence of UCDW across
transects in the southern portion of the survey.
Salinity stratification also was present over the whole
shelf but was intensified near the coast in association with the coastal
current (Figure 29). Lowesmat salinity
was found in the coastal plume in southern Marguerite Bay and Alexander
Island. Lower salinity was also found
in the northeastern portion of the survey near the coast. Relatively low surface salinities extended
to the outer reaches of the surveyed area.
Upper Circumpolar Deep Water on the shelf at depth was evidenced by the
very high salinities along the outer edges of the transects in the northern
portion of the survey.
Figure 26. Radiolarian
(A) and Pteropod (B) images from the high magnification camera. Medusae
(1-2 cm diameter bell; C,D)
and ctenophore (E) images from low magnification camera).
Figure 27. Three-dimensional distribution
of larval krill over southwestern half of survey grid during May 2001
(NBP01-03), based on VPR data. These
krill were late stage furcilia (10-15 mm; see Figure 23). The view is looking toward the south. High near-bottom concentrations near the
coast of Alexander Island are a mixture of adult krill (and possibly large
copepods, requiring further analysis).
Note also that the dark blue area in the center of the data set is due
to a lack of processed data in this area.
Figure 28. Comparison
of seawater density (top) and krill abundance determined from the VPR
(bottom). Note the layer of krill along
the pycnocline in the nearest transect.
High near-bottom abundance is due to a combination of adult krill and
large copepods, requiring further analysis.
The dark blue areas in the
second and last transects are due to lack of processed data in
these regions. The view is from the north.
Figure 29. Three-dimensional distribution
of temperature (top) and salinity (bottom) over the
survey area. View is from the south.
Density stratification was largely driven by salinity, as
evidenced by the similar distributional patterns for the two variables (Figure
30). The low salinity coastal water is
clearly seen in the density stratification.
The relatively lower surface salinity extending to the shelf edge is
also reflected in the density structure.
Even though the surface waters are colder, they are also fresher,
leading to the lower surface sigma-t values throughout the region.
Fluorescence values were generally higher in the
southwestern half of the surveyed region (Figure 30). High fluorescence occurred along two transects (transects 10 and
11) west of Alexander Island. Very low
fluorescence values were found to the northeast. High localized areas of fluorescence were found in the offshore
regions of transects 4 and 5. In all
areas, fluorescence was higher in the upper part of the water column.
Environmental data at fixed depth layer: The distribution of temperature and salinity
at selected depths (25, 50, 100, 150, 200, and 240 m) demonstrates the
different water types and seasonal cooling, as well. For temperature, the progression to cooler water from the
northeast to the southwest corners of the grid in the 25, 50, and 100 m depth
layers demonstrates clearly the effect of cooling of the upper water column as
winter progresses. Salinity in the
upper 100 m shows the effect of the coastal current exiting the southern end of
Marguerite Bay as the extensive region of fresh water extending from within
Marguerite Bay around Alexander Island and to the south, reaching almost
halfway across the shelf in the southern part of the study. Both temperature and salinity show the
presence of UCDW on the shelf and into Marguerite Bay in the northern region of
the survey grid, with the quite warm and salty water in that region in the 150,
200, and 240 m depth layers. This water
type was absent at the southern end of the study region.
Fluorescence at these six depth layers showed that
fluorescence was greater in the upper water column and in the southern region
of the survey grid. Elevated regions of
high fluorescence were observed across two transects in the northern region,
near the shelf break (upwelling of nutrients in the canyon?) and along two southern transects off of
Alexander Island.
The particle load of the water column, represented by the
light attenuation from the transmissometer on the BIOMAPER-II, showed different
trends from the fluorescence in the six depth layers. Light attenuation was greater in the northern region in the upper
50 m, in contrast to fluorescence which was lower in the northern region. A region of localized elevated light
attenuation was observed in the upper 150 m, especially in the 100-150 m depth
range, near the coast of Alexander Island.
This was a region where high abundances of adult krill were observed
both in the video images and as acoustic backscatter. The video images revealed that the elevated attenuation of light
likely resulted from high abundances of
small microzooplankton that were observed as numerous small particles.
8.3 ROV observations of juvenile krill distribution, abundance, and
behavior (Scott Gallager)
The objective of the ROV studies is to observe and
quantify the distribution, abundance, behavior, and size distribution of juvenile
krill in association with the underside of marginal ice. The WHOI SeaRover was
equipped with a variety of physical and biological sensors, including a stereo
camera system with a field of view of 1 m3 and a synchronized
strobe, CTD, Imagenix 881a 630 kHz‑1 Mhz sector scanning sonar, uplooking
DVL Navigator 1200 kHz ADCP, and the standard forward looking pan and tilt
color camera. A Trackpoint II navigational beacon was also mounted on the
frame. The navigational transponder was mounted on a 10 m pole off the
starboard side of the Palmer.
Figure 30. Three-dimensional distribution
of seawater density (Ft) (top) and fluorescence (bottom)
over the survey area. View is from the south.
The ROV was deployed through the starboard A-frame and 20
m of tether paid out with a 50 lb clump weight. The ROV first dropped to 20 m
and traveled at least 10 m away from the ship. The ROV then ascended to about 5
m depth or until the underside of the ice was observed in the pan and tilt
camera. A trackline was established extending radially away from the ship out
to a distance of approximately 100 m. As the ROV traveled the trackline at a
speed of about 5‑10 cm s-1, the stereo camera was used to
image the under-ice surface and associated organisms. Precise positioning and
sizing of the target within the 1 m3 will be established through
post‑processing using a sterogrammetry algorithm. The forward speed of
the ROV will be established with data from the ADCP and used in conjunction
with the image volume to calculate volume sampled per unit time. For example,
at a forward speed of 10 cm s-1, a new 1 m3 will be
imaged every 10 s. The ADCP will also provide distance to the under-ice surface
and backscatter intensity. The sector scanning sonar is being used to evaluate
distance from the ice and for locating krill swarms. The CTD provides backup
data on ROV depth and documentation of hydrography. In addition to larval
distribution, swimming behavior will also be quantified. Stereogrammetry will
be used to measure swim speeds and direction to obtain a vector for each
individual every 1/30 s. To correct for background motion, the instantaneous
vector for all particles in the field of view are ensemble averaged and
subtracted from each organism at 1/30 s intervals. Thus the swimming speed,
direction and body posture, angle of attach, etc. will be quantified as a
function of body size and stage.
8.3.2 Results
To date we have deployed the ROV four times to collect
data and once as a test. Images of juvenile krill on order 8 to 15 mm in length
appear common along the under-ice surface in association with crevasses and
cracks in the ice. Typically, when the ROV bumps the ice, small numbers of
furcilia appear by swimming down and away from the under surface. Swimming
speeds vary from near motionless to about 8 cm s-1 for 10 mm
furcilia. No swarming or aggregation
behavior was noticed other than the presence of small groups of furcilia
occurring under a particular piece of ice.
Together with data from BIOMAPER-II/VPR and the Simrad
EK500, the ROV observations suggest that layers of juvenile krill form between
the under-ice surface and about 20 m in
depth, depending on bathymetry and degree of ice formation. Unfortunately, only brash and pancake ice
have been sampled to date. The hope is
to get a good look at the undersides of fast ice on the next cruise (NBP01-04)
in July and August 2001.
8.4 Simrad EK500 Studies of volume backscatter (Scott Gallager)
The Simrad EK500 has three hull-mounted transducers: 38, 120, and 200 kHz. Very little was known about the system by
the electronics technicians on board other than it was useful for estimating
bottom depth. The system was not set up
to record or print data in any way.
The legend goes that after the system was installed in 1993, Simrad was
unable to calibrate due to interference possibly emanating from the ship or
enhanced by the protective coverings over the transducers. The system has not seen much use, even though
a few investigators have tried in vain to establish decent echograms.
After playing around with the settings on the display and
reading the manual a few times, Galleger was able to come up with a
configuration that clearly showed scattering layers. These layers were highly correlated with layers observed on the
same frequencies when BIOMAPER-II was in the water. The VPR on BIOMAPER-II indicated when a particular plankton patch
was dominated by copepods, larval krill, or adult krill. Simrad settings were tweaked to match the
output of BIOMAPER-II as closely as
possible. However, a full calibration
by Simrad will be necessary if investigators are interested in quantifying
biomass of scattering layers.
Simrad menus are independent. This means that changes made to the display are not reflected in
the printer or serial com port output.
One must go into each submenu and change the settings
appropriately. The most important
change found necessary to visualize scattering layers was to increase the background
noise margin under the main menu to at least 8 dB and then decreasing the
thresholds for TS color minimum and Sv color minimum to very low values. Details of each setting found most
appropriate may be viewed in the Simrad binder on the shelf in the main lab,
but here is a brief example of what seemed to work.
Operation menu: noise margin
8 dB
Display menu: set echogram
to 1&2&3 to get all three frequencies displayed. Ts and Sv as follows for each frequency:
38 120 200 kHz
Ts -65 -100 -100
Sv -95 -100 -89
Depth range may
be set to your choice, but Gallager found 43 @ 1000 m and 120 and 200 kHz @ 250
m produced a very nice echogram of both surface waters and deep scattering
layers of larger organisms.
Printer is set up on the PaintJet, but the Palmer is very low on ink and the ink
cartridges are difficult to purchase.
All settings on the printer menu should be set
identically to those on the display unless the user has a specific reason not
Transceiver menu: The best combination of pulse
length and bandwidth was found to be a long pulse length and a narrow bandwidth
for all three transducers.
Ethernet menu: We did not set this up with an IP
address, but there is no reason why the electronics technicians could not do
this if desired.
Serial Com port menu: We logged the entire
three-channel echogram at a ping rate of 4 per s at 19.2 kbaud directly to a
laptop and to the ships data logger on RVDAS.
Although it is not indicated in the manual, the newer software upgrade
includes the ability to send out the echogram out the communication port in
either ASCII or binary. Gallager sent
it in both modes to test software for processing.
Annotation menu: set 10 minutes if you would like
time recorded on the display and printer.
The Simrad was
used effectively to observe scattering layers during MOCNESS tows. We conducted three tows where the strobe
light was turned off and one at random as a particular net was tripped. The Simrad gave a nice feeling for how
uniform the patches were during the tests. (Figure 31).
9.0 Seabird Distribution in the
Marguerite Bay Area (Christine Ribic and Erik
The association of seabirds with physical oceanographic
features has had a long history. For
example, seabirds have been found to be associated with temperature, water
masses, currents, and the sea ice pack. Evidence for the association of
seabirds with biological features has not been as strong. Veit, working during
the breeding season at South Georgia, was not able to find a small-scale
association of seabird distributions and krill patches. Only at a very large scale was there some
evidence that there were more seabirds in the vicinity of krill patches than
elsewhere. This may be due to the
patchiness of the krill and the inability of seabirds to track these patches at
small scales. Therefore, in the Antarctic
system, seabirds may associate with physical features that have a higher probability
of containing krill than associating with krill patches directly. The primary objective of the seabird
project is to determine the distribution of seabirds in the Marguerite Bay area
and to investigate their associations with physical and biological
features. A second objective is to
determine the foraging ecology of the seabirds in that area.
Figure 31. An example of the SIMRAD EK500
echosounder output, showing a krill layer above the seafloor (top panel - 43
kHz; middle panel - 120 kHz; bottom panel - 200 kHz).
Because the U.S. SO GLOBEC cruises will take place during
the non-breeding season when birds will not be closely tied to nesting areas,
we hypothesize that ability to detect enhanced food resources will be the
driving factor determining seabird distributions.
We will be developing and testing competing models using
existing knowledge of the marine system and Antarctic seabird biology. Models will be developed separately for each
species or group of species based on their foraging ecology. We will be using seabird distribution and
foraging ecology data that we collect, along with data collected concurrently
by physical and biological oceanographers, to test these models.
Seabird distribution within the SO GLOBEC study area was
investigated using daytime and nighttime (using night vision viewers) survey
work, and foraging ecology of the birds was investigated through diet
sampling. Nighttime surveys were
designed to complement daytime surveys by recording activity of petrels that
may be feeding primarily at night.
Previous survey work in Antarctica has suggested some petrel species
(Antarctic and Snow Petrels in particular) may forage at night. This effort was experimental and was developed
during the cruise. Diet sampling
efforts will be used to complement a foraging ecology study being carried out
by Dr. William F. Fraser on the R/V
Laurence M. Gould during the U.S. SO GLOBEC cruises. Summaries of daytime and nighttime surveys
and diet sampling efforts are outlined separately below.
9.3 Daytime Surveys
Strip transects were conducted simultaneously at 300 m
and 600 m widths for birds. Surveys were conducted continuously while the ship
was underway within the study area and when visibility was >300 m. For strip transects, two observers
continuously scanned a 90° area extending the transect distance (300 m and 600
m) to the side and forward along the transect line. Binoculars of 10X and 7X magnification were used to confirm
species identifications. The 7X pair of
binoculars also included a laser range finder.
Ship following birds were noted at first occurrence. Ship followers will be down-weighted in the
analyses because these individuals may have been attracted to the ship from
habitats at a distance from the ship. For each sighting, transect (300 m or 600
m), species, number of birds, behavior, flight direction, and any association
with visible physical features, such as ice, were recorded. Distances were measured either by a range
finder device as suggested by Heinneman or by the laser distance finder (when
in the ice). Marine mammal sightings
within the transect were also recorded.
Surveys were conducted from an outside observation post
located on the port bridge wing of the RVIB
N.B. Palmer. When it was not
feasible to conduct surveys from this observation post, we surveyed from the
inside port bridge wing.
Total Survey Time: 88 hours, 21 minutes.
Distance (km): 938.2
Boat Speed (knots): 5.7 (1.8 SD)
True Wind Speed (knots): 11.3 (4.7 SD)
Sightings during daytime
surveys are summarized in Table 12.
Overall, we found the distribution of seabirds varied
throughout the grid, depending on species.
There were no obvious patterns with physical features except for the
following. We found a relatively high density of Snow Petels in both ice and
open water within the coastal current along the north and west shore of
Alexander Island. We plan on
investigating this relationship in more detail as hydrographic maps of the
water masses in the study area become available. We did not observe Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adelii) during the survey. It will be interesting to
see whether Adélie penguins will be present in the study during the later
stages of the winter when the pack ice has developed.
Table 12. Summary of sightings during
daytime survey effort within the
SO GLOBEC study area during
cruise NBP01-03.
Species |
Number |
Petrel (Pagrodoma nivea) |
513 |
Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialoides) |
387 |
Petrel (Thalassoica antarctica) |
276 |
Petrel (Halobaena caerulea) |
209 |
Petrel (Daption capense) |
163 |
Gull (Larus dominicanus) |
141 |
Shag (Phalacrocorax atriceps) |
38 |
Giant Petrel (Macronectes giganteus) |
35 |
Storm Petrel |
4 |
Shearwater (Puffinus grifeus) |
2 |
Prion (Pachyptila vittata) |
1 |
Tern (Sterna vittata) |
1 |
(Diomedea chrysostoma) or Black
Browed (Diomedea melanophris)
Albatross |
1 |
9.4 Seabird Nighttime Surveys
ITT 200/210 Binocular Night Vision Viewers were used
during one half-hour survey periods while on the survey grid. Surveys were a minimum of an hour
apart. Observations were made from the
02 deck in an area that is not well lit in the ship’s lights to increase the
effectiveness of the night vision viewer.
Observers scanned back and forth from the stern to the bow looking for
birds. When possible, the species of the bird was recorded in addition to whether
the bird appeared to be following the ship or attracted to the ship’s
lights. Observations were not conducted
when visibility with the night vision viewer was less than 100 m from the ship.
Total Survey Time: 17 hours, 51 minutes
Distance (km): 150.5
Boat Speed (knots): 5.1 (4.2 SD)
True Wind Speed
(knots): 10.3 (1.1 SD)
Sightings during daytime
surveys are summarized in Table 13.
We were able to see birds using the night vision viewer
approximately 200 m from the ship without sea ice, snow, or fog. Sea ice tended to increase visibility
distance up to about 400 m and fog and snow decreased visibility to between 50
and 100 m. We found that most of the
birds that we observed were attracted to the lights and were following the
ship. In addition to Snow and Antarctic
Petrels, we also saw Cape and Blue Petrels during the night surveys. During the few transects when we traveled
through sea ice, visibility was greatly improved and birds did not appear to be
following the ship or attracted to the lights. We are interested in continuing
our effort with the night vision viewer during the next cruise, particularly
since we are expecting significantly more sea ice cover and the night surveys
were most effective in these conditions.
Table 13. Summary of sightings during
nighttime survey effort within the
SO GLOBEC study area during
cruise NBP01-03.
Species |
Number |
Petrel (Pagrodoma nivea) |
86 |
Petrel (Thalassoica antarctica) |
21 |
Petrel (Halobaena caerulea) |
20 |
Petrel (Daption capense) |
18 |
Petrel |
65 |
During the U.S. SO GLOBEC cruises, we opportunistically
diet sampled penguins and petrels from the RVIB N.B. Palmer according to protocols used by Dr. William R.
Fraser. Dr. Fraser was diet sampling
concurrently from the R/V L.M. Gould. We used the water off-loading technique in
which birds are netted and their stomachs pumped. This technique is used extensively in seabird research in
Antarctica [Antarctic Marine Ecosystem Research in the Ice Edge Zone (AMERIEZ),
Antarctic Marine Living Resources Program (AMLR), Polar Oceans Research Group]
and is preferable to methods that involve killing birds. We attempted on two
occasions to capture Snow Petrels in a net from a Zodiac by positioning
ourselves in brash ice and baiting the birds with red cloth soaked in cod liver
oil. The birds were attracted to the
bait, but they did not come close enough to the boat for us to catch them with
our nets. We will be looking into using
a net that can be thrown over birds that may be more useful in capturing the
During the cruise, we diet sampled 3 Antarctic Petrels, 2
Snow Petrels and 6 Adélie penguins. The petrels that we were able to capture
landed on the ship at night. The 6
Adélie penguins that were diet sampled were captured from land in the Faure
Islands in Marguerite Bay.
Of the petrels that were diet sampled, we got a good
sample of stomach contents from one Antarctic Petrel. The stomach contents of
this bird were entirely fish. Otoliths were collected for identification of
species and size-class of the fish. We
got only stomach oil and unidentifiable small digested bits from the other
petrels. Of the Adélie penguins
sampled, 2 of the penguins had empty stomachs and 4 of the birds had been
eating fish and some adult krill.
Results from the diet sampling of penguins and the Antarctic Petrel are
given in Table 14.
Table 14. Summary of stomach contents
for diet samples taken from an
Antarctic Petrel and 4
Adélie penguins during cruise NBP01-03.
Species |
Julian Date |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Fish (g) |
Krill (g) |
Otoliths taken? |
Notes |
Petrel |
145 |
-68.1584 |
-69.9372 |
63 |
0 |
yes |
penguin |
147 |
-68.0909 |
-68.8138 |
3 |
2 |
No |
penguin |
147 |
-68.0909 |
-68.8138 |
22 |
120 |
Yes |
was adult Euphausia superba
(43-59mm) |
penguin |
147 |
-68.0909 |
-68.8138 |
3 |
2 |
No |
penguin |
147 |
-68.0909 |
-68.8138 |
23 |
30 |
Yes |
was adult Euphausia superba
(25-56mm) |
10.0 Cetacean Visual Survey and Biopsy (A. Friedlaender)
Recently, the International Whaling Commission (IWC)
developed proposals for collaborative work in the Southern Ocean with the
Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)
and the International Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC) program under
the IWC Southern Ocean Whale Ecosystem Research (SOWER) program. This research program has the long-term aim
to: “define how spatial and temporal variability in the physical and biological
environment influence cetacean species in order to determine those processes in
the marine ecosystem which best predict long-term changes in cetacean
distribution, abundance, stock structure, extent, and timing of migrations and
This objective is being pursued through collaboration
with GLOBEC and CCAMLR, using multidisciplinary ecosystem approach to data
collection, analysis, and modeling. The
IWC also recognizes that it lacks the data to determine baseline patterns of
distribution (and the biological and
physical processes responsible for such patterns) of baleen whales from which
to judge the potential effects of climate change. Therefore, three further objectives have been defined by the
Commission. They are: “to characterize
foraging behavior and movements of individual baleen whales in relation to prey
characteristics and physical environment, to relate distribution, abundance and
biomass of baleen whale species to same for krill in a large area in a single
season, and to monitor interannual variability in whale distribution and
abundance in relation to physical environment and prey characteristics.”
SO GLOBEC studies provide the ideal platform for such
long-term studies, where scientists from a range of disciplines can conduct
intensive focused studies, within the framework of long-term data synthesis and
planning. Given the shared objectives
among the IWC, GLOBEC, and CCAMLR, the IWC has determined that the most
effective means of investigating these ecological issues is to focus a
considerable body of cetacean research within the framework provided by these
programs (taken from D. Thiele).
The first of the “Predator Science Questions” in SO
GLOBEC has been formulated as: How does winter distribution and foraging
ecology of top predators relate to the distribution and characteristics of the
physical environment and prey (krill) (taken from J.A. van Franeker)?
Standard IWC methodology for multidisciplinary studies
will be used throughout all GLOBEC collaborative cruises. This will involve experienced cetacean
researchers conducting line transect sighting surveys throughout daylight hours
in acceptable weather conditions. Data
are recorded on a laptop based tracking program (Wincruz), and photo and video
records are also obtained for species identification, group size ,verification,
feeding (and other behavior), ice habitat use, and individual identification
(taken from D. Thiele).
During this cruise, observations were made from the ice
tower or the bridge level by a single observer (AF). When conditions permitted, the observer was outside along the
cat-walk of the ice tower, otherwise, observations were made from inside. Effort was focused 45° to port and starboard
of the bow ahead of the vessel, while also scanning to cover the full 180°
ahead of the vessel. In ice, the method
was adjusted to include searching in behind the vessel track as well, in order
for cetaceans and seals hidden by ice to be detected more readily. The observer used a combination of eye and
binocular (7x50 Fujinon) searching.
Effort would commence when the following conditions allowed: appropriate
daylight, winds less than 20 kts or Beaufort Sea State less than or equal to 5,
visibility greater than 1 mile (measured in the distance a minke whale blow
could be seen with the naked eye as judged by the observer), and the ship
actually steaming.
Sightings were recorded on a laptop based Wincruz
Antarctic program, which also logged GPS position, course, ship speed, and a
suit of other environmental and sighting conditions automatically. Visual observations were made both during
the station-transect portion of the trip, as well as during transit. When possible, photographic and/or video
documentation was made of each sighting for later use in individual
identification, species confirmation, and habitat description.
A second component to the marine mammal work is biopsy
sampling from small boats. On the
occasion that weather conditions, daylight, timing, and whales were present,
biopsy sampling was attempted from Zodiacs.
Samples were obtained with a Barnett Wildcat Crossbow, equipped with
custom made floating bolts and screw-on hollow point biopsy plugs. The bolts are designed to penetrate the skin
and blubber (depending on the size of the plug; either 1 inch or 0.5 inch) to
the end of the plug, where the float begins, and bounce out of the whale,
securing a sample with three small barbs inside the plug. Skin samples are preserved in dimethyl
sulfoxide solution and will be sent to the National Marine Fisheries Service,
Southwest Fisheries Science Center for genetic analysis. Blubber samples will be frozen for later use
in contaminant, pesticide, heavy metal, etc. analyses.
10.3 Results
Generally, sighting conditions during the cruise were
poor. The appropriate combination of
environmental and ship conditions did not lend to good conditions. Yet, nearly 80 hours (79:33) of sighting
effort were made during the entire cruise.
Of this time, 45:30 were made during the survey grid.
In Antarctic waters (south of 60ES), 43 cetacean sightings of
67 animals were made (Figure 32, top panel).
These include 19 sightings of 30 humpback whales, Megapatera novaeangliae; 22 sightings of 33 minke whales, Balaenoptera acutorostrata; 1 sighting
of 3 ‘like’ humpback whales; and 1 sighting of 1 unidentified whale (Table 15).
More specifically, within the study area as defined by
the survey grid, 18 sightings of 27 humpback whales (Figure 32, middle panel),
19 sightings of 30 minke whales (Figure 32, bottom panel), 1 sighting of 3
‘like’ humpback whales, and 1 sighting of 1 unidentified whale were made (Table
10.3.2 Biopsy
On the evening of 24 May 2001, sonobuoys recorded several
humpback whales relatively close to the ship (C. Berchock pers. comm.), and
whales were seen in the ship’s lights as the RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer traveled north along the west coast of
Alexander Island. At first light, the
ship was approximately 2 miles north of where the whales were seen. Ship’s time was dedicated to biopsy sampling
for the day, and A. Friedlaender decided to steam back to where the whales were
previously seen. At 0930, whales were
sighted in an area with bands of brash ice several miles off the coast. Weather conditions were optimal for
surveying and small boat work. Zodiacs
were deployed for work at 1030. In the
area of the ship (68.75ES, 71.35EW), there were three pairs
of humpback whales and one single humpback whale, one group of two minke whales
and one group of three minke whales.
The whales appeared to be tracing back and forth, perpendicular to the
coast in a 2-3 mile area. Photo-ID
pictures were taken of each of the whales in the area, save two minkes and one
humpback whale that were not approached.
Video footage was taken of each approach, shot taken, and each whale’s
behavior (thanks to Mark Christmas, National Geographic Society). Biopsy samples were obtained from three humpback whales and one minke whale. Only one sample was taken from each group of
animals approached. Skin samples were
taken from all four whales, while blubber samples were taken from two of the
humpbacks and the minke whale (Table 17).
10.4 Preliminary Findings/Discussion
As stated earlier, a primary research objective of the
cetacean studies within SO GLOBEC is to determine the winter distribution and
foraging ecology of baleen whales in relation to the characteristics of the
environment and the distribution of their prey. Sightings data from this cruise
show only humpback (Megaptera
novaeangliae) and minke (Balaenoptera
acutorostrata) whales present in the study region in the austral fall and
winter. Sighting numbers for both
species were nearly equal, suggesting that both over-winter around Marguerite
Bay in similar concentrations.
Correlation of cetacean distributions with concurrent hydrographic
distributions show whales associated with: 1) the southern boundary of the
Antarctic Circumpolar Current, 2) the frontal boundary between intrusions of
warm Upper Circumpolar Deep Water and continental shelf water, and 3) the
frontal boundary between inner shelf coastal current and continental shelf
waters (E. Hofmann, pers. comm.; see also Figures 5 and 6 in the Hydrography
Report). Cetacean sightings were
particularly numerous along the frontal boundary formed as the coastal current
exits the southern end of Marguerite Bay.
Humpback whales were associated with all three frontal boundaries, while
minke whales were found only along the continental shelf and coastal frontal
boundaries. The correspondence between
the cetacean sightings and hydrographic features suggests that the austral
winter distribution of cetaceans along the Western Antarctic Peninsula is not
random, but rather is determined by the structure of the physical environment,
which in turn determines prey distribution.
Continued analyses and collection of cetacean sightings data in
conjunction with concurrent prey and hydrographic distributions will allow
determination of the causal relationships underlying austral winter cetacean
distributions in the Antarctic Peninsula region.
Table 15. Cetacean Sightings in
Antarctic Waters (south of 60°S)
Sightings |
Number |
Whale |
19 |
30 |
Whale |
22 |
33 |
Humpback Whale |
1 |
3 |
Whale |
1 |
1 |
Total |
43 |
67 |
Figure 32. Top panel: Cetacean Survey
Effort Lines and Sightings in Antarctica (below 60ES).
Middle panel: Cetacean
Survey Effort and Humpback Whale Sightings.
Bottom panel: Cetacean
Survey Effort and Minke
Whale Sightings.
Table 16. Cetacean Sightings within
Survey Grid Study Area
Sightings |
Number |
Whale |
18 |
27 |
Whale |
19 |
30 |
Humpback Whale |
1 |
3 |
Whale |
1 |
1 |
Total |
39 |
61 |
Table 17. Whale Biopsy Samples
Date |
WOS # |
Species |
Skin |
Blubber |
25 May 2001 |
WOS34 |
Megaptera novaeangliae |
yes |
yes |
25 May 2001 |
WOS35 |
Megaptera novaeangliae |
yes |
yes |
25 May 2001 |
WOS37 |
Megaptera novaeangliae |
yes |
no |
25 May 2001 |
WOS36 |
Balaenoptera Acutorostrata |
yes |
yes |
Total |
4 |
3 |
11.0 Passive listening (Berchok)
The primary goal of this project is to determine minimum
population estimates, distribution and seasonality for mysticete whales within
the Western Antarctic Peninsula region. These data will allow rates of krill
predation by whales to be modeled for the study area. Because the vocalizations of most baleen whales are unique and
easily recognizable, it is possible to distinguish between the various species
using passive acoustic techniques. At
the very least, it is hoped that an acoustic detection baseline can be
established from which future changes in relative abundance can be
The main species of interest is the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), followed by the
fin (B. physalus) and humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) whales. Minke (B. acutorostrata) and sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus – an odontocete)
calls may be detected, but they are expected to be so infrequent as to make
population density estimates unreliable. The Antarctic blue whale population is
now so low that it is virtually impossible to obtain statistically significant
encounter rates for population estimation during visual surveys. For this reason, current population
estimates vary greatly from 500 to 5000 individuals.
The key component of this study is a series of eight acoustic
recorders that were deployed during the LMG01-03 Cruise (18 March–13 April
2001). These are bottom mounted, with
the hydrophone component floating 5 m above the mooring. Each of these instruments will record
continuously at 500 samples per second for 15 months. The low frequency (~ 20
Hz) calls of blue and fin whales can be readily recorded out to a 20 km radius,
providing more contacts in a one year deployment than would be possible from
even an extensive visual survey, assuming whales call roughly 10 to 50% of the
time. Furthermore, blue whales show
geographic variation in their low frequency, regularly repeated ‘broadcast’
calls, which are stable for many decades and likely to become an important
parameter in the revision of blue whale stocks and subspecies.
For the NBP01-03 cruise, sonobuoys were deployed
opportunistically in order to supplement the information that will be gathered
from the seafloor recorders. Sonobuoys
are expendable underwater listening devices that can last for up to eight
hours. There are four main components
to a sonobuoy – the float, radio transmitter, salt water battery, and
hydrophone. The hydrophone is an
underwater sensor that converts the pressure waves from underwater sounds into
electrical voltages that get amplified and sent up a thin wire [length can be
set to 90 feet ( 27.4 m), 400 feet (121.8 m), or 1000 feet (304.6 m)] to the
radio transmitter that is housed in the surface float. The radio signal is picked up by an antennae
and radio receiver on the ship, then reviewed and simultaneously recorded onto
a digital audiotape. The maximum range
on this cruise for the radio transmission was 10 nm, resulting in about an hour
of recordings per sonobuoy while steaming, two hours during biomapping and up
to eight hours during MOCNESS tows and CTD stations. Interference from the N. B.
Palmer limited the amount of clear recordings, with noise levels decreasing
only after a range of 3-4 nm from the deployed sonobuoy.
There are two types of sonobuoys. Omnidirectional sonobuoys have hydrophones
that can register signals up to 40 kHz, but they cannot determine the location
of the sound source. DiFAR
(DIrectional Fixing And Ranging) sonobuoys also have an omnidirectional hydrophone
for recording sound, but it is limited to a top frequency of 2.5 kHz. However, DiFARs also have two pairs of
sensors, which along with an internal compass, can determine the exact bearing
of the sound from the sonobuoy. With
three or more of these sonobuoys in the water, it is then possible to pinpoint
the location of the sound source. This
can then be correlated to visual observations of the species of marine mammal
in that location, along with behavior and grouping information.
It was possible to receive the transmissions from up to
four sonobuoys. For the most part,
only one sonobuoy was deployed at a time, unless a strong signal was
heard. In that case, either one or two
more sonobuoys were deployed in order to get a cross bearing or triangulation
on the sound source. It was difficult
to get more than a general position of the whale relative to the boat as the
signal was being recorded, but this is something that can be worked out in more
detail during post-processing.
There were several reasons for the sonobuoy
deployments. First, they provided
recordings that can be compared to the seafloor data. This will provide a calibration on content, as well as detection
range. Second, by deploying them around visually detected groups of whales, they
provide a means of correlating calls with numbers of whales present. Will a group of ten minke whales sound like
ten whales, five whales, one whale, or no whales? In this way, a more accurate population estimate can be
calculated from the seafloor recordings.
Third, due to the very low sampling rate of the seafloor recorders,
their upper frequency range is 250 Hz.
This is suitable for blue, fin, and minke whales, but for other species,
such as the humpback whale, only the lower frequencies of their vocalizations
will be detected. Recordings made from
the sonobuoys should be able to provide an estimate of what percentage of the
vocal repertoire of this population of humpback whales falls below 250 Hz. Again, this will lead to a more accurate
population estimate. Lastly, they
provide a means of making recordings outside the range of the seafloor array.
Sonobuoys were deployed both when marine mammals were
visually detected and also randomly throughout the cruise. A total of 104 sonobuoys were deployed – 9
omnidirectional and 89 DiFAR (6 DiFAR buoys failed). Locations of all the deployments, as well as a preliminary
summary of the various species heard on each buoy, can be seen in the complete
(whalesound1.jpeg) and close-up (whalesound2.jpeg) maps and can also be found
in Appendix 8. Further analysis of the
recordings is needed to verify some questionable sounds, as well as double
check for others not detected during the initial review. The table also indicates whether the
deployment was due to a whale or seal sighting, a particular location, or
because sounds were already being detected by nearby sonobuoys.
Humpbacks were the predominant species heard. Comparison of the distribution of sonobuoy
deployments (whalesound1.jpeg and whalesound2.jpeg), with concurrent
hydrographic distributions (see Figures 5 and 6 in Hydrography section, 2.1),
show that the humpback whales were primarily associated with: 1) the frontal region
of the inner shelf coastal current that flows into and out of Marguerite Bay
around Adelaide and Alexander Islands, respectively; 2) the frontal boundary
between coastal and continental shelf waters; and 3) the southern boundary of
the Antarctic Circumpolar Current at the outer edge of the survey region. This result is also in agreement with the
visual survey results (A. Freidlaender).
Although the number of humpback and minke whales visually detected were
very close (A. Freidlaender), very few minke whale calls were heard. Also, although there were many visual
sighting of crabeater, fur, and leopard seals, these species were not detected
acoustically except for a few instances (to be verified). Species that were heard but not visually
detected included one blue whale (to be verified), one fin whale, and several
members of an unidentified odontocete species.
12.0 Bathymetry of region and mooring surveys (Bob Beardsley and Jim
One objective of the SO GLOBEC program is to produce a
better knowledge of the sea floor bathymetry in the program study area. Much of Marguerite Bay and the adjacent
shelf is poorly charted and the coverage with high quality digital sounding
data with GPS‑quality navigation data is very sparse. Most of the high‑quality along‑track
digital data collected in this area on NSF‑funded research cruises prior
to the SO GLOBEC program have been transferred to the U.S. National Geophysical
Data Center (NGDC). These data have been obtained from NGDC and used to produce
a local area improved version of the Sandwell and Smith ETOPO2 2‑min
digital gridded bathymetry for the SO GLOBEC study area prior to the start of
the 2001 field program (ETOPO8.2A). As
has been found on the first SO GLOBEC mooring cruise, LMG01‑03, the 2‑min
resolution of ETOPO8.2A does not resolve many of the canyons and abrupt changes
in topography which characterize Marguerite Bay and the inner‑ to‑mid
shelf region, nor is it particularly accurate in even the more uniform terrain
To begin to improve this situation, high‑quality
swath bathymetry data were collect during NBP01‑03 using the SeaBeam
multibeam system abroad the NBP. SeaBeam data were collected during the entire
cruise outside the 200‑m limit of Argentine, and the raw data collected
in the SO GLOBEC study area were ping‑edited by members of the scientific
crew, quality‑controlled by Jim Dolan, Aaron Hunt, and Tom Bolmer, and
used for scientific analysis and making gridded maps on various scales during
the cruise. Detailed surveys and high‑resolution maps were made for the
A1, B1, B2, and B3 mooring sites and several areas where specific BIOMAPER-II
experiments were conducted. The final
SO GLOBEC SeaBeam data set was produced under the supervision of Jim Dolan at
the end of the cruise and copies were distributed to Peter Wiebe, chief
scientist; Bob Groman, U.S. SO GLOBEC Program Office data manager; and RPSC for
its archive.
In addition, a limited number of radar measurements of
the coastline and ice edge positions were made during the cruise to help
several features which appeared to be mis‑charted. Charcot Island and its bay were relocated on
chart 29005, Lazarev Bay relocated on chart 3571, and the Adelaide ice cliff
near CTD station #100 relocated on chart 29141.
The wealth of new bathymetry information and the overall
high quality of the NBP01‑03 SeaBeam data strongly support the plan to
continue to collect SeBeam data on all NBP cruises in the SO GLOBEC region,
plus continue to re-chart the coastline whenever needed on future cruises. One
program hope is to merge SeaBeam data collected in this program with the
SeaBeam already collected on other NBP cruises to this area but not yet
released by the principal investigators on those cruises.
13.1 National Geographic Society (Mark Christmas) produced a web site, named SeaLab: Antarctica, to chronicle the oceanographic
efforts of NBP01-03. It is located at . The aim of the site was to illustrate, with written dispatches
and photographs, the rigors of an oceanographic investigation in the Antarctic. Questions could be submitted to the research
team through the web site. This proved
to be a very popular aspect of the coverage and was used by classrooms that
were studying Antarctica. The hope was
to put a human face to the science being conducted and allow people to
experience the wonders of the Antarctic.
13.2 UCSC/NSF (Aparna Screenivasan)
The goal of the science writer for the National Science
Foundation (NSF) is to document the research and preliminary results of the
various projects relating to the first U.S. SO GLOBEC cruise to the west
Antarctic Peninsula. I produced six
stories during the cruise, all of which were picked up by the USA Today web site. The initial piece
was an overview of the research to be conducted on the RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer and the R/V Laurence M. Gould ships. Background research for that story was
conducted at the preliminary meeting before the R/V Laurence M. Gould and the RVIB
Nathaniel B. Palmer sailed on 21 April and 23 April 2001, respectively. A major scientific group was the focus of
the next four stories. All of the
pieces included descriptions of where the RVIB
N.B. Palmer had visited, as well as relevant science conducted during that
time period. The groups discussed were
as follows: Conductivity, Temperature
Depth (CTD), Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), BIo-Optical Multi-frequency Acoustical and
Physical Environmental Recorder (BIOMAPER II), and whale acoustics and visual
The final story will discuss conclusions of the cruise
and future directions for the next U.S. SO GLOBEC cruises. In addition, there are two long-term
projects in the works, one possible feature article is with Chris Fritsen from
the University of Reno, focusing on his work with microbes that live in extreme
environments. A second possible feature
article is a writing/artistic collaboration with Susan Beardsley, focusing on
Antarctic plankton. In addition, there
is the potential to write more pieces for the National Science Foundation for
the next U.S. SO GLOBEC cruises, which sail on 21 July 2001. The stories about the science on the next
cruises will have to be researched and discussed via electronic mail. Overall, writing for the National Science
Foundation and working with the scientists and staff on the RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer has been a
wonderful learning experience. I would
enjoy working with the U.S. Antarctic Research Program and the National Science
Foundation in the future.
(Name, Institution)
Wiebe, Peter Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution
Ashjian, Carin Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution
Davis, Cabell Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution
Gallager, Scott Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution
Dennet, Mark Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution
Fisher, Karen Cornell
Girard, Andrew Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution
Taylor, Maureen National
Marine Fisheries Service, Woods Hole
Warren, Joe Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution
Hofmann, Eileen Old Dominion
Salihoglu, Baris Old
Dominion University
Sanay, Rosario Old
Dominion University
Beardsley, Susan Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution
Beardsley, Robert Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution
Howard, Susan Earth and
Space Research
Conroy, Rebecca University of
South Florida
Rutherford, E. Howard University of South
Productivity Measurements
Kozlowski, Wendy Scripps Institution
of Oceanography
Thimgan, Mike Scripps
Institution of Oceanography
Seabird Survey/Ecology
Ribic, Christine University
of Wisconsin
Chapman, Erik University
of Wisconsin
Whale Survey/Active Counting
Friedlaender, Ari International
Whaling Commission/Duke University
Whale Survey/Passive
Berchok, Catherine Pennsylvania
State University
Science Writers
Christmas, Mark National
Geographic Society
Sreenivasan, Aparna University of
California, Santa Cruz/NSF
Raytheon Polar Services Technical Support (Name, Position)
Doyle, Alice Marine
Project Coordinator
Doren, Jesse Marine
Burke, Matthew Marine
Green, David Marine
Dolan, James Information
Hunt, Aaron Information
Bolmer, Tom Information
Otten, Jeff Electronics
Szelag, Jan Electronics
Officers and Crew (Name, Position)
Watson, Mike Master
Fahey, David Chief
Galster, Marty 2nd
Higdon, John 3rd Mate
Repin, Vladimir Ice Pilot
Munroe, David Chief
Ambrocio, Rogelio 1st
Lewis, Murray 2nd
Zipperer, Bryan 3rd
Ayler, Robert Oiler
Pagdanganan, Rogelio Oiler
Delacruz, Fredor Oiler
Alvezo, Enrique Oiler
Garde, Lauro Able
Bodied Seaman
Aaron, Bienvenido Able Bodied
Villanueva, Sam Able Bodied
Ambrocio, Ruel Able Bodied
Plaza, Danilo Ordinary
Sandoval, Lorenzo Ordinary Seaman
Stelly, Ernest Ordinary
Nestor, Silverio Ordinary
Monje, Alejandra Ordinary Seam
Consec. |
Standard |
Local Time |
Event |
Univ. Coor. Time (UCT) |
Latitude (°S)
Longitude (°W) |
Water |
Cast |
Scientific |
eventno |
Instr |
cast # |
Station# |
Station # |
Mth |
Day |
hhmm |
s/e |
Mth |
Day |
hhmm |
Deg. Min. |
Deg. Min. |
Depth |
Depth |
Invest. |
Comments |
NBP11401.001 |
4 |
24 |
1200 |
s |
4 |
24 |
1600 |
53 10.230 |
70 54.378 |
0 |
Wiebe |
NBP11401.002 |
1 |
4 |
24 |
1255 |
s |
4 |
24 |
1655 |
52 42.931 |
70 18.924 |
68 |
22 |
Wiebe |
NBP11401.003 |
1 |
4 |
24 |
1524 |
e |
4 |
24 |
1924 |
52 41.545 |
70 09.952 |
68 |
22 |
Wiebe |
NBP11401.004 |
2 |
4 |
24 |
1727 |
s |
4 |
24 |
2127 |
52 41.258 |
70 07.761 |
15 |
Wiebe |
NBP11401.005 |
2 |
4 |
24 |
1748 |
e |
4 |
24 |
2148 |
52 41.276 |
70 07.710 |
15 |
Wiebe |
NBP11601.001 |
4 |
26 |
1501 |
s/e |
4 |
26 |
1901 |
59 11.299 |
65 55.755 |
4678 |
763 |
Hofmann |
NBP11601.002 |
1 |
4 |
26 |
1518 |
s |
4 |
26 |
1918 |
59 14.238 |
65 56.617 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP11601.003 |
1 |
4 |
26 |
1602 |
e |
4 |
26 |
2002 |
59 22.466 |
65 58.196 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP11601.004 |
4 |
26 |
1558 |
s/e |
4 |
26 |
1958 |
59 20.855 |
65 58.032 |
3505 |
760 |
Hofmann |
NBP11601.005 |
4 |
26 |
1601 |
s/e |
4 |
26 |
2001 |
59 21.327 |
65 58.150 |
3505 |
760 |
Hofmann |
NBP11601.006 |
4 |
26 |
1651 |
s/e |
4 |
26 |
2051 |
59 29.444 |
66 02.030 |
3628 |
760 |
Hofmann |
NBP11601.007 |
4 |
26 |
1653 |
s/e |
4 |
26 |
2053 |
59 29.941 |
66 03.190 |
3628 |
760 |
Hofmann |
NBP11601.008 |
4 |
26 |
1751 |
s/e |
4 |
26 |
2151 |
59 39.329 |
66 25.190 |
3416 |
Hofmann |
NBP11601.009 |
4 |
26 |
1753 |
s/e |
4 |
26 |
2153 |
59 39.74 |
66 02.625 |
3308 |
Hofmann |
NBP11601.010 |
4 |
26 |
1756 |
s/e |
4 |
26 |
2156 |
59 40.207 |
66 02.751 |
3308 |
Hofmann |
NBP11601.011 |
4 |
26 |
1800 |
s/e |
4 |
26 |
2200 |
59 40.847 |
66 02.870 |
3308 |
Hofmann |
NBP11601.012 |
4 |
26 |
1805 |
s/e |
4 |
26 |
2205 |
59 41.662 |
66 02.970 |
3308 |
300 |
Hofmann |
NBP11601.013 |
4 |
26 |
1853 |
s/e |
4 |
26 |
2253 |
59 49.518 |
66 05.049 |
4269 |
413 |
Hofmann |
NBP11601.014 |
4 |
26 |
1856 |
s/e |
4 |
26 |
2256 |
59 50.083 |
66 05.195 |
4200 |
Hofmann |
NBP11601.015 |
4 |
26 |
1858 |
s/e |
4 |
26 |
2258 |
59 50.389 |
66 05.288 |
4194 |
760 |
Hofmann |
NBP11601.016 |
4 |
26 |
1958 |
s/e |
4 |
26 |
2358 |
60 0.393 |
66 07.888 |
3349 |
760 |
Hofmann |
NBP11601.017 |
4 |
26 |
2052 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
00:52 |
60 9.727 |
66 10.511 |
3575 |
300 |
Hofmann |
NBP11601.018 |
4 |
26 |
2055 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
00:55 |
60 10.29 |
66 10.660 |
3164 |
575 |
Hofmann |
NBP11601.019 |
4 |
26 |
2147 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
01:47 |
60 19.654 |
66 13.002 |
3122 |
760 |
Salihoglu |
NBP11601.020 |
4 |
26 |
2239 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
02:39 |
60 29.593 |
66 15.153 |
3074 |
760 |
Sanay |
NBP11601.021 |
4 |
26 |
2331 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
03:31 |
60 39.381 |
66 17.600 |
3438 |
760 |
Salihoglu |
NBP11701.001 |
4 |
27 |
00:26 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
04:26 |
60 49.550 |
66 20.065 |
3879 |
176 |
Salihoglu |
wire broke |
NBP11701.002 |
4 |
27 |
00:30 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
04:30 |
60 50.450 |
66 20.270 |
3879 |
368 |
Salihoglu |
wire broke |
NBP11701.003 |
4 |
27 |
01:25 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
05:25 |
60 59.860 |
66 22.940 |
2657 |
59 |
Salihoglu |
wire broke |
NBP11701.004 |
4 |
27 |
01:26 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
05:26 |
61 00.210 |
66 23.080 |
2700 |
143 |
Salihoglu |
wire broke |
NBP11701.005 |
4 |
27 |
01:28 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
05:28 |
61 00.530 |
66 23.160 |
2700 |
668 |
Salihoglu |
NBP11701.006 |
4 |
27 |
02:24 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
06:24 |
61 09.470 |
66 25.360 |
3400 |
90 |
Beardsley |
wire broke |
NBP11701.007 |
4 |
27 |
02:25 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
06:25 |
61 09.890 |
66 25.480 |
3400 |
164 |
Beardsley |
wire broke |
NBP11701.008 |
4 |
27 |
02:28 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
06:28 |
61 10.280 |
66 25.570 |
3400 |
668 |
Beardsley |
NBP11701.009 |
4 |
27 |
03:28 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
07:28 |
61 19.280 |
66 27.790 |
4287 |
564 |
Beardsley |
wire broke |
NBP11701.010 |
4 |
27 |
04:45 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
08:45 |
61 30.320 |
66 30.560 |
4396 |
240 |
Beardsley |
wire broke |
NBP11701.011 |
4 |
27 |
04:48 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
08:48 |
61 30.620 |
66 30.680 |
4397 |
543 |
Beardsley |
wire broke |
NBP11701.012 |
4 |
27 |
04:51 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
08:51 |
61 31.080 |
66 30.860 |
4397 |
344 |
Beardsley |
wire broke |
NBP11701.013 |
4 |
27 |
05:58 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
09:58 |
61 39.950 |
66 33.070 |
3978 |
760 |
Beardsley |
perfect |
NBP11701.014 |
4 |
27 |
07:12 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
11:12 |
61 49.590 |
66 35.800 |
3819 |
760 |
Beardsley |
perfect |
NBP11701.015 |
4 |
27 |
08:25 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
12:25 |
61 59.950 |
66 38.590 |
2505 |
325 |
Beardsley |
wire broke |
NBP11701.016 |
4 |
27 |
08:27 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
12:27 |
62 00.490 |
66 38.740 |
3110 |
760 |
Beardsley |
perfect |
NBP11701.017 |
4 |
27 |
09:27 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
13:27 |
62 09.469 |
66 40.881 |
3707 |
638 |
Hofmann |
NBP11701.018 |
4 |
27 |
10:40 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
14:40 |
62 19.718 |
66 43.811 |
3585 |
760 |
Howard |
NBP11701.019 |
4 |
27 |
11:43 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
15:43 |
62 29.582 |
66 46.461 |
3626 |
760 |
Hofmann |
NBP11701.020 |
4 |
27 |
12:58 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
16:58 |
62 39.969 |
66 54.426 |
3523 |
735 |
Salihoglu |
NBP11701.021 |
4 |
27 |
14:08 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
18:08 |
62 49.432 |
67 80.760 |
3551 |
760 |
Howard |
spikes below 374 |
NBP11701.022 |
4 |
27 |
15:12 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
19:12 |
62 59.560 |
67 15.940 |
3530 |
200 |
Howard |
wire broke |
NBP11701.023 |
4 |
27 |
15:14 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
19:14 |
62 59.980 |
67 16.211 |
3541 |
300 |
Howard |
bad data below 300 m |
NBP11701.024 |
4 |
27 |
16:16 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
20:16 |
63 09.980 |
67 22.209 |
3771 |
760 |
Salihoglu |
NBP11701.025 |
4 |
27 |
17:10 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
21:10 |
63 19.579 |
67 20.663 |
3715 |
760 |
Hofmann |
NBP11701.026 |
4 |
27 |
18:05 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
22:05 |
63 29.585 |
67 16.878 |
3535 |
760 |
Sreenyvasan |
NBP11701.027 |
4 |
27 |
19:59 |
s/e |
4 |
27 |
22:59 |
63 39.827 |
67 12.948 |
3374 |
Hofmann |
NBP11701.028 |
2 |
4 |
27 |
20:01 |
s |
4 |
28 |
00:01 |
63 50.979 |
67 08.638 |
3160 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP11701.030 |
4 |
27 |
20:04 |
s/e |
4 |
28 |
00:04 |
63 51.710 |
67 06.780 |
3160 |
Hofmann |
didn't work |
NBP11701.031 |
4 |
27 |
20:08 |
s/e |
4 |
28 |
00:08 |
63 51.710 |
67 06.780 |
3160 |
Hofmann |
NBP11701.032 |
4 |
27 |
20:10 |
s/e |
4 |
28 |
00:10 |
63 52.000 |
67 06.100 |
3160 |
Hofmann |
NBP11701.033 |
4 |
27 |
20:12 |
s/e |
4 |
28 |
00:12 |
63 52.210 |
67 05.580 |
3160 |
Hofmann |
NBP11701.034 |
2 |
4 |
27 |
20:22 |
e |
4 |
28 |
00:22 |
63 53.800 |
67 01.700 |
3160 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP11701.035 |
4 |
27 |
22:13 |
s/e |
4 |
28 |
02:13 |
64 06.733 |
66 31.283 |
979 |
Hofmann |
NBP11801.001 |
3 |
4 |
28 |
12:20 |
s |
4 |
28 |
16:20 |
64 52.533 |
64 08.099 |
387 |
27 |
Berchok |
NBP11801.002 |
3 |
4 |
28 |
13:04 |
e |
4 |
28 |
17:04 |
64 53.393 |
64 25.852 |
387 |
27 |
Berchok |
NBP11901.001 |
4 |
Transit 1 |
4 |
28 |
00:50 |
s |
4 |
29 |
04:50 |
64 59.677 |
69 29.732 |
2808 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP11901.002 |
Transit 2 |
4 |
28 |
00:52 |
s/e |
4 |
29 |
04:52 |
64 59.779 |
69 29.829 |
2808 |
Hofmann |
NBP11901.003 |
4 |
Transit 1 |
4 |
28 |
01:31 |
e |
4 |
29 |
05:31 |
65 06.488 |
69 36.893 |
2808 |
305 |
Berchok |
Fin Whales recorded |
NBP11901.004 |
4 |
29 |
01:55 |
4 |
29 |
05:55 |
65 10.966 |
69 41.62 |
2879 |
Beardsley |
didn't work |
NBP11901.005 |
2 |
4 |
29 |
01:56 |
4 |
29 |
05:56 |
65 10.966 |
69 41.62 |
2879 |
Beardsley |
broke on launch |
NBP11901.006 |
3 |
4 |
29 |
01:59 |
4 |
29 |
05:59 |
65 10.966 |
69 41.62 |
2879 |
Beardsley |
NBP11901.007 |
4 |
4 |
29 |
02:49 |
4 |
29 |
06:49 |
65 19.203 |
69 50.521 |
2755 |
Beardsley |
NBP11901.008 |
5 |
4 |
29 |
03:40 |
4 |
29 |
07:40 |
65 27.656 |
69 59.776 |
2877 |
Beardsley |
NBP11901.009 |
6 |
4 |
29 |
04:23 |
4 |
29 |
08:23 |
65 37.403 |
70 10.395 |
2727 |
50 |
Beardsley |
NBP11901.010 |
1 |
1 |
499.251 |
4 |
29 |
06:35 |
s |
4 |
29 |
10:35 |
65 48.848 |
70 23.283 |
719 |
50 |
Hofmann |
NBP11901.011 |
1 |
1 |
499.251 |
4 |
29 |
06:51 |
e |
4 |
29 |
10:51 |
65 48.848 |
70 23.283 |
719 |
50 |
Hofmann |
NBP11901.012 |
2 |
1 |
499.251 |
4 |
29 |
07:06 |
s |
4 |
29 |
11:06 |
65 48.83 |
70 23.19 |
718 |
707 |
Hofmann |
NBP11901.013 |
2 |
1 |
499.251 |
4 |
29 |
08:03 |
e |
4 |
29 |
12:03 |
65 48.83 |
70 23.19 |
718 |
707 |
Hofmann |
NBP11901.014 |
3 |
1 |
499.251 |
4 |
29 |
08:45 |
s |
4 |
29 |
12:45 |
65 48.0 |
70 23.0 |
500 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP11901.015 |
Whales |
500.220 |
4 |
29 |
08:45 |
s |
4 |
29 |
12:45 |
65 48.0 |
70 23 |
500 |
Friedlaender |
NBP11901.016 |
500.220 |
4 |
29 |
08:49 |
s |
4 |
29 |
12:49 |
65 48 |
70 23 |
500 |
Ribic |
NBP11901.017 |
5 |
transit 2 |
4 |
29 |
12:45 |
s |
4 |
29 |
16:45 |
65 57.262 |
69 53.590 |
347 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP11901.018 |
500.220 |
4 |
29 |
13:04 |
e |
4 |
29 |
17:04 |
65 58 |
69 50 |
360 |
Ribic |
NBP11901.019 |
3 |
2 |
500.220 |
4 |
29 |
13:30 |
e |
4 |
29 |
17:30 |
65 58.249 |
69 50.794 |
360 |
Wiebe |
NBP11901.020 |
3 |
2 |
500.220 |
4 |
29 |
13:58 |
s |
4 |
29 |
17:58 |
65 58.4 |
69 49,61 |
350 |
50 |
Beardsley |
NBP11901.021 |
3 |
2 |
500.220 |
4 |
29 |
14:27 |
e |
4 |
29 |
18:27 |
65 58.4 |
69 49.61 |
350 |
50 |
Beardsley |
NBP11901.022 |
4 |
2 |
500.220 |
4 |
29 |
14:30 |
s |
4 |
29 |
18:30 |
65 58.8 |
69 49.62 |
350 |
327 |
Beardsley |
NBP11901.023 |
4 |
2 |
500.220 |
4 |
29 |
14:59 |
e |
4 |
29 |
18:59 |
65 58.8 |
69 49.62 |
350 |
327 |
Beardsley |
NBP11901.024 |
Whales |
4 |
29 |
14:40 |
e |
4 |
29 |
18:40 |
65 58.8 |
69.49 |
360 |
Friedlaender |
NBP11901.025 |
Whales |
4 |
29 |
15:08 |
s |
4 |
29 |
19:08 |
65 59.4 |
69 49.3 |
350 |
Friedlaender |
NBP11901.026 |
4 |
29 |
15:12 |
s |
4 |
29 |
19:12 |
65 59.4 |
69 49 |
350 |
Ribic |
NBP11901.027 |
5 |
4 |
29 |
15:43 |
e |
4 |
29 |
19:43 |
66 08.87 |
69 41.264 |
347 |
305 |
Berchok |
NO Whales HEARD |
NBP11901.028 |
4 |
29 |
16:00 |
e |
4 |
29 |
20:00 |
66 2.0 |
69 36 |
320 |
Ribic |
NBP11901.029 |
Whales |
4 |
29 |
16:15 |
e |
4 |
29 |
20:15 |
66 2.0 |
69 34 |
320 |
Friedlaender |
NBP11901.030 |
5 |
3 |
500.180 |
4 |
29 |
18:40 |
s |
4 |
29 |
22:40 |
66 11.034 |
69 6.861 |
341 |
335 |
Hofmann |
PAR sensor broke |
NBP11901.031 |
5 |
3 |
500.180 |
4 |
29 |
19:15 |
e |
4 |
29 |
23:15 |
66 11.034 |
69 6.861 |
341 |
335 |
Hofmann |
NBP12001.001 |
MOC1 |
1 |
3 |
500.180 |
4 |
29 |
20:50 |
s |
4 |
30 |
00:50 |
66 10.796 |
69 10.465 |
360 |
300 |
Ashjian |
NBP12001.002 |
MOC1 |
1 |
3 |
500.180 |
4 |
29 |
22:18 |
e |
4 |
30 |
02:18 |
66 18.13 |
69.27.08 |
360 |
300 |
Ashjian |
NBP12001.003 |
4 |
3 |
500.180 |
4 |
30 |
00:03 |
s |
4 |
30 |
04:03 |
66 11.038 |
69 13.71 |
362 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP12001.004 |
6 |
4 |
500.140 |
4 |
30 |
06:10 |
s |
4 |
30 |
10:10 |
66 23.33 |
68 23.13 |
675 |
50 |
Hofmann |
NBP12001.005 |
6 |
4 |
500.140 |
4 |
30 |
06:30 |
e |
4 |
30 |
10:30 |
66 23.33 |
68 23.13 |
675 |
50 |
Hofmann |
NBP12001.006 |
7 |
4 |
500.140 |
4 |
30 |
06:41 |
s |
4 |
30 |
10:41 |
66 23.19 |
68 23.05 |
674 |
645 |
Hofmann |
NBP12001.007 |
7 |
4 |
500.140 |
4 |
30 |
07:40 |
e |
4 |
30 |
11:40 |
66 23.19 |
68 23.05 |
674 |
645 |
Hofmann |
NBP12001.008 |
4 |
4 |
500.140 |
4 |
30 |
08:30 |
e |
4 |
30 |
12:30 |
66 21.34 |
68 30.15 |
674 |
250 |
Wiebe |
SONAR failure |
NBP12001.009 |
4T |
4 |
30 |
08:30 |
s |
4 |
30 |
12:30 |
66 22 |
68 23 |
691 |
Chapman |
low visib., poor data |
NBP12001.010 |
Whales |
4T |
4 |
30 |
08:30 |
s |
4 |
30 |
12:30 |
66 22 |
68 25 |
691 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12001.011 |
5 |
500.120 |
4 |
30 |
10:45 |
e |
4 |
30 |
14:45 |
66 28 |
68 01 |
529 |
Ribic |
low visib., poor data |
NBP12001.012 |
Whales |
5 |
500.120 |
4 |
30 |
11:15 |
e |
4 |
30 |
15:15 |
66 29 |
68 01 |
424 |
Friedlaender |
poor conditons/data |
NBP12001.013 |
8 |
5 |
500.120 |
4 |
30 |
11:30 |
s |
4 |
30 |
15:30 |
66 19.42 |
68 02 |
427 |
417 |
Hofmann |
NBP12001.014 |
8 |
5 |
500.120 |
4 |
30 |
11:51 |
e |
4 |
30 |
15:51 |
66 29.42 |
68 02.10 |
427 |
417 |
Hofmann |
NBP12001.015 |
5T |
4 |
30 |
12:39 |
s |
4 |
30 |
16:39 |
66 32.428 |
68 07.173 |
408 |
Chapman |
obs. from ins. bridge |
NBP12001.016 |
4 |
30 |
4 |
30 |
event # not used |
NBP12001.017 |
4 |
30 |
4 |
30 |
event # not used |
NBP12001.018 |
6 |
460.120 |
4 |
30 |
14:32 |
e |
4 |
30 |
18:32 |
66 47.253 |
68 32.054 |
240 |
Chapman |
NBP12001.019 |
6 |
6 |
460.120 |
4 |
30 |
14:26 |
s |
4 |
30 |
18:26 |
66 47.197 |
68 31.954 |
255 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12001.020 |
9 |
6 |
460.120 |
4 |
30 |
14:45 |
s |
4 |
30 |
18:45 |
66 47.26 |
68 32.10 |
258 |
220 |
Salihoglu |
rough seas |
NBP12001.021 |
9 |
6 |
460.120 |
4 |
30 |
15:10 |
e |
4 |
30 |
19:10 |
66 47.26 |
68 32.10 |
258 |
220 |
Salihoglu |
rough seas |
NBP12001.022 |
6T |
4 |
30 |
15:12 |
s |
4 |
30 |
19:12 |
66 47.307 |
68 32.526 |
250 |
Ribic |
NBP12001.023 |
6 |
6 |
460.120 |
4 |
30 |
16:00 |
e |
4 |
30 |
20:00 |
66 42.917 |
68 47.161 |
255 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12001.024 |
7 |
460.140 |
4 |
30 |
16:15 |
e |
4 |
30 |
20:15 |
66 41.202 |
68 53.346 |
320 |
Chapman |
NBP12001.025 |
10 |
7 |
460.140 |
4 |
30 |
16:55 |
s |
4 |
30 |
20:55 |
66 41.005 |
68 54173 |
329 |
308 |
Howard |
NBP12001.026 |
10 |
7 |
460.140 |
4 |
30 |
17:23 |
e |
4 |
30 |
21:23 |
66 41.005 |
68 54.173 |
329 |
308 |
Howard |
NBP12001.027 |
11 |
8 |
460.180 |
4 |
30 |
19:44 |
s |
4 |
30 |
23:44 |
66 28.37 |
69 38.23 |
515 |
492 |
Hofmann |
NBP12101.001 |
11 |
8 |
460.180 |
4 |
30 |
20:25 |
e |
5 |
1 |
00:25 |
66 28.37 |
69 38.23 |
515 |
492 |
Hofmann |
NBP12101.002 |
12 |
9 |
460.220 |
4 |
30 |
23:00 |
s |
5 |
1 |
03:25 |
66 15.68 |
70 21.19 |
470 |
455 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12101.003 |
12 |
9 |
460.220 |
4 |
30 |
23:50 |
e |
5 |
1 |
03:50 |
66 15.68 |
70 21.19 |
470 |
455 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12101.004 |
13 |
10 |
459.250 |
5 |
1 |
01:43 |
s |
5 |
1 |
05:43 |
66 6.24 |
70 53.62 |
880 |
50 |
Beardsley |
NBP12101.005 |
13 |
10 |
459.250 |
5 |
1 |
01:58 |
e |
5 |
1 |
05:58 |
66 6.24 |
70 53.62 |
880 |
50 |
Beardsley |
NBP12101.006 |
14 |
10 |
459.250 |
5 |
1 |
02:13 |
s |
5 |
1 |
06:13 |
66 5.88 |
70 53.01 |
880 |
870 |
Beardsley |
NBP12101.007 |
14 |
10 |
459.250 |
5 |
1 |
03:18 |
e |
5 |
1 |
07:18 |
66 5.88 |
70 53.01 |
880 |
870 |
Beardsley |
NBP12101.008 |
MOC1 |
2 |
10 |
459.250 |
5 |
1 |
04:15 |
s |
5 |
1 |
08:15 |
66 7.945 |
70 56.6 |
895 |
800 |
Ashjian |
NBP12101.009 |
MOC1 |
2 |
10 |
459.250 |
5 |
1 |
06:33 |
e |
5 |
1 |
10:33 |
66 9.86 |
70 57.30 |
890 |
Ashjian |
NBP12101.010 |
10T |
5 |
1 |
08:25 |
s |
5 |
1 |
12:25 |
66 10.791 |
71 01.111 |
1080 |
Chapman |
NBP12101.011 |
Whales |
10T |
5 |
1 |
08:30 |
s |
5 |
1 |
12:30 |
66 10 |
71 00 |
952 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12101.012 |
5 |
10 |
459.250 |
5 |
1 |
09:00 |
s |
5 |
1 |
13:00 |
66 09.166 |
70 58.311 |
890 |
250 |
Wiebe |
fixed cable & 420 kHz |
NBP12101.013 |
7 |
10T |
5 |
1 |
09:54 |
s |
5 |
1 |
13:54 |
66 12.234 |
71 03.541 |
1379 |
305 |
Berchok |
Humpback moans |
NBP12101.014 |
8 |
10T |
5 |
1 |
10:48 |
s |
5 |
1 |
14:48 |
66 16.06 |
71 09.65 |
305 |
Berchok |
Humpback moans |
NBP12101.015 |
7 |
10T |
5 |
1 |
11:07 |
e |
5 |
1 |
15:07 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12101.016 |
8 |
10T |
5 |
1 |
11:32 |
e |
5 |
1 |
15:32 |
66 18.096 |
71 12.989 |
1296 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12101.017 |
Whales |
11 |
5 |
1 |
12:50 |
e |
5 |
1 |
16:50 |
66 24 |
71 22 |
766 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12101.018 |
11 |
5 |
1 |
12:50 |
e |
5 |
1 |
16:51 |
66 24 |
71 22 |
766 |
Chapman |
NBP12101.019 |
11T |
5 |
1 |
14:31 |
s |
5 |
1 |
18:31 |
66 25.269 |
71 23.082 |
766 |
Chapman |
NBP12101.020 |
Whales |
12T |
5 |
1 |
14:25 |
s |
5 |
1 |
18:25 |
66 25 |
71 23 |
688 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12101.021 |
15 |
11 |
419.247 |
5 |
1 |
13:08 |
s |
5 |
1 |
17:08 |
66 24.82 |
71 23.47 |
742 |
50 |
Sreenyvasan |
NBP12101.022 |
15 |
11 |
419.247 |
5 |
1 |
13:26 |
e |
5 |
1 |
17:26 |
66 24.82 |
71 23.07 |
742 |
50 |
Sreenyvasan |
NBP12101.023 |
16 |
11 |
419.247 |
5 |
1 |
13:36 |
s |
5 |
1 |
17:36 |
66 24.95 |
71 23.04 |
722 |
697 |
Sreenyvasan |
NBP12101.024 |
16 |
11 |
419.247 |
5 |
1 |
14:23 |
e |
5 |
1 |
18:23 |
66 24.95 |
71 23.04 |
722 |
697 |
Sreenyvasan |
NBP12101.025 |
9 |
12T |
5 |
1 |
14:48 |
s |
5 |
1 |
18:48 |
66 25.81 |
71 19.96 |
509 |
305 |
Berchok |
Humpback moans |
NBP12101.026 |
10 |
12T |
5 |
1 |
16:02 |
s |
5 |
1 |
20:02 |
66 28.878 |
71 06.977 |
535 |
305 |
Berchok |
Humpback moans |
NBP12101.027 |
9 |
12T |
5 |
1 |
16:06 |
e |
5 |
1 |
20:06 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12101.028 |
12T |
5 |
1 |
16:24 |
e |
5 |
1 |
20:24 |
66 29.894 |
71 03.012 |
1037 |
Chapman |
NBP12101.029 |
Whales |
12T |
5 |
1 |
16:25 |
e |
5 |
1 |
20:25 |
66 29 |
71 03 |
1037 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12101.030 |
17 |
12 |
420.225 |
5 |
1 |
17:09 |
e |
5 |
1 |
21:09 |
66 31.17 |
70 58.76 |
538 |
50 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12101.031 |
17 |
12 |
420.225 |
5 |
1 |
17:20 |
s |
5 |
1 |
21:20 |
66 31.17 |
70 58.76 |
538 |
50 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12101.032 |
18 |
12 |
420.225 |
5 |
1 |
17:21 |
e |
5 |
1 |
21:26 |
66 31.22 |
70 58.74 |
542 |
521 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12101.033 |
18 |
12 |
420.225 |
5 |
1 |
18:05 |
s |
5 |
1 |
22:05 |
66 31.22 |
70 58.87 |
542 |
521 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12101.034 |
10 |
13T |
5 |
1 |
18:21 |
e |
5 |
1 |
22:21 |
66 31.981 |
70 56.021 |
558 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12101.035 |
19 |
13 |
420.180 |
5 |
1 |
23:39 |
s |
5 |
2 |
03:38 |
66 45.81 |
70 9.81 |
534 |
50 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12101.036 |
19 |
13 |
420.180 |
5 |
1 |
23:42 |
e |
5 |
2 |
03:42 |
66 45.81 |
71 9.81 |
534 |
50 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12101.037 |
20 |
13 |
420.180 |
5 |
1 |
23:53 |
s |
5 |
2 |
03:53 |
66 45.85 |
70 9.83 |
534 |
530 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12201.001 |
20 |
13 |
420.180 |
5 |
2 |
12:30 |
e |
5 |
2 |
04:30 |
66 45.85 |
70 9.83 |
534 |
530 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12201.002 |
5 |
13 |
420.180 |
5 |
2 |
00:56 |
e |
5 |
2 |
04:56 |
67 46.461 |
70 11.23 |
561 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP12201.003 |
MOC1 |
3 |
13 |
420.180 |
5 |
2 |
03:20 |
s |
5 |
2 |
07:20 |
66 48.566 |
70 22.764 |
600 |
500 |
Ashjian |
NBP12201.004 |
MOC1 |
3 |
13 |
420.180 |
5 |
2 |
05:06 |
e |
5 |
2 |
09:06 |
67 1.03 |
69 16.8 |
250 |
Ashjian |
NBP12201.005 |
6 |
13 |
420.180 |
5 |
2 |
05:52 |
s |
5 |
2 |
09:52 |
66 48.92 |
77 33.27 |
300 |
Wiebe |
NBP12201.006 |
13T |
5 |
2 |
08:42 |
s |
5 |
2 |
12:42 |
66 51.461 |
70 18.946 |
300 |
Chapman |
NBP12201.007 |
Whales |
13T |
5 |
2 |
08:42 |
s |
5 |
2 |
12:42 |
66 51.461 |
70 18.946 |
300 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12201.008 |
11 |
To14 |
5 |
2 |
09:39 |
s |
5 |
2 |
13:39 |
66 52.887 |
70 09.128 |
594 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12201.009 |
11 |
To14 |
5 |
2 |
10:59 |
e |
5 |
2 |
14:59 |
66 54.756 |
69 51.827 |
594 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12201.010 |
Whales |
14 |
5 |
2 |
12:40 |
e |
5 |
2 |
16:40 |
66 56 |
69 31 |
520 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12201.011 |
14 |
5 |
2 |
12:40 |
e |
5 |
2 |
16:40 |
66 56 |
69 31 |
520 |
Chapman |
NBP12201.012 |
14T |
5 |
2 |
13:44 |
s |
5 |
2 |
17:49 |
66 57.05 |
69 31.909 |
490 |
Chapman |
NBP12201.013 |
Whales |
14T |
5 |
2 |
13:45 |
s |
5 |
2 |
17:45 |
66 57 |
69 31 |
490 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12201.014 |
21 |
14 |
420.145 |
5 |
2 |
12:55 |
s |
5 |
2 |
16:55 |
66 56.93 |
69 31.67 |
501 |
491 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12201.015 |
21 |
14 |
420.145 |
5 |
2 |
13:40 |
e |
5 |
2 |
17:40 |
66 56.93 |
69 31.67 |
501 |
491 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12201.016 |
5 |
2 |
15:57 |
e |
5 |
2 |
19:57 |
67 02.947 |
69 10.143 |
471 |
Chapman |
NBP12201.017 |
Whales |
5 |
2 |
15:57 |
e |
5 |
2 |
19:57 |
67 02 |
69 10 |
471 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12201.018 |
6 |
15 |
5 |
2 |
16:12 |
e |
5 |
2 |
20:12 |
67 03.16 |
69 09.08 |
Wiebe |
NBP12201.019 |
12 |
15 |
5 |
2 |
16:37 |
s |
5 |
2 |
20:17 |
67 03.131 |
69 09.410 |
400 |
305 |
Berchok |
one fin whale seen by bridge |
NBP12201.020 |
22 |
15 |
420.125 |
5 |
2 |
16:47 |
s |
5 |
2 |
20:47 |
67 3.14 |
69 09.45 |
390 |
384 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12201.021 |
22 |
15 |
420.125 |
5 |
2 |
17:35 |
e |
5 |
2 |
21:35 |
67 3.14 |
69 09.45 |
390 |
384 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12201.022 |
MOC1 |
4 |
15 |
420.125 |
5 |
2 |
17:42 |
s |
5 |
2 |
21:42 |
67 3.04 |
69 09.8 |
390 |
350 |
Ashjian |
NBP12201.023 |
13 |
To16 |
5 |
2 |
18:17 |
s |
5 |
2 |
22:10 |
67 02.344 |
69 12.287 |
418 |
122 |
Berchok |
wow! |
NBP12201.024 |
MOC1 |
4 |
15 |
420.125 |
5 |
2 |
19:23 |
e |
5 |
2 |
23:25 |
67 1.03 |
69 16.8 |
390 |
350 |
Ashjian |
NBP12201.025 |
7 |
15 |
420.125 |
5 |
2 |
20:15 |
s |
5 |
3 |
00:15 |
460 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP12301.001 |
12 |
TO16 |
5 |
2 |
21:36 |
e |
5 |
3 |
01:36 |
67 06.341 |
69 25.301 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12301.002 |
13 |
TO16 |
5 |
2 |
21:36 |
e |
5 |
3 |
01:36 |
67 06.341 |
70 25.301 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP12301.003 |
23 |
16 |
380.120 |
5 |
3 |
01:27 |
e |
5 |
3 |
05:27 |
67 22.32 |
69 36.35 |
440 |
430 |
Beardsley |
NBP12301.004 |
23 |
16 |
380.120 |
5 |
3 |
02:02 |
s |
5 |
3 |
06:02 |
67 22.32 |
69 36.35 |
440 |
430 |
Beardsley |
NBP12301.005 |
24 |
17 |
380.150 |
5 |
3 |
05:41 |
e |
5 |
3 |
09:41 |
67 12.58 |
70 9.91 |
600 |
50 |
Beardsley |
NBP12301.006 |
24 |
17 |
380.150 |
5 |
3 |
05:54 |
s |
5 |
3 |
09:54 |
67 12.58 |
70 9.91 |
600 |
50 |
Beardsley |
NBP12301.007 |
25 |
17 |
380.150 |
5 |
3 |
06:08 |
e |
5 |
3 |
10:08 |
67 12.56 |
70 9.87 |
600 |
590 |
Beardsley |
NBP12301.008 |
25 |
17 |
380.150 |
5 |
3 |
06:54 |
s |
5 |
3 |
10:54 |
67 12.56 |
71 9.87 |
471 |
590 |
Beardsley |
NBP12301.009 |
17T |
5 |
3 |
5 |
3 |
Chapman |
NBP12301.010 |
Whales |
17T |
5 |
3 |
5 |
3 |
Friedlaender |
no obs/no vis |
NBP12301.011 |
18 |
5 |
3 |
10:18 |
e |
5 |
3 |
14:18 |
67 02.97 |
70 43.41 |
486 |
Chapman |
NBP12301.012 |
18T |
5 |
3 |
5 |
3 |
Chapman |
NBP12301.013 |
26 |
18 |
380.180 |
5 |
3 |
10:46 |
s |
5 |
3 |
14:46 |
67 2.99 |
70 43.06 |
488 |
481 |
Beardsley |
NBP12301.014 |
26 |
18 |
380.180 |
5 |
3 |
11:25 |
e |
5 |
3 |
15:25 |
67 2.99 |
70 43.06 |
488 |
481 |
Beardsley |
NBP12301.015 |
19 |
5 |
3 |
15:45 |
e |
5 |
3 |
19:45 |
66 50.24 |
71 25.255 |
469 |
Chapman |
NBP12301.016 |
7 |
19 |
5 |
3 |
15:58 |
e |
5 |
3 |
19:58 |
66 46.23 |
71 37.041 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP12301.017 |
27 |
19 |
380.220 |
5 |
3 |
16:30 |
s |
5 |
3 |
20:30 |
66 49.80 |
71 29.24 |
466 |
462 |
Hofmann |
NBP12301.018 |
27 |
19 |
380.220 |
5 |
3 |
17:08 |
e |
5 |
3 |
21:08 |
67 49.80 |
71 29.24 |
466 |
462 |
Hofmann |
NBP12301.019 |
MOC1 |
5 |
19 |
380.220 |
5 |
3 |
17:27 |
s |
5 |
3 |
21:27 |
66 49.65 |
71 30.44 |
450 |
400 |
Ashjian |
NBP12301.020 |
MOC1 |
5 |
19 |
380.220 |
5 |
3 |
18:59 |
e |
5 |
3 |
22:59 |
66 47.11 |
71 35.66 |
474 |
400 |
Ashjian |
NBP12301.021 |
19 |
380.220 |
5 |
3 |
19:38 |
s |
5 |
3 |
23:38 |
66 47.61 |
71 33.48 |
468 |
Chapman |
NBP12301.022 |
19 |
380.220 |
5 |
3 |
20:16 |
e |
5 |
4 |
00:16 |
66 49.31 |
71 27.81 |
462 |
Chapman |
NBP12301.023 |
8 |
19 |
380.220 |
5 |
3 |
20:36 |
s |
5 |
4 |
00:36 |
66 49.38 |
71 29.04 |
482 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP12301.024 |
19 |
380.220 |
5 |
3 |
20:55 |
s |
5 |
4 |
00:55 |
66 48.39 |
71 32.181 |
452 |
Chapman |
NBP12301.025 |
19 |
380.220 |
5 |
3 |
21:29 |
e |
5 |
4 |
01:29 |
66 46.35 |
71 31.814 |
477 |
Chapman |
NBP12401.001 |
28 |
20 |
380.264 |
5 |
4 |
01:16 |
s |
5 |
4 |
05:16 |
66 34 93 |
72 14.12 |
3310 |
50 |
Beardsley |
NBP12401.002 |
28 |
20 |
380.264 |
5 |
4 |
01:21 |
e |
5 |
4 |
05:25 |
66 34 93 |
72 14.12 |
3310 |
50 |
Beardsley |
NBP12401.003 |
29 |
20 |
380.264 |
5 |
4 |
01:55 |
S |
5 |
4 |
05:54 |
66 34 72 |
72 13.31 |
3383 |
3368 |
Beardsley |
NBP12401.004 |
29 |
20 |
380.264 |
5 |
4 |
04:41 |
e |
5 |
4 |
08:41 |
66 34 72 |
72 13.31 |
3383 |
3368 |
Beardsley |
NBP12401.005 |
sonob |
14 |
to 22 |
5 |
4 |
04:42 |
s |
5 |
4 |
08:42 |
66 34.784 |
72 13.131 |
3369 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12401.006 |
sonob |
14 |
to 22 |
5 |
4 |
06:09 |
e |
5 |
4 |
10:09 |
66 36.545 |
72 30.152 |
--- |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12401.007 |
to 21 |
5 |
4 |
07:34 |
s/e |
5 |
4 |
11:34 |
66 24.667 |
69 50.784 |
150 |
Sanay |
NBP12401.008 |
to 22 |
5 |
4 |
07:38 |
s |
5 |
4 |
11:38 |
Chapman |
NBP12401.009 |
to 22 |
5 |
4 |
08:08 |
e |
5 |
4 |
12:08 |
66 38.848 |
72 54.489 |
3528 |
Chapman |
NBP12401.010 |
to 22 |
5 |
4 |
8:34 |
s |
5 |
4 |
12:34 |
66 39.242 |
72 59.119 |
3585 |
Chapman |
NBP12401.011 |
Whales |
to 22 |
5 |
4 |
09:00 |
s |
5 |
4 |
13:00 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12401.012 |
8 |
22 |
5 |
4 |
09:07 |
e |
5 |
4 |
14:07 |
66 41.26 |
73 18.81 |
3600 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP12401.013 |
sonob |
15 |
to 22 |
5 |
4 |
09:21 |
s |
5 |
4 |
13:21 |
66 40.239 |
73 08.971 |
3540 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12401.014 |
22 |
5 |
4 |
10:23 |
e |
5 |
4 |
14:23 |
66 41.44 |
73 20.73 |
3610 |
Chapman |
NBP12401.015 |
30 |
22 |
340.295 |
5 |
4 |
10:54 |
s |
5 |
4 |
14:54 |
66 41.15 |
73 21.01 |
3647 |
50 |
Beardsley |
NBP12401.016 |
30 |
22 |
340.295 |
5 |
4 |
11:01 |
e |
5 |
4 |
15:01 |
66 41.15 |
73 21.01 |
3647 |
50 |
Beardsley |
NBP12401.017 |
31 |
22 |
340.295 |
5 |
4 |
11:11 |
s |
5 |
4 |
15:11 |
66 41.14 |
73 20.97 |
3609 |
2000 |
Hofmann |
NBP12401.018 |
31 |
22 |
340.295 |
5 |
4 |
e |
5 |
4 |
66 41.14 |
73 20.97 |
3609 |
2000 |
Hofmann |
NBP12401.019 |
MOC1 |
6 |
22 |
340.295 |
5 |
4 |
13:32 |
s |
5 |
4 |
17:32 |
66 40.166 |
73 22.08 |
3639 |
1000 |
Davis |
NBP12401.020 |
sonob |
15 |
22 |
340.295 |
5 |
4 |
13:49 |
E |
5 |
4 |
17:44 |
66 39.690 |
73 22.430 |
- |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12401.021 |
MOC1 |
6 |
22 |
340.295 |
5 |
4 |
15:55 |
e |
5 |
4 |
19:55 |
66 36.34 |
73 23.36 |
3669 |
1000 |
Davis |
NBP12401.022 |
9 |
22 |
340.295 |
5 |
4 |
17:22 |
s |
5 |
4 |
21:22 |
66 40.18 |
73 22.05 |
3660 |
30 |
Wiebe |
NBP12401.023 |
9 |
22 |
340.295 |
5 |
4 |
18:07 |
e |
5 |
4 |
22:07 |
66 39.33 |
73 22.556 |
3652 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP12401.024 |
TO23 |
5 |
4 |
22:15 |
s/e |
5 |
5 |
02:15 |
66 49.50 |
72 55.19 |
3250 |
760 |
Hofmann |
NBP12401.025 |
10 |
22 |
340.295 |
5 |
4 |
22:38 |
s |
5 |
5 |
02:38 |
66 44.73 |
73 08.81 |
3625 |
Wiebe |
NBP12501.001 |
32 |
23 |
340.253 |
5 |
5 |
00:44 |
s |
5 |
5 |
04:44 |
66 55.47 |
72 35.38 |
508 |
488 |
Beardsley |
NBP12501.002 |
32 |
23 |
340.253 |
5 |
5 |
01:18 |
e |
5 |
5 |
05:18 |
66 55.47 |
72 35.38 |
508 |
488 |
Beardsley |
NBP12501.003 |
TO24 |
5 |
5 |
s/e |
5 |
5 |
67 1.32 |
72 18.38 |
420 |
180 |
Beardsley |
failed at 180 m |
NBP12501.004 |
TO24 |
5 |
5 |
319 |
s/e |
5 |
5 |
07:19 |
67 1.566 |
72 17.58 |
407 |
Beardsley |
NBP12501.005 |
Bird |
TO24 |
5 |
5 |
432 |
s |
5 |
5 |
832 |
67 5.110 |
72 6.045 |
405 |
Ribic |
night survey |
NBP12501.006 |
Bird |
TO24 |
5 |
5 |
518 |
e |
5 |
5 |
918 |
67 6.698 |
72 0.378 |
415 |
Ribic |
NBP12501.007 |
33 |
24 |
340.220 |
5 |
5 |
05:32 |
s |
5 |
5 |
09:32 |
67 6.82 |
72 0.33 |
415 |
406 |
Beardsley |
NBP12501.008 |
33 |
24 |
340.220 |
5 |
5 |
06:03 |
e |
5 |
5 |
10:03 |
67 6.82 |
72 0.33 |
415 |
406 |
Beardsley |
NBP12501.009 |
10 |
5 |
5 |
06:26 |
e |
5 |
5 |
10:26 |
67 06.83 |
72 24.300 |
Wiebe |
NBP12501.010 |
Bird |
TO25 |
5 |
5 |
08:34 |
s |
5 |
5 |
12:34 |
67 13.955 |
71 36.749 |
435 |
Chapman |
NBP12501.011 |
Whale |
TO25 |
5 |
5 |
08:55 |
s |
5 |
5 |
12:55 |
67 15.020 |
71 33.107 |
455 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12501.012 |
Whale |
25 |
5 |
5 |
10:07 |
e |
5 |
5 |
14:07 |
67 19.955 |
71 16.665 |
482 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12501.013 |
Bird |
25 |
5 |
5 |
10:07 |
e |
5 |
5 |
1407 |
67 19.955 |
71 16.665 |
482 |
Chapman |
NBP12501.014 |
34 |
25 |
340.18 |
5 |
5 |
10:28 |
s |
5 |
5 |
14:28 |
67 20.04 |
71 16.58 |
463 |
453 |
Beardsley |
NBP12501.015 |
34 |
25 |
340.18 |
5 |
5 |
11:04 |
e |
5 |
5 |
15:04 |
67 20.04 |
71 16.58 |
463 |
453 |
Beardsley |
NBP12501.016 |
MOC1 |
7 |
25 |
5 |
5 |
11:23 |
s |
5 |
5 |
15:23 |
67 19.865 |
71 17.17.812 |
460 |
400 |
Ashjian |
NBP12501.017 |
Bird |
T26 |
5 |
5 |
12:49 |
s |
5 |
5 |
16:49 |
67 19.184 |
71 24.697 |
472 |
Chapman |
NBP12501.018 |
MOC1 |
7 |
25 |
5 |
5 |
12:53 |
e |
5 |
5 |
16:53 |
67 19.18 |
71 24.69 |
Ashjian |
NBP12501.019 |
whale |
Friedlaender |
NBP12501.020 |
sonob |
16 |
TO26 |
5 |
5 |
14:24 |
s |
5 |
5 |
18:24 |
67 24.5 |
71 4.9 |
514 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12501.021 |
sonob |
16 |
TO26 |
5 |
5 |
15:00 |
e |
5 |
5 |
19:00 |
67 28.258 |
70 50.447 |
--- |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12501.022 |
sonob |
17 |
TO26 |
5 |
5 |
15:19 |
s |
5 |
5 |
19:19 |
67 30.33 |
70 42.4 |
720 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12501.023 |
drifter |
to 26 |
5 |
5 |
15:24 |
s/e |
5 |
5 |
19:24 |
67 30.8 |
70 40.6 |
Beardsley |
NBP12501.024 |
Bird/ Whale |
26 |
5 |
5 |
19:45 |
e |
5 |
5 |
23:45 |
67 32.998 |
70 32.273 |
761 |
Chapman |
NBP12501.025 |
sonob |
17 |
26 |
5 |
5 |
16:03 |
e |
5 |
5 |
20:03 |
67 30.33 |
70 42.4 |
784 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12501.026 |
35 |
26 |
340.140 |
5 |
5 |
16:05 |
s |
5 |
5 |
20:05 |
67 33.11 |
70 32.18 |
762 |
50 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12501.027 |
35 |
26 |
340.140 |
5 |
5 |
16:20 |
e |
5 |
5 |
20:20 |
67 33.11 |
70 32.18 |
762 |
50 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12501.028 |
36 |
26 |
340.140 |
5 |
5 |
16:22 |
s |
5 |
5 |
20:22 |
67 33.10 |
70 32.17 |
760 |
760 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12501.029 |
36 |
26 |
340.140 |
5 |
5 |
17:05 |
e |
5 |
5 |
21:05 |
67 33.10 |
70 32.17 |
760 |
760 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12501.030 |
11 |
26 |
340.140 |
5 |
5 |
17:54 |
s |
5 |
5 |
21:54 |
67 33.6 |
70 28.20 |
760 |
40 |
Wiebe |
NBP12501.031 |
TO27 |
5 |
5 |
18:48 |
s |
5 |
5 |
22:48 |
67 36.157 |
70 21.329 |
694 |
Chapman/ Ribic |
NBP12501.032 |
11 |
5 |
5 |
20:54 |
e |
5 |
6 |
00:54 |
67 41.9 |
70 01.7 |
690 |
40 |
Wiebe |
NBP12501.033 |
TO27 |
5 |
5 |
22:38 |
e |
5 |
5 |
02:38 |
Chapman/ Ribic |
NBP12501.034 |
37 |
27 |
340.100 |
5 |
5 |
22:58 |
s |
5 |
6 |
02:58 |
67 45.90 |
69 46.97 |
357 |
349 |
Hofmann |
NBP12501.035 |
37 |
27 |
340.100 |
5 |
5 |
23:40 |
e |
5 |
6 |
03:40 |
67 45.90 |
69 46.97 |
357 |
349 |
Hofmann |
NBP12601.001 |
38 |
28 |
335.060 |
5 |
6 |
04:56 |
s |
5 |
6 |
08:56 |
68 2.45 |
69 22.32 |
415 |
412 |
Bearldley |
NBP12601.002 |
38 |
28 |
335.060 |
5 |
6 |
05:34 |
e |
5 |
6 |
09:34 |
68 2.45 |
69 22.32 |
415 |
412 |
Bearldley |
NBP12601.003 |
TO29 |
5 |
6 |
s |
5 |
6 |
Chapman |
NBP12601.004 |
MOC1 |
8 |
28 |
355.060 |
5 |
6 |
07:00 |
s |
5 |
6 |
11:00 |
68 4.38 |
69 25.28 |
~350 |
300 |
Ashjian |
NBP12601.005 |
MOC1 |
8 |
28 |
355.060 |
5 |
6 |
08:30 |
e |
5 |
6 |
12:30 |
68 1.61 |
69 25.1 |
Ashjian |
NBP12601.006 |
sonob |
18 |
TO29 |
5 |
6 |
08:51 |
s |
5 |
6 |
12:51 |
68 1.142 |
69 29.880 |
755 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12601.007 |
Whales |
TO29 |
5 |
6 |
09:55 |
s |
5 |
6 |
13:55 |
68 6.060 |
69 12.843 |
475 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12601.008 |
sonob |
18 |
TO29 |
5 |
6 |
10:01 |
e |
5 |
6 |
14:01 |
68 7.186 |
69 11.578 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12601.009 |
sonob |
19 |
TO29 |
5 |
6 |
13:45 |
s |
5 |
6 |
17:45 |
67 58.33 |
68 32.83 |
705 |
122 |
Berchok |
humpback sounds |
NBP12601.010 |
Whales |
29 |
357.046 |
5 |
6 |
14:10 |
e |
5 |
6 |
18:10 |
67 55.15 |
68 30.27 |
605 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12601.011 |
39 |
29 |
357.046 |
5 |
6 |
14:21 |
s |
5 |
6 |
18:21 |
67 55.13 |
68 30.33 |
650 |
50 |
Hofmann |
NBP12601.012 |
39 |
29 |
357.046 |
5 |
6 |
14:30 |
e |
5 |
6 |
18:30 |
67 55.13 |
68 30.33 |
650 |
50 |
Hofmann |
NBP12601.013 |
40 |
29 |
357.046 |
5 |
6 |
14:36 |
s |
5 |
6 |
18:36 |
67 55.11 |
68 30.43 |
643 |
635 |
Hofmann |
NBP12601.014 |
40 |
29 |
357.046 |
5 |
6 |
15:15 |
e |
5 |
6 |
19:15 |
67 55.11 |
68 30.43 |
643 |
635 |
Hofmann |
NBP12601.015 |
29 |
5 |
6 |
15:45 |
e |
5 |
6 |
19:45 |
67 53.451 |
68 18.058 |
640 |
Chapman |
NBP12601.016 |
sonob |
19 |
TO30 |
5 |
6 |
15:49 |
e |
5 |
6 |
19:49 |
67 53.451 |
68 18.058 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP12601.017 |
sonob |
20 |
TO Gould |
5 |
6 |
16:04 |
s |
5 |
6 |
20:04 |
67 52.626 |
67 47.035 |
814 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP12601.018 |
TO30 |
5 |
6 |
16:07 |
s |
5 |
6 |
20:07 |
67 53.104 |
67 41.150 |
240 |
Chapman |
night survey |
NBP12601.019 |
sonob |
20 |
At Gould |
5 |
6 |
18:22 |
e |
5 |
6 |
22:22 |
67 52.626 |
67 47.035 |
Berchok |
NBP12601.020 |
41 |
30 |
380.020 |
5 |
6 |
19:20 |
s |
5 |
6 |
23:20 |
67 53.21 |
67 41.00 |
218 |
210 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12601.021 |
41 |
30 |
380.020 |
5 |
6 |
19:50 |
e |
5 |
6 |
23:50 |
68 53.21 |
67 41.00 |
218 |
210 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12601.022 |
sonob |
21 |
to 31 |
5 |
6 |
20:12 |
s |
5 |
6 |
00:12 |
67 53.359 |
67 41.607 |
305 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP12601.023 |
sonob |
21 |
to gould |
5 |
6 |
21:18 |
e |
5 |
7 |
01:18 |
67 51.622 |
67 54.437 |
--- |
122 |
Berchok |
Repicked up signal from .017 buoy, since we turned
back around. |
NBP12601.024 |
sonob |
20 |
to gould |
5 |
6 |
21:18 |
s |
5 |
7 |
01:18 |
67 51.622 |
67 54.437 |
--- |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP12601.025 |
Birds |
to31 |
5 |
6 |
23:27 |
end |
5 |
7 |
03:28 |
67 56.103 |
68 13.509 |
702 |
Chapman |
Night survey |
NBP12701.001 |
20 |
TO 31 |
5 |
7 |
00:13 |
e |
5 |
7 |
04:13 |
68 01.133 |
68 13.832 |
--- |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP12701.002 |
42 |
31 |
340.020 |
5 |
7 |
01:50 |
s |
5 |
7 |
05:50 |
68 10.9 |
68 13.2 |
507 |
497 |
Beardsley |
NBP12701.003 |
42 |
31 |
340.020 |
5 |
7 |
02:30 |
e |
5 |
7 |
06:30 |
68 10.9 |
68 13.2 |
507 |
497 |
Beardsley |
NBP12701/004 |
Drifter |
From 31 |
5 |
7 |
02:48 |
s/e |
5 |
7 |
06:48 |
68 11.9 |
68 11.0 |
Beardsley |
NBP12701/005 |
Bird |
To 32 |
5 |
7 |
04:17 |
s |
5 |
7 |
08:17 |
68 20.014 |
67 56.336 |
627 |
Ribic |
night survey |
NBP12701/006 |
Bird |
To 32 |
5 |
7 |
05:03 |
e |
5 |
7 |
09:03 |
68 27.673 |
67 46.336 |
513 |
Ribic |
NBP12701/007 |
43 |
32 |
340.-020 |
5 |
7 |
06:50 |
s |
5 |
7 |
10:50 |
68 23.10 |
67 23.81 |
226 |
219 |
Beardsley |
NBP12701/008 |
43 |
32 |
340.-020 |
5 |
7 |
07:17 |
e |
5 |
7 |
11:17 |
68 23:10 |
67 23.81 |
226 |
219 |
Beardsley |
NBP12701.009 |
Bird/whale |
To33 |
5 |
7 |
09:27 |
s |
5 |
7 |
12:27 |
68 29.088 |
67 35.841 |
440 |
Chapman |
NBP12701.011 |
44 |
33 |
300.-020 |
5 |
7 |
11:10 |
s |
5 |
7 |
15:22 |
68 40.74 |
67 58.99 |
266 |
258 |
Beardsley |
NBP12701.012 |
44 |
33 |
300.-020 |
5 |
7 |
5 |
7 |
68 40.74 |
67 58.99 |
266 |
258 |
Beardsley |
NBP12701.013 |
Bird/ whale |
33 |
5 |
7 |
11:07 |
e |
5 |
7 |
15:07 |
68 40.766 |
67 58.994 |
279 |
Chapman |
NBP12701.014 |
Bird/ whale |
To34 |
5 |
7 |
11:54 |
s |
5 |
7 |
15:54 |
68 40.74 |
67 58.91 |
293 |
Chapman/ Friedlaender |
NBP12701.015 |
22 |
to 34 |
5 |
7 |
13:51 |
s |
5 |
7 |
17:51 |
68 34.157 |
68 25.231 |
459 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP12701.016 |
22 |
34 |
5 |
7 |
15:20 |
e |
5 |
7 |
19:20 |
missed it |
--- |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP12701.017 |
Birds |
34 |
5 |
7 |
15:32 |
e |
5 |
7 |
19:32 |
68 28.462 |
68 47.236 |
678 |
Chapman |
NBP12701.017a |
whale |
34 |
5 |
7 |
15:32 |
e |
5 |
7 |
19:32 |
68 28.462 |
68 47.236 |
678 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12701.018 |
45 |
34 |
300.020 |
5 |
7 |
15:37 |
s |
5 |
7 |
19:37 |
68 28.47 |
68 47.26 |
696 |
50 |
Howard |
NBP12701.019 |
45 |
34 |
300.020 |
5 |
7 |
15:44 |
e |
5 |
7 |
19:44 |
68 28.47 |
68 47.26 |
696 |
50 |
Howard |
NBP12701.020 |
46 |
34 |
300.020 |
5 |
7 |
15:56 |
s |
5 |
7 |
19:56 |
68 28.50 |
68 47.37 |
696 |
669 |
Howard |
NBP12701.021 |
46 |
34 |
300.020 |
5 |
7 |
16:36 |
e |
5 |
7 |
20:36 |
68 28.50 |
68 47.37 |
696 |
669 |
Howard |
NBP12701.022 |
MOC1 |
9 |
34 |
300.020 |
5 |
7 |
16:54 |
s |
5 |
7 |
20:54 |
68 28.70 |
68 46.23 |
740 |
400 |
Ashjian |
Night survey |
NBP12701.023 |
22 |
34 |
5 |
7 |
16:57 |
s |
5 |
7 |
20:57 |
68 28.778 |
68 45.981 |
604 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP12701.024 |
MOC1 |
9 |
34 |
300.020 |
5 |
7 |
18:45 |
e |
5 |
7 |
22:45 |
68 31.13 |
68 36.91 |
330 |
400 |
Ashjian |
NBP12701.025 |
Birds |
T35 |
5 |
7 |
19:20 |
s |
5 |
7 |
23:20 |
68 29.847 |
68 41.637 |
483 |
NBP12701.026 |
22 |
to 35 |
5 |
7 |
20:41 |
e |
5 |
8 |
00:41 |
68 25.125 |
68 59.477 |
--- |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP12701.027 |
Birds |
to 35 |
5 |
7 |
23:44 |
e |
5 |
8 |
03:44 |
68 17.71 |
69 27.0 |
760 |
NBP12801.001 |
12 |
35 |
300.060 |
5 |
8 |
01:05 |
s |
5 |
8 |
05:05 |
68 14.184 |
69 38.21 |
580 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP12801.002 |
47 |
35 |
300.060 |
5 |
8 |
02:33 |
s |
5 |
8 |
06:33 |
68 15.90 |
69 34.48 |
580 |
50 |
Beardsley |
NBP12801.003 |
47 |
35 |
300.060 |
5 |
8 |
02:45 |
e |
5 |
8 |
06:45 |
68 15.90 |
69 34.48 |
580 |
50 |
Beardsley |
NBP12801.004 |
48 |
35 |
300.060 |
5 |
8 |
03:00 |
s |
5 |
8 |
07:00 |
68 15.91 |
69 34.61 |
584 |
574 |
Beardsley |
NBP12801.005 |
48 |
35 |
300.060 |
5 |
8 |
03:40 |
e |
5 |
8 |
07:40 |
68 15.91 |
69 34.61 |
584 |
574 |
Beardsley |
NBP12801.006 |
Bird |
from 35 |
5 |
8 |
04:22 |
s |
5 |
8 |
08:22 |
68 14.071 |
69 37.84 |
Ribic |
Night survey |
NBP12801.007 |
Drifter |
35 |
5 |
8 |
04:25 |
s |
5 |
8 |
08:25 |
68 13.6 |
69 40.4 |
Beardsley |
NBP12801.008 |
Bird |
from 35 |
5 |
8 |
06:39 |
e |
5 |
8 |
10:39 |
68 7.798 |
70 4.414 |
Ribic |
NBP12801.008a |
RingNet |
1 |
36 |
300.100 |
5 |
8 |
08:15 |
s/e |
5 |
8 |
12:15 |
68 3.24 |
70 22.00 |
847 |
30 |
Kozlowski |
NBP12801.009 |
49 |
36 |
300.100 |
5 |
8 |
08:36 |
s |
5 |
8 |
12:36 |
68 3.24 |
70 22.00 |
847 |
50 |
Beardsley |
NBP12801.010 |
49 |
36 |
300.100 |
5 |
8 |
08:44 |
e |
5 |
8 |
12:44 |
68 3.24 |
70 22.00 |
847 |
50 |
Beardsley |
NBP12801.011 |
50 |
36 |
300.100 |
5 |
8 |
09:00 |
s |
5 |
8 |
13:00 |
68 3.24 |
70 22.00 |
847 |
838 |
Beardsley |
NBP12801.012 |
50 |
36 |
300.100 |
5 |
8 |
10:10 |
e |
5 |
8 |
14:10 |
68 3.24 |
70 22.00 |
847 |
838 |
Beardsley |
NBP12801.013 |
event no not used |
NBP12801.014 |
Bird |
To 36 |
5 |
8 |
10:18 |
s |
5 |
8 |
14:18 |
68 3.16 |
70 22.962 |
865 |
Chapman |
NBP12801.015 |
Bird |
36 |
5 |
8 |
14:36 |
e |
5 |
8 |
18:36 |
Chapman |
NBP12801.016 |
37 |
300.140 |
5 |
8 |
14:57 |
s/e |
5 |
8 |
18:57 |
67 49.510 |
71 6.309 |
450 |
450 |
Hofmann |
NBP12801.017 |
37 |
300.140 |
5 |
8 |
15:09 |
s/e |
5 |
8 |
19:03 |
67 49.023 |
71 06.855 |
450 |
450 |
Hofmann |
NBP12801.018 |
Bucket |
1 |
37 |
300.140 |
5 |
8 |
15:15 |
s/e |
5 |
8 |
19:15 |
67 22.903 |
72 35.581 |
450 |
surf |
Kozlowski |
NBP12801.019 |
38 |
300.180 |
5 |
8 |
19:46 |
s/e |
5 |
8 |
23:46 |
67 36.895 |
71 51.184 |
389 |
389 |
Hofmann |
NBP12810.020 |
Bucket |
2 |
38 |
300.180 |
5 |
8 |
19:50 |
s/e |
5 |
8 |
23:50 |
67 36.713 |
71 50.954 |
389 |
surf |
Kozlowski |
NBP12901.001 |
39 |
300.220 |
5 |
9 |
00:56 |
s/e |
5 |
9 |
04:56 |
67 23.507 |
72 34.791 |
370 |
370 |
Hofmann |
NBP12901.002 |
39 |
300.220 |
5 |
9 |
01:02 |
s/e |
5 |
9 |
05:02 |
67 23.270 |
72 35.130 |
374 |
374 |
Hofmann |
NBP12901.003 |
Bucket |
3 |
39 |
300.220 |
5 |
9 |
01:00 |
S/E |
5 |
9 |
05:00 |
67 22.903 |
72 35.581 |
374 |
Kozlowski |
NBP12901.004 |
40 |
300.265 |
5 |
9 |
06:24 |
s/e |
5 |
9 |
10:24 |
67 06.225 |
73 21.441 |
2363 |
760 |
Sanay |
NBP12901.005 |
40 |
300.265 |
5 |
9 |
06:29 |
s/e |
5 |
9 |
10:29 |
67 06.225 |
73 21.441 |
2363 |
1000 |
Sanay |
NBP12901.006 |
bucket |
4 |
40 |
300.265 |
5 |
9 |
06:37 |
s/e |
5 |
9 |
10:37 |
67 06.225 |
73 21.441 |
2363 |
surf |
Thimgan |
NBP12901.007 |
Whales |
to 41 |
5 |
9 |
s |
5 |
9 |
67 09.954 |
73 53.205 |
3266 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12901.008 |
Bird |
to 41 |
5 |
9 |
09:11 |
s |
5 |
9 |
13:11 |
67 09.954 |
73 53.205 |
3266 |
Chapman |
NBP12901.009 |
Whales |
41 |
5 |
9 |
12:00 |
Event |
5 |
9 |
16:00 |
67 14.066 |
74 28.763 |
2916 |
Friedlaender |
NBP12901.010 |
Bird |
41 |
5 |
9 |
12:20 |
e |
5 |
9 |
16:20 |
67 14.05 |
74 32.115 |
2829 |
Chapman |
NBP12901.011 |
12 |
41 |
5 |
9 |
12:55 |
e |
5 |
9 |
16:55 |
67 13.464 |
74 31.59 |
2937 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP12901.012 |
51 |
41 |
260.295 |
5 |
9 |
13:24 |
s |
5 |
9 |
17:24 |
67 12.01 |
74 29.92 |
2966 |
50 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12901.013 |
51 |
41 |
260.295 |
5 |
9 |
13:32 |
e |
5 |
9 |
17:32 |
67 12.01 |
74 29.92 |
2966 |
50 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12901.014 |
52 |
41 |
260.295 |
5 |
9 |
13:40 |
s |
5 |
9 |
17:40 |
67 12.05 |
74 29.89 |
2975 |
2975 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12901.015 |
52 |
41 |
260.295 |
5 |
9 |
15:50 |
e |
5 |
9 |
19:50 |
67 12.05 |
74 29.89 |
2975 |
2975 |
Salihoglu |
NBP12901.016 |
MOC1 |
10 |
41 |
260.295 |
5 |
9 |
16:08 |
s |
5 |
9 |
20:08 |
67 11.303 |
74 29.7 |
2971 |
1000 |
Ashjian |
NBP12901.017 |
MOC1 |
10 |
41 |
260.295 |
5 |
9 |
19:09 |
e |
5 |
9 |
23:09 |
67 4.47 |
74 24.8 |
2971 |
1000 |
Ashjian |
NBP12901.018 |
13 |
41 |
260.295 |
5 |
9 |
20:50 |
s |
5 |
10 |
00:50 |
67 14.026 |
74 31.453 |
2855 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP12901.019 |
Bird |
To 42 |
5 |
9 |
20:58 |
s |
5 |
10 |
00:58 |
67 13.778 |
74 32.628 |
2833 |
Chapman |
NBP12901.020 |
sonob |
23 |
to 42 |
5 |
9 |
21:05 |
s |
5 |
10 |
01:05 |
67 14.212 |
74 32.237 |
2859 |
305 |
Berchok |
humpbacks heard |
NBP12901.021 |
sonob |
23 |
to 42 |
5 |
9 |
22:55 |
e |
5 |
10 |
02:55 |
67 20.022 |
74 13.458 |
--- |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP12901.022 |
Bird |
to 42 |
5 |
9 |
23:06 |
e |
5 |
10 |
03:06 |
67 20.57 |
74 11.75 |
3136 |
Chapman |
NBP13001.001 |
53 |
42 |
260.255 |
5 |
10 |
02:29 |
s |
5 |
10 |
06:29 |
67 28.14 |
73 49.1 |
433 |
425 |
Beardsley |
NBP13001.002 |
53 |
42 |
260.255 |
5 |
10 |
03:04 |
e |
5 |
10 |
07:04 |
67 28.14 |
73 49.1 |
433 |
425 |
Beardsley |
NBP13001.003 |
Bird |
to 43 |
5 |
10 |
04:30 |
s |
5 |
10 |
08:30 |
67 31.884 |
73 36.843 |
Ribic |
night survey |
NBP13001.004 |
Bird |
to 43 |
5 |
10 |
06:39 |
e |
5 |
10 |
10:39 |
67 39.117 |
73 13.915 |
Ribic |
NBP13001.005 |
54 |
43 |
260.220 |
5 |
10 |
07:31 |
s |
5 |
10 |
11:31 |
67 40.23 |
73 10.74 |
492 |
484 |
Beardsley |
NBP13001.006 |
54 |
43 |
260.220 |
5 |
10 |
08:05 |
e |
5 |
10 |
12:05 |
67 40.23 |
73 10.74 |
492 |
484 |
Beardsley |
NBP13001.007 |
Bird |
to 44 |
5 |
10 |
08:45 |
s |
5 |
10 |
12:45 |
67 41.657 |
73 05.947 |
481 |
Chapman |
NBP13001.08 |
Whales |
to 44 |
5 |
10 |
s |
5 |
10 |
Friedlaender |
NBP13001.009 |
sonob |
24 |
to 44 |
5 |
10 |
11:31 |
s |
5 |
10 |
15:31 |
67 49.432 |
72 40.615 |
463 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP13001.010 |
sonob |
24 |
44 |
5 |
10 |
12:49 |
e |
5 |
10 |
16:49 |
67 52.847 |
72 29.510 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13001.011 |
bucket |
5 |
44 |
260.180 |
5 |
10 |
13:25 |
s/e |
5 |
10 |
17:25 |
67 52.847 |
72 29.510 |
314 |
surf |
Kozlowski |
NBP13001.012 |
Whales |
44 |
5 |
10 |
13:30 |
e |
5 |
10 |
17:30 |
67 52.847 |
72 29.510 |
314 |
Friedlaender |
NBP13001.013 |
55 |
44 |
260.180 |
5 |
10 |
13:11 |
s |
5 |
10 |
17:11 |
67 53.87 |
72 25.90 |
320 |
293 |
Hofmann |
rough -no sfc btle |
NBP13001.014 |
55 |
44 |
260.180 |
5 |
10 |
13:41 |
e |
5 |
10 |
17:41 |
67 53.87 |
72 25.90 |
320 |
293 |
Hofmann |
beaufort 8-9 |
NBP13001.015 |
Bird |
to 44 |
5 |
10 |
15:44 |
e |
5 |
10 |
19:44 |
67 52.85 |
72 29.5 |
390 |
Chapman |
NBP13001.016 |
45 |
260.140 |
5 |
10 |
18:26 |
s/e |
5 |
10 |
22:26 |
68 7.341 |
71 40.634 |
503 |
503 |
Hofmann |
NBP13001.017 |
bucket |
6 |
45 |
260.140 |
5 |
10 |
18:35 |
s/e |
5 |
10 |
22:35 |
68 07.874 |
71 38.741 |
503 |
surf |
Kozlowski |
NBP13001.018 |
46 |
260.100 |
5 |
10 |
23:05 |
s/e |
5 |
11 |
03:05 |
68 20.887 |
70 55.246 |
498 |
498 |
Hofmann |
NBP13001.019 |
bucket |
7 |
46 |
260.100 |
5 |
10 |
23:12 |
s/e |
5 |
11 |
03:12 |
68 20.973 |
70 55.064 |
498 |
surf |
Thimgan |
NBP13101.001 |
xctd |
47 |
255.080 |
5 |
11 |
01:23 |
s/e |
5 |
11 |
05:23 |
68 27.690 |
70 32.199 |
529 |
529 |
Beardsley |
NBP13101.002 |
bucket |
8 |
47 |
255.080 |
5 |
11 |
01:40 |
s/e |
5 |
11 |
05:40 |
68 28.497 |
70 28.611 |
529 |
surf |
Kozlowski |
NBP13101.003 |
xctd |
48 |
267.057 |
5 |
11 |
03:56 |
s/e |
5 |
11 |
07:56 |
68 31.213 |
69 59.7 |
976 |
976 |
Beardsley |
NBP13101.004 |
bucket |
9 |
48 |
267.057 |
5 |
11 |
04:09 |
s/e |
5 |
11 |
08:09 |
68 31.679 |
69 57.253 |
976 |
surf |
Thimgan |
NBP13101.005 |
13 |
49 |
5 |
11 |
09:02 |
E |
5 |
11 |
13:02 |
68 00.883 |
68 00.892 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP13101.006 |
56 |
49 |
236.030 |
5 |
11 |
09:36 |
S |
5 |
11 |
13:36 |
68 53.21 |
69 54.77 |
1259 |
50 |
Beardsley |
frrf |
NBP13101.007 |
56 |
49 |
236.030 |
5 |
11 |
09:45 |
E |
5 |
11 |
13:45 |
68 53.21 |
69 54.77 |
1259 |
50 |
Beardsley |
frrf |
NBP13101.008 |
57 |
49 |
236.030 |
5 |
11 |
09:57 |
S |
5 |
11 |
13:57 |
68 53.18 |
69 54.60 |
1260 |
1245 |
Beardsley |
NBP13101.009 |
57 |
49 |
236.030 |
5 |
11 |
11:20 |
E |
5 |
11 |
15:20 |
68 53.18 |
69 54.60 |
1260 |
1245 |
Beardsley |
NBP13101.010 |
Bird |
5 |
11 |
11:10 |
S |
5 |
11 |
15:11 |
68 53.03 |
69 54.5 |
1259 |
Chapman |
NBP13101.011 |
25 |
49 |
5 |
11 |
11:30 |
S |
5 |
11 |
15:30 |
68 52.707 |
69 54.021 |
1211 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP13101.012 |
25 |
TO 50 |
5 |
11 |
12:20 |
e |
5 |
11 |
16:20 |
68 55.856 |
69 50.511 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13101.013 |
26 |
TO 50 |
5 |
11 |
13:18 |
S |
5 |
11 |
17:18 |
69 00.089 |
69 43.595 |
641 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP13101.014 |
26 |
NEAR 50 |
5 |
11 |
14:49 |
e |
5 |
11 |
18:49 |
69 02.219 |
69 35.968 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13101.015 |
58 |
50 |
230.010 |
5 |
11 |
14:09 |
S |
5 |
11 |
18:09 |
69 2.16 |
69 35.89 |
993 |
50 |
Hofmann |
NBP13101.016 |
58 |
50 |
230.010 |
5 |
11 |
14:20 |
E |
5 |
11 |
18:20 |
69 2.16 |
69 35.89 |
993 |
50 |
Hofmann |
NBP13101.017 |
59 |
50 |
230.010 |
5 |
11 |
14:31 |
S |
5 |
11 |
18:31 |
69 2.21 |
69 35.90 |
978 |
955 |
Hofmann |
NBP13101.018 |
59 |
50 |
230.010 |
5 |
11 |
15:25 |
E |
5 |
11 |
19:25 |
69 2.21 |
69 35.90 |
978 |
955 |
Hofmann |
NBP13101.019 |
# not used |
NBP13101.020 |
Bird |
50 |
5 |
11 |
15:35 |
E |
5 |
11 |
19:35 |
69 03.359 |
69 34.660 |
952 |
Chapman |
NBP13101.021 |
sonob |
27 |
to 51 |
5 |
11 |
17:04 |
s |
5 |
11 |
21:04 |
69 11.343 |
69 23.541 |
1033 |
27 |
Berchok |
NBP13101.022 |
Ring Net |
2 |
51 |
215.-015 |
5 |
11 |
18:24 |
s/e |
5 |
11 |
22:24 |
69 16.634 |
18.642 |
815 |
30 |
Kozlowski |
NBP13101.023 |
60 |
51 |
215.-015 |
5 |
11 |
18:31 |
s |
5 |
11 |
22:31 |
69 16.81 |
69 18.81 |
815 |
790 |
Salihoglu |
NBP13101.024 |
60 |
51 |
215.-015 |
5 |
11 |
19:30 |
e |
5 |
11 |
23:30 |
69 16.81 |
69 18.81 |
815 |
790 |
Salihoglu |
NBP13101.025 |
MOC1 |
11 |
51 |
215.-015 |
5 |
11 |
20:06 |
s |
5 |
12 |
00:06 |
69 16.67 |
69 18.59 |
800 |
750 |
Ashjian |
NBP13101.026 |
sonob |
27 |
at 51 |
5 |
11 |
20:22 |
e |
5 |
12 |
00:22 |
69 16.206 |
69 17.596 |
--- |
27 |
Berchok |
NBP13101.027 |
MOC1 |
11 |
51 |
215.-015 |
5 |
11 |
22:15 |
e |
5 |
12 |
02:15 |
69 12.402 |
69 20.05 |
800 |
750 |
Ashjian |
NBP13101.028 |
sonob |
27 |
to 52 |
5 |
11 |
22:34 |
s |
5 |
12 |
02:34 |
69 11.328 |
69 19.652 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
same as .021 buoy |
NBP13101.029 |
NEAR 52 |
5 |
11 |
10:44 |
s |
5 |
12 |
02:44 |
69 10.825 |
69 18.301 |
905 |
200 |
Salhoglu |
for sea beam |
NBP13101.030 |
NEAR 52 |
5 |
11 |
10:47 |
e |
5 |
12 |
02:47 |
69 10.618 |
69 17.651 |
881 |
400 |
Salihoglu |
for sea beam |
NBP13101.031 |
Birds |
to 52 |
5 |
11 |
23:08 |
s |
5 |
12 |
03:08 |
69 09.12 |
69 13.812 |
673 |
Chapman |
NBP13101.032 |
sonob |
27 |
to 52 |
5 |
11 |
23:18 |
e |
5 |
12 |
03:18 |
69 08.404 |
69 12.799 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
same as .021 buoy |
NBP13101.33 |
Birds |
to 52 |
5 |
11 |
23:57 |
e |
5 |
12 |
03:57 |
69 05.26 |
69 08.76 |
348 |
Chapman |
NBP13201.001 |
14 |
to 52 |
5 |
12 |
00:50 |
s |
5 |
12 |
04:50 |
69 01.28 |
69 04.65 |
towyo |
Wiebe |
NBP13201.002 |
61 |
52 |
260.000 |
5 |
12 |
03:25 |
s |
5 |
12 |
07:25 |
68 52.12 |
68 58.27 |
551 |
544 |
Beardsley |
NBP13201.003 |
61 |
52 |
260.000 |
5 |
12 |
04:05 |
e |
5 |
12 |
08:05 |
68 52.12 |
68 58.27 |
551 |
544 |
Beardsley |
NBP13201.004 |
Birds |
to 53 |
5 |
12 |
04:16 |
s |
5 |
12 |
08:16 |
68 51.792 |
68 59.06 |
Ribic |
night survey |
NBP13201.005 |
Birds |
to 53 |
5 |
12 |
08:05 |
e |
5 |
12 |
12:05 |
68 40.81 |
69 39.343 |
Ribic |
NBP13201.006 |
sonob |
28 |
to 53 |
5 |
12 |
08:53 |
s |
5 |
12 |
12:53 |
68 38.401 |
69 48.858 |
818 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP13201.007 |
Birds |
to 53 |
5 |
12 |
09:36 |
s |
5 |
12 |
13:36 |
68 36.1 |
69 56.1 |
955 |
Chapman |
NBP13201.008 |
Whales |
to 53 |
5 |
12 |
09:45 |
s |
5 |
12 |
13:45 |
Friedlaender |
NBP13201.009 |
sonob |
28 |
to 53 |
5 |
12 |
09:48 |
e |
5 |
12 |
13:48 |
68 35.875 |
69 58.623 |
--- |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP13201.010 |
sonob |
29 |
to 53 |
5 |
12 |
12:48 |
s |
5 |
12 |
16:48 |
68 41.8 |
70 39.604 |
287 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP13201.011 |
sonob |
30 |
to 53 |
5 |
12 |
13:35 |
s |
5 |
12 |
17:35 |
68 43.11 |
70 49.25 |
253 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP13201.012 |
sonob |
29 |
to 53 |
5 |
12 |
14:18 |
e |
5 |
12 |
18:18 |
68 44.661 |
70 57.960 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13201.013 |
Whales |
53 |
5 |
12 |
14:20 |
e |
5 |
12 |
18:20 |
68 49.6 |
70 58.11 |
200 |
Friedlaender |
NBP13201.014 |
Birds |
53 |
5 |
12 |
14:21 |
e |
5 |
12 |
18:21 |
68 49.6 |
70 58.11 200 |
200 |
NBP13201.015 |
ringnet |
3 |
53 |
5 |
12 |
14:25 |
s/e |
5 |
12 |
18:25 |
68 44.647 |
70 58.275 |
338 |
30 |
Kozlowski |
NBP13201.016 |
ice |
1 |
53 |
5 |
12 |
15:13 |
s/e |
5 |
12 |
19:13 |
68 44.28 |
70 58.97 |
338 |
surf |
Kozlowski |
NBP13201.017 |
ice |
2 |
53 |
5 |
12 |
15:34 |
s/e |
5 |
12 |
19:34 |
68 44.28 |
70 58.97 |
338 |
surf |
Kozlowski |
NBP13201.018 |
Biopsy |
62 |
53 |
220.075 |
5 |
12 |
14:49 |
s |
5 |
12 |
19:01 |
68 44.28 |
70 58:97 |
338 |
Friedlaender |
whale biopsy try |
NBP13201.019 |
62 |
53 |
220.075 |
5 |
12 |
15:01 |
s |
5 |
12 |
19:45 |
68 44.28 |
70 58.97 |
338 |
315 |
Hofmann |
. |
NBP13201.020 |
62 |
53 |
220.075 |
5 |
12 |
15:45 |
e |
5 |
12 |
18:49 |
68 44.28 |
70 58.97 |
338 |
315 |
Hofmann |
NBP13201.021 |
Biopsy |
62 |
53 |
220.075 |
5 |
12 |
15:55 |
e |
5 |
12 |
19:55 |
68 44.28 |
70 58.97 |
338 |
Friedlaender |
NBP13201.022 |
sonob |
30 |
to 54 |
5 |
12 |
16:18 |
e |
5 |
12 |
20:18 |
68 42.329 |
70 59.507 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13201.023 |
sonob |
31 |
to 54 |
5 |
12 |
18:18 |
s |
5 |
12 |
22:18 |
68 39.443 |
71 18.309 |
~400 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP13201.024 |
xbt |
54 |
220.1 |
5 |
12 |
20:03 |
s/e |
5 |
13 |
00:03 |
68 36.193 |
71 31.479 |
421 |
200 |
Hofmann |
NBP13201.025 |
xbt |
54 |
220.1 |
5 |
12 |
20:14 |
s/e |
5 |
13 |
00:14 |
68 35.761 |
71 31.360 |
311 |
266 |
Hofmann |
NBP13201.026 |
bucket |
10 |
54 |
220.1 |
5 |
12 |
20:21 |
s/e |
5 |
13 |
00:21 |
68 35.372 |
71 31.140 |
311 |
surf |
Thimgan |
NBP13201.027 |
sonob |
31 |
to 55 |
5 |
12 |
21:39 |
e |
5 |
13 |
01:39 |
68 29.932 |
71 29.086 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13201.028 |
xbt |
to 55 |
5 |
12 |
22:12 |
s/e |
5 |
13 |
02:12 |
68 27.820 |
71.28.174 |
628 |
622 |
Hofmann |
NBP13301.001 |
sonob |
32 |
to 55 |
5 |
13 |
12:58 |
s |
5 |
13 |
16:58 |
68 07.028 |
71 54.611 |
513 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP13301.002 |
sonob |
32 |
to 55 |
5 |
13 |
14:55 |
e |
5 |
13 |
18:55 |
68 15.574 |
72 06.871 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13301.003 |
14 |
to 55 |
5 |
13 |
15:11 |
e |
5 |
13 |
1911 |
68 15.364 |
72 08.031 |
300 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP13301.004 |
sonob |
33 |
to 55 |
5 |
13 |
15:52 |
s |
5 |
13 |
19:52 |
68 18.852 |
72 13.152 |
393 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP13301.005 |
ringnet |
4 |
55 |
220.140 |
5 |
13 |
16:35 |
s/e |
5 |
13 |
20:35 |
68 23.962 |
72 17.492 |
464 |
30 |
Kozlowski |
NBP13301.006 |
63 |
55 |
220.140 |
5 |
13 |
16:45 |
s |
5 |
13 |
20:45 |
68 23.96 |
72 17.55 |
467 |
445 |
Salihoglu |
NBP13301.007 |
63 |
55 |
220.140 |
5 |
13 |
17:20 |
e |
5 |
13 |
21:20 |
68 23.96 |
72 17.55 |
467 |
445 |
Salihoglu |
NBP13301.008 |
12 |
55 |
220.140 |
5 |
13 |
17:30 |
s |
5 |
13 |
21:30 |
68 23.7 |
72 18.44 |
400 |
350 |
Ashjian |
NBP13301.009 |
12 |
55 |
220.140 |
5 |
13 |
19:03 |
e |
5 |
13 |
23:03 |
68 21.38 |
72 26.16 |
400 |
350 |
Ashjian |
NBP13301.010 |
15 |
to 56 |
5 |
13 |
20:15 |
s |
5 |
14 |
00:15 |
68 19.631 |
72 30.626 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP13301.011 |
Birds |
to 56 |
5 |
13 |
20:32 |
s |
5 |
14 |
00:32 |
68 18.86 |
72 32.88 |
533 |
Chapman |
NBP13301.012 |
sonob |
33 |
to 56 |
5 |
13 |
21:10 |
e |
5 |
14 |
01:10 |
68 17.138 |
72 39.752 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13301.013 |
Birds |
to 56 |
5 |
13 |
21:12 |
e |
5 |
14 |
01:12 |
68 17.03 |
72 40.21 |
416 |
NBP13401.001 |
64 |
56 |
220.180 |
5 |
14 |
00:20 |
s |
5 |
14 |
04:20 |
68 10.56 |
73 2.53 |
324 |
316 |
Beardsley |
NBP13401.002 |
64 |
56 |
220.180 |
5 |
14 |
00:50 |
e |
5 |
14 |
04:50 |
68 10.56 |
73 2.53 |
324 |
316 |
Beardsley |
NBP13401.003 |
15 |
57 |
221.180 |
5 |
14 |
05:50 |
e |
5 |
14 |
09:50 |
67 55.278 |
73 47.147 |
410 |
Wiebe |
NBP13401.004 |
RingNet |
14 |
5 |
220.220 |
5 |
14 |
06:47 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
10:47 |
67 56.77 |
73 47.18 |
30 |
Thimyan |
NBP13401.005 |
65 |
57 |
220.220 |
5 |
14 |
07:09 |
s |
5 |
14 |
11:09 |
67 56.76 |
73 47.16 |
419 |
412 |
Beardsley |
NBP13401.006 |
65 |
57 |
220.220 |
5 |
14 |
07:50 |
e |
5 |
14 |
11:50 |
67 56.76 |
73 47.16 |
419 |
412 |
Beardsley |
NBP13401.007 |
Bucket |
11 |
57 |
220.220 |
5 |
14 |
07:50 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
11:50 |
67 56.69 |
73 47.46 |
419 |
surf |
Thimgan |
NBP13401.008 |
58 |
220.230 |
5 |
14 |
09:15 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
13:15 |
67 53.40 |
73 58.281 |
424 |
449 |
Beardsley |
NBP13401.009 |
Bird |
to 59 |
5 |
14 |
09:40 |
s |
5 |
14 |
13:40 |
67 52.8 |
74 01.06 |
423 |
Chapman |
NBP13401.010 |
sonob |
34 |
to 59 |
5 |
14 |
09:48 |
s |
5 |
14 |
13:48 |
67 52.449 |
74 01.875 |
414 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP13401.011 |
59 |
219.242 |
5 |
14 |
11:02 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
15:02 |
67 49.39 |
74 11.87 |
1132 |
175 |
Beardsley |
NBP13401.012 |
XBT-5 |
59 |
219.242 |
5 |
14 |
11:10 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
15:10 |
67 48.93 |
74 13.04 |
1368 |
500 |
Beardsley |
T is bad |
NBP13401.013 |
XBT-5 |
59 |
219.242 |
5 |
14 |
11:12 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
15:12 |
67 48.80 |
74 13.20 |
1368 |
250 |
Beardsley |
T is bad |
NBP13401.014 |
XBT-7 |
59 |
219.242 |
5 |
14 |
11:14 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
15:14 |
67 48.76 |
74 13:43 |
1547 |
220 |
Beardsley |
NBP13401.015 |
XBT-7 |
59 |
219.242 |
5 |
14 |
11:18 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
15:18 |
67 48.62 |
74 13:67 |
1553 |
200 |
Beardsley |
NBP13401.016 |
Sonob |
34 |
60 |
5 |
14 |
12:04 |
e |
5 |
14 |
16:04 |
67 46.294 |
74 18.789 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13401.017 |
60 |
220.25 |
5 |
14 |
12:05 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
16:05 |
67 46.27 |
74 18.84 |
2360 |
Hofmann |
NBP13401.018 |
XBT-7 |
60 |
220.25 |
5 |
14 |
12:12 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
16:12 |
67 45.79 |
74 18.90 |
2360 |
Hofmann |
NBP13401.019 |
bucket |
12 |
60 |
220.25 |
5 |
14 |
12:16 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
16:18 |
67 45.410 |
74 19.014 |
2360 |
surf |
Kozlowski |
NBP13401.020 |
sonob |
35 |
61 |
5 |
14 |
13:58 |
s |
5 |
14 |
17:58 |
67 41.068 |
74 33.664 |
2546 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP13401.021 |
61 |
220.265 |
5 |
14 |
14:08 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
18:08 |
67 40.60 |
74 34.941 |
2514 |
1000 |
Salihoglu |
NBP13401.022 |
XBT-7 |
61 |
220.265 |
5 |
14 |
14:15 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
18:15 |
67 40.202 |
74 35.366 |
2515 |
200 |
Hofmann |
NBP13401.023 |
XBT-7 |
61 |
220.265 |
5 |
14 |
14:17 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
18:17 |
67 40.18 |
74 35.486 |
2515 |
700 |
Hofmann |
NBP13401.024 |
bucket |
13 |
61 |
219.242 |
5 |
14 |
14:15 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
18:15 |
67 40.237 |
74 35.335 |
surf |
Kozlowski |
NBP13401.025 |
Birds |
to62 |
5 |
14 |
15:36 |
e |
5 |
14 |
19:15 |
67 36.78 |
74 47.82 |
2643 |
Chapman |
NBP13401.026 |
sonob |
35 |
62 |
5 |
14 |
15:37 |
e |
5 |
14 |
19:37 |
67 36.736 |
74 47.975 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13401.027 |
62 |
220.28 |
5 |
14 |
15:59 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
19:59 |
67 35.783 |
74 51.55 |
2747 |
Hofman |
NBP13401.028 |
bucket |
14 |
62 |
220.28 |
5 |
14 |
16:05 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
20:05 |
67 35.406 |
74 52.176 |
2747 |
surf |
Kozlowski |
NBP13401.029 |
63 |
220.295 |
5 |
14 |
17:34 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
21:34 |
67 30.552 |
75 7.23 |
2900 |
Hofmann |
NBP13401.030 |
bucket |
63 |
220.295 |
5 |
14 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
Kozlowski |
NBP13401.031 |
XBT-5 |
63 |
220.295 |
5 |
14 |
17:40 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
21:40 |
67 30.29 |
75 7.5 |
2931 |
Hofmann |
bad data |
NBP13401.032 |
36 |
63 |
5 |
14 |
17:45 |
s |
5 |
14 |
21:45 |
67 29.907 |
75 07.959 |
2996 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP13401.033 |
XBT-7 |
63 |
220.295 |
5 |
14 |
17:46 |
s/e |
5 |
14 |
21:46 |
67 29.77 |
75 08.121 |
2998 |
Hofmann |
NBP13401.034 |
36 |
to 64 |
5 |
14 |
20:00 |
e |
5 |
15 |
00:00 |
67 40.715 |
75 01.545 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13401.035 |
XBT-7 |
to 64 |
5 |
14 |
20:14 |
s/e |
5 |
15 |
00:14 |
67 41.909 |
75 00.891 |
2803 |
760 |
Hofmann |
NBP14301.036 |
XBT-7 |
to 64 |
5 |
14 |
20:17 |
s/e |
5 |
15 |
00:17 |
67 42.206 |
75 00.726 |
2801 |
760 |
Hofmann |
NBP14301.037 |
XBT-7 |
to 64 |
5 |
14 |
21:36 |
s/e |
5 |
15 |
01:36 |
67 53.770 |
74 53.800 |
2832 |
760 |
Hofmann |
NBP13501.001 |
66 |
64 |
180.241 |
5 |
15 |
00:18 |
s |
5 |
15 |
04:18 |
68 5.78 |
74 46.97 |
411 |
406 |
Beardsley |
NBP13501.002 |
66 |
64 |
180.241 |
5 |
15 |
00:56 |
e |
5 |
15 |
04:56 |
68 5.78 |
74 46.97 |
411 |
406 |
Beardsley |
NBP13501.003 |
MOC1 |
13 |
64 |
181.241 |
5 |
15 |
02:01 |
s |
5 |
15 |
06:01 |
68 3.76 |
74 47.02 |
422 |
Ashjian |
NBP13501.004 |
MOC1 |
13 |
64 |
182.241 |
5 |
15 |
04:08 |
e |
5 |
15 |
08:08 |
67 59.48 |
74 48.06 |
2695 |
Ashjian |
off shelf break |
NBP13501.005 |
16 |
64 |
180.241 |
5 |
15 |
06:08 |
s |
5 |
15 |
10:08 |
68 4.54 |
74 46.16 |
426 |
Wiebe |
NBP13501.006 |
67 |
65 |
180.220 |
5 |
15 |
09:10 |
s |
5 |
15 |
13:10 |
68 13.21 |
74 23.76 |
445 |
434 |
Beardsley |
5 m swell |
NBP13501.007 |
67 |
65 |
180.220 |
5 |
15 |
09:52 |
e |
5 |
15 |
13:52 |
68 13.21 |
74 23.76 |
445 |
434 |
Beardsley |
bent wire, reterm. |
NBP13501.008 |
Birds |
to 65 |
5 |
15 |
10:01 |
s |
5 |
15 |
14:01 |
68 13.32 |
74 22.89 |
447 |
Chapman |
NBP13501.009 |
sonob |
37 |
to 65 |
5 |
15 |
12:57 |
s |
5 |
15 |
16:57 |
68 22.861 |
73 53.222 |
593 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP13501.010 |
sonob |
37 |
65 |
5 |
15 |
14:11 |
e |
5 |
15 |
18:11 |
68 26.658 |
73 40.701 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
buoy died suddenly |
NBP13501.011 |
Birds |
66 |
5 |
15 |
04:17 |
e |
5 |
15 |
18:17 |
68 26.658 |
73 40.701 |
580 |
Chapman |
NBP13501.012 |
16 |
66 |
5 |
15 |
1433 |
e |
5 |
15 |
1833 |
68 26.917 |
73 38.37 |
580 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP13501.013 |
68 |
66 |
180.180 |
5 |
15 |
15:27 |
s |
5 |
15 |
19:27 |
68 27.00 |
73 39.40 |
545 |
516 |
Salihoglu |
NBP13501.014 |
68 |
66 |
180.180 |
5 |
15 |
16:00 |
e |
5 |
15 |
20:00 |
68 27.00 |
73 39.40 |
545 |
516 |
Salihoglu |
NBP13501.015 |
14 |
66 |
181.180 |
5 |
15 |
16:28 |
s |
5 |
15 |
20:28 |
68 26.27 |
73 42.78 |
595 |
550 |
Ashjian |
NBP13501.016 |
14 |
66 |
182.180 |
5 |
15 |
18:53 |
e |
5 |
15 |
22:53 |
68 22.10 |
73 54.24 |
595 |
550 |
Ashjian |
NBP13501.017 |
17 |
66 |
180.180 |
5 |
15 |
21:00 |
s |
5 |
16 |
01:00 |
68 26.123 |
73 39.205 |
0-250 |
Wiebe |
NBP13501.018 |
drifter |
66 |
180.180 |
5 |
15 |
09:20 |
S |
5 |
16 |
01:20 |
68 27.17 |
73 36.04 |
537 |
Beardsley |
NBP13501.019 |
sonob |
38 |
to 67 |
5 |
15 |
21:53 |
s |
5 |
16 |
01:53 |
68 29.162 |
73 31.883 |
571 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP13501.020 |
sonob |
38 |
to 67 |
5 |
15 |
23:50 |
e |
5 |
16 |
03:50 |
68 35.954 |
73 10.038 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13601.001 |
69 |
67 |
180.140 |
5 |
16 |
01:54 |
s |
5 |
16 |
05:54 |
68 40.05 |
72 56.64 |
508 |
498 |
Beardsley |
NBP13601.002 |
69 |
67 |
180.140 |
5 |
16 |
02:37 |
e |
5 |
16 |
06:37 |
68 40.05 |
72 56.64 |
508 |
498 |
Beardsley |
NBP13601.003 |
XBT-4 |
to 68 |
5 |
16 |
04:26 |
s/e |
5 |
16 |
08:26 |
68 45.36 |
72 39.85 |
156 |
156 |
Beardsley |
NBP13601.004 |
XBT-4 |
to 68 |
5 |
16 |
06:20 |
s/e |
5 |
16 |
10:20 |
68 49.01 |
72 21.76 |
131 |
131 |
Beardsley |
NBP13601.005 |
Ring Net |
6 |
68 |
180.100 |
5 |
16 |
08:39 |
s/e |
5 |
16 |
12:39 |
68 54.17 |
72 8.36 |
224 |
30 |
Thimgan |
NBP13601.006 |
70 |
69 |
180.100 |
5 |
16 |
08:58 |
e |
5 |
16 |
12:58 |
68 54.12 |
72 8.61 |
224 |
215 |
Beardsley |
NBP13601.007 |
70 |
69 |
180.100 |
5 |
16 |
09:22 |
s |
5 |
16 |
13:22 |
68 54.12 |
72 8.61 |
224 |
215 |
Beardsley |
NBP13601.008 |
sonob |
39 |
68 |
5 |
16 |
09:42 |
s |
5 |
16 |
13:42 |
68 53.927 |
72 09.283 |
255 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP13601.009 |
Whales |
to 69 |
5 |
16 |
10:06 |
s |
5 |
16 |
14:06 |
68 53.632 |
72 10.007 |
228 |
Friedlaender |
NBP13601.010 |
Birds |
to 69 |
5 |
16 |
10:06 |
s |
5 |
16 |
14:06 |
68 53.632 |
72 10.007 |
228 |
Chapman |
NBP13601.011 |
sonob |
40 |
to 69 |
5 |
16 |
12:01 |
s |
5 |
16 |
16:01 |
68 59.209 |
72 19.564 |
305 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP13601.012 |
XBT-4 |
to 69 |
5 |
16 |
12:54 |
s/e |
5 |
16 |
16:54 |
69 2.609 |
72 27.291 |
165 |
Hofmann |
NBP13601.013 |
39 |
to 69 |
5 |
16 |
13:02 |
e |
5 |
16 |
17:02 |
69 02.826 |
72 27.769 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13601.014 |
41 |
to 69 |
5 |
16 |
13:16 |
s |
5 |
16 |
17:16 |
69 04.050 |
72 30.527 |
683? |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP13601.015 |
40 |
to 69 |
5 |
16 |
14:03 |
e |
5 |
16 |
18:03 |
69 07.831 |
72 38.604 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13601.016 |
42 |
to 69 |
5 |
16 |
14:16 |
s |
5 |
16 |
18:16 |
69 08.453 |
72 40.023 |
114 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP13601.017 |
Birds |
69 |
5 |
16 |
14:56 |
e |
5 |
16 |
18:56 |
69 10.94 |
72 45.43 |
116 |
Chapman |
NBP13601.018 |
Whales |
69 |
5 |
16 |
14:56 |
e |
5 |
16 |
18:56 |
69 10.94 |
72 45.43 |
116 |
Friedlaender |
NBP13601.019 |
17 |
69 |
5 |
16 |
15:07 |
e |
5 |
16 |
19:07 |
69 10.694 |
72 45.17 |
151 |
250 |
Wiebe |
lots of pinnacles |
NBP13601.020 |
Ring Net |
7 |
69 |
140.100 |
5 |
16 |
15:30 |
s/e |
5 |
16 |
19:30 |
69 11.146 |
72 46.286 |
159 |
30 |
Kozlowski |
NBP13601.021 |
71 |
69 |
140.100 |
5 |
16 |
15:35 |
s |
5 |
16 |
19:35 |
69 11.13 |
72 46.47 |
165 |
146 |
Hofmann |
btl H8 dumped |
NBP13601.022 |
140.100 |
5 |
16 |
16:04 |
e |
5 |
16 |
20:04 |
69 11.13 |
72 46.47 |
165 |
146 |
Hofmann |
NBP13601.023 |
15 |
69 |
140.100 |
5 |
16 |
16:16 |
s |
5 |
16 |
20:16 |
69 10.87 |
72 46.03 |
150 |
80 |
Ashjian |
NBP13601.024 |
15 |
69 |
140.100 |
5 |
16 |
16:53 |
e |
5 |
16 |
20:53 |
69 9.96 |
72 43.6 |
150 |
80 |
Ashjian |
NBP13601.025 |
18 |
69 |
5 |
16 |
18:07 |
s |
5 |
16 |
22:07 |
69 10.63 |
72 45.38 |
130 |
Wiebe |
NBP13601.026 |
XBT-4 |
to 70 |
5 |
16 |
19:54 |
s/e |
5 |
16 |
23:54 |
69 06.611 |
73 00.562 |
224 |
250 |
Salihoglu |
NBP13601.027 |
sonob |
41 |
to 70 |
5 |
16 |
20:19 |
e |
5 |
17 |
00:19 |
69 04.749 |
73 06.496 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13601.028 |
sonob |
42 |
to 70 |
5 |
16 |
20:19 |
e |
5 |
17 |
00:19 |
69 04.749 |
73 06.496 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13601.029 |
XBT-4 |
to 70 |
5 |
16 |
21:43 |
s/e |
5 |
17 |
01:43 |
69 01.144 |
73 19.535 |
132 |
140 |
Salihoglu |
NBP13601.030 |
Ring Net |
8 |
70 |
140.140 |
5 |
16 |
23:18 |
s/e |
5 |
17 |
318 |
68 57.202 |
73 32.222 |
195 |
30 |
Thimgan |
NBP13601.031 |
72 |
70 |
140.140 |
5 |
16 |
23:35 |
s |
5 |
17 |
03:35 |
68 57.18 |
73 32.27 |
195 |
176 |
Salihoglu |
NBP13601.032 |
72 |
70 |
140.140 |
5 |
16 |
00:00 |
e |
5 |
17 |
04:00 |
68 57.18 |
73 32.27 |
195 |
176 |
Salihoglu |
NBP13701.001 |
to 71 |
5 |
17 |
01:43 |
s/e |
5 |
17 |
05:43 |
68 51.91 |
73 48.14 |
402 |
402 |
Beardsley |
NBP13701.002 |
to 71 |
5 |
17 |
03:06 |
s/e |
5 |
17 |
07:06 |
68 47.85 |
74 2.21 |
425 |
425 |
Beardsley |
NBP13701.003 |
Ring Net |
9 |
71 |
140.180 |
5 |
17 |
04:52 |
s/e |
5 |
17 |
08:52 |
68 43.404 |
74 17.647 |
535 |
30 |
Thimgan |
NBP13701.004 |
73 |
71 |
140.180 |
5 |
17 |
05:15 |
s |
5 |
17 |
09:15 |
68 43.38 |
74 17.59 |
523 |
515 |
Beardsley |
NBP13701.005 |
73 |
71 |
140.180 |
5 |
17 |
05:55 |
e |
5 |
17 |
09:55 |
68 43.38 |
74 17.59 |
523 |
515 |
Beardsley |
NBP13701.006 |
Birds |
to 72 |
5 |
17 |
06:21 |
s |
5 |
17 |
10:21 |
68 42.23 |
74 21.061 |
Ribic |
night survey |
NBP13701.007 |
Birds |
to 72 |
5 |
17 |
08:35 |
e |
5 |
17 |
12:35 |
68 35.069 |
74 44.145 |
Ribic |
NBP13701.008 |
Ring Net |
72 |
140.220 |
5 |
17 |
s/e |
5 |
17 |
Thimgan |
lost net |
NBP13701.009 |
74 |
72 |
140.220 |
5 |
17 |
10:58 |
s |
5 |
17 |
14:58 |
68 29.28 |
75 2.56 |
424 |
416 |
Beardsley |
NBP13701.010 |
74 |
72 |
140.220 |
5 |
17 |
11:34 |
e |
5 |
17 |
15:34 |
68 29.28 |
75 2.56 |
424 |
416 |
Beardsley |
NBP13701.011 |
Bird |
to 73 |
5 |
17 |
11:30 |
s |
5 |
17 |
15:30 |
68 29.289 |
75 02.498 |
447 |
Chapman |
NBP13701.012 |
sonob |
43 |
to 73 |
5 |
17 |
11:52 |
s |
5 |
17 |
15:52 |
68 28.431 |
75 04.795 |
425 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP13701.013 |
sonob |
43 |
to 73 |
5 |
17 |
14:09 |
e |
5 |
17 |
18:09 |
68 21.033 |
75 27.438 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13701.014 |
Birds |
to 73 |
5 |
17 |
15:12 |
e |
5 |
17 |
19:12 |
68 17.68 |
75 37.67 |
1007 |
Chapman |
NBP13701.015 |
73 |
140.255 |
5 |
17 |
15:32 |
s/e |
5 |
17 |
19:32 |
68 16.741 |
75 40.328 |
2081 |
1000 |
Salihoglu |
good to 1000(end) |
NBP13701.016 |
44 |
73 |
5 |
17 |
15:39 |
s |
5 |
17 |
19:39 |
68 16.399 |
75 40.533 |
2203 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP13701.017 |
bucket |
16 |
73 |
140.255 |
5 |
17 |
15:35 |
s/e |
5 |
17 |
19:35 |
68 16.504 |
75 40.497 |
2203 |
surf |
Kozlowski |
NBP13701.018 |
sonob |
44 |
to 74 |
5 |
17 |
17:55 |
e |
5 |
17 |
21:55 |
68 24.069 |
75 57.834 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13701.019 |
XBT-5 |
to 74 |
5 |
17 |
18:00 |
s/e |
5 |
17 |
22:00 |
68 24.313 |
75 58.415 |
2008 |
1830 |
Salihoglu |
good to 1830(end) |
NBP13701.020 |
sonob |
44 |
to 74 |
5 |
17 |
19:30 |
s |
5 |
17 |
23:30 |
68 29.59 |
76 11.03 |
959 |
Chapman |
NBP13701.021 |
Birds |
to 74 |
5 |
17 |
20:10 |
e |
5 |
18 |
00:10 |
68 31.67 |
76 16.639 |
943 |
Chapman |
NBP13701.022 |
74 |
100.255 |
5 |
17 |
20:49 |
s/e |
5 |
18 |
00:49 |
68 32.774 |
76 19.256 |
996 |
996 |
Salihoglu |
good cast |
NBP13701.023 |
Bucket |
17 |
74 |
100.255 |
5 |
17 |
20:58 |
s/e |
5 |
18 |
00:58 |
68 32.685 |
76 18.843 |
996 |
surf |
Thimgan |
NBP13701.024 |
Birds |
to 75 |
5 |
17 |
21:08 |
s |
5 |
18 |
01:08 |
68 33.256 |
76 17.438 |
746 |
Chapman |
NBP13701.025 |
XBT-4 |
to 75 |
5 |
17 |
22:51 |
s/e |
5 |
18 |
02:51 |
68 38.734 |
76 01.864 |
431 |
431 |
Hofmann |
good cast |
NBP13801.001 |
Birds |
75 |
5 |
18 |
00:34 |
e |
5 |
18 |
04:34 |
68 44.24 |
75 43.82 |
471 |
Chapman |
NBP13801.002 |
75 |
75 |
100.220 |
5 |
18 |
01:17 |
s |
5 |
18 |
05:17 |
68 45.15 |
75 41.24 |
460 |
454 |
Beardsley |
NBP13801.003 |
75 |
75 |
100.220 |
5 |
18 |
01:54 |
e |
5 |
18 |
05:54 |
68 45.15 |
75 41.24 |
460 |
454 |
Beardsley |
recoved from tape |
NBP13801.004 |
Birds |
to 76 |
5 |
18 |
04:11 |
s |
5 |
18 |
08:11 |
68 52.297 |
75 19.538 |
Ribic |
NBP13801.005 |
XBT-4 |
to 76 |
5 |
18 |
04:15 |
s/e |
5 |
18 |
08:15 |
68 52.500 |
75 18,768 |
396 |
396 |
Beardsley |
NBP13801.006 |
Birds |
to 76 |
5 |
18 |
05:43 |
e |
5 |
18 |
09:43 |
68 57.295 |
75 4.328 |
Ribic |
NBP13801.007 |
18 |
76 |
5 |
18 |
06:41 |
e |
5 |
18 |
10:41 |
68 59.073 |
74 56.27 |
400 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP13801.008 |
76 |
76 |
100.180 |
5 |
18 |
08:00 |
s |
5 |
18 |
12:00 |
68 59.57 |
74 56.57 |
404 |
398 |
Beardsley |
NBP13801.009 |
16 |
76 |
100.180 |
5 |
18 |
08:54 |
s |
5 |
18 |
12:54 |
68 59.43 |
74 55.77 |
350 |
340 |
Wiebe |
NBP13801.010 |
16 |
76 |
100.180 |
5 |
18 |
10:36 |
e |
5 |
18 |
14:36 |
68 59.43 |
74 55.77 |
370 |
340 |
Ashjian |
NBP13801.011 |
76 |
76 |
100.180 |
5 |
18 |
08:37 |
e |
5 |
18 |
12:37 |
68 59.57 |
74 56.57 |
404 |
398 |
Beardsley |
NBP13801.012 |
sonob |
45 |
to 77 |
5 |
18 |
10:54 |
s |
5 |
18 |
14:54 |
68 56.422 |
74 48.267 |
384 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP13801.013 |
Birds |
to 77 |
5 |
18 |
11:01 |
s |
5 |
18 |
15:01 |
68 56.698 |
74 48.300 |
366 |
Chapman |
NBP13801.014 |
Whales |
to 77 |
5 |
18 |
11:01 |
s |
5 |
18 |
15:01 |
68 56.698 |
74 48.300 |
366 |
Friedlaender |
NBP13801.015 |
19 |
77 |
5 |
18 |
11:45 |
s |
5 |
18 |
15:45 |
68 59.42 |
74 54.52 |
395 |
Wiebe |
NBP13801.016 |
sonob |
45 |
to 77 |
5 |
18 |
13:24 |
e |
5 |
18 |
17:24 |
69 05.036 |
74 39.221 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13801.017 |
XBT-7 |
to 77 |
5 |
18 |
14:02 |
s/e |
5 |
18 |
18:02 |
69 06.914 |
74 32.478 |
517 |
517 |
Hofmann |
good cast |
NBP13801.018 |
sonob |
46 |
to 77 |
5 |
18 |
14:50 |
e |
5 |
18 |
18:50 |
69 09.674 |
74 24.946 |
461 |
Berchock |
NBP13801.019 |
Birds |
to 77 |
5 |
18 |
14:50 |
e |
5 |
18 |
18:50 |
69 09.674 |
74 24.946 |
461 |
Chapman |
NBP13801.020 |
Whales |
to 77 |
5 |
18 |
14:50 |
e |
5 |
18 |
18:50 |
69 09.674 |
74 24.946 |
461 |
Friedlaender |
NBP13801.021 |
ringnet |
11 |
77 |
100.140 |
5 |
18 |
16:10 |
s/e |
5 |
18 |
20:10 |
69 13.577 |
74 10.674 |
623 |
30 |
Kozlowski |
25m mesh net |
NBP13801.022 |
77 |
77 |
100.140 |
5 |
18 |
16:22 |
s |
5 |
18 |
20:22 |
69 13.64 |
74 10.73 |
644 |
615 |
Hofmann |
NBP13801.023 |
77 |
77 |
100.140 |
5 |
18 |
17:15 |
e |
5 |
18 |
21:15 |
69 13.64 |
74 10.73 |
644 |
615 |
Hofmann |
NBP13801.024 |
sonob |
46 |
77 |
5 |
18 |
17:36 |
e |
5 |
18 |
21:36 |
69 14.453 |
74 13.228 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13801.025 |
XBT-7 |
to 78 |
5 |
18 |
19:28 |
s/e |
5 |
18 |
23:28 |
69 21.465 |
74 29.956 |
540 |
540 |
Salihoglu |
NBP13801.026 |
Birds |
to 78 |
5 |
18 |
19:49 |
s |
5 |
18 |
23:49 |
69 22.76 |
54 33.38 |
521 |
Chapman |
NBP13801.027 |
sonob |
47 |
to 78 |
5 |
18 |
20:32 |
s |
5 |
19 |
00:32 |
69 25.599 |
74 40.228 |
557 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP13801.028 |
Ring Net |
12 |
78 |
60.14 |
5 |
18 |
22:11 |
s/e |
5 |
19 |
02:11 |
69 29.883 |
74 50.843 |
283 |
30 |
Thimgan |
25u mesh net |
NBP13801.029 |
Birds |
to 78 |
5 |
18 |
22:25 |
e |
5 |
19 |
02:25 |
69 29.84 |
74 50.86 |
325 |
Chapman |
NBP13801.030 |
78 |
78 |
60.14 |
5 |
18 |
22:35 |
s |
5 |
19 |
02:35 |
69 29.83 |
74 50.89 |
337 |
313 |
Salihoglu |
NBP13801.031 |
Birds |
to 79 |
5 |
18 |
23:07 |
s |
5 |
19 |
03:07 |
69 29.73 |
74 50.83 |
326 |
Chapman |
NBP13801.032 |
78 |
78 |
60.14 |
5 |
18 |
23:05 |
s |
5 |
19 |
03:05 |
69 29.83 |
74 50.89 |
337 |
313 |
Salihoglu |
NBP13801.033 |
sonob |
48 |
to 79 |
5 |
18 |
23:21 |
s |
5 |
19 |
03:21 |
69 29.226 |
74 52.962 |
350 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP13801.034 |
Birds |
to 79 |
5 |
18 |
23:54 |
e |
5 |
19 |
03:54 |
69 27.57 |
74 58.17 |
303 |
Chapman |
NBP13901.001 |
sonob |
49 |
to 79 |
5 |
19 |
00:36 |
s/e |
5 |
19 |
04:36 |
69 25.277 |
75 05.251 |
254 |
122 |
Berchok |
buoy failed |
NBP13901.002 |
sonob |
47 |
to 79 |
5 |
19 |
00:36 |
e |
5 |
19 |
04:36 |
69 25.277 |
75 05.251 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13901.003 |
sonob |
48 |
to 79 |
5 |
19 |
00:42 |
e |
5 |
19 |
04:42 |
69 25.277 |
75 05.251 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13901.004 |
XBT-4 |
to 79 |
5 |
19 |
01:29 |
s/e |
5 |
19 |
05:29 |
69 22.33 |
75 15.20 |
305 |
305 |
Beardsley |
NBP13901.005 |
79 |
79 |
60.180 |
5 |
19 |
03:52 |
s |
5 |
19 |
07:52 |
69 15.43 |
75 36.72 |
402 |
392 |
Beardsley |
NBP13901.006 |
79 |
79 |
60.180 |
5 |
19 |
04:24 |
e |
5 |
19 |
08:24 |
69 15.43 |
75 36.72 |
402 |
392 |
Beardsley |
NBP13901.007 |
Birds |
to 80 |
5 |
19 |
04:37 |
s |
5 |
19 |
08:37 |
69 15.224 |
75 37.216 |
Ribic |
NBP13901.008 |
XBT-7 |
to 80 |
5 |
19 |
06:38 |
s/e |
5 |
19 |
10:38 |
69 8.707 |
75 58.202 |
429 |
429 |
Beardsley |
NBP13901.009 |
Birds |
to 80 |
5 |
19 |
08:35 |
e |
5 |
19 |
12:35 |
69 2.283 |
76 18.27 |
Ribic |
NBP13901.010 |
80 |
80 |
60.220 |
5 |
19 |
09:18 |
s |
5 |
19 |
13:18 |
69 1.24 |
76 21.40 |
431 |
426 |
Beardsley |
NBP13901.011 |
80 |
80 |
60.220 |
5 |
19 |
09:51 |
e |
5 |
19 |
13:51 |
69 1.24 |
76 21.40 |
431 |
426 |
Beardsley |
NBP13901.012 |
Birds |
to 81 |
5 |
19 |
10:13 |
s |
5 |
19 |
14:13 |
69 00.293 |
76 23.97 |
432 |
Chapman |
NBP13901.013 |
Whales |
to 81 |
5 |
19 |
10:13 |
s |
5 |
19 |
14:13 |
69 00.293 |
76 23.97 |
432 |
Friedlaender |
NEP13901.014 |
XBT-7 |
to 81 |
5 |
19 |
11:48 |
s/e |
5 |
19 |
15:48 |
68 55.135 |
76 39.742 |
423 |
423 |
Beardsley |
NBP13901.015 |
sonob |
50 |
to 81 |
5 |
19 |
12:46 |
s |
5 |
19 |
16:46 |
68 52.226 |
76 48.234 |
401 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP13901.016 |
19 |
81 |
5 |
19 |
13:49 |
e |
5 |
19 |
17:49 |
68 48.191 |
76 58.73 |
550 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP13901.017 |
Whales |
81 |
5 |
19 |
13:50 |
e |
5 |
19 |
17:50 |
68 48.191 |
76 58.73 |
550 |
Friedlaender |
NBP13901.018 |
Birds |
81 |
5 |
19 |
13:50 |
e |
5 |
19 |
17:50 |
68 48.191 |
76 58.73 |
550 |
Chapman |
NBP13901.019 |
RingNet |
13 |
81 |
60.255 |
5 |
19 |
14:05 |
s/e |
5 |
19 |
18:05 |
68 48.384 |
76 59.903 |
553 |
30 |
Kozlowski |
NBP13901.020 |
81 |
81 |
60.255 |
5 |
19 |
14:15 |
s |
5 |
19 |
18:15 |
68 48.34 |
77 0.30 |
710 |
690 |
Hofmann |
Salihoglu did chloro. |
NBP13901.021 |
81 |
81 |
60.255 |
5 |
19 |
15:10 |
e |
5 |
19 |
19:10 |
68 48.34 |
77 0.30 |
710 |
690 |
Hofmann |
Salihoglu did chloro. |
NBP13901.022 |
17 |
81 |
61.255 |
5 |
19 |
15:20 |
s |
5 |
19 |
19:20 |
68 47.9 |
76 59.803 |
600 |
550 |
Ashjian |
NBP13901.023 |
17 |
81 |
61.255 |
5 |
19 |
17:13 |
e |
5 |
19 |
21:13 |
68 46.5 |
76 49.3 |
600 |
550 |
Ashjian |
NBP13901.024 |
sonob |
50 |
81 |
5 |
19 |
17:47 |
e |
5 |
19 |
21:47 |
68 46.357 |
76 49.569 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP13901.025 |
20 |
81 |
5 |
19 |
18:30 |
s |
5 |
19 |
22:30 |
68 48.48 |
76 59.09 |
500 |
Wiebe |
NBP13901.026 |
Birds |
to 82 |
5 |
19 |
18:35 |
s |
5 |
19 |
22:35 |
68 48.65 |
76 59.92 |
503 |
Chapman. |
NBP13901.027 |
to 82 |
5 |
19 |
20:38 |
s/e |
5 |
20 |
00:38 |
68 55.088 |
77 21.58 |
543 |
543 |
Salihoglu |
NBP13901.028 |
Birds |
to 82 |
5 |
19 |
21:41 |
e |
5 |
20 |
01:41 |
68 58.311 |
77 32.33 |
506 |
Chapman |
NBP13901.029 |
Ring Net |
14 |
82 |
20.26 |
5 |
19 |
23:28 |
s/e |
5 |
20 |
03:28 |
69 02.152 |
77 45.797 |
415 |
30 |
Thimgan |
NBP13901.030 |
82 |
82 |
20.26 |
5 |
19 |
23:36 |
s |
5 |
20 |
03:36 |
69 2.16 |
77 45.74 |
420 |
394 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14001.001 |
82 |
82 |
20.26 |
5 |
20 |
00:15 |
e |
5 |
20 |
04:15 |
69 2.16 |
77 45.74 |
420 |
394 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14001.002 |
XBT-7 |
to 83 |
5 |
20 |
02:23 |
s/e |
5 |
20 |
06:23 |
69 9.31 |
77 25.075 |
417 |
417 |
Beardsley |
NBP14001.003 |
83 |
83 |
20.22 |
5 |
20 |
05:00 |
s |
5 |
20 |
09:00 |
69 17.05 |
77 1.72 |
401 |
393 |
Beardsley |
NBP14001.004 |
83 |
83 |
20.22 |
5 |
20 |
05:34 |
e |
5 |
20 |
09:34 |
69 17.05 |
77 1.72 |
401 |
393 |
Beardsley |
NBP14001.005 |
to 84 |
5 |
20 |
07:42 |
s/e |
5 |
20 |
11:42 |
69 23.972 |
76 40.556 |
414 |
250 |
Beardsley |
NBP14001.006 |
to 84 |
5 |
20 |
07:45 |
s/e |
5 |
20 |
11:45 |
69 24.159 |
76 40.059 |
401 |
100 |
Beardsley |
NBP14001.007 |
XBT-7 |
to 84 |
5 |
20 |
07:48 |
s/e |
5 |
20 |
11:48 |
69 24.316 |
76 39.591 |
401 |
401 |
Beardsley |
NBP14001.008 |
sonob |
51 |
to 84 |
5 |
20 |
09:37 |
s |
5 |
20 |
13:37 |
69 30.481 |
76 20.710 |
408 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP14001.009 |
20 |
84 |
20.18 |
5 |
20 |
09:57 |
e |
5 |
20 |
13:57 |
69 31.564 |
76 17.34 |
400 |
250 |
Wiebe |
NBP14001.010 |
Ring Net |
15 |
84 |
20.18 |
5 |
20 |
10:52 |
s/e |
5 |
20 |
14:52 |
69 31.564 |
76 17.986 |
418 |
30 |
Thimgan |
NBP14001.011 |
84 |
84 |
20.18 |
5 |
20 |
10:59 |
s |
5 |
20 |
14:59 |
69 31.45 |
76 18.13 |
418 |
396 |
Beardsley |
NBP14001.012 |
84 |
84 |
20.18 |
5 |
20 |
11:45 |
e |
5 |
20 |
15:45 |
69 31.45 |
76 18.13 |
418 |
396 |
Beardsley |
NBP14001.013 |
MOC1 |
18 |
84 |
20.18 |
5 |
20 |
11:55 |
s |
5 |
20 |
15:55 |
69 31.27 |
76 17.54 |
500 |
460 |
Ashjian |
NBP14001.014 |
MOC1 |
18 |
84 |
20.18 |
5 |
20 |
13:29 |
e |
5 |
20 |
17:29 |
69 29.965 |
76 9.172 |
500 |
Ashjian |
NBP14001.015 |
sonob |
52 |
to 85 |
5 |
20 |
14:19 |
s |
5 |
20 |
18:19 |
69 36.516 |
76 23.097 |
294 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14001.016 |
sonob |
51 |
to 85 |
5 |
20 |
14:24 |
e |
5 |
20 |
18:24 |
69 37.683 |
76 25.074 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14001.017 |
sonob |
52 |
to 85 |
5 |
20 |
15:33 |
e |
5 |
20 |
19:33 |
69 49.995 |
76 40.882 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14001.018 |
85 |
85 |
-034.161 |
5 |
20 |
16:46 |
s |
5 |
20 |
20:46 |
69 59.94 |
76 53.63 |
862 |
832 |
Howard |
NBP14001.019 |
85 |
85 |
-034.161 |
5 |
20 |
17:48 |
e |
5 |
20 |
21:48 |
69 59.94 |
76 53.63 |
862 |
832 |
Howard |
NBP14001.020 |
sonob |
53 |
to 86 |
5 |
20 |
19:09 |
s |
5 |
20 |
23:09 |
70 12.414 |
77 7.639 |
885 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP14001.021 |
xbt |
TO 86 |
5 |
20 |
19:43 |
s/e |
5 |
20 |
23:43 |
70 18.61 |
77 14.678 |
524 |
524 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14001.022 |
sonob |
53 |
to 86 |
5 |
20 |
19:59 |
e |
5 |
20 |
23:59 |
70 21.858 |
77 18.410 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14001.023 |
86 |
86 |
-105.132 |
5 |
20 |
21:55 |
s |
5 |
21 |
01:55 |
70 37.99 |
77 37.32 |
586 |
570 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14001.024 |
86 |
86 |
-105.132 |
5 |
20 |
22:50 |
e |
5 |
21 |
02:50 |
70 37.99 |
77 37.32 |
586 |
570 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14101.001 |
XBT-4 |
to 87 |
5 |
21 |
00:39 |
s/e |
5 |
21 |
04:39 |
70 34.958 |
77 10.376 |
167 |
167 |
Beardsley |
NBP14101.002 |
XBT-5 |
to 87 |
5 |
21 |
06:07 |
s/e |
5 |
21 |
06:07 |
70 31.857 |
76 41.827 |
1150 |
1150 |
Beardsley |
NBP14101.003 |
XBT-4 |
to 87 |
5 |
21 |
03:42 |
s/e |
5 |
21 |
07:42 |
70 28.652 |
76 13.699 |
326 |
326 |
Beardsley |
NBP14101.004 |
XBT-4 |
to 87 |
5 |
21 |
04:23 |
s/e |
5 |
21 |
08:23 |
70 27.384 |
76 02.379 |
920 |
151 |
Beardsley |
NBP14101.005 |
XBT-4 |
to 87 |
5 |
21 |
04:24 |
s/e |
5 |
21 |
08:24 |
70 27.384 |
76 02.379 |
920 |
189 |
Beardsley |
NBP14101.006 |
XBT-7 |
to 87 |
5 |
21 |
04:28 |
s/e |
5 |
21 |
08:28 |
70 27.292 |
76 1.249 |
940 |
200 |
Beardsley |
NBP14101.007 |
XBT-7 |
to 87 |
5 |
21 |
06:10 |
s/e |
5 |
21 |
10:10 |
70 23.45 |
75 36.337 |
724 |
724 |
Beardsley |
NBP14101.008 |
sonob |
54 |
to 87 |
5 |
21 |
08:12 |
s/e |
5 |
21 |
12:12 |
70 17.904 |
75 18.611 |
573 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14101.009 |
sonob |
54 |
to 87 |
5 |
21 |
08:34 |
s |
5 |
21 |
12:34 |
70 18.204 |
75 14.420 |
575 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14101.010 |
ice |
3 |
near 87 |
5 |
21 |
09:40 |
s/e |
5 |
21 |
13:40 |
70 19.493 |
75 9.320 |
595 |
surf |
Kozlowshi/ Gallager |
NBP14101.011 |
XBT-7 |
near 87 |
5 |
21 |
09:52 |
s/e |
5 |
21 |
13:52 |
70 19.338 |
75 9.555 |
595 |
595 |
Beardsley |
NBP14101.012 |
Birds |
5 |
21 |
10:29 |
s |
5 |
21 |
14:29 |
70 18.151 |
75 12.779 |
572 |
Chapman |
NBP14101.013 |
Birds |
5 |
21 |
11:05 |
e |
5 |
21 |
15:05 |
70 17.674 |
75 17.48 |
559 |
Chapman |
NBP14101.014 |
Ice |
4 |
5 |
21 |
11:05 |
s/e |
5 |
21 |
15:05 |
70 17.674 |
75 17.948 |
559 |
surf |
Thimgan |
NBP14101.015 |
Ice |
5 |
5 |
21 |
11:07 |
s/e |
5 |
21 |
15:07 |
70 17.674 |
75 17.948 |
559 |
surf |
Thimgan |
zodiac work |
NBP14101.016 |
Whales |
5 |
21 |
12:30 |
s |
5 |
21 |
16:30 |
70 18 .814 |
75 43.097 |
595 |
Friedlaender |
zodiac work |
NBP14101.017 |
Birds |
5 |
21 |
13:45 |
s |
5 |
21 |
17:45 |
70 18 .814 |
75 43.097 |
595 |
Chapman |
NBP14101.018 |
Ice |
6 |
5 |
21 |
13:50 |
s/e |
5 |
21 |
17:50 |
70 18.141 |
75 37.064 |
surf |
Thimgan |
NBP14101.019 |
Ring Net |
16 |
5 |
21 |
14:12 |
s/e |
5 |
21 |
18:12 |
70 18.191 |
75 37.441 |
30 |
Thimgan |
zodiac work |
NBP14101.020 |
Whales |
5 |
21 |
14:53 |
e |
5 |
21 |
18:54 |
70 18 .814 |
75 43.097 |
595 |
Friedlaender |
zodiac work |
NBP14101.021 |
Birds |
5 |
21 |
14:53 |
e |
5 |
21 |
18:54 |
70 18 .814 |
75 43.097 |
595 |
Chapman |
NBP14101.022 |
sonob |
55 |
5 |
21 |
14:53 |
e |
5 |
21 |
18:53 |
missed |
it |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14101.023 |
2 |
5 |
21 |
19:00 |
s |
5 |
22 |
70 18 .814 |
75 43.097 |
Gallager |
NBP14101.024 |
2 |
5 |
21 |
20:00 |
e |
5 |
22 |
70 18 .814 |
75 43.097 |
Gallager |
NBP14201.001 |
XBT-4 |
from 84 |
5 |
22 |
06:31 |
s/e |
5 |
22 |
10:31 |
69 27.799 |
75 50.79 |
296 |
295 |
Beardsley |
NBP14201.002 |
XBT-4 |
from 84 |
5 |
22 |
07:37 |
s/e |
5 |
22 |
11:37 |
69 24.221 |
75 26.207 |
262 |
262 |
Beardsley |
NBP14201.003 |
sonob |
56 |
to 87 |
5 |
22 |
07:55 |
s |
5 |
22 |
11:55 |
69 23.441 |
75 20.721 |
253 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14201.004 |
sonob |
57 |
to 87 |
5 |
22 |
08:52 |
s |
5 |
22 |
12:52 |
69 21.015 |
75 03.614 |
322 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14201.005 |
XBT-4 |
from 84 |
5 |
22 |
09:04 |
s/e |
5 |
22 |
13:04 |
69 20.748 |
75 0.012 |
373 |
373 |
Beardsley |
NBP14201.006 |
sonob |
58 |
to 87 |
5 |
22 |
09:48 |
s |
5 |
22 |
13:48 |
69 26.115 |
74 53.635 |
290 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14201.007 |
sonob |
56 |
to 87 |
5 |
22 |
09:52 |
e |
5 |
22 |
13:52 |
69 27.411 |
74 53.306 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14201.008 |
sonob |
59 |
to 87 |
5 |
22 |
10:31 |
s |
5 |
22 |
14:31 |
69 32.705 |
74 51.903 |
309 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14201.009 |
sonob |
57 |
to 87 |
5 |
22 |
10:37 |
e |
5 |
22 |
14:37 |
69 32.705 |
74 51.903 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14201.010 |
sonob |
60 |
to 87 |
5 |
22 |
11:13 |
s |
5 |
22 |
15:13 |
69 37.358 |
74 50.785 |
161 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14201.011 |
sonob |
58 |
to 87 |
5 |
22 |
11:19 |
e |
5 |
22 |
15:19 |
69 37.358 |
74 50.785 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14201.012 |
Ice |
7 |
5 |
22 |
12:50 |
s/e |
5 |
22 |
16:50 |
69 35.222 |
74 36.444 |
surf |
Thimgan |
NBP14201.013 |
sonob |
61 |
to 87 |
5 |
22 |
13:40 |
s |
5 |
22 |
17:40 |
69 33.049 |
74 28.145 |
246 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14201.014 |
sonob |
60 |
to 87 |
5 |
22 |
13:40 |
e |
5 |
22 |
17:40 |
69 33.049 |
74 28.145 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14201.015 |
3 |
5 |
22 |
15:00 |
s |
5 |
22 |
19:00 |
69 15.884 |
70 30.354 |
170 |
15 |
Gallager |
NBP14201.016 |
3 |
5 |
22 |
16:00 |
e |
5 |
22 |
20:00 |
69 15.884 |
70 30.354 |
170 |
15 |
Gallager |
NBP14201.017 |
87 |
87 |
062.122 |
5 |
22 |
1630 |
s |
5 |
22 |
2030 |
69 35.02 |
74 27.22 |
170 |
164 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14201.018 |
87 |
87 |
062.122 |
5 |
22 |
1706 |
e |
5 |
22 |
2106 |
69 35.02 |
74 27.22 |
170 |
164 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14201.019 |
sonob |
59 |
to 88 |
5 |
22 |
18:30 |
e |
5 |
22 |
22:30 |
69 30.645 |
74 16.670 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14201.020 |
sonob |
61 |
to 88 |
5 |
22 |
19:20 |
e |
5 |
22 |
23:20 |
missed |
it |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14201.021 |
XBT-4 |
to 88 |
5 |
22 |
19:38 |
s/e |
5 |
22 |
23:38 |
69 30.676 |
74 0.692 |
330 |
330 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14201.022 |
XBT-4 |
to 88 |
5 |
22 |
19:58 |
s/e |
5 |
22 |
23:58 |
69 30.497 |
73 56.621 |
275 |
275 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14201.023 |
to 88 |
5 |
22 |
22:05 |
s/e |
5 |
23 |
02:05 |
69 29.405 |
73 32.91 |
161 |
161 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14301.001 |
to 88 |
5 |
23 |
00:14 |
s/e |
5 |
23 |
04:14 |
69.23.611 |
73 9.147 |
150 |
150 |
Beardsley |
NBP14301.002 |
5 |
23 |
01:20 |
s |
5 |
23 |
05:20 |
Rosario |
NBP14301.003 |
5 |
23 |
02:12 |
s/e |
5 |
23 |
06:12 |
69 19.001 |
72 43.658 |
121 |
121 |
Beardsley |
Trackpoint also launched |
NBP14301.004 |
4 |
5 |
23 |
05:20 |
s |
5 |
23 |
09:20 |
69 15.910 |
72 30.359 |
125 |
Gallager |
NBP14301.005 |
4 |
5 |
23 |
08:12 |
e |
5 |
23 |
12:12 |
69 15.910 |
72 30.359 |
125 |
Gallager |
NBP14301.006 |
sonob |
62 |
5 |
23 |
08:32 |
s |
5 |
23 |
12:32 |
69 15.578 |
72 29.879 |
118 |
27 |
Berchok |
NBP14301.007 |
ice |
8 |
5 |
23 |
09:05 |
s/e |
5 |
23 |
13:05 |
69 15.436 |
72 29.542 |
106 |
surf |
Kozlowski |
NBP14301.008 |
sonob |
62 |
5 |
23 |
10:10 |
e |
5 |
23 |
14:10 |
69 18.520 |
72 28.753 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14301.009 |
sonob |
63 |
5 |
23 |
11:11 |
s |
5 |
23 |
15:11 |
69 21.522 |
72 24.525 |
111 |
27 |
Berchok |
NBP14301.010 |
sonob |
63 |
5 |
23 |
12:34 |
e |
5 |
23 |
16:34 |
69 24.269 |
72 17.737 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14301.011 |
5 |
5 |
23 |
15:00 |
s |
5 |
23 |
19:00 |
69 20.240 |
72 26.166 |
Gallager |
take out due to current and wind to reposition |
NBP14301.012 |
5 |
5 |
23 |
16:30 |
e |
5 |
23 |
20:30 |
69 20.240 |
72 26.166 |
Gallager |
repositioned by iceberg |
NBP14301.013 |
6 |
5 |
23 |
18:59 |
s |
5 |
23 |
22:59 |
69 20.240 |
72 26.166 |
Gallager |
NBP14301.014 |
6 |
5 |
23 |
20:45 |
e |
5 |
24 |
02:25 |
69 20.240 |
72 26.166 |
Gallager |
NBP14301.015 |
to 53 |
5 |
23 |
23:36 |
s/e |
5 |
24 |
03:36 |
69 10.819 |
72 43.07 |
138 |
138 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14401.001 |
to 53 |
5 |
24 |
119 |
s/e |
5 |
24 |
05:19 |
69 3.218 |
72 31.779 |
1063 |
760 |
Hofmann |
broke @42m |
NBP14401.002 |
to 53 |
5 |
24 |
120 |
s/e |
5 |
24 |
05:20 |
69 2.956 |
72 31.899 |
1171 |
760 |
Hofmann |
NBP14401.003 |
to 53 |
5 |
24 |
03:24 |
s/e |
5 |
24 |
07:24 |
68 53.89 |
72 8.747 |
212 |
212 |
Sanay |
NBP14401.004 |
sonob |
64 |
to 53 |
5 |
24 |
04:15 |
s |
5 |
24 |
08:15 |
68 49.793 |
71 58.905 |
236 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14401.005 |
sonob |
65 |
to 53 |
5 |
24 |
04:47 |
s/e |
5 |
24 |
08:42 |
68 47.576 |
71 54.486 |
190 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14401.006 |
to 53 |
5 |
24 |
04:52 |
s/e |
5 |
24 |
08:52 |
68 46.615 |
71 52.688 |
158 |
158 |
Beardsley |
NBP14401.007 |
sonob |
66 |
to 53 |
5 |
24 |
04:58 |
s |
5 |
24 |
08:58 |
68 46.287 |
71 51.855 |
170 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14401.008 |
XBT-7 |
to 53 |
5 |
24 |
06:47 |
s/e |
5 |
24 |
10:47 |
68 44.729 |
71 24.698 |
B. |
NBP14401.009 |
XBT-7 |
to 53 |
5 |
24 |
06:48 |
s/e |
5 |
24 |
10:48 |
68 44.773 |
71 24.083 |
420 |
420 |
B. |
NBP14401.010 |
sonob |
67 |
to 53 |
5 |
24 |
06:51 |
s |
5 |
24 |
10:51 |
68 44.811 |
71 23.333 |
555 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14401.011 |
XBT-7 |
to 53 |
5 |
24 |
06:52 |
s/e |
5 |
24 |
10:52 |
68 44.83 |
71 22.926 |
423 |
423 |
B. |
NBP14401.012 |
sonob |
64 |
to 53 |
5 |
24 |
06:53 |
e |
5 |
24 |
10:53 |
68 44.843 |
71 22.630 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14401.013 |
sonob |
66 |
to 53 |
5 |
24 |
07:20 |
e |
5 |
24 |
11:20 |
68 45.204 |
71 14.795 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14401.014 |
sonob |
68 |
to 53 |
5 |
24 |
07:26 |
s |
5 |
24 |
11:26 |
68 48.227 |
71 13.625 |
193 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14401.015 |
Whales |
to 68 |
5 |
24 |
10:30 |
s/e |
5 |
24 |
14:30 |
68 44.843 |
71 22.63 |
423 |
Friedlaender |
NBP14401.015 |
Birds |
to 68 |
5 |
24 |
10:30 |
s/e |
5 |
24 |
14:30 |
68 44.843 |
71 22.63 |
423 |
Chapman |
Petrel diet sample effort |
NBP14401.016 |
ice |
9 |
to 53 |
5 |
24 |
13:46 |
s/e |
5 |
24 |
17:46 |
68 45.778 |
71 24.479 |
surf |
Koslowski |
NBP14401.017 |
ringnet |
17 |
to 53 |
5 |
24 |
13:55 |
s/e |
5 |
24 |
17:55 |
68 45.778 |
71 24.479 |
30 |
Koslowski |
NBP14401.018 |
sonob |
69 |
5 |
24 |
12:10 |
s |
5 |
24 |
16:10 |
68 44.841 |
71 23.340 |
? |
27 |
Berchok |
NBP14401.019 |
sonob |
67 |
5 |
24 |
15:02 |
e |
5 |
24 |
19:02 |
missed |
it |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
camera 4 overbright |
NBP14401.020 |
21 |
5 |
24 |
15:25 |
s |
5 |
24 |
19:25 |
68 44.449 |
71 27.70 |
550 |
50 |
Wiebe |
NBP14401.021 |
sonob |
68 |
5 |
24 |
15:34 |
e |
5 |
24 |
19:34 |
68 43.887 |
71 28.090 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14401.022 |
sonob |
69 |
5 |
24 |
21:05 |
e |
5 |
24 |
01:05 |
missed |
it |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14401.023 |
21 |
5 |
24 |
21:31 |
e |
5 |
25 |
01:31 |
68 47.52 |
71 23.86 |
400 |
0-120 |
Wiebe |
NBP14401.024 |
88 |
88 |
208.084 |
5 |
24 |
22:07 |
s |
5 |
25 |
02:07 |
68 47.01 |
71 24.14 |
468 |
442 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14401.025 |
88 |
88 |
208.084 |
5 |
24 |
22:45 |
e |
5 |
25 |
02:45 |
68 47.01 |
71 24.14 |
468 |
442 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14501.001 |
XBT-4 |
5 |
25 |
00:40 |
s/e |
5 |
25 |
04:40 |
68 42.863 |
70 50.059 |
240 |
240 |
Beardsley |
NBP14501.002 |
XBT-4 |
5 |
25 |
00:43 |
s/e |
5 |
25 |
04:43 |
68 42.863 |
70 50.059 |
240 |
240 |
Beardsley |
NBP14501.003 |
XBT-4 |
5 |
25 |
01:35 |
s/e |
5 |
25 |
05:35 |
68 40.837 |
70 34.163 |
254 |
254 |
Beardsley |
NBP14501.004 |
XBT-4 |
5 |
25 |
01:39 |
s/e |
5 |
25 |
05:39 |
68 40.837 |
70 34.163 |
254 |
254 |
Beardsley |
NBP14501.005 |
Birds |
5 |
25 |
01:40 |
s/e |
5 |
25 |
05:40 |
68 47.196 |
70 23.952 |
428 |
Chapman |
Petrel diet sample |
NBP14501.006 |
RingNet |
18 |
89 |
5 |
25 |
03:00 |
s/e |
5 |
25 |
07:00 |
68 42.882 |
70 23.816 |
378 |
30 |
Kozlowski |
NBP14501.007 |
89 |
89 |
239.057 |
5 |
25 |
03:20 |
s |
5 |
25 |
07:20 |
68 42.78 |
70 23.88 |
361 |
354 |
Beardsley |
NBP14501.008 |
89 |
89 |
239.057 |
5 |
25 |
03:51 |
e |
5 |
25 |
07:51 |
68 42.78 |
70 23.88 |
361 |
354 |
Beardsley |
NBP14501.009 |
XBT-4 |
from 89 |
5 |
25 |
04:31 |
s/e |
5 |
25 |
08:31 |
68 40.814 |
70 16.606 |
405 |
405 |
Beardsley |
NBP14501.010 |
XBT-4 |
from 89 |
5 |
25 |
04:54 |
s/e |
5 |
25 |
08:54 |
68 38.731 |
70 9.815 |
412 |
412 |
Beardsley |
NBP14501.011 |
XBT-5 |
from 89 |
5 |
25 |
05:10 |
s/e |
5 |
25 |
09:10 |
68 37.712 |
70 4.06 |
1360 |
1360 |
Beardsley |
NBP14501.012 |
XBT-5 |
from 89 |
5 |
25 |
05:26 |
s/e |
5 |
25 |
09:26 |
68 36.183 |
69 57.547 |
1068 |
1068 |
Beardsley |
NBP14501.013 |
XBT-7 |
from 89 |
5 |
25 |
05:45 |
s/e |
5 |
25 |
09:45 |
68 49.868 |
69 49.868 |
724 |
724 |
Beardsley |
NBP14501.014 |
XBT-7 |
from 89 |
5 |
25 |
06:43 |
s/e |
5 |
25 |
10:43 |
68 30.819 |
69 35.81 |
493 |
493 |
Sanay |
NBP14501.015 |
XBT-4 |
from 89 |
5 |
25 |
07:43 |
s/e |
5 |
25 |
11:43 |
68 21.263 |
69 21.263 |
209 |
209 |
Sanay |
NBP14501.016 |
XBT-4 |
from 89 |
5 |
25 |
07:46 |
s/e |
5 |
25 |
11:46 |
68 27.209 |
69 20.623 |
246 |
246 |
Sanay |
NBP14501.017 |
XBT-7 |
from 89 |
5 |
25 |
08:57 |
s/e |
5 |
25 |
12:57 |
68 23.868 |
69 7.063 |
723 |
723 |
Sanay |
NBP14501.018 |
70 |
kirkwood |
5 |
25 |
13:06 |
s |
5 |
25 |
17:06 |
68 19.722 |
68 54.860 |
??? |
27 |
Berchok |
NBP14501.019 |
70 |
kirkwood |
5 |
25 |
15:11 |
e |
5 |
25 |
19:11 |
68 20.463 |
69 01.764 |
176 |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14501.020 |
5 |
25 |
s/e |
Beardsley |
NBP14501.021 |
Whales |
kirkwood |
5 |
25 |
13:06 |
s |
5 |
25 |
17:06 |
68 19.722 |
68 54.860 |
Friedlaender |
look for whales |
NBP14501.022 |
Birds |
5 |
25 |
19:30 |
s/e |
5 |
25 |
23:30 |
68 9.504 |
68 56.232 |
878 |
Chapman |
Petrel diet sample effort |
NBP14501.023 |
37 |
300.140 |
5 |
25 |
22:31 |
s/e |
5 |
26 |
02:31 |
67 50.278 |
71 5.538 |
480 |
Salihoglu |
Bad Cast |
NBP14501.024 |
37 |
300.140 |
5 |
25 |
22:33 |
s/e |
5 |
26 |
02:31 |
67 50.211 |
71 5.75 |
446 |
Salihoglu |
Bad Cast |
NBP14501.025 |
37 |
300.140 |
5 |
25 |
22:34 |
s/e |
5 |
26 |
02:31 |
67 50.121 |
71 5.99 |
431 |
431 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14501.026 |
MOC1 |
19 |
37 |
300.140 |
5 |
25 |
22:51 |
s |
5 |
26 |
02:51 |
67 50.176 |
70 07.304 |
416 |
375 |
Ashjian |
NBP14601.001 |
MOC1 |
19 |
37 |
300.140 |
5 |
26 |
00:23 |
e |
5 |
26 |
04:23 |
67 51.661 |
71 13.40 |
375 |
Ashjian |
NBP14601.002 |
to 44 |
5 |
26 |
01:34 |
s/e |
5 |
26 |
05:34 |
67 52.733 |
71 39.337 |
317 |
50 |
Salihoglu |
wire broke |
NBP14601.003 |
to 44 |
5 |
26 |
01:36 |
s/e |
5 |
26 |
05:36 |
67 52.783 |
71 40.587 |
317 |
317 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14601.004 |
to 44 |
5 |
26 |
02:29 |
s/e |
5 |
26 |
06:29 |
67 53.189 |
72 5.165 |
302 |
302 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14601.005 |
44 |
260.180 |
5 |
26 |
03:24 |
s/e |
5 |
26 |
07:24 |
67 53.676 |
72 25.807 |
303 |
303 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14601.006 |
MOC1 |
20 |
44 |
260.180 |
5 |
26 |
03:51 |
s |
5 |
26 |
07:51 |
67 54.4 |
72 27.7 |
400 |
350 |
Ashjian |
NBP14601.007 |
MOC1 |
20 |
44 |
261.180 |
5 |
26 |
05:40 |
e |
5 |
26 |
09:40 |
67 58.9 |
72 33.96 |
400 |
350 |
Ashjian |
NBP14601.008 |
XBT-7 |
to B3 |
5 |
26 |
07:11 |
s/e |
5 |
26 |
11:11 |
68 3.967 |
72 10.355 |
509 |
509 |
Sanay |
NBP14601.009 |
XBT-7 |
to B3 |
5 |
26 |
08:05 |
s/e |
5 |
26 |
12:05 |
68 8.097 |
71 46.676 |
426 |
426 |
Sanay |
NBP14601.010 |
XBT-7 |
to B3 |
5 |
26 |
09:03 |
s/e |
5 |
26 |
13:03 |
68 12.369 |
71 22.067 |
604 |
274 |
Sanay |
wire broke |
NBP14601.011 |
XBT-7 |
to B3 |
5 |
26 |
09:05 |
s/e |
5 |
26 |
13:05 |
68 12.552 |
71 21.037 |
664 |
664 |
Sanay |
NBP14601.012 |
XBT-7 |
B3 |
5 |
26 |
10:59 |
s/e |
5 |
26 |
14:59 |
68 14.835 |
70 56.815 |
530 |
530 |
Sanay |
NBP14601.013 |
XBT-5 |
to B2 |
5 |
26 |
11:41 |
s/e |
5 |
26 |
15:41 |
68 9.917 |
70 48.173 |
715 |
715 |
Beardsley |
NBP14601.014 |
sonob |
71 |
to B2 |
5 |
26 |
12:06 |
s |
5 |
26 |
16:05 |
68 07.708 |
70 37.708 |
836 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP14601.015 |
XBT-5 |
B2 |
5 |
26 |
14:01 |
s/e |
5 |
26 |
18:01 |
68 6.407 |
70 27.259 |
854 |
854 |
Hofmann |
NBP14601.016 |
drifter |
Beardsley |
NBP14601.017 |
sonob |
72 |
to b1 |
5 |
26 |
14:40 |
s |
5 |
26 |
18:40 |
68 01.475 |
70 13.033 |
740 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP14601.018 |
sonob |
71 |
b1 |
5 |
26 |
15:48 |
e |
5 |
26 |
19:48 |
67 55.783 |
69 53.949 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14601.019 |
sonob |
72 |
b1 |
5 |
26 |
15:48 |
e |
5 |
26 |
19:48 |
67 55.783 |
69 53.949 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14601.020 |
to B1 |
5 |
26 |
14:42 |
s/e |
5 |
26 |
18:42 |
68 01.337 |
70 12.499 |
747 |
747 |
Salihoglu |
NBP14601.021 |
B1 |
5 |
26 |
18:24 |
s/e |
5 |
26 |
22:24 |
67 56.552 |
69 50.028 |
715 |
715 |
Hofmann |
NBP14601.022 |
22 |
5 |
26 |
19:20 |
s |
5 |
26 |
23:20 |
67 45.996 |
69 46.461 |
Wiebe |
NBP14601.023 |
Drifter |
5 |
26 |
20:14 |
s |
5 |
27 |
00:14 |
67 47.285 |
69 44.784 |
Beardsley |
NBP14701.001 |
XBT-4 |
to 31 |
5 |
27 |
03:51 |
s/e |
5 |
27 |
07:51 |
68 39.719 |
68 39.719 |
393 |
230 |
Sanay |
wire broke |
NBP14701.002 |
XBT-4 |
to 31 |
5 |
27 |
03:53 |
s/e |
5 |
27 |
07:53 |
68 39.12 |
68 39.12 |
244 |
213 |
Sanay |
wire broke |
NBP14701.003 |
XBT-4 |
to 31 |
5 |
27 |
03:56 |
s/e |
5 |
27 |
07:56 |
68 38.453 |
68 38.453 |
336 |
200.7 |
Sanay |
wire broke |
NBP14701.004 |
sonob |
73 |
to Faure |
5 |
27 |
06:50 |
s/e |
5 |
27 |
10:50 |
68 08.562 |
68 16.160 |
321 |
122 |
Berchok |
Buoy failed |
NBP14701.005 |
22 |
to Faure |
5 |
27 |
07:10 |
e |
5 |
27 |
11:10 |
68 07.23 |
68 25.39 |
320 |
Wiebe |
NBP14701.006 |
sonob |
74 |
to Faure |
5 |
27 |
07:29 |
s |
5 |
27 |
11:29 |
68 07.552 |
68 27.394 |
406 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14701.007 |
XBT-4 |
to Faure |
5 |
27 |
07:54 |
s/e |
5 |
27 |
11:54 |
68 6.811 |
68 30.008 |
333 |
333 |
Sanay |
NBP14701.008 |
sonob |
75 |
to Faure |
5 |
27 |
08:11 |
s |
5 |
27 |
12:11 |
68 6.392 |
68 35.613 |
345 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14701.009 |
XBT-4 |
near Faure |
5 |
27 |
08:36 |
s/e |
5 |
27 |
12:36 |
68 5.976 |
68 40.662 |
161 |
161 |
Sanay |
NBP14701.010 |
5 |
27 |
5 |
27 |
Beardsley |
NBP14701.011 |
Birds |
Faure |
5 |
27 |
13:00 |
s/e |
5 |
27 |
17:00 |
68 5.631 |
68 47.291 |
161 |
Chapman |
NBP14701.012 |
sonob |
74 |
Faure |
5 |
27 |
15:58 |
e |
5 |
27 |
19:58 |
68 5.631 |
68 47.291 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14701.013 |
sonob |
75 |
Faure |
5 |
27 |
16:19 |
e |
5 |
27 |
20:19 |
68 5.504 |
68 46.463 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14701.014 |
23 |
Mbay |
5 |
27 |
19:20 |
s |
5 |
27 |
23:20 |
68 04.38 |
68 37.63 |
300 |
-- |
Wiebe |
NBP14701.015 |
sonob |
76 |
bmp#3 |
5 |
27 |
22:13 |
s |
5 |
28 |
02:13 |
67 54.022 |
68 17.291 |
742 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP14701.016 |
sonob |
77 |
bmp#3 |
5 |
27 |
22:52 |
s |
5 |
28 |
02:52 |
67 52.88 |
68 08.96 |
669 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP14701.017 |
sonob |
76 |
5 |
27 |
02:22 |
e |
5 |
28 |
06:22 |
missed |
it |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14701.018 |
sonob |
77 |
5 |
27 |
02:22 |
e |
5 |
28 |
06:22 |
missed |
it |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14801.001 |
23 |
5 |
28 |
07:01 |
e |
5 |
28 |
11:01 |
67 51.83 |
68 4.74 |
Wiebe |
NBP14801.002 |
MOC1 |
21 |
5 |
28 |
07:50 |
s |
5 |
28 |
11:50 |
67 52.9 |
68 6.154 |
600 |
100 |
Ashjian |
NBP14801.003 |
sonob |
78 |
5 |
28 |
08:49 |
s |
5 |
28 |
12:49 |
67 53.07 |
68 10.84 |
557 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP14801.004 |
xbt-7 |
near 29 |
5 |
28 |
09:02 |
s/e |
5 |
28 |
13:02 |
67 53.096 |
68 11.90 |
726 |
Sanay |
NBP14801.005 |
xbt-7 |
near 29 |
5 |
28 |
09:05 |
s/e |
5 |
28 |
13:05 |
67 53.135 |
68 12.269 |
726 |
620 |
Sanay |
NBP14801.006 |
MOC1 |
21 |
5 |
28 |
09:33 |
e |
5 |
28 |
13:33 |
67 53.54 |
68 14.78 |
Ashjian |
NBP14801.007 |
sonob |
79 |
5 |
28 |
09:53 |
s |
5 |
28 |
13:53 |
67 53.561 |
68 15.318 |
537 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP14801.008 |
Whales |
5 |
28 |
09:53 |
s |
5 |
28 |
13:53 |
67 53.561 |
68 15.318 |
537 |
Friedlaender |
NBP14801.009 |
sonob |
80 |
5 |
28 |
12:34 |
s |
5 |
28 |
16:34 |
67 54.601 |
68 06.029 |
223 |
122 |
Berchok |
buoy failed |
NBP14801.010 |
sonob |
81 |
5 |
28 |
12:42 |
s |
5 |
28 |
16:42 |
67 54.239 |
68 7.87 |
499 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP14801.011 |
RingNet |
19 |
90/KP1 |
5 |
28 |
13:00 |
s/e |
5 |
28 |
17:00 |
67 53.581 |
68 10.234 |
641 |
30 |
Kozlowski |
NBP14801.012 |
Whales |
5 |
28 |
13:00 |
e |
5 |
28 |
17:00 |
67 53.581 |
68 10.234 |
641 |
Friedlaender |
NBP14801.013 |
90 |
367.036 |
5 |
28 |
13:08 |
s |
5 |
28 |
17:08 |
67 53.50 |
68 10.51 |
541 |
519 |
Hofmann |
NBP14801.014 |
90 |
367.036 |
5 |
28 |
13:43 |
s |
5 |
28 |
17:43 |
67 53.50 |
68 10.51 |
541 |
519 |
Hofmann |
NBP14801.015 |
24 |
KP1 |
5 |
28 |
14:47 |
s |
5 |
28 |
18:47 |
67 54.49 |
68 10.915 |
Wiebe |
NBP14801.016 |
sonob |
79 |
5 |
28 |
17:00 |
e |
5 |
28 |
21:00 |
67 50.294 |
68 22.476 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14801.017 |
sonob |
80 |
5 |
28 |
18:15 |
e |
5 |
28 |
22:15 |
67 53.486 |
68 22.016 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14801.018 |
sonob |
82 |
5 |
28 |
18:56 |
s |
5 |
28 |
22:56 |
67 53.538 |
68 13.276 |
732 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP14801.019 |
sonob |
81 |
5 |
28 |
20:42 |
e |
5 |
28 |
00:42 |
missed |
it |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14801.020 |
24 |
5 |
28 |
21:41 |
e |
5 |
29 |
01:42 |
67 52.87 |
68 26.7 |
Wiebe |
NBP14801.021 |
MOC1 |
22 |
5 |
28 |
22:02 |
s |
5 |
29 |
02:02 |
67 52.62 |
68 26.00 |
90 |
Wiebe |
NBP14801.022 |
MOC1 |
22 |
5 |
28 |
23:58 |
5 |
29 |
03:58 |
67 55.6 |
68 21.7 |
Wiebe |
NBP14901.001 |
sonob |
83 |
5 |
29 |
01:02 |
s |
5 |
29 |
05:02 |
67 55.781 |
68 21.048 |
748 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP14901.002 |
MOC1 |
23 |
5 |
29 |
01:07 |
s |
5 |
29 |
05:07 |
67 55.48 |
68 21.55 |
90 |
Davis |
NBP14901.003 |
MOC1 |
23 |
5 |
29 |
02:17 |
e |
5 |
29 |
06:17 |
67 54.38 |
68 25.67 |
90 |
Davis |
NBP14901.004 |
MOC1 |
24 |
5 |
29 |
03:00 |
s |
5 |
29 |
07:00 |
67 55.3 |
68 30.69 |
600 |
Ashjian |
NBP14901.005 |
sonob |
82 |
5 |
29 |
03:05 |
e |
5 |
29 |
07:05 |
missed |
it |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14901.006 |
MOC1 |
24 |
5 |
29 |
04:47 |
e |
5 |
29 |
08:47 |
67 54.1 |
68 23.2 |
600 |
Ashjian |
NBP14901.007 |
sonob |
83 |
5 |
29 |
06:37 |
e |
5 |
29 |
10:37 |
missed |
it |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP14901.008 |
25 |
5 |
29 |
22:00 |
s |
5 |
30 |
02:00 |
68 04.186 |
69 43.775 |
Wiebe |
NBP14901.009 |
sonob |
84 |
to 91 |
5 |
29 |
20:02 |
s |
5 |
30 |
00:02 |
68 04.887 |
68 37.428 |
103 |
27 |
Berchok |
NBP14901.010 |
RingNet |
20 |
91 |
338.044 |
5 |
29 |
20:55 |
s/e |
5 |
30 |
00:55 |
68 04.217 |
68 43. 834 |
364 |
30 |
Kozlowski |
NBP14901.011 |
91 |
91 |
338.044 |
5 |
29 |
21:06 |
s |
5 |
30 |
01:06 |
68 04.21 |
68 43.87 |
374 |
361 |
Hofmann |
NBP14901.012 |
91 |
91 |
338.044 |
5 |
29 |
21:47 |
e |
5 |
30 |
01:47 |
68 04.21 |
68 43.87 |
374 |
361 |
Hofmann |
NBP14901.012 |
sonob |
84 |
to 92 |
5 |
29 |
22:13 |
e |
5 |
30 |
02:13 |
68 03.986 |
68 43.397 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15001.001 |
92 |
92 |
344.052 |
5 |
30 |
00:23 |
s |
5 |
30 |
04:23 |
67 59.03 |
68 48.22 |
94 |
90 |
Saliheglu |
NBP15001.002 |
92 |
92 |
344.052 |
5 |
30 |
00:55 |
e |
5 |
30 |
04:55 |
67 59.03 |
68 48.22 |
94 |
90 |
Saliheglu |
NBP15001.003 |
Ring Net |
21 |
93 |
5 |
30 |
04:51 |
s/e |
5 |
30 |
08:51 |
67 49.875 |
69 04.002 |
159 |
30 |
Thimgan |
NBP15001.004 |
93 |
93 |
351.071 |
5 |
30 |
05:13 |
s |
5 |
30 |
09:13 |
67 49.85 |
69 3.96 |
159 |
155 |
Beardsley |
NBP15001.005 |
93 |
93 |
351.071 |
5 |
30 |
05:32 |
e |
5 |
30 |
09:32 |
67 49.85 |
69 3.96 |
159 |
155 |
Beardsley |
NBP15001.006 |
5 |
30 |
04:30 |
5 |
30 |
08:30 |
Szelag |
Fluorm. Bulb changed |
NBP15001.007 |
sonob |
85 |
to 94 |
5 |
30 |
06:37 |
s |
5 |
30 |
10:37 |
67 48.502 |
69 13.243 |
210 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP15001.008 |
94 |
94 |
348.084 |
5 |
30 |
08:13 |
s |
5 |
30 |
12:13 |
67 46.97 |
69 21.98 |
253 |
245 |
Beardsley |
NBP15001.009 |
94 |
94 |
348.084 |
5 |
30 |
08:35 |
e |
5 |
30 |
12:35 |
67 46.97 |
69 21.98 |
253 |
245 |
Beardsley |
NBP15001.010 |
sonob |
86 |
~94 |
5 |
30 |
08:47 |
s |
5 |
30 |
12:47 |
67 46.748 |
69 21.917 |
241 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP15001.011 |
25 |
5 |
30 |
09:28 |
e |
5 |
30 |
13:28 |
67 46.81 |
69 23.93 |
181 |
--- |
Wiebe |
NBP15001.012 |
sonob |
87 |
krkwd ils |
5 |
30 |
10:26 |
s |
5 |
30 |
14:26 |
67 54.968 |
69 23.948 |
453 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP15001.013 |
Whales |
krkwd ils |
5 |
30 |
10:26 |
s |
5 |
30 |
14:26 |
67 54.968 |
69 23.948 |
453 |
Friedlaender |
NBP15001.014 |
sonob |
86 |
krkwd ils |
5 |
30 |
10:29 |
e |
5 |
30 |
14:29 |
67 54.968 |
69 23.948 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
crappy buoy |
NBP15001.015 |
sonob |
85 |
krkwd ils |
5 |
30 |
11:07 |
e |
5 |
30 |
15:07 |
68 02.885 |
69 16.792 |
512 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP15001.016 |
sonob |
88 |
krkwd ils |
5 |
30 |
11:22 |
s |
5 |
30 |
15:22 |
68 05.024 |
69 16.792 |
512 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP15001.017 |
sonob |
87 |
krkwd ils |
5 |
30 |
11:38 |
e |
5 |
30 |
15:38 |
68 07.434 |
69 11.060 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15001.018 |
sonob |
89 |
krkwd ils |
5 |
30 |
12:32 |
s |
5 |
30 |
16:32 |
68 16.755 |
69 08.846 |
900 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP15001.019 |
sonob |
88 |
krkwd ils |
5 |
30 |
12:51 |
e |
5 |
30 |
16:51 |
68 20.444 |
69 11.212 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15001.020 |
Whales |
krkwd ils |
5 |
30 |
12:51 |
e |
5 |
30 |
16:51 |
68 20.444 |
69 11.212 |
--- |
--- |
Whales |
NBP15001.021 |
aws |
kirkwood |
5 |
30 |
14:00 |
5 |
30 |
18:00 |
68 20.397 |
69 00.444 |
Beardsley |
reprogram 8930 |
NBP15001.022 |
sonob |
88 |
to 94 |
5 |
30 |
16:40 |
s |
5 |
30 |
20:40 |
68 12.356 |
69 6.556 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
re-picked up buoy |
NBP15001.023 |
sonob |
89 |
to 94 |
5 |
30 |
17:25 |
e |
5 |
30 |
21:25 |
missed |
it |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15001.024 |
sonob |
87 |
to 94 |
5 |
30 |
17:25 |
s |
5 |
30 |
21:25 |
missed |
it |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
re-picked up buoy |
NBP15001.025 |
sonob |
87 |
to 94 |
5 |
30 |
18:35 |
e |
5 |
30 |
22:35 |
67 53.160 |
69 23.815 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15001.026 |
sonob |
88 |
to 94 |
5 |
30 |
18:35 |
e |
5 |
30 |
22:35 |
67 53.160 |
69 23.815 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15001.027 |
26 |
94 |
5 |
30 |
19:29 |
s |
5 |
30 |
23:29 |
67 47.734 |
69 22.72 |
180 |
Wiebe |
NBP15001.028 |
RingNet |
22 |
95 |
5 |
30 |
22:05 |
s/e |
5 |
31 |
02:05 |
67 45.88 |
69 46.646 |
315 |
30 |
Kozlowski |
NBP15001.029 |
95 |
95 |
339.099 |
5 |
30 |
22:12 |
s |
5 |
31 |
02:12 |
67 45.88 |
69 46.65 |
300 |
296 |
Salihoglu |
NBP15001.030 |
95 |
95 |
339.099 |
5 |
30 |
22:50 |
e |
5 |
31 |
02:50 |
67 45.88 |
69 46.65 |
300 |
296 |
Salihoglu |
NBP15101.001 |
96 |
96 |
353.099 |
5 |
31 |
01:00 |
s |
5 |
31 |
05:00 |
67 40.06 |
69 34.51 |
249 |
243 |
Beardsley |
NBP15101.002 |
96 |
96 |
353.099 |
5 |
31 |
01:26 |
e |
5 |
31 |
05:26 |
67 40.06 |
69 34.51 |
249 |
243 |
Beardsley |
NBP15101.003 |
Ring Net |
23 |
97 |
5 |
31 |
03:23 |
s/e |
5 |
31 |
07:23 |
67 34.427 |
69 23.029 |
140 |
30 |
Thimgan |
NBP15101.004 |
97 |
97 |
367.098 |
5 |
31 |
03:43 |
s |
5 |
31 |
07:43 |
67 34.42 |
69 23.03 |
136 |
127 |
Beardsley |
NBP15101.005 |
97 |
97 |
367.098 |
5 |
31 |
03:57 |
e |
5 |
31 |
07:57 |
67 34.42 |
69 23.03 |
136 |
127 |
Beardsley |
NBP15101.006 |
98 |
98 |
372.110 |
5 |
31 |
06:25 |
s |
5 |
31 |
10:25 |
67 28.05 |
69 31.92 |
471 |
461 |
Beardsley |
NBP15101.007 |
98 |
98 |
372.110 |
5 |
31 |
07:01 |
e |
5 |
31 |
11:01 |
67 28.05 |
69 31.92 |
471 |
461 |
Beardsley |
NBP15101.008 |
26 |
to 99 |
5 |
31 |
858 |
e |
5 |
31 |
1258 |
67 022.2 |
69 36.45 |
Wiebe |
NBP15101.009 |
Ring net |
24 |
99 |
379.120 |
5 |
31 |
09:11 |
s/e |
5 |
31 |
13:11 |
67 22.241 |
69 36.401 |
440 |
30 |
Thimgan |
NBP15101.010 |
99 |
99 |
379.120 |
5 |
31 |
09:29 |
s |
5 |
31 |
13:29 |
67 22.18 |
69 36.47 |
441 |
436 |
Beardsley |
NBP15101.011 |
99 |
99 |
379.120 |
5 |
31 |
10:01 |
e |
5 |
31 |
14:01 |
67 22.18 |
69 36.47 |
441 |
436 |
Beardsley |
NBP15101.012 |
Whales |
to a1 |
5 |
31 |
1015 |
s |
5 |
31 |
1415 |
Friedlaender |
NBP15101.013 |
A1 survey |
5 |
31 |
5 |
31 |
Beardsley |
NBP15101.014 |
sonob |
90 |
to a1 |
5 |
31 |
10:36 |
s |
5 |
31 |
14:36 |
67 18.845 |
69 30.599 |
470 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP15101.015 |
birds |
to a1 |
5 |
31 |
10:58 |
s |
5 |
31 |
14:58 |
67 16.73 |
69 26.661 |
420 |
Chapman |
NBP15101.016 |
sonob |
90 |
to a1 |
5 |
31 |
11:34 |
e |
5 |
31 |
15:34 |
67 11.965 |
69 18.817 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15101.017 |
sonob |
91 |
to a1 |
5 |
31 |
11:54 |
s |
5 |
31 |
15:54 |
67 09.824 |
69 44.899 |
508 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP15101.018 |
sonob |
91 |
to a1 |
5 |
31 |
12:38 |
e |
5 |
31 |
16:38 |
67 09.824 |
69 44.899 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15101.019 |
Birds |
to a1 |
5 |
31 |
13:57 |
e |
5 |
31 |
17:57 |
67 01.478 |
68 59.441 |
437 |
Chapman |
NBP15101.020 |
Whales |
to a1 |
5 |
31 |
13:57 |
e |
5 |
31 |
17:57 |
67 01.478 |
68 59.441 |
437 |
Friedlaender |
NBP15101.021 |
100 |
100 |
459.115 |
5 |
31 |
17:42 |
s |
5 |
31 |
21:42 |
66 48.67 |
68 26.86 |
126 |
114 |
Salihoglu |
NBP15101.022 |
100 |
100 |
459.115 |
5 |
31 |
18:08 |
e |
5 |
31 |
22:08 |
66 48.67 |
68 26.86 |
126 |
114 |
Salihoglu |
NBP15101.023 |
7 |
100 |
5 |
31 |
19:00 |
s |
5 |
31 |
22:00 |
66 48.149 |
68 26.964 |
126 |
Gallager |
NBP15101.024 |
7 |
100 |
5 |
31 |
20:00 |
e |
5 |
31 |
23:00 |
66 48.149 |
68 26.964 |
126 |
Gallager |
NBP15101.025 |
27 |
100 |
5 |
31 |
22:06 |
s |
6 |
1 |
02:06 |
66 47.95 |
68 27.92 |
100 |
0 |
Wiebe |
NBP15101.026 |
at 6 |
5 |
31 |
22:32 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
02:32 |
66 47.526 |
68 30.543 |
178 |
67 |
Hofmann |
wire broke |
NBP15101.027 |
at 6 |
5 |
31 |
22:33 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
02:33 |
66 47.472 |
68 30.760 |
190 |
181 |
NBP15101.028 |
from 6 |
5 |
31 |
23:22 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
03:22 |
66 44.04 |
68 36.788 |
560 |
560 |
Hofmann |
NBP15201.001 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
00:02 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
04:02 |
66 43.398 |
68 42.55 |
434 |
434 |
Hofmann |
NBP15201.002 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
00:51 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
04:51 |
66 41.70 |
68 49.673 |
354 |
354 |
Beardsley |
NBP15201.003 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
02:03 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
06:03 |
66 38.797 |
68 59.863 |
347 |
347 |
Beardsley |
NBP15201.004 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
02:42 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
06:42 |
66 37.149 |
69 5.116 |
377 |
10 |
Beardsley |
wire broke |
NBP15201.005 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
02:43 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
06:43 |
66 37.09 |
69 5.28 |
372 |
372 |
Beardsley |
NBP15201.006 |
drifter |
02:52 |
s |
6 |
1 |
06:52 |
66 36.668 |
69 06.450 |
Beardsley |
NBP15201.007 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
03:32 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
07:32 |
66 34.909 |
69 11.867 |
416 |
416 |
Sanay |
NBP15201.008 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
04:10 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
08:10 |
66 33.465 |
69 17.643 |
457 |
457 |
Sanay |
NBP15201.009 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
04:44 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
08:44 |
66 31.766 |
69 23.261 |
490 |
490 |
Sanay |
NBP15201.010 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
05:20 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
09:20 |
66 29.792 |
69 29.272 |
510 |
510 |
Sanay |
NBP15201.011 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
05:57 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
09:57 |
66 27.945 |
69 35.689 |
504 |
504 |
Sanay |
NBP15201.012 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
06:30 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
10:30 |
66 26.309 |
66 41.327 |
478 |
478 |
Sanay |
NBP15201.013 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
07:10 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
11:10 |
66 48.052 |
69 48.052 |
450 |
450 |
Sanay |
NBP15201.014 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
07:48 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
11:48 |
66 22.419 |
69 54.515 |
445 |
445 |
Sanay |
NBP15201.015 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
08:17 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
12:17 |
66 21.102 |
69 59.086 |
440 |
440 |
Sanay |
NBP15201.016 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
09:06 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
13:06 |
66 18.808 |
70 7.187 |
433 |
433 |
Sanay |
NBP15201.017 |
92 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
09:22 |
s |
6 |
1 |
13:22 |
66 17.996 |
70 10.041 |
442 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP15201.018 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
09:35 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
13:35 |
66 17.377 |
70 12.183 |
442 |
442 |
Sanay |
NBP15201.019 |
Birds |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
10:00 |
s |
6 |
1 |
14:00 |
66 16.120 |
70 16.378 |
446 |
Chapman |
NBP15201.020 |
Whales |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
10:00 |
s |
6 |
1 |
14:00 |
66 16.120 |
70 16.378 |
446 |
Friedlaender |
NBP15201.021 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
10:17 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
14:17 |
66 15.348 |
70 18.841 |
460 |
460 |
Sanay |
NBP15201.022 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
10:53 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
14:53 |
66 13.542 |
70 24.693 |
470 |
467 |
Sanay |
NBP15201.023 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
11:38 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
15:38 |
66 11.289 |
70 32.304 |
486 |
486 |
Sanay |
NBP15201.024 |
sonob |
92 |
to 101 |
6 |
1 |
12:01 |
e |
6 |
1 |
16:01 |
66 10.195 |
70 36.199 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15201.025 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
12:14 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
16:14 |
66 09.596 |
70 38.333 |
522 |
522 |
Hofmann |
NBP15201.026 |
sonob |
93 |
to 101 |
6 |
1 |
12:17 |
s |
6 |
1 |
16:17 |
66 09.420 |
70 38.936 |
470 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP15201.027 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
12:44 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
16:44 |
66 08.153 |
70 43.424 |
502 |
502 |
Hofmann |
NBP15201.028 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
13:23 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
17:23 |
66 06.347 |
70 50.19 |
531 |
100 |
Hofmann |
wire broke-100 m |
NBP15201.029 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
13:24 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
17:24 |
66 06.29 |
70 50.93 |
565 |
565 |
Hofmann |
NBP15201.030 |
sonob |
93 |
to 101 |
6 |
1 |
13:52 |
e |
6 |
1 |
17:52 |
66 05.014 |
70 55.355 |
1290 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP15201.031 |
sonob |
94 |
to 101 |
6 |
1 |
14:12 |
s |
6 |
1 |
18:12 |
66 4.163 |
70 58.569 |
2122 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP15201.032 |
Birds |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
14:30 |
e |
6 |
1 |
18:30 |
66 3.269 |
71 1.938 |
2716 |
Chapman |
NBP15201.033 |
Whales |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
14:30 |
e |
6 |
1 |
18:30 |
66 3.269 |
71 1.938 |
2716 |
Friedlaender |
NBP15201.034 |
27 |
from 6 |
6 |
1 |
14:42 |
e |
6 |
1 |
18:42 |
66 2.84 |
71 3.46 |
2716 |
0-250 |
Wiebe |
NBP15201.035 |
RingNet |
25 |
101 |
458.265 |
6 |
1 |
15:10 |
s/e |
6 |
1 |
19:10 |
66 01.303 |
71 10.476 |
2993 |
30 |
Kozlowski |
NBP15201.036 |
101 |
101 |
458.265 |
6 |
1 |
15:18 |
s |
6 |
1 |
19:18 |
66 1.27 |
71 10.47 |
2870 |
2855 |
Salihoglu |
NBP15201.037 |
101 |
101 |
458.265 |
6 |
1 |
16:53 |
e |
6 |
1 |
21:53 |
66 1.27 |
71 10.47 |
2870 |
2855 |
Salihoglu |
NBP15201.038 |
95 |
to 102 |
6 |
1 |
18:00 |
s |
6 |
1 |
22:00 |
66 00.615 |
71 09.158 |
2861 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP15201.039 |
94 |
to 102 |
6 |
1 |
19:14 |
e |
6 |
1 |
23:14 |
65 48.644 |
70 52.504 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15201.040 |
95 |
to 102 |
6 |
1 |
19:14 |
e |
6 |
1 |
23:14 |
65 48.644 |
70 52.504 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15201.041 |
102 |
102 |
506.271 |
6 |
1 |
20:26 |
s |
6 |
2 |
00:26 |
65 39.0 |
70 38.82 |
3078 |
3046 |
Hofmann |
NBP15201.042 |
102 |
102 |
506.271 |
6 |
1 |
23:06 |
e |
6 |
2 |
03:06 |
65 39.0 |
70 38.82 |
3078 |
3046 |
Hofmann |
NBP15301.001 |
96 |
To PA |
6 |
2 |
12:48 |
s |
6 |
2 |
16:48 |
63 25.391 |
69 6.044 |
3574 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP15301.002 |
96 |
To PA |
6 |
2 |
13:38 |
e |
6 |
2 |
17:38 |
63 16.901 |
69 00.810 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15301.003 |
toPA1 |
6 |
2 |
21:29 |
s/e |
6 |
2 |
01:19 |
61 59.756 |
68 14.237 |
3983 |
1830 |
Hofmann |
NBP15301.004 |
toPA2 |
6 |
2 |
22:19 |
s/e |
6 |
2 |
02:19 |
61 51.584 |
68 9.426 |
3914 |
1830 |
Salihoglu |
NBP15301.005 |
sonob |
97 |
to pa |
6 |
2 |
22:24 |
s |
6 |
3 |
02:24 |
61 50.995 |
68 9.164 |
3860 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP15301.006 |
sonob |
97 |
to pa |
6 |
2 |
23:13 |
e |
6 |
3 |
03:13 |
61 42.254 |
68 04.172 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15301.007 |
toPA3 |
6 |
2 |
23:19 |
s/e |
6 |
2 |
03:19 |
61 41.52 |
68 3.967 |
4060 |
1830 |
Salihoglu |
bad data |
NBP15301.008 |
sonob |
98 |
to pa |
6 |
2 |
23:25 |
s |
6 |
3 |
03:25 |
61 40.813 |
68 03.633 |
4020 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP15301.009 |
toPA4 |
6 |
2 |
23:31 |
s/e |
6 |
2 |
03:31 |
61 40.052 |
68 3.144 |
4164 |
1830 |
Salihoglu |
good data/repetition |
NBP15401.001 |
sonob |
98 |
to PA |
6 |
3 |
00:14 |
e |
6 |
3 |
04:14 |
61 32.578 |
67 59.121 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15401.002 |
toPA5 |
6 |
3 |
00:30 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
04:30 |
61 30.36 |
67 58.051 |
3973 |
1830 |
Hofmann |
NBP15401.003 |
sonob |
99 |
to pa |
6 |
3 |
00:35 |
s |
6 |
3 |
04:35 |
61 29.79 |
65 57.86 |
4065 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP15401.004 |
sonob |
99 |
to pa |
6 |
3 |
01:21 |
e |
6 |
3 |
05:21 |
61 21.907 |
67 53.146 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15401.005 |
xbt |
to PA 6 |
6 |
3 |
01:27 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
05:27 |
61 21.051 |
67 52.637 |
3995 |
1830 |
Salihoglu |
NBP15401.006 |
xbt |
to PA 7 |
6 |
3 |
02:23 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
06:23 |
61 12.246 |
67 47.515 |
3985 |
320 |
Salihoglu |
Wire broke-320 m |
NBP15401.007 |
xbt |
to PA 8 |
6 |
3 |
02:25 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
06:25 |
61 12.111 |
67 47.471 |
3985 |
1830 |
NBP15401.008 |
xbt |
to PA 9 |
6 |
3 |
03:33 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
07:33 |
61 01.70 |
67 41.77 |
4082 |
1830 |
Hofmann |
NBP15401.009 |
xbt |
to PA 10 |
6 |
3 |
04:34 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
08:34 |
60 51.904 |
67 36.749 |
4181 |
1830 |
Hofmann |
NBP15401.010 |
xbt |
to PA 11 |
6 |
3 |
05:33 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
09:33 |
60 42.969 |
67 32.046 |
3929 |
1027 |
Hofmann |
NBP15401.011 |
xbt |
to PA 12 |
6 |
3 |
05:36 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
09:36 |
60 42.63 |
67 31.945 |
3929 |
1830 |
Hofmann |
NBP15401.012 |
xbt |
to PA 13 |
6 |
3 |
06:41 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
10:41 |
60 32.708 |
67 26.745 |
3441 |
800 |
Sanay |
NBP15401.013 |
xbt |
to PA 14 |
6 |
3 |
06:45 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
10:45 |
60 32.3655 |
67 26.628 |
3370 |
1830 |
Sanay |
NBP15401.014 |
xbt |
to PA 15 |
6 |
3 |
07:47 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
11:47 |
60 22.93 |
67 21.339 |
3244 |
677 |
Sanay |
NBP15401.015 |
xbt |
to PA 16 |
6 |
3 |
07:49 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
11:49 |
60 22.677 |
67 21.259 |
3305 |
1830 |
Sanay |
NBP15401.016 |
sonob |
100 |
to pa |
6 |
3 |
08:44 |
s |
6 |
3 |
12:44 |
60 13.766 |
67 16.954 |
3205 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP15401.017 |
xbt |
to PA 17 |
6 |
3 |
08:45 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
12:45 |
60 13.859 |
67 16.981 |
3195 |
260 |
Sanay |
NBP15401.018 |
xbt |
to PA 18 |
6 |
3 |
08:47 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
12:47 |
60 13.587 |
67 16.90 |
3260 |
1830 |
Sanay |
NBP15401.019 |
sonob |
100 |
to pa |
6 |
3 |
09:26 |
e |
6 |
3 |
13:26 |
60 7.67 |
67 13.492 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15401.020 |
sonob |
101 |
to pa |
6 |
3 |
09:34 |
s |
6 |
3 |
13:34 |
60 6.043 |
67 12.599 |
3644 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP15401.021 |
to PA 19 |
6 |
3 |
09:54 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
13:54 |
60 2.931 |
67 10.947 |
3482 |
80 |
Sanay |
Wire broke |
NBP15401.022 |
to PA 20 |
6 |
3 |
09:56 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
13:56 |
60 2.774 |
67 10.92 |
3523 |
1830 |
Beardsley |
NBP15401.023 |
sonob |
101 |
to pa |
6 |
3 |
10:01 |
e |
6 |
3 |
14:01 |
60 02.251 |
67 10.751 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15401.024 |
to PA 21 |
6 |
3 |
10:02 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
14:02 |
60 2.188 |
67 10.741 |
3609 |
760 |
Beardsley |
NBP15401.025 |
102 |
to pa |
6 |
3 |
11:19 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
15:19 |
59 49.493 |
67 04.400 |
3645 |
305 |
Berchok |
Buoy failed |
NBP15401.026 |
to PA 22 |
6 |
3 |
11:54 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
15:54 |
59 43.701 |
67 1.508 |
3538 |
Beardsley |
NBP15401.027 |
to PA 23 |
6 |
3 |
11:55 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
15:55 |
59 43.411 |
67 1.357 |
3541 |
197 |
Beardsley |
NBP15401.028 |
to PA 24 |
6 |
3 |
11:57 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
15:57 |
59 43.051 |
67 1.181 |
3541 |
760 |
Beardsley |
NBP15401.029 |
103 |
to pa |
6 |
3 |
12:01 |
s |
6 |
3 |
16:01 |
59 42.227 |
67 00.754 |
3485 |
122 |
Berchok |
NBP15401.030 |
to PA 25 |
6 |
3 |
12:51 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
16:51 |
59 33.835 |
66 56.396 |
3710 |
570 |
Beardsley |
NBP15401.031 |
103 |
to pa |
6 |
3 |
12:53 |
e |
6 |
3 |
16:53 |
59 33.048 |
66 56.020 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15401.032 |
to PA 26 |
6 |
3 |
12:54 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
16:54 |
59 33.396 |
66 56.19 |
3710 |
760 |
Beardsley |
NBP15401.033 |
to PA 27 |
6 |
3 |
13:44 |
s/e |
6 |
3 |
17:44 |
59 24.923 |
66 51.978 |
3569 |
760 |
Beardsley |
NBP15401.034 |
104 |
to pa |
6 |
3 |
13:46 |
s |
6 |
3 |
17:46 |
59 24.395 |
66 51.687 |
3541 |
305 |
Berchok |
NBP15401.035 |
sonob |
104 |
to pa |
6 |
3 |
15:02 |
e |
6 |
3 |
19:02 |
59 11.592 |
66 45.355 |
--- |
--- |
Berchok |
NBP15601.001 |
Dock |
Arrive |
6 |
6 |
13:30 |
e |
6 |
3 |
17:03 |
PA |
PA |
Cruise Over |
Appendix 2: Summary of the CTD casts made during the first U.S. Southern Ocean GLOBEC survey cruise,
NBP01-03. The casts designated by *
are ones on which a Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer was attached to the
Rosette. These casts extended to only
50 m.
Latitude and longitude are given in degrees south and west,
respectively. Total depth and cast
depth are reported in meters. Event
numbers for the CTD casts may change pending final checking against the cruise
event log.
STA # |
CAST # |
*1 |
499.251 |
1 |
NBP11901.011 |
65 48.83 |
70 23.28 |
718 |
50 |
1 |
499.251 |
2 |
NBP11901.013 |
65 48.83 |
70 23.28 |
718 |
707 |
*2 |
500.220 |
3 |
NBP11901.021 |
65 58.4 |
69 49.61 |
350 |
50 |
2 |
500.220 |
4 |
NBP11901.023 |
65 58.8 |
69 49.62 |
350 |
327 |
3 |
500.180 |
5 |
NBP11901.031 |
66 11.034 |
69 6.861 |
341 |
335 |
*4 |
500.180 |
6 |
NBP12001.005 |
66 23.33 |
68 23.13 |
675 |
50 |
4 |
500.140 |
7 |
NBP12001.007 |
66 23.19 |
68 23.05 |
674 |
645 |
5 |
500.120 |
8 |
NBP12001.014 |
66 29.42 |
68 02.10 |
427 |
417 |
6 |
460.120 |
9 |
NBP12001.021 |
66 47.26 |
68 32.10 |
258 |
220 |
7 |
460.140 |
10 |
NBP12001.026 |
66 41.005 |
68 54.17 |
329 |
308 |
8 |
460.180 |
11 |
NBP12101.001 |
66 28.37 |
69 38.23 |
515 |
492 |
9 |
460.220 |
12 |
NBP12101.003 |
66 15.68 |
70 21.19 |
470 |
455 |
*10 |
459.250 |
13 |
NBP12101.005 |
66 6.24 |
70 53.62 |
880 |
50 |
10 |
459.250 |
14 |
NBP12101.007 |
66 5.88 |
70 53.01 |
880 |
870 |
*11 |
419.247 |
15 |
NBP12101.022 |
66 24.82 |
71 23.07 |
742 |
50 |
11 |
419.247 |
16 |
NBP12101.024 |
66 24.95 |
71 23.04 |
722 |
697 |
*12 |
420.225 |
17 |
NBP12101.031 |
66 31.17 |
70 58.76 |
538 |
50 |
12 |
420.225 |
18 |
NBP12101.033 |
66 31.22 |
70 58.87 |
542 |
521 |
*13 |
420.180 |
19 |
NBP12101.036 |
66 45.81 |
71 9.81 |
534 |
50 |
13 |
420.180 |
20 |
NBP12201.001 |
66 45.85 |
70 9.83 |
534 |
530 |
14 |
420.145 |
21 |
NBP12201.014 |
66 56.93 |
69 31.67 |
501 |
491 |
15 |
420.125 |
22 |
NBP12201.021 |
67 3.14 |
69 09.45 |
390 |
384 |
16 |
380.120 |
23 |
NBP12301.004 |
67 22.32 |
69 36.35 |
440 |
430 |
*17 |
380.150 |
24 |
NBP12301.006 |
67 12.58 |
70 9.91 |
600 |
50 |
17 |
380.150 |
25 |
NBP12301.008 |
67 12.56 |
70 9.87 |
471 |
590 |
18 |
380.180 |
26 |
NBP12301.014 |
67 2.99 |
70 43.06 |
488 |
481 |
19 |
380.220 |
27 |
NBP12301.018 |
67 49.80 |
71 29.24 |
466 |
462 |
*20 |
380.264 |
28 |
NBP12401.002 |
66 34 93 |
72 14.12 |
3310 |
50 |
20 |
380.264 |
29 |
NBP12401.004 |
66 34 72 |
72 13.31 |
3383 |
3368 |
*22 |
340.295 |
30 |
NBP12401.015 |
66 41.15 |
73 21.01 |
3647 |
50 |
22 |
340.295 |
31 |
NBP12401.017 |
66 41.14 |
73 20.97 |
3609 |
2000 |
23 |
340.253 |
32 |
NBP12501.002 |
66 55.47 |
72 35.38 |
508 |
488 |
24 |
340.220 |
33 |
NBP12501.008 |
67 6.82 |
72 0.33 |
415 |
406 |
25 |
340.180 |
34 |
NBP12501.014 |
67 20.04 |
71 16.58 |
463 |
453 |
*26 |
340.140 |
35 |
NBP12501.025 |
67 33.11 |
70 32.18 |
762 |
50 |
26 |
340.140 |
36 |
NBP12501.027 |
67 33.10 |
70 32.17 |
760 |
760 |
27 |
340.100 |
37 |
NBP12501.033 |
67 45.90 |
69 46.97 |
357 |
349 |
28 |
335.060 |
38 |
NBP12601.002 |
68 2.45 |
69 22.20 |
415 |
412 |
*29 |
357.046 |
39 |
NBP12601.012 |
67 55.13 |
68 30.33 |
650 |
50 |
29 |
357.046 |
40 |
NBP12601.014 |
67 55.11 |
68 30.43 |
643 |
635 |
30 |
380.020 |
41 |
NBP12601.021 |
68 53.21 |
67 41.00 |
218 |
210 |
31 |
340.020 |
42 |
NBP12701.003 |
68 10.9 |
68 13.2 |
507 |
497 |
32 |
340.-020 |
43 |
NBP12701.008 |
68 23:10 |
67 23.81 |
226 |
219 |
33 |
300.-020 |
44 |
NBP12701.012 |
68 40.74 |
67 58.99 |
266 |
258 |
*34 |
300.020 |
45 |
NBP12701.019 |
68 28.47 |
68 47.26 |
695 |
50 |
34 |
300.020 |
46 |
NBP12701.020 |
68 28.50 |
68 47.37 |
696 |
669 |
*35 |
300.060 |
47 |
NBP12801.003 |
68 15.90 |
69 34.48 |
580 |
50 |
35 |
300.060 |
48 |
NBP12801.005 |
68 15.91 |
69 34.61 |
584 |
574 |
*36 |
300.100 |
49 |
NBP12801.009 |
68 3.24 |
70 22.00 |
847 |
50 |
36 |
300.100 |
50 |
NBP12801.011 |
68 3.24 |
70 22.00 |
847 |
838 |
*41 |
260.295 |
51 |
NBP12901.012 |
67 12.01 |
74 29.92 |
2966 |
50 |
41 |
260.295 |
52 |
NBP12901.014 |
67 12.05 |
74 29.89 |
2975 |
2975 |
42 |
260.255 |
53 |
NBP13001.001 |
67 28.14 |
73 49.1 |
433 |
425 |
43 |
260.220 |
54 |
NBP13001.005 |
67 40.23 |
73 10.74 |
492 |
484 |
44 |
260.180 |
55 |
NBP13001.013 |
67 53.87 |
72 25.90 |
320 |
293 |
*49 |
236.030 |
56 |
NBP13101.006 |
68 53.21 |
69 54.77 |
1259 |
50 |
49 |
236.030 |
57 |
NBP13101.008 |
68 53.18 |
69 54.60 |
1260 |
1245 |
*50 |
230.010 |
58 |
NBP13101.015 |
69 2.16 |
69 35.89 |
993 |
50 |
50 |
230.010 |
59 |
NBP13101.017 |
69 2.21 |
69 35.90 |
978 |
955 |
51 |
215.-015 |
60 |
NBP13101.023 |
69 16.81 |
69 18.81 |
815 |
790 |
52 |
260.00 |
61 |
NBP13201.002 |
68 52.12 |
68 58.27 |
551 |
544 |
53 |
220.075 |
62 |
NBP13201.019 |
68 44.28 |
70 58.97 |
338 |
315 |
55 |
220.140 |
63 |
NBP13301.006 |
68 23.96 |
72 17.55 |
467 |
445 |
56 |
220.180 |
64 |
NBP13401.001 |
68 10.56 |
73 2.53 |
324 |
316 |
57 |
220.220 |
65 |
NBP13401.005 |
67 56.76 |
73 47.16 |
419 |
412 |
64 |
180.241 |
66 |
NBP13501.001 |
68 5.78 |
74 46.97 |
411 |
406 |
65 |
180.220 |
67 |
NBP13501.006 |
68 13.21 |
74 23.76 |
445 |
434 |
66 |
180.180 |
68 |
NBP13501.013 |
68 27.00 |
73 39.40 |
545 |
516 |
67 |
180.140 |
69 |
NBP13601.001 |
68 40.05 |
72 56.64 |
508 |
498 |
68 |
180.100 |
70 |
NBP13601.007 |
68 54.12 |
72 8.61 |
224 |
215 |
69 |
140.100 |
71 |
NBP13601.021 |
69 11.13 |
72 46.47 |
165 |
146 |
70 |
140.140 |
72 |
NBP13601.031 |
68 57.18 |
73 32.27 |
195 |
176 |
71 |
140.180 |
73 |
NBP13701.005 |
68 43.38 |
74 17.59 |
523 |
515 |
72 |
140.220 |
74 |
NBP13701.010 |
68 29.28 |
75 2.56 |
424 |
416 |
75 |
100.220 |
75 |
NBP13801.003 |
68 45.15 |
75 41.24 |
460 |
454 |
76 |
100.180 |
76 |
NBP13801.011 |
68 59.57 |
74 56.57 |
404 |
398 |
77 |
100.140 |
77 |
NBP13801.023 |
69 13.64 |
74 10.73 |
644 |
615 |
78 |
060.140 |
78 |
NBP13801.032 |
69 29.83 |
74 50.89 |
337 |
313 |
79 |
060.180 |
79 |
NBP13901.006 |
69 15.43 |
75 36.72 |
402 |
392 |
80 |
060.220 |
80 |
NBP13901.011 |
69 1.24 |
76 21.40 |
431 |
426 |
81 |
060.255 |
81 |
NBP13901.021 |
68 48.34 |
77 0.30 |
710 |
690 |
82 |
020.260 |
82 |
NBP14001.001 |
69 2.16 |
77 45.74 |
420 |
394 |
83 |
020.220 |
83 |
NBP14001.004 |
69 17.05 |
77 1.72 |
401 |
393 |
84 |
020.180 |
84 |
NBP14001.010 |
69 31.45 |
76 18.13 |
418 |
396 |
85 |
-034.161 |
85 |
NBP14001.017 |
69 59.94 |
76 53.63 |
862 |
832 |
86 |
-105.132 |
86 |
NBP14001.021 |
70 37.99 |
77 37.32 |
586 |
570 |
87 |
062.122 |
87 |
NBP14201.018 |
69 35.02 |
74 27.22 |
170 |
164 |
88 |
208.084 |
88 |
NBP14401.024 |
68 47.01 |
71 24.14 |
468 |
442 |
89 |
239.057 |
89 |
NBP14501.006 |
68 42.78 |
70 23.88 |
361 |
354 |
90 |
367.036 |
90 |
NBP14801.013 |
67 53.50 |
68 10.51 |
541 |
519 |
91 |
338.044 |
91 |
NBP14901.010 |
68 04.21 |
68 43.87 |
374 |
360 |
92 |
459.115 |
92 |
NBP14901.013 |
67 59.03 |
68 48.22 |
94 |
90 |
93 |
458.265 |
93 |
NBP15001.005 |
67 49.85 |
69 3.96 |
159 |
155 |
94 |
506.271 |
94 |
NBP15001.008 |
67 46.97 |
69 21.98 |
253 |
245 |
95 |
344.052 |
95 |
NBP15001.029 |
67 45.88 |
69 46.65 |
300 |
296 |
96 |
351.071 |
96 |
NBP15101.001 |
67 40.06 |
69 34.51 |
249 |
243 |
97 |
348.084 |
97 |
NBP15101.004 |
67 34.42 |
69 23.03 |
136 |
127 |
98 |
339.099 |
98 |
NBP15101.006 |
67 28.05 |
69 31.92 |
471 |
461 |
99 |
353.099 |
99 |
NBP15101.010 |
67 22.18 |
69 36.47 |
441 |
436 |
100 |
367.098 |
100 |
NBP15101.021 |
66 48.67 |
68 26.86 |
126 |
114 |
101 |
372.110 |
101 |
NBP15201.036 |
66 1.27 |
71 10.47 |
2870 |
2855 |
102 |
379.120 |
102 |
NBP15201.041 |
65 39.00 |
70 38.82 |
3078 |
3046 |
Appendix 3: Summary of the water samples
taken on each CTD cast during the first U.S. Southern Ocean GLOBEC survey cruise, NBP01-03.
The depth (m), salinity (psu), temperature (°C), oxygen (ml L-1),
photosynthetically active radiation (PAR,
FE cm2), transmission (trans, % transmission), and
fluorescence (fluor., mg L-1) measured by the CTD sensors at the
time that the Niskin bottle was tripped is given. Niskin bottles from which water was taken for oxygen and salinity
determinations are indicated by *. Niskin
bottles from which only water for salinity samples was taken are indicated by
*. Water for nutrient samples was taken
from every Niskin bottle. Water for chlorophyll determination was taken at
standard depths of 50 m, 30 m, 20 m, 15
m, 10 m, 5m, and the surface. At one
station, denoted by **, the bottle file was not created due to a software
error, although water samples were taken at this station. Percent transmission is given as a value
relative to a full scale value, which needs to be obtained.
Station:499.251/1/2 Latitude=65 48.83S
Longitude=070 23.19W Depth:733 m |
no Depth Salinity Temp. Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 2.223 33.743 -0.696 7.839 1.170 70.21 0.123 |
*2. 1.903 33.743 -0.696 7.840 1.196 70.21 0.121 |
*3. 5.564 33.743 -0.696 7.839 0.563 70.25 0.162 |
*4. 10.935 33.743 -0.698 7.857 0.346 70.32 0.128 |
*5. 16.448 33.743 -0.697 7.859 0.257 70.360 0.134 |
*6. 20.185 33.744 -0.702 7.874 0.238 70.460 0.127 |
*7. 31.543 33.744 -0.702 7.895 0.218 70.570 0.120 |
*8. 51.868 33.750 -0.723 7.932 0.209 70.740 0.130 |
*9. 76.175 34.041 -1.387 7.269 0.207 71.120 0.078 |
*10. 200.250 34.513 0.812 4.367 0.206 71.240 0.019 |
11. 327.672 34.682 1.619 4.058 0.206 71.260 0.011 |
12. 400.147 34.701 1.579 4.099 0.206 71.160 0.047 |
13. 475.951 34.722 1.559 4.210 0.206 71.170 0.011 |
14. 549.950 34.725 1.474 4.271 0.206 71.170 0.003 |
*15. 706.806 34.729 1.232 4.466 0.206 71.160 0.007 |
*16. 706.717 34.729 1.234 4.466 0.206 71.160 0.004 |
Station:500.220/2/2 Latitude=65 58.8S Longitude=69
49.62W Depth:350 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 5.193 33.7195 -0.212 7.769 41.97 70.68 0.111 |
*2. 5.003 33.720 -0.222 7.770 44.17 70.68 0.114 |
*3. 10.215 33.7198 -0.230 7.785 25.85 70.74 0.149 |
15.509 33.7197 -0.229 7.792 16.30 70.77 0.138 |
*5. 20.109 33.720 -0.232 7.793 14.230 70.770 0.117 |
*6. 30.764 33.720 -0.229 7.814 7.145 70.860 0.113 |
7. 48.936 33.719 -0.230 7.831 2.946 70.870 0.116 |
8. 80.244 34.048 -1.392 7.146 0.866 71.030 0.094 |
9. 141.008 34.442 0.480 4.667 0.273 71.310 0.013 |
10. 200.419 34.611 1.259 4.120 0.220 71.200 0.043 |
11. 252.496 34.674 1.526 4.032 0.211 71.130 0.013 |
*12. 328.651 34.703 1.533 3.903 0.211 70.350 0.015 |
*13. 326.873 34.703 1.533 3.896 0.211 70.360 0.015 |
Station:500.180/3/1 Latitude=66 11.034S
Longitude=69 6.861W Depth:350 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 3.501 33.729 -0.001 7.722 0.770 71.23 0.121 |
*2. 3.358 33.729 -0.001 7.715 0.729 71.24 0.126 |
*3. 4.811 33.7296 -0.0007 7.725 0.590 71.29 0.141 |
*4. 5.659 33.7296 -0.0003 7.72326 0.5652
71.29 0.159 |
*5. 10.457 33.729 -0.004 7.747 0.324 71.380 0.116 |
*6. 15.385 33.729 -0.005 7.739 0.264 71.460 0.135 |
7. 19.963 33.729 -0.007 7.749 0.241 71.510 0.117 |
8. 31.951 33.729 -0.012 7.783 0.219 71.570 0.141 |
9. 54.010 33.729 -0.134 7.764 0.212 71.770 0.113 |
10. 76.434 34.049 -0.969 6.806 0.211 72.050 0.061 |
137.149 34.453 0.530 4.513 0.211 72.340 0.011 |
12 202.903 34.633 1.490 4.020 0.207 72.410 0.008 |
11 262.091 34.678 1.513 4.021 0.207 72.410 -0.003 |
*14. 335.359 34.709 1.555 3.942 0.207 71.710 0.052 |
*15. 336.127 34.709 1.554 3.944 0.207 71.640 0.018 |
Station:500.140/4/2 Latitude=66 23.18S Longitude=068 23.07W Depth:704 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 3.544 33.506 -0.087 7.719 0.697 66.860 0.407 |
*2. 3.744 33.508 -0.082 7.723 0.702 66.880 0.397 |
*3. 3.535 33.502 -0.114 7.729 0.615 66.890 0.397 |
*4. 4.857 33.498 -0.115 7.735 0.529 66.870 0.378 |
*5. 10.477 33.490 -0.138 7.732 0.377 66.950 0.405 |
*6. 15.001 33.547 0.039 7.695 0.320
67.300 0.394 |
*7. 20.912 33.657 0.363 7.625 0.309 69.210 0.207 |
*8. 29.651 33.696 0.360 7.641 0.299 69.820 0.207 |
9. 52.294 33.737 0.442 7.647 0.295 70.830 0.134 |
10. 85.253 34.076 -1.543 7.007 0.293 71.470 0.037 |
11. 144.085 34.380 0.185 4.895 0.290 71.550 0.049 |
12. 203.508 34.569 1.049 4.154 0.294 71.500 0.032 |
13. 262.205 34.645 1.362 4.047 0.295 71.560 0.014 |
14. 352.729 34.692 1.433 4.077 0.295 71.480 0.013 |
15. 502.670 34.714 1.371 4.118 0.295 71.360 0.001 |
*16. 655.821 34.720 1.336 4.116 0.295 71.100 0.031 |
*17. 655.927 34.720 1.336 4.118 0.293 71.100 0.027 |
Station:500.120/5/1 Latitude=66 29.40S Longitude=068 01.99W Depth:420 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 10.524 33.512 0.105 7.650 5.481 66.610 0.292 |
*2. 9.943 33.512 0.106 7.654 5.537 66.610 0.292 |
*3. 9.666 33.531 0.122 7.661 5.790 66.660 0.297 |
*4. 15.332 33.530 0.122 7.662 2.521 66.750 0.326 |
*5. 20.532 33.509 0.100 7.671 1.458 66.660 0.295 |
*6. 31.060 33.562 0.128 7.696 0.835 66.930 0.284 |
*7. 51.529 33.644 0.240 7.667 0.393 67.500 0.234 |
8. 85.714 33.898 0.590 6.944 0.306 70.110 0.068 |
9. 112.608 34.182 -0.043 5.749 0.297 71.060 0.040 |
10. 199.060 34.511 0.804 4.233 0.295 71.130 0.024 |
*11. 260.324 34.616 1.138 4.117 0.294 71.480 0.007 |
*12. 351.515 34.679 1.320 4.069 0.295 71.580 0.020 |
·*13. 412.459 34.710 1.373 4.081 0.294 71.650 0.025 |
14. 412.272 34.710 1.373 4.081 0.294 71.660 0.027 |
Station:460.120/6/1 Latitude=66 47.23S Longitude=068 32.13W Depth:251 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
·*1. 20.725 33.215 -0.550 7.791 0.667 64.920 0.566 |
·*2. 31.610 33.227 -0.514 7.775 0.409 65.070 0.584 |
50.231 33.378 -0.072 7.428 0.308 67.220 0.272 |
·*4. 51.126 33.450 0.140 7.294 0.308 67.670 0.264 |
·*5. 76.900 33.694 0.444 6.999 0.295 70.090 0.082 |
·*6. 123.945 34.160 0.064 5.525 0.293 71.100 0.049 |
7. 161.732 34.290 -0.067 5.084 0.295 71.550 0.019 |
8. 200.792 34.454 0.571 4.388 0.298 71.850 0.009 |
9. 226.819 34.537 0.878 4.201 0.301 71.910 0.007 |
·*10. 226.937 34.537 0.882 4.185 0.290 71.880 0.017 |
Station:460.140/7/1 Latitude=66 41.00S Longitude=068 54.15W Depth:327 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp. Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
·*1. 20.697 33.438 -0.313 7.819 0.305 67.120 0.434 |
·*2. 31.179 33.592 -0.092 7.774 0.298 68.940 0.312 |
·*3. 51.314 33.729 0.244 7.674 0.295
71.270 0.124 |
·*4. 73.764 34.005 -0.704 6.701 0.294 71.460 0.101 |
·*5. 101.222 34.110 -1.219 6.719 0.295 71.980 0.061 |
6. 162.351 34.477 0.658 4.336 0.295 71.890 0.008 |
7. 242.664 34.642 1.301 4.062 0.295 72.160 0.026 |
8. 311.288 34.679 1.374 4.031 0.294 72.070 0.010 |
·*9. 308.478 34.679 1.374 4.028 0.296 72.120 0.014 |
Station:460.180/8/1 Latitude=66 28.37S Longitude=069 38.22W Depth:520 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
·*1. 5.860 33.755 -0.725 7.847 0.571 70.680 0.161 |
·*2. 5.246 33.755 -0.726 7.829 0.607 70.690 0.174 |
·*3. 11.283 33.755 -0.725 7.843 0.375 70.760 0.181 |
·*4. 15.461 33.755 -0.725 7.855 0.338 70.800 0.174 |
·*5. 21.121 33.755 -0.725 7.875 0.315 70.880 0.161 |
6. 30.512 33.755 -0.725 7.892 0.299 70.950 0.161 |
7. 51.777 33.761 -0.737 7.758 0.294 71.000 0.198 |
8. 76.608 34.125 -1.584 6.971 0.295 71.900 0.064 |
9. 199.737 34.629 1.209 4.077 0.294 72.080 0.019 |
10. 303.274 34.706 1.485 4.070 0.292 72.120 0.006 |
·*11. 492.375 34.727 1.217 4.421 0.295 71.830 0.020 |
·*12. 492.010 34.727 1.217 4.415 0.293 71.820 0.016 |
Station:460.220/9/1 Latitude=66 15.67S
Longitude=070 21.13W Depth:475 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
·*1. 3.305 33.746 -0.653 7.801 0.875 70.340 0.149 |
·*2. 2.865 33.746 -0.653 7.802 0.880 70.430 0.141 |
·*3. 6.507 33.746 -0.652 7.804 0.531 70.450 0.177 |
·*4. 11.949 33.746 -0.653 7.813 0.374 70.560 0.160 |
·*5. 16.311 33.746 -0.652 7.824 0.336 70.710 0.137 |
6. 20.817 33.746 -0.651 7.843 0.315 70.800 0.153 |
7. 30.811 33.746 -0.651 7.853 0.303 70.870 0.149 |
8. 50.332 33.756 -0.669 7.857 0.296 70.960 0.157 |
9. 90.675 34.160 -1.417 6.798 0.296 72.010 0.015 |
163.234 34.527 0.961 4.317 0.294 71.970 0.018 |
11. 240.660 34.670 1.744 3.966 0.296 72.030 0.011 |
·*12. 456.078 34.725 1.401 4.216 0.294 71.130 0.056 |
·*13. 456.474 34.725 1.400 4.213 0.294 71.170 0.057 |
Station:459.250/10/2 Latitude=66 06.02S
Longitude=070 53.25W Depth:880 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
·*1. 2.715 33.736 -0.778 7.827 1.030 70.740 0.143 |
·*2. 2.854 33.737 -0.776 7.831 1.102 70.750 0.153 |
3. 4.711 33.746 -0.750 7.845 0.755 70.800 0.143 |
4. 4.290 33.746 -0.753 7.840 0.714 70.840 0.138 |
5. 11.058 33.751 -0.744 7.858 0.388 70.890 0.172 |
6. 14.761 33.752 -0.742 7.886 0.337 71.040 0.142 |
7. 20.388 33.752 -0.743 7.896 0.313 71.100 0.140 |
8. 30.040 33.752 -0.749 7.919 0.297 71.170 0.152 |
9. 52.355 33.753 -0.760 7.925 0.294 71.270 0.177 |
10. 74.821 34.067 -1.419 7.100 0.296 71.880 0.113 |
11. 100.444 34.226 -0.711 6.053 0.294 72.160 0.048 |
12. 200.932 34.592 1.435 4.088 0.295 72.140 0.007 |
13. 302.354 34.680 1.676 4.015 0.296 72.060 0.040 |
14. 502.290 34.718 1.528 4.155 0.294 71.850 0.014 |
15. 700.768 34.728 1.260 4.417 0.291 71.890 0.005 |
·*16. 893.325 34.727 1.148 4.500 0.294 71.910 0.014 |
893.436 34.727 1.148 4.499 0.292 71.900 0.016 |
Station:419.247/11/2 Latitude=66 24.94S
Longitude=071 23.05W Depth:723 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
·*1. 5.430 33.761 -0.745 7.782 17.780 69.980 0.169 |
·*2. 3.285 33.761 -0.749 7.795 21.750 70.020 0.162 |
3. 3.080 33.761 -0.748 7.799 22.020 70.040 0.172 |
4. 6.318 33.760
-0.747 7.806 14.770 70.110 0.178 |
5. 10.836 33.760 -0.751 7.799 9.725 70.200 0.194 |
6. 14.194 33.760 -0.750 7.820 7.760 70.240 0.160 |
7. 20.087 33.760 -0.753 7.834
5.171 70.320 0.199 |
8. 30.350 33.760 -0.755 7.849 2.908 70.380 0.168 |
9. 52.243 33.759 -0.761 7.879 1.034 70.470 0.169 |
10. 76.665 34.037 -1.351 6.957 0.487 71.190 0.050 |
11. 224.223 34.635 1.386 4.063 0.296 71.590 0.048 |
12. 344.206 34.706 1.467 4.100 0.295 71.510 0.013 |
·*13. 551.450 34.729 1.350 4.328 0.295
71.510 0.010 |
·*14. 697.401 34.730 1.244 4.430 0.295 71.330 0.011 |
15. 697.403 34.730 1.244 4.441 0.295 71.330 -0.002 |
Station:420.225/12/2 Latitude=66 31.25S
Longitude=070 58.62W Depth:541 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
·*1. 3.359 33.756 -0.753 7.815 0.634 70.330 0.188 |
·*2. 3.707 33.756 -0.753 7.816 0.615 70.350 0.166 |
3. 6.910 33.755 -0.733 7.832 0.460 70.490 0.183 |
4. 6.407 33.756 -0.740 7.823 0.491 70.400 0.180 |
5. 11.015 33.754 -0.759 7.837 0.350 70.540 0.176 |
6. 14.891 33.756 -0.757 7.849 0.324 70.550 0.174 |
7. 19.487 33.756 -0.756 7.866 0.311 70.700 0.174 |
8. 31.026 33.756 -0.757 7.883 0.297 70.750 0.195 |
9. 41.721 33.759 -0.752 7.884 0.295 70.790 0.193 |
10. 50.638 33.763 -0.757 7.825 0.294 70.740 0.196 |
11. 148.701 34.523 0.813 4.287 0.294 71.770 0.014 |
12. 242.136 34.661 1.363 4.052 0.296 71.770 0.022 |
·*13. 522.119 34.723 1.258 4.092 0.294 70.900 0.038 |
·*14. 523.456 34.723 1.258 4.084 0.292 70.910 0.051 |
Station:420.180/13/2 Latitude=66 45.84S Longitude=070
09.82W Depth:534 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
·*1. 4.681 33.784 -0.779 7.802 0.556 70.560 0.169 |
·*2. 5.623 33.784 -0.781 7.802 0.503 70.530 0.184 |
3. 10.699 33.784 -0.796 7.805 0.360 70.630 0.207 |
4. 15.371 33.784 -0.796 7.824 0.326 70.680 0.235 |
5. 20.527 33.784 -0.796 7.827 0.306 70.710 0.189 |
6. 30.784 33.783 -0.795 7.844 0.298 70.770 0.199 |
7. 51.814 33.887 -0.890 7.566 0.295 71.010 0.166 |
8. 63.116 34.041 -1.105 6.687 0.294 71.370 0.151 |
126.849 34.444 0.414 4.545 0.293 71.760 0.030 |
10. 252.043 34.677 1.400 4.052 0.291 71.930 0.015 |
11. 402.487 34.725 1.462 4.224 0.295 71.820 0.004 |
·*12. 530.410 34.727 1.263 4.350 0.295 71.180 0.054 |
·*13. 529.789 34.727 1.263 4.349 0.292 71.100 0.050 |
Station:420.145/14/1 Latitude=66 56.96S
Longitude=069 31.59W Depth:501 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
·*1. 3.080 33.759 -0.827 7.811 23.010 70.920 0.204 |
2. 1.831 33.759 -0.826 7.814 29.340 70.940 0.205 |
3. 5.100 33.759 -0.826 7.828 17.050 70.940 0.204 |
4. 5.235 33.759 -0.826 7.827 17.030 71.000 0.196 |
5. 10.326 33.759 -0.826 7.840 11.510 71.020 0.187 |
6. 15.328 33.760 -0.825 7.844 7.880 71.100 0.186 |
7. 20.881 33.760 -0.824 7.859 6.075 71.140 0.184 |
8. 30.662 33.760 -0.817 7.864 3.354 71.180 0.177 |
9. 51.190 33.945 -1.001 7.175 1.563 71.350 0.099 |
10. 121.401 34.474 0.583 4.416 0.386 71.990 0.044 |
11. 219.816 34.674 1.469 4.042 0.297 71.920 0.009 |
12. 350.167 34.707 1.383 4.102 0.294 71.810 0.040 |
·*13. 488.940 34.722 1.297 4.138 0.294 71.260 0.015 |
14. 490.781 34.722 1.297 4.138 0.294 71.240 0.014 |
Station:420.125/15/1 Latitude=67 03.13S
Longitude=069 09.48W Depth:380 m |
Bottle no Depth
Salinity Temp. Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
·*1. 2.140 33.556 -0.278 7.736 0.820 69.750 0.236 |
·*2. 2.832 33.551 -0.277 7.741 1.111 69.720 0.242 |
3. 6.120 33.539 -0.277 7.741 0.532 69.740 0.249 |
4. 6.033 33.535 -0.276 7.758 0.518 69.690 0.248 |
5. 10.647 33.662 -0.310 7.738 0.388 70.230 0.230 |
6. 15.610 33.690
-0.334 7.750 0.331 70.740 0.197 |
7. 20.140 33.736 -0.464 7.775 0.317 70.870 0.173 |
8. 29.396 33.739 -0.503 7.777 0.302 71.270 0.180 |
9. 49.360 33.795 -0.542 7.592
0.296 71.350 0.191 |
10. 90.090 34.176 -0.883 6.139 0.295 72.040 0.025 |
11. 100.044 34.209 -0.844 6.002 0.295 72.190 0.009 |
12. 250.286 34.647 1.285 4.058 0.295 72.020 0.018 |
·*13. 385.880 34.698 1.412 4.036 0.295 71.790 0.006 |
·*14. 386.118 34.698 1.412 4.036 0.293 71.820 0.015 |
Station:380.120/16/1 Latitude=67 22.24S
Longitude=069 36.20W Depth:446 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
·*1. 3.857 33.352 -0.597 7.896 2.022 67.050 0.248 |
·*2. 2.941 33.353 -0.595 7.911 1.405 67.060 0.252 |
3. 4.166 33.353 -0.596 7.900 1.192 67.110 0.255 |
4. 4.145 33.354 -0.595 7.898 1.395 67.150 0.250 |
5. 10.263 33.408 -0.428 7.825 0.412 68.000 0.199 |
6. 13.362 33.480 -0.179 7.718 0.340 68.620 0.196 |
7. 20.017 33.494 -0.167 7.737 0.307 68.890 0.191 |
8. 30.776 33.505 -0.126 7.724 0.297 69.050 0.198 |
9. 50.004 33.540 0.015 7.673 0.295 69.410 0.201 |
10. 76.465 33.712 0.004 7.585 0.295 70.860 0.187 |
11. 101.912 34.012 0.099 6.056 0.294 71.050 0.092 |
12. 151.917 34.332 0.226 4.769 0.295 71.410 0.036 |
13. 250.804 34.611 1.182 4.093 0.294 71.870 0.035 |
14. 350.773 34.678 1.365 3.993 0.295 71.690 0.026 |
·*15. 427.342 34.693 1.368 3.938 0.296 71.360 0.029 |
·*16. 425.711 34.693 1.368 3.936 0.292 71.350 0.028 |
Station:380.150/17/2 Latitude=67 12.57S
Longitude=070 09.88W Depth:600 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
·*1. 2.579 33.610 -0.363 7.733 0.879 69.950 0.227 |
·*2. 2.679 33.610 -0.364 7.738 0.873 69.960 0.229 |
3. 4.639 33.610 -0.365 7.749 0.682 69.990 0.240 |
4. 4.317 33.610 -0.364 7.748 0.666 70.010 0.253 |
5. 9.714 33.610 -0.361 7.757 0.408 70.070 0.218 |
6. 14.590 33.648 -0.429 7.766 0.343 70.310 0.211 |
7. 21.011 33.744 -0.653 7.798 0.313 70.960 0.172 |
8. 31.094 33.763 -0.715 7.798 0.300 71.060 0.216 |
9. 48.703 33.857 -0.862 7.475 0.295 71.170 0.214 |
10. 75.718 34.229 -0.706 5.893 0.295 72.260 0.044 |
11. 99.859 34.384 0.194 4.875 0.295 72.300 0.048 |
12. 151.652 34.554 1.058 4.174 0.296 72.290 0.015 |
13. 200.215 34.654 1.435 4.023 0.295 72.230 0.002 |
14. 352.034 34.704 1.433 4.065 0.296 72.030 0.002 |
15. 499.204 34.722 1.335 4.181 0.295 71.850 0.013 |
·*16. 591.059 34.726 1.220 4.309 0.295 71.290 0.046 |
·*17. 591.124 34.726 1.220 4.310 0.295 71.280 0.042 |
Station:380.180/18/1 Latitude=67 02.98S
Longitude=070 43.05W Depth:489 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
·*1. 3.583 33.750 -0.753 7.786 10.870 70.840 0.237 |
·*2. 2.653 33.750 -0.754 7.799 12.090 70.850 0.224 |
3. 4.429 33.750 -0.753 7.797 8.849 70.920 0.192 |
4. 4.362 33.750 -0.751 7.802 9.040 70.950 0.204 |
5. 9.878 33.750 -0.756 7.819 5.177 71.040 0.194 |
6. 14.464 33.750 -0.760 7.824 3.678 71.090 0.188 |
7. 18.924 33.753 -0.777 7.854 2.552 71.160 0.198 |
8. 30.113 33.758 -0.800 7.844 1.296 71.290 0.184 |
9. 50.661 34.097 -1.118 6.527 0.635 71.960 0.077 |
10. 75.974 34.230 -0.662 5.755 0.444 72.180 0.032 |
11. 99.789 34.358 0.018 4.945 0.364 72.220 0.019 |
12. 151.498 34.566 1.102 4.150 0.304 72.270 0.010 |
200.389 34.654 1.431 4.022 0.293 72.280 0.010 |
14. 299.475 34.694 1.368 4.073 0.289 72.220 0.013 |
15. 400.410 34.708 1.336 4.082 0.290 72.100 0.032 |
·*16. 477.306 34.719 1.286 4.056 0.289 71.540 0.053 |
·*17. 477.166 34.719 1.287 4.053 0.285 71.550 0.042 |
Station:380.220/19/1 Latitude=66 49.83S
Longitude=071 29.35W Depth:466 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.737 33.752 -0.701 7.835 1.210 71.110 0.166 |
*2. 2.348 33.752 -0.700 7.856 0.916 71.100 0.170 |
*3. 4.617 33.751 -0.698 7.860
0.602 71.160 0.174 |
*4. 10.170 33.751 -0.697 7.854 0.378 71.180 0.154 |
*5. 15.282 33.751 -0.700 7.870 0.333 71.130 0.154 |
*6. 22.111 33.753 -0.702 7.875 0.309 71.260 0.156 |
7. 31.984 33.753 -0.704 7.897 0.298 71.260 0.164 |
8. 52.457 33.753 -0.701 7.889 0.294 71.290 0.167 |
9. 90.088 34.143 -1.626 7.023 0.292
72.250 0.029 |
10. 162.763 34.564 0.972 4.194 0.293 72.340 0.012 |
11. 261.534 34.678 1.400 4.051 0.292 72.330 0.025 |
12. 379.903 34.720 1.371 4.141 0.292 72.170 0.019 |
*13. 463.368 34.723 1.302 4.120 0.293 71.430 0.018 |
*14. 461.489 34.723 1.302 4.123 0.288 71.420 0.028 |
Station:380.264/20/2 Latitude=66 34.87 S
Longitude=072 13.84W Depth:3376 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 2.991 33.736 -1.105 7.975 0.264 0.000 0.085 |
*2. 2.842 33.736 -1.104 7.971 0.264 0.000 0.072 |
3. 5.232 33.736 -1.103 7.953 0.264 0.000 0.079 |
4. 5.610 33.736 -1.104 7.962 0.264 0.000 0.082 |
5. 9.140 33.736 -1.102 7.981 0.264 0.000 0.109 |
6. 15.479 33.736 -1.107 7.995 0.264 0.000 0.113 |
*7. 20.860 33.736 -1.106 8.006 0.264 0.000 0.122 |
8. 30.149 33.736 -1.106 8.025 0.264 0.000 0.120 |
9. 50.466 33.749 -1.114 7.792 0.264 0.000 0.123 |
10. 75.360 34.120 -0.805 6.511 0.264 0.000 0.062 |
11. 100.068 34.363 1.134 4.913 0.264 0.000 0.019 |
12. 199.569 34.592 2.012 3.928 0.264 0.000 0.013 |
13. 299.578 34.649 2.061 3.908 0.264 0.000 0.006 |
14. 501.143 34.708 1.933 4.068 0.264 0.000 -0.003 |
15. 800.335 34.732 1.632 4.269 0.264 0.000 0.004 |
16. 1499.508 34.724 1.022 4.531 0.264 0.000 -0.003 |
17. 2601.168 34.708 0.373 4.843 0.264 0.000 -0.002 |
*18. 3368.401 34.706 0.152 4.986 0.264 0.000 0.020 |
*19. 3368.699 34.706 0.151 4.986 0.264 0.000 0.035 |
Station:340.295/22/2 Latitude=66 41.16S
Longitude=073 21.00W Depth:3650 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
2.564 33.746 -0.837 7.863 0.264 0.000 0.098 |
*2. 2.080 33.746 -0.836 7.870 0.264 0.000 0.095 |
3. 5.686 33.746 -0.826 7.873 0.264 0.000 0.087 |
4. 5.506
33.746 -0.824 7.883 0.264 0.000 0.085 |
5. 16.360 33.747 -0.843 7.830 0.264 0.000 0.123 |
6. 10.591 33.745 -0.840 7.898 0.264 0.000 0.104 |
*7. 20.413 33.746 -0.840 7.930 0.264 0.000 0.097 |
8. 30.227 33.746 -0.841 7.938 0.264 0.000 0.090 |
9. 50.703 33.750 -0.865 7.900 0.264 0.000 0.092 |
10. 76.259 34.117 -1.604 7.120 0.264 0.000 0.042 |
11. 101.962 34.262 -0.500 5.709 0.264 0.000 0.022 |
12. 201.696 34.617 1.701 3.933 0.264 0.000 0.014 |
13. 301.803 34.686 1.905 3.924
0.264 0.000 0.017 |
14. 501.055 34.718 1.742 4.078 0.264 0.000 0.041 |
15. 751.695 34.730 1.533 4.247 0.264 0.000 -0.005 |
16. 1002.933 34.731 1.319 4.370 0.264 0.000 0.023 |
17. 1502.000 34.722 0.959 4.566 0.264 0.000 -0.001 |
*18. 2000.516 34.714 0.668 4.757 0.264 0.000 -0.000 |
*19. 2001.199 34.714 0.668 4.759 0.264 0.000 -0.002 |
Station:340.253/23/1 Latitude=66 55.44S
Longitude=072 35.34W Depth:504 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 4.913 33.735 -0.750 7.806 0.580 70.420 0.418 |
*2. 5.087 33.733 -0.752 7.807 0.534 70.410 0.399 |
*3. 5.087 33.717 -0.782 7.804 0.526 70.430 0.437 |
4. 4.407 33.722 -0.777 7.797 0.529 70.460 0.390 |
5. 12.355
33.750 -0.692 7.794 0.332 70.620 0.428 |
6. 14.979 33.752 -0.678 7.826 0.312 70.670 0.354 |
7. 19.795 33.755 -0.688 7.831 0.298 70.830 0.381 |
8. 30.527 33.755
-0.738 7.863 0.288 70.440 0.472 |
9. 50.540 33.758 -0.745 7.871 0.287 70.500 0.535 |
10. 76.644 34.033 -1.104 6.406 0.289 70.770 0.531 |
11. 100.224 34.164 -1.186 6.343 0.288 73.190 0.067 |
12. 201.476 34.561 0.998 4.213 0.286 73.530 0.036 |
13. 301.984 34.675 1.589 4.011 0.286 73.500 0.012 |
*14. 481.532 34.708 1.413 4.009 0.287 72.890 0.018 |
*15. 480.317 34.708 1.418 4.010 0.285 72.880 0.014 |
Station:340.220/24/1 Latitude=67 06.77S Longitude=072 00.41W Depth:415 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 4.063 33.727 -0.817 7.817 0.672 71.520 0.340 |
*2. 4.063 33.726 -0.818 7.831 0.731 71.520 0.346 |
*3. 4.558 33.726 -0.820 7.835 0.641 71.510 0.341 |
4. 4.263 33.726 -0.817 7.828 0.626 71.530 0.346 |
5. 8.725 33.727 -0.817 7.842 0.407 71.610 0.325 |
6. 14.793 33.726 -0.820 7.855 0.329 71.640 0.319 |
7. 20.737 33.728 -0.815 7.846 0.305 71.680 0.326 |
8. 29.960 33.739 -0.792 7.866 0.292 71.580 0.366 |
9. 49.228 33.781 -0.822 7.745 0.287 71.470 0.466 |
75.526 34.156 -0.889 5.889 0.287 73.770 0.050 |
11. 101.072 34.288 -0.302 5.229 0.287 73.800 0.044 |
12. 199.593 34.617 1.152 4.064 0.287 74.050 0.011 |
13. 301.240 34.690 1.355 4.026 0.287 74.000 0.046 |
*14. 397.014 34.705 1.332 3.802 0.286 73.070 0.042 |
*15. 399.082 34.705 1.332 3.808 0.285 73.080 0.040 |
Station:340.180/25/1 Latitude=67 20.01 S
Longitude=071 16.55 W Depth: 465 m |
*1. 4.106 33.737 -0.741 7.809 30.680 70.600 0.517 |
*2. 3.531 33.737 -0.742 7.789 38.600 70.710 0.496 |
*3. 6.613 33.737 -0.741 7.812 18.170 70.790 0.453 |
*4. 5.821 33.736 -0.741 7.785 24.280 70.800 0.502 |
5. 9.259 33.737 -0.742 7.822 13.730 70.920 0.556 |
6. 15.951 33.737 -0.743 7.827 5.407
70.920 0.512 |
7. 18.642 33.737 -0.741 7.828 4.054 70.990 0.506 |
8. 30.242 33.736 -0.746 7.855 1.259 71.090 0.536 |
9. 48.731 33.741 -0.717 7.866 0.466 71.020 0.520 |
10. 75.366 34.057 -1.385 6.491 0.308 72.460 0.271 |
11. 100.187 34.174 -0.740 5.633 0.299 73.680 0.056 |
12. 200.310 34.572 0.988 4.146 0.295 74.140 0.010 |
13. 298.804 34.672 1.314 4.034 0.294 74.120 0.004 |
14. 399.630 34.699 1.337 4.018 0.295 73.940 0.041 |
*15. 452.767 34.710 1.323 3.836 0.295 73.260 0.033 |
*16. 453.700 34.710 1.323 3.830 0.294 73.240 0.027 |
Station:340.140/26/2 Latitude=67 33.08S
Longitude=070 32.18W Depth:760 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 3.234 33.695 -0.901 7.879 0.759 72.870 0.202 |
*2. 4.394 33.695 -0.902 7.864 0.711 72.950 0.209 |
3. 6.635 33.695 -0.901 7.877 0.550 73.000 0.206 |
*4. 5.283 33.695 -0.901 7.880 0.542 72.980 0.197 |
5. 10.238 33.695 -0.899 7.891 0.409 73.020 0.191 |
6. 15.280 33.695 -0.901 7.897 0.345 73.040 0.206 |
7. 19.986 33.695 -0.902 7.907 0.319 73.050 0.179 |
8. 31.140 33.696 -0.894 7.905 0.301 73.060 0.207 |
9. 49.478 33.746 -0.837 7.599 0.294 72.980 0.206 |
10. 118.669 34.454 0.467 4.413 0.294 74.070 0.036 |
11. 251.978 34.667 1.326 4.013 0.294 74.290 0.057 |
12. 500.464 34.711 1.323 4.085 0.295 74.220 0.022 |
*13. 760.711 34.720 1.262 4.101 0.293 73.630 0.030 |
*14. 760.216 34.720 1.262 4.093 0.293 73.620 0.027 |
Station:340.100/27/1 Latitude=67 45.90S
Longitude=069 46.94W Depth:343 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 2.680 33.693 -0.346 7.729 0.819 73.410 0.127 |
*2. 2.178 33.693 -0.344 7.729 0.853 73.430 0.131 |
3. 4.438 33.692 -0.339 7.731 0.606 73.450 0.128 |
4.522 33.692 -0.340 7.737 0.579 73.470 0.129 |
*5. 8.924 33.692 -0.337 7.733 0.393 73.500 0.122 |
6. 14.239 33.692 -0.343 7.741 0.337 73.530 0.123 |
7. 20.719 33.694 -0.355 7.753 0.308 73.580 0.148 |
8. 30.370 33.740 -0.584 7.764 0.299 73.690 0.146 |
9. 50.413 33.815 -0.576 7.342 0.293 74.070 0.090 |
10. 76.799 34.095 -0.075 5.707 0.293 74.070 0.040 |
11. 120.991 34.294 -0.116 5.280 0.294 74.250 0.015 |
12. 190.427 34.553 0.934 4.236 0.293 74.490 0.012 |
13. 241.328 34.624 1.179 4.039 0.293 74.290 0.018 |
14. 301.881 34.669 1.339 3.993 0.293 74.340 0.041 |
*15. 349.103 34.676 1.348 3.975 0.294 74.310 0.029 |
*16. 348.479 34.675 1.348 3.976
0.293 74.300 0.022 |
Station:335.060/28/1 Latitude=68 02.42S
Longitude=069 22.29W Depth:435 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 3.398 33.674 -0.239 7.636 0.806
72.970 0.127 |
*2. 3.315 33.674 -0.239 7.642 0.857 72.970 0.128 |
*3. 4.902 33.674 -0.242 7.650 0.646 73.010 0.143 |
4. 4.211 33.674 -0.242 7.653 0.719 73.020 0.148 |
5. 9.257 33.676 -0.248 7.637 0.449 73.050 0.139 |
6. 14.791 33.677 -0.253 7.656 0.356 73.060 0.125 |
7. 19.263 33.677 -0.254 7.651 0.326 73.140 0.133 |
8. 30.438 33.681 -0.270 7.662 0.303 73.220 0.172 |
9. 50.172 33.697 -0.319 7.656 0.296 73.340 0.148 |
10. 74.339 33.784 -0.057 7.221 0.295 73.800 0.085 |
11. 93.900 33.952 0.142 6.337 0.294 73.640 0.045 |
12. 124.944 34.133 -1.007 6.405 0.295 74.420 0.034 |
13. 189.660 34.475 0.597 4.454 0.295 74.320 0.019 |
14. 238.557 34.573 1.003 4.145 0.295 74.390 0.021 |
15. 297.385 34.642 1.256 4.005 0.295 74.350 0.042 |
*16. 423.522 34.675 1.344 3.989 0.295 74.290 0.016 |
*17. 423.148 34.675 1.344 3.989 0.294 74.300 0.022 |
Station:359.046/29/2 Latitude=67 55.11S
Longitude=068 30.39W Depth:604 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 2.050 33.481 -0.288 7.830 6.216 72.220 0.112 |
*2. 2.491 33.481 -0.288 7.837 6.056 72.210 0.109 |
3. 4.665 33.481 -0.288 7.838 3.883 72.180 0.117 |
*4. 4.807 33.480 -0.287 7.838 3.868 72.150 0.123 |
5. 10.038 33.481 -0.291 7.839 2.341 72.410 0.125 |
6. 15.427 33.481 -0.292 7.850 1.600 72.430 0.116 |
7. 20.403 33.481 -0.291 7.844 0.971 72.440 0.141 |
8. 30.310 33.482 -0.290 7.855 0.714 72.470 0.148 |
9. 50.444 33.488 -0.275 7.835 0.407 72.590 0.153 |
10. 74.775 33.518 -0.214 7.723 0.319 72.850 0.125 |
11. 100.059 33.696 0.216 7.155 0.301 73.430 0.068 |
12. 181.383 34.320 0.241 3.911 0.295 74.230 0.028 |
13. 239.669 34.532 0.849 3.744 0.295 74.250 0.025 |
14. 402.530 34.641 1.167 3.699 0.295 74.450 0.058 |
*15. 635.308 34.660 1.222 3.706 0.296 74.170 0.016 |
*16. 634.857 34.660 1.222 3.704 0.296 74.160 0.015 |
Station:380/020/30/1 Latitude=67 53.11S
Longitude=067 40.70W Depth:304 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 2.020 33.327 -0.634 7.786 1.014 72.520 0.087 |
*2. 1.742 33.327 -0.634 7.770 1.059 72.530 0.095 |
*3. 4.953 33.328 -0.634 7.774 0.614 72.550 0.084 |
4. 4.777 33.328 -0.635 7.765 0.576 72.560 0.091 |
5. 10.362 33.328 -0.634 7.775 0.398 72.590 0.098 |
6. 15.548 33.328 -0.636 7.755 0.339 72.620 0.127 |
7. 20.681 33.328 -0.635 7.768 0.315 72.650 0.094 |
8. 30.491 33.328 -0.633 7.763 0.301 72.680 0.101 |
9. 45.358 33.328 -0.633 7.750 0.296 72.730 0.093 |
10. 45.159 33.328 -0.633 7.762 0.296 72.740 0.093 |
11. 130.289 33.731 0.189 6.285 0.295 73.480 0.023 |
12. 179.801 34.267 0.140 3.881 0.294 73.460 0.016 |
*13. 209.353 34.388 0.457 3.498 0.294 73.850 0.033 |
*14. 209.171 34.388 0.456 3.491 0.295 73.820 0.021 |
Station:340.020/31/1 Latitude=68 10.92S
Longitude=068 13.40W Depth:520 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.790 33.454 -0.384 7.653 1.029 73.050 0.096 |
*2. 1.776
33.454 -0.384 7.671 0.952 73.050 0.090 |
3. 4.879 33.454 -0.383 7.652 0.604 73.070 0.089 |
*4. 4.678 33.454 -0.380 7.671 0.625 73.080 0.085 |
5. 10.117 33.454 -0.386 7.666 0.402 73.130 0.102 |
6. 14.330 33.454 -0.387 7.679 0.350 73.180 0.098 |
7. 20.266 33.454 -0.381 7.665 0.318 73.250 0.094 |
8. 30.092 33.457
-0.375 7.673 0.302 73.320 0.076 |
9. 49.563 33.478 -0.347 7.688 0.296 73.360 0.101 |
10. 74.422 33.544 -0.179 7.518 0.295 73.480 0.127 |
11. 100.172 33.824 -0.043 6.465
0.295 73.960 0.070 |
12. 124.766 34.077 -0.353 5.284 0.295 74.200 0.028 |
13. 200.070 34.456 0.617 3.637 0.296 74.330 0.016 |
14. 299.552 34.600 1.044 3.562 0.295 74.490 0.053 |
15. 400.010 34.636 1.147 3.628 0.296 73.850 0.051 |
*16. 496.172 34.648 1.187 3.712 0.296 73.790 0.039 |
*17. 497.550 34.649 1.191 3.695 0.296
73.930 0.044 |
Station:340.-020/32/1 Latitude=68 23.10S
Longitude=067 23.79W Depth:232 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.742 33.353 -0.824 7.724 1.109 71.490 0.048 |
*2. 1.863 33.352 -0.824 7.733 1.100 71.510 0.052 |
3. 4.694 33.353 -0.833 7.741 0.650 71.550 0.045 |
4. 4.610 33.353 -0.834 7.731 0.671 71.550 0.048 |
5. 9.699 33.354 -0.822 7.732 0.412 71.570 0.073 |
6. 14.999 33.357 -0.793 7.707 0.339 71.630 0.075 |
7. 20.341 33.361 -0.764 7.726 0.313 72.120 0.065 |
8. 30.537 33.371 -0.707 7.709 0.299 72.600 0.050 |
9. 50.384 33.396 -0.664 7.612 0.296 72.440 0.036 |
10. 75.175 33.489 -0.403 7.670 0.295 73.230 0.098 |
11. 100.596 33.593 0.042 7.006 0.295 73.430 0.074 |
12. 141.315 34.100 -0.121 4.625 0.295 73.090 0.023 |
*13. 218.843 34.427 0.564 3.464 0.295 73.060 0.029 |
*14. 219.807 34.429 0.569 3.466 0.294 73.060 0.034 |
Station:300.-020/33/1 Latitude=68 40.74S
Longitude=067 59.04W Depth:279 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.811 33.346 -0.902 7.780 16.450 73.150 0.051 |
*2. 1.560 33.346 -0.903 7.802 17.230 73.150 0.054 |
3. 4.365 33.346 -0.902 7.803 11.080 73.200 0.052 |
4. 4.599 33.346 -0.902 7.791 10.650 73.210 0.046 |
5. 10.326 33.353 -0.878 7.773 5.628 73.300 0.064 |
6. 14.937 33.355 -0.871 7.780 3.803 73.360 0.073 |
7. 19.236 33.361 -0.842 7.749 2.763 73.420 0.079 |
8. 29.271 33.362 -0.844 7.751 1.436 73.500 0.043 |
9. 39.979 33.363 -0.841 7.765 0.849 73.570 0.043 |
10. 50.468 33.363 -0.843 7.764 0.570 73.620 0.044 |
75.134 33.425 -0.622 7.663 0.351 73.810 0.047 |
12. 99.873 33.673 0.146 6.707 0.309 73.670 0.022 |
13. 138.661 34.087 -0.245 4.635 0.297 73.430 0.020 |
14. 200.897 34.422 0.517 3.693 0.295 73.790 0.027 |
*15. 258.211 34.560 0.907 3.566 0.295 73.040 0.049 |
*16. 258.634 34.546 0.911 3.568 0.295 73.010 0.048 |
Station:300.020/34/2 Latitude=68 28.49S
Longitude=068 47.36W Depth:691 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
·*1. 1.286 33.374 -0.885 7.800 1.143 73.810 0.073 |
·*2. 1.204 33.373 -0.884 7.795
1.168 73.810 0.073 |
3. 5.032 33.376 -0.884 7.794 0.604 73.840 0.067 |
4. 5.331 33.375 -0.887 7.786 0.543 73.840 0.066 |
5. 10.424 33.384 -0.884 7.815 0.388 73.870 0.049 |
6. 15.122 33.384 -0.903 7.817 0.336 73.950 0.050 |
7. 20.326 33.387 -0.886 7.814 0.313 73.980 0.057 |
8. 30.162 33.388 -0.886 7.815 0.301 73.980 0.047 |
9. 50.964 33.395 -0.890 7.718 0.296 74.010 0.061 |
10. 76.206 33.744 -0.161 6.152 0.295 74.150 0.038 |
11. 91.554 33.928 -0.200 5.474 0.296 74.130 0.048 |
12. 142.466 34.239 -0.019 4.165 0.296 73.630 0.031 |
13. 261.747 34.585 0.989 3.646 0.296 74.130 0.022 |
14. 499.434 34.657 1.207 3.789 0.295 73.290 0.008 |
669.341 34.665 1.233 3.801 0.296 71.580 0.058 |
16. 669.076 34.665 1.233 3.807 0.295 71.600 0.053 |
Station:300.060/35/2 Latitude=68 15.90S
Longitude=069 34.52W Depth:580 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 4.261 33.589 -0.137 7.611 0.602 73.090 0.137 |
*2. 3.760 33.589 -0.137 7.616 0.619 73.120 0.123 |
3. 5.366 33.589 -0.138 7.632 0.543 73.130 0.101 |
*4. 5.471 33.589 -0.139 7.629 0.537 73.130 0.096 |
5. 11.023 33.589 -0.138 7.618 0.384 73.160 0.093 |
6. 14.069 33.588 -0.139 7.625 0.321 73.210 0.090 |
7. 19.342 33.592 -0.138 7.614 0.314 73.260 0.097 |
8. 30.992 33.647 -0.118 7.464 0.299 73.620 0.102 |
9. 49.095 33.715 -0.068 7.290 0.295 73.840 0.125 |
10. 70.324 33.771 -0.034 7.106 0.295 73.950 0.089 |
11. 90.293 33.862 0.167 6.716 0.295 73.800 0.073 |
12. 139.061 34.254 -0.157 5.435 0.295 74.430 0.040 |
13. 199.788 34.475 0.600 4.312 0.295 74.540 0.038 |
14. 299.896 34.615 1.113 4.017 0.295 74.590 0.019 |
15. 401.590 34.667 1.280 3.981 0.296 74.470 0.016 |
16. 501.274 34.689 1.321 3.991 0.295 74.250 0.019 |
*17. 573.298 34.697 1.332 4.004 0.295 73.980 0.013 |
*18. 574.313 34.697 1.333 4.004 0.295 74.020 0.008 |
Station:300.100/36/2 Latitude=68 03.21S Longitude=070 21.72W Depth:865 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. -0.703 14.970 -0.767 8.900 22.150 54.900 0.089 |
*2. 1.432 33.640 -0.782 7.813 6.213 73.340 0.123 |
3. 6.600 33.640 -0.780 7.814 2.871 73.400 0.162 |
4. 6.714 33.640 -0.780 7.821 2.877 73.390 0.153 |
5. 10.301 33.640 -0.790 7.828 1.924 73.450 0.133 |
6. 14.092 33.641 -0.790 7.835 1.505 73.710 0.175 |
7. 19.579 33.639 -0.794 7.848 1.145 73.840 0.128 |
*8. 29.202 33.641 -0.788 7.866 0.754 73.950 0.166 |
9. 49.376 33.646 -0.770 7.849 0.424 74.090 0.120 |
10. 59.837 33.790 -0.540 7.244 0.356 74.400 0.116 |
11. 91.759 34.112 -1.020 6.151 0.310 74.880 0.058 |
12. 149.000 34.468 0.535 4.409 0.296 74.880 0.033 |
13. 220.886 34.623 1.185 4.031 0.296 74.980 0.050 |
14. 299.009 34.677 1.362 4.026 0.296 75.000 0.012 |
15. 400.133 34.702 1.355 4.050 0.296 74.980 0.015 |
16. 500.618 34.710 1.330 4.081 0.296 74.890 0.024 |
*17. 625.165 34.715 1.276 4.121 0.296 74.860 0.046 |
*18. 749.936 34.720 1.259 4.120 0.295 74.410 0.025 |
19. 837.850 34.721 1.252 4.066 0.296 73.950 0.049 |
20. 838.111 34.721 1.252 4.071 0.295 73.950 0.053 |
Station:260.295/41/2 Latitude=67 11.99S
Longitude=074 29.96W Depth:2975 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 2.782 33.737 -1.130 7.999 3.712 0.000 0.104 |
*2. 2.082 33.737 -1.130 7.997 3.965 0.000 0.103 |
3. 5.977 33.737 -1.130 8.018 3.008 0.000 0.092 |
4. 5.782 33.737 -1.130 8.017 3.047 0.000 0.100 |
5. 10.558 33.737 -1.130 8.014 3.095 0.000 0.096 |
*6. 13.777 33.737 -1.130 8.041 3.150 0.000 0.113 |
7. 19.211 33.737 -1.130 8.047 3.235 0.000 0.125 |
8. 31.484 33.737
-1.133 8.050 1.049 0.000 0.146 |
9. 50.482 33.737 -1.136 8.072 0.536 0.000 0.114 |
10. 74.751 34.034 -1.527 7.203 0.539 0.000 0.043 |
11. 100.149 34.118 -1.664 7.094
2.957 0.000 0.024 |
12. 250.406 34.548 0.996 4.252 0.569 0.000 0.012 |
13. 375.571 34.684 1.545 4.055 0.577 0.000 0.039 |
14. 500.755 34.716 1.508 4.144 0.593 0.000 0.006 |
15. 1005.918 34.724 1.060 4.489 0.663 0.000 0.006 |
16. 2002.323 34.708 0.453 4.805 0.654 0.000 0.003 |
*17. 2956.188 34.705 0.156 5.010 2.268
0.000 -0.000 |
*18. 2959.156 34.705 0.156 5.014 2.283 0.000 0.005 |
Station:260.225/42/1 Latitude=67 28.14S
Longitude=073 49.18W Depth:403 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 4.448 33.751 -1.158 7.794 0.554 72.810 0.117 |
*2. 3.630 33.751 -1.159 7.800 0.540 72.800 0.121 |
3. 5.044 33.751 -1.160 7.782 0.434 72.810 0.152 |
4. 5.657 33.751 -1.159 7.772 0.491 72.840 0.104 |
5. 9.692 33.751 -1.158 7.785 0.370 72.880 0.102 |
6. 16.498 33.750 -1.158 7.816 0.319 72.930 0.122 |
7. 20.355 33.751 -1.158 7.860 0.308 73.020 0.114 |
8. 30.195 33.750 -1.157 7.858 0.298 73.070 0.106 |
9. 50.303 33.750 -1.156 7.891 0.295 73.150 0.112 |
10. 75.527 33.948 -1.193 6.710 0.295 73.470 0.038 |
11. 103.064 34.116 -1.400 6.580 0.293 73.700 0.019 |
12. 152.400 34.272 -0.647 5.629 0.295 73.800 0.012 |
13. 201.307 34.512 0.877 4.254 0.294 73.670 0.049 |
*14. 249.364 34.623 1.504 3.944 0.295 73.560 0.011 |
*15. 349.093 34.692 1.554 3.923 0.294 73.290 0.012 |
16. 424.377 34.700 1.529 3.858 0.295 72.890 0.009 |
17. 422.271 34.700 1.529 3.866 0.294 72.870 0.009 |
Station:260.220/43/1 Latitude=67 40.22S
Longitude=073 10.71W Depth:491 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 4.695 33.672 -1.170 8.044 0.548 73.110 0.116 |
*2. 5.338 33.672 -1.170 8.041 0.529 73.100 0.119 |
3. 4.708 33.672 -1.169 8.046 0.545 73.150 0.090 |
*4. 5.308 33.672 -1.170 8.052 0.526 73.170 0.102 |
5. 9.904 33.672 -1.170 8.059 0.390 73.250 0.105 |
6. 13.766 33.672 -1.170 8.086 0.343 73.370 0.138 |
20.227 33.673 -1.170 8.095 0.311 73.450 0.103 |
8. 31.064 33.673 -1.169 8.094 0.301 73.530 0.140 |
9. 50.261 33.677 -1.167 8.031 0.296 73.660 0.142 |
10. 75.369 34.082 -1.267 6.487 0.295 74.370 0.023 |
11. 109.875 34.146 -1.441 6.640 0.295 74.450 0.025 |
12. 151.400 34.341 -0.093 5.001 0.295 74.430 0.016 |
13. 201.318 34.536 0.859 4.283 0.296 74.440 0.004 |
14. 279.242 34.682 1.635 4.032 0.295 74.370 0.014 |
15. 349.363 34.698 1.475 4.071 0.294 74.110 0.008 |
*16. 485.094 34.717 1.458 4.083 0.295 73.460 0.026 |
*17. 484.469 34.717 1.459 4.082 0.295 73.440 0.044 |
Station:260.180/44/1 Latitude=67 53.81S Longitude=072 26.02W Depth:313 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR
Trans Fluor |
*1. 10.142 33.724 -1.083 7.997 4.649 74.000 0.096 |
*2. 8.394 33.724 -1.082 7.993 5.353 74.020 0.099 |
3. 10.683 33.727 -1.085 7.995 4.354
74.110 0.096 |
4. 15.938 33.728 -1.086 7.987 3.338 74.140 0.100 |
*5. 22.117 33.727 -1.086 8.000 2.594 74.150 0.101 |
6. 31.279 33.729 -1.085 7.999 1.607 74.180 0.103 |
7. 51.963 33.820 -1.069 7.447 0.687 74.290 0.097 |
8. 75.069 34.103 -0.707 5.751 0.428 74.600 0.039 |
9. 101.538 34.298 -0.095 4.844 0.350 74.530 0.017 |
152.745 34.459 0.538 4.259 0.301 74.390 0.041 |
11. 223.939 34.610 1.090 4.083 0.296 74.740 0.027 |
12. 262.867 34.687 1.373 3.999 0.296 74.690 0.010 |
*13. 292.138
34.694 1.425 3.974 0.293 74.580 0.043 |
*14. 293.265 34.694 1.425 3.978 0.293 74.570 0.047 |
Station:236.030/49/2 Latitude=68 53.18S
Longitude=069 54.77W Depth:1259 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.867 33.115 -1.703 7.761 0.264 73.550 0.054 |
*2. 2.256 33.116 -1.703 7.763 0.264 73.600 0.058 |
3. 5.150 33.124 -1.691 7.763 0.264 73.680 0.074 |
4. 5.368 33.126 -1.688 7.775 0.264 73.700 0.083 |
5. 9.714 33.147 -1.651 7.790 0.264 73.800 0.068 |
*6. 15.652 33.169 -1.616 7.788 0.264 73.860 0.052 |
7. 20.724 33.275 -1.542 7.671 0.264 73.860 0.065 |
8. 29.132 33.346 -1.334 7.556 0.264 73.910 0.098 |
9. 50.270 33.835 -0.380 5.823 0.264 74.010 0.035 |
10. 74.125 34.004 -0.409 5.139 0.264 73.960 0.023 |
11. 99.858 34.141 -0.265 4.546 0.264 73.910 0.013 |
12. 149.754 34.297 0.104 4.298 0.264 74.090 0.020 |
13. 199.949 34.408 0.426 4.172 0.264 74.270 0.021 |
14. 374.307 34.655 1.138 4.060 0.264 74.420 0.014 |
15. 500.414 34.689 1.266 4.055 0.264 74.410 0.026 |
16. 750.116 34.695 1.187 4.093 0.264 74.310 0.004 |
17. 1001.191 34.716 1.258 4.180 0.264 74.210 0.007 |
*18. 1245.677 34.719 1.245 4.177 0.264 73.620 0.012 |
*19. 1245.548 34.719 1.244 4.179 0.264 73.630 0.005 |
Station:230.010/50/2 Latitude=69 02.21S
Longitude=069 35.90W Depth:987 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 0.974 33.192 -1.786 7.808 3.196 74.180 0.071 |
*2. 0.712 33.189 -1.789 7.810 7.681 74.190 0.069 |
3. 5.137 33.197 -1.781 7.798 1.507 74.220 0.068 |
*4. 5.299 33.203 -1.773 7.794 1.505 74.220 0.067 |
5. 10.253 33.221 -1.751 7.802 1.003 74.240 0.066 |
*6. 15.050 33.248 -1.673 7.786 0.757 74.250 0.059 |
7. 21.043 33.301 -1.566 7.728 0.587 74.250 0.055 |
8. 29.758 33.412 -1.303 7.357 0.438 74.220 0.050 |
9. 50.307 33.735 -0.423 6.333 0.325 74.370 0.034 |
10. 76.191 33.964 -0.423 5.483 0.297 74.380 0.026 |
11. 340.316 34.647 1.197 3.989 0.287 74.740 0.017 |
12. 497.870 34.681 1.189 4.067 0.287 74.550 0.030 |
13. 650.984 34.689 1.153 4.094 0.287 74.470 0.035 |
*14. 966.831 34.700 1.178 4.114 0.287 73.850 0.052 |
*15. 966.291 34.700 1.178 4.104 0.288 73.850 0.042 |
Station:215.-015/51/1 Latitude=69 16.80S
Longitude=069 18.85W Depth:807 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.377 32.998 -1.677 7.784 0.953 73.820 0.032 |
*2. 1.392 32.997 -1.680 7.778 0.938 73.650 0.030 |
3. 5.142 33.002 -1.672 7.798 0.525 73.760 0.047 |
*4. 5.017 32.999 -1.674 7.793 0.512 73.910 0.058 |
*5. 10.413 33.111 -1.444 7.763 0.367 73.890 0.073 |
6. 15.352 33.225 -1.199 7.611 0.326 73.870 0.064 |
7. 20.771 33.234 -1.196 7.691 0.309 73.900 0.041 |
8. 30.595 33.300 -1.058 7.669 0.300 73.940 0.046 |
9. 50.613 33.370
-0.878 7.592 0.296 74.030 0.055 |
10. 100.852 33.886 -0.483 4.992 0.295 73.640 0.016 |
11. 150.428 34.162 -0.141 4.431 0.295 73.460 0.015 |
12. 161.778 34.189 -0.068 4.348
0.295 73.470 0.013 |
13. 200.267 34.278 0.153 4.277 0.295 72.990 0.033 |
14. 225.691 34.311 0.157 4.337 0.296 73.890 0.019 |
15. 320.866 34.546 0.853 4.074 0.296 74.740 0.023 |
16. 400.613 34.640 1.174 4.035 0.296 74.740 0.012 |
*17. 791.558 34.700 1.188 4.108 0.295 74.380 0.008 |
*18. 791.479 34.700 1.188 4.106 0.296
74.360 0.005 |
Station:260.000/52/1 Latitude=68 52.10S Longitude=068 57.87W Depth:448 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.964 33.320 -0.890 7.863 1.023 73.330 0.042 |
*2. 2.065 33.320 -0.890 7.862 1.035 73.340 0.044 |
3. 5.484 33.318 -0.888 7.851 0.485 73.390 0.072 |
4. 5.709 33.319 -0.886 7.859 0.461 73.400 0.069 |
*5. 9.320 33.320 -0.883 7.865 0.361 73.470 0.047 |
6. 14.471 33.325 -0.890 7.878 0.321 72.750 0.031 |
*7. 19.972 33.327 -0.880 7.859 0.306 73.550 0.052 |
*8. 29.989 33.332 -0.858 7.851 0.297 73.610 0.066 |
9. 50.822 33.368 -0.727 7.719 0.295 73.720 0.057 |
10. 73.982 33.501 -0.294 7.304 0.294 73.850 0.042 |
11. 99.268 33.683 -0.018 6.465 0.295 73.850 0.028 |
12. 150.292 34.179 -0.153 4.522 0.295 74.080 0.030 |
13. 199.266 34.415 0.472 3.967 0.296 73.210 0.034 |
14. 250.118 34.475 0.646 3.932 0.296 73.200 0.046 |
15. 299.180 34.520 0.780 3.960 0.295 74.310 0.021 |
16. 400.688 34.540 0.846 3.941 0.295 74.380 0.017 |
*17. 544.634 34.553 0.889 3.888 0.295 73.740 0.012 |
*18. 543.791 34.553 0.889 3.897 0.296 73.780 0.020 |
Station:220.075/53/1 Latitude=68 44.28S Longitude=070 58.97W Depth:338 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.025 33.066 -1.697 7.922 1.214 73.400 0.039 |
*2. 1.366 33.066 -1.696 7.926 1.102 73.390 0.046 |
3. 5.566 33.065 -1.697 7.922 0.620 73.420 0.039 |
*4. 4.910 33.067 -1.695 7.930 0.651 73.440 0.034 |
*5. 10.244 33.083 -1.673 7.936 0.445 73.470 0.029 |
6. 15.355 33.079 -1.680 7.962 0.373 73.490 0.041 |
20.181 33.112 -1.632 7.940 0.344 73.500 0.061 |
8. 29.797 33.166 -1.546 7.880 0.318 73.520 0.064 |
9. 50.562 33.287 -1.316 7.605 0.300 73.530 0.045 |
10. 75.767 33.461 -0.908 6.640 0.296 73.390 0.031 |
11. 100.958 33.832 -0.549 5.478 0.295 72.950 0.013 |
12. 135.771 34.048 -0.386 4.655 0.294 73.350 0.013 |
13. 240.269 34.352 0.270 4.117 0.294 72.460 0.028 |
*14. 315.170 34.402 0.404 3.985 0.295 71.640 0.012 |
*15. 314.651 34.402 0.403 3.977 0.295 71.650 0.020 |
Station:220.140/55/1 Latitude=68 23.96S
Longitude=072 17.64W Depth:460 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 5.255 33.379 -1.083 7.974 0.721 74.030 0.053 |
*2. 4.288 33.377 -1.066 7.962 0.684 74.080 0.048 |
*3. 5.894 33.379 -1.085 7.974 0.539 74.100 0.068 |
4. 4.371 33.379 -1.084 7.967 0.603 74.110 0.072 |
*5. 10.063 33.379 -1.084 7.982 0.401
74.140 0.095 |
6. 14.823 33.379 -1.083 7.998 0.341 74.180 0.084 |
7. 20.189 33.379 -1.080 7.992 0.317 74.230 0.059 |
8. 30.959 33.380 -1.080 7.996 0.301 74.300 0.055 |
9. 50.033 33.418 -1.041 7.892 0.295 74.310 0.056 |
10. 89.257 33.814 -0.608 6.308 0.295 74.350 0.043 |
11. 181.694 34.349 0.221 4.374 0.294 74.310 0.010 |
200.442 34.389 0.269 4.621 0.295 74.540 0.013 |
*13. 445.622 34.687 1.324 4.069 0.294 74.150 0.021 |
*14. 447.482 34.687 1.324 4.076 0.294 74.160 0.003 |
Station:220.180/56/1 Latitude=68 10.55S
Longitude=073 02.47W Depth:335 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 5.260 33.393 -1.230 8.134 0.534 74.060 0.094 |
*2. 5.536 33.393 -1.230 8.122 0.509 74.060 0.095 |
3. 5.349 33.393 -1.213 8.151 0.584 74.100 0.093 |
4. 5.924 33.393 -1.218 8.148 0.567 74.090 0.086 |
5. 9.678 33.392 -1.238 8.140 0.375 74.210 0.057 |
6. 14.682 33.392 -1.237 8.150 0.334 74.290 0.061 |
*7. 21.856 33.393 -1.239 8.166 0.309 74.350 0.097 |
*8. 29.540 33.394 -1.238 8.163 0.298 74.410 0.072 |
9. 49.255 33.603 -1.077 7.851 0.295 74.380 0.081 |
10. 74.629 34.053 -0.458 5.063 0.294 74.440 0.022 |
11. 99.725 34.151 -1.359 6.600 0.294 75.000 0.025 |
12. 125.040 34.329 -0.019 4.766 0.295 74.740 0.042 |
13. 150.895 34.445 0.429 4.444 0.295 74.830 0.030 |
14. 200.870 34.539 0.783 4.265 0.294 74.900 0.047 |
15. 274.281 34.675 1.348 4.044 0.295 74.800 0.013 |
*16. 315.040 34.693 1.375 3.938 0.296 74.240 0.008 |
*17. 314.618 34.693 1.375 3.932 0.294 74.210 0.012 |
Station:220.220/57/1 Latitude=67 56.80S
Longitude=073 47.12 W Depth:419 m |
*1. 3.550 33.562 -1.138 7.983 0.647 73.860 0.092 |
*2. 5.069 33.562 -1.138 7.977 0.649 73.830 0.080 |
3. 4.933 33.562 -1.138 7.974 0.579 73.820 0.074 |
4. 11.553 33.562 -1.138 8.004 0.366 73.980 0.083 |
5. 13.967 33.562 -1.137 8.006 0.346 74.140 0.112 |
*6. 20.029 33.562 -1.135 8.014 0.311 74.230 0.089 |
*7. 29.071 33.562 -1.136 8.028 0.300 74.330 0.086 |
*8. 50.322 33.577 -1.125 7.976 0.295 74.480 0.080 |
*9. 71.222 33.869 -0.719 6.438 0.295 74.730 0.051 |
10. 91.912 34.041 -1.020 6.037 0.293 74.940 0.030 |
11. 109.340 34.128 -1.344 6.613 0.295 75.150 0.015 |
12. 138.210 34.187 -1.424 6.479 0.294 75.320 0.011 |
13. 199.752 34.507 0.644 4.389 0.295 75.190 0.018 |
14. 243.099 34.586 0.946 4.209 0.294 75.100 0.020 |
15. 300.814 34.660 1.320 4.094 0.294 75.010 0.006 |
*16. 410.844 34.714 1.455 4.084 0.294 74.520 0.017 |
*17. 412.706 34.714 1.454 4.082 0.293 74.500 0.011 |
Station:180.241/64/1 Latitude=68 05.75S
Longitude=074 46.82W Depth:413 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. -0.978 9.473 -1.323 9.317 3.226 59.660 0.040 |
*2. 0.327 33.685 -1.346 7.883 1.432 60.850 0.075 |
9.196 33.731 -1.354 7.867 0.404 74.190 0.067 |
4. 9.861 33.731 -1.357 7.892 0.383 74.160 0.063 |
5. 9.508 33.731 -1.358 7.892 0.405 74.180 0.062 |
*6. 11.096 33.731 -1.357 7.903 0.368 74.310 0.061 |
7. 15.705 33.731 -1.357 7.913 0.331 74.410 0.108 |
8. 19.441 33.731 -1.357 7.913 0.306 74.580 0.053 |
9. 29.242 33.731 -1.352 7.941 0.292 74.670 0.076 |
10. 49.390 33.732 -1.350 7.960 0.290 74.770 0.100 |
11. 72.648 33.757 -1.296 7.727 0.294 74.940 0.064 |
12. 95.459 34.050
-1.273 6.550 0.291 75.190 0.017 |
13. 118.661 34.135 -1.619 6.829 0.290 75.330 0.022 |
14. 149.842 34.174 -1.458 6.563 0.296 75.390 0.019 |
*15. 199.283 34.406 0.212 4.819
0.289 75.230 0.047 |
*16. 300.363 34.687 1.684 4.059 0.294 75.130 0.038 |
17. 400.945 34.700 1.361 4.058 0.285 74.530 0.001 |
18. 397.211 34.699 1.362 4.056 0.293 74.490 0.005 |
Station:180.220/65/1 Latitude=68 13.19S
Longitude=074 23.96W Depth:440 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. -0.380 29.536 -1.241 8.214 4.246 58.580 0.088 |
*2. 1.262 33.681 -1.242 7.977 1.510 73.820 0.099 |
3. 6.007 33.680 -1.243 7.976 0.582 73.990 0.084 |
4. 5.515 33.680 -1.245 7.988 0.609 74.020 0.070 |
*5. 11.571 33.675 -1.254 7.999 0.440 74.130 0.070 |
*6. 11.061 33.675 -1.254 7.998 0.441 74.160 0.083 |
*7. 9.215 33.675 -1.255 8.003 0.444 74.180 0.097 |
8. 11.221 33.677 -1.252 7.983 0.394 74.180 0.111 |
9. 15.501 33.694 -1.212 7.945 0.370 74.290 0.065 |
10. 18.002 33.674 -1.260 8.010 0.348 74.440 0.093 |
11. 29.313 33.694 -1.213 7.968 0.315 74.580 0.071 |
12. 49.267 33.705 -1.186 7.960 0.299 74.690 0.071 |
13. 68.947 33.722 -1.188 7.749 0.296 74.810 0.108 |
14. 89.089 34.060 -1.510 6.830 0.290 75.190 0.024 |
15. 112.016 34.120 -1.588 6.874 0.294 75.280 0.020 |
16. 152.443 34.238 -0.836 5.837 0.294 75.300 0.010 |
*17. 209.500 34.468 0.500 4.472 0.294 75.130 0.049 |
*18. 300.162 34.628 1.089 4.133 0.296 75.060 0.003 |
19. 432.957 34.695 1.288 4.006 0.297 74.270 0.015 |
20. 430.855 34.694 1.288 4.007 0.290 74.210 0.026 |
Station:180.180/66/1 Latitude=68 27.06S
Longitude=073 39.71W Depth:551 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 0.761 33.212 -1.317 8.172 1.830 73.700 0.054 |
*2. 2.277 33.212 -1.318 8.169 0.914 74.070 0.048 |
*3. 9.579 33.213 -1.321 8.175 0.475 74.320 0.037 |
4. 15.553 33.213 -1.324 8.194 0.382 74.390 0.048 |
5. 19.749 33.213 -1.324 8.189 0.363 74.420 0.064 |
*6. 28.922 33.217 -1.321 8.209 0.329 74.470 0.045 |
7. 50.835 33.444 -1.097 7.753 0.303 74.690 0.057 |
75.361 33.949 -0.946 6.404 0.297 74.850 0.072 |
9. 103.642 34.114 -1.092 6.216 0.298 74.990 0.026 |
10. 200.503 34.454 0.432 4.533 0.294 75.060 0.024 |
11. 300.686 34.633 1.106 4.126 0.294 75.010 0.015 |
*12. 516.566 34.699 1.294 4.002 0.295 74.090 0.019 |
*13. 516.179 34.699 1.294 4.002 0.294 74.070 0.035 |
Station:180.140/67/1 Latitude=68 40.05S
Longitude=072 56.51W Depth:519 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. -0.776 16.195 -1.162 9.182 2.061 45.970 0.041 |
*2. 1.535 33.435 -1.185 8.150 0.718 73.860 0.056 |
3. 6.163 33.436 -1.185 8.136 0.460 73.990 0.057 |
4. 5.525 33.435 -1.175 8.132 0.501 74.030 0.061 |
5. 9.804 33.437 -1.202 8.160 0.368 74.280 0.099 |
6. 10.543 33.436 -1.203 8.150 0.367 74.280 0.098 |
7. 10.510 33.437 -1.201 8.156 0.366 74.310 0.068 |
8. 9.540 33.437 -1.200 8.149 0.366 74.320 0.057 |
*9. 16.338 33.437 -1.200 8.164 0.317 74.400 0.058 |
10. 20.624 33.438 -1.199 8.172 0.303 74.490 0.098 |
11. 29.858 33.441 -1.194 8.192 0.298 74.560 0.071 |
12. 50.765 33.451 -1.198 8.184 0.294 74.650 0.061 |
13. 69.732 33.640 -0.874 7.305 0.295 74.710 0.079 |
14. 113.274 34.062 -0.996 6.138 0.295 74.940 0.042 |
149.321 34.264 -0.501 5.402 0.295 75.020 0.018 |
16. 221.464 34.463 0.458 4.529 0.294 75.310 0.051 |
17. 221.949 34.463 0.455 4.524 0.295 75.320 0.039 |
18. 263.913 34.528 0.780 4.198 0.295 74.860 0.040 |
*19. 261.455 34.529 0.780 4.207 0.296 74.940 0.040 |
*20. 349.188 34.637 1.141 4.064 0.295 74.680 0.010 |
21. 495.013 34.695 1.325 4.038 0.295 74.570 0.011 |
22. 498.261 34.695 1.326 4.039 0.294 74.570 0.022 |
Station:180.100/68/1 Latitude=68 54.13S
Longitude=072 08.48W Depth:245 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR
Trans Fluor |
*1. -0.417 28.459 -1.133 8.260 2.066 65.570 0.078 |
*2. 0.891 33.351 -1.134 8.004 1.007 73.920 0.079 |
3. 2.141 33.351 -1.133 7.988 0.662 73.930 0.075 |
4. 6.924 33.351 -1.135 8.000 0.458 74.050 0.079 |
*5. 6.177 33.351 -1.132 8.004 0.477 74.070 0.055 |
*6. 6.254 33.351 -1.134 8.003 0.469
74.050 0.051 |
7. 10.503 33.351 -1.135 7.997 0.371 74.130 0.049 |
8. 14.818 33.351 -1.133 8.013 0.327 74.170 0.045 |
9. 19.442 33.352 -1.135 8.001 0.312 74.190 0.042 |
10. 30.950 33.356 -1.129 7.957 0.300 74.230 0.042 |
11. 50.158 33.722 -0.467 6.179 0.295 74.200 0.066 |
*12. 75.099 33.930 -0.415 5.289 0.296 73.910 0.038 |
*13. 101.140 34.063 -0.369 4.823 0.296 74.040 0.025 |
14. 148.844 34.205 -0.094 4.400 0.295 70.230 0.017 |
15. 214.285 34.263 0.030 4.255 0.295 69.760 0.045 |
16. 214.879 34.263 0.030 4.261 0.295 69.740 0.048 |
Station:140.100/69/1 Latitude=69 11.14S
Longitude=072 46.46W Depth:165m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 2.806 33.193 -1.429 7.931 0.923 69.420 0.027 |
*2. 2.539 33.193 -1.429 7.933 0.922 69.960 0.038 |
3. 6.007 33.195 -1.428 7.938 0.573 70.150 0.034 |
4. 5.911 33.194 -1.430 7.933 0.552 70.130 0.034 |
5. 10.118 33.192 -1.432 7.940 0.390 70.100 0.032 |
6. 15.620 33.216 -1.393 7.953 0.326 70.720 0.037 |
7. 20.896 33.212 -1.399 7.955 0.305 70.630 0.037 |
8. 31.166 33.230 -1.367 7.976 0.298 71.020 0.035 |
9. 50.520 33.284 -1.298 7.955 0.294 72.330 0.045 |
10. 66.916 33.301 -1.277 7.929 0.294 72.850 0.044 |
11. 100.710 33.431 -1.085 7.748 0.294 73.010 0.053 |
12. 119.644 33.587 -1.121 5.831 0.294 64.830 0.033 |
13. 120.623 33.631 -1.075 5.779 0.294 63.540 0.028 |
*14. 145.329 34.012 -0.433 4.925 0.296 60.440 0.073 |
*15. 145.043 34.006 -0.438 4.916 0.294 60.130 0.068 |
Station:140.140/70/1 Latitude=68 57.19S
Longitude=073 32.50W Depth:195 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 3.193 33.352 -1.228 8.116 0.709 74.120 0.046 |
*2. 2.902 33.351 -1.227 8.123 0.785 74.100 0.047 |
*3. 5.042 33.351 -1.231 8.121 0.517 74.150 0.053 |
4. 5.588 33.351 -1.232 8.134 0.505 74.130 0.049 |
5. 9.747 33.351 -1.231 8.130 0.384 74.130 0.057 |
6. 15.753 33.354 -1.233 8.124 0.327 74.160 0.046 |
7. 20.919 33.366 -1.225 8.089 0.311 74.160 0.055 |
8. 29.765 33.446 -1.159 7.988 0.299 74.160 0.060 |
9. 50.997 33.524 -1.075 7.791 0.295 74.040 0.071 |
10. 74.964 33.881 -0.557 5.818 0.296 73.820 0.064 |
11. 100.257 34.083 -0.372 5.022 0.295 72.020 0.050 |
12. 150.634 34.235 -0.108 4.650 0.294 70.920 0.066 |
*13. 176.251 34.253 -0.062 4.626 0.295 71.970 0.048 |
*14. 175.435 34.249 -0.073 4.614 0.295 72.020 0.051 |
Station:140.180/71/1 Latitude=68 43.40S
Longitude=074 17.65W Depth:532 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. -0.388 24.552 -0.953 8.375 2.920 50.630 0.067 |
*2. 1.811 33.435 -0.960 7.871 0.928 74.160 0.070 |
*3. 9.878 33.439 -0.964 7.886 0.373 74.650 0.049 |
4. 10.420 33.434 -0.960 7.875 0.374 74.690 0.041 |
5. 9.722 33.433 -0.961 7.892 0.382 74.710 0.039 |
10.017 33.432 -0.960 7.898 0.381 74.720 0.039 |
7. 14.700 33.454 -0.967 7.889 0.330 74.810 0.060 |
*8. 19.655 33.459 -0.972 7.901 0.319 74.860 0.074 |
*9. 30.705 33.570 -0.980 7.877 0.301 74.940 0.058 |
10. 51.410 33.594 -0.882 7.723 0.296 75.000 0.049 |
11. 73.803 33.810 -0.919 6.390 0.295 75.140 0.022 |
12. 101.392 33.996 -0.681 5.610 0.295 74.830 0.025 |
13. 149.902 34.307 -0.062 4.895 0.295 75.250 0.008 |
14. 199.213 34.479 0.582 4.355 0.295 75.160 0.012 |
15. 249.655 34.562 0.869 4.214 0.295 75.370 0.015 |
*16. 302.341 34.625 1.124 4.130 0.295 75.470 0.040 |
*17. 400.558 34.680 1.262 4.054 0.295 75.170 0.009 |
18. 514.619 34.690 1.283 4.029
0.295 74.760 0.014 |
19. 516.086 34.690 1.283 4.024 0.295 74.770 0.015 |
Station:140.220/72/1 Latitude=68 29.33S
Longitude=075 02.31W Depth:440 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 2.554 33.640 -1.338 7.999 2.874 74.430 0.065 |
*2. 10.647 33.641 -1.340 8.008 1.357 74.510 0.067 |
*3. 10.190 33.640 -1.340 8.021 1.359 74.510 0.066 |
4. 13.309 33.642 -1.341 8.012 1.073 74.250 0.102 |
5. 13.614 33.640 -1.338 8.022 1.021 74.490 0.110 |
*6. 13.475 33.643 -1.342 8.009 1.014 74.590 0.092 |
12.639 33.642 -1.341 8.016 1.056 74.360 0.094 |
8. 14.439 33.641 -1.340 8.030 0.980 74.230 0.059 |
9. 20.021 33.639 -1.338 8.033 0.782 74.750 0.062 |
10. 31.463
33.640 -1.339 8.041 0.526 74.810 0.075 |
11. 51.941 33.738 -1.546 7.988 0.385 74.740 0.072 |
12. 70.111 33.798 -1.456 7.615 0.336 74.480 0.056 |
13. 95.173 34.076
-1.409 6.557 0.308 74.750 0.027 |
14. 132.458 34.156 -1.564 6.689 0.298 75.130 0.046 |
*15. 200.254 34.419 0.221 4.686 0.296 75.190 0.024 |
*16. 319.914 34.648 1.151 4.071 0.296 75.000 0.037 |
17. 320.710 34.648 1.153 4.062 0.296 75.040 0.058 |
18. 417.973 34.696 1.306 4.011 0.295 74.450 0.009 |
19. 420.355 34.696 1.305 4.012 0.295 74.510 0.016 |
**Station:100.220/75/1 Latitude=68 45.15S
Longitude=075 41.24W Depth:460 m |
Station:100.180/76/1 Latitude=68 59.60S
Longitude=074 56.50W Depth:402 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.754 33.220 -1.225 8.135 0.946 74.140 0.081 |
*2. 2.240 33.220 -1.225 8.136 0.867 74.040 0.073 |
3. 5.709 33.221 -1.228 8.145 0.481 74.280 0.048 |
4. 5.763 33.220 -1.229 8.124 0.511 74.210 0.047 |
*5. 5.915 33.220 -1.231 8.140 0.509 74.270 0.041 |
6. 5.807 33.220 -1.230 8.144 0.526 74.330 0.036 |
9.400 33.220 -1.232 8.160 0.375 74.120 0.069 |
8. 14.625 33.221 -1.232 8.174 0.335 74.350 0.045 |
9. 19.908 33.221 -1.231 8.166 0.316 74.080 0.036 |
10. 31.829 33.222 -1.230 8.173 0.300 74.670 0.040 |
11. 50.558 33.226 -1.225 8.166 0.294 74.410 0.071 |
12. 75.425 33.447 -0.845 7.454 0.294 74.730 0.030 |
13. 98.990 33.758 -0.670 6.635 0.294 74.600 0.031 |
14. 125.501 33.986 -0.953 6.005 0.294 74.740 0.015 |
15. 149.394 34.105 -1.053 6.076 0.294 75.240 0.020 |
*16. 201.727 34.411 0.309 4.564 0.294 74.970 0.049 |
*17. 302.074 34.606 1.003 4.129 0.296 74.770 0.010 |
18. 398.314 34.626 1.069 4.062 0.294 74.370 0.003 |
19. 397.134 34.626 1.069 4.067
0.294 74.150 0.019 |
Station:100.140/77/1 Latitude=69 13.56S
Longitude=074 10.82W Depth:644 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.621 33.249 -1.143 8.088 0.998
74.380 0.082 |
*2. 1.672 33.250 -1.143 8.074 0.925 74.400 0.086 |
3. 5.168 33.248 -1.143 8.085 0.564 74.440 0.042 |
*4. 5.321 33.248 -1.143 8.083 0.565 74.430 0.047 |
*5. 10.861 33.249 -1.143 8.092 0.384 74.480 0.024 |
*6. 15.268 33.248 -1.143 8.108 0.326 74.530 0.038 |
7. 19.568 33.249 -1.143 8.097 0.310 74.460 0.043 |
31.119 33.300 -1.109 8.069 0.299 74.520 0.040 |
9. 51.392 33.441 -1.020 7.985 0.295 74.550 0.072 |
10. 70.909 33.489 -1.095 8.029 0.294 74.730 0.094 |
11. 104.446
33.728 -0.715 6.700 0.294 74.810 0.055 |
12. 146.218 34.016 -1.142 6.124 0.294 75.130 0.056 |
13. 196.161 34.152 -1.694 6.725 0.295 75.330 0.027 |
14. 303.525 34.525 0.700 4.256 0.295 74.890 0.006 |
15. 433.678 34.595 0.946 4.067 0.295 74.820 0.062 |
*16. 615.558 34.614 1.009 3.993 0.295 74.220 0.013 |
*17. 615.347 34.614 1.008 4.000 0.295 74.230 0.012 |
Station:60.140/78/1 Latitude=69 29.80S
Longitude=074 50.83W Depth:333 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 0.990 33.349 -1.136 7.958 1.007
73.540 0.028 |
*2. 1.432 33.352 -1.134 7.937 0.960 73.500 0.042 |
*3. 5.488 33.366 -1.112 7.917 0.516 73.570 0.036 |
4. 5.405 33.366 -1.113 7.918 0.535 73.520 0.033 |
*5. 10.295 33.356 -1.127 7.949 0.363 73.490 0.042 |
6. 15.702 33.345 -1.143 7.987 0.325 73.660 0.039 |
7. 20.161 33.342 -1.146 7.971 0.309 73.630 0.038 |
8. 30.872 33.381 -1.096 7.913 0.297 73.410 0.027 |
9. 50.732 33.404 -1.085 7.748 0.295 72.660 0.038 |
10. 99.286 33.748 -0.904 6.025 0.295 68.670 0.019 |
11. 168.557 34.164 -0.513 5.383 0.295 73.400 0.027 |
12. 290.158 34.458 0.456 4.380 0.294 73.650 0.039 |
*13. 311.904 34.458 0.456 4.363 0.295 73.560 0.020 |
*14. 313.116 34.459 0.461 4.362 0.295 73.510 0.026 |
Station:60.180/79/1 Latitude=69 15.47S
Longitude=075 36.60W Depth:462 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 2.085 33.250 -1.151 8.036 0.972 74.310 0.034 |
*2. 2.450 33.250 -1.151 8.044 0.706 74.420 0.029 |
3. 4.996 33.249 -1.151 8.048 0.600 74.500 0.051 |
4. 4.941 33.249 -1.151 8.058 0.591 74.480 0.068 |
5. 9.979 33.250 -1.150 8.057 0.402 74.550 0.053 |
6. 9.857 33.250 -1.151 8.044 0.401 74.560 0.035 |
*7. 14.914 33.250 -1.150 8.061 0.345 74.560 0.031 |
8. 19.657 33.250 -1.149 8.068 0.318 74.570 0.035 |
9. 30.284 33.274 -1.127 8.053 0.301 74.720 0.067 |
10. 49.920 33.448 -0.991 7.926 0.296 74.780 0.055 |
11. 75.591 33.812 -0.677 6.286 0.295 74.570 0.019 |
12. 99.912 34.031 -0.879 5.812 0.295 74.940 0.018 |
13. 125.052 34.143 -0.723 5.625 0.295 75.290 0.014 |
14. 150.282 34.222 -0.628 5.545 0.296 75.350 0.019 |
*15. 199.489 34.460 0.447 4.438 0.295 75.280 0.006 |
*16. 301.556 34.579 0.895 4.120 0.295 74.630 0.010 |
17. 391.802 34.620 1.031 4.036 0.295 74.630 0.021 |
18. 392.397 34.620 1.031 4.037 0.296 74.620 0.002 |
Station:60.220/80/1 Latitude=69 01.23S
Longitude=076 21.41W Depth:435 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.855 33.586 -1.237 7.929 0.897 74.760 0.046 |
*2. 4.626 33.587 -1.233 7.940 0.590 74.840 0.052 |
3. 5.379 33.586 -1.233 7.943 0.522 74.840 0.049 |
4. 10.130 33.586 -1.238 7.959 0.398 74.930 0.071 |
5. 10.044 33.585 -1.240 7.949 0.384 74.930 0.071 |
6. 14.570 33.585 -1.264 7.973 0.335 75.000 0.090 |
7. 19.158 33.586 -1.258 7.975 0.320 75.060 0.048 |
8. 30.096 33.600 -1.254 7.945 0.303 75.100 0.053 |
*9. 29.530 33.609 -1.247 7.934 0.303 75.100 0.058 |
10. 50.102 33.686 -1.494 7.991 0.296 75.300 0.050 |
11. 73.888 33.836 -1.652 7.837 0.295 75.400 0.044 |
12. 99.482 34.015 -1.465 6.736 0.295 75.510 0.014 |
13. 125.095 34.116 -1.238 6.200 0.295 75.500 0.027 |
14. 149.658 34.235 -0.696 5.517 0.295 75.510 0.056 |
15. 201.177 34.440 0.317 4.550 0.296 75.510 0.006 |
16. 254.498 34.606 0.990 4.131 0.296 75.280 0.046 |
17. 253.519 34.606 0.991 4.139 0.296 75.380 0.042 |
*18. 299.545 34.657 1.157 4.062 0.296 75.180 0.006 |
*19. 425.864 34.710 1.266 4.096 0.296 74.780 0.003 |
20. 426.944 34.710 1.267 4.088 0.297 74.810 0.011 |
Station:60.255/81/1 Latitude=68 48.23S
Longitude=077 00.70W Depth:701 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.658 33.805 -1.639 8.033 1.592 75.350 0.046 |
*2. 1.847 33.805 -1.653 8.047 1.590 75.340 0.038 |
3. 5.096 33.803 -1.613 8.040 1.090 75.370 0.046 |
4. 4.269 33.804 -1.635 8.056 1.122 75.420 0.051 |
5. 10.277 33.804 -1.659 8.075 0.739 75.430 0.079 |
*6. 14.384 33.803 -1.658 8.078 0.630 75.470 0.068 |
7. 17.742 33.804 -1.658 8.089 0.563 75.590 0.049 |
*8. 29.385 33.803 -1.656 8.121 0.456 75.600 0.045 |
9. 50.731 33.811 -1.683 8.110 0.362 75.630 0.038 |
10. 74.810 33.833 -1.687 7.876 0.322 75.630 0.042 |
11. 101.614 34.104 -1.623 6.752 0.306 75.860 0.023 |
12. 180.390 34.425 0.315 4.751 0.297 75.920 0.008 |
13. 251.716 34.580 1.153 4.233 0.296 75.930 0.024 |
14. 340.440 34.682 1.634 4.072 0.296 75.890 0.023 |
15. 355.294 34.685 1.593 4.103 0.296 75.890 0.009 |
16. 453.130 34.710 1.611 4.162 0.295 75.760 0.011 |
17. 543.693 34.715 1.596 4.182 0.296 75.690 0.012 |
*18. 690.544 34.724 1.485 4.271 0.296 75.530 0.004 |
*19. 689.050 34.724 1.492 4.277 0.296 75.520 0.002 |
Station:20.260/82/1 Latitude=69 02.16S
Longitude=077 45.74W Depth:420 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 2.052
33.834 -1.628 7.805 0.780 75.070 0.074 |
*2. 4.065 33.834 -1.630 7.780 0.582 75.230 0.064 |
3. 6.407 33.834 -1.628 7.793 0.456 75.230 0.071 |
4. 9.031 33.833 -1.627 7.795 0.395 75.240 0.077 |
*5. 10.915 33.833 -1.625 7.782 0.363 75.170 0.071 |
6. 16.363 33.833 -1.620 7.805 0.334 75.240 0.077 |
7. 20.346 33.834
-1.623 7.820 0.322 75.290 0.070 |
8. 30.917 33.839 -1.616 7.732 0.304 75.360 0.072 |
9. 51.250 33.925 -1.625 7.365 0.297 75.310 0.048 |
10. 111.056 34.130 -1.693 6.751
0.296 75.440 0.016 |
11. 221.714 34.508 0.637 4.456 0.296 75.350 0.040 |
12. 300.842 34.666 1.413 4.085 0.295 75.160 0.007 |
*13. 393.569 34.700 1.309 4.054 0.295 74.740 0.030 |
*14. 394.513 34.701 1.304 4.055 0.295 74.730 0.032 |
Station:20.220/83/1 Latitude=69 17.05S
Longitude=077 01.73W Depth:408 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. -0.183 29.934 -1.464 8.188 2.176 60.140 0.083 |
*2. 1.983 33.648 -1.464 7.975 0.856 74.180 0.096 |
3. 4.527 33.648 -1.466 7.988 0.579 74.740 0.053 |
4. 4.736 33.648 -1.466 7.979 0.575 74.650 0.039 |
5. 9.957 33.648 -1.467 7.985 0.404 74.860 0.039 |
*6. 10.352 33.648 -1.467 7.975 0.401 74.840 0.045 |
7. 15.162
33.647 -1.466 8.005 0.341 74.990 0.070 |
8. 20.498 33.664 -1.487 8.006 0.315 75.060 0.082 |
9. 30.175 33.660 -1.482 8.024 0.301 75.130 0.049 |
10. 50.032 33.747
-1.569 7.977 0.295 75.250 0.046 |
11. 50.444 33.747 -1.569 7.984 0.296 75.270 0.039 |
12. 75.479 33.780 -1.604 7.961 0.295 75.340 0.040 |
13. 101.402 33.868 -1.554 7.390 0.295 75.410 0.049 |
14. 125.432 34.117 -1.115 6.089 0.295 75.430 0.034 |
15. 151.465 34.177 -1.392 6.420 0.296 75.640 0.023 |
16. 199.996 34.438 0.230 4.686 0.295 75.600 0.021 |
*17. 248.595 34.580 0.876 4.202 0.295 75.490 0.003 |
*18. 300.882 34.645 1.167 4.154 0.296 75.420 0.016 |
19. 393.610 34.706 1.355 4.136 0.296
75.050 0.011 |
20. 392.897 34.706 1.355 4.137 0.295 75.040 0.013 |
Station:20.180/84/1 Latitude=69 31.47S
Longitude=076 18.02W Depth:418 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans
Fluor |
*1. 1.613 33.248 -1.197 8.010 3.261 74.420 0.042 |
*2. 4.691 33.248 -1.199 7.993 2.156 74.460 0.036 |
3. 5.481 33.248 -1.200 7.985 2.043 74.450 0.039 |
4. 10.272 33.247 -1.199 7.996 1.335 74.510 0.070 |
5. 9.666 33.247 -1.200 8.011 1.370 74.510 0.079 |
6. 15.395 33.259 -1.184 7.982 0.910 74.560 0.049 |
7. 19.461 33.322 -1.128 7.963 0.736 74.630 0.040 |
8. 29.200 33.426 -1.066 7.892 0.548 74.720 0.047 |
9. 50.297 33.490 -1.117 7.859 0.378 74.920 0.053 |
10. 48.919 33.495 -1.116 7.853 0.379 74.940 0.047 |
11. 73.900 33.726 -0.671 6.392 0.320 74.240 0.022 |
12. 98.965 33.887 -0.674 5.827 0.302 74.360 0.013 |
13. 124.168 34.014 -0.751 5.687 0.298 75.050 0.011 |
14. 149.924 34.078 -1.301 6.420 0.297 75.350 0.023 |
15. 202.985 34.297 -0.237 5.116 0.296 75.270 0.040 |
*16. 301.278 34.530 1.000 4.033 0.296 74.990 0.010 |
*17. 396.142 34.633 1.061 4.019 0.295 74.710 0.034 |
18. 397.376 34.632 1.060 4.021 0.295 74.630 0.036 |
Station:-034.161/85/1 Latitude=69 59.94S Longitude=076
53.63W Depth:860 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.400 33.275 -1.370 8.067 1.021 74.750 0.034 |
*2. 1.546 33.276 -1.369 8.076 1.054 74.820 0.030 |
3. 5.757 33.275 -1.361 8.076 0.534 74.810 0.066 |
*4. 5.987 33.275 -1.361 8.081 0.506 74.860 0.065 |
*5. 10.828 33.275 -1.360 8.078 0.371 74.910 0.051 |
6. 15.156 33.275 -1.358 8.092 0.337 74.950 0.049 |
7. 20.917 33.278 -1.348 8.073 0.314 75.000 0.041 |
8. 29.889 33.328 -1.272 8.032 0.300 75.060 0.049 |
48.551 33.374 -1.270 8.049 0.295 75.110 0.074 |
10. 50.706 33.371 -1.275 8.031 0.296 75.120 0.060 |
11. 76.520 33.629 -1.268 7.555 0.295 75.140 0.052 |
12. 111.662 33.760 -1.292 7.251 0.294 75.140 0.037 |
13. 202.166 34.203 -0.910 5.785 0.294 75.540 0.016 |
14. 252.434 34.410 0.095 4.807 0.295 75.590 0.029 |
15. 302.541 34.543 0.692 4.268 0.296 75.590 0.017 |
16. 402.826 34.646 1.050 4.145 0.296 75.530 0.006 |
*17. 833.177 34.711 1.169 4.077 0.296 74.600 0.013 |
*18. 834.904 34.712 1.166 4.075 0.296 74.590 0.007 |
Station:-034.161/86/1 Latitude=70 37.98S
Longitude=077 37.28W Depth:585 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.528 33.251 -1.439 8.089 0.976 74.600 0.054 |
*2. 1.295 33.251 -1.439 8.081 0.940 74.550 0.063 |
3. 5.662 33.252 -1.439 8.084 0.518 74.660 0.044 |
4. 5.230 33.251 -1.439 8.078 0.526
74.660 0.040 |
5. 11.836 33.254 -1.435 8.100 0.348 74.720 0.051 |
*6. 15.251 33.270 -1.393 8.102 0.326 74.760 0.035 |
7. 21.198 33.286 -1.345 8.105 0.309 74.790 0.037 |
8. 29.995 33.290 -1.341 8.097 0.299 74.810 0.035 |
9. 50.980 33.343 -1.262 8.066 0.295 74.810 0.039 |
10. 171.809 33.989 -1.181 6.130 0.295 72.770 0.015 |
331.726 34.554 0.717 4.280 0.295 75.050 0.009 |
12. 382.878 34.634 1.018 4.146 0.295 75.050 0.051 |
13. 533.717 34.679 1.160 4.093 0.295 74.830 0.044 |
*14. 578.805
34.678 1.155 4.087 0.295 74.610 0.008 |
*15. 579.438 34.678 1.155 4.086 0.295 74.660 0.007 |
Station:062.122/87/1 Latitude=69 35.03S
Longitude=074 27.06W Depth:170 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 0.480 33.122 -1.664 8.199 1.139 64.580 0.032 |
*2. 0.432 33.122 -1.670 8.209 1.071 64.540 0.034 |
*3. 5.109 33.123 -1.662 8.191 0.499 64.870 0.027 |
4. 5.092 33.123 -1.672 8.203 0.503 64.750 0.037 |
5. 10.375 33.124 -1.639 8.197 0.351 65.420 0.027 |
6. 15.256 33.126 -1.615 8.193 0.314 65.730 0.029 |
7. 20.149 33.129 -1.599 8.204 0.303 66.120 0.032 |
8. 30.169 33.136 -1.565 8.202 0.297 66.610 0.029 |
9. 50.644 33.192 -1.438 8.138 0.295 66.000 0.028 |
10. 68.998 33.209 -1.404 8.103 0.296 66.190 0.031 |
11. 79.957 33.230 -1.361 8.001 0.295 67.240 0.050 |
12. 126.219 33.322 -1.249 7.641 0.294 66.530 0.030 |
*13. 149.233 33.958 -0.570 5.393 0.295 69.240 0.040 |
*14. 150.086 34.025 -0.479 5.402 0.297 69.300 0.046 |
Station:208.084/88/1 Latitude=68 47.00S
Longitude=071 24.14W Depth:457 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 0.892 33.297 -1.366 7.812 1.036 72.930 0.082 |
*2. 0.914 33.297 -1.360 7.809 0.996 72.920 0.074 |
3. 5.444 33.298 -1.358 7.817 0.504 72.920 0.031 |
*4. 5.569 33.298 -1.355 7.808 0.502 72.930 0.038 |
5. 10.451 33.304 -1.309 7.806 0.377 72.980 0.043 |
*6. 15.328 33.307 -1.305 7.800 0.330 73.000 0.038 |
7. 21.031 33.317 -1.283 7.784 0.312 72.980 0.021 |
8. 30.206 33.324 -1.234 7.790 0.301 72.970 0.032 |
9. 49.487 33.341 -1.244 7.810 0.296 72.980 0.030 |
10. 74.779 33.401 -1.087 7.641 0.296 72.970 0.036 |
11. 149.794 34.069 -0.262 4.902 0.295 72.270 0.033 |
12. 161.833 34.120 -0.185 4.660 0.296 71.970 0.026 |
13. 282.714 34.438 0.542 4.142 0.296 71.990 0.023 |
14. 358.347 34.565 0.914 4.019 0.295 71.550 0.050 |
*15. 446.336 34.592 0.995 3.981 0.296 70.860 0.022 |
*16. 445.607 34.592 0.994 3.971 0.296 70.830 0.020 |
Station:239.057/89/1 Latitude=68 42.86S
Longitude=070 24.04W Depth:408 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.822 33.127 -1.774 7.882 0.846 73.050 0.037 |
*2. 1.974 33.130 -1.774 7.889 0.848 73.010 0.054 |
3. 4.720 33.128 -1.769 7.915 0.537 72.220 0.026 |
4.794 33.128 -1.770 7.904 0.527 73.010 0.036 |
5. 9.695 33.129 -1.773 7.913 0.371 73.010 0.061 |
6. 14.570 33.128 -1.765 7.929 0.327 73.070 0.036 |
7. 19.597 33.128 -1.758 7.944 0.308 73.140 0.028 |
8. 29.938 33.130 -1.732 7.940 0.299 73.110 0.049 |
9. 49.683 33.139 -1.689 7.898 0.296 73.070 0.041 |
10. 74.874 33.367 -1.096 7.171 0.296 73.010 0.025 |
11. 99.401 33.515 -0.694 6.778 0.296 72.950 0.057 |
12. 125.074 33.827 -0.364 5.642 0.296 72.980 0.024 |
13. 150.342 33.977 -0.506 4.752 0.296 72.400 0.005 |
14. 200.584 34.196 -0.118 4.475 0.296 72.070 0.007 |
15. 250.752 34.410 0.464 4.116 0.296 72.080 0.020 |
*16. 354.024 34.555 0.898 4.043
0.296 72.300 0.008 |
*17. 354.141 34.555 0.899 4.043 0.297 72.290 0.012 |
Station:367.036/90/1 Latitude=67 53.50S
Longitude=068 10.50W Depth:534 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.249 33.389 -0.791 7.964 2.234 71.900 0.050 |
*2. 1.144 33.388 -0.790 7.962 2.273 71.900 0.050 |
3. 5.628 33.389 -0.794 7.965 1.348 71.930 0.045 |
*4. 5.684 33.389 -0.793 7.967 1.342 71.920 0.046 |
5. 10.388 33.389 -0.789 7.975 0.944 71.920 0.043 |
6. 15.468 33.389 -0.789 7.977 0.717 71.920 0.042 |
20.482 33.389 -0.791 7.998 0.582 71.920 0.069 |
8. 29.927 33.390 -0.785 7.990 0.444 71.900 0.087 |
9. 50.674 33.397 -0.753 7.954 0.335 71.880 0.063 |
10. 77.186
33.551 -0.294 7.529 0.304 72.060 0.044 |
11. 96.511 33.610 -0.171 7.106 0.299 72.510 0.021 |
12. 125.662 33.822 -0.023 6.160 0.297 72.720 0.047 |
13. 175.943 34.295 0.241 3.880 0.297 72.910 0.020 |
14. 219.426 34.464 0.665 3.695 0.297 73.270 0.012 |
15. 418.603 34.641 1.176 3.772 0.297 73.250 0.042 |
*16. 518.373 34.652 1.211 3.734 0.297 72.870 0.014 |
*17. 518.604 34.652 1.211 3.735 0.297 72.870 0.013 |
Station:338.044/91/1 Latitude=68 04.21S
Longitude=068 43.90W Depth:374 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.292 33.340 -0.927 7.983 0.764 72.430 0.064 |
*2. 1.512 33.339 -0.927 7.985 0.688 72.430 0.062 |
3. 5.318 33.341 -0.924 7.976 0.453 72.370 0.039 |
*4. 4.915 33.341 -0.924 7.999 0.451 72.380 0.036 |
*5. 10.497 33.349 -0.909 7.990 0.350 72.320 0.057 |
6. 15.823 33.350 -0.906 7.999 0.317 72.270 0.046 |
7. 19.997 33.360 -0.886 8.009 0.307 72.190 0.043 |
8. 30.044 33.375 -0.810 7.990 0.299 72.130 0.053 |
9. 51.733 33.423 -0.657 7.903 0.297 72.230 0.039 |
10. 100.467 33.596 -0.283 7.581 0.297 72.560 0.045 |
11. 150.087 33.801 -0.205 6.782 0.297 72.700 0.036 |
12. 199.766 34.210 0.154 4.855 0.297 72.740 0.018 |
13. 250.138 34.495 0.761 3.812 0.297 72.670 0.015 |
*14. 359.832 34.606 1.070 3.693 0.298 72.040 0.048 |
*15. 360.011 34.606 1.072 3.684 0.297 71.980 0.036 |
Station:344.052/92/1 Latitude=67 59.07S
Longitude=068 47.95W Depth:126 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 0.463 33.391 -0.797 7.853 1.401 71.300 0.081 |
*2. 0.639 33.391 -0.798 7.852 1.243 71.290 0.074 |
3. 5.430 33.395 -0.774 7.850 0.509 71.240 0.045 |
4. 4.962 33.393 -0.785 7.844 0.545 71.230 0.047 |
5. 11.003 33.406 -0.718 7.827 0.354 71.190 0.047 |
6. 15.717 33.412 -0.688 7.813 0.305 71.150 0.050 |
7. 20.747 33.422 -0.643 7.806 0.298 71.150 0.045 |
8. 25.449 33.426 -0.622 7.798 0.298 71.120 0.060 |
9. 30.730 33.431 -0.588 7.789 0.299 71.070 0.077 |
10. 39.948 33.441 -0.543 7.773 0.298 71.040 0.052 |
11. 49.913 33.514 -0.421 7.653 0.297 71.350 0.038 |
12. 66.263 33.622 -0.258 7.515 0.296 71.550 0.040 |
*13. 89.919 33.640 -0.250 7.463 0.297 71.590 0.076 |
*14. 89.788 33.640 -0.250 7.476 0.297 71.580 0.079 |
Station:351.071/93/1 Latitude=67 49.85S
Longitude=069 03.94W Depth:149 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
1. 2.215 33.392 -0.750 7.789 0.435 71.140 0.090 |
2. 1.783
33.393 -0.750 7.798 0.480 71.140 0.064 |
3. 6.151 33.392 -0.750 7.803 0.498 71.050 0.041 |
4. 5.595 33.392 -0.753 7.805 0.462 71.030 0.036 |
*5. 9.373 33.393 -0.748 7.778 0.322 70.970 0.059 |
*6. 15.064 33.393 -0.740 7.790 0.308 70.880 0.041 |
7. 19.664 33.406 -0.719 7.787 0.317 70.990 0.061 |
8. 31.552 33.446 -0.515 7.751 0.299 71.030 0.045 |
9. 49.350 33.498 -0.398 7.740 0.297 71.180 0.059 |
10. 69.674 33.525 -0.360 7.755 0.296 71.350 0.059 |
11. 69.384 33.526 -0.359 7.739
0.296 71.350 0.071 |
*12. 98.790 33.559 -0.446 7.772 0.297 71.550 0.054 |
*13. 118.629 33.594 -0.409 7.758 0.297 71.670 0.060 |
14. 157.464 34.137 0.392 5.609 0.297 71.400 0.028 |
15. 156.533 34.132 0.388 5.620 0.296 71.410 0.031 |
Station:348.084/94/1 Latitude=67 47.03S
Longitude=069 22.13W Depth:265 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 2.079 33.581 -0.568 7.803 0.768 72.720 0.055 |
*2. 1.422 33.580 -0.561 7.803 0.732 72.730 0.057 |
3. 5.483 33.581 -0.555 7.795 0.444 72.690 0.048 |
4. 5.308 33.581 -0.546 7.802 0.480 72.690 0.044 |
5. 9.331 33.581 -0.532 7.807 0.363 72.670 0.052 |
6. 14.973 33.582 -0.520 7.814 0.319 72.620 0.047 |
7. 19.714
33.584 -0.513 7.810 0.308 72.590 0.047 |
8. 29.912 33.595 -0.430 7.793 0.299 72.560 0.044 |
9. 50.617 33.632 -0.205 7.680 0.296 72.530 0.046 |
10. 75.031 33.709
-0.062 7.545 0.296 72.670 0.049 |
11. 99.013 33.744 -0.050 7.380 0.296 72.610 0.050 |
12. 118.905 33.887 0.014 6.697 0.296 72.530 0.037 |
13. 150.387 34.104 0.112 5.883 0.296 72.530 0.023 |
*14. 200.997 34.290 0.368 5.173 0.296 72.410 0.016 |
15. 244.967 34.331 0.426 5.005 0.297 72.090 0.010 |
16. 244.535 34.332 0.428 5.010 0.296 72.130 0.012 |
Station:339.099/95/1 Latitude=67 45.87S
Longitude=069 46.46W Depth:312 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.785 33.693 -0.747 7.864 0.698 73.070 0.061 |
*2. 0.740 33.694 -0.740 7.866 0.715 73.070 0.058 |
*3. 4.864 33.696 -0.741 7.897 0.455 73.060 0.067 |
4. 5.069 33.699 -0.728 7.883 0.465 73.080 0.069 |
5. 10.758 33.720 -0.659 7.898 0.348 73.110 0.091 |
6. 15.436 33.724 -0.652 7.901 0.321 73.110 0.063 |
7. 20.693 33.727 -0.664 7.919 0.308 73.090 0.068 |
8. 31.000 33.743 -0.685 7.904 0.299 73.080 0.061 |
9. 50.730 33.766 -0.873 7.942 0.297 73.140 0.063 |
10. 87.729 34.135 -0.314 5.939 0.297 72.880 0.030 |
11. 113.860 34.294 0.305 4.846 0.296 72.550 0.046 |
12. 166.050 34.466 0.655 4.343 0.297 72.580 0.004 |
*13. 295.714 34.598 1.115 4.086 0.297 72.470 0.014 |
*14. 295.785 34.598 1.114 4.085 0.297 72.460 0.017 |
Station:353.099/96/1 Latitude=67 40.06S
Longitude=069 34.72W Depth:226 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 2.397 33.576 -0.346 7.732 0.643 72.250 0.038 |
*2. 2.133 33.576 -0.345 7.734 0.698 72.260 0.040 |
*3. 5.046 33.576 -0.331 7.731 0.479 72.240 0.048 |
4. 4.791 33.576 -0.353 7.746 0.455 72.240 0.045 |
5. 5.263 33.576 -0.358 7.735 0.475 72.230 0.041 |
6. 9.808 33.575 -0.360 7.722 0.356 72.220 0.059 |
7. 14.900 33.580 -0.370 7.734 0.320 72.190 0.083 |
8. 19.966 33.634 -0.188 7.714 0.305 72.420 0.061 |
9. 30.017 33.655 -0.319 7.747 0.298 72.550 0.055 |
10. 50.269 33.687 -0.311 7.702 0.296 72.670 0.049 |
11. 76.424 33.788 -0.229 7.331 0.296 72.760 0.045 |
*12. 110.085 34.014 0.157 6.079 0.296 72.470 0.018 |
13. 141.537 34.211 0.170 5.224 0.296 72.510 0.016 |
*14. 198.759 34.377 0.425 4.603 0.295 72.820 0.012 |
15. 242.753 34.479 0.698 4.370 0.296 73.060 0.005 |
16. 244.106 34.484 0.717 4.374 0.296 73.070 0.003 |
Station:367.098/97/1 Latitude=67 34.41 S
Longitude=069 23.07W Depth:137 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
1. 1.474 33.271 -1.313 7.939 0.980 69.020 0.081 |
2. 1.379 33.265 -1.322 7.951 0.821 68.940 0.078 |
3. 5.663 33.276 -1.284 7.931 0.456 68.930 0.054 |
4. 5.647 33.255 -1.352 7.963 0.462 69.010 0.054 |
5. 9.360 33.291
-1.257 7.936 0.352 69.500 0.047 |
6. 14.416 33.390 -1.063 7.843 0.320 71.130 0.052 |
7. 19.003 33.543 -0.736 7.791 0.307 72.120 0.075 |
8. 29.725 33.632 -0.701 7.814
0.298 72.590 0.049 |
9. 49.166 33.694 -0.485 7.778 0.297 72.720 0.063 |
*10. 83.705 33.734 -0.696 7.833 0.296 72.880 0.072 |
*11. 99.596 33.763 -0.640 7.712 0.295 72.850 0.057 |
12. 127.912 33.832 -0.103 7.020 0.297 72.470 0.073 |
13. 126.744 33.827 -0.176 7.055 0.295 72.600 0.083 |
Station:372.110/98/1 Latitude=67 28.02S
Longitude=069 31.93W Depth:488 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.516 33.374 -0.831 7.828 0.847 71.900 0.042 |
*2. 1.633 33.372 -0.836 7.836 0.839 71.910 0.042 |
*3. 4.885 33.371 -0.844 7.848 0.520 71.900 0.038 |
4. 4.498 33.371 -0.846 7.855 0.534 71.900 0.040 |
5. 10.044 33.375 -0.827 7.862 0.373 71.910 0.031 |
6. 15.414 33.375 -0.826 7.852 0.325 71.910 0.037 |
7. 20.088 33.402 -0.743 7.826 0.311 72.070 0.060 |
8. 31.499 33.457 -0.452 7.793 0.301 72.080 0.074 |
9. 50.462 33.490 -0.336 7.769 0.297 72.080 0.078 |
10. 75.470 33.622 -0.032 7.652 0.296 72.530 0.075 |
11. 101.508 33.723 -0.071 7.726 0.296 73.200 0.057 |
12. 160.147 34.279 0.284 4.991 0.296 73.090 0.015 |
13. 201.569 34.424 0.570 4.488 0.296 73.310 0.014 |
*14. 271.998 34.588 1.056 4.114 0.296 73.330 0.036 |
*15. 350.693 34.676 1.331 3.945 0.296 73.310 0.037 |
16. 461.376 34.693 1.384 3.964 0.297 73.130 0.013 |
17. 460.405 34.693 1.384 3.964 0.296 73.120 0.007 |
Station:379.120/99/1 Latitude=67 22.22S Longitude=069
36.40W Depth:438 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 2.047 33.287 -1.495 7.882 0.996 72.240 0.053 |
*2. 2.574 33.288 -1.491 7.886 0.940 72.240 0.041 |
3. 5.036 33.305 -1.419 7.884 0.680 72.240 0.048 |
4. 5.069 33.320 -1.398 7.914 0.694 72.270 0.047 |
5. 10.005 33.494 -0.526 7.782 0.475 72.470 0.037 |
6. 15.965 33.531 -0.435 7.726 0.385 72.570 0.041 |
7. 20.332 33.568 -0.177 7.455 0.350 72.340 0.040 |
8. 29.757 33.643 -0.301 7.772 0.322 72.710 0.048 |
49.938 33.697 -0.306 7.868 0.303 73.250 0.059 |
10. 74.513 33.714 -0.383 7.853 0.298 73.290 0.056 |
11. 108.709 34.076 0.292 5.450 0.296 72.550 0.051 |
12. 142.100 34.295 -0.159 5.335 0.296 73.840 0.019 |
13. 201.790 34.519 0.835 4.234 0.296 73.720 0.050 |
*14. 304.386 34.656 1.333 4.031 0.296 73.690 0.038 |
*15. 385.307 34.679 1.360 3.974 0.296 73.490 0.039 |
16. 436.530 34.684 1.367 3.950 0.297 73.300 0.017 |
17. 436.868 34.684 1.367 3.945 0.296 73.310 0.012 |
Station:459.115/100/1 Latitude=66 48.76S
Longitude=068 26.96W Depth:117 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 0.394 33.171 -1.573 7.943 0.648 70.030 0.055 |
*2. 0.126 33.171 -1.579 7.956 0.906 70.010 0.052 |
*3. 5.870 33.179 -1.501 7.934 0.345 70.100 0.070 |
4. 6.040 33.176 -1.538 7.945 0.345 70.110 0.070 |
5. 10.167 33.183 -1.565 7.947 0.317 70.220 0.078 |
6. 15.238 33.210 -1.205 7.914 0.328 70.380 0.076 |
7. 19.965 33.243 -1.021 7.867 0.312 70.710 0.076 |
8. 30.935 33.283 -0.761 7.789 0.298 70.890 0.046 |
9. 50.270 33.349 -0.661 7.742 0.296 70.660 0.043 |
10. 63.905 33.465 -0.390 7.564 0.296 71.020 0.036 |
*11. 114.456 33.779 0.073 6.674 0.296 70.760 0.076 |
114.489 33.779 0.074 6.672 0.296 70.740 0.055 |
Station:458.265/101/1 Latitude=66 01.23S
Longitude=071 10.20W Depth:2889 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. 1.273 33.692 -1.376 8.129 0.265 0.000 0.052 |
*2. 1.046 33.692 -1.375 8.147 0.265 0.000 0.058 |
3. 5.250 33.692 -1.360 8.160 0.265 0.000 0.059 |
4. 5.542 33.694 -1.361 8.164 0.265 0.000 0.065 |
5. 9.773 33.703 -1.330 8.171 0.265 0.000 0.090 |
6. 16.316 33.717 -1.283 8.175 0.265 0.000 0.092 |
7. 20.145 33.724 -1.258 8.162 0.266 0.000 0.079 |
8. 28.997 33.730 -1.300 8.187 0.266 0.000 0.094 |
9. 52.793 33.751 -1.197 8.169 0.267 0.000 0.095 |
10. 79.511 33.982 -0.991 7.172 0.266 0.000 0.064 |
*11. 153.219 34.467 1.036 4.457 0.265 0.000 0.013 |
12. 246.607 34.631 1.851 3.922 0.265 0.000 0.043 |
*13. 350.156 34.685 1.891 3.974 0.265 0.000 -0.002 |
14. 452.357 34.708 1.867 4.102 0.265 0.000 0.045 |
15. 551.432 34.720 1.772 4.203 0.265 0.000 0.002 |
16. 606.569 34.722 1.716 4.217 0.265 0.000 0.005 |
17. 864.930 34.728 1.461 4.352 0.265 0.000 -0.002 |
18. 1526.148 34.716 0.915 4.613 0.265 0.000 -0.002 |
19. 2045.289 34.706 0.580 4.765 0.265 0.000 0.008 |
20. 2243.247 34.704 0.466 4.825 0.265 0.000 -0.001 |
21. 2417.821 34.703 0.350 4.886 0.265 0.000 -0.005 |
22. 2840.297 34.701 0.219 4.974 0.265 0.000 0.004 |
*23. 2855.357 34.701 0.215 4.980 0.265 0.000 0.025 |
*24. 2853.768 34.701 0.216 4.979 0.265 0.000 0.036 |
Station:506.271/102/1 Latitude=65 38.99S
Longitude=070 38.81W Depth:3078 m |
Bottle no
Depth Salinity Temp.
Oxygen PAR Trans Fluor |
*1. -0.740 33.690 -1.423 8.170 0.266 0.000 0.064 |
*2. -0.572 33.690 -1.422 8.173 0.266 0.000 0.056 |
3. 4.977 33.692 -1.418 8.184 0.266 0.000 0.054 |
4. 5.205 33.692 -1.418 8.186 0.266 0.000 0.056 |
5. 10.663 33.699 -1.388 8.202 0.266 0.000 0.058 |
6. 14.771 33.715 -1.318 8.199 0.266 0.000 0.055 |
7. 20.250 33.734 -1.249 8.192 0.266 0.000 0.056 |
*8. 30.792 33.748 -1.267 8.189 0.266 0.000 0.052 |
9. 49.705 33.764 -1.259 8.127 0.266 0.000 0.064 |
10. 100.748 34.301 -0.116 5.302 0.266 0.000 0.051 |
*11. 179.659 34.602 2.012 3.918 0.266 0.000 0.009 |
12. 250.043 34.649 2.037 3.917 0.266 0.000 0.016 |
*13. 348.805 34.684 1.976 3.976 0.265 0.000 0.016 |
*14. 390.461 34.697 1.934 4.021 0.266 0.000 0.010 |
15. 448.177 34.704 1.903 4.067 0.266 0.000 0.028 |
16. 581.957 34.721 1.730 4.171 0.266 0.000 0.004 |
17. 820.522 34.724 1.457 4.269 0.266 0.000 0.006 |
18. 1552.560 34.716 0.914 4.575 0.266 0.000 0.020 |
1860.613 34.710 0.697 4.671 0.266 0.000 -0.006 |
20. 2049.469 34.707 0.580 4.725 0.266 0.000 -0.002 |
21. 2259.190 34.705 0.466 4.783 0.266 0.000 0.003 |
22. 2544.325 34.703 0.347 4.860 0.266 0.000 0.031 |
*23. 3046.446 34.702 0.209 4.962 0.266 0.000 0.011 |
*24. 3047.979 34.702 0.206 4.953 0.266 0.000 0.005 |
Appendix 4: Summary of expendable
conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) probe drops made during the first U.S. Southern Ocean GLOBEC survey cruise, NBP01-03. Latitude and longitude are given in degrees south and west,
respectively. Total depth and cast
depth are given in meters. Event
numbers for the XCTD drops may change pending final checking against the cruise
event log.
DROP # |
1 |
NBP11701.030 |
63 51.710 |
67 06.780 |
3160 |
Did not work |
2 |
NBP11901.002 |
64 59.779 |
69 29.829 |
2808 |
1000 |
Good Cast |
3 |
NBP11901.004 |
65 10.966 |
69 41.62 |
2879 |
Did not work |
4 |
NBP12401.007 |
66 24.667 |
69 50.784 |
150 |
Good to 150 m |
5 |
NBP12501.003 |
67 01.32 |
72 18.38 |
420 |
180 |
Good to 180 m |
6 |
NBP12801.016 |
67 49.510 |
71 06.309 |
450 |
450 |
Good cast |
7 |
NBP12801.017 |
67 49.023 |
71 06.855 |
450 |
450 |
Good cast |
8 |
NBP12801.019 |
67 36.895 |
71 51.184 |
389 |
389 |
Good cast |
9 |
NBP12901.002 |
67 23.270 |
72 35.130 |
374 |
374 |
Good cast |
10 |
NBP12901.005 |
67 06.225 |
73 21.441 |
2363 |
1000 |
Good cast |
11 |
NBP13001.016 |
68 07.341 |
71 40.634 |
503 |
503 |
Good cast |
12 |
NBP13001.018 |
68 20.887 |
70 55.246 |
498 |
498 |
Good cast |
13 |
NBP13101.001 |
68 27.690 |
70 32.199 |
529 |
529 |
Good cast |
14 |
NBP13101.003 |
68 31.213 |
69 59.70 |
976 |
976 |
Good cast |
15 |
NBP13401.011 |
67 49.39 |
74 11.87 |
1132 |
175 |
Good to 175 m |
16 |
NBP13401.017 |
67 46.27 |
74 18.84 |
2360 |
1000 |
Good cast |
17 |
NBP13401.021 |
67 40.60 |
74 34.941 |
2514 |
1000 |
Good cast |
18 |
NBP13401.027 |
67 35.783 |
74 51.55 |
2747 |
1000 |
Good cast |
19 |
NBP13401.029 |
67 30.552 |
75 07.23 |
2900 |
1000 |
Good cast |
20 |
NBP13701.015 |
68 16.741 |
75 40.328 |
2081 |
1000 |
Good cast |
21 |
NBP13701.022 |
68 32.774 |
76 19.256 |
996 |
996 |
Good cast |
Appendix 5: Summary of the expendable
bathythermograph (XBT) drops made during the first U.S. Southern Ocean GLOBEC survey cruise,
NBP01-03. Latitude and longitude are
given in degrees south and west, respectively.
Total depth and cast depth are given in meters. The event numbers for the XBT probe drops
may change pending final checking against the cruise event log.
DROP # |
1 |
NBP11601.001 |
T7 |
11.299 |
55.755 |
4678 |
760 |
Cast |
2 |
NBP11601.004 |
T7 |
20.855 |
58.032 |
3505 |
- |
Cast |
3 |
NBP11601.005 |
T7 |
21.327 |
58.150 |
3505 |
760 |
Cast |
4 |
NBP11601.006 |
T7 |
29.444 |
00.203 |
3628 |
- |
Cast |
5 |
NBP11601.007 |
T7 |
29.941 |
00.319 |
3628 |
760 |
Cast |
6 |
NBP11601.008 |
T7 |
39.329 |
02.519 |
3416 |
- |
Cast |
7 |
NBP11601.009 |
T7 |
39.740 |
02.625 |
3308 |
- |
Cast |
8 |
NBP11601.010 |
T7 |
40.207 |
02.751 |
3308 |
- |
Cast |
9 |
NBP11601.011 |
T7 |
40.847 |
02.870 |
3308 |
- |
Cast |
10 |
NBP11601.012 |
T7 |
41.662 |
02.970 |
3308 |
300 |
Broke-300 m |
11 |
NBP11601.013 |
T7 |
49.518 |
05.049 |
4269 |
413 |
Broke-413 m |
12 |
NBP11601.014 |
T7 |
50.083 |
05.195 |
4200 |
- |
Cast |
13 |
NBP11601.015 |
T7 |
50.389 |
05.288 |
4194 |
760 |
Cast |
14 |
NBP11601.016 |
T7 |
00.393 |
07.888 |
3349 |
760 |
Cast |
15 |
NBP11601.017 |
T7 |
09.727 |
10.511 |
3575 |
300 |
Broke-300 m |
16 |
NBP11601.018 |
T7 |
10.290 |
10.660 |
3164 |
575 |
Broke-575 m |
17 |
NBP11601.019 |
T7 |
19.654 |
13.002 |
3122 |
760 |
Cast |
18 |
NBP11601.020 |
T7 |
29.593 |
15.153 |
3074 |
760 |
Cast |
19 |
NBP11601.021 |
T7 |
39.381 |
17.600 |
3438 |
760 |
Cast |
20 |
NBP11701.001 |
T7 |
49.550 |
20.065 |
3879 |
176 |
Broke-176 m |
21 |
NBP11701.002 |
T7 |
50.450 |
20.270 |
3879 |
368 |
Broke-368 m |
22 |
NBP11701.003 |
T7 |
59.860 |
22.940 |
2657 |
59 |
Broke-59 m |
23 |
NBP11701.004 |
T7 |
00.210 |
23.080 |
2700 |
143 |
Broke-143 m |
24 |
NBP11701.005 |
T7 |
00.530 |
23.160 |
2700 |
668 |
Broke-668 m |
25 |
NBP11701.006 |
T7 |
09.470 |
25.360 |
3400 |
90 |
Broke-90 m |
26 |
NBP11701.007 |
T7 |
09.890 |
25.480 |
3400 |
164 |
Broke 164 m |
27 |
NBP11701.008 |
T7 |
10.280 |
25.570 |
3400 |
668 |
Broke-668 m |
28 |
NBP11701.009 |
T7 |
19.280 |
27.790 |
4287 |
564 |
Broke-564 m |
29 |
NBP11701.010 |
T7 |
30.320 |
30.560 |
4396 |
240 |
Broke-240 m |
30 |
NBP11701.011 |
T7 |
30.620 |
30.680 |
4397 |
543 |
Broke-543 m |
31 |
NBP11701.012 |
T7 |
31.080 |
30.860 |
4397 |
344 |
Broke-344 m |
32 |
NBP11701.013 |
T7 |
39.450 |
33.070 |
3978 |
760 |
Cast |
33 |
NBP11701.014 |
T7 |
49.590 |
35.800 |
3819 |
760 |
Cast |
34 |
NBP11701.015 |
T7 |
59.950 |
38.590 |
2505 |
325 |
Broke-325 m |
35 |
NBP11701.016 |
T7 |
00.490 |
38.740 |
3110 |
760 |
Cast |
36 |
NBP11701.017 |
T7 |
09.469 |
40.881 |
3707 |
638 |
Broke-638 m |
37 |
NBP11701.018 |
T7 |
19.718 |
43.811 |
3585 |
760 |
Cast |
38 |
NBP11701.019 |
T7 |
29.582 |
46.461 |
3626 |
760 |
Cast |
39 |
NBP11701.020 |
T7 |
39.969 |
54.426 |
3523 |
735 |
Broke-735 m |
40 |
NBP11701.021 |
T7 |
49.432 |
08.076 |
3551 |
374 |
Broke-374 m |
41 |
NBP11701.022 |
T7 |
59.560 |
15.940 |
3530 |
200 |
Broke-200 m |
42 |
NBP11701.023 |
T7 |
59.980 |
16.211 |
3541 |
300 |
Broke-300 m |
43 |
NBP11701.024 |
T7 |
09.980 |
22.209 |
3771 |
760 |
Cast |
44 |
NBP11701.025 |
T7 |
19.579 |
20.663 |
3715 |
760 |
Cast |
45 |
NBP11701.026 |
T7 |
29.585 |
16.878 |
3535 |
760 |
Cast |
46 |
NBP11701.027 |
T7 |
39.827 |
12.948 |
3374 |
760 |
Cast |
47 |
NBP11701.031 |
T7 |
51.710 |
06.780 |
3160 |
121 |
Broke-121 m |
48 |
NBP11701.032 |
T7 |
52.000 |
06.100 |
3160 |
129 |
Broke-129 m |
49 |
NBP11701.033 |
T7 |
52.210 |
05.580 |
3160 |
391 |
Broke-391 m |
50 |
NBP11701.035 |
T7 |
06.733 |
31.283 |
979 |
760 |
Cast |
51 |
NBP11901.005 |
T7 |
10.966 |
41.620 |
2879 |
- |
Cast |
52 |
NBP11901.006 |
T7 |
10.966 |
41.620 |
2879 |
760 |
Cast |
53 |
NBP11901.007 |
T7 |
19.203 |
50.521 |
2755 |
760 |
Cast |
54 |
NBP11901.008 |
T7 |
27.656 |
59.776 |
2877 |
760 |
Cast |
55 |
NBP11901.009 |
T7 |
37.403 |
10.395 |
2727 |
760 |
Cast |
56 |
NBP12401.024 |
T7 |
49.500 |
55.190 |
3250 |
760 |
Cast |
57 |
NBP12501.004 |
T7 |
01.566 |
17.580 |
407 |
407 |
Cast |
58 |
NBP12901.001 |
T7 |
23.507 |
34.791 |
370 |
370 |
Cast |
59 |
NBP12901.004 |
T7* |
06.225 |
21.441 |
2363 |
760 |
Cast |
60 |
NBP13101.029 |
T7 |
10.825 |
18.301 |
905 |
200 |
Broke-200 m |
61 |
NBP13101.030 |
T7 |
10.618 |
17.651 |
881 |
400 |
Broke-400 m |
62 |
NBP13201.024 |
T7 |
36.193 |
31.479 |
421 |
200 |
Broke-200 m |
63 |
NBP13201.025 |
T7 |
35.761 |
31.360 |
311 |
266 |
Broke-266 m |
64 |
NBP13201.028 |
T7 |
27.820 |
28.174 |
628 |
622 |
Broke-622 m |
65 |
NBP13401.008 |
T7 |
53.400 |
58.281 |
424 |
449 |
Cast |
66 |
NBP13401.012 |
T5 |
48.936 |
13.042 |
1368 |
- |
Cast |
67 |
NBP13401.013 |
T5 |
48.800 |
13.200 |
1368 |
- |
Cast |
68 |
NBP13401.014 |
T7 |
48.758 |
13.425 |
1547 |
220 |
Broke-220 m |
69 |
NBP13401.015 |
T7 |
48.620 |
13.665 |
1553 |
200 |
Broke-200 m |
70 |
NBP13401.018 |
T7 |
45.792 |
18.898 |
2398 |
760 |
Questionable |
71 |
NBP13401.022 |
T7 |
40.202 |
35.366 |
2515 |
200 |
Broke-200 m |
72 |
NBP13401.023 |
T7 |
40.080 |
35.486 |
2515 |
700 |
Questionable |
73 |
NBP13401.031 |
T5 |
30.290 |
7.500 |
2931 |
- |
Cast |
74 |
NBP13401.033 |
T7 |
29.770 |
08.121 |
2998 |
760 |
Cast |
75 |
NBP13401.035 |
T7 |
41.909 |
00.891 |
2803 |
760 |
Cast |
76 |
NBP14301.036 |
T7 |
42.206 |
00.726 |
2801 |
760 |
Cast |
77 |
NBP14301.037 |
T7 |
53.770 |
53.800 |
2832 |
760 |
Cast |
78 |
NBP13601.003 |
T4 |
45.370 |
39.850 |
156 |
156 |
Cast |
79 |
NBP13601.004 |
T4 |
49.010 |
21.760 |
131 |
131 |
Cast |
80 |
NBP13601.012 |
T4 |
02.609 |
27.291 |
165 |
165 |
Cast |
81 |
NBP13601.026 |
T4 |
06.611 |
00.562 |
224 |
250 |
Cast |
82 |
NBP13601.029 |
T4 |
01.144 |
19.535 |
132 |
140 |
Cast |
83 |
NBP13701.001 |
T7 |
51.910 |
48.140 |
402 |
402 |
Cast |
84 |
NBP13701.002 |
T4 |
47.850 |
02.206 |
425 |
425 |
Cast |
85 |
NBP13701.019 |
T5 |
24.313 |
58.415 |
2008 |
1800 |
Cast |
86 |
NBP13701.025 |
T4 |
38.734 |
01.864 |
431 |
431 |
Cast |
87 |
NBP13801.005 |
T4 |
52.500 |
18.768 |
396 |
396 |
Cast |
88 |
NBP13801.017 |
T7 |
06.914 |
32.478 |
517 |
517 |
Cast |
89 |
NBP13801.025 |
T7 |
21.465 |
29.956 |
540 |
540 |
Cast |
90 |
NBP13901.004 |
T4 |
22.330 |
15.200 |
305 |
305 |
Cast |
91 |
NBP13901.008 |
T7 |
08.707 |
58.202 |
429 |
429 |
Cast |
92 |
NEP13901.014 |
T7 |
55.135 |
39.742 |
423 |
423 |
Cast |
93 |
NBP13901.027 |
T7 |
55.088 |
21.580 |
543 |
543 |
Cast |
94 |
NBP14001.002 |
T7 |
09.310 |
25.075 |
417 |
417 |
Cast |
95 |
NBP14001.004 |
T7 |
23.972 |
40.556 |
414 |
250 |
Broke-250 m |
96 |
NBP14001.005 |
T7 |
24.159 |
40.059 |
401 |
100 |
Broke-100 m |
97 |
NBP14001.005 |
T7 |
24.316 |
39.591 |
401 |
401 |
Cast |
98 |
NBP14001.019p |
T7 |
18.610 |
14.678 |
526 |
526 |
Cast |
99 |
NBP14101.001 |
T4 |
34.958 |
10.376 |
167 |
167 |
Cast |
100 |
NBP14101.002 |
T5 |
31.857 |
41.827 |
1150 |
1150 |
Cast |
101 |
NBP14101.003 |
T4 |
28.652 |
13.699 |
334 |
348 |
Cast |
102 |
NBP14101.004 |
T5 |
27.384 |
02.379 |
920 |
198 |
Broke-198 m |
103 |
NBP14101.005 |
T5 |
27.384 |
02.379 |
920 |
151 |
Broke-198 m |
104 |
NBP14101.006 |
T7 |
27.292 |
01.249 |
940 |
198 |
Broke-198 m |
105 |
NBP14101.007 |
T7 |
23.450 |
36.337 |
724 |
724 |
Cast |
106 |
NBP14101.011 |
T7 |
19.338 |
09.555 |
595 |
595 |
Cast |
107 |
NBP14201.001 |
T4 |
27.799 |
50.790 |
296 |
295 |
Cast |
108 |
NBP14201.002 |
T4 |
24.221 |
26.207 |
262 |
262 |
Cast |
109 |
NBP14201.005 |
T4 |
20.748 |
00.012 |
373 |
373 |
Cast |
110 |
NBP14201.021 |
T4 |
30.676 |
00.692 |
330 |
330 |
Cast |
111 |
NBP14201.022 |
T4 |
30.497 |
56.621 |
275 |
275 |
Cast |
112 |
NBP14201.023 |
T4 |
29.405 |
32.910 |
161 |
161 |
Cast |
113 |
NBP14301.001 |
T4 |
23.611 |
09.147 |
150 |
150 |
Cast |
114 |
NBP14301.003 |
T4 |
19.001 |
43.658 |
121 |
121 |
Cast |
115 |
NBP14301.015 |
T4 |
10.819 |
43.070 |
138 |
138 |
Cast |
116 |
NBP14401.001 |
T7 |
03.218 |
31.779 |
1063 |
760 |
Cast |
117 |
NBP14401.002 |
T7 |
02.956 |
7231.899 |
1171 |
760 |
Cast |
118 |
NBP14401.003 |
T4 |
53.890 |
08.747 |
212 |
212 |
Cast |
119 |
NBP14401.006 |
T4 |
46.615 |
52.688 |
158 |
158 |
Cast |
120 |
NBP14401.008 |
T7 |
44.729 |
24.698 |
420 |
50 |
Broke-50 m |
121 |
NBP14401.009 |
T7 |
44.773 |
24.083 |
420 |
90 |
Broke-90 m |
122 |
NBP14401.011 |
T7 |
44.830 |
22.926 |
423 |
423 |
Cast |
123 |
NBP14501.001 |
T4 |
42.860 |
50.059 |
240 |
240 |
cast |
124 |
NBP14501.002 |
T4 |
42.863 |
50.059 |
240 |
45 |
Broke-45 m |
125 |
NBP14501.003 |
T4 |
40.837 |
34.163 |
254 |
- |
Cast |
126 |
NBP14501.004 |
T4 |
40.837 |
34.163 |
254 |
254 |
Cast |
127 |
NBP14501.007 |
T4 |
40.814 |
16.606 |
405 |
405 |
Cast |
128 |
NBP14501.008 |
T4 |
38.731 |
09.815 |
412 |
412 |
Cast |
129 |
NBP14501.009 |
T5 |
37.712 |
04.060 |
1360 |
1360 |
Cast |
130 |
NBP14501.010 |
T5 |
36.183 |
57.547 |
1068 |
1068 |
Cast |
131 |
NBP14501.011 |
T7 |
34.442 |
49.868 |
724 |
724 |
Cast |
132 |
NBP14501.012 |
T7 |
30.819 |
35.810 |
493 |
493 |
Cast |
133 |
NBP14501.013 |
T4 |
27.350 |
21.263 |
209 |
209 |
Cast |
134 |
NBP14501.014 |
T4 |
27.209 |
20.623 |
246 |
246 |
Cast |
135 |
NBP14501.015 |
T7 |
23.868 |
07.063 |
723 |
723 |
Cast |
136 |
NBP14501.021 |
T7 |
50.278 |
05.538 |
480 |
480 |
Cast |
137 |
NBP14501.022 |
T7 |
50.211 |
05.750 |
446 |
446 |
Cast |
138 |
NBP14501.023 |
T7 |
50.121 |
05.990 |
431 |
431 |
Cast |
139 |
NBP14601.002 |
T4 |
52.733 |
39.337 |
317 |
50 |
Broke-50 m |
140 |
NBP14601.003 |
T4 |
52.783 |
40.587 |
317 |
317 |
Cast |
141 |
NBP14601.004 |
T4 |
53.189 |
05.165 |
302 |
302 |
Cast |
142 |
NBP14601.005 |
T4 |
53.676 |
25.807 |
303 |
303 |
Cast |
143 |
NBP14601.008 |
T7 |
03.967 |
10.355 |
509 |
509 |
Cast |
144 |
NBP14601.009 |
T7 |
08.087 |
46.676 |
426 |
426 |
Cast |
145 |
NBP14601.010 |
T7 |
10.369 |
22.067 |
604 |
604 |
Cast |
146 |
NBP14601.011 |
T7 |
12.552 |
21.037 |
664 |
664 |
Cast |
147 |
NBP14601.012 |
T7 |
14.835 |
56.815 |
530 |
530 |
Cast |
148 |
NBP14601.013 |
T5 |
09.917 |
48.173 |
715 |
715 |
Cast |
149 |
NBP14601.015 |
T5 |
06.407 |
27.253 |
854 |
854 |
Cast |
150 |
NBP14601.020 |
T5 |
01.337 |
12.499 |
747 |
747 |
Cast |
151 |
NBP14601.021 |
T7 |
56.552 |
50.028 |
715 |
715 |
Cast |
152 |
NBP14701.021 |
T4 |
11.289 |
39.716 |
343 |
230 |
Broke-230 m |
153 |
NBP14701.002 |
T4 |
11.276 |
39.120 |
344 |
213 |
Broke-213 m |
154 |
NBP14701.003 |
T4 |
11.261 |
38.453 |
336 |
200 |
Broke-200 m |
155 |
NPB14701.006 |
T4 |
06.891 |
30.008 |
333 |
333 |
Cast |
156 |
NBP14701.007 |
T4 |
05.976 |
40.662 |
161 |
161 |
Cast |
157 |
NBP14801.004 |
T7 |
53.096 |
11.900 |
726 |
273 |
Broke-273 m |
158 |
NBP14801.005 |
T7 |
53.135 |
12.269 |
726 |
600 |
Broke-600 m |
159 |
NBP15101.026 |
T4 |
47.526 |
30.543 |
178 |
67 |
Broke-67 m |
160 |
NBP15101.027 |
T4 |
47.472 |
30.760 |
190 |
190 |
Cast |
161 |
NBP15101,028 |
T7 |
44.040 |
36.788 |
560 |
560 |
Cast |
162 |
NBP15201.001 |
T4 |
43.398 |
42.550 |
434 |
434 |
Cast |
163 |
NBP15201.002 |
T4 |
41.700 |
49.673 |
354 |
354 |
Cast |
164 |
NBP15201.003 |
T4 |
38.797 |
59.863 |
361 |
361 |
Cast |
165 |
NBP15201.004 |
T4 |
37.149 |
05.116 |
377 |
377 |
Cast |
166 |
NBP15201.005 |
T4 |
37.090 |
05.280 |
372 |
372 |
Cast |
167 |
NBP15201.007 |
T4 |
34.909 |
11.867 |
416 |
416 |
Cast |
168 |
NBP15201.008 |
T4 |
33.465 |
17.643 |
457 |
457 |
Cast |
169 |
NBP15201.009 |
T7 |
31.766 |
23.261 |
490 |
490 |
Cast |
170 |
NBP15201.010 |
T7 |
29.792 |
29.272 |
510 |
510 |
Cast |
171 |
NBP15201.011 |
T7 |
27.945 |
35.689 |
504 |
504 |
Cast |
172 |
NBP15201.012 |
T7 |
26.309 |
41.327 |
478 |
478 |
Cast |
173 |
NBP15201.013 |
T7 |
24.293 |
48.052 |
450 |
450 |
Cast |
174 |
NBP15201.014 |
T7 |
22.419 |
54.515 |
445 |
445 |
Cast |
175 |
NBP15201.015 |
T7 |
21.102 |
59.086 |
440 |
440 |
Cast |
176 |
NBP15201.016 |
T4 |
18.808 |
07.187 |
433 |
433 |
Cast |
177 |
NBP15201.018 |
T4 |
17.377 |
12.183 |
442 |
442 |
Cast |
178 |
NBP15201.021 |
T7 |
15.348 |
18.841 |
460 |
460 |
Cast |
179 |
NBP15201.022 |
T7 |
13.542 |
24.693 |
470 |
467 |
Cast |
180 |
NBP15201.023 |
T5 |
11.289 |
32.304 |
486 |
486 |
Cast |
181 |
NBP15201.025 |
T7 |
09.596 |
38.333 |
522 |
522 |
Cast |
182 |
NBP15201.027 |
T7 |
08.153 |
43.424 |
502 |
502 |
Cast |
183 |
NBP15201.028 |
T7 |
06.347 |
50.190 |
531 |
100 |
Broke-100 m |
184 |
NBP15201.029 |
T7 |
06.290 |
50.390 |
531 |
565 |
Cast |
185 |
NBP15301.003 |
T5 |
59.756 |
14.237 |
3983 |
1830 |
Cast |
186 |
NBP15301.004 |
T5 |
51.584 |
09.426 |
3914 |
1830 |
Cast |
NBP15301.007 |
T5 |
41.520 |
03.967 |
4060 |
1830 |
Questionable |
188 |
NBP15301.009 |
T5 |
40.052 |
03.144 |
4164 |
1830 |
Cast |
189 |
NBP15401,002 |
T5 |
30.360 |
58.051 |
3973 |
1830 |
Cast |
190 |
NBP15401.005 |
T5 |
21.051 |
52.637 |
3995 |
1830 |
Cast |
191 |
NBP15401.006 |
T5 |
12.246 |
47.515 |
3985 |
320 |
Broke-320 m |
192 |
NP15401.007 |
T5 |
12.111 |
47.471 |
3985 |
1830 |
Cast |
193 |
NBP15401.008 |
T5 |
01.700 |
41.770 |
4082 |
1830 |
Cast |
194 |
NBP15401.009 |
T5 |
51.904 |
36.749 |
4181 |
1830 |
Cast |
195 |
NBP15401.010 |
T5 |
42.969 |
32.046 |
3929 |
1830 |
Cast |
196 |
NBP15401.011 |
T5 |
42.630 |
31.945 |
3929 |
1830 |
Cast |
197 |
NBP15401.012 |
T5 |
32.708 |
26.745 |
3441 |
1830 |
Cast |
198 |
NBP15401.013 |
T5 |
32.365 |
26.628 |
3370 |
1830 |
Cast |
199 |
NBP15401.014 |
T5 |
22.930 |
21.339 |
3244 |
1830 |
Cast |
200 |
NBP15401.015 |
T5 |
22.677 |
21.259 |
3305 |
1830 |
Cast |
201 |
NBP15401.017 |
T5 |
13.859 |
16.981 |
3195 |
260 |
Broke-260 m |
202 |
NBP15401.018 |
T5 |
13.587 |
16.900 |
3260 |
1830 |
Cast |
203 |
NBP15401.021 |
T5 |
02.931 |
10.947 |
3482 |
325 |
Broke-325 m |
204 |
NBP15401.022 |
T5 |
02.774 |
10.920 |
3523 |
1830 |
Questionable |
205 |
NBP15401.024 |
T7 |
02.188 |
10.941 |
3609 |
760 |
Cast |
206 |
NBP15401.025 |
T7 |
43.701 |
01.508 |
3538 |
150 |
Broke-150 m |
207 |
NBP15401.026 |
T7 |
43.411 |
13.570 |
3541 |
197 |
Broke-197 m |
208 |
NBP15401.027 |
T7 |
43.051 |
01.181 |
3541 |
760 |
Cast |
209 |
NBP15401.030 |
T7 |
33.835 |
56.396 |
3710 |
570 |
Broke-570 m |
NBP15401.032 |
T7 |
33.396 |
56.190 |
3710 |
760 |
Cast |
211 |
NBP15401.032 |
T7 |
24.923 |
51.978 |
3569 |
760 |
Cast |
Appendix 6: AWS Installation and Repair
A. Kirkwood Island AWS Deployment ‑ 25 May 2001
Automated Weather Station (AWS) #8930 was installed on the main island in the Kirkwood Islands group on 25 May 2001. The main island (Kirkwood Island) has a number of rock outcroppings and ridges leading up from the water and spray line with a relatively flat snow cap covering most of the top. A crude estimate of the top of the snow cap is ~ 100 ft. The other close islands in this group were smaller pieces of exposed rock that would be covered or exposed to severe sea spray during periods of high winds and waves.
The AWS site is on a slab rock shoulder on a ridge heading approximately northwest on the northwestern tip of the island. The site has open exposure from west through northeast; winds from the south may be distorted by the main snow cap. The N.B. Palmer approached from the west and took up station roughly one-half nm west of this ridge. A Zodiac was used to transport the AWS and crew around the north end of this ridge, passing between the main island and some very low rocky islands, before landing cargo and crew in a small cove on the northeast side of the ridge. Winds and a small swell were from the west during the day, so this cove was somewhat protected; however, there was no place to beach or tie off the zodiac or leave it unattended. Getting crew and cargo out of the boat and up the first ten feet of altitude was difficult due to steep, smooth rock walls coated with ice. Once above this danger zone and onto more protected rock, most of the crew changed from dry suits to mustang suits before continuing. The rest of the ascent starts out on glacial smoothed bedrock, then turns into permanent snowpack before reaching the rocky shoulder from the northeast. Even though we had difficulty landing, the fur seals clearly did not. A large group (25 or more) of fur seals covered the northern snow face of this island, with a number on the highest pieces of snow and rock. There was a pair of seals on the ridge within 10 m of the AWS site and evidence of seals around the site and the ascent route.
Once on top, installation of the AWS went smoothly. Holes for three steel pins were drilled into the base rock, and the pins inserted with epoxy for cement. The three‑sided pipe tower was lowered onto the base pins, and three wire guy lines run to self‑locking bolts drilled into outlying rock faces. Washers were used on the base pins to align the tower with vertical. The portable electric rock drill and generator were essential for making the base and guy‑wire anchor points, and the generator exhaust doubled as an excellent hand warmer. The generator also powered a portable heat gun that was used to dry out the terminations before final mating, and heating the self‑vulcanizing tape used to wrap the connectors into the base of the electronics box.
The AWS consists of: a) a horizontal sensor beam that supports a RM Young wind monitor on top and a temperature sensor in a solar shield and a relative humidity sensor on the bottom of the beam; b) an electronics datalogger box with barometric pressure sensor inside; c) a satellite transmitter and antenna; and d) a battery box and a solar panel. The sensor beam was mounted on top of the tower, with the satellite antenna and solar panel mounted lower. The datalogger box was mounted about 5 ft above ground, and all wires were run inside the tower if possible and attached with tie‑wraps. The battery box was tied to the tower base with nylon rope.
During installation, the datalogger outputs, battery voltage, and satellite transmitter were all checked and found to be working. The final task was to determine the alignment of the sensor beam, since the wind monitor returns the wind direction relative to the sensor beam orientation. First the GPS position of the AWS was measured with a handheld unit. Then the ship was asked to move slighty so that her GPS antenna was in line with the AWS sensor beam, in the "windbird south" direction. When aligned, the ship's GPS position and the AWS position determine the AWS bearing. These positions were AWS (‑68E 20.397 S, ‑69E 00.444 W) and NBP (‑68E 20.504 S, ‑69E 01.720 W), giving a "windbird north" direction of 77E relative to true north.
The installation was finished about 1545 local time, well after dusk. The NBP kept one spotlight aimed at the AWS site, which helped during the final assembly and anchoring of the guy wires. The descent from the site back to the cove was straightforward, with the generator being the only heavy piece to carry down. The transfer to the waiting Zodiac and back to the ship was smooth. All in all, it was a very successful trip. The installation crew were Alice Doyle, Jessie Doren, Dave Green, Jeff Otten, and Bob Beardsley and Sue Beardsley.
B. Faure Island AWS Deployment ‑ 27 May 2001
Automated Weather Station (AWS) #8932 was installed on a small rocky island just east of Dismal Island in the Faure Island group in Marguerite Bay on 27 May 2001. The island is on the eastern edge of this island group, and the N.B. Palmer was able to approach to within one-quarter nm from the east. The island is elongated in shape, roughly one-eighth nm long and perhaps one-quarter of that length in width, with the main axis oriented roughly 20EN. The island is relatively low, with snow covered ridges and exposed rocky patches on top.
It was a quick Zodiac ride from the ship around the northern end of the island to a landing site on the northwest shore. There are possibly several different places to make a landing. We landed along the snout of a permanent snow pack, then trekked to the left with a short climb up a small rock face to get on top of the snow. From there it was an easy walk to a high point on the northern end of the island. We had snow and poor visibility in the morning, but shortly after we landed, the snow stopped, the mountains of south Adelaide Island appeared, and with winds of only 10‑15 kts, it was a pleasant day for work. We encountered a fur seal and penguin at our landing spot and found evidence of seals over the top of the island. Fur seals and penguins were seen on the small islands to the west.
The AWS installation went smoothly, using similar methods to those used on Kirkwood. Three holes were drilled into the rock and threaded rod pieces placed in the holes. On Kirkwood, washers were used on the threaded posts to level the base for the tower. Here, two nuts with a washer above were used on each rod to support and level the tower. Holes were drilled and anchors inserted into the holes to secure the guy wires. As on Kirkwood, two‑hole brackets were bolted onto the anchors, and shackles were used to attach the guy wire thimbles to the two‑hole brackets. After the guy wires were attached, the nuts beneath the tower legs were raised slightly to put more tension on the guy wires. This was an improvement over the Kirkwood Island AWS installation, where we just used human strength to tighten the guys. However, turnbuckles should be used on any future installation or station refurbishment.
The Faure AWS is similar to the Kirkwood AWS but features a Belfort wind monitor. The pressure sensor serial number is 55180 and the CS program is 55180‑2, as shown on the paper note left inside the electronics datalogger box. As before, the datalogger outputs, the battery voltage, and the satellite transmitter were checked and found to be working. After final assembly and checkout, the AWS GPS position was determined, and the ship was moved so that it was aligned with the AWS sensor beam. The AWS position is ‑68E05.243 S, ‑68E49.480 W. With the ship at ‑68E 05.429 S, ‑68E48.735 W, the anemometer "north" was determined to be 124EN.
The installation was completed around 1515 local time. The descent and return to the ship was straightforward. The installation crew were Jessie Doren, Dave Green, Jeff Otten, Andy Girard, Mark Christmas, and Bob Beardsley. Mark documented the installation plus the penguin sampling conducted on the next island during the day. It was a very successful day in Marguerite Bay.
C. Kirkwood Island AWS Repair ‑ 30 May 2001
Automated Weather Station (AWS) #8930 on Kirkwood Island was revisited on 30 May 2001 to repair a software error. The station was installed on Kirkwood on Friday, 25 May 2001. On Saturday (26 May 2001) afternoon, George Weidner, the AWS engineer at the University of Wisconson, contacted Jeff Otten on the NBP with the message that the Kirkwood Island AWS was transmitting data via ARGOS in the correct format. On Sunday (27 May 2001), the NBP deployed AWS #8932 in the Faure Island group. On Monday (Memorial Day, 28 May 2001), George Weidner contacted Jeff Otten with the message that the second AWS was correctly transmitting data, but that the Kirkwood Island AWS was reporting a constant wind speed of 5.35 m s-1 due to a software problem. George Weidner contacted Campbell Scientific and determined that the RM Young anenemeter counter circuit works differently than thought, resulting in an overflow that causes a constant speed output. George Weidner determined a software fix that could be programmed in the field if we could return to the AWS. After testing the fix at the University of Wisconson using spare equiptment, George Weidner sent a facsimile message to the NBP on Wednesday morning at 0900 that the fix should work, and the final decision was made for the NBP to steam immediately to the Kirkwood Islands to attempt the repair.
The NBP arrived at the Kirkwood Islands near 1400, and a repair team of Jeff Otten, Dave Green, Jesse Doren, Scott Gallager, Andy Girard, and Bob Beardsley departed the NBP by Zodiac. Winds were moderate (15 kts) from the east but large swell from the northwest made the original landing site unsafe, so we continued eastward along the northern coast looking for a suitable landing site. About 100 m from the initial site, a site was found that provided some reduction in the swell and breaking waves. By making repeated runs into a small but steep rocky indentation, Jesse Doren was able to land Dave Green, Jeff Otten, Scott Gallager, and Bob Beardsley with a toolbox and one small bag of electronics equipment. Doren and Andy Girard then remained offshore as the group on land climbed up a short rocky ridge to the main snow field and then walked west over the snow to the AWS. Jeff Otten quickly reprogrammed the AWS data logger, and Green, Gallager, and Beardsley tightened the southern guy wire. After waiting to confirm that the system was logging reasonable data and the ARGOS transmitter working, the group quickly returned to the landing site in the fading light. After clearing the front of the Zodiac, Doren showed great skill in getting the boat close enough for us to "dive" into the boat safely. We then returned to the NBP and helped test the Trackpoint system before getting back on the NBP.
On Thursday, 31 May 2001, George Weidner sent a facsimile message to the NBP to report that the Kirkwood Island AWS had reported a wind of 5.51 m s-1, indicating that the software fix appears to be working. Also, the Kirkwood and Faure Islands AWSs were reporting similar wind speeds, which was also reassuring that both AWS systems were working properly. The AWS data will soon be available on the University of Wisconsin web site, and by link, the SO GLOBEC meteorology web site at WHOI.
The software fix involved changing the interval used to average the wind speed from 20 minutes to 140 seconds. Thus, data reported by the AWS is the 140‑second average wind speed and the instantaneous wind direction at the start of the 140 second.
Appendix 7: BIOMAPER-II Tape Log
NBP0103 |
AC |
BM |
Broad‑ Scale |
Stn # |
Date (GMT) |
Date (EDT) |
G M T |
E D T |
L A T |
min |
L O N |
min |
DAT # |
CAM 2# |
CAM 4# |
Transect # |
Comments |
Sound test |
Punta Arenas Dock |
4/23/01 |
2219 |
1819 |
Wet noise |
N1131819 |
Sound test |
Strait of Magellan |
4/24/01 |
1633 |
1233 |
52 |
42.949 |
70 |
18.570 |
N1141255 |
4/24/01 |
1658 |
1258 |
4/24/01 |
4/24/01 |
1703 |
1303 |
test no # |
test no # |
04241709.y06 |
3.5MHz + Furuno run |
4/24/01 |
4/24/01 |
1714 |
1314 |
52 |
42.548 |
70 |
18.040 |
Soundtest NBP0103 |
4/24/01 |
4/24/01 |
1721 |
1321 |
4/24/01 |
4/24/01 |
1840 |
1440 |
N1141440 |
file |
4/24/01 |
4/24/01 |
1855 |
1455 |
N1141455 |
ON |
Relaunch |
4/24/01 |
4/24/01 |
1900 |
1500 |
52 |
41.250 |
70 |
78.000 |
fault/ FISH OUT |
4/24/01 |
4/24/01 |
2133 |
1733 |
Dat2 0:00 |
N1141733 |
fuse |
On deck |
4/24/01 |
4/24/01 |
2152 |
1752 |
52 |
40.964 |
70 |
7.517 |
N1141752 |
run |
3 |
4/29/01 |
4/29/01 |
1257 |
857 |
119 |
04291257.01 |
118 |
1 |
1 |
4/29/01 |
4/29/01 |
1259 |
859 |
1 |
1190839? |
119 |
118 |
1 |
3 |
4/29/01 |
4/29/01 |
1300 |
900 |
119 |
no sig |
1 |
118 |
1 |
3 |
4/29/01 |
4/29/01 |
1302 |
902 |
1 |
1190902 |
119 |
118 |
1 |
3 |
4/29/01 |
4/29/01 |
1330 |
930 |
B4290930 |
119 |
118 |
1 |
3 |
4/29/01 |
4/29/01 |
1332 |
932 |
119 |
04291332.y01 |
118 |
1 |
3 |
4/29/01 |
4/29/01 |
1336 |
936 |
119 |
04291336.y01 |
118 |
1 |
3 |
4/29/01 |
4/29/01 |
1503 |
1103 |
65 |
52.700 |
70 |
9.510 |
2 |
119 |
3 |
118 |
1 |
3 |
4/29/01 |
4/29/01 |
1531 |
1131 |
(gps@1131) |
119 |
118 |
1 |
3 |
4/29/01 |
4/29/01 |
1608 |
1208 |
65 |
55.490 |
69 |
59.610 |
119 |
118 |
1 |
bottom |
3 |
4/29/01 |
4/29/01 |
1637 |
1237 |
119 |
118 |
1 |
sonar fault |
3 |
4/29/01 |
4/29/01 |
1658 |
1258 |
119 |
118 |
1 |
5m |
3 |
4/29/01 |
4/29/01 |
1701 |
1301 |
end files |
end |
119 |
118 |
1 |
3 |
4/29/01 |
4/29/01 |
1700 |
1300 |
65 |
58.247(?) |
69 |
50.794(?) |
119 |
118 |
1 |
3 |
4/29/01 |
4/29/01 |
1705 |
1305 |
65 |
57.979 (?) |
69 |
51.130 |
end |
119 |
end |
118 |
1 |
4 |
3 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
403 |
3 |
66 |
11.038 |
69 |
13.710 |
120 |
119 |
1 |
TOW # |
4 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
411 |
11 |
66 |
10.972 |
69 |
15.160 |
B4300012 |
120 |
119 |
1 |
TOW $ |
4 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
417 |
17 |
66 |
11.260 |
69 |
15.954 |
P1200017 |
120 |
119 |
1 |
4 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
424 |
24 |
66 |
11.606 |
69 |
14.939 |
3 |
120 |
4 |
3 |
04300412.y01 |
119 |
1 |
down |
4 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
507 |
107 |
66 |
12.926 |
69 |
8.756 |
120 |
119 |
1 |
up |
4 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
548 |
148 |
66 |
14.777 |
69 |
8.476 |
120 |
119 |
1 |
30 m |
4 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
625 |
225 |
66 |
16.133 |
68 |
54.840 |
4 |
120 |
5 |
6 |
119 |
1 |
4 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
627 |
227 |
66 |
16.133 |
68 |
54.840 |
120 |
119 |
1 |
255 m |
4 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
709 |
309 |
66 |
17.948 |
68 |
46.520 |
120 |
119 |
1 |
20 m |
4 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
749 |
349 |
66 |
19.402 |
68 |
39.910 |
120 |
119 |
1 |
259 m |
4 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
829 |
429 |
66 |
20.980 |
68 |
33.070 |
5 |
P1200429 |
120 |
7 |
8 |
119 |
1 |
4 |
4 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
937 |
537 |
66 |
23.200 |
68 |
21.870 |
" |
problems |
B4300013.* |
120 |
" |
" |
04030938.01 |
119 |
1 |
4 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
1031 |
631 |
66 |
23.170 |
68 |
23.090 |
120 |
end |
end |
119 |
1 |
4 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
1035 |
635 |
" |
" |
" |
" |
end |
120 |
119 |
1 |
4 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
1058 |
658 |
" |
" |
" |
" |
120 |
end |
119 |
1 |
4 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
1226 |
826 |
66 |
22.286 |
68 |
25.601 |
120 |
119 |
1 |
4 |
4/30/01 |
4/30/01 |
1254 |
854 |
66 |
21.340 |
68 |
30.150 |
120 |
119 |
1 |
Tow 4 |
10 |
5/01/01 |
5/01/01 |
425 |
25 |
66 |
12.206 |
70 |
33.323 |
P1210022 |
121 |
120 |
wires warming |
5 |
10‑11 |
5/01/01 |
5/01/01 |
1300 |
900 |
66 |
9.166 |
70 |
58.311 |
P1210900 |
121 |
120 |
Tow 5 |
5 |
5/01/01 |
5/01/01 |
1307 |
907 |
P1210907 |
121 |
120 |
5 |
5/01/01 |
5/01/01 |
1312 |
912 |
121 |
11 |
12 |
120 |
5 |
5/01/01 |
5/01/01 |
1315 |
915 |
7 |
121 |
05011314.01 |
120 |
5 |
5/01/01 |
5/01/01 |
1325 |
925 |
121 |
05011325.01 |
120 |
5 |
5/01/01 |
5/01/01 |
1358 |
958 |
121 |
05011358.01 |
120 |
5 |
5/01/01 |
5/01/01 |
1516 |
1116 |
66 |
17.878 |
71 |
12.630 |
8 |
P1211119 |
B5010919 |
121 |
13 |
14 |
120 |
5 |
5/01/01 |
5/01/01 |
1701 |
1301 |
66 |
24.731 |
71 |
23.004 |
P1211301 |
121 |
120 |
5 |
5/01/01 |
5/01/01 |
1716 |
1316 |
66 |
24.770 |
71 |
23.009 |
9 |
121 |
120 |
5 |
5/01/01 |
5/01/01 |
1717 |
1317 |
66 |
25.162 |
71 |
23.315 |
P1211428 |
121 |
15 |
16 |
120 |
3 |
5 |
11‑12 |
5/01/01 |
5/01/01 |
1919 |
1519 |
66 |
26.597 |
71 |
14.038 |
10 |
121 |
17 |
18 |
120 |
3 |
5 |
12 |
5/01/01 |
5/01/01 |
2124 |
1724 |
66 |
31.210 |
70 |
58.680 |
11 |
P1211725 |
121 |
19 |
20 |
120 |
3 |
5 |
12‑13 |
5/01/01 |
5/01/01 |
2326 |
1926 |
66 |
34.979 |
70 |
46.800 |
12 |
P1211927 |
121 |
21 |
22 |
120 |
3 |
5 |
05/02/01 |
05/01/01 |
118 |
2118 |
66 |
40.311 |
70 |
28.176 |
P1212118 |
B5012119 |
121 |
121 |
3 |
5 |
12‑13 |
05/02/01 |
05/01/01 |
127 |
2127 |
66 |
40.700 |
70 |
26.670 |
13 |
122 |
23 |
24 |
121 |
3 |
5 |
13 |
05/02/01 |
05/01/01 |
327 |
2327 |
66 |
45.770 |
70 |
9.860 |
14 |
P1212328 |
122 |
25 |
26 |
121 |
3 |
5 |
13 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
405 |
5 |
66 |
45.830 |
70 |
9.629 |
14 |
P1220005 |
122 |
121 |
3 |
5 |
13 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
456 |
56 |
66 |
46.470 |
70 |
11.230 |
Tow 5 |
6 |
13‑14 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
952 |
552 |
66 |
48.920 |
70 |
33.270 |
P1220005 |
122 |
121 |
3 |
Start Tow 6 |
6 |
13‑14 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
546 |
B5020542 |
122 |
121 |
3 |
6 |
13‑14 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1002 |
602 |
15 |
P1220559 |
122 |
27 |
28 |
05020956.01 |
121 |
3 |
all ducers enabled |
6 |
13‑14 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1010 |
610 |
122 |
121 |
3 |
cams 2 and 4; start capture program |
6 |
13‑14 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1204 |
804 |
66 |
50.680 |
70 |
25.010 |
16 |
P1220807 |
122 |
29 |
30 |
121 |
3 |
enabled |
6 |
13‑14 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1406 |
1006 |
66 |
53..56 |
70 |
2.580 |
17 |
P1221008 |
122 |
31 |
32 |
121 |
3 |
6 |
13‑14 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1511 |
1111 |
66 |
54.970 |
69 |
49.810 |
17 |
P1221111 |
122 |
121 |
3 |
6 |
13‑14 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1602 |
1202 |
122 |
121 |
3 |
up from 200 meters begins |
6 |
13‑14 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1608 |
1208 |
66 |
56.186 |
69 |
37.460 |
18 |
122 |
33 |
34 |
121 |
3 |
6 |
14 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1635 |
1235 |
P1221235 |
122 |
121 |
3 |
6 |
14 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1637 |
1237 |
P1221237 |
122 |
121 |
3 |
6 |
14 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1645 |
1245 |
P1221245 |
122 |
05021645.01 |
121 |
3 |
6 |
14 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1654 |
1254 |
P1221254 |
122 |
121 |
3 |
6 |
14‑15 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1811 |
1411 |
66 |
58.253 |
69 |
27.889 |
19 |
122 |
35 |
36 |
121 |
3 |
change |
6 |
14‑15 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1417 |
19 |
122 |
121 |
3 |
DAT tape |
6 |
14‑15 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1827 |
1427 |
122 |
121 |
3 |
software crash due to zoom in lock up |
6 |
14‑15 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1828 |
1428 |
P1221428 |
122 |
121 |
3 |
file; ducers disabled at startup |
6 |
14‑15 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1830 |
1430 |
P1221430 |
122 |
121 |
3 |
enabled; 200 looks very light; retry ducer enabling |
6 |
14‑15 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1833 |
1433 |
P1221433 |
122 |
121 |
3 |
are enabled; 200 just very little backscatter |
6 |
14‑15 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1835 |
122 |
121 |
3 |
up from 250 meters |
6 |
14‑15 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
1936 |
122 |
121 |
3 |
up from 80 meters; winch fine |
6 |
15 |
05/02/01 |
05/02/01 |
2012 |
1612 |
67 |
3.160 |
69 |
9.080 |
end |
end files |
122 |
end |
end |
05022012.01 |
121 |
3 |
TOW 6 |
7 |
15 |
05/03/01 |
05/02/01 |
15 |
2015 |
67 |
0.051 |
69 |
20.260 |
20 |
P1222015 |
B5022017 |
122 |
37 |
38 |
05030016.01 |
122 |
TOW 7 |
7 |
15‑16 |
05/03/01 |
05/02/01 |
21 |
2021 |
67 |
0.544 |
69 |
20.936 |
P1222022 |
122 |
122 |
7 |
15‑16 |
05/03/01 |
05/02/01 |
119 |
2119 |
67 |
5.020 |
69 |
24.390 |
20 |
P1222022 |
122 |
122 |
20 starts here; noticed tape wasn't recording @ 0919 5/2/01 (?) |
7 |
15‑16 |
05/03/01 |
05/02/01 |
221 |
2221 |
67 |
9.907 |
69 |
27.578 |
21 |
P1222223 |
122 |
39 |
40 |
122 |
7 |
15‑‑16 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
419 |
19 |
123 |
122 |
YO UP from 250 meters |
7 |
15‑16 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
423 |
23 |
67 |
19.445 |
69 |
34.440 |
22 |
123 |
41 |
42 |
122 |
7 |
15‑16 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
452 |
52 |
123 |
122 |
22 starts; tape wasn't running. Flakey DAT record? ForNT definitely was on screen 1st time. |
7 |
16 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
458 |
58 |
67 |
22.244 |
69 |
36.200 |
P1230058 |
123 |
122 |
4 |
16 |
7 |
16‑17 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
609 |
209 |
P1230210 |
123 |
122 |
4 |
stn 16 |
7 |
16‑17 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
625 |
225 |
23 |
123 |
43 |
44 |
122 |
4 |
23 |
7 |
16‑17 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
641 |
241 |
123 |
122 |
4 |
up from 250 meters @ 10 m/min; drifter deployed; turb on ducers |
7 |
16‑17 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
650 |
250 |
123 |
122 |
4 |
check by vpr group |
7 |
16‑17 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
826 |
426 |
67 |
15.350 |
70 |
0.432 |
24 |
P1230429 |
123 |
45 |
46 |
122 |
4 |
7 |
16‑17 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
851 |
451 |
123 |
122 |
4 |
lock up and REBOOT |
7 |
17 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
1012 |
612 |
123 |
05031012.01 |
122 |
4 |
7 |
17‑18 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
1036 |
636 |
67 |
12.560 |
70 |
9.880 |
25 |
P1230656 |
123 |
47 |
48 |
05031033.01 |
122 |
4 |
7 |
17‑18 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
1118 |
718 |
67 |
11.771 |
70 |
12.730 |
123 |
05031118.01 |
122 |
4 |
7 |
17‑18 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
1235 |
835 |
67 |
8.189 |
70 |
24.853 |
26 |
P1230834 |
123 |
49 |
50 |
122 |
4 |
7 |
17‑18 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
1408 |
1008 |
67 |
3.546 |
70 |
41.026 |
P1231008 |
123 |
122 |
4 |
file generation |
7 |
18 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
1406 |
1036 |
67 |
3.004 |
70 |
43.105 |
27 |
123 |
51 |
52 |
122 |
4 |
7 |
18‑19 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
1837 |
1237 |
66 |
59.535 |
70 |
54.259 |
28 |
P1231432 |
123 |
53 |
54 |
122 |
4 |
7 |
18‑19 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
1837 |
1237 |
29 |
123 |
55 |
56 |
122 |
4 |
7 |
18‑19 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
1842 |
1442 |
66 |
53.390 |
71 |
15.920 |
123 |
122 |
4 |
of towyo wind 35 knots; bar 980, air ‑0.3 tension 1200 |
7 |
19 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
1953 |
1553 |
end |
123 |
122 |
4 |
7 |
19 |
05/03/01 |
05/03/01 |
1958 |
1558 |
66 |
46.230 |
71 |
37.041 |
123 |
122 |
4 |
BMP out END 7 |
8 |
19‑20 |
05/04/01 |
05/03/01 |
36 |
2036 |
66 |
49.667 |
71 |
29.667 |
123 |
123 |
4 |
in START 8 |
8 |
19‑20 |
05/04/01 |
05/03/01 |
39 |
2039 |
66 |
49.667 |
71 |
29.667 |
P1232039 |
B5032028 |
123 |
05040041.01 |
123 |
4 |
8 |
19‑20 |
05/04/01 |
05/03/01 |
44 |
2044 |
30 |
123 |
57 |
58 |
123 |
4 |
8 |
19‑20 |
05/04/01 |
05/03/01 |
235 |
2235 |
66 |
42.645 |
71 |
49.596 |
30 |
P1232235 |
123 |
123 |
4 |
8 |
19‑20 |
05/04/01 |
05/03/01 |
245 |
2245 |
66 |
42.000 |
71 |
51.790 |
31 |
123 |
59 |
60 |
123 |
4 |
8 |
20 |
05/04/01 |
05/04/01 |
449 |
49 |
66 |
35.000 |
72 |
14.268 |
32 |
P1240040 |
124 |
61 |
62 |
123 |
4 |
file generation? |
8 |
20 |
05/04/01 |
05/04/01 |
516 |
116 |
P1240116 |
124 |
123 |
4 |
8 |
20 |
05/04/01 |
05/04/01 |
654 |
254 |
66 |
34.729 |
72 |
13.448 |
33 |
P1240257 |
124 |
63 |
64 |
123 |
tape started after t‑cut error on first try… |
8 |
20 |
05/04/01 |
05/04/01 |
857 |
457 |
66 |
35.094 |
72 |
15.530 |
34 |
P124059 |
B5040458 |
124 |
65 |
66 |
123 |
8 |
20 |
05/04/01 |
05/04/01 |
1059 |
659 |
66 |
37.480 |
72 |
39.660 |
35 |
P1240700 |
124 |
67 |
68 |
123 |
8 |
20‑22 |
05/04/01 |
05/04/01 |
1300 |
900 |
66 |
39.800 |
73 |
4.530 |
36 |
P1240904 |
124 |
69 |
70 |
123 |
8 |
22 |
05/04/01 |
05/04/01 |
1407 |
907 |
66 |
41.260 |
73 |
18.810 |
of Tow |
124 |
123 |
tow 8 |
9 |
22 |
05/04/01 |
05/04/01 |
2122 |
1722 |
66 |
40.180 |
73 |
22.050 |
37 |
P1241723 |
B5041723 |
124 |
123 |
Tow 9, No acoustic transmit, Cam 2 scrod |
9 |
22 |
05/04/01 |
05/04/01 |
2126 |
1726 |
P1241726 |
124 |
123 |
9 |
22 |
05/04/01 |
05/04/01 |
2207 |
1807 |
66 |
39.329 |
73 |
22.556 |
124 |
123 |
of Tow 9 |
10 |
22 |
05/05/01 |
05/04/01 |
38 |
2238 |
66 |
44.725 |
73 |
8.816 |
38 |
P1242039 |
B5042035 |
124 |
71 |
72 |
05050036.01 |
124 |
5 |
Tow 10 |
10 |
22‑23 |
05/05/01 |
05/04/01 |
242 |
2242 |
66 |
50.750 |
72 |
51.350 |
39 |
P1242242 |
124 |
73 |
74 |
124 |
5 |
10 |
23 |
05/05/01 |
05/05/01 |
446 |
46 |
66 |
55.489 |
72 |
35.350 |
40 |
P1250049 |
125 |
75 |
76 |
124 |
5 |
10 |
23‑24 |
05/05/01 |
05/05/01 |
527 |
127 |
P1250127 |
125 |
124 |
5 |
to get acoustics to work |
10 |
23‑24 |
05/05/01 |
05/05/01 |
531 |
131 |
P1250131 |
125 |
124 |
5 |
to get acoustics to work |
10 |
23‑24 |
05/05/01 |
05/05/01 |
533 |
133 |
P1250133 |
125 |
124 |
5 |
to get acoustics to work |
10 |
23‑24 |
05/05/01 |
05/05/01 |
546 |
146 |
P1250140 |
125 |
124 |
5 |
to get acoustics to work |
10 |
23‑24 |
05/05/01 |
05/05/01 |
558 |
158 |
P1250158 |
125 |
124 |
5 |
to get acoustics to work |
23‑24 |
05/05/01 |
05/05/01 |
604 |
204 |
B5050202 |
125 |
05050604.01 |
124 |
5 |
Restarted, new vpr log file |
10 |
23‑24 |
05/05/01 |
05/05/01 |
647 |
247 |
67 |
0.109 |
72 |
22.220 |
41 |
125 |
77 |
78 |
124 |
5 |
file works on all freq.; |
10 |
23‑24 |
05/05/01 |
05/05/01 |
P1250253 |
125 |
124 |
5 |
comes through O‑A board |
10 |
23‑24 |
P1250258 |
125 |
124 |
5 |
10 |
24 |
05/05/01 |
05/05/01 |
849 |
449 |
67 |
6.000 |
72 |
2.450 |
42 |
P1250457 |
B5050529 |
125 |
79 |
80 |
124 |
5 |
24 |
05/05/01 |
05/05/01 |
931 |
125 |
05050930.01 |
124 |
5 |
Restarted, new vpr log file |
10 |
24 |
1009 |
609 |
down all files and tapes to recover BM |
125 |
124 |
5 |
10 |
24 |
05/05/01 |
05/05/01 |
1026 |
626 |
67 |
6.830 |
72 |
24.300 |
125 |
124 |
5 |
TOW 10 |
11 |
26‑27 |
05/05/01 |
05/05/01 |
2155 |
1755 |
67 |
33.600 |
72 |
28.203 |
43 |
125 |
124 |
5 |
TOW 11, tow 11 acoustics data no good |
11 |
26‑27 |
05/05/01 |
05/05/01 |
2208 |
1808 |
67 |
33.900 |
72 |
27.490 |
125 |
81 |
82 |
05052208.01 |
124 |
5 |
11 |
26‑27 |
05/05/01 |
05/05/01 |
2228 |
1828 |
67 |
35.200 |
72 |
24.780 |
B5051824 |
125 |
05052228.01 |
124 |
5 |
11 |
26‑27 |
05/06/01 |
05/05/01 |
54 |
2054 |
67 |
41.900 |
72 |
1.700 |
125 |
83 |
84 |
124 |
5 |
TOW 11 |
On deck |
05/07/01 |
05/07/01 |
834 |
434 |
P 1270434 |
125‑127 |
124 |
noise file in van |
12 |
35 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
505 |
105 |
44 |
128 |
85 |
86 |
05080531.01 |
127 |
6 |
TOW 12; noise file |
12 |
35 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
118 |
P1280032 |
128 |
127 |
6 |
up |
12 |
35 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
129 |
P1280018 |
128 |
127 |
6 |
12 |
35 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
136 |
P1280129 |
128 |
127 |
6 |
12 |
35 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
731 |
P1280136 |
128 |
87 |
88 |
127 |
6 |
12 |
35 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
744 |
344 |
68 |
15.857 |
69 |
34.946 |
128 |
127 |
6 |
12 |
35 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
746 |
346 |
P1280349 |
B5080346 |
128 |
127 |
6 |
12 |
35‑36 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
754 |
354 |
45 |
128 |
127 |
6 |
45 |
12 |
35‑36 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
934 |
534 |
68 |
11.036 |
69 |
52.220 |
46 |
P1280534 |
128 |
89 |
90 |
127 |
6 |
12 |
35‑36 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
1136 |
736 |
68 |
4.810 |
70 |
14.490 |
47 |
P1280737 |
128 |
91 |
92 |
127 |
6 |
12 |
36 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
1338 |
938 |
68 |
3.284 |
70 |
22.096 |
48 |
P1280939 |
128 |
93 |
94 |
127 |
6 |
12 |
36‑37 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
1539 |
1139 |
67 |
58.760 |
70 |
35.840 |
49 |
P1281140 |
128 |
95 |
96 |
127 |
6 |
12 |
36‑37 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
1842 |
1442 |
67 |
52.740 |
70 |
57.449 |
50 |
P1281345 |
128 |
97 |
98 |
127 |
6 |
12 |
37‑38 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
1943 |
1543 |
67 |
47.442 |
70 |
9.356 |
51 |
128 |
99 |
100 |
127 |
6 |
12 |
37‑38 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
1948 |
1548 |
P1281548 |
128 |
127 |
6 |
12 |
37‑38 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
2148 |
1748 |
67 |
42.070 |
71 |
30.700 |
52 |
P1281749 |
B5081748 |
128 |
101 |
102 |
05082150.01 |
127 |
6 |
12 |
38 |
05/08/01 |
05/08/01 |
2351 |
1951 |
67 |
36.739 |
71 |
50.960 |
53 |
P1281953 |
128 |
103 |
104 |
127 |
6 |
12 |
38 |
05/09/01 |
05/08/01 |
53 |
2053 |
128 |
05090053.01 |
128 |
6 |
12 |
38 |
05/09/01 |
05/08/01 |
114 |
2104 |
128 |
05090114.01 |
128 |
6 |
12 |
38‑39 |
05/09/01 |
05/08/01 |
159 |
2159 |
67 |
30.730 |
72 |
11.465 |
54 |
P1282201 |
128 |
105 |
106 |
128 |
6 |
12 |
38‑39 |
05/09/01 |
05/08/01 |
347 |
2347 |
P1282347 |
128 |
128 |
6 |
changing settings in ac. Soft |
12 |
38‑39 |
05/09/01 |
05/08/01 |
148 |
2348 |
67 |
26.221 |
72 |
26.580 |
P1282348 |
128 |
05090306.01 |
128 |
6 |
12 |
38‑39 |
05/09/01 |
05/09/01 |
402 |
2 |
67 |
25.613 |
72 |
28.569 |
55 |
P1290003 |
129 |
107 |
108 |
128 |
6 |
12 |
38‑39 |
05/09/01 |
05/09/01 |
606 |
206 |
67 |
19.171 |
72 |
43.241 |
56 |
P1290207 |
129 |
109 |
110 |
128 |
6 |
12 |
39‑40 |
05/09/01 |
05/09/01 |
810 |
410 |
67 |
14.310 |
73 |
2.940 |
57 |
P1290411 |
B5090410 |
129 |
111 |
112 |
128 |
6 |
12 |
40 |
05/09/01 |
05/09/01 |
1009 |
609 |
67 |
8.170 |
73 |
22.290 |
58 |
P1290611 |
129 |
113 |
114 |
128 |
6 |
12 |
40‑41 |
05/09/01 |
05/09/01 |
1212 |
812 |
67 |
8.345 |
73 |
40.007 |
59 |
P1290813 |
129 |
115 |
116 |
128 |
6 |
recording, so changed DAT tape with 43 min remaining |
12 |
40‑41 |
05/09/01 |
05/09/01 |
1332 |
932 |
67 |
10.553 |
73 |
57.818 |
60 |
P1290935 |
129 |
117 |
118 |
128 |
12 |
40‑41 |
05/09/01 |
05/09/01 |
1536 |
1136 |
67 |
13.650 |
74 |
24.690 |
61 |
P1291138 |
129 |
119 |
120 |
128 |
12 |
41 |
05/09/01 |
05/09/01 |
1600 |
1200 |
P1291200 |
129 |
128 |
12 |
05/09/01 |
05/09/01 |
1736 |
1236 |
67 |
13.456 |
74 |
31.600 |
P1291222 |
129 |
128 |
file to check 1mHz mux |
12 |
05/09/01 |
05/09/01 |
1755 |
1255 |
67 |
12.640 |
74 |
30.670 |
129 |
128 |
13 |
41‑42 |
05/10/01 |
05/09/01 |
50 |
2050 |
67 |
14.026 |
74 |
31.453 |
B5092052 |
129 |
129 |
7 |
13 |
05/10/01 |
05/09/01 |
58 |
2058 |
67 |
14.026 |
74 |
31.453 |
‑62 |
P1292057 |
129 |
121 |
122 |
050100101.01 |
129 |
7 |
62 starts recording 2238 |
13 |
05/10/01 |
05/09/01 |
236 |
2236 |
67 |
19.020 |
74 |
16.560 |
62 |
P1292236 |
129 |
129 |
7 |
13 |
05/10/01 |
05/09/01 |
300 |
2300 |
67 |
20.170 |
74 |
12.990 |
63 |
129 |
123 |
124 |
129 |
7 |
13 |
05/10/01 |
05/10/01 |
502 |
102 |
67 |
26.761 |
73 |
53.022 |
64 |
P1300103 |
130 |
125 |
126 |
129 |
7 |
13 |
42 |
05/10/01 |
05/10/01 |
705 |
305 |
67 |
28.161 |
73 |
49.279 |
65 |
P1300306 |
130 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
7 |
13 |
42‑43 |
05/10/01 |
05/10/01 |
910 |
510 |
67 |
34.390 |
73 |
28.980 |
66 |
P1300510 |
B5100510 |
130 |
129 |
130 |
129 |
7 |
13 |
43 |
05/10/01 |
05/10/01 |
1112 |
712 |
67 |
40.250 |
73 |
10.560 |
67 |
P1300712 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
129 |
7 |
13 |
43‑44 |
05/10/01 |
05/10/01 |
1314 |
914 |
67 |
42.840 |
73 |
2.030 |
68 |
P1300914 |
130 |
133 |
134 |
129 |
7 |
13 |
43‑44 |
05/10/01 |
05/10/01 |
1516 |
1116 |
67 |
48.670 |
72 |
43.050 |
69 |
P1301117 |
130 |
135 |
136 |
129 |
7 |
13 |
43‑44 |
05/10/01 |
05/10/01 |
1718 |
1318 |
70 |
130 |
137 |
138 |
129 |
7 |
13 |
44‑45 |
05/10/01 |
05/10/01 |
1803 |
1403 |
70 |
130 |
129 |
7 |
jam, fixed |
13 |
44‑45 |
05/10/01 |
05/10/01 |
1901 |
1501 |
70 |
130 |
129 |
7 |
towyoing |
13 |
44‑45 |
05/10/01 |
05/10/01 |
1925 |
1525 |
70 |
130 |
139 |
140 |
129 |
7 |
13 |
44‑45 |
05/10/01 |
05/10/01 |
1952 |
1552 |
P1301552 |
130 |
129 |
7 |
13 |
44‑45 |
05/10/01 |
05/10/01 |
2039 |
1639 |
B51011639 |
130 |
129 |
7 |
with gps |
13 |
44‑45 |
05/10/01 |
05/10/01 |
2111 |
1711 |
130 |
05102111.01 |
129 |
7 |
gps |
13 |
44‑45 |
05/10/01 |
05/10/01 |
2128 |
1728 |
68 |
4.580 |
71 |
50.410 |
72 |
P1301728 |
130 |
141 |
142 |
129 |
7 |
13 |
44‑45 |
05/10/01 |
05/10/01 |
2239 |
1839 |
68 |
17.970 |
71 |
38.430 |
P1301838 |
130 |
129 |
7 |
started by itself |
13 |
45‑46 |
05/10/01 |
05/10/01 |
2329 |
1929 |
68 |
10.405 |
71 |
29.980 |
73 |
P1301930 |
130 |
143 |
144 |
129 |
7 |
13 |
45‑46 |
05/11/01 |
05/10/01 |
131 |
2131 |
68 |
16.240 |
71 |
10.180 |
74 |
P1302131 |
130 |
145 |
146 |
130 |
7 |
13 |
45‑46 |
05/11/01 |
05/10/01 |
333 |
2333 |
68 |
21.530 |
70 |
53.510 |
75 |
P1302334 |
130 |
147 |
148 |
130 |
7 |
time starting DAT |
13 |
46‑47 |
05/11/01 |
05/11/01 |
535 |
135 |
68 |
28.269 |
70 |
29.775 |
76 |
131 |
149 |
150 |
130 |
7 |
13 |
47‑48 |
05/11/01 |
05/11/01 |
541 |
141 |
68 |
28.500 |
70 |
28.588 |
P1310141 |
131 |
130 |
7 |
computer |
13 |
47‑48 |
05/11/01 |
05/11/01 |
736 |
336 |
68 |
30.889 |
70 |
3.237 |
77 |
P1310339 |
131 |
151 |
152 |
130 |
7 |
13 |
47‑48 |
05/11/01 |
05/11/01 |
940 |
540 |
68 |
39.120 |
69 |
54.960 |
78 |
P1310542 |
131 |
153 |
154 |
130 |
7 |
13 |
47‑48 |
05/11/01 |
05/11/01 |
1142 |
742 |
68 |
48.220 |
69 |
51.080 |
79 |
P1310743 |
131 |
155 |
156 |
130 |
7 |
13 |
48‑49 |
05/11/01 |
05/11/01 |
1302 |
902 |
68 |
0.883 |
68 |
0.892 |
131 |
130 |
Mbay |
TOW 13 |
14 |
48‑49 |
05/12/01 |
05/12/01 |
450 |
50 |
69 |
1.280 |
69 |
4.655 |
132 |
05120459.01 |
131 |
Mbay |
TOW 14 |
14 |
49 |
05/12/01 |
05/12/01 |
500 |
100 |
69 |
1.035 |
69 |
4.416 |
80 |
P1320100 |
B1520057 |
132 |
157 |
158 |
131 |
Mbay |
tape restarted due to oscilloscope |
14 |
51‑52 |
05/12/01 |
05/12/01 |
705 |
305 |
68 |
52.163 |
68 |
57.422 |
81 |
P1320307 |
132 |
159 |
160 |
131 |
Mbay |
cut error again |
14 |
51‑52 |
05/12/01 |
05/12/01 |
800 |
400 |
P1320400 |
132 |
131 |
Mbay |
14 |
52 |
05/12/01 |
05/12/01 |
907 |
507 |
68 |
48.660 |
69 |
10.360 |
82 |
P1320513 |
132 |
161 |
162 |
131 |
8 |
14 |
52‑53 |
05/12/01 |
05/12/01 |
1111 |
711 |
68 |
43.390 |
69 |
29.970 |
83 |
P1320711 |
132 |
163 |
164 |
131 |
8 |
14 |
52‑53 |
05/12/01 |
05/12/01 |
1313 |
913 |
68 |
37.394 |
69 |
52.608 |
84 |
P1320917 |
132 |
165 |
166 |
131 |
8 |
14 |
52‑53 |
05/12/01 |
05/12/01 |
1407 |
1007 |
68 |
36.190 |
70 |
3.380 |
84 |
P1320917 |
132 |
05121407.01 |
131 |
8 |
vprlog to ship's gps |
14 |
52‑53 |
05/12/01 |
05/12/01 |
1426 |
1026 |
68 |
36.616 |
70 |
7.127 |
B5121023 |
132 |
05121423.01 |
131 |
8 |
14 |
52‑53 |
05/12/01 |
05/12/01 |
1514 |
1114 |
68 |
38.270 |
70 |
18.480 |
85 |
P1321116 |
132 |
167 |
168 |
131 |
8 |
14 |
52‑53 |
05/12/01 |
05/12/01 |
1717 |
1317 |
68 |
42.758 |
70 |
45.526 |
86 |
P1321320 |
132 |
169 |
170 |
131 |
8 |
14 |
53 |
05/12/01 |
05/12/01 |
1918 |
1518 |
68 |
44.308 |
70 |
58.975 |
87 |
P1321520 |
132 |
171 |
172 |
131 |
8 |
14 |
53 |
05/12/01 |
05/12/01 |
1931 |
1531 |
P1321531 |
132 |
131 |
8 |
14 |
53 |
05/12/01 |
05/12/01 |
2120 |
1720 |
68 |
40.230 |
71 |
6.740 |
88 |
P1321721 |
132 |
173 |
174 |
131 |
8 |
14 |
53 |
05/12/01 |
05/12/01 |
2322 |
1922 |
68 |
37.390 |
71 |
31.390 |
89 |
P1321923 |
132 |
175 |
176 |
131 |
8 |
14 |
54 |
05/12/01 |
05/12/01 |
2340 |
1940 |
files and tapes stopped to recover fish |
132 |
131 |
8 |
14 |
54 |
05/13/01 |
05/12/01 |
17 |
2017 |
recovery, steaming north |
132 |
05130017.01 |
132 |
8 |
restart when couldn't recover fish |
14 |
54 |
05/13/01 |
05/12/01 |
21 |
2021 |
P1322021 |
132 |
132 |
8 |
14 |
54‑55 |
05/13/01 |
05/12/01 |
35 |
2035 |
89 |
132 |
175 |
176 |
132 |
8 |
14 |
54‑55 |
05/13/01 |
05/12/01 |
215 |
2215 |
68 |
27.717 |
71 |
28.140 |
90 |
P1322215 |
132 |
177 |
178 |
05130017.01 |
132 |
8 |
14 |
54‑55 |
05/13/01 |
05/13/01 |
416 |
16 |
68 |
34.444 |
71 |
37.525 |
91 |
P1330017 |
133 |
179 |
180 |
132 |
8 |
14 |
54‑55 |
05/13/01 |
05/13/01 |
619 |
219 |
68 |
9.848 |
71 |
20.072 |
92 |
P1330220 |
133 |
181 |
182 |
132 |
8 |
14 |
54‑55 |
05/13/01 |
05/13/01 |
822 |
422 |
68 |
0.248 |
71 |
18.125 |
93 |
P1330424 |
B5130423 |
133 |
183 |
184 |
132 |
8 |
14 |
54‑55 |
05/13/01 |
05/13/01 |
852 |
452 |
P1330452 |
133 |
132 |
8 |
14 |
54‑55 |
05/13/01 |
05/13/01 |
1024 |
624 |
67 |
52.000 |
71 |
21.210 |
94 |
P1330626 |
133 |
185 |
186 |
132 |
8 |
14 |
54‑55 |
05/13/01 |
05/13/01 |
1226 |
826 |
67 |
45.576 |
71 |
25.464 |
95 |
P1330835 |
133 |
187 |
188 |
132 |
8 |
program bombed‑‑ reobbo computer at tape change; lost 9 min data |
14 |
54‑55 |
05/13/01 |
05/13/01 |
1429 |
1029 |
67 |
55.896 |
71 |
38.232 |
96 |
P1331047 |
133 |
189 |
190 |
132 |
8 |
time to reboot |
14 |
54‑55 |
05/13/01 |
05/13/01 |
1633 |
1233 |
68 |
5.136 |
71 |
52.353 |
97 |
P1331233 |
133 |
191 |
192 |
132 |
8 |
14 |
54‑55 |
05/13/01 |
05/13/01 |
1651 |
1251 |
68 |
7.935 |
71 |
55.841 |
P1331251 |
133 |
132 |
8 |
drive error |
14 |
54‑55 |
05/13/01 |
05/13/01 |
1710 |
1310 |
P1331310 |
133 |
132 |
8 |
14 |
54‑55 |
05/13/01 |
05/13/01 |
1751 |
1351 |
68 |
11.219 |
72 |
0.356 |
P1331351 |
133 |
132 |
8 |
14 |
54‑55 |
05/13/01 |
05/13/01 |
1848 |
1448 |
end |
end |
end |
133 |
end |
end |
132 |
8 |
cycled |
14 |
54‑55 |
05/13/01 |
05/13/01 |
1902 |
1502 |
P1331502 |
133 |
132 |
8 |
around into the seas |
14 |
54‑55 |
05/13/01 |
05/13/01 |
1911 |
1511 |
68 |
15.364 |
72 |
8.031 |
133 |
132 |
8 |
TOW 14 |
15 |
55 |
05/14/01 |
05/13/01 |
15 |
2015 |
68 |
19.631 |
72 |
30.626 |
98 |
P1332024 |
B5132022 |
133 |
193 |
194 |
05140025.01 |
133 |
8 |
TOW 15 |
15 |
55‑56 |
05/14/01 |
05/13/01 |
227 |
2227 |
68 |
13.220 |
72 |
53.020 |
99 |
P1332228 |
133 |
195 |
196 |
133 |
8 |
15 |
56 |
05/14/01 |
05/14/01 |
430 |
30 |
68 |
10.568 |
73 |
2.703 |
100 |
P1340030 |
134 |
197 |
198 |
133 |
8 |
15 |
56‑57 |
05/14/01 |
05/14/01 |
633 |
233 |
68 |
5.193 |
73 |
19.661 |
101 |
P1340233 |
134 |
199 |
200 |
133 |
8 |
15 |
56‑57 |
05/14/01 |
05/14/01 |
835 |
435 |
67 |
58.420 |
73 |
41.360 |
102 |
P1340435 |
B5140435 |
134 |
201 |
202 |
133 |
8 |
15 |
57 |
05/14/01 |
05/14/01 |
950 |
550 |
67 |
5.270 |
73 |
47.150 |
Tow 15 for bad weather |
134 |
133 |
8 |
TOW 15 |
16 |
64 |
05/15/01 |
05/15/01 |
1008 |
608 |
68 |
4.540 |
74 |
46.160 |
103 |
P1350611 |
B5150608 |
135 |
203 |
204 |
05151015.01 |
134 |
9 |
16 |
64‑65 |
05/15/01 |
05/15/01 |
1214 |
814 |
68 |
11.680 |
74 |
28.670 |
104 |
P1350756 |
135 |
205 |
206 |
134 |
9 |
16 |
65‑66 |
05/15/01 |
05/15/01 |
1416 |
1016 |
68 |
14.220 |
74 |
20.510 |
105 |
P1351016 |
135 |
207 |
208 |
134 |
9 |
16 |
65‑66 |
05/15/01 |
05/15/01 |
1616 |
1216 |
68 |
20.580 |
74 |
0.167 |
106 |
P1351217 |
135 |
209 |
210 |
134 |
9 |
16 |
66 |
05/15/01 |
05/15/01 |
1823 |
1433 |
68 |
26.917 |
73 |
38.370 |
135 |
134 |
9 |
TOW 16, PRESSURE SENSOR READS 5 m when fish is already coming out of water;
reads 3.5 m on deck. DEPTH GAUGE UNRELIABLE |
17 |
66‑67 |
05/16/01 |
05/15/01 |
100 |
2100 |
68 |
26.123 |
73 |
39.205 |
135 |
135 |
9 |
Tow 17 |
17 |
66‑67 |
05/16/01 |
05/15/01 |
112 |
2112 |
68 |
25.982 |
73 |
38.723 |
107 |
P1352106 |
B5152104 |
135 |
211 |
212 |
05160106.01 |
135 |
9 |
17 |
66‑67 |
05/16/01 |
05/15/01 |
313 |
2313 |
68 |
33.853 |
73 |
17.170 |
108 |
P1352314 |
136 |
213 |
214 |
135 |
9 |
17 |
67 |
05/16/01 |
05/16/01 |
515 |
115 |
68 |
40.774 |
72 |
54.296 |
109 |
P1360117 |
136 |
215 |
216 |
135 |
9 |
is 300‑500 m deep, not 66 |
17 |
67‑68 |
05/16/01 |
05/16/01 |
718 |
318 |
68 |
41.624 |
72 |
50.900 |
110 |
P1360319 |
136 |
217 |
218 |
135 |
9 |
17 |
67‑68 |
05/16/01 |
05/16/01 |
921 |
521 |
68 |
47.180 |
72 |
31.160 |
111 |
P1360519 |
B5160518 |
136 |
219 |
220 |
135 |
9 |
17 |
67‑68 |
05/16/01 |
05/16/01 |
1125 |
725 |
68 |
51.390 |
72 |
13.840 |
112 |
P1360725 |
136 |
221 |
222 |
135 |
9 |
17 |
68 |
05/16/01 |
05/16/01 |
1323 |
923 |
68 |
54.020 |
72 |
8.840 |
113 |
136 |
223 |
224 |
135 |
9 |
17 |
68‑69 |
05/16/01 |
05/16/01 |
1528 |
1128 |
68 |
57.180 |
72 |
15.290 |
114 |
P1361129 |
136 |
225 |
226 |
135 |
17 |
68‑69 |
05/16/01 |
05/16/01 |
1731 |
1331 |
69 |
4.495 |
72 |
31.660 |
115 |
P1361331 |
136 |
227 |
228 |
135 |
17 |
69 |
05/16/01 |
05/16/01 |
1907 |
1507 |
69 |
10.694 |
72 |
45.170 |
136 |
135 |
10 |
TOW 17, 151 meters to bottom for event log |
18 |
69 |
05/16/01 |
05/16/01 |
2207 |
1807 |
69 |
10.630 |
72 |
45.380 |
116 |
P1361811 |
B5161809 |
136 |
229 |
230 |
05162211.01 |
135 |
10 |
TOW 18 |
18 |
69‑70 |
05/17/01 |
05/16/01 |
14 |
2014 |
69 |
5.110 |
73 |
5.440 |
117 |
P1362024 |
136 |
231 |
232 |
136 |
10 |
18 |
69‑70 |
05/17/01 |
05/16/01 |
217 |
2217 |
68 |
59.420 |
73 |
24.680 |
118 |
P1362217 |
136 |
233 |
234 |
136 |
10 |
18 |
70 |
05/17/01 |
05/16/01 |
324 |
2324 |
68 |
57.137 |
73 |
32.350 |
end file |
136 |
136 |
10 |
18 |
70‑71 |
05/17/01 |
05/17/01 |
408 |
8 |
68 |
56.806 |
73 |
33.180 |
P1370006 |
137 |
136 |
10 |
18 |
70‑71 |
05/17/01 |
05/17/01 |
420 |
20 |
68 |
56.225 |
73 |
35.350 |
119 |
137 |
235 |
236 |
136 |
10 |
18 |
70‑71 |
05/17/01 |
05/17/01 |
626 |
226 |
68 |
49.815 |
73 |
56.209 |
120 |
P1370225 |
137 |
237 |
238 |
136 |
10 |
18 |
70‑71 |
05/17/01 |
05/17/01 |
826 |
426 |
68 |
43.930 |
74 |
16.140 |
121 |
P1370430 |
B5170429 |
137 |
239 |
240 |
136 |
10 |
18 |
71‑72 |
05/17/01 |
05/17/01 |
1030 |
630 |
68 |
41.710 |
74 |
22.910 |
122 |
P1370632 |
137 |
241 |
242 |
136 |
10 |
18 |
71‑72 |
05/17/01 |
05/17/01 |
1230 |
830 |
68 |
35.330 |
74 |
43.200 |
123 |
P1370831 |
137 |
243 |
244 |
136 |
10 |
18 |
72 |
05/17/01 |
05/17/01 |
1432 |
1032 |
68 |
29.340 |
75 |
2.280 |
124 |
P1371034 |
137 |
245 |
246 |
136 |
10 |
18 |
72‑73 |
05/17/01 |
05/17/01 |
1632 |
1232 |
68 |
26.154 |
75 |
11.830 |
125 |
P1371232 |
137 |
247 |
248 |
136 |
10 |
18 |
72‑73 |
05/17/01 |
05/17/01 |
1836 |
1436 |
68 |
19.500 |
75 |
31.560 |
126 |
P1371436 |
137 |
249 |
250 |
136 |
10 |
18 |
73‑74 |
05/17/01 |
05/17/01 |
2037 |
1637 |
68 |
19.410 |
75 |
47.360 |
127 |
P1371640 |
B5171639 |
137 |
251 |
252 |
136 |
18 |
73‑74 |
05/17/01 |
05/17/01 |
2237 |
1837 |
68 |
26.640 |
76 |
4.140 |
128 |
P1371840 |
137 |
253 |
254 |
136 |
18 |
74 |
05/18/01 |
05/17/01 |
41 |
2041 |
68 |
32.840 |
76 |
19.420 |
129 |
P1372042 |
137 |
255 |
256 |
137 |
11 |
18 |
74‑75 |
05/18/01 |
05/17/01 |
243 |
2243 |
68 |
38.310 |
76 |
2.190 |
130 |
P1372244 |
137 |
257 |
258 |
137 |
11 |
18 |
75 |
05/18/01 |
05/18/01 |
445 |
45 |
68 |
44.719 |
75 |
42.406 |
131 |
P1380041 |
138 |
259 |
260 |
137 |
11 |
18 |
75‑76 |
05/18/01 |
05/18/01 |
647 |
247 |
68 |
47.491 |
75 |
34.044 |
132 |
P1380248 |
138 |
261 |
262 |
137 |
11 |
18 |
75‑76 |
05/18/01 |
05/18/01 |
850 |
450 |
68 |
53.450 |
75 |
15.470 |
133 |
P1380452 |
138 |
263 |
264 |
137 |
11 |
18 |
76 |
05/18/01 |
05/18/01 |
1041 |
641 |
68 |
59.073 |
74 |
56.270 |
138 |
137 |
11 |
TOW 18 |
19 |
76‑77 |
05/18/01 |
05/18/01 |
1545 |
1145 |
68 |
59.420 |
74 |
54.520 |
P1381149 |
B5181145 |
138 |
05181549.01 |
137 |
11 |
StartTow19 |
19 |
76‑77 |
05/18/01 |
05/18/01 |
1557 |
1157 |
69 |
0.129 |
74 |
52.827 |
134 |
138 |
265 |
266 |
137 |
11 |
19 |
76‑77 |
05/18/01 |
05/18/01 |
1801 |
1401 |
135 |
138 |
267 |
268 |
137 |
11 |
19 |
76‑77 |
05/18/01 |
05/18/01 |
1852 |
1452 |
68 |
53.880 |
75 |
9.909 |
P1381452 |
138 |
137 |
11 |
19 |
77 |
05/18/01 |
05/18/01 |
2004 |
1604 |
68 |
53.880 |
75 |
9.910 |
136 |
P1381606 |
138 |
269 |
270 |
137 |
11 |
19 |
77‑78 |
05/18/01 |
05/18/01 |
2207 |
1807 |
69 |
16.385 |
74 |
17.660 |
137 |
P1381808 |
138 |
271 |
272 |
137 |
19 |
77‑78 |
05/19/01 |
05/18/01 |
10 |
2010 |
69 |
24.160 |
74 |
36.640 |
138 |
P1381808 |
138 |
273 |
274 |
138 |
19 |
77‑78 |
05/19/01 |
05/18/01 |
213 |
2211 |
69 |
29.885 |
74 |
50.840 |
138 |
275 |
276 |
138 |
19 |
77‑78 |
05/19/01 |
05/18/01 |
315 |
2315 |
69 |
29.460 |
74 |
50.050 |
139 |
P1382315 |
138 |
138 |
19 |
78 |
05/19/01 |
05/19/01 |
416 |
16 |
68 |
53.880 |
75 |
9.909 |
140 |
P1390014 |
139 |
277 |
278 |
138 |
12 |
19 |
78‑79 |
05/19/01 |
05/19/01 |
618 |
218 |
141 |
P1390218 |
139 |
279 |
280 |
138 |
12 |
19 |
79 |
05/19/01 |
05/19/01 |
0820 |
0420 |
69 |
15.47 |
75 |
36.710 |
142 |
P1390422 |
B5190421 |
139 |
281 |
282 |
138 |
12 |
19 |
79‑80 |
05/19/01 |
05/19/01 |
1025 |
0625 |
69 |
9.34 |
75 |
56.170 |
143 |
P1390640 |
139 |
283 |
284 |
138 |
12 |
19 |
79‑80 |
05/19/01 |
05/19/01 |
1224 |
824 |
69 |
2.810 |
76 |
16.410 |
144 |
P1390827 |
139 |
285 |
286 |
138 |
12 |
19 |
80‑81 |
05/19/01 |
05/19/01 |
1426 |
1026 |
68 |
59.670 |
76 |
26.070 |
145 |
P1391026 |
139 |
287 |
288 |
138 |
12 |
19 |
80‑81 |
05/19/01 |
05/19/01 |
1630 |
1230 |
68 |
52.667 |
76 |
46.910 |
146 |
P1391242 |
139 |
289 |
290 |
138 |
12 |
19 |
80‑81 |
05/19/01 |
05/19/01 |
1726 |
1326 |
P1391326 |
139 |
138 |
12 |
19 |
81 |
05/19/01 |
05/19/01 |
1749 |
1349 |
68 |
48.191 |
76 |
58.730 |
END TOW 19 |
139 |
138 |
12 |
Tow 19 |
20 |
81‑82 |
05/19/01 |
05/19/01 |
2230 |
1830 |
68 |
48.390 |
76 |
59.060 |
147 |
P1391829 |
B5191827 |
139 |
291 |
292 |
05192228.01 |
138 |
Tow 20 |
20 |
81‑83 |
05/19/01 |
05/19/01 |
2311 |
1911 |
P1391911 |
138 |
20 |
81‑82 |
05/20/01 |
05/19/01 |
31 |
2031 |
68 |
54.760 |
77 |
20.430 |
148 |
P1392032 |
139 |
293 |
294 |
139 |
20 |
81‑82 |
05/20/01 |
05/19/01 |
233 |
2233 |
69 |
0.710 |
77 |
40.690 |
149 |
P1392233 |
139 |
295 |
296 |
139 |
20 |
82‑83 |
05/20/01 |
05/20/01 |
436 |
36 |
69 |
3.098 |
77 |
42.930 |
150 |
P1400037 |
140 |
297 |
298 |
139 |
13 |
20 |
82‑83 |
05/20/01 |
05/20/01 |
518 |
118 |
P14000118 |
140 |
139 |
13 |
20 |
82‑83 |
05/20/01 |
05/20/01 |
640 |
240 |
151 |
299 |
300 |
139 |
13 |
20 |
82‑83 |
05/20/01 |
05/20/01 |
708 |
308 |
P1400308 |
139 |
13 |
20 |
83 |
05/20/01 |
05/20/01 |
842 |
442 |
69 |
17.030 |
77 |
1.730 |
152 |
P1400444 |
B5200443 |
140 |
301 |
302 |
139 |
13 |
20 |
83‑84 |
05/20/01 |
05/20/01 |
1044 |
644 |
69 |
20.860 |
76 |
50.040 |
153 |
P1400645 |
140 |
303 |
304 |
139 |
13 |
20 |
83‑84 |
05/20/01 |
05/20/01 |
1245 |
845 |
69 |
27.470 |
76 |
29.770 |
154 |
P1400845 |
140 |
305 |
306 |
139 |
13 |
20 |
84 |
05/20/01 |
05/20/01 |
1357 |
0957 |
69 |
32 |
76 |
17.340 |
Tow 20, End Survey |
Tow 20, End Survey |
21 |
5/24/01 |
5/24/01 |
1925 |
1525 |
68 |
44.449 |
71 |
27.700 |
155 |
P1441528 |
B5241528 |
144 |
5241929.01 |
143 |
Tow 21 |
21 |
5/24/01 |
5/24/01 |
1941 |
1541 |
144 |
307 |
308 |
143 |
21 |
5/24/01 |
5/24/01 |
2043 |
1643 |
P1441643 |
144 |
143 |
21 |
5/24/01 |
5/24/01 |
2132 |
1732 |
68 |
45.016 |
71 |
24.118 |
156 |
P1441733 |
144 |
309 |
310 |
143 |
21 |
5/24/01 |
5/24/01 |
2335 |
1935 |
68 |
46.230 |
71 |
27.520 |
157 |
P1441935 |
144 |
311 |
312 |
143 |
21 |
5/25/01 |
5/24/01 |
131 |
2131 |
68 |
47.525 |
71 |
23.860 |
End Tow 21 |
144 |
143 |
End Tow 21 |
22 |
5/26/01 |
5/26/01 |
2320 |
1920 |
67 |
46.997 |
69 |
47.014 |
B5261920 |
146 |
145 |
on Deck |
22 |
5/26/01 |
5/26/01 |
2343 |
1943 |
67 |
45.996 |
69 |
46.461 |
146 |
145 |
tow 22 |
22 |
5/27/01 |
5/26/01 |
9 |
2009 |
67 |
47.130 |
69 |
45.000 |
158 |
P1462010 |
B5261920 |
146 |
313 |
314 |
05270012.01 |
146 |
after camera adjustment |
22 |
5/27/01 |
5/26/01 |
153 |
2153 |
67 |
54.470 |
69 |
34.110 |
158 |
P1462153 |
146 |
146 |
22 |
5/27/01 |
5/26/01 |
210 |
2210 |
67 |
55.570 |
69 |
31.930 |
159 |
146 |
315 |
316 |
146 |
22 |
5/27/01 |
5/27/01 |
412 |
12 |
160 |
147 |
317 |
318 |
146 |
GPS for acoustics, lost DES/15020 Delta time |
22 |
5/27/01 |
5/27/01 |
452 |
52 |
68 |
6.682 |
69 |
12.814 |
P1470052 |
147 |
146 |
22 |
5/27/01 |
5/27/01 |
518 |
118 |
P1470118 |
147 |
146 |
22 |
5/27/01 |
5/27/01 |
618 |
218 |
68 |
11.446 |
69 |
0.254 |
161 |
P1470229 |
147 |
319 |
320 |
146 |
22 |
5/27/01 |
5/27/01 |
709 |
309 |
P1470309 |
147 |
146 |
22 |
5/27/01 |
5/27/01 |
821 |
421 |
68 |
11.180 |
68 |
32.760 |
162 |
P1470420 |
147 |
321 |
322 |
146 |
22 |
5/27/01 |
5/27/01 |
1022 |
622 |
68 |
10.350 |
68 |
14.200 |
163 |
P1470623 |
147 |
323 |
324 |
146 |
22 |
5/27/01 |
5/27/01 |
1115 |
710 |
68 |
7.230 |
68 |
25.390 |
147 |
146 |
Tow 22 |
23 |
5/27/01 |
5/27/01 |
2320 |
1920 |
68 |
4.380 |
68 |
37.630 |
164 |
P1471926 |
B5271916 |
147 |
325 |
326 |
05272320.01 |
146 |
23 |
5/28/01 |
5/27/01 |
129 |
2129 |
67 |
55.270 |
68 |
27.190 |
165 |
147 |
327 |
328 |
147 |
23 |
5/28/01 |
5/27/01 |
330 |
2330 |
67 |
51.090 |
68 |
10.310 |
166 |
P1472328 |
147 |
329 |
330 |
147 |
23 |
Patch#1 |
5/28/01 |
5/28/01 |
532 |
132 |
67 |
55.015 |
68 |
3.101 |
167 |
P1480134 |
148 |
331 |
332 |
147 |
23 |
Patch#2 |
5/28/01 |
5/28/01 |
733 |
333 |
67 |
52.870 |
68 |
8.066 |
168 |
P1480334 |
148 |
333 |
334 |
147 |
23 |
5/28/01 |
5/28/01 |
935 |
535 |
67 |
54.370 |
68 |
19.560 |
169 |
P1480536 |
148 |
335 |
336 |
147 |
23 |
5/28/01 |
5/28/01 |
1101 |
701 |
67 |
51.830 |
68 |
4.740 |
END TOW 23 |
148 |
147 |
Tow 23 |
24 |
Patch #3 |
5/28/01 |
5/28/01 |
1847 |
1447 |
67 |
54.490 |
68 |
10.915 |
P1481446 |
B5281446 |
148 |
05281857.01 |
147 |
24 |
5/28/01 |
5/28/01 |
1908 |
1508 |
B5281508 |
148 |
05281910.01 |
147 |
24 |
5/28/01 |
5/28/01 |
2038 |
1638 |
67 |
48.610 |
68 |
21.280 |
171 |
P1481638 |
148 |
339 |
340 |
147 |
24 |
5/28/01 |
5/28/01 |
2241 |
1841 |
67 |
53.540 |
68 |
16.680 |
172 |
P1481841 |
148 |
341 |
342 |
147 |
24 |
5/29/01 |
5/28/01 |
42 |
2042 |
67 |
55.780 |
68 |
20.600 |
173 |
P1482042 |
148 |
343 |
344 |
148 |
24 |
5/29/01 |
5/28/01 |
141 |
2141 |
67 |
52.870 |
68 |
26.700 |
End Tow 24 |
148 |
148 |
Tow 24 |
25 |
91 |
5/30/01 |
5/29/01 |
200 |
2200 |
68 |
4.186 |
68 |
43.775 |
B5292200 |
149 |
149 |
TOW 25 (ess start ondeck) |
25 |
91 |
5/30/01 |
5/29/01 |
212 |
2212 |
68 |
3.982 |
68 |
43.490 |
174 |
P1492214 |
149 |
345 |
346 |
050300216.01 |
149 |
the water |
25 |
91‑92 |
5/30/01 |
5/30/01 |
421 |
21 |
67 |
59.098 |
68 |
48.402 |
175 |
P1500022 |
150 |
347 |
348 |
149 |
25 |
92‑93 |
5/30/01 |
5/30/01 |
623 |
223 |
67 |
53.625 |
68 |
48.378 |
176 |
P1500224 |
150 |
349 |
350 |
149 |
25 |
92‑93 |
5/30/01 |
5/30/01 |
704 |
304 |
P1500304 |
150 |
149 |
file generation |
25 |
92‑93 |
5/30/01 |
5/30/01 |
824 |
424 |
67 |
50.020 |
69 |
3.420 |
177 |
P1500424 |
150 |
351 |
352 |
149 |
25 |
93‑94 |
5/30/01 |
5/30/01 |
1026 |
626 |
67 |
48.720 |
69 |
11.390 |
178 |
P1500626 |
150 |
353 |
354 |
149 |
25 |
94 |
5/30/01 |
5/30/01 |
1228 |
828 |
67 |
46.980 |
69 |
21.890 |
179 |
P1500829 |
150 |
355 |
356 |
149 |
25 |
94 |
5/30/01 |
5/30/01 |
1313 |
913 |
67 |
46.510 |
69 |
23.520 |
150 |
149 |
STOP/END #25 |
25 |
94 |
5/30/01 |
5/30/01 |
1328 |
928 |
67 |
46.810 |
69 |
23.930 |
150 |
149 |
26 |
94‑95 |
5/30/01 |
5/30/01 |
2329 |
1929 |
67 |
47.374 |
69 |
22.720 |
150 |
149 |
26 |
94‑95 |
5/30/01 |
5/30/01 |
2334 |
1934 |
67 |
47.528 |
69 |
23.170 |
180 |
P1501932 |
B5301930 |
150 |
357 |
358 |
05302334.01 |
149 |
tapes |
26 |
94‑95 |
5/31/01 |
5/30/01 |
12 |
2012 |
150 |
05310012.01 |
150 |
6? Not sure filenames set correctly at begin of tow 26 |
26 |
94‑95 |
5/31/01 |
5/30/01 |
135 |
2135 |
67 |
46.140 |
69 |
43.370 |
181 |
P1502134 |
150 |
359 |
360 |
150 |
26 |
95‑96 |
5/31/01 |
5/30/01 |
337 |
2337 |
67 |
43.710 |
69 |
42.560 |
182 |
P1502337 |
150 |
361 |
362 |
150 |
26 |
96‑97 |
5/31/01 |
5/31/01 |
537 |
137 |
67 |
39.632 |
69 |
32.910 |
183 |
P1510139 |
151 |
363 |
364 |
150 |
GPS BAD again |
26 |
97 |
5/31/01 |
5/31/01 |
740 |
340 |
67 |
34.419 |
69 |
23.071 |
184 |
P1510341 |
151 |
365 |
366 |
150 |
26 |
97‑98 |
5/31/01 |
5/31/01 |
942 |
542 |
67 |
29.000 |
69 |
30.530 |
185 |
P1510542 |
151 |
367 |
368 |
150 |
26 |
98‑99 |
5/31/01 |
5/31/01 |
1144 |
744 |
67 |
25.880 |
69 |
33.640 |
186 |
P1510745 |
151 |
369 |
370 |
150 |
26 |
99 |
5/31/01 |
5/31/01 |
1258 |
858 |
67 |
22.200 |
69 |
36.450 |
End Tow |
150 |
Tow 26 |
27 |
100 |
6/01/01 |
5/31/01 |
206 |
2206 |
66 |
47.950 |
68 |
27.920 |
187 |
p1512217 |
B5312206 |
151 |
371 |
372 |
06010201.01 |
151 |
27 |
100‑101 |
6/01/01 |
6/01/01 |
419 |
19 |
66 |
42.829 |
68 |
45.380 |
188 |
p1520020 |
152 |
373 |
374 |
151 |
27 |
100‑101 |
6/01/01 |
6/01/01 |
624 |
224 |
66 |
37.893 |
69 |
2.875 |
189 |
p1520224 |
152 |
375 |
376 |
151 |
27 |
100‑101 |
6/01/01 |
6/01/01 |
826 |
426 |
66 |
32.620 |
69 |
20.450 |
190 |
p1520426 |
152 |
377 |
378 |
06010826.01 |
151 |
27 |
100‑101 |
6/01/01 |
6/01/01 |
1029 |
629 |
66 |
26.275 |
69 |
41.420 |
191 |
P1520629 |
152 |
379 |
380 |
151 |
27 |
100‑101 |
6/01/01 |
6/01/01 |
1231 |
831 |
66 |
20.410 |
70 |
1.570 |
192 |
P1520831 |
152 |
381 |
382 |
151 |
27 |
100‑101 |
6/01/01 |
6/01/01 |
1432 |
1032 |
66 |
14.510 |
70 |
21.430 |
193 |
P1521034 |
152 |
383 |
384 |
151 |
27 |
100‑101 |
6/01/01 |
6/01/01 |
1637 |
1237 |
66 |
8.518 |
70 |
42.170 |
194 |
P1521235 |
152 |
385 |
386 |
151 |
Towyoing |
27 |
100‑101 |
6/01/01 |
6/01/01 |
1756 |
1356 |
P1521356 |
152 |
151 |
File from 50 m |
27 |
101 |
6/01/01 |
6/01/01 |
1842 |
1442 |
66 |
2.844 |
71 |
3.461 |
152 |
151 |
Tow 27 |
Appendix 8: Sonabuoy deployments
# |
Date |
Time(gmt) |
latdeg |
latmin.min |
latitude |
longdeg |
longmin.min |
longitude |
Mn |
Ba |
Bp |
Bm |
Odt |
Seal |
reason |
1 |
26‑Apr‑01 |
19:18 |
59 |
14.25 |
‑59.238 |
65 |
56.62 |
‑65.944 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
2 |
27‑Apr‑01 |
0:00:01 |
63 |
50.979 |
‑63.850 |
67 |
8.638 |
‑67.144 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
3 |
28Apr00 |
16:20 |
64 |
52.533 |
‑64.876 |
64 |
8.099 |
‑64.135 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
4 |
29‑Apr‑01 |
4:52 |
64 |
59.677 |
‑64.995 |
69 |
29.732 |
‑69.496 |
‑ |
‑ |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
5 |
29‑Apr‑01 |
16:45:54 |
65 |
57.262 |
‑65.954 |
69 |
53.59 |
‑69.893 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
6 |
30‑Apr‑01 |
18:25:41 |
66 |
47.197 |
‑66.787 |
68 |
31.954 |
‑68.533 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
7 |
01‑May‑01 |
13:54:00 |
66 |
12.234 |
‑66.204 |
71 |
3.541 |
‑71.059 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
8 |
01‑May‑01 |
14:48:30 |
66 |
16.06 |
‑66.268 |
71 |
9.65 |
‑71.161 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
9 |
01‑May‑01 |
18:48:45 |
66 |
25.81 |
‑66.430 |
71 |
19.96 |
‑71.333 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
10 |
01‑May‑01 |
20:02:04 |
66 |
28.878 |
‑66.481 |
71 |
6.977 |
‑71.116 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
11 |
02‑May‑01 |
13:39 |
66 |
52.887 |
‑66.881 |
70 |
9.128 |
‑70.152 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
12 |
02‑May‑01 |
20:37:49 |
67 |
3.131 |
‑67.052 |
69 |
9.41 |
‑69.157 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
x? |
x |
‑ |
whales |
13 |
02‑May‑01 |
22:17:28 |
67 |
2.344 |
‑67.039 |
69 |
12.287 |
‑69.205 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
x |
‑ |
sounds |
14 |
04‑May‑01 |
8:42:15 |
66 |
34.784 |
‑66.580 |
72 |
13.131 |
‑72.219 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
15 |
04‑May‑01 |
13:21:44 |
66 |
40.239 |
‑66.671 |
73 |
8.971 |
‑73.150 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
16 |
05‑May‑01 |
18:24 |
67 |
24.5 |
‑67.408 |
71 |
4.9 |
‑71.082 |
‑ |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
17 |
05‑May‑01 |
19:19 |
67 |
30.33 |
‑67.506 |
70 |
42.4 |
‑70.707 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
18 |
06‑May‑01 |
12:51:30 |
68 |
1.142 |
‑68.019 |
69 |
24.88 |
‑69.415 |
x? |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
19 |
06‑May‑01 |
17:45 |
67 |
58.33 |
‑67.972 |
68 |
32.83 |
‑68.547 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
20 |
06‑May‑01 |
20:04 |
67 |
52.13 |
‑67.869 |
68 |
11.35 |
‑68.189 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
21 |
06‑May‑01 |
0:12:34 |
67 |
53.359 |
‑67.889 |
67 |
41.607 |
‑67.693 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
22 |
07‑May‑01 |
17:51 |
68 |
34.157 |
‑68.569 |
68 |
25.231 |
‑68.421 |
x |
x? |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
23 |
09‑May‑01 |
1:05 |
67 |
14.212 |
‑67.237 |
74 |
32.237 |
‑74.537 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
24 |
10‑May‑01 |
15:31 |
67 |
49.432 |
‑67.824 |
72 |
40.615 |
‑72.677 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
25 |
11‑May‑01 |
15:30 |
68 |
52.707 |
‑68.878 |
69 |
54.021 |
‑69.900 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
26 |
11‑May‑01 |
17:18 |
69 |
0.089 |
‑69.001 |
69 |
43.595 |
‑69.727 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
x |
location |
27 |
11‑May‑01 |
21:04 |
69 |
11.343 |
‑69.189 |
69 |
23.541 |
‑69.392 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
28 |
12‑May‑01 |
12:53 |
68 |
38.401 |
‑68.640 |
69 |
48.858 |
‑69.814 |
x? |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
x? |
location |
29 |
12‑May‑01 |
16:48 |
68 |
41.8 |
‑68.697 |
70 |
39.604 |
‑70.660 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
30 |
12‑May‑01 |
17:35 |
68 |
43.11 |
‑68.718 |
70 |
49.25 |
‑70.821 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
31 |
12‑May‑01 |
22:18 |
68 |
39.443 |
‑68.657 |
71 |
18.309 |
‑71.305 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
32 |
13‑May‑01 |
16:58 |
68 |
7.028 |
‑68.117 |
71 |
54.611 |
‑71.910 |
x? |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
x? |
location |
33 |
13‑May‑01 |
19:52 |
68 |
18.852 |
‑68.314 |
72 |
13.152 |
‑72.219 |
x? |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
x? |
location |
34 |
14‑May‑01 |
13:48 |
67 |
52.449 |
‑67.874 |
74 |
1.875 |
‑74.031 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
35 |
14‑May‑01 |
17:58 |
67 |
41.068 |
‑67.684 |
74 |
33.664 |
‑74.561 |
‑ |
x? |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
36 |
14‑May‑01 |
21:45 |
67 |
29.907 |
‑67.498 |
75 |
7.959 |
‑75.133 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
37 |
15‑May‑01 |
16:57 |
68 |
22.861 |
‑68.381 |
73 |
53.222 |
‑73.887 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
38 |
15‑May‑01 |
1:53 |
68 |
29.162 |
‑68.486 |
73 |
31.883 |
‑73.531 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
39 |
16‑May‑01 |
13:42:20 |
68 |
53.927 |
‑68.899 |
72 |
9.283 |
‑72.155 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
seals |
40 |
16‑May‑01 |
16:01:43 |
68 |
59.209 |
‑68.987 |
72 |
19.564 |
‑72.326 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
x? |
sounds |
41 |
16‑May‑01 |
17:16 |
69 |
4.05 |
‑69.068 |
72 |
30.527 |
‑72.509 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
42 |
16‑May‑01 |
18:16 |
69 |
8.453 |
‑69.141 |
72 |
40.023 |
‑72.667 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
43 |
17‑May‑01 |
15:52 |
68 |
28.431 |
‑68.474 |
75 |
4.795 |
‑75.080 |
‑ |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
44 |
17‑May‑01 |
19:39:30 |
68 |
16.399 |
‑68.273 |
75 |
40.533 |
‑75.676 |
‑ |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
45 |
18‑May‑01 |
14:54 |
68 |
56.422 |
‑68.940 |
74 |
48.267 |
‑74.804 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
46 |
18‑May‑01 |
18:50 |
69 |
9.674 |
‑69.161 |
74 |
24.946 |
‑74.416 |
x |
x? |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
47 |
18‑May‑01 |
0:23:33 |
69 |
25.059 |
‑69.418 |
74 |
38.863 |
‑74.648 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
48 |
18‑May‑01 |
3:21 |
69 |
29.226 |
‑69.487 |
74 |
52.962 |
‑74.883 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
49 |
19‑May‑01 |
4:36 |
69 |
25.277 |
‑69.421 |
75 |
5.251 |
‑75.088 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
failed |
50 |
19‑May‑01 |
16:36:58 |
68 |
52.226 |
‑68.870 |
76 |
48.234 |
‑76.804 |
x? |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
51 |
20‑May‑01 |
13:37 |
69 |
30.481 |
‑69.508 |
76 |
20.71 |
‑76.345 |
x |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
52 |
20‑May‑01 |
18:19 |
69 |
36.516 |
‑69.609 |
76 |
23.097 |
‑76.385 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
53 |
20‑May‑01 |
23:09 |
70 |
12.414 |
‑70.207 |
77 |
7.639 |
‑77.127 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
54 |
21‑May‑01 |
12:12 |
70 |
17.904 |
‑70.298 |
75 |
18.611 |
‑75.310 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
failed |
55 |
21‑May‑01 |
12:34 |
70 |
18.204 |
‑70.303 |
75 |
14.42 |
‑75.240 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
x? |
location |
56 |
22‑May‑01 |
11:55:37 |
69 |
23.441 |
‑69.391 |
75 |
20.721 |
‑75.345 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
57 |
22‑May‑01 |
12:52:10 |
69 |
21.015 |
‑69.350 |
75 |
3.614 |
‑75.060 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
x? |
sounds |
58 |
22‑May‑01 |
13:48:59 |
69 |
26.115 |
‑69.435 |
74 |
53.635 |
‑74.894 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
59 |
22‑May‑01 |
14:31:54 |
69 |
32.705 |
‑69.545 |
74 |
51.903 |
‑74.865 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
60 |
22‑May‑01 |
15:13:21 |
69 |
37.358 |
‑69.623 |
74 |
50.785 |
‑74.846 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
61 |
22‑May‑01 |
17:40 |
69 |
33.049 |
‑69.551 |
74 |
28.145 |
‑74.469 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
62 |
23‑May‑01 |
12:32:04 |
69 |
15.578 |
‑69.260 |
72 |
29.879 |
‑72.498 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
seals |
63 |
23‑May‑01 |
15:11:05 |
69 |
21.522 |
‑69.359 |
72 |
24.525 |
‑72.409 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
64 |
24‑May‑01 |
8:15:29 |
68 |
49.793 |
‑68.830 |
71 |
58.905 |
‑71.982 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
65 |
24‑May‑01 |
8:42:41 |
68 |
47.526 |
‑68.792 |
71 |
54.486 |
‑71.908 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
failed |
66 |
24‑May‑01 |
8:58 |
68 |
46.287 |
‑68.771 |
71 |
51.855 |
‑71.864 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
67 |
24‑May‑01 |
10:51:18 |
68 |
44.811 |
‑68.747 |
71 |
23.333 |
‑71.389 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
68 |
24‑May‑01 |
11:26 |
68 |
45.227 |
‑68.754 |
71 |
13.625 |
‑71.227 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
69 |
24‑May‑01 |
16:01:40 |
68 |
44.841 |
‑68.747 |
71 |
23.34 |
‑71.389 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
70 |
25‑May‑01 |
16:40 |
68 |
19.722 |
‑68.329 |
68 |
54.86 |
‑68.914 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
71 |
26‑May‑01 |
16:05 |
68 |
7.374 |
‑68.123 |
70 |
37.708 |
‑70.628 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
72 |
26‑May‑01 |
18:40 |
68 |
1.475 |
‑68.025 |
70 |
13.033 |
‑70.217 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
73 |
27‑May‑01 |
10:50 |
68 |
8.562 |
‑68.143 |
68 |
16.16 |
‑68.269 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
failed |
74 |
27‑May‑01 |
11:29:20 |
68 |
7.552 |
‑68.126 |
68 |
22.394 |
‑68.373 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
75 |
27‑May‑01 |
12:11:45 |
68 |
5.504 |
‑68.092 |
68 |
46.463 |
‑68.774 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
76 |
27‑May‑01 |
2:13:56 |
67 |
54.022 |
‑67.900 |
68 |
17.291 |
‑68.288 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
77 |
27‑May‑01 |
2:52 |
67 |
52.88 |
‑67.881 |
68 |
8.96 |
‑68.149 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
78 |
28‑May‑01 |
12:49:55 |
67 |
53.07 |
‑67.884 |
68 |
10.84 |
‑68.181 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
79 |
28‑May‑01 |
13:53:59 |
67 |
63.561 |
‑68.059 |
68 |
15.318 |
‑68.255 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
80 |
28‑May‑01 |
16:34 |
67 |
54.301 |
‑67.905 |
68 |
6.029 |
‑68.100 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
failed |
81 |
28‑May‑01 |
16:42 |
67 |
54.239 |
‑67.904 |
68 |
7.87 |
‑68.131 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
82 |
28‑May‑01 |
22:56 |
67 |
53.538 |
‑67.892 |
68 |
13.276 |
‑68.221 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
83 |
28‑May‑01 |
5:02:08 |
67 |
55.781 |
‑67.930 |
68 |
21.048 |
‑68.351 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
84 |
29‑May‑01 |
0:02 |
68 |
4.887 |
‑68.081 |
68 |
37.428 |
‑68.624 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
85 |
30‑May‑01 |
10:37:05 |
67 |
48.502 |
‑67.808 |
69 |
13.243 |
‑69.221 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
86 |
30‑May‑01 |
12:47 |
67 |
46.748 |
‑67.779 |
69 |
21.917 |
‑69.365 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
87 |
30‑May‑01 |
14:26:50 |
67 |
54.968 |
‑67.916 |
69 |
23.948 |
‑69.399 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
88 |
30‑May‑01 |
15:22:54 |
68 |
5.024 |
‑68.084 |
69 |
16.792 |
‑69.280 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
89 |
30‑May‑01 |
16:32 |
68 |
16.755 |
‑68.279 |
69 |
8.846 |
‑69.147 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
90 |
31‑May‑01 |
4:36:00 |
68 |
18.845 |
‑68.314 |
69 |
30.599 |
‑69.510 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
91 |
31‑May‑01 |
15:54:55 |
67 |
9.824 |
‑67.164 |
69 |
14.899 |
‑69.248 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
whales |
92 |
01‑Jun‑01 |
13:22:19 |
66 |
17.996 |
‑66.300 |
70 |
10.041 |
‑70.167 |
x |
x? |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
93 |
01‑Jun‑01 |
16:17:51 |
66 |
9.42 |
‑66.157 |
70 |
38.936 |
‑70.649 |
x |
x? |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
94 |
01‑Jun‑01 |
18:12 |
66 |
4.163 |
‑66.069 |
70 |
58.569 |
‑70.976 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
95 |
01‑Jun‑01 |
22:00 |
66 |
0.615 |
‑66.010 |
71 |
9.158 |
‑71.153 |
x |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
sounds |
96 |
02-Jun-01 |
16:48:45 |
63 |
25.391 |
-63.423 |
69 |
6.044 |
-69.101 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
location |
97 |
02‑Jun‑01 |
2:24:40 |
61 |
50.995 |
‑61.850 |
68 |
6.902 |
‑68.115 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
98 |
02‑Jun‑01 |
3:25 |
61 |
40.813 |
‑61.680 |
68 |
3.633 |
‑68.061 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
99 |
06‑Jun‑01 |
4:35 |
61 |
29.79 |
‑61.496 |
67 |
57.86 |
‑67.964 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
100 |
06‑Jun‑01 |
12:44:56 |
60 |
13.766 |
‑60.229 |
67 |
16.954 |
‑67.283 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
101 |
06‑Jun‑01 |
13:34:56 |
60 |
6.043 |
‑60.101 |
67 |
12.599 |
‑67.210 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
102 |
06‑Jun‑01 |
15:19:15 |
59 |
49.493 |
‑59.825 |
67 |
4.4 |
‑67.073 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
failed |
103 |
06‑Jun‑01 |
16:01:48 |
59 |
42.227 |
‑59.704 |
67 |
0.754 |
‑67.013 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |
104 |
06‑Jun‑01 |
17:46:00 |
59 |
24.395 |
‑59.407 |
66 |
51.687 |
‑66.861 |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
‑ |
location |