_________ This is WHATSNEW file for SaGA Toolbox _______ /-------------- Last updated 09/27/95 -----------------/ ==== 09/27/95 Update =========================================== The SaGA version 1.3 (as of 09/28/95) is now complete. ---------------- There were both additions and improvement/correction of various routines in comparison to previous sub-release. One important addition is a function INPOLYHD (and its auxillaries) which determines whether points in a set are inside or outside of a multi-dimensional polyhedron. Also important is that most of the programs dealing with polygons, such as ISCROSS.M, INTSECL.M, INTSECPL.M, ISINTPL.M, POLYBOOL.M were improved for correct handling various exceptional and degenerate situations. DELAUNAY.M is corrected so that it always produces exact n-dimensional Delaunay triangulation. Interpolation routines INTERPTR.M and its auxillaries EXTRAPTR.M, INFLATE.M, ADJSPX.M are also improved to deal with special cases. CONVEXH.M is improved for better handling of degenerate-rank cases. Added functions: --------------- BINARY.M - binary representation of an integer (used in COMBIN); COMBIN.M - combinations of N choose K (used in ROTMAT); INPOLYHD.M - true for a point in a multi-dimensional polyhedron; INSPX0.M - true for a points inside a multi-dimensional simplex (auxillary for INPOLYHD); INTERVAL.M - intersection and union of 1-d intervals (used in some polygon routines); LINECHK.M - checks line type input arguments, used in ISCROSS, INTSECL; ROTMAT.M - multi-dimensional rotation matrix (used in INPOLYHD); UNIQUEPT.M - removes coincident points in many interpolation routines; Doclist - a summary of various types of documentation for SaGA. ==== 06/30/95 Update ========================================== (posted to the MATLAB newsgroup): Here I announce the completion of a suite of various routines for polygon computations within the SaGA - Spatial and Geometric Analysis toolbox. Planar geometry is quite an important area for many applications and related questions are fairly often asked in this newsgroup. Unfortunately MATLAB currently offers very little here except plotting commands. Even such basic functions as polygon area or intersection of line segments calculations are not available. SaGA in addition to its core spatial data interpolation and computational geometry routines now contains many functions for dealing with points, lines and polygons. They range from relatively simple, like area and centroid calculations to quite sophisticated ones, like Boolean operation on pairs of polygons (intersections, unions. etc.) For the latter see a graphics example in the "gallery". ====================================================== ============ Further development ===================== The functions to be added in the nearest few days: ------------------------------------------------------ Additional demo, info scripts Functionalities which are soon to be included in SaGA: ------------------------------------------------------ Interpolation by objective mapping and kriging methods with automatic calculation of correlation function and semi-variogram respectively; automatic rescaling Objective mapping and kriging of 3-dimensional datasets. Adaptive (successive correction) multi-dimensional inverse distance interpolation. 2-d natural neighbour interpolation (based on Delaunay tesselation).