Figure 9. A) Generalized mean depth and range of the six life stages
of cod and haddock on Georges Bank from eggs through recently-settled
juveniles. B) Growth curves of standard length for cod and haddock on Georges Bank
from hatched larvae through recently-settled juveniles. Their mean prey width
and range is superimposed on the growth curves for each of the larval and
juvenile life stages. C) Generalized cod and haddock spawning on Georges
Bank and their development through six early life history stages: (1) Egg, (2) Early
Larva, 2-8 mm, (3) Late Larva, 9-13 mm, (4) Early Pelagic Juvenile, 14-29 mm,
(5) Late Pelagic Juvenile, 30-49 mm, and (6) Recently-settled Juvenile, 50-69 mm.
Arrows trace the population decline through stage development.