Monday July 21, 1997 | Location: Clark 5 Conference Room |
0800 | Coffee/fruit/pastries |
0815 | Welcome and introductions |
0830 | Summary Talk: Peter Smith - Interannual Variability of Boundary Fluxes and Water Mass Properties in the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank System During GLOBEC |
0915 | Discussion |
0930 | Summary Talk: Ted Durbin - Abundance and Distribution of Zooplankton on Georges Bank During 1995 and 1996 |
1015 | Discussion |
1030 | Break |
1050 | Summary Talk: [a] Bob Beardsley - Stratification Summary Talk: Physical Oceanographic Results [b] Jeff Runge - Stratification Summary Talk: Biological Results |
1140 | Discussion |
1200 | Lunch Location: outside Clark 5 Conference Room |
1330 | Summary Talk: Jim Manning - Intrusions of Scotian Shelf Water and Slope Water on to Georges Bank and Some of the Biological Consequences |
1415 | Discussion |
1430 | Summary Talk: Dan Lynch - Coupled physical/biological modeling |
1515 | Break |
1535 | 1. Discussion 2. Presentations by other GLOBEC programs ---- John Loder - Canadian GLOBEC and Retrospective Studies (20 minutes) |
1630 | Ari W. Epstein - Georges Bank: A New, Highly Interactive Exhibit at the New England Aquarium |
1700 | Reception and dinner Location: Carriage House |
2000 | Reserved if extra time needed |
Tuesday July 22, 1997 | Location: Clark 5 Conference Room |
0800 | Coffee/fruit/pastries |
0815 | Messages and updates |
Individual investigator talks | |
0830 | Jim Bisagni - Model Estimates of Interannual Stratification Variability on Southern Georges Bank, 1985-1992 and 1995 |
0845 | Tim Mavor - Tidal Variability of SST Frontal Locations on Georges Bank, 1986-1989 |
0900 | Sandra Werner and Bob Beardsley - Effects of Stratification on the Tidal Boundary Layer |
0915 | Christopher Naimie - Optimal Estimation for Hydrographic Data Assimilation |
0930 | Bob Houghton and Rick Fairbanks - Water Sources for Georges Bank |
0945 | Andy Solow - Changes in the Composition of the Zooplankton in the North West Atlantic |
1000 | Hidekatsu Yamazaki - Japan GLOBEC |
1005 | Break |
1025 | Poster Session (Clark 507 alcove and Clark 509) |
1205 | Lunch Location: outside Clark 5 Conference Room |
1330 | Poster Session (continued) |
1530 | Plenary Session:![]() ![]() ![]() |
1700 | Discussion TBD |
1800 | Dinner Location: Carriage House |
2000 | Phase III discussion & other GLOBEC programs |
Wednesday July 23, 1997 | Location: Clark 5 Conference Room |
0800 | Coffee/fruit/pastries |
0815 | Messages and updates |
Individual investigator talks (continued) | |
0830 | Dick Limeburner - Sources and Sinks of Water to Georges Bank During 1997 |
0845 | Karen Wishner - Studies of a Detrainment Feature on the South Flank (May 1997): Role in Zooplankton Loss from Georges Bank and Associations of Plankton with Bio-optic Features of the Water Column |
0900 | Mohamed Iskandarani - Coupled Modeling of the North Atlantic / Gulf of Maine System |
0915 | John Loder - Decadal-scale Hydrographic and Circulation Variability in the Scotia-Maine Region |
0930 | Larry Buckley et al. - Variability in Growth and Starvation Mortality of Larval Cod and Haddock on Georges Bank |
0945 | Francisco Werner et al. - Recent Developments in Larval Fish Trophodynamic Modeling |
1000 | Break |
1020 | Mike Fogarty, Rodney Rountree and William Michaels - NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Predation Studies on Georges Bank |
1035 | Jeff Runge et al. - Spatial and Temporal Variation in Egg Production of Calanus finmarchicus on Georges Bank: Implications for the Productivity of Prey of Cod and Haddock Larvae |
1050 | Larry Madin et al.- Estimated Predation on Target Species by Invertebrate Predators |
1105 | Dennis McGillicuddy et al. - An Adjoint Data Assimilation Approach to the Estimation of Pseudocalanus Population Dynamics |
1120 | Ann Bucklin - Distribution and relative abundance of the copepods Pseudocalanus moultoni and P. newmani on Georges Bank based on molecular identification of sibling species |
1135 | Glenn Flierl et al.- Individual-based Perspectives on Grouping |
1150 | Peter Wiebe - High Frequency Volume Backscattering on Georges Bank During Late Spring/Early Summer of 1994, 1995, and 1996 |
1205 | Lunch Location: outside Clark 5 Conference Room |
This agenda is subject to change and your futher suggestions for improvement are welcome.
Further information about the meeting is available at URL