[Towards] estimates of broad-scale predation mortality

L. P. Madin, E. F. Horgan, H. Franklin, S. M. Bollens, and B. K. Sullivan

Mortality due to predation by invertebrates and fishes is expected to be a significant loss term for target species on Georges Bank. The overall objective of our proposed research is to collect and analyze the data required to make a quantitative assessment of time- and site-specific predation mortality on populations of the target species. Our approach combines information on the abundance and co-occurrence of predators and target prey species on Georges Bank, derived from the continuing Broad Scale Survey, with new data on feeding specificity and rates of the principal predator species. We have identified at total of 19 fish and invertebrate predator species (Table) and have obtained feeding rate a selectivity data for them, either from our own experimental or observational work, from the literature, or by estimation on energetic grounds. We have begun to combine feeding rates for specific predator-prey combinations with their distributions on Georges Bank in order to map predation mortality in time and space, using the following protocol:

  1. Plot bank-wide (depth-stratified) abundance map for each predator (#/m-2) from MOC-1 and/or MOC-10 data.

  2. Introduce station- and depth-specific abundance of prey categories (e.g. total copepods).

  3. Combine predator abundance with feeding rate (fixed or functional response) to calculate "Potential Predator Impact" or PPI (# prey eaten m-2 d-1) for each station and depth.

  4. Adjust PPI with appropriate Q10 to calculate temperature-dependent PPI

  5. Adjust t-dependent PPI for target prey type (if there is a positive or negative selection for target species) to give # target prey eaten m-2 d-1

  6. Divide by abundance of target species to calculate "Instantaneous Mortality" or IM of target species (fraction eaten m-2 d-1).

  7. Sum IM values of all co-occuring predators for estimate of total IM for each target species.

Using Matlab and Easy-Krig routines, these specific predation impacts can be combined to estimate total mortality due to predation for each target species as a function of location, season and year.

Table of Georges Bank predators, prey and feeding data:

Predator Occurrence Prey Feeding Data


Clytia gracilis (hydroids)

Often very abundant on crest

Nauplii, copepods, fish larvae

F, T responses, selectivity on copepod eggs & nauplii, rates on cod larvae (GLOBEC data)

Cyanea capillata

Patchy occurrence

Copepods, fish eggs

Rates, selectivity on copepods (literature data)

Obelia sp.

Extremely abundant at times


F response on nauplii from experiments (GLOBEC data)

Other hydromedusae

Variable occurrence, rarely dense


Fish larvae

Rates on fish larvae from gut contents, experiments (literature data)

Nanomia cara

Very patchy occurrence, dense clusters


Rates on copepods from gut contents (literature data)


Bolinopsis infundibulum

Patchily abundant on flank, hard to quantify


Fish larvae

Rates on copepods from gut contents (GLOBEC data)

Pleurobrachia pileus

Patchily abundant in spring

Copepods fish larvae

Rates on copepods from gut contents (GLOBEC data), F and T responses (literature data)


Sagitta spp.

Fairly uniform abundances


F, T responses on copepods (literature data)


Centropages spp.

Very abundant on crest


F, T responses, selectivity on nauplii (GLOBEC data)

Metridia lucens

Year round on crest


F, T responses, selectivity on nauplii (GLOBEC data)

Temora longicornis

Winter and spring


F, T responses, selectivity on nauplii (GLOBEC data)


Neomysis americana

Patchily abundant on crest


F response on copepods (literature data)


Meganyctiphanes norvegica

Patchily abundant, north flank


Rates on Calanus, Pcal. (GLOBEC and literature data)

Nematoscelis spp.

Patchily abundant


Estimate from other species (literature data)

Euphausii krohnii

Patchily abundant


Fish larvae

Estimate from other species (literature data)


Themisto gaudichaudii

Patchy, but adults or juveniles often abundant

Nauplii, copepods

Rates on copepods, nauplii from gut contents (GLOBEC data), F,T responses (literature data)


Cirolana polita

Demersal, in water column at night


Larval fish ?

Rates on nauplii, copepods from experiments (GLOBEC data)


Clupea harengus

Briefly abundant during migratory passage


larval fish

Rates on copepods, fish larvae from gut contents (COP-GLOBEC data),

Scomber scombrus

Briefly abundant during migratory passage


larval fish

Rates on copepods, fish larvae from gut contents (COP-GLOBEC data),