The Third US GLOBEC Northwest Atlantic/Georges Bank Phase IV Science Meeting was held from 21 to 25 June 2004 at the Salve Regina University's Conference facility in Newport, Rhode Island. The primary goal was to bring together the US GLOBEC Georges Bank Phase IV-funded and other science investigators to review the current research progress and continue efforts to synthesize and analyze the results to date. The program, which completed its field work in December 1999, began the synthesis phase in the summer of 2002 with five projects funded by NSF and NOAA. A listing of the projects is at:

This third in a series of meetings of the scientific investigators was held to promote the exchange of information and foster integration of results. Salve Regina University provided excellent conference facilities, including internet connections, onsite living accommodations, and other services. The meeting goals were:

A total of 46 individuals attended the meeting over the five-day period. Each day provided an opportunity for plenary session discussions and more specialized discussions within the groups or on special topics of broad interest. In addition, a morning and afternoon talk of interest to the group as a whole were given during the middle three days of the meeting.

Information about the earlier meetings is available at: iworkshop_index.html