A sample .objects file follows:
bathymetry=defgb_noheader(/data/jcandela/greenberg_bathy.dat) bathy_ADCP=defgb_noheader(/data/jcandela/bathy_ADCP.dat) coast=map(/data/globec/methods/coast(/data/globec/data/world.map)) drifters=defrpt_url(/data/rlimeburner/drifters.dat) MOCNESS=defgb_url(/data/pgarrahan/moc/moclevel0.dat) test=def(/data/globec/data/t0)
Each line in the .objects file specifies the name of the object (the string to the left of the equal sign) followed by the method (or program) that is used to read this data. The characters enclosed in "(....)" are the arguments to the method, and usually consist of the full path name to the data as well as any other required parameters.
If you set up a .remoteobjects file, any entries in the .remoteobjects file must have corresponding entires in either a local or remote .remoteobjects file. However, you can have entries in your local .objects file, and still access these objects, without an entry in a .remoteobjects file. This is accomplished by specifying a URL of the following form:
where "your.server.name" refers to the internet name for your computer that is running the httpd server and JGOFS software; "jg/serv" should be typed as shown and provides access to the JGOFS serving software; "directory" refers to the subdirectory(ies) below the ../objects directory path where the .objects file is located and "object_name" is the name of the object as specified in the .objects file located in "../objects/directory". The string ".html0" is also required and specifies that the object is to be viewed beginning at the "top" or level 0 (zero).