The SeaSoar, manufactured by Chelsea Instruments, Ltd., is a towed
vehicle equipped with impeller-forced wings that can be rotated to
allow the vehicle to undulate in the upper ocean. The wings are
controlled through the multi-conductor tow cable by sending current
signals generated by a PC-based controller onboard ship to a
hydraulic unit inside the vehicle. Typical instrumentation includes a
SeaBird 911+ CTD with pressure and dual conductivity and temperature
sensors, and optical instrumentation such as fluorometer,
transmissometer, PAR sensor, an experimental bioluminescence sensor
and others.
Under the original open-ocean configuration, SeaSoar undulates
between the surface and about 400 meters depth while being towed on
faired cable at about eight knots. A typical dive cycle takes about
12 minutes to complete, providing an up- and down profile every 3 km.
In some applications, more frequent sampling during shallow water
experiments allows the SeaSoar to complete a dive cycle down to 100
meters in an average of three minutes, providing a horizontal
resolution of about 400 meters at mid-depth.
The photos on this page show the SeaSOAR on the R/V Revelle July 30,