A wide variety of technology will be used on this cruise.
Please follow the links below to learn more about each instrument and
ship. Ships
R/V Roger Revelle Owned by the U.S Navy and operated under the Office of Naval Research
the Revelle will be on the of the primary vessels on this cruise.
It is operated by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
R/V New Horizon Operated by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography like the
Revelle, the New Horizon will be conducting net sampling in close
coordination with the Revelle.
F/V Frosti A commercial
fishing vessel that will be conducting net sampling in the study
Fixed Instruments
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
The Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
is an instrument for measurement of water currents and vessel speed.
Towed Instruments
SeaSoar is a towed
undulating vehicle capable of carrying a variety of physical and
biological sensors.
HTI HTI is an echosounder
that emits sound waves into the water column and listens for sound
which has reflected (echo) off particles in the water.
Plankton Net A
variety of nets will be used to sample plankton in the study area.
Drifters and Buoys
TSRB The Tethered
Spectral Radiometer Buoy is an optical instrument used to measure
downwelling irradiance.
Argos Argos is a
satellite-based location and data collection system dedicated to
monitoring and protecting the environment.