California Current Cruise Reports


Summaries of the Hydrographic Data from the
Oregon/Northern California Long-Term Observation Program

Reports are available as downloadable PDF files. Warning, files can be large.

Year 1997-1998 1999-2000 2001 2002-2003 2004
Cruise ID Summary [1088 Kb] Summary [5509 Kb] Summary [3139 Kb] Summary [6470 Kb] Summary [2183 Kb]

Reports for Individual Cruises of the Oregon/Northern California Long-Term Observation Program

Reports are available as downloadable PDF files. Warning, files can be large.

Year 1999 2000 2001
Month Sep Nov Feb Apr Jul Sep Jan Mar July Sep Nov
Cruise ID W9909C W9911C W0002A W0004B W0007A W0009A W0101C W0103B W0107A W0109A W0111B
Size (Kb) of
PDF File
2126 732 2401 3362 1712 1208 492 1392 793 3186 653

Year 2002 2003
Month Feb Apr July Sep Dec Feb Apr July Sep
Cruise ID W0202A W0204A W0207A AT721  W0212A  W0302A  W0304A  NH0307A  W0309B 
Size (Kb) of
PDF File
567 3495 3635 3478  3225  1160  3765  4829  3279 

Report Title Authors, Citation Format and Size
Nutrient and Extracted Chlorophyll Data from the GLOBEC Long-Term Observation Program, 1997-2004 Wetz, J. J., J. Hill, H. Corwith, and P. A. Wheeler. 2004. Data Report 193, COAS Reference 2004-1 (Revised June 2005 [to include improved 2003 and 2004 data]) PDF Document (644 Kb; 135 pp.)
Particulate and Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Data from the GLOBEC Long-Term Observation Program, 1997-2004 Wetz, J. J., J. Arrington, and P. A. Wheeler. 2005. Data Report 205, COAS Reference 2006-2, August 2006 PDF Document (780 Kb; 142 pp.)
Neustonic Mesozooplankton Abundance and Distribution in the Northern California Current, 2000 and 2002 Pool, S.S. and R.D. Brodeur. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-74. February 2006 PDF Document (4,997 Kb; 93 pp.)

Reports of Process Cruises from the California Current System Program

Reports are available as downloadable PDF files. Warning, files can be large.

Year 2000 2002
Season (mos) May-June July-Aug May-June July-Aug;
Cruise ID NH0005 New Horizon
[4229 Kb]

W0005A Wecoma
[662 Kb]

SE0005 Sea Eagle
NH0007 New Horizon
[4,417 Kb]

W0008A Wecoma
[371 Kb]

SE0007 Sea Eagle
W0205A Wecoma

T0205 Thompson

FR0206 Frosti
[440 Kb]
NH0207A New Horizon
[971 Kb]

R0208 Roger Revelle
[428 Kb]

FR0208 Frosti
[459 Kb]

Links to Miscellaneous California Current Cruise Graphics & Other Stuff

2000 Cruise Graphics

Mesoscale 1 Cruises, 29 May - 17 June 2000: Plots of ship positions for specific cruise intervals.

Mesoscale 2 Cruises, 28 July - 17 August 2000: Plots of ship positions for specific cruise intervals and distances between the New Horizon and Wecoma as a function of time.

Mesoscale II Cruise Plots: August 2000, GLOBEC Mesoscale/Process Cruise off Oregon and Northern California - Plots of salmon abundance, plankton abundance, bird biomass, chl, temperature, nutrients, whale sightings

New Horizon Cruise: NH0005

NH0005: R/V New Horizon, 28 May - 13 June 2000, GLOBEC Mesoscale/Process Cruise off Oregon and Northern California - Station Locations

NH0005: R/V New Horizon, 28 May - 13 June 2000, GLOBEC Mesoscale/Process Cruise off Oregon and Northern California - Plots of Along-Track IMET Observations (Winds, Air Temp, SST, Fluorescence, Salinity, etc.)

New Horizon Cruise: NH0007

NH0007: R/V New Horizon, 27 July - 12 August 2000, GLOBEC Mesoscale/Process Cruise off Oregon and Northern California - Station Locations plotted on Satellite SST Images

NH0007: R/V New Horizon, 27 July - 12 August 2000, GLOBEC Mesoscale/Process Cruise off Oregon and Northern California - Plots of Along-Track IMET Observations (Winds, Air Temp, SST, Fluorescence, Salinity, etc.)

Wecoma Cruises: W0005a and W0008

SeaSoar and ADCP Data from 2000 Mesoscale/Finescale Cruises in the CCS

2002 Cruise Graphics

Movie of AVHRR Surface Temperatures for 6-15 August 2002 [FLC Format; FLASH5 Format--requires Windows]

Other stuff/links

Optical Drifters in the CCS

Links to Miscellaneous NEP-CCS stuff elsewhere...

Oregon LTOP Web Site

Page last revised: 24 June 2008
Maintained by Hal Batchelder (