November 2002 California Current SI Meeting Posters

These results are preliminary and not to be cited without contacting the authors.


1. Baldwin and Jacobson - "Marine Parasites of Juvenile Salmon in the Northern California Current System: Differences in Regional Trophic Interactions?" [si_02_baldwin_01]

2. Batchelder, Edwards, Curchitser, Powell and Haidvogel - "Coupled Biophysical Models of Transport and Demography of Plankton and Fish in a Dynamic Coastal Upwelling Environment." [si_02_batchelder_01]

3. Botsford, Hill, Hastings, and Lawrence - "Comparative Analysis of How Coho and Chinook Salmon Populations Respond to Environmental Variability." [si_02_botsford_01]

4. Brodeur, Miller, Reese, and Emmett - "Community Structure of Surface Nekton and Plankton in the Northern California Current in Relation to Oceanographic Conditions." [si_02_brodeur_01]

5. Dobbins, Lewis, Hinckley, and Hermann - "Comparison of Physical-Biological Models of the California Current System and the Coastal Gulf of Alaska." [si_02_dobbins_01]

6. Fleischbein, Huyer and Smith - "Enhanced Fluorescence in the Northern California Current System, July 2002."

7. Gómez-Gutiérrez - "Hatching Mechanism, Early and Delayed Hatching of the Eggs of Broadcast and Brood-sac Spawning Euphausiids Under Laboratory Conditions." [si_02_gomez-gutierrez_01]

8. Gómez-Gutiérrez, Peterson, Brodeur, and De Robertis - "Massive Mortality of Euphausiids Caused by Endoparasitic Apostomatic Ciliates." [si_02_gomez-gutierrez_02]

9. Gómez-Gutiérrez, Feinberg, Shaw, and Peterson - "Brood Size and Egg Production Rates for Euphausia pacifica With a Comparison of Laboratory and Field Estimations of Fecundity." [si_02_gomez-gutierrez_03]

10. Harvey and Ju - "The Application of Multiple Lipid Markers to Track the Diet History and Nutritional Status of Euphausiids in the NEP."

11. Hermann, Haidvogel, Dobbins, and Stabeno - "Interannual Variability of SST and Cross-Shelf Transport in the Coastal Northeast Pacific." [si_02_hermann_01]

12. Huyer, Smith, and Fleischbein - "Oregon Ocean Climate Update, Nov 2002."

13. Jacobson, Baldwin, and Teel - "Trophic Interactions and Migration of Juvenile Salmonids in the California Current System: Conclusions from Parasitology and Genetics." [si_02_jacobson_01]

14. Keister and Peterson - "Relationships Between Zooplankton Communities and Mesoscale Physical Features During the 2000 Mesoscale Cruises." [si_02_keister_01]

15. Kosro - "GLOBEC Mooring: Newport, Oregon."

16. Kosro and Paduan - "Shore-Based Mapping of Ocean Surface Currents at Long Range Using 5 MHz HF Backscatter."

17. Lagerquist and Mate - "Humpback Whale Sightings off the Oregon and Northern California Coast, During Summer 2002." [si_02_lagerquist_01]

18. Musgrave, Hedstrom, Hermann and Haidvogel - "Comparison of the Coastal Gulf of Alaska Circulation Model (3-km grid) to GLOBEC Data."

19. Pierce, Barth, Peterson, Cowles, and Zhou - "Mesoscale Bio-acoustic Surveys in the Northern California Current System."

20. Pool, Emmett, and Brodeur - "Abundance and Distribution of Pelagic Nekton from GLOBEC 2002 Surface Trawl Surveys." [si_02_pool_01]

21. Ramp, Bahr, Kosro, Strub, and Huyer - "Seasonal Evolution of the Upwelling Process South of Cape Blanco."

22. Rau, Ohman, and Pierrot-Bults - "Linking Climate Variability to Nitrogen Dynamics off Central California: A 50-Year Record Based on 15N/14N in CalCOFI Zooplankton."

23. Ressler, Brodeur, Peterson, and Pierce - "Mesoscale Physical Features and the Patchiness of Zooplankton and Nekton in the Northern California Current System." [si_02_ressler_01]

24. Sanders, Letelier, and Abbott - "Longitudinal Scales of Variability of Phytoplankton Biomass and Maximum Photosynthetic Quantum Yield During the 2000 GLOBEC NEP Process Cruises."

25. Shaw, Feinberg, Gomez-Gutierrez, and Peterson - "Moulting and Growth of Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa spinifera in the Northern California Current." [si_02_shaw_01]

26. Sherr and Sherr - "Distribution in Relation to Phytoplankton, and Potential Grazing Impact, of Microzooplankton in the California Current System." [si_02_sherr_01]

27. Strub, James, Thomas, and Venegas - "Seasonal Development of Mesoscale Satellite Fields Along the Pacific Northwest." [si_02_strub_01]

28. Suchman and Brodeur - "GLOBEC: Abundance, Distribution, and Feeding Ecology of Large Medusae in the California Current Upwelling System." [si_02_suchman_01]

29. Swartzman - "Biological Response to the 1997 - 1998 Regime Shift in the North Pacific Eastern Boundary Current." [si_02_swartzman_01]

30. Thibault-Botha, Bowen and Huntley - "And What About the Gelatinous Zooplankton? A Preliminary Look at What Was Going on in August 2002." [si_02_thibault-botha_01]

31. Thomas and Brickley - "Interannual Variability of Surface Chlorophyll Concentrations in the California Current (1997-2002): The Broad-Scale Satellite View."

32. Thomas, Wheeler, Karp-Boss and Brickley - "New (2002) SeaWiFS Chlorophyll Imagery of the California Current."

33 Tokmakian - "Monitoring the Variability of the Mid-Latitude North Pacific Ocean." [si_02_tokmakian_01]

34. Vance, Keister, and Peterson - "Diel Vertical Migration of Life History Stages of Euphausia pacifica." [si_02_vance_01]

35. Wainwright and Miller - "Pelagic Food Web Structure in The California Current System."