August 9, 2002
Fine scale survey begins, rendezvous with the Elakha
8:00 a.m.: The SeaSOAR and HTI were back in the water at
midnight and have started on the fine scale survey in the north.
The weather is excellent this morning. At 9:00 a.m. we are
scheduled to rendezvous with the Elakha to transfer one of the
scientists off the Revelle.
9:00 a.m.: The SeaSOAR and HTI were recovered as the Revelle held position
for the boat transfer.
The Zodiac was launched for a rendezvous with the Elakha.
Ricardo Letelier transferred off the Revelle and some needed supplies
were brought back onboard. Plans call for re-deploying the
SeaSOAR and HTI and continuing with the fine scale survey.
2:00 p.m.: Soon after resuming our west-bound leg on the fine
scale survey the Revelle entered some fog that has lasted for several
hours. While running in foggy conditions, the ship gives several
blasts of the horn about every 2 minutes to warn other ships that may
be in the path. Smaller fishing vessels do not always show up on
the radar and are difficult for the bridge to spot in these
5:30 p.m.: SeaSoar and HTI continue in the fog. The
image below shows the areas that will be covered during the fine scale
survey. The areas covered are the same as those surveyed two
years ago during the 2000 GLOBEC cruises. The Revelle should
complete the northern section of the fine scale survey by the end of
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Previous update August 8
Next update August 10 |