Kasey Legaard
Graduate Student -- University of Maine, Orono
I am responsible for monitoring the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler and the HTI
bioacoustics instrument, with Steve Pierce.
What was your most memorable cruise and why?
As an oceanography student, my principle interest is using satellite data to characterize
the mesoscale structure of sea surface temperature and surface pigment concentrations
throughout the California Current System and other eastern boundary current upwelling
regions. Because I use satellite imagery to do this, I don't get out of my cubicle in
Maine too much. On top of that, I only recently began studying oceanography. This is my
first cruise, and because of that, I'm sure it will be the most memorable for a long time
to come. It still blows my mind to walk out on the deck and see nothing but water on the
horizon. And after nine days at sea, I am only just now getting used to life on a ship
that never stops moving around underneath you.