SI Meeting - November 2001 Posters

These results are preliminary and not to be cited without contacting the authors.


California Current Posters

1. Jacobson - "Juvenile Salmonids in the Northern California Current: Differences in Parasites Obtained Through Trophic Interactions."

2. Sandell, House, Jacobson, and Casillas - "Pathogen Prevalence and Effects on Juvenile Salmon in the Northern California Current."

3. Schwing, Mendelssohn, Parrish, deWitt, Green, Moore, Murphree, Tokmakian, Semtner, Ford - "Northeast Pacific Climate Change Mechanisms."[si01_schwing_01]

4. Green-Jessen, Schwing, Bograd, and Murphree - "The Seasonal Cycle of Upper Ocean Temperatures of the West Coast: Local Atmospheric Forcing and Rossby Wave Propagation." [si01_green_02]

5. Moore and Schwing - "Record Breaking Coastal Upwelling in 1999."

6. Schwing, Green-Jessen, and Murphree - "An Analysis of Climate Events in the Monterey Bay Based on the Extratropical Northern Oscillation Index (NOIx)."[si01_schwing_02]

7. Green-Jessen, Schwing, and Murphree - "Wind Stress Curl and Ocean Conditions in the Northeast Pacific: A Mechanism for Ocean Climate Change."[si01_green_01]

8. Brown, Wainwright, and Peterson - "Simulating Temporal Variations in Nutrient, Phytoplankton and Zooplankton on the Inner Oregon Shelf."[si01_brown_01]

9. Batchelder, Edwards, Lewis, Powell, and Haidvogel - "Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Mesozooplankton in Idealized Models of Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems."[si01_batchelder_01]

10. Ju and Harvey - "Relationship Between Phytoplankton Community Structure and Mesoscale Physical Features of the Northeast Pacific as Determined by Multiple Biochemical Markers."

11. Ju and Harvey - "Determination of Age Structure, Nutritional Status and Potential for Trophic Transfer in the Euphausiids Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa spinifera Using Molecular Organic Tracers."

12. Bosch and Thomas - "Satellite-measured Chlorophyll Variability within the Upwelling Zone near Heceta Bank, Oregon."

13. Teel, Van Doornik, Myers, and Weitkamp - "Genetic Stock Identification of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Northern California Current."[si01_teel_01]

14. Smith, Huyer, and Fleischbein - "Ocean Climate Change off Oregon?" (Updated through Sept 2001).

15. Huyer, Smith, and Fleischbein - "CTD Surveys of the Northern California Current Region, April, July and September, 2000." (This is the same survey as last year).

16. Tynan, Ainley, and Barth - "Cetacean Distributions and Oceanographic Features of the Northern California Current: GLOBEC Northeast Pacific Process Studies During 2000."

17. Thibault-Botha, Campbell, Huntley, Zhou - "Mesoscale Zooplankton Productivity."

18. Shaw, Feinberg, and Peterson - "Variability in Developmental Pathways of Individual Larval Euphausia pacifica."

19. Shaw, Feinberg, Keister, Vance, Roestad, Gomez-Gutierrez, and Peterson - "Preliminary Results of Moulting Experiments on Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa spinifera."

20. Feinberg and Peterson - "Variability in Duration and Intensity of Euphausiid Spawning off Central Oregon." [si01_fein_01]

21. Feinberg, Shaw, and Peterson - "Laboratory Development of Euphausia pacifica Larvae." [si01_fein_02]

22. Gomez-Gutierrez and Peterson - "Zonal Distribution and Community Structure of Euphausiid on the Coastal Shelf Off Central Oregon, During 1970 -1972: A Multivariate Approach."[si01_gomez_01]

23. Gomez-Gutierrez, Peterson, Feinberg, Shaw, and Keister - "Brood Size and hatching Success of the Euphausiids Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa spinifera from the Oregon Coast Population."[si01_gomez_02]

24. Gomez-Gutierrez - "Hatching Mechanism and Late Hatching of the Eggs of Euphausia pacifica Under Laboratory Conditions."[si01_gomez_03]

25. Ohman, Lavaniegos, Brinton - "Decadal-scale Variability in California Current Zooplankton Assemblages."

26. Botsford, Lawrence, Hastings, McCann, and Lee - "Physical Forcing of California Current Salmon."

27. Miller and Brodeur - "Trophic Relationships of Juvenile Pacific Salmon and Associated Forage Fish in Coastal Waters Off Oregon and California."[si01_miller_01]

28. Brodeur, Casillas, Emmett, Fisher, Popp Noskov, and Teel - "Distribution, Growth, Condition, Origin, and Associations of Juvenile Salmon in the California Current."[si01_brodeur_01]

29. Swartzman, Hickey, and Wilson - "Mesoscale Acoustic Surveys 1995-2001: Contrasts and Constants." [si01_swartz_01]

30. Hickey, Geier, and Kachel - "Moored Observations off Grays Harbor, Washington and Coos Bay, Oregon."

31. Sherr and Sherr - "Microplankton Distribution in the California Current System - Preliminary Results." [si01_sherr_01]

32. Pierce, Barth, Peterson, and Cowles - "Bio-Acoustic Surveys in the Northern California Current System."

33. Cowles, Barth, Pierce, and Peterson - "Mesoscale and Finescale Mapping."

34. Keister, Vance, and Peterson - "Vertical Distribution of Euphasia pacifica off the Central Oregon Coast." [si01_keister_01]

35. Roestad and Peterson - "Relationships Between Acoustical Backscatter and Zooplankton Biomass Estimates from Vertical Net Samples."

36. Ramp, Bahr, Kosro, Huyer, and Strub - "The GLOBEC Rogue River Time Series."

37. Kosro and Waldorf - "Newport, Oregon: Data from GLOBEC Mooring, 2000."

38. Kosro, Waldorf, and Letelier - "Newport, Oregon: Data from GLOBEC Mooring, 2001."

39. Ainley, Spear, Tynan, Barth, and Ford - "Occurrence Patterns of Seabirds in the California Current GLOBEC Study Area: Indicators of Top-Down Influences on Food-Web Structure."[si01_ainley_01]

40. Rau, Casillas, and Jacobson - "Linking Vertical Advection and Diet Variability to Juvenile Salmon Condition and Parasite Load: A Study Using 14C, 13C, and 15N Natural Abundances."

41. Casillas, Fisher, Jacobson, and Rau - "Growth and Condition of Juvenile Salmon in the Northern California Coast."

42. Wainwright - "Time Scales of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processes in a Coastal Upwelling System." [si01_wain_01]

43. Abbott, Letelier, and Nahorniak - "MODIS Observations of Chlorophyll Fluorescence: Comparison with Ship Measurements Off the Oregon Coast."

44. Sanders, Letelier, and Abbott - "Assessing Phytoplankton Biomass and Physiological Variability Off the Oregon Coast as Part of the NEP GLOBEC Program."

45. Strub and James - "Changes in SSH and Alongshore Transport Along the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia Following the 1997-1998 El Niņo."

46. Rau, Ohman, Pierrot-Bults - "Linking Physical Processes to Nutrient Cycling and Trophic Dynamics: A 50-Year Reconstruction Based on 15N / 14N in CalCOFI Zooplankton."

47. Lewis, Powell, Haidvogel, Edwards, Batchelder - "Initial Results From a Biological-Physical Model of a Coastal Upwelling System."

48. Zhou and Zhu - "US GLOBEC Northeast Pacific Study: Translation of Mesoscale Eddies and Biological Processes in the California Current System."

49. Zhou, Gonzalez, Zhu, and Peterson - "GLOBEC Northeast Pacific Study: Mesoscale Zooplankton Distribution and Productivity."

Gulf of Alaska Posters

1. Helle, Cokelet, Farley, Hollowed, and Stabeno - "Factors Affecting the Distribution of Juvenile Salmon in the Gulf of Alaska."[si01_helle_01]

2. Heard, Wertheimer, Orsi, Taylor, Sturdevant, Mortensen, Fergusson, Adkison, and Briscoe - "GLOBEC 2000: Growth and Survival of Coho Salmon Utilizing the Coastal Gulf of Alaska." [si01_heard_01]

3. Orsi, Sturdevant, Murphy, Mortensen, Wing, Wertheimer, and Heard - "Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring." [si01_orsi_01]

4. Kline - "Shifts in Natural Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Composition-Based Food Web Dependencies Provide Evidence of Biophysical Coupling in Prince William Sound, AK."

5. Kline - "Copepods as Lagrangian Drifters: Using Stable Isotope Composition to Infer Advective Transport."

6. Lessard, Foy, Weiser, and Graff - "Preliminary Observations on the Photosynthetic and Heterotrophic Plankton Communities on the Gulf of Alaska Shelf During 2001."

7. Olson and Strom - "Microplankton Growth and Grazing Response to the Physical-Chemical Characteristics of the Coastal Gulf of Alaska."[si01_olson_01]

8. Strom, Napp, Liu, Baier, and Dagg - "Zooplankton Grazing and Plankton Community Structure in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska Analyzed Using Imaging-in-Flow (FlowCAM) Technology."

9. Coyle, Okkonen, and Pinchuk - "Distribution of Zooplankton Communities Relative to Hydrographic Features in the Northern Gulf of Alaska."[si01_coyle_01]

10. Okkonen, Weingartner, Danielson, Schmidt, and Musgrave - "Eddy-induced Cross-slope Exchange in the Northwestern Gulf of Alaska."[si01_wein_02]

11. Weingartner, Danielson, and Royer - "Fresh Water Variability in the Alaska Coastal Current." [si01_wein_01]

12. Musgrave, Whitledge, and Statscewich - "The Seward Eddy Versus Storm-induced Mixing (?) and the Spring Bloom of 2000 on the Gulf of Alaska Shelf."[si01_whit_01]

13. Ingraham and deWitt - "Ocean Surface Current Simulator (OSCURS): New Web Site, Improvements, and an Interannual Variability Index for the Gulf of Alaska Winter Circulation."

14. Bond, Overland, and Stabeno - "Air-Sea Interaction in the Northern Gulf of Alaska." [si01_bond_01]

15. Kachel, Mordy, and Stabeno - "Gulf of Alaska Hydrography - May 14 - 19, 2001." [si01_kachel_01]

16. Stabeno - "A Selection of Data from the FOCI and GLOBEC Moorings 2001." [si01_stab_01]

17. Hinckley, Hermann, Dobbins, and Blamey - "Use of a Biophysical NPZ Model to Investigate the Effect of Alongshore vs. Cross-Shelf Transport in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska on Quality of Habitat for Migrating Juvenile Salmon or What is the Source of Nutrients?"[si01_hinck_01]

18. Nielsen, Moller, Satapoomin, Ringuette, and Hopcroft - "Egg Hatching Rate of the Cyclopoid Copepod Oithona similis in Arctic and Temperate Waters."[si01_hop_01]

19. Hopcroft, Pinchuk, Clarke - "Growth Rates of Neocalanus Species in the Gulf of Alaska." [si01_hop_02]

20. Childers, Whitledge, Stockwell, and Weingartner - "A Preliminary Look at Nitrate Sources and Sinks in the Shelf Waters of the Northern Gulf of Alaska."[si01_whit_03]

21. Liu, Dagg, and Lawrence - "Trophic Cascading Within the Planktonic Food Web of the Gulf of Alaska in May, 2001 Induced by Neocalanus Grazing."[si01_liu_01]

22. Cokelet and Farley - "Factors Affecting the Distribution of Juvenile Salmon in the Gulf of Alaska - Physical Oceanography."

23. Mordy, Stabeno, Sigelo, Wisegarver, and Salo - "Moored Nitrate Monitors."[si01_mordy_01]

24. Hermann, Haidvogel, Hinckley - "Recent Results from Physical and Biological Models of the Coastal Gulf of Alaska." (Workstation-based presentation).