Cross-Frontal Exchange and Scotian Shelf Cross-over Workshops

10-12 October, 2000

Holiday Inn, Falmouth, Massachusetts


Cover Page


Cross-Frontal Exchange

Presentations Discussion Topics Upcoming North Sea Study (LIFECO) (St. John)

Scotian Shelf Cross-over

Presentations Discussion Questions Synthesis Topics Appendix



Tuesday, October 10, 2000
Cross-Frontal Exchange
Time Activity or Title Speaker
0830 Coffee, bagels, & juice
0900 Seasoar-drifter studies Barth/Hebert
0920 Dye and drifter studies Houghton
0940 Biological/physical interaction studies WishnerDu
1000 Fish larvae/zooplankton process studies Incze
1020 Break

Discussion topics
1045 How do we define the location of the Tidal Mixing Front? Bisagni
1100 How does the front respond to wind and buoyancy forcing? Ledwell
1130 What is the secondary circulation at the front and how great is isopycnal mixing Houghton
1200 Lunch
0100 How does vertical migration of species interact with the secondary circulation to carry species into or across the front? Wishner
1320 How do interactions between species affect transport into or across the front? Wishner
1345 Upcoming study of cross-frontal exchange in the North Sea by the International GLOBEC Program St. John
1400 How are plankton processes affected by frontal location or transport? Gifford
1430 What quantitative statements can we make about transport into or across the front and its affects on the GLOBEC target species and Georgs Bank ecosystem? tba
1500 Break
1530 Definition of topics on which progress can be made, discussion of data sets that can be integrated to make such progress, and creation of groups of investigators to work on those topics Organizers
1630 Summary of the day, and preliminary plan for Thursday's activities, pending on the outcome of Wednesday's discussion of cross-overs Organizers
1700 Adjourn
1800 Cocktails and dinner in Clark 507 at WHOI, with discussion as desired

Wednesday, October 11, 2000
Scotian Shelf Cross-over
0830 Browns Bank and channel moorings and surface drift P.C. Smith
0850 Modelling Cross-overs C. Hannah
0910 Northern Flank moorings and ADCP C. Flagg
0930 Georges Bank moorings R. Beardsley
0950 Satellite SST J. Bisagni
1010 Break
1030 Nutrients and primary production D. Townsend
1050 Process cruises K. Wishner
1105 Evidence for cross-overs in the broad-scale cruises D. Mountain



1205 Lunch
1330 Continued talks or breakout sessions P.C. Smith
1500 Break
1530 Breakout sessions or synthesis plenary
1700 Adjourn

Thursday, October 12, 2000
0830 Breakout sessions or synthesis plenary
1300 Adjourn