U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Program 1998 Data Workshop

September 8-15, 1998

New England Conference Center
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03874

Edited by Peter H. Wiebe
Robert C. Groman

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Working Group and Science Reports

  1. Carin Ashjian: Realtime VPR - Source, Retention, and loss data
  2. Dezung Chu: Kriging Software for Matlab 5.2, a demonstration
  3. Charlie Flagg: Georges Bank Tides from Shipboard ADCP
  4. Scott Gallager: First-Feeding Cod Larvae Live for Microzooplankton
  5. Charles Hannah: Discussion of Regional Decadal Scale Hydrography Changes in North Atlantic and the Biological Response
  6. Lew Incze: Report on zooplankton vertical distributions in a changing turbulence field: Measurements during GLOBEC Cruise SJ9508
  7. Dan Lynch: Shipboard Modeling and Observations Briefing
  8. Larry Madin: Population Dynamics and Predation Working Group
  9. Tim Mavor: Seasonal variability of sea surface temperature fronts on Georges Bank
  10. Andy Pershing: Evidence for Vertical Circulation Cells in the Well-mixed Area of Georges Bank and their Biological Implications
  11. Cisco Werner: A review of the Third ICES/GLOBEC Backward-Facing Workshop, Ocean Climate of the NW Atlantic during the 1960s and 70s and Consequences for Gadoid Populations

III. 1999 Cruise Planning Meeting

IV. U.S. GLOBEC Round-table Discussion with Commercial Fishermen

V. Broad-scale Group Session

VI. Data Management

APPENDIX I. Meeting Agenda
APPENDIX II. List of Workshop Participants
APPENDIX III. List of Posters


Session reports were written by designated/volunteer Rapporteurs. We thank these Rapporteurs and the individuals who contributed abstracts of their presentations.

The support for the preparation of this report was provided by the National Science Foundation and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. A special thanks to Chip Clancy of the U.S. GLOBEC Program Service Office for a superb job in providing logistical support for the meeting and to the New England Center staff for providing a wonderful site in which to hold it.