1. Armstrong, Boldt, Cross, Moss, Davis, Myers, Walker, Beauchamp, and Haldorson - "GLOBEC Research: Food Habits and Feeding Patterns of Gulf of Alaska Juvenile Pink Salmon." [si_03_armstrong_01]
2. Briscoe, Adkison and Wertheimer - "Factors Affecting Marine Growth and Survival of Auke Creek, Alaska coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)." [si_03_briscoe_01]
3. Byrd and Hopcroft - "Abundance, Biomass, and Production Rates of Oithona similis in the Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_byrd_01]
4. Childers, Whitledge, Stockwell, and Weingartner - "A Preliminary Look at Nitrate Sources and Sinks in the Shelf Waters of the Northern Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_childers_01]
5. Cokelet, Stabeno and Jenkins - "Factors Affecting the Distribution of Juvenile Salmon in the Gulf of Alaska: Physical Oceanography." [si_03_cokelet_01]
6. Cross, Beauchamp, Armstrong, Boldt, Davis, Haldorson, Moss, Myers, and Walker - "Modeling Bioenergetics of Juvenile Pink Salmon in Prince William Sound and the Coastal Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_cross_01]
7. Danielson, Weingartner and Stockwell - "Annual and Interannual Variability in Atmospheric Heat Flux over the Northern Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_danielson_01]
8. Dobbins, Lewis, Hinckley, and Hermann - "Comparison of Physical-Biological Models of the California Current System and the Coastal Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_dobbins_01]
9. Farley and Helle - "Factors Affecting the Distribution of Juvenile Prince William Sound Hatchery Pink Salmon in the Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_farley_01]
10. Foy and Lessard - "Seasonal and Spatial Dynamics of Phyto and Microzooplankton in the Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_foy_01]
11. Haldorson and Boldt - "GLOBEC Research: Seasonal and Annual Patterns of Abundance and Size of Juvenile Pink Salmon on the Shelf of the Northern Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_haldorson_01]
12. Hedstrom, Musgrave, Hermann, and Dobbins - "Modeled Lagrangian Drifters in the Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_hedstrom_01]
13. Hermann, Haidvogel, Dobbins, Hinckley, Stabeno, Musgrave, and Hedstrom - "Nested Biophysical Modeling of the Coastal Gulf of Alaska: Inferences from Circulation Results." [si_03_hermann_01]
14. Hinckley, Hermann, and Dobbins - "Progress in GLOBEC Coastal Gulf of Alaska NPZ Modeling." [si_03_hinckley_01]
15. Hopcroft, Clarke, and Pinchuk - "Egg Production Rates of Pseudocalanus mimus and Pseudocalanus newmanii in the Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_hopcroft_01]
16. Hopcroft, Clarke, Pinchuk, and Byrd - "Egg Production Rates of Metridia pacifica in the Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_hopcroft_02]
17. Kachel, Ladd, Mordy, Napp, Salo, and Stabeno - "Nutrient Supply to the GOA Shelf in Summer: The Role of Troughs and Shallow Banks." [si_03_kachel_01]
18. Kline - "Patterns of Fish Food Source Generation and Utilization in the Northern Gulf of Alaska and Prince William Sound Region from Natural Stable Isotope Abundance: Results from SEA and GLOBEC (1994 to 2002)." [si_03_kline_01]
19. Kondzela and Wilmot - "Origin of Juvenile Chum Salmon from Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_kondzela_01]
20. Ladd, Hunt, Mordy, Reed, Salo, and Stabeno - "Physical Oceanography of the Eastern Aleutian Passes." [si_03_ladd_01]
21. Ladd, Hunt, Kachel, Salo, and Stabeno - "Satellite Tracked Drifter Studies in the Eastern Aleutian Passes." [si_03_ladd_02]
22. Liu, Dagg, and Strom - "Direct and Indirect Modifications of Pelagic Food Webs in the Gulf of Alaska by the Particle Grazing Copepods Neocalanus spp." [Not available]
23. Liu, Clarke, and Hopcroft - "Growth Rates of Neocalanus flemingeri in the Northern Gulf of Alaska in 2001 and 2002." [Note: Displayed at ASLO meeting not GLOBEC meeting] [si_ASLO_liu_01]
24. Macri, Strom, Napp, and Dagg - "Phytoplankton Community Structure and Taxon-Specific Growth and Grazing Rates in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska." [Not available]
25. Mendelssohn, Bograd, Schwing, and Foley-Mendelssohn - "Climate Trends in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea, 1950-97: Ecosystem Implications." [si_03_mendelssohn_01]
26. Mordy, Salo, Napp, Wisegarver, and Stabeno - "Timing and Mesoscale Variability of Phytoplankton Blooms in the Northern GOA." [si_03_mordy_01]
27. Moss, Beauchamp, Cross, Myers, Davis, Armstrong, Walker, Haldorson, Boldt, Blikshteyn, Farley, Ignell, and Helle - "Quantifying Trophic Interaction and Energetics of Juvenile Pink Salmon in the Gulf of Alaska and Prince William Sound." [si_03_moss_01]
28. Napp and Baier - "Secondary Production in a Downwelling Ecosystem: Egg Production Rates of Calanus marshallae and Pseudocalanus spp. in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska, 2001." [Not available]
29. Napp, Greenlaw, Holliday, and Stabeno - "Advection of Shelf Zooplankton in a Predominantly Downwelling Ecosystem: Bioacoustic Detection of the Dominant Modes of Variability." [Not available]
30. Pinchuk, Hopcroft, and Coyle - "Distribution and Growth of Euphausiids in the Northern Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_pinchuk_01]
31. Reed, Kachel, Mordy, Bond, Napp, Salo, and Stabeno - "Mesoscale Variability Along the Kenai Peninsula." [si_03_reed_01]
32. Sarkar, Grosch, and Royer - "Complex Empirical Orthogonal Function (CEOF) Analysis of the Hydrography Along the Seward Line from 1997 to 2001: Preliminary Results." [si_03_sarkar_01]
33. Schroeder, Grosch, and Royer - "Annual Spatial Variability of the Hydrographic Structure Along the Seward Line: Preliminary Results." [si_03_schroeder_01]
34. Stabeno, Bond, D. Kachel, N. Kachel, and Mordy - "Along-Shelf and Cross-Shelf Flow on the GOA Shelf." [si_03_stabeno_01]
35. Statscewich, Musgrave, and D'Aout - "Surface Current Mapping Via Land-Based CODAR in Cook Inlet, Alaska." [si_03_statscewich_01]
36. Stockwell, Whitledge, and Childers - "Preliminary Observations on Chlorophyll a and Primary Productivity Distributions Obtained During the Gulf of Alaska GLOBEC Monitoring Program." [si_03_stockwell_01]
37. Strom, Olson, Macri, and Mordy - "Seasonality in Planktonic Community Structure, Phytoplankton Growth and Microzooplankton Grazing in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_strom_01]
38. Sturdevant, Fergusson, Orsi, and Wertheimer - "Diel Feeding and Gastric Evacuation of Juvenile Salmon." [si_03_sturdevant_01]
39. Weingartner, Danielson, and Royer - "Seasonal, Interannual, and Decadal Scale Freshwater Variability in the Alaska Coastal Current." [si_03_weingartner_01]
40. Williams and Weingartner - "Idealized Modeling of Seasonal Variation in the Alaska Coastal Current." [Not available]