January 2003 Gulf of Alaska SI Meeting Posters

These results are preliminary and not to be cited without contacting the authors.


1. Armstrong, Boldt, Cross, Moss, Davis, Myers, Walker, Beauchamp, and Haldorson - "GLOBEC Research: Food Habits and Feeding Patterns of Gulf of Alaska Juvenile Pink Salmon." [si_03_armstrong_01]

2. Briscoe, Adkison and Wertheimer - "Factors Affecting Marine Growth and Survival of Auke Creek, Alaska coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)." [si_03_briscoe_01]

3. Byrd and Hopcroft - "Abundance, Biomass, and Production Rates of Oithona similis in the Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_byrd_01]

4. Childers, Whitledge, Stockwell, and Weingartner - "A Preliminary Look at Nitrate Sources and Sinks in the Shelf Waters of the Northern Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_childers_01]

5. Cokelet, Stabeno and Jenkins - "Factors Affecting the Distribution of Juvenile Salmon in the Gulf of Alaska: Physical Oceanography." [si_03_cokelet_01]

6. Cross, Beauchamp, Armstrong, Boldt, Davis, Haldorson, Moss, Myers, and Walker - "Modeling Bioenergetics of Juvenile Pink Salmon in Prince William Sound and the Coastal Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_cross_01]

7. Danielson, Weingartner and Stockwell - "Annual and Interannual Variability in Atmospheric Heat Flux over the Northern Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_danielson_01]

8. Dobbins, Lewis, Hinckley, and Hermann - "Comparison of Physical-Biological Models of the California Current System and the Coastal Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_dobbins_01]

9. Farley and Helle - "Factors Affecting the Distribution of Juvenile Prince William Sound Hatchery Pink Salmon in the Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_farley_01]

10. Foy and Lessard - "Seasonal and Spatial Dynamics of Phyto and Microzooplankton in the Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_foy_01]

11. Haldorson and Boldt - "GLOBEC Research: Seasonal and Annual Patterns of Abundance and Size of Juvenile Pink Salmon on the Shelf of the Northern Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_haldorson_01]

12. Hedstrom, Musgrave, Hermann, and Dobbins - "Modeled Lagrangian Drifters in the Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_hedstrom_01]

13. Hermann, Haidvogel, Dobbins, Hinckley, Stabeno, Musgrave, and Hedstrom - "Nested Biophysical Modeling of the Coastal Gulf of Alaska: Inferences from Circulation Results." [si_03_hermann_01]

14. Hinckley, Hermann, and Dobbins - "Progress in GLOBEC Coastal Gulf of Alaska NPZ Modeling." [si_03_hinckley_01]

15. Hopcroft, Clarke, and Pinchuk - "Egg Production Rates of Pseudocalanus mimus and Pseudocalanus newmanii in the Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_hopcroft_01]

16. Hopcroft, Clarke, Pinchuk, and Byrd - "Egg Production Rates of Metridia pacifica in the Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_hopcroft_02]

17. Kachel, Ladd, Mordy, Napp, Salo, and Stabeno - "Nutrient Supply to the GOA Shelf in Summer: The Role of Troughs and Shallow Banks." [si_03_kachel_01]

18. Kline - "Patterns of Fish Food Source Generation and Utilization in the Northern Gulf of Alaska and Prince William Sound Region from Natural Stable Isotope Abundance: Results from SEA and GLOBEC (1994 to 2002)." [si_03_kline_01]

19. Kondzela and Wilmot - "Origin of Juvenile Chum Salmon from Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_kondzela_01]

20. Ladd, Hunt, Mordy, Reed, Salo, and Stabeno - "Physical Oceanography of the Eastern Aleutian Passes." [si_03_ladd_01]

21. Ladd, Hunt, Kachel, Salo, and Stabeno - "Satellite Tracked Drifter Studies in the Eastern Aleutian Passes." [si_03_ladd_02]

22. Liu, Dagg, and Strom - "Direct and Indirect Modifications of Pelagic Food Webs in the Gulf of Alaska by the Particle Grazing Copepods Neocalanus spp." [Not available]

23. Liu, Clarke, and Hopcroft - "Growth Rates of Neocalanus flemingeri in the Northern Gulf of Alaska in 2001 and 2002." [Note: Displayed at ASLO meeting not GLOBEC meeting] [si_ASLO_liu_01]

24. Macri, Strom, Napp, and Dagg - "Phytoplankton Community Structure and Taxon-Specific Growth and Grazing Rates in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska." [Not available]

25. Mendelssohn, Bograd, Schwing, and Foley-Mendelssohn - "Climate Trends in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea, 1950-97: Ecosystem Implications." [si_03_mendelssohn_01]

26. Mordy, Salo, Napp, Wisegarver, and Stabeno - "Timing and Mesoscale Variability of Phytoplankton Blooms in the Northern GOA." [si_03_mordy_01]

27. Moss, Beauchamp, Cross, Myers, Davis, Armstrong, Walker, Haldorson, Boldt, Blikshteyn, Farley, Ignell, and Helle - "Quantifying Trophic Interaction and Energetics of Juvenile Pink Salmon in the Gulf of Alaska and Prince William Sound." [si_03_moss_01]

28. Napp and Baier - "Secondary Production in a Downwelling Ecosystem: Egg Production Rates of Calanus marshallae and Pseudocalanus spp. in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska, 2001." [Not available]

29. Napp, Greenlaw, Holliday, and Stabeno - "Advection of Shelf Zooplankton in a Predominantly Downwelling Ecosystem: Bioacoustic Detection of the Dominant Modes of Variability." [Not available]

30. Pinchuk, Hopcroft, and Coyle - "Distribution and Growth of Euphausiids in the Northern Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_pinchuk_01]

31. Reed, Kachel, Mordy, Bond, Napp, Salo, and Stabeno - "Mesoscale Variability Along the Kenai Peninsula." [si_03_reed_01]

32. Sarkar, Grosch, and Royer - "Complex Empirical Orthogonal Function (CEOF) Analysis of the Hydrography Along the Seward Line from 1997 to 2001: Preliminary Results." [si_03_sarkar_01]

33. Schroeder, Grosch, and Royer - "Annual Spatial Variability of the Hydrographic Structure Along the Seward Line: Preliminary Results." [si_03_schroeder_01]

34. Stabeno, Bond, D. Kachel, N. Kachel, and Mordy - "Along-Shelf and Cross-Shelf Flow on the GOA Shelf." [si_03_stabeno_01]

35. Statscewich, Musgrave, and D'Aout - "Surface Current Mapping Via Land-Based CODAR in Cook Inlet, Alaska." [si_03_statscewich_01]

36. Stockwell, Whitledge, and Childers - "Preliminary Observations on Chlorophyll a and Primary Productivity Distributions Obtained During the Gulf of Alaska GLOBEC Monitoring Program." [si_03_stockwell_01]

37. Strom, Olson, Macri, and Mordy - "Seasonality in Planktonic Community Structure, Phytoplankton Growth and Microzooplankton Grazing in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska." [si_03_strom_01]

38. Sturdevant, Fergusson, Orsi, and Wertheimer - "Diel Feeding and Gastric Evacuation of Juvenile Salmon." [si_03_sturdevant_01]

39. Weingartner, Danielson, and Royer - "Seasonal, Interannual, and Decadal Scale Freshwater Variability in the Alaska Coastal Current." [si_03_weingartner_01]

40. Williams and Weingartner - "Idealized Modeling of Seasonal Variation in the Alaska Coastal Current." [Not available]